! THE SUXDATT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JtJNE 30, 1912. , THIRD PARTY PLANS I A IT fill DAI TIMflu fmiuiiunLiiiuuii E Colonel Defers Announcemen He Had Expected to Make Day or Two Ago. M'HARG RUMOR NOT HEARD g Roosevelt Laughs at Statement That ' Bryan Will Not Support Candl date Supported by Murphy. Ward Will Aid Taft- OTSTER BAT. N. T.. June 29. "If Just a game of puss in the corner, said Colonel Roosevelt tonight when he beard of the day's happenings in Baltimore. The Colonel had been picnicking all day and did not know what had been going on until he returned. When be was told that William J. Bryan had declared he would not be a party to the nomination of a candidate sup ported by Charles .F. Murphy, he laughed heartily. "It is very funny," he said, "but, of course," he continued, "it is prepos terous to think of a convention in which Bryan and Ryan are In good standing. Has anybody got any idea what that convention is going to do? Plans for the formation of a new party await developments at Balti more. "I expected to be able to say some thing definite a day or two ago." said the Colonel, "but the Baltimore con vention la hanging, so that we have been delayed." The report that Ormsby McHarg, who managed Colonel Roosevelt's re cent campaign In some of the South ern states, had declined to Join the new party was neither affirmed nor denied. Colonel Roosevelt saying he had heard nothing of It. William L. Ward, of Westchester, he said, had written him a "nice letter" explaining why he did not wish to leave the Re publican party. "There are a good many men who will take the same view," he said, "but for every man who leaves us, we will get ten others who were not with ub before. OAKS SPECIAL DAYS MANY Lodges and Other Organizations Will Hold Picnics. - Following the picnic of the Indepen ' dent Order of Foresters at the Oaks amusement park today ten other-speJ cial days have been reserved by so cieties and organizations for picnics, meetings and gatherings during the month of July. m. ., The Apollo Club will hold Its an nual concert at .the Oaks auditorium Wednesday, July 3, while July 4, in - addition to the usual crowds, there will - be a 'picnic of the Woodmen of tne World and a Catholic Sunday school olcnlc under tbe auspices of Father Bent gen. Elks day Is Wednesday, July 10. and , French day Sunday, July 14. Japanese . day has been arranged by the Japanese Consul and the various Japanese so :letles for Thursday, July 18. The Women of Woodcraft will hold instal lation of officers at the Oaks Satur -. day, July 20, In which the following j circles will participate: Mount Hood Montavllla, Oregon. Myrarfa, Sola, sr Royal, Multnomah. Oregon City, Astra, v Oregon Grape. Rose Leaf, Sacajawea, ' bents. Mount Scott and Vancouver. io- The Michigan State Society of Ore yon has arranged for Wednesday, July 23. and the associated German societies for the following day. The Minnesota Society has appropriated July 25, and i the New York Society July 30 as days ; for their annual outings. Other datea J fare In progress of arrangement. CADDIES' STRIKE IS FUTILE : Heat tie Players Aid Contestants Championship Contest. In 8EATTLK. Wash., June 29. (Spe eial.) Championship honors for the Bolf and Country Club were won to day by Charles P.' Spooner, when he defeated A. S. Kerry. The contest was enlivened by the services of C. D. Sttmson. A. S. Burwell and Leroy D. Lewis acting as caddies for tbe play- sra. the boys having gone on a strike. demanding an Increase in wages. Fifty determined caddies, who sud denly went on 'strike In the morning. threatened to put a stop to all play ing for the day. When, the first play ers went out and made a call for cad dies, the boys sent up an ultimatum "that there was not a caddy within a radius of ten miles who would work for 20 cents an hour, but that the woods were full of 25-cents-an-hour " caddies. The present high cost of liv ing was ascribed by the boys as the cause for tbelr demand for more pay. The club members refused tbe de mand and decided to do the caddies' work themselves. RAIN HURTS OPENING DAY Chautauqua at La Grande Hindered. Music Heard Indoors. LA GRANDE. Or June 29. (Spe cial.) Rain hindered the opening day of