The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Millaqe Tax Measure .Has
3193 Names More Than
Required by Law.
Commission Chairman Newell Be
lieves University and Agricul
tural College Bill Will Be Ap
proved Heartily by People.
Grove, aad Attorney Edwin Lanpley,
or Santa Anna, CaL, were ntmu nere
June 1. Both are more than 60 years
of are.
The romance extended over a com
1 1 1 oaratlvelv lonar itretch of time
II I was more or less of a surprise to close
friends. The bridegroom Is a promt
nent Lawyer of Santa Anna ana reco
nixed In the lea-al ranks of California.
The couple will live at Santa Anna
after a short wedding; trip.
Charlea Walker, a young: musician
of thin r.ltv. was married in McMlnn-
ville early this week. - Miss Blanch
Wvnette Sears is the bride. The cere
mony was performed by Circuit Judge
Galloway and was witnessed oy
number of friends and relatives.
Mrs. Walker is the daughter of
James K. Sears, of McCoy. She is
graduate of the McMinnville Conserv
ators of Music, and has been an in
structor of music in McMinnville for
several vears. Mr. Walker is a real
dent of Forest Grove, where he is well
known and popular. He is a musician
of ability, havinir attended the Pa
cific University Conservatory and been
a member of the university orcnesira
After a wedding trip to Seattle and
British Columbia points Mr. and Mra
Walker will go to Newport, where they
6 iiaii-n.iwi n ... '
SALEM, Or. June 29. (Special.)
Initiative petitions began to pile into
the office of Secretary of State today
with numerous promises of other meas
ures to be filed early in the week.
The bill providing for a mlllage tax
for the University of Oregon and the
Oregon Agricultural College was filed
by W. K. Newell, of Gaston, with 13.010
signatures, or 2193 more signatures
than are required by the constitution.
The bill probably will have the 13th
place on the ballot, unless the two
referendum petitions of the University
of Oregon are eliminated, when it will
nave the 11th place.
The amendment providing for wo
man s suffrage will have the first loca
tion, and this will be followed by the
measures referred by the Legislature,
after which will come the referendum
measures referred by the people. Then
will come the bill to create Cascade
County and tben the mlllage tax bill.
The mlllage tax petitions were signed
In all of the counties of the state ex
cept Columbia, Curry and Grant. The
bulk of the signatures came from
Multnomah, Lane and Marion counties.
with large numbers from Coos, Jack
son, Hood River and Yamhill.
Portland Lawyers Active.
The measure was drafted by Judge
R. S. Bean, president of the Board of
Regents of the University or Oregon
and J. K. Weutherford, president of the
Board of Regents of the Oregon Agri
cultural College. The work of draw-
trig up and circulating the petitions
was done under the supervision of C
N. McArthur and Harold A. Wllktns,
Portland lawyers and graduates of the
University and Agricultural College.
Mr. Newell is chairman of the com
mission recently appointed by the Gov
ernor to study the higher educational
conditions in Oregon and to make a
report on the question of consolidation
and Joint management. The bill tiled
today is the result of the efforts of
this commission and of the conference ht nrnirintfl- boards of re
gents and executive heads of the two will spend the Summer. This Fall
Institutions. The measure provides for they will come to Forest Grove to
the levy of six-tenths of a mill upon mane ineir nome.
the dollar on all assessable property
of the state, three-sevenths of the
amount to ro to the University fund
and four-sevenths to the Agricultural
College fund.
All existing appropriations, lnclud
Ing the appropriation of $503,000 made
1... . k Ian, T-acloln ItlM Mtl nllW the
subject of litigation in the Supreme BROWXSVTLXE FARMERS AND
Court are expressly repealed. It Deing
contemplated that there shall be no
appropriations for either institution by
the Legislative Assemoiy.
Arrament la Support Given.
Mr. Newell also filed with the Sec
retary of State a brief argument in
auDDOrt of the measure, which argu
ment will be printed in the official
pamphlet which will be mailed to the
voters of the state before the November
X. K. Clark.
Nat K. Clark, one of the best
known and most popular hotel
men on the Pacific Coast and fa
miliarly known to the traveling
public as "Patsey." has been ap
pointed by Manager G. J. Kauf
mann. of the Portland Hotel, as
his assistant and will assume the
duties on July 15. Mr. Clark was
connected with the Portland Ho
tel for several years, later with
the Seward and is at present
manager of the Savoy in Seattle.
Mis pleasing personality and
general acquaintance will make
him a valuable assistant in the
management of the Portland, and
his return to this city will be
welcomed by his many friends.
