The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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    16 BxAywa-
Close of Cereal, Year Shows
I . Flour. Increases 207,533
Barrels for Season.
.umber and 'Wheat Totals Are Sat-
H Isfactory 'With Growth of Domes
tic Consumption in Imme
diate Future Uncertain.
Wheat 8,830.031 ' bushels, - value
Floor 771.360 barrel, value 3.
074.033. " "'
Lumber S8.224.439 feet, value
$969,233. - -
Lumber shipments coastwise 164,
923.SMO feet.
Portland's rains in commerce that
moved by water during the year that
ends today, according; to the calendar,
but in reality terminated with the last
business transacted yesterday, were
connnea to nour exportation ana me
combined movement of lumber to for
eign and domestic ports.
. Flour that was dispatched abroad
aggregated 771,360 barrels and that was
$07,633 barrels in excess of the busi
ness of the business for the season of
1910-11. and E65.S00 barrels ahead of
the showing- for the 1909-10 season.
There was a falling off In wheat as
compared with the preceding; cereal pe
riod, but there was an increase of 1.
083,904 bushels over the 1909-10 show
ing;. Lumber Skowtaa; Satisfactory.
In export lumber there was a de
cline over last year, yet the unusual
heavy movement to California brought
the total to 253.148,129 feet, which was
41.003,771 feet more than moved to all
ports by water last season and 39,403155
feet in excess of the amount dispatched
during the 1909-10 period. To domestic
ports 164,9i3,690 feet was sent, which
gave the year a lead over last season
of 5t.836.208 feet and over 1909-10 of
6C.032.490 feet.
In the wheat column no material set
back: was experienced, for while there
were 522.310 bushels less sent foreign
as against last year's business, the gain
at that time over the 1909-10 season
was 1.606,216 bushels, and for the year
ending today there has been a stronger
demand from Mexico and a greater
home consumption, while the heavy ad
vance in the amount of flour exported
more than offsets the difference in
Limited facilities for reaching the
Oriental flour market, the action of the
sneamshlp Interests In advancing the
rate, likewise the other differentials
that Portland millers faced in compe
tition with Puget Bound, curtailed the
n.ovement of manufactured stuff, also
diverted some to the north where It
could be moved readily across the Pa
cific. Therefore, while Portland en
Joyed a material growth In flour busi
ness the total of 771.360 barrels does
not represent what could have been ac
complished. Future la Balance.
The coming year's prospects In that
regard are doubtful, owing to the fail
ure so far to decide what sort of fa
cilities will be available to reach the
Far Eastern market. The Harriman In
terests are looked to for a remedy in
either operating a line of steamers or
entering into an agreement with the
Waterhouse fleet to oontlnue, and if a
fair schedule is arranged and the Ori
ental demand again reaches an at
tractive stage Portiana snouia bum
heavier gains in mill exports.
' During June there was no wheat
floated, but one full cargo of flour we.nt
out on the Oriental liner Rygja, repre
senting 66.087 barrels, and valued at
SH64.350, while on the Mandasan Maru,
for Dalny. was a shipment of 3800 bar
rels at 115.268. and on the Lord Derby,
for the ububI Oriental harbors and Ma
nila, was flour to the amount of 11,317
barrels, worth $45,371.
The three best months in lumber ex
perts were October, with 14,002.822 feet;
January, with 12,795,005 feet, and June,
with 12.536,032 feet. In coastwise ship
ments the best month for the year was
Jprll, when 15.659.016 feet was floated,
and only during one month did the
movement fall below 10.000.000 feet,
and that was January, when 9,635,000
ftet waa delivered In California.
' In the summary of the Merchants
Exchange. Issued yesterday, the total
wheat output from Portland for the ce
real year is placed at 9.793,351 bushels
an compared with 11.033.223 bushels
last season. To Mexico 109,043 bushels
iere sent and to California there went
3.982.075 bushels, as against 3,647,370
bushels a year ago.
Puget Sound's total wheat movement
Was 5.029,566 bushels, Portland leading
By 4,763.785 bushels. California drew
on Portland for 357,939 barrels of flour,
soaking the total amount floated from
here 1.128.920 barrels, while last season
ttie flour shipments to all ports aggre
gated only 876.274 barrels.
The only wheat moving from Port
end during June was to California,
which bought 271.994 bushels and in
he way of flour the Bear state drew
M,S27 barrels during the same period.
