The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 5, Image 53

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Production Must Be Large to
Maintain Executives.
Expert Advises People to Re
cuperate by Taking Long
Automobile Tours.
Motorists Are Cautioned to Main
tain Reasonable Speed, Have
Light Machine and Provide
Basket Lunches.
To test the merits of the motor ear
is a health producer, W. Earl Flynn,
well-known health expert and lecturer.
or four suitcases, will hold all the
necessary changes, and make your
baggage easy of access when reaching
hotels. The nerves will be benefited
If care Is used to find stopping places
for the night where a bath may. be
had each day. '
"A well stocked lunch basket should
always be on hand, enabling one to
stop anywhere for meals, eating In
some shady place. Plenty of green
vegetables and fruit should be used.
When stopping, exercises should bo in
dulged In. especially for the eyes, up
per back muscles, legs, feet and neck.
Muscles should be thoroughly exer
cised, as there Is quite a. tension.
Owners Give Testimony of Durabil
ity of Sturdy Machines.
Fourteen more owners of Maxwell
cars have made oath of mileages In ex
cess of 60,000, Increasing considerably
the number of gold medal .members of
the SO.OOO-Mlle Maxwell Motor Club.
In all sections of the country owners
of these care are making sworn state
ments of the service they have received
and the indications are that the num
ber of medals which the club must
award will be several times as great
as the officers anticipated.
An analysis of some of the applica
tions shows many Instances of unusual
service. For example, Frederick E.
Palmer, of Brookline, Mass., bought
two second-hand Maxwell cars and
Manufacture of Automobiles Must
Be on Scientific Basis With
Maximum of Service to Pur
chasers of Cars.
Although -C. G. Arnold, manager ef
the Pacific Motors Company, which
has the Oregon agency for the Oakland,
Is strongly opposed to over-production,
and has always been a "conservative"
in the matter of the number of cars
built In any one season, still he be
lleves that a comparatively large pro-
m . .- : W . -.v. v tUTr 'i 7K I w7-a. ,. ran 3
;- ' " - v." v - , - V JCi
Two Portland motorists, who have no fear of the Inconveniences suffered on a long automobile trip serosa
the continent started for tho East last week in a new Maxwell Mascotte. the type of car which made such a
creditab la showlny in the recent Santa Monica road race. The -Portland people will tour leisurely, "topping
Sere and tnere ?as their "Ley dictates, and taking, short side trips frequently. The started out over the old
Oregon Trail. .
who Is touring the United States in a
motor car for the purpose of testing its
effects on the human body, has come
to the belief that it cannot be beaten
for its health-giving properties. In
speaking of t"J0 motor car in its rela
tion to health, Mr. Flynn prefaced his
remarks with the following features
as those that are the result ofoslng
Good for Insomnia.
Good for reducing welfht.
Good for tired brsln.
Too esnnot keep your mind on buslnen
and drive an automobile.
On long trips everyone should learn to
drive. It is interestlns, and distributes the
"It has been claimed by some authori
ties that the automobile is responsible
for sick nerves," he says. "Teaching
' people how to get well and keep well
being my profession, I was naturally
Interested in the subject, but had no
opportunity to try It out to my satis
faction. I have driven a number of
x.r on short trlDS of 100 to 600 miles,
hut did not feel anv bad effects. I
have taken nervous cases out on these
trips with beneficial results, so I con
cluded that the writers had reference
to automobile trips covering greater
mileage. As my home is in California
and the roads being extra good and
fair weather most of the time, I did not
think that this was a sufficient test
on which to base my opinion.
Thousand-Mile Trip Planed.
"While in Indianapolis I decided to
take a thousand-mile trip or more if
necessary, having aa my objective point
Duluth. Minn. Included In my party
were three women lecturers, as I
thought this would be a good test, for
two of them were considerably over
worked, tired out and I decided to make
not less than 100 miles a day and some
days to ride a longer time, making 200
miles, believing that at the end of the
trip I would have a fair idea as to ths
effects on the nerves.
"After the trip had been decided
upon, the next step was to make it as
pleasant and helpful as possible. To
do this the ear to be used was of the
utmost Importance. I have ridden in
all kinds of cars, both heavy and light,
good and poor, and my experience sug
gested the lighter weight car. In Cali
fornia, where we have mountains to
climb and some sand to encounter. I
found the light car an advantage. 4
Flae Roada Found.