Addresses Made on Topics of Cieneral
Interest and Benefit to Mem
bers of Community.
BROWNSVTLE. Or June 29. (Spe-
election. Mr. Newell gave it as his iclal.) An entertainment was given
onlnion that the proposed measure win iui nirht bv th Rrownsvilla Wire
nim bv a lance majority, basing his ,-. . -j ,. .-.n,.n
opinion upon I of Charles Stirling, to the farmers and
" .r.m .mnne- the voters. business men of the surrounding coun
C. S. Spense and A. 1. Mason, of the try and their families, as a mark of
State Grange, also appeared in eaiem i appreciation oi me growing patronage
today with their two gooa roaas ouis, the company is enjoying.
They say there are over 11,000 signa-1 Tne ,00iai was held in one of the
tures on these petitions. I comDany' l&ra-e warehouses, converted
K. A. narna. wuu u " I . ... , i. ,
will . ,. Kl.t. Prinl.r""" IIUI-'I " " vt.v-o.wii.
. lrv .m well as the nronosed The programme consisted of vocal and
bill to abolish capital punishment, said Instrumental music, readings and . ad-
today that now there are a sufficient dresses, as follows:
number of signatures for each of these "Report of the year's business of
measures to go on the ballot. He as- the company, quality of grains desired
serted that the capital punishment bill for future delivery, and conditions of
will have more than 1000 names to storage by E. Lyon, of Brownsville.
spare. These bills will De niea flionaay i "Soil Improvement, by Professor F.
or Tuesday. L. Kent, of the State Agricultural Col-
..... m mil i- r-i i. lege.
Corporation Clerk Babcock also an-1 . . . .,,. h T , Alh,t
nouncea tnai ine oiue skv dui iu ,,,,- of , canital National Bank
. t i t. j ... ill .arlv niiTi I -
of Salem.
week, probably Monday. . ..Country Life: How to Make It At
News was also received from rorr- ,. pitahi. ni nimhi- rih.
land by Secretary uicott tnai tne pro- j,Katlons of citixens and Business Men
nosed constitutional amendment which xj,,.iii, , h cnmmunitv Sun.
provides for a majority of all vote porUng the City," by W. W. Palaud, of
cast XO DUBS iuwoic v.ub vul Rmwnav IL
the people, has received a sufficient Following the programme, an elabo-
number of signers, ana win oe Drougni i ral repast was served, and then fol
to Salem the first of the. week. lowed a general social evening. Over
The Influx of names is certain from .no business men and their
the news which was received today. fa.mmM enjoyed the hospitality of the
and although circulators nave Deen company.
riven the scare of their life by reluc-
t.nfi of neoDle to sign petitions, it is
WUl W w.w c-
plwiH khpiis Hhlpptfi tr OiveniAr'ft
EQUITIES MUSI "AT I AA P,aa lor Moral rpllft. ' lf th. militia ro to Mllwaukie Tav
Board to Take Action. I ern to tear down the fence and to tear
out tne partitions oi tne xew upstairs
ronma Mondav niKht. they will meet
OLTMPIA. Wash, June 19. (Spe- wi,h resistance, according to the
ciaL) Governor May. in a letter to tne manager. Robert Burns.
State Board of Tax Commissioners. I -i run leritlmate place of bus!
calls attention to the fact that when ness." said Mr. Burns when lntervlwed
landowners give deeds to ana tney nave at tne tavern last night, "and if I have
old and reserve mineral deposits, as broken any law I don't understand why
well as rights of way across the land. tne civil authorities have not been ap-
such reservations should be placed on pealed to Instead of ordering out the
the tax rolls ana assessea ior purposes .ate militia.
of taxation. Governor Hay says In his I "The place is Insured, and lf the
communication: I Governor has a right to destroy the
Mv attention has been called to tne nrooertv I want to collect insurance) or
fact that many oi tne larger real estate damages. 1 tried to reacn mm oy
dealers and corporations, in riving I nhone and to meet him at an advertised
deeds to lands they have sold, have meeting at the Armory this afternoon,
reserved all coal, mineral, coal oil, when it was said that he would be
fossil and other valuable deposits that present to confer with the brewers, but
may hereafter be touna in or on tne as yet I have not been aoie to converse
lands: also reserving a right or way I with him."
across the property. I understand I The place was practically desertr d
these equities reserved by them have last night. The fence was still stand-
been escaping taxation. These equities ing, but the gates were wide open. A
are of no small value, and you are lonely couple entered the place, but
hereby airectea to noxizy tne counir t soon aepartea, ana tnat consuiutea tne
Assessors throughout the state to list I business of the evening for over an
and assess them the same as any other hour, with Just another hour bet ire
thlns-s of value. Tou will Kindly see closing time.
to it that these equities are assessed
and placed on the tax rolls. Ore eon Letter-Carrlers Meet,
CORVALLIS. Or June 9. (Special.)