Increased Travel Indicated by X um
ber of Reservations.
Charles Dexter, who was skipper of
the Port of - Portland pilot schooner
Joseph Pulitzer for a time, was later
on the Government dredge Chinook,
and acted as master of her after the
rrstgnatlon of Captain Dunbar, has ac
cepted a billet as third mate of the
learner Rose City and will Join her
tiday. , '
. First Officer Robinson and Second
Officer Lyon hold their berths, as Dex
ter was employed through the resigna
tion of the third officer. The Rose City
satis tomorrow mornrng with a full list
and gains in travel are shown through
the fact that many accommodations
have been reserved on the Beaver,
which is due tomorrow afternoon.
Hay Crop In Danger.
HARRISBURG. Or, June 29. (Spe
cial.) The hay crop has been damaged
somewhat In this vicinity by aphis.
Continued rains have also added to the
injury of the crop. Farmers are unde
cided whether to let their hay stand tor
the prey of tbe aphia or cut it to spoil
La wet weather.
Finger Is Sawed Off.
HARRISBITRQ. Or, June 29. (Spe
cial.) One finger of the right hand Is
missing today as the result, of Ora
Bosserman allowing that member to
come in contact with the bussing blade
of a wood saw which ha waa operat-
Cleared, vessel, flax, ria. destination:
J air
20 Kvgja, Nor. sa. Hongkong- -
22 Kumeric. Br. as.. Hongkong
Total for July.
Exports for July. 1910 144.779 bushels
18 Lucerle, Br. ss.,
Hongkong. ......... .
August, 1910 24.073 barrels
16 ColUngham, Br. ss.. St. Vincent
18 Duguay Trouin, Fr. ss., Hongkong....
21 Strathlyon, Br. ss., Hongkong
23 Edouaxd Detallle. Fr. bk., Q. or F-...
27 Hans B, Nor. ss, St- Vincent..-
28 Ger. bk. Hans, Q. or F...
29 Torrisdale, Br. ok, Q. or F.-.-.... ......
29 Boncbamp. Fr. bk, Q. or F... ......
Total for September. .. '. ....... 1.024.171 883.898
Exports. September. 1910 112,327 bushels of wheat.
October -' " .
Orterlc Br. ss.. Hongkong -. 33.332 I 26,634
3 Alex Isenberg. Ger. ah, Q. or F ... 103.449 ; 87.931
4 Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk., Q. or F.-... '112.460 98,9.0
6 Strathness, Br. as.. Las Falmas...... 229.761 190.i00
Jl Rygja. Nor, ss, Hongkong......'-. ..- - v,v iAX
1 Isabel Browne, Rus. bk, Q. or F T5.463 63.000
20 Heliopolia, Br. ss, St Vincent........ 250.000 242,500
23 Iverna, Br. bk, J. or F 1S6.8S2 116.350
26 Barmbek. Ger. bk, Q. or F - '124,388 " ' 108,131
26 Suveric Br. as, Manila - - :
Total for October
Exports for. October.. J910-r 1.173,240
2 Robert Dollar. Br. ss, Shanghai
' S Dlone. Ger. sh, Q. or F;.,.
4 Arracan. Br. bk, Q. or F.
7 Harmattan. Br. sa, Dunkirk!
11 La Bancbe. Fr. bk, Q. or F. ..........
27 Kumeric, Br. ss, Manila.
28 Jolnville,,Fr. bk, Q. or F
Total for November :
Exports for November, 1910 870.880
4 Anna. Ger. bk.. Q. or F
8 Cambrian Chieftain, Br. bk, Cj. or F..
11 Jules Gomes, Fr. sh, Q. or F...
.11 Celtic King. Br. ss, Dunkirk.
12 Thiers. Fr. sh.. Q. or F :
12 Duce'rlc Br. sa. Manila. .... S. ...... ..
14 St. Rogatlen, Br. sh, Dublin.
13 Invercoe. Br. bk, Q. or F. ...........
15 Bretagne. Fr. bk, Q. or F
22 Crockodlle. Br. bk, Q. or F. .'
22 Conway, Castle. Br. bk, Q. or F
23 Fitzpatrlck. Br. sa, Tenerlfte....
30 Steinbek. Ger. sh, Q. or F.
Total for December '. . .
Exports' for December, .1910 1,537,461
January -.-.- t t .