"When we want to take a Joy ride
In Berkeley. CaL. wo usually select Los
Angeles as the objective point 600
miles. As we made the trip in the car I
used in two days, without any .trouble,
loaded with five passengers and heavy
baggage, and as friends who had made
the tour said there were four things I
bad to encounter hills, mud. sand and
rough roads I naturally selected the
same car that had given me such sat
isfaction in my previous experience.
"The trip through Indiana, Illinois.
Wisconsin and Minnesota was an eye
opener to me. The roads are in much
better condition than I had anticipated,
especially in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
The dells of Wisconsin are particularly
beautiful. We encountered in places
some rough roads and deep sand, and
being heavily loaded, it was a great
test to the pulling power of the engine.
We all learned to love the E-M-F "SO."
ss it laughed at the bills and sand and
seemed to take delight In showing what
It could do. This added materially to
our enjoyment.
"A light car, unless It is well made,
would soon go to pieces on such roads,
and the engine's life would be short,
but the expense of running and the
upkeep of the heavy, high-grade car
would have proven a waste of money
on this trip.
"Our speedometer registered a little
over 1000 miles upon reaching Min
neapolis. We had made the trip In a
surprisl..gly short time, without any
thing to worry us.
"As to our physical condition, we all
felt fresh and rested. Our nerves were
In fine condition, and we were ready
In the morning for another day's spin.
The appetite for It Increases as the
days go by. I would advise any per
son to take 1000 or 2000 miles outing
In a good machine, not trying to cover
over 100 or ISO miles a day. avoiding
the extreme heat in the middle of the
day. riding early and late, not trying
to speed, taking a steady gait, so that
the scenery can be enjoyed, and tak
ing aa little" baggage as possible.
"A- good automobile trunk, one -that
la dust and, water proof, holding three
with each one he qualified for a silver
medal by making 20,000 miles.
Dr. E. R. DeLong, of Gelgers Mills,
Pa., arrived at a total of 64,000 miles.
He swears that he averaged 40 miles
a day driving his car entirely In his
country practice of medicine.
William H. Patten, of Canastota. one
of the oldest motorists In Central New
York, now In his 76th year, has driven
his Maxwell over 100,000 miles. Mr.
Patten is the inventor of a new car
buretor and most of his tours have
been made for test purposes.
Every owner of a Maxwell car Is
eligible for membership In this mile
are club and medals are awarded as
fast as the owners adduce proof of the
distances they have driven.
Record Sales Answer to Men . Who
Predicted Bad Spring for Motor
Car Dealers.
Calamity howlers who predicted a
dull Spring for the automobile trade,
on account of the Presidential nomina
tions, have been sorely disappointed,
according to the opinions expressed by
the motor car dealers. Not only have
the past few months been productive
of a goodly number of sales, but they
will go down In automobile annals as
forming the most successful season
that the motor vehicle men have yet
"Political agitation does not seem to
have had a dampening effect on the
automobile business In general," said
F. W. Vogler, a prominent dealer, last
week. "It was freely forecasted by
the pessimists that this Spring would
be a bloomer for the motor car trade.
Truth is it has been just tho contrary.
Record sales have been the rule the
country over and this applies with full
force to Portland and the rest of the
"People who doubt the stability of
the automobile business are growing
fewer each year. To the men in the
trade the fact that there are any
doubting Thomases Is a source of won
der. How long will It be before the
whole public accepts this Industry as
one of the most stable and Important
of the universe? That is the rank it
"Like many other of the world s
great industries, the automobile has.
taken a long while to receive lust rec
ognition. The fact that It Is proving
itself an Important factor in commer
cial life is evidence that It Is some
thing more than merely a means of en--
Joying life. By the use of the motor
car business men can enlarge their
business, while the delivery wagon and
the motor truck are now fast replacing
the horse aa a means of transportation
In all the large commercial centers.
"The fact that this Is Presidential
year will not have any depressing ef
fect on the automobile business. Judg
ing from the start we already have.
The motor car Industry Is on too firm
a basis to be affected by political con
ditions, any more than other world industries."
Morrow Sow Sales Manager.