CUPID HITS AGING PAIR The "ual "fon 7v"tl0 Lth
f was In session here today. Besides the
PrlndDalf In Wed d luff at Forest delegates. Postmasters Merrick of
, I Portland, r arrar oi otuem, rig oi cu-
Grove Botli Beyond 50 Tears. ene and vanWInkle of Albany were
Dreent and responded to toasts at the
Special.) Cupid was not baffled by I lla carriers.
su.-ce.sfully withstanding the wile, of J'lS,' ntilt
the little love god for some time. Mra. I ,, (eruiiser. The farmers tre thus
Octavia Smith, a resident of Fores ti nvr" the srlsnllflo treatment of their land.
bers of the several branches of the
Oddfellows order last night, the occa
sion being an informal reception to
Grand Master William A. Wheeler, of
Orient Lodge. No. 17,. of this city. In
honor of his elevation to the highest
position in the gift of the Oregon
grand lodge. A varied programme pre
pared by a committee of past grand
masters was presented.
The chairman. N. P. Tomllnson, past
grandmaster, briefly welcomed those
present. Past Grand Master Robert
Andrews welcomed the grand master.
. n l' iii.j, I flnurews weicomea tne grana uiuitsi,
ROSebUrg POllCe : WOIK 011 and assured him of the support of the
. I membership. Grand Master Wheeler
I neory i nai uray may
Be but art Alias.
Stranger, Representing Self as Gray
Reached Oakland Four Days Af
ter Ray Wallace Murder Com
mitted ': In Portland. -
ROSEBURG, Or.. June 29. (Special.)
After a fruitless search of the last
three days for the stranger who on
Wednesday abducted Ethel Metcalf
from her home at Oakland, Roseburg
officers are working on the theory
that he may be William Tanner, al
leged murderer of Ray Wallace in Port
land on June 19.
This theofy, the officers say, is partly
substantiated In the fact that the
stranger representing himself as
George Gray first arrived in Oakland
at midnight Sunday or four days after
the body of Wallace was found in a
Portland rooming-house.
The description of Gray and Tanner
are also said to tally with the ex
ception that the Portland officers as
sert to have no knowieage mat linnw
is minus two fingers of the right hand.
This link in the description has been
furnished the Sheriff, however, by
Southern Pacific Detective Kelly, of
San Francisco, who was here last night.
Kelly says he knows Tanner and that
two of his fingers are missing. Gray
has a tatoo on his left arm and other
wise resembles Tanner.
The officers here also assert mat
Tanner Is exactly the sort of a man
who would be engaged In the white
slave business. In fact, it has already
been established that Tanner first met
Hazel Erwin, his accomplice, on the
Barbary Coast at San i'rancisco ana
that he is well acquainted with the
questionable resorts of that city.
Mrs. Fidelia Jackson, Who Came
From Iowa In 1848, Passes Away.
responded, and after expressing his ap
preclation. spoke briefly of the history
and objects of the lodge, ana its suc
cess, not only in the United States, but
In all Darts of the world.
W. E. Cummlngs. a member of Orient
Lodge, delivered an address on the
practical work of the order, laying
especial emphasis on the care given the
aged members and orphans In the many
Oddfellows' homes. Of these, there
one located In every state. Some of the
states have several, Pennsylvania being
provided with five.
Mr. Cummlngs was followed In
short address by Past Grand Patriarch
P. W. Stewart, who spoke on the En
I; . f tm
Mlaa Elisabeth Hloms Annks.
The engagement of McManus
Keane and Miss Ellzabeth-Mioma
Aunks, of Pittsburg. Pa., is an
nounced. The marriage will take
place some time in July. Mr.
Keane is a business man of Port
land and Miss Aunks is the only
daughter of Mrs. M. F. Aunks, of
campment branch of the order, and Mrs.
S. B Afln a tnArahA, nt O t- o tr n ti Da.
OREGON CITY, Or, June 29. (Spe- bekah Lodue. who. on behalf of the
clal.) Mra Fidelia Jackson, wife of J auxiliary, presented the grand master
Tvler Jackson, of West Oregon City, I witn a oouquet of carnations.