2 Inverlogle. Br. bk, Q. or F
8 Lydgate. Br. bk, Q. or F
6 Strathlyon.-Br.. ss, Shanghai. .'
10 Slarra Miranda. Nor. sh, Q. or F. ......
11 Burton, Fr. bk, Q. or F. :
19 Col. V. de Mare'uil. Fr. bk, Q. or'F... .
20 Orterlc, Br. ss, Manila ;
24 Beeswing. Br. bk, Q. or F
80 Lasbek, Ger. eh, Q. or F
Total for January
Exports for January, 1911 1,289,974
February c -
8 Marie. Ger. sh, Q. or F
6 Rjrja, Nor. as, Manila
0 Chaa Gounod. Fr. bk.. . or F
T Rene. Fr. bk, Q. or F.-....i
8 Win. T. Lewis. Br. bk, Q. or F
21 Hazel Dollar. Br. ss, Taku Bar.....
26 Suveric. Br. ss, Manila
28 Port Stanley. Br. bk, Q. or F
. Total for February
Exports for February, .1911 894,782
1 Purler. Br. ss, Dublin
6 St. Louis. Fr. bk, Q. or F-
9 Jason. Nor. ss, Mansanllloi ....... .
14 Unkal Maru, Jap. sa. Taku..
15 Pierre Antonlne, Fr. bk, Q. or F. .
22 Kilo. Ger. sh, Q. or F
25- Thlelbek. Ger. bk, Q. or F.
Total for March....
Exports for March, 1911 729,205 bushels wheatr" 98,974 barrels flour.
S Lucerle. Br. ss, Manila
IS Pierre Lotl. FT. bk, Q. or T
25 Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk.. Q. or F.
27 Jason, ss, Mansanlllo
Total for April 282.832 $ 271.533 49.000 $198,000
Exports for April. 1911 877,149 bushels wheat; 23,575 barrels flour. . .. .
8 C!s Maclver, Br, ss, Hongkong.
8 Dui'besne. Fr. bk, Q. or F
14 L'Hermlte, Fr. bk, Dublin .
18 Hercules, Nor. ss, Manila
Total for May
Exports for May. 1911 222,694 bushels
8 Rygla. Nor. as, Hongkong......
24 Mandasan Maru, Jap. sa, Dalny.
23 Lord Derby. Br. sa, Manila
Total for June... 81,204 $324,989
Exports for June, 1911 18,058 barrels of flour valued at $72,23$.
Total wheat exported 8.830,031 bushels, valued at $5,875,539.
Total flour exported 771,360 barrels of flour, valued at $3,074,093.
Total wheat exported 7,352.841 bushels, valued at $6,289,810.
Total flour exported 663,827 barrels, valued at $2,256,028.
Total wheat exported 5,746.125 bushels, valued at $5,570,398.
Total flour exported 205,880 barrels, valued at $879,199.
1911-1912 SEASON.
Cleared, vessel, flag, rig and destination
19 H. Hackfeld. Ger. sh, London
0 Rygja. Nor. ss, Hongkong
22 Kumeric Br. ss, Hongkong
27 Ethelwolf, Br. sa, Delagoa Bay
18 Lucerle. Br. as, Japan - -
29 Hercules. Nor. ss, Hongkong
81 Earl of Forfar. Br. sa, Melbourne
8 Koan Maru, Jap. ss, Taku
21 strathlyon, Br. sa, Hongkong
27 WakeHeld. Br. sa. Freemantle
S Orterlc Br. ss, Hongkong
Strathblane, Br. as. Port Plrle
9 Strathspey, Br. ss.. Sydney
11 Rygja, Nor. ss, Hongkong
11 Oswestry. Br. ss, Shanghai -
28 Strathnalrn, Br. ss, Calcutta
i'8 Suveric. Br. as, Manila
November ' . .
2 Robert Dollar, Br. ss, Shanghai
8 Guernsey, Nor. ss, Adelaide
8 Sehome. Am. sen., Antofagasta
1 1 David Evans, Br. sch, Osaka
27 Kumeric Br. as., Manila
12 Lucerle. Br. ss, Manila
23 Strathearn, Br. as, Melbourne
4 Homelen. Nor. sa, Sydney....
Strathlyon, Br. ss.. Shanghai.