the third annual Chautauqua here tonight, when the Chicago Operatic Jompany was to be the stellar attrac tion at Riverside Park. The park la crowded with campers, and with sunshine expected tomorrow tbe 10-day attraction will be under full swing. The Chicago musical stars gave their stellar performance Indoors, Dr. James Talmadge, the well-known geologist of Utah, will be the attraction tomorrow. On July 4 John Mitchell will deliver a morning lecture, and the Chautauqua management baa been anticipating a record attendance in view of the many labor organisations centering here. Water sports are to augment the day if weather is favorable. Educators of Northwest prominence are to be present Tuesday. Educational day. LEWISTON IS SHOW HOME Livestock Men Ask D. O. Lively to ' . Alter Plans and Dates. I! : ; LEWISTON. Idaho, June J. (Spe daL) At the meeting of the member ship of the Northwest Livestock Asso ciation at Lewlston today, at which ctaere were about 100 feeders and breeders of the Inland Empire present, the matter of the permanency of the Northwest Livestock Show at Lewlston I ton will be the permanent location of the sbow. which will be held annually in the first week in December. As to the matter of the proposed show under the direction of D. O. Lively, at Portland, to be known as the Pacific International Feeders and Breeders' Show, to be held December 1-12.' 1913. the association went on record adopting resolutions asking Mr. Lively to withdraw his dates for 1913 in order to prevent ajiy conflict, and to urge the Commercial uiuo oi roix lanrt to co-onerate with Lewlston in making the Lewlston Livestock Fair a big success. The resolutions adopted will be sent to all the clubs In the Inland Empire and when indorsed will be directed to Portland asking their co-operation. Mr. Lively proposed to hold his show in the SDi-ina- this year, but shifted it to the mid-Winter season in 1913. which would mean the failure of both the Lewlston and Portland show. A permanent site will be purchased at once and buildings erected for the forthcoming livestock show. RIVALS ASXED TO QUIT STOVE SAYS CLARK, WITH MA JORITY, SHOULD WIN. Telegram Sent to Harmon, Marshall, Wilson and Underwood Urges " Them to Withdraw. BALTIMORE. June 29. Senator Wll liam J. Stone, chairman of the Missouri delegation, today sent to Governors Harmon. Marshall. Wilson and Repre sentative Underwood. Presidential can dldates. the following telegram: "A majority of the National conven Hon has voted for the , candidacy Of Champ Clark. No one questions his fit ness and loyalty to Democracy, and for 70 years the practice has been estab lished of giving the nomination to the candidate who receives a majority. "We ask you. in the interests of the party and in vindication of the Demo cratic principle of majority rule, to aa- slst in making his nomination unani mous by announcing the withdrawal of your candidacy." s STONE'S PROPOSAL IGNORED Candidates Vouchsafe No Reply to Clark's Manager. WASHINGTON. June 29. Represen tative Underwood late today received Senator William J. Stone's telegram urging him to withdraw in favor of Champ Clark. No answer will be sent. Underwood declined to discuss the telegram or any action he might take. SEA GIRT, N. J- June 29. Governor Wilson announced this afternoon, through his secretary, that he would make no reply to Senator Stone's tele gram urging him to withdraw in favor of Clark. INDIANAPOLIS, June 29. Governor Marshall this afternoon said he had re ceived Senator. Stone's telegram, and added: "I shall not answer It. SURPLUS ABOVE GUESS TREASURY ENDS FISCAL YEAR WITH $32,000,000. Taxation on Beer Shows Americans Consumed 63,000,000 Barrels. $70,000,000 on Tobacco. WASHINGTON, Juno 29. The Fed eral Government closed the fiscal year today with a surplus of 332,000,000, ac cording to estimates based on incom plcte returns from the various sources of revenue the country over. This amount far exceeded the expectations of Secretary Macveagh. who montns ago estimated that the surplus would be 310.250.000. The surplus at the close or .tne ns- cal year 1911 was S45,sgz,vuu. The failure of Congress to pass gen eral deficiency and other appropriation bills which would have called for large