George S. Morrow, well known to the
automobile trade of the Northwest, has
been appointed retail sales manager of
the Oldsmoblle San Francisco branch.
Morrow placed new agencies for the
Oldsmoblle in Tacoma and Seattle and
was In Portland frequently during the
past few months. Heretofore he has
been special traveling representative
of the Olds Motor Works. He has been
Identified with the automobile business
In the sales department tor several
years and Is one of the most widely
known and popular men in the trade.
Harris on Sick List,
C B. Harris, sales manager of the
Covey Motor Car Company. Is suffering
with a severe attack of la grippe. He
has been unable to attend to his work
for several days and probably will not
be on the Job again for two weeks.
Auction is a decided benefit to the au
tomobile buyer.
- "Of course, there are limits in both
directions, to the producing end of the
motor car industry today," said the
Oakland exploiter recently. "The buyer
shoul 1 not necessarily think that be
cause a oertaln firm is turning out so
many hundred cars a month, this par
ticular car is the one for him to pur
chase. Neither should quantity produc
tlon stand In his way when it comes to
making the final decision. - -
"It would be impossible to build the
medium priced machine of today as
well as it is being built without fairly
large production, for In buying raw ma
terial In large quantities It Is only nat
ural that better prices can be obtained.
This Is the first saving for the manu
facturer, and also results In a saving
for the buyer.
"Another feature which is seldom
considered is the fact that high salaried,
competent men must be at the heads
of the various departments of the suc
cessful automobile manufacturer to in
sure the building of a high grade prod
uct. This is necessarily true with the
concern which builds but 600 machines
a year, as well as with those which
turn out from 6000 upward. Just this
one and seemingly Insignificant item
has already caused the downfall of
more than one small manufacturer.
"Large production makes the stand
ardisation of all parts almost an abso
lute necessity. Each part must fit ac
curately, in order to save time. The
value of the standardization of parts
to the purchaser is well known, for it
has been widely discussed ever since
the birth of the industry.
"The cost of marketing cars, to the
manufacturers who build them In large
quantities, is also reduced. Placing the
machines on the market is a big item
in the final cost of the motor car, and
when this cost Is materially reduced
the consumer reaps a big benefit.
"Another feature which should ap
peal to the prospective buyer of a mo
tor car is the number or branch ser
vice stations and agencies maintained
throughout the country by the manu
facturer. The builder of many cars.
naturally, has more such branches and
agencies than the smaller manufac
turer. This particular feature is of
great benefit to the tourist, for It In
sures his receiving the best attention
along the route of his motor travels
from the dealers who handle the par
ticular make of car he Is driving.
"Service has come to be a potent
factor in the automobile business. The
life of an agency depends, to a large
extent, on the service extended to own
ers. If the service Is poor, the owners
will begin to howl, and as soon as you
have a bunch of dissatisfied owners
your business will fall off."
Trailing off the service and produc
tion question to the matter of business
In and around Portland. Mr. Arnold
had nothing but optimistic predictions
for the sales outlook.
'Business has picked up surprisingly
during the past few weeks," he said,
"and I can see no reason why business
should not increase at the same rate
for the next four months. Some dealers
may find the going pretty rough, but
the Oakland line has been doing a
consistently good business ever since
the Pacific Motors Company was organized."
Garbe Says Tacoma Race Meet Will
Be Banner Event of Week.
C. E. Garbe,-manager of the 8eattle
branch of the Studebaker Corporation,
came to Portland last week for a con
ference with his chief, L, H. Rose, who
is at the head of the Studebaker auto
mobile Interests throughout the Northwest
Garbe, who was connected with the
Portland branch for a long time, de
clares business to - be flourishing In
and about Seattle. He says that none
of the dealers In the Potlach city have
any cause for complaint and that the
automobile business is the most pros
perous ever known.
"Thousands or people will go from
Seattle to Tacoma to the automobile
race meet there July 5 and 6," aaid Mr.
Garbe. "The meet Is an assured suc
cess. It will be one ef the biggest
motor speed events aver beld in ths
WftZ I
The $800 Studebaker-Flanders "20"
The Studebaker-Flanders "20" has a
tremendous price advantage.
No other car, offering as much value,
approaches its price.
Think for a moment what you get when
you buy a Studebaker "20."