18 M. a Dollar. Br. sa, Shanghai
19 Riverside. Am. ss, Balboa
20 Orterlc Br. sa, Manila
20 Hercules, Nor. sa, Manila..
29 Puako, Am. bktn, Valparaiso..,
14 Hartington. Br. ss, Adelaide...
21 Hasel Dollar. Br. sa. Shanghai
28 suveric Br. sa. Manila
9 Jason. Nor. as, Mansanlllo
23 Schurbek, Ger. bk, Antofagasta
26 Riverside Am. as, Balboa
April '
3 Lucerle, Br. as, Manila. -
9 Ikalla. Br. sa. Fort Plrle
12 Inverklp, Br. sa, Adelaide
17 strathbeg. Br. sa. Melbourne
27 Ocean Monarch, Br. ss, Swansea
8 ClanMaclver, Br. sa. Hongkong
7 Crown of India. Br. sa. Cape Town
IO Relnbek. Ger. bk, London
18 Hercules. Nor. sa. Manila......
17Europa Maru. Jap. sa, Hankow
Tverona. Ger. as, Shanghai
10 Strathallan, Br. aa. Melbourne
13 M. 8. Dollar. Br. sa. Manila
24 Opland. Nor. as, Tslngtau..
24 Mandasan Maru, Jap. aa. Dalny
23 Lord Derby. Br. ss, Manila..
27 Unkal Maru. Jap. as, Taku Bar -
Feet. Value
August ...
October- ..
8.780.25S $ 80.878
January Jf'? ?
February 6 8-0.5 7
March Jlfr-Ma
AorU 7.547.7SS
V-y 8528.838
June 12.538.032
Tota,, 88,244,439 $969,233 104.056.878 $1,249,854 110.853.764 $1,238,082
September .....
October .......
November . . - . .
December .....
January ......
February ......
June ..........
thu eiT-niV CVRrciiO?iTA"N". PORTLAND- .TTTJTE SO. 1912.
Barrels. Value.
26.885 S107.SS2
11.248 44,982
38,21 S1S2.8M
of wheat and 18,156 barrels of flour.
......... '.- 28.14 1U2.65S
of dour.
34.956 189.800
" 61.640
'44.903 179,612
1,065.742 ' 904.246 151,888
bushels of wheat, 61,173 barrels
of flour.
"-; 164.266
109.842 s
$ 28,402
106. 06
" " 93.190
18.465 $ 70,167
'65,683 "22,'532
$ 570.519 - 84,498 $332,699
bushels of
... 5
119,749 '
"79. 708
. '86.218 ...
- 62.34T -..'..-..'.'
103.000 -
67.000 $228,000 ,
v 67.750
117.000 "
1 218 932 57,000 $228,000 i
wheat; 113.071 -barrels flour.
10.000 .,
, 9.000 .
90,000 ,
" Y3.93"
120,000 '-.
$ 37,875
. . - . -. -
'iXjiai "is8,'i84V
. l1 .01 KQ
bushels of
wheat; 52,611 barrels of flour.
'. 122,760 108.030
''v.V: '"Vi'iu
111.002 -Si60.
128.350 115.515
182.850 115.000
18,600 $ 74,000
612.130 $ 653.505
bushels of wheat;,49.736
of flour.
' 112. 54
. 91.504
' 10l',290
42,060 $168,240
832,858 $ 563.264 42.080 $168,240
49,000 $198,000 ;
118.450 $ 102.105
111.149 105.592
58.033 63.838
60,309 $241,236
37.075 148.304
219,770 t 221.971 97.384 $389,540
wheat; 105,800 barrels flour.
ee.OST $284,350
3.800 15,268
... 11.817 45,371
Feet. Value.
1,807.807 $ 23.301
630.248 1 7.698
6S6.000 6.860
3,650,200 42,319
1.317.700 18,177
1,308.837 13.087
1,330,8;0 14,858
1.959.332 19.593
170.000 1.70O
2,046,309 25.071
805,000 8,050
3,780.000 38.927
3,658,482 43.904
10,000 100
8,14,1.880 28,764
2.491.460 27.400
612.000 8.120
890.59T 16,215
3,424.423 41,088
755.339 8,308
977.424 14.815
497,000 4,970
347,496 4.693
3,343.450 . 88.450
8,012.087 -- 83.188
96.000 1,600
2.890.240 82.077
L4S1.901 16.319
230.000 2,900
8,795.960 29.671
1.2S8.817 13,151
3.300.000 88.325
3,127.133 28.513
893,394 4,654
72.258 775
2,131,729 21.6.-.3
180,452 1.805
791,000 9.510
S.175.000 28.575
1.7S9.543 19,542
1,462.243 15,920
330,000 4,235
100.010 100
1.751.437 81.265
2,346.547 82.805
690.598 6.896
1,840,268 18.405
2,300.000 23.200
1.337.835 - 17.649
2,740.883 25.203
790.893 7.910
2.354.765 82.935
1.381.856 13.252
1.610,000 18.100
Feet. Value.