Following the addresses a banquet
was served.
died at the family home this morning
after an Illness of about a year. The
body was shipped to Lebanon, Or., this
evening, where the funeral services
will be held. Burial will be at Leb
anon Cemetery.
Mrs. Jackson was 64 years old. ene
aa born October 1. 1848. in Iowa, and
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Miller, the latter of whom still l've LA GRANDE LUMBERMAN VICTIM
at beoangn. sue tajuo w " "
years ago, and settled at Lebanon, OF PECULIAR ACCIDENT
where she resided with her family un
til about a year ago. when she came to
Oregon City. The deceased is survived Millionaire and Prominent Church-
oy a nusD&nu. ijitr juivow,, wu
following children: Mrs. William
Blackburn, Oregon City; Mrs. John
Wallace, Lebanon: Ivan Jackson. Dal
las: Mra Howard Vucker, Lebanon;
also her mother, Mrs. Miller. Lebanon;
one brother, George Miller, Black Rock,
man Suffers Injury When Anto
Lamp Explodes.
LA GRANDE. Or., June 29. (Spe-
Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Ann Luckey, clal.) George Stoddard, millionaire
Portland, and Mrs. McDonald. , lumberman and prominent in church
circles, was severely injured late last
nn iill I inrrn iii unoDITAI nignt on Aoami avenue wnen a lamp
Un. nULL.Id I Cn 111! nuon IHL on his automobile exploded. Glass from
tne lamp was catapulted into both of
Physician Is Suffering From Attack Stoddard's eyes.
I DLUUtWIU ttlODCIi tfr UUU II 1 11 L. B U 11 CI
of Stomach Trouble. iDg much pain, but today is reported
as resting easy.
tw ri. - Wniilfr . well-known It Is still too early to predict den
physician and surgeon of Portland, is nltely the outcome of the accident. The
ltft- p at vinunt'i TTnsnital from explosion Is not accounted for, occur-
serious attack of stomach trouDie. ws i . iutm wucu mi. Dwuuru
HI. Illneaa la not alarming. naa nis luce close to ueuier see tne
HniilatAF hu aiiffarAri with stom- 1 lnsioe oi tne gioDe.
ach disorders for several years. Last Mr. Btoauard is general manager ot
Wednesday his condition suddenly be- the Perry Mills and other Interests in
came acute and it was necessary to re- ji.iuii.oru v"s.
move him to the hospital. Dr. George
F. Koehler Is in attendance.
riPAwn wiiiQTPR if? HnwnRFn
Wliniiv I"nv . . . - n,l.nV -Rl TTnthorv 11M.aa
Odfellows Give Informal Reception Large Number of Toting Ones.
to William A. Wheeler.
ASTORIA, Or., June 29. (Special.)
Th. want DM. Oddfellows Temple. This afternoon, Nick Hansen, superln
corner East Sixth and Alder streets. I tendent, and J. E. Borkman, assistant
was the gathering place for many mem- superintenuent, oi me mmgo mvnr
I Wa.aI... . ..,....u4 lrtnaa 4 AAA AAA n i r-r
Isalnaon, the largest number ever lib
erated from that plant at one time.
The fish are healthy, fat and in prime
condition, about seven months old,
having been three months in the hatch
ery troughs and four months in the
ponds. Their average weight is 45
grains troy, but the largest of them
weigh 85 grains and over, and are ft
inches long.
For four months they have been re
tained and fed In ponds having capa
city of 14,000 cubic feet of water,
I amounting to 91,000 gallons. This
water has been pouring in and out of
the ponds at the rate of 750 gallons
per minute, at a -temperature or dz
I degrees. The eggs were spawned In
October ana tne iry appearea on ino
vember 20, 1911.
n rerJtJtMtammmmmmmmmmaatmmmmmmi
Mrs. Eva C Wheeler.
At the Gladstone Park Chau
tauqua this year Mrs. Eva C
Wheeler will have charge of the
regular W. C T. U. programme."
Mrs. Wheler, who is a reader of
fine ability, has been -mgaged to
teach in a dramatic school in
Portland this year. Among other
speakers Is Mrs. Edith Hill
Booker, who Is the speaker at
La Grande, and who has charge
of the Bible work there. In
charge of the dally programmes
Is Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scoville.
the W. C T. U. speaker at The
On the W. C. T. TJ. days at Al
bany, - Ashland and Gladstone
Park. Mrs. Florence Atkins, of
Nashville. Tenn.. ' will be the
speaker.. Mra Atkins is ac
counted the best Chautauqua
speaker in that great organiza
tion, -which boasts so many of
rare ability. Interest in her ad
dress is not confined to those who
stand with the W. C T. U. in
their contentions for reform.