disbursements during the closing days of the fiscal year helped the Govern ment to Pile up its surplus. Another big element In tne iigures was the corporation ui, wnicn. u id calculated, brought In 327,000,000 aralnst 333.000.000 last year. Custom receipts yieiaea aooui 000,000 this fiscal year, against 3314,- 000.000 last year, while Internal rev enue taxes amounted to 1292,000.000 as against 3289.000,000. ... The taxation on Deer inaicaies mat American people consumed 63,ooo.uvu harmla during the year. The Uovem- mnit realized 3149.000.000 on distilled spirits, J63.000.00O on beer ana iiu.vvu. 000 on tobacco. ' GAIN ENCOURAGES WILSON Governor Expects to Land After 175 More Ballots at Baltimore. SEAGIRT. N. J.. June 29. Governor Wilson passed a busy day. He was in continuous telephonic communication with the Wilson leaders at Baltimore and it was not until dinner that he made -the- decision not to go to the con vention city. The Governor seemed pleased when the news came that Wil liam Jennings Bryan bad transferred votes to the Wilson column. At dinner time the Governor said he had not heard directly from Mr. Bry. an during the day. At the present rate of gain." the Governor said, after reading the re sult of' the fifteenth ballot. "I figure that It will take only about 175 more ballots to land me. I guess they are having a bard time there, as ene of my friends wrote me at 5 o'clock this morning that he could scarcely speak above a whisper." BANK CASHIER IS MISSING Scion of Rich German Family Gone Two Weeks May Be Race Victim. SPOKANE, Waslu, June 29. (Spe cial.) Probably attracted to the Alan racetrack, .A. F. Schmldler, assistant cashier of the Fidelity State Bank of Uniontown. WaalL, scion of a wealthy German family in Wisconsin, has been missing for more than two weeks, ac cording to J. L. Taggart, cashier of the bank. He Is reported to have gone to St. Maries. Schmldler'a disappear ance caused no anxiety until his fish ing vacation expired and h had not returned. Tbe young man a mother lives at Fort Washington. Wis, and other rich rela tives in the Badger State. His repu tation for honesty and Integrity la de clared by Spokane bankers to have been excellent. A year and a half ago bis uncle took him Into the Uniontown bank, where was definitely decided upon. Lewis- J he became assistant cashier THIEF HOT SHAKEN BY $10,000 OFFER Riese Refuses to Tell Where Famous De Sabla Jewels May Be Found. REWARD DIVISION SPURNED Confessed Crook Says He Does Not Enow Who Is Responsible for Big Robbery in San Francisco on Niglft of MardI Gras. SAN DIEGO, Cal.. June 29. (Special.) R. Rlese, confessed diamond thief. awaiting arraignment In Superior Court to plead to his part In the theft of 140,000 worth of diamonds and other Jewels from guests of the U. S. Grant Hotel, refused an offer of 310,000 made on condition that he tell where the famous Jewels stolen from Mrs. Eu gene de Sabla the night of the- Mardl Gras ball in San Francisco are hidden. The offer to Rlese was made through Chief of Police Wilson and Chief of Detectives Myers. These officers claim the Jewels are insured for 350,000 and that, a reward of $20,000 Is offered for their recovery. They offered to divide with Riese if he would confess. Riese maintains he had no hand in the De Sabla robbery. Officers know that Rlese, Paul Soble and Margaret Ward Manners were in San Francisco at the time of the rob bery at .the St Francis Hotel. Tbey claim they have knowledge' that Rlese knows where the jewels are hidden. . "There Is nothing to be gained by keeping anything back," said Riese to the officers. "I have come through clean with everything I know, and if I knew anything about tbe De Sabla dia monds or of the crime I would tell it Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money, but I cannot get it because I don't know about the De Sabla affair." Rlese would make no further state ment. Paul Soble, his accomplice In the other robberies, is held for trial on a charge of grand larceny. The Man ners woman was released, but she is under surveillance. , Rlese confessed to complicity - In stealing; 185.000 worth of securities in new i one two years ago ana lor wnicn an attorney named O'Reilly. was sent to prison. An officer of