Feet. Value.
12J20.032 $ 152.618 13.94S.8S7 $ 126.181
146. 401
4.521 16.598.565
45,891 15.015.823
106.242 14.537.187
Feet. .
8. 614. 000
7,074.000 -7.050.000
6. 790. OOO
8.463. 0O0
12. 121. 000
T. 603.000
....184.923,890 108.087.482 102.891.200
I l .1
Columbia River Rendezvous for
Weli-Known Craft."
Steamer Roanoke Is Only Arrival in
San Francisco From North High
Grain Charter Record Out.
Bay City Marine News,
SAN FRANCISCO, - June 29. (Spe
cial.) Five well-known coasters sailed
for . th Columbia River today the
steamers Bear, Willamette, Northland,
F. H. Legett and Qulnault.
The only arrival from the Columbia
was the steamer Roanoke.
The Pacific Mall liner City of Para
sailed for Balboa and the City of Pan
ama arrived from the same port. The
American-Hawaiian liner Alaskan ar
rived from Salina Cruz and the Matson
liner Helonian arrived from Honolulu.
The record for high grain charters
this season was made yesterday, when
Kerr, Glfford & Co. took the British
bark Killarney for wheat from Port
land or Tacoma to the United Kingdom
at 40s. The vessel is a small handy
one of but 1356 tons, however, which
makes her entitled- to a slightly higher
rate than the ordinary. The Danish
steamer 'Arabian has been placed on
the berth at European ports for this
coast by Parrott & Co., agents for the
East Asiatic Line of Denmark. - She
will load in August at Antwerp and
Copenhagen for San Francisco, being
substituted for . the steamer LItuana,
which has been too badly damaged to
load. The Arabian is a large tramp of
3004 tons net register.
The steamer Gamble, 93 days out
from Algoa Bay, for' Port Gamble, ar
rived at Honolulu last night, short of
Tug May Have Considerable Work
Done While Here.
Probably the most minute examina
tion the Port of Portland tug Oneonta
has been subjected to since her com
pletion two years ago will take place
Tuesday at the public drydock, as she
has been ordered up from Astoria at
once. The vessel is due for her annual
overhauling and In-order that there
shall be no oversight in keeping her in
condition and her equipment in work
ing order. United States Inspectors
Edwards and Fuller have been asked to
be present.
Manager Talbot, of the Port of Port
land, will leave tonight for Seattle to
confer with officials of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul line regarding
the sale of the tug Wallula, which the
railroad Interests desire to use for tow
ing on Puget Sound. He expects to
return Tuesday in time for the in
spection of the Oneonta. If the Wallula
Is sold, another tug will be chartered
until a new one can be contracted for.
Line Contemplates Sending Steamers
on Monthly Schedule.
Plans are under consideration by of
ficials of the Maple Leaf line, which
operates from Europe to New York,
then to Vancouver, B. C, and back by
way of Portland and San Francisco, to
increase the service so Portland will
have 12 steamers a year instead of
nine. It is said the question of pilot
age is the one drawback, as the com
pany estimates that $3uu is spent on
each vessel for that purpose every voy
age here and going to and from the
northern port the toll is mucn jess.
The Port of Portland Commission has
a proviso inserted in its pilotage tar
iff that a reduction of 25 per cent will
be made to lines operating 12 or more
steamers from Portland to foreign
porta annually and the Maple Leaf
could take advantage of that. It is
expected that the question will be
talked over at the July meeting of
the Port and some inducement may be
"Man Overboard" Alarm on Run to
Tacoma Is Far From Drill.
Fate prevented men of the Oregon
v.nai ittnitin frftm nartlclDatlnsr in a
genuine "man overboard" stunt on the
cruiser Maryland, lor wniie me 01s
vessel was on the way irom ine ui-
L.MKIa Ulvjir tn Tapnmft one of the
tars fell from the rail and though but
two buoys are dropped in a drill, such
as the Oregon men had at sea, in that
case four buoys were let go and the
port and starboard lifeboats lowered.