It is a real car, modern throughout in
design and construction, large enough, and
so powerful that you will never find road
conditions in which your Studebaker "20"
cannot spin its wheels.
. The motor is a marvel, very speedy,
quick to pick up, flexible, the kind of a
motor a driver grows to like and have full
confidence in.
The Studebaker "20" transmission sys
tem is of the standard three speed type, any
car speed you wish up to 55 miles an hour.
The rear axle is remarkably well designed
and built, giving the best of service.
Every Studebaker "20" body gets 17
coats of paint and varnish, which are prop
erly rubbed and aged. If you take care of
your car, your Studebaker body will equal
any automobile body on the market.
These are some obvious points which
show the car's value.
But the deeper you go into the design
and manufacture of the Studebaker "20"
the better you will like it. We watch every
Every Studebaker "20" is built not only
for the first mile but for the 20,000th mile.
In those qualities which make for endur
ance and lasting satisfaction, the Stude
baker "20" is incomparably first. Why?
Because it is Studebaker-built, and Stude
baker always builds that way. ttnn TfniHiir Car. SMHI. f . a. H. Detroit.
Equipped, as above, with Top, Wladshteld, Prest-O-Llte Tank and
Speedometer, S88S.
Ask our dealer for the new Studebaker
art catalogue or tend to us for it.
The Studebaker Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
Seattle Brandt
3201-3 Second Ave.
Portland Branch
Chapman and Alder Sta.
Tacoma Branch
1128 Tacoma Ave
Restful Riding" Machine Keynote
of H13 Car Low Maintenance
Record Is Cited.
Thf the 48-horseoower Wlnton "Six"
Is a standard product Is evidenced in
the announcement made last week by
C. S. Mantell manager of the Portland
Motor Car Company, that It is to be
eontlnoed for 1918 without a single
radical changre. This model was first
marketed in June, 190T, at which time
the Winton concern became America's
first maker of six-cylinder cars exclu
sively. From year to year details have
K.n n.mA mnA In 1911 the Wheel
base was lengthened, but at no time
slnoe Its introauction, xive years ago,
has the change undergone any radical
Not satisfied with simply producing
fniDtart&hla ear. American manufac
turers are seeking to get a "restful
riding" machine. This will be the key
note of the 181 Winton campaign.
Every detail of springs and spring sus
pensions, oz sealing laciuues wju wu--
nt iihfnn nnrl unholsterv has
been carefully worked out. Luxurious
fitting promises to be one of the big
noints In all the hlsher arade Ameri
can cars far 1913.
-"The body design is free or eviaence
.f .t.lvlnv fnr Affent. and lends Itself
becomingly to the 130-Inch wheel base
of the chassis." said Mr. Mantell, In
discussing the new model. "Operating
levers and door handles are insiae. a
nt riu. front, with venti
lators In the base, is equipped on speci
fication. "The Winton self-cranking motor Is
m , , .i-th v.,,. PnmnrMwfl air.
supplied by the motor puts the pis
tons Into motion oetore me spar,
takes place. Accordingly, shocks re
sulting from starting on the spark and
from the use of priming types of self
starters are avoided.
"Other features Include ths Wlnton
Stromberg carburetor, Bosch or Else-mao-nAtn
with h&ttarv for start
ing, ball-bearing multiple dise clutch,
four-speed, selective transmission,
three-quarter elliptical rear springs,
....t.hi. Hm. SS hv 4 XL tires all
around and electric dash and tall lights
with lighting nailery.
t MiManc nf a n Automobile's dura
bility and the low maintenance cost
of some operators, Mr. Mantell pointed
to the record of several winton cars
In the service of Individual owners,
covering a total travel of 744,080 miles
ren agent will return to Portland in
about two weeks.
Motorcyclists Make Progress.
GRESHAM, Or June t. (BpeciaL)
Joseph P. Schantln and A. G. Nelsz
left here recently for a motor-cycle
trip to New York. They have left Los
Anireles for their ride across the des
ert and are headed for El Paso, Tex.
From there they will go to New Or
leans and thence up the Atlantic
Coast to New York.
Electric Chair Interferes
With Court Docket
Merchant With Fine Vela of Humor
Riga Up Decoy for Loafers and
Electrocutes Legal Attaches.
a sworn repair expense of 22.S cents
1000 miles.