Union Temperance Meeting Will Be
Held in Evening.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 29. (Spe
cial.) Seven congregations of churches
in this city will hold a union temper
ance meeting in the new Presbyterian
Church tomorrow evening when George
D. Conger, of Seattle, secretary of the
Anti-Saloon League, will deliver a
Honest Advice to
Somehow there exists a vest amount of
scepticism as to the possibility of curing
I Consumption.- we state none but . lacts,
snd are sincere In what we assert. The
reason we advise all Consumptives to take
Eekmon'i Alterative vromotlr and faith
fully Is because we nave the reports of
many recoveries, one ot . which follows:
- eusquenanna Ave., fnua. fa.
"flfntlpnien. "For two Tears I was af
flicted with hem orrhages of the lungs and
our family physician advised another cli
mate, as to remain would probably - be
fatal; however, I remained and when I
recovered sufficiently to walk about - the
hoiiu I was left with a fiiahtful hackinc
cough, which no medicine J had taken
could alleviate. It was at this time.
March. 1802, that t learned ox Jtc.Kma.n s
Alterative. In a short time my cough was
gone and I was pronounceo -wen - or
'curea. l am at present in cicoiitoi ncvin
and feel that as long as I can obtain Eck
man's Alterative. I hare no fear of Con
signeor huwucd l. a uui
Eckman't Alterative la effective In Bron
chitis, Asthma. Hay Fever, Throat and
Lung Troubles. ' and in upbuilding ' the
1 system. Does not contain poisons, opiates
or naDit-rorming orugs. r or sue oy
the Owl Drug Co. and other leading drug
arintB. Ask for booklet telllna- of recoveries
and -write to Eckman Laboratory, f hiladel-
Fa, lor additional eviaeiice.
to please you,
Let's be as "well
dressed next week
as our hundredy
thou sand visitors.
Come in this week
and select . your
suit; we'll fit it to
your form and have it ready for you to
slip right on when the "Hello-Bill's"
come to town. -
There's the glorious Fourth, too; cele
brate it gloriously by coming out in new?
colors. "We have them all the soft,
stylish grays and tans; the blue grays
and the navys, and the classy mixtures.
The same fabrics you'd find at the
tailor's, but they cost you less here and
you don't have to wait. Artistic New
York tailoring the kind that stays by
you. .
$20, 25, $30, $35
Ben Selling
Leading Clothier
Morrison Street at Fourth
... i t. i .... r ,
lecture on temperance, and what has
been accomplished by the- organiza
tions fighting; the sale of Intoxicating
The churches to join in the meeting
tomorrow are thi First Methodist, First
Baptist, First Congregational, United
Brethren, Irvinrton Methodist. First
Christian and the First Presbyterian.
At the morning; service "Temperance"
will be the theme. Rev. Walter Qras
ton, of Tacoma, will fill the pulpit at
the Comrresational Church: Mr. Conger
will speak at the Christian Church; It.
H. Horton.will be at the First Metho
dist Church. The regular pastors will
be in the other churches.
Bev. Walter I. Eck, pastor of St.
Paul's English Lutheran Church, will
preach on "The Cry of a Fathers
Heart," In the morning;, and "A Thorn
in the Flesh," in the evening.
It is proposed to organize a cam
paign to vote Vancouver dry this Fall.
The county is now dry, except in or
ganized municipalities.
Federal Grand Jury Wants Iilqnor
Selling to Beds Stopped.
BALEM, Or, June 29. (Special.) In
a petition signed by members of the
United States district grand Jury, with
Max O. Buren. of Ealem, as foreman.
Governor West is appealed to to take
some action . In enforcing the law
against selling liquor to Indians. Spe
cial mention is made of Toledo, Bly,
Florence and Pendleton. The petition
"From the Investigations made by
the United States- grand jury since
June 17, 1312, in cases where Indiana
are offenders against the Federal stat
utes, we are of the opinion that the
state is not enforcing the liquor laws
at Toledo, Pendleton, Bly and Florence.
"We believe a strict enforcement of
state laws at places where Indians are
trading is necessary and important.
Therefore we ask your office to Insist
that the proper authorities in these
districts do their full duty without
fear or favor."
Governer West declined to comment
on the petition tonight.
506 Royal Building, Seventh and Morrison
Hotel Multnomah, Mezzanine Floor
Meier & Frank's, Seventh Floor
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' News
Stanley Connell
Amy Baker,
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Soprano. -Alice
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