It is reported from Tacoma that the
man was back on the ship again in
five minutes from the time he fell,
which is three minutes less than was
required when tne arm was neiu
to get both boats again in the davits.
Th. xtafvinnri WfLn makinflr 10 knots
at the time, but her head-way is easily
checked by her poweriui engines wueu
full speed astern is ordered..
Other Work at. Snpple's Yards Is
To have her machinery overhauled, ngnlba Mn raRAT)VSd and COI1-
siderable minor work done, the steamer
Major Guy Howard, of the United
States Quartermaster Department, ar
rived at buppies ysrus ifuiu aow. .0
yesterday and will remain about two
h5-.,. tt WAntlAll of the fleet
controlled by the Corps of Engineers,
U. S. which was completed at Sup
ples early in tne montn, nas ueea uo
it.,. tn xt . in- Mclndoe and Is at the
Government moorings. The lower house
of the steamer Grahamona, of the Yel
low Stack fleet, has been completed
and the upper cabin Is In course of con
struction. The gasoline schooner Tilla
mook, which, is 'undergoing repairs
there as a result of having been struck
by the tug Samson, is expected to leave
the yards this week.
x .
Marine Notes.
To load a full cargo of lumber the
steamer Yellowstone went to Rainier
last night.
Havintr finished loading parcels of
lumber at Kalama the Japanese steamer
Unkal Maru will shift to Rainier this
afternoon and work the last of her load
for the Orient.
Last of the lumber1 Intended for Val
paraiso delivery aboard the schooner
H. K. Hall was loaded yesterday at
Westport and she will leave for sea
tomorrow or Tuesday.
Chief Engineer G. B. Hegardt, of
the Commission of Public Dooks, and
others of his department made an In
spection of the harbor yesterday in
the harbor patrol launch.
' It is expected that the French bark
A. G. Gosden, Who Took Famous Durbar Pictures, Is En Eoute From
California to Yellowstone to Hake Pictures.
aa GOSDEN. a modest ' English
man, who Is now In Portland.
led the host of operators who
went as the guests of the King .of
England to India to - perpetuate the
ceremonies of the great Durbar In
KJnemacolor (natural color), which
will be shown at the Helllg Theater
every afternoon and evening this week,
beginning today.
Mr. Gosden is on his way to Yel
lowstone National Park to transfer the
glories of the scenio wonders of that
famous place to the Klnemacolor film,
that Europe may see just how America
appears in colors true to nature.
The Durbar, Mr. Gosden declares, was
the largest commission ever received
by a moving-picture concern. A total
of 60,000 feet of negative film was ex
posed, from which was selected some
14,000 feet, when properly connected,
gives a complete view of the entire
Durbar ceremony, including the ar
rival of the party at Bombay.
"We had eight operators at work at
Delhi, where the coronation occurred,"
said Mr. Gosden. "The making of pic
tures began ssveral days before the
Durbar ceremony. We made the round
of various camps, Including the Gov
ernors of the various provinces, the
native ruling princes, the visitors, the
native army, the British army in India.
We also went to the elephant stock
ade and turned the camera on the big
'India taxicaba as they are christened,
obtaining some intimate views of the
dally routine of an elephant's life.
"In making arrangements for pic
tures of the ceremonials, it was found
that the route which had been selected
would not give us a good view of the
King and Queen. As an instance of
King George's democratic methods, he
promptly ordered the route changed
when the matter was put up to him,
and a detour - was made so that the
entire pagenant would pass hi a spot
most favorable to. the Klnemacolor
cameras. Several times during the
course of the ceremony the King and
Queen passed within a few feet of the
camera. '
"Next to the coronation ceremony it
self, the review of 60,000 British and
Indian troops by King George was the
chief spectacle. These troops were the
pick of the two armies in India, in
cluding every branch of the service,
and the parade was a magnificent
"The pictures ' were made and de
veloped each day right in camp. The
government had provided every facility
for our accommodation, our quarters
being In the American and European
Press Camp, and we - worked with
Bossuet will finish loading lumber at
Prescott today and shift to Westport
to complete her cargo.-
Last of the coasters to clear with
lumber for the fiscal year was the
steamer Carlos, which will carry 650,
000 feet to San Francisco.