the New York detective bureau Is coming for him. Detective Warren returned today with jewels stolen from the Grant Hotel, recovered in Oakland pawnshops. They comprise a pearl button pin sur rounded by diamonds, belonging to A. W. Bastedo and worth $1500; an opal and diamond pendant stolen from Mrs. D. C. Collier, and several diamond rings stolen from Mrs. H. L. Hersey. asked to listen to equal suffrage argu ments favoring votes for women. It merely means that tbe suffragists of the city bave banded together to ex tend an enthusiastic reception to Alice Fleming, the Baker's leading woman, on account of her service in the auf frage cause. - - Six leading suffrage organisations of the city will be represented by large delegations that night, all seated in a Bpecial section of tbe theater that has been reserved for them. ' The suffrage colors of yellow and white will be worn by the suffragists. They will carry flowers of the same color, and will shower them upon the actress. W. M. Davis will chaperone the wom en and will occupy a place of prom inence In the suffrage section. He has whispered it about that he has tha of ficial word of Miss Fleming that she may step before the curtain and make a short suffrage speech. Miss Fleming is an ardent suffragist and has rendered material assistance to the campaigners while she has been In Portland. Her most noteworthy act was her participation in the demonstrations of the suffragists during the Rosa Fes tival, particularly in presiding at the sandwich wagon that the suffragists had on the streets then as a means of swelling their campaign funds. POLICE CHIEF GRILLED MURDER CASE . DEVELOPS SEN ' .'sATIONAJj QUESTIONS. Prisoner, Mrs. Delia Olds, Smiles at '.' Discomfiture" Over" Compromis ing Insinuations. 3 HELD FOR JEWEL THEFT Police Tbink Trio Stole De Sabla Gems Worth $50,0-00, In February SAN. FRANCISCO. June 29. The San Francisco police are attempting to con nect three supposed hotel thelves, ar rested on Information from San Diego, with tbe theft of $50,000 worth of Jew els belonging to Mrs. Eugene De Sabla, stolen from a hotel here last February. Charles R. Reise and Margaret Ward Manners were arrested here on charges of having robbed guests of a San Diego hotel. Paul Sobie was arrested In San Pedso. It was announced by the police last night that they had strong . evidence tending to connect the three with the De Sabla robbery. They were all In San Francisco at the time, and left soon afterward, the police say. The De Sabla robbery was one of the most sensational thefts ever perpetrated in thia city. The thieves entered Mrs. De Sabla's room and stole the jewels whicb she had worn to a mardl gras ball. MAN DROWNS HIMSELF Stranger Leaps From Ferryboat Into Willamette River. Folding his coat and laying it and his hat on a bench in -the men's cabin of the ferry boat Lionel Webster, an unidentified man leaped through window in the side of the boat Into the Willamette River last night and drowned before help could reach him. A lifeboat from the steamer Harvest Queen was lowered under command of Captain CheBter Turner, when passen gers on the ferry boat saw tne Douy n the water, but was unaoie to reacn the suicide in time. His hat and coat bore no marks to Identlfv the man. He boarded the ferry at the foot of Ninth street and entered the men's cabin, staying tnere until he jumped from the window. His ump through the window was not no ticed. The body was not found last night. SEAMEN'S STRIKE GROWS Union Officer Says Steamship Com panies Are Yielding. NEW YORK. June 29. Leaders to night estimated that 2000 sailors and 200) firemen and oilers were on strike in this - port and that 4000 men were out at Boston, Philadelphia, Galveston and Norfolk. An officer of the Marino Firemen s Union saiQ that several of the steam ship companies had signed an agree ment to Increase wages ana recognize the. union. The brunt of the strike Is directed against big coast lines whose officials have refused to grant tne aemanos. Vessels of these lines left port today considerably after schedule time. Most of them were short handed and their crews consisted of non-union men. H0DS0N HEADS TRAVELERS Portland 3Ian Elected Supreme Counsellor of Order. COLUMBUS, O., June 