Maxon Touring California.
v. Mason, head ef the Portland-
n.trnit Anto ComDanv. is on a tour of
California in a Warren "40." He is
aecon.pan.ed by Mrs. Maxon. Ths War-
AFTER serving 51 years in Weth
ersfleld prison, Connecticut, on
der a conviction of second-degree
murder, John Warren, 74 years old, was
pardoned and released a few days ago.
Warren had never ridden on a trolley
or steam train, although he kept well
informed of the march of civilization
and current events auring his imprison
ment. As he walked out of prison, the aged
convict was met by Warden Garner and
his first few hours of freedom since
1859 were enjoyed in Warden Garner's
big Columbia Cavalier motor car.
Warren's prison life left few traces
of his half-century Incarceration. His
figure Is erect and plump. While his
hair is white, his face nas Deen oronzeu
by outdoor life and shows few wrin
kles. Four brothers of almost the same
age and are still living in the vicinity
of Eagleville, and his first trip from
Wethersfleld was a visit to them.
Pardon came to Warren' unexpect
edly. From the Civil War to 1909 nu
merous efforts to obtain his release
resulted In failure and he had about
given up hope when be was Invited to
take a ride around Wethersfleld In the
Columbia car.
Warren says that he regrets that he
must return to the only form of trans
portation which he had previously used
and he made plans to harness up an old
horse and drive out Into the. country
"to see bow it looks."
Factories Preparing for Heavy Sales
. Coming Season.
With the past year having proved the
greatest sales breaker for the motor
car dealers, automobile agents through
out the country are preparing for the
banner season of the Industry, accord
ing to F. L. Pierce, representing the
Regal Motor Car Company in the West.
Mr. Pierce arrived in Portland last
week on his first trip over the North
west territory and will endeavor to
place an agency for the Regal under
slung car In Portland before departing.
He succeeds Beit Bingham as Western
factory representative of Regal com
pany. "Motor car dealers, especially those
of the West, are finishing the most suc
cessful season known to the trade,"
said Mr. Pierce. "There are few deal
ers in California who got along with
their 1911 estimate, and I understand
on good authority that the same condi
tions applies to the Northwest. Now
the dealers are getting ready for a
great season.
"They have good reason to. The au
tomobile business has not really start
ed; it's just beginning. More sales will
be made during the 1918 season than the
dealers dream of. There is no evidence
that the increase in the sale of motor '
cars will not continue through the next
year; on the contrary, every indication
points to a larger gain In sales."
. Mr. Pierce recently returned from aa
extended trip through the East and
says that automobile factories are be
ing enlarged to take care of the an
ticipated demand for 19 IS. The Regal
Company, according to Mr. Pierce, will
Increase its output considerably.
British imports of bops, about half e)
which come from the United Statei, reached
$5,335,000 worth last year, agalnit 3,83o,-
000 In 1910 and t3,3M,0O0 In 1909.
If you Ford it you'll cut the world in half,
double the length of your day, and increase your
pleasures tremendously. Your debt to yourself
will never be paid until you drive a Model T.
It's the one car that completely fulfills its pur
posewithout excessive expense.
Seventy-five thousand new Ford Model T's will go into servica
this season a proof of their wonderful superiority.
All Fords' Are Model T's All Alike Except
the Bodies '
Fort. Model T Tonrtmg Car, 4 cylinders. S passengers, 4'7fi
fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland i..'0"
Ford Model T Torpedo, 4 cylinders, 1 passengers, fully (CQC
equipped, f, o. b. Portland UOJ
Ford Model T Coram erelml Roadster, 4 cylinders, t pas
sengers, removable rumble seat, fully equipped, f. o. 4fcCQC
b. Portland wOOO
Ford Model T Tawa Car (Landaulet), 4 cylinders, t J
passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland. ., X f a
Ford Model T Delivery Car, capacity 750 pounds mer- Q C
, chandlse, fully equipped, f, o. b. Portland tPOlW
Ford branches aad dealers la alt cities, towns and villages ar at
yur elbow with Ford Service for Ford Owners
Ford Motor Car Agency
Phones, East 048, B 3117 East Eighth St. and Hawthorn Ave.
' E. E. SLERET, Mgr.