In two weeks It Is hoped to have the
new steamer M. F. Henderson, of the
Shaver - fleet, ready for service. The
boiler has been placed and connections
are being made.
Hereafter the Custom-House will
close Saturday afternoons until Octo
ber. It is provided that the attaches
have a half holiday each week during
July, August and September.
Inspector Beck, of the Seventeenth
Lighthouse district, has returned from
the north after having Inspected four
stations on Puget Sound and the re
pairs made to the tender Manzanita at
Winslow, Wash.
Dock workers cleared away Sediment
from the lower deck of Alnsworth dock
yesterday and by tomorrow it is hoped
to resume using it for cargo. The Wil
lamette is falling slowly but In an
other week all lower docks will prob
ably be clear.
Captain E. M. Trott, Inspector-general
of the Bureau of Lighthouses, who
has been .n Alaska, will proceed to San
Francisco and relieve Lieutenant-Commander
Moffat, in charge of the Six
teenth Lighthouse district, who will re
turn to active service in the Navy.
It is reported that the British bark
Killarney, which was chartered Fri
day, secured a rate of 40 shillings for
wheat. The British bark Altair was
chartered yesterday by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company. There are 13
vessels listed for. new crop loading at
the Merchants Exchange.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, June 29. Arrived Steamer
Oleum, from Port Ban Lula Balled
Steamer Daisy Freeman, for San Pedro.
Astoria, June 29. Sailed at 1 A. M. -Steamer
Rosecrans. for Monterey. Arrivea
at 11 A. M. and left up at 12:30 P. M.
Steamer Oleum, from Port San Luis.
San Francisco, Juno 29. Sailed at 2 A. M.
Steamer F. H. IeBrett, for Portland.
Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Qulnault, for
Portland. Arrived at noon Steamer Roa
noke, from Portland. Sailed at 8 P. M.
Steamer Beaver, for Portland.
Eureka. June 29. Sailed at noon Steam
er Alliance, for Portland.
Bandon, June 28. Sailed Gasoline
schooner Anvil, for Portland
Raymond. June 28. Arrived Steamer
Gray-wood, from Portland. .
Seattle. .June 29. Arrived Steamers Aim,
from Southeastern Alaska; Mackinaw, from
Tacoma; Mariposa, from Southwestern
Alaska; Yosemlte. from Everett. Sallea
Steamers AlkL for Tacoma; Jeanle, for
Southeastern Alaska. .
Los Anireles. June 2. Arrived Klamath,
from Portland; Mandalay. from Crescent
City. Sailed Chehalls. for Grays Harbor.
Doris, for Wlllapa Harbor: Cnronado. for
Grays Harbor: Raymond, for Wlllapa Har
bor; Klnr Cyrus, for Columbia River; Kum
ath. for San Diego. -.
San Francisco. June 29. Arrived Steam
ers City of Panama, from Ancon: col. ij. l.
Drake, from Vancouver; J. B. Stetson, from
Grays Harbor: Roanoke, . frm P ori,.n. ;
schooner Esther Buhne. Coo. utile River
Ruby. Wlllaps. Sailed Steamers City jf
Pari for Ancon: Francis H. Le Qul
nault. for Astoria: Governor, Atlas, barsa
93. for Seattle: schooner Meteor, for Grays
Harbor: yacht Venetla, tor Seattle.
Tacoma. Wash.. June 29. Arrived Mex
ico Maru. from Orient; steamer Alkl. from
Alaska; barkentine James Tuft, from 8an
Friiclsco; U. S. a Oregon, from Bremerton.
Colombia River Bar Beport.
Condition at the mouth of the river at 5
P. M.. smooth; wind northwest, SO miles;
weather, clear.
Tide as Astoria Sunday.
His-b Low.
0:41 A. M....8. feetT:BS A. M... 0.8 feet
2:18 P. M 6.8 feet!7:4T P. M 4.2 feet
Woman's Request Creates New Ques
tion In French Courts.
PARIS, June 29.-r-(SpeciaL) An in
teresting case is at present taxing the
Ingenuity of the French high courts
"Can a new commune be founded by
will?" The facts are as follows: Mile,
Dupont, an inhabitant of Villeneuve-la-Garenne,
a hamlet forming a part of
the commune of Gennevilllers, near
Paris, bequeathed to the village $20,000
and a considerable estate with the ex
press proviso that the other divisions
of the commune were excluded from
participating. Not less expressly the
will stipulates that the bequest Is to
be applied to the establishment of an
official residence for the mayor on the
estate, and of the various offices of
the commune, and furnishing the
"malrie" and the offices for ose.