29. Clarence W. Hodson, of Portland, Or., was elected and Installed supreme coun sellor of the United Commercial Trav elers of America at the session of tha supreme council of that order here to day. ACTRESS TO BE. HONORED Suffragists Are to Greet Alice Flem ing at Baker. Tuesday night will be woman suf frage night at the Baker Theater. This does sot mean that patrons will be SPOKANE, Wash.. June 29. (Spe cial.) Chief of Police W. J. Doust, who was a witness for the state in the Olds murder case today until court ad journed In the middle of the afternoon. was put through an extended .''course of sprouts" and instructions In the "art of Sherlock Holmesing " by tbe at torney for tbe defense. Once the defendant, Mrs. Delia Olds, who sits sober-faced, depressed, eyes downcast and hands folded meekly In her lap, bit her lips and enjoyed the discomfiture of the chief of Spokane's police department. Mrs. Olds did not permit herself the pleasure of smiling for many seconds, however, and quick ly resumed her melancholy appearance as witness Doust was Informed that he did not have to tell the attorney for the defense "where he got his neck tie." Chief Doust admitted that he had not I made a very thorough examination of the condition of the room and many other details and said that be had not because he had men there who were doing that, and that In the second place, he believed Mrs. Olda was tell ing the truth about the struggle. "Mr. Doust, you don't permit your officers to put on the shoes and stock- inns of the women prisoners at the DOlice station when you have a ma tron for that purpose, do you?" At torney Robertson asked. "No." "You don't permit your men to tie the corsets of women prisoners r s "No, sir." "You have no orders not to let wo men DrisonerB dress in -private and away from the curious eyes of your de tectives?" "No, sir." 'You have a matron for that pur pose?" "Yes." "Was Mrs. Olds' hair done up when you arrived?" "Yes." "Did you find any "twisted hairpins or broken combs on the floor?" "None were found, to my knowl edge." "Is it not a fact .that because Officer Jordan found pins and combs of this nature that you didn't subpena Jor dan?" "I didn't subpena anyone." WIND SINKS YACE YACHTS Storm Sweeps Long Island Sound During Annual Regatta. NEW YORK, June 29. A miniature hurricane today swept over Long Island Sound while the annual regatta of the New Rochelle Yacht Club was In progress and before tbe wind had spent its force three of the racing yachts had been sunk and nine others capsized. The crews of tbe Bunken craft had narrow escapes. Thirty-five persons were picked up by rescuing craft. AUTO PLUNGE IS FATAL One Woman Killed, Four Others In jured at Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, June 29. Mrs. Ma bel Mulr, of Denver, Is dead and four others, among them Miss Ida Logsdon, of Colorado Springs, are more or less seriously injured as the result of an automobile plunging over a 100-foot embankment in Griffin Park today. Mrs. Mulr was instantly killed. Miss Logsdon may die. W. R. Allen, one of the two men in the party, , is held in jail and may be charged with manslaughter. Cepyright Hut SckaAier & Muz No maker of clothes equals the style and finish which' Hart Schaffner & Marx get into a suit such as we illus'rate here; there's a dignity and distinction in it that's unique Suits that fit with style that stays stylish, $18 and upward We'd like to have you know how good our furnishings are; some smart new neckwear, the best hose you ever wore, underwear that fits at prices that compel attention Special Sale . Underwear Regular $1.00 silk lisle Underwear, with short and long sleeves, in pink, white and blue. Sale price 75c per garment. . Hose 100 doz. imported Ger man Hose, in all shades, full-fashioned, absolute ly fast colors. 50c reg ular, this sale 25c, Neckwear 100 doz.' washable four-in-hands, in white, gray, blue, tan and fancy pat lerns. 25c regular, this sale 20c, 3 for 50c. Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go. Third and Morrison MQRO SHJWSBIG FARM EXPERIMENT STATION HOST TO VISITING nOOSTKRS. Hundreds of Growing Crops Seen by Crowds Excursion Kates Help " to Swell Throng. MORO. Or., June 29. (Special.) Moro State ana Federal Experiment won. rMa,r wii host to visitors from .11 rrta nf Sherman County, from Portland and from neighboring coun ties. The O.