The problem at issue is novel. Is
the "mairie" of Gennevilllers to be
transformed to the village, or is a new
commune to be created by giving the
village this official title, or is the knot
to be cut by declaring the will null and
TJOldl. . - -
A. 2. Geadem. Win Took Klstesaa
color Pictures of Durbar.
everything at hand which we could
have had In England or America.
When we returned to England the
Durbar pictures were first shown In
private to the King and he was de
lighted. - '
"For the past three months I have
been in America, photographing its
beauty spots, and have finished all of
California, Including Catallna and Yo
semlte, and while in Los Angeles
caught, the Shriners' ceremonies, which
films, I understand, will be shown next
week in Portland in connection with
the Durbar performance. The beauty
of the Grand Canyon is now also en
grossed on the Klnemacolor film and
I am now on the way to Yellowstone,
where my people In New York have
secured from the Government a permit
to work in the park, and, with the aid
of another camera man, we expect to
be busy there five weeks.
"Of American subjects that I have
photographed I think Niagara Falls Is
the most beautiful so far. This, I be
lieve, will also be exhibited at the
"Klnemacolor Is fast supplanting the
ordinary Bioscope (black and white
pictures), because our subjects are
photographed true to nature."
Amateur Musicians Are Employed In
Factory of Willys-Overland
Three concerts were given la this
city yesterday by the Overland Band
from Toledo, Ohio, on Its vacation trip,
and the net rerult was a unique, orig
inal and pleasurable musical experience.
"We are here for an outing," said one
of the bandmen. "We are just amateur
musicians who play for the love of mu
sic Our boss foots the bill, and our
pay on this trip goes on just as if we
were working In the factory. Our boss
is a good one, and we don't want to
lose him."
Musically speaking, the Overland
Band, composed of about 40 players, un
der the efficient leadership of Gustav
Keohler, Is a good one en tour. The
musicians play with a splendid enthusi
asm, an obedience to discipline and fine
attention to the niceties of light and
shade that make up very satisfactory
ensemble. In every-day life they are
highly-paid mechanics in the factories
of the Willys-Overland Company, auto
mobiles, Toledo, Ohio, and through the
generosity and public spirit of their
"boss," John I Willys, who paid for
the musical Instruments used in the
band, hired the leader and willingly
continues as the "angel" of the band,
they are enabled to show what Ameri
can mechanics can do with their spare
time. They have baseball, basketball,
bowling and football teams at home,
and are said to be winners In these de
partments, all more or less helped by
the presence and hearty good will of
the "boss." Now, the boys appear on
tour as a band organization, and win.
They do themselves and the folks "way
back" in Ohio proud.
Getting down to exact musical meas
urements, the Overland Band isn't to
be mentioned In the same breath with
the eminent bands of Sousa, Ellery or
Creatore, and it lacks the sweep and
fire ' of the Latins the boys do not
make.any claim of the kind. They keep
In their own place as a high-class, well
trained amateur band organization on
They won three audiences yesterday.
At the opening concert at the City Park
the audience numbered about 1000. Tbe
selections consisted of such numbers as
"Light Cavalry" overture (Suppe),
"Falrle's Greeting" (Heed), excerpts
from Balfe's "Bohemian Girl," "Lust
spiel" comedy overture (Keber ' Bala),
selections from "Maritana" (Wallace)
and popular music generally. Concerts
were given at tbe Multnomah Hotel and
on the plaza block in front of tbe
County Courthouse, to the great delight
of attending crowds. The applause was
hearty and encores many.
It is interesting to know that the
band is one of many nationalities, and
that there are men in it from England,
Scotland. Ireland, Wales, Germany,
France, Hungary and Russia In addi
tion to native-born Americans. The
Overland Band will leave today for Salt
Lake Clty.
French Scientist Finds New Method
. to Capture Criminals.
PARIS, June 29. (Special.) The
French scientists maintain their reputa
tion as the most progressive experts In
criminology. The system of M. Bertil
lon Is known throughout the civilized
world. Again, recently, at the Paris
Congress of Legal Medicine, Dr. Bal
thazard communicated a discovery
which will render the chances of escape
of the miscreant who uses firearms
problematic indeed.
By the use of microscopic photog
raphy the doctor