-W. R. &-N. reduced fares for farmers' day, and this helped swell the attendance. I The day's programme opened with the arrival of a passenger train from the southern part of the county. Vis itors were conducted over the experi ment farm by Superintendent Stephens ami hi corns of assistants. . Visitors rA Alviriikd Into groups, each in rhirra of an assistant. In the after noon a meeting was held In the opera- house. The experiment farm now has B00 varieties of growing crops, and the aitio amount of land under prepara tion for experiments next year. It has 34 varieties of wheat, the seed being Im ported from foreign countries, lnciua Insr Germany. France, Austria and Al geria. Eleven varieties of alfalfa, grow- Insr without irrigation, were siiuwu. The experiment farm today has 97 vari etles of domestic wheat besides the for eign varieties; 16 of oats, 47 of barley. 10 of corn, l or neia peas, is m emm snrsrhum four of emmer. 15 of alfalfa. six of grass, two each of kale and rape, and 22 varieties of potatoes. There are 160 plots - oevotea to linage ana cron rotation, demonstrating the ben efits of good, bad and Indifferent farm- ina". Farmers' day was a success. Those atending. from outside the district were C C. Chapman and wife, of the Portland Commercial Club; Mark Woodruff, Fortland; Dr. Withycombe,' of the Oregon Agricultural College, and his son, Robert Withycombe, superin tendent of tbe experiment station at Union, Or.; Mr. Hugglns, of Llpman, Wolfe & Co.; W. H. Garrett, of Wad hams & Co., Portland; C L. Smith, agriculturist for the O.-W. R. A N. Company, and Professor Max McCall, of the Oregon Agrciultural College. The day closed with a big booster meeting at the Moro Opera-House. Brother of Portland Mian Is Sulfide. , EUGENE,' Or., June 29." '(Special.) A stranger named Forbes killed him self at Florence today. Further' than the fact he has a brother In Portland, there are no particulars. m DINING PLACE That Pleases Snowy napery, dainty china and sparkling cut glass grace your table at the Portland; wholesome, appetizing foods tha pride of our chef are served with courtesy and with a sincere desire to please. , " The attractive surroundings, the beau tifully decorated dining-room and grill, the pure fresh air, tha graceful planta and flowers render this a place where you delight to bring your friends for breakfast, for luncheon or for dinner. And tbe music rendered by our su perb orchestra will add to your enjoy ment. If you wish Vo hear some favorite selection It will gladly be played. . Dine at the Portland today and enjoy the good things we hava prepared for you.. . : PORTLAND HOTEL 6. J. KAL'FFMAS, Maaaser. 1 The Store Where Ladies Can Trade NATIONAL WINE CO. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE The pure juice of the vine, free from all adultera tion, is what we sell. When you buy Wines of us you may rest assured you are getting not only the finest flavored, but the most wholesome Wines you could procure. We carry an immense stock of all sorts of Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ale, Porter, etc. For medicinal purposes our pure Liquors are unsur passed. . California Sweet Wines Port, Sherry, Angelica and Muscatel Wine, per gal lon. .....$1.00 to $4.00 Tokay, Malaga, Madeira and Sweet Catawba Wine, per gallon $1.50 . California Table Wines Claret, per gallon 50$ to $1.50 Zinfandel, per gallon .75 to $2.00 Burgundy, per gallon '.$1.00 to $3.00 Riesling, per gallon. 75 to $2.50 Sauterne, per gallon . . $1.00 to $3.00 Pure Apricot and Peach Cordial, per gallon. '. $2.50 National Monogram Whisky, per gallon $3.00 Hillwood Bourbon Whisk3r, per gallon .$3.50 Multnomah Pure Rye, per gallon. $3.50 National Medical Port, per quart $1.00 Virginia Dare Wine, per quart 65 Ohio Fremont Grape Juice, per quart ... . ,45 Free delivery in the city in our auto, which carries no signs, insuring no publicity on delivery. Out-of-town orders receive our prompt and careful atten tion. Express prepaid on orders of $4.00 or over. NATIONAL WINE CO. Fifth and Stark Street, Portland, Oregon Phones: Main 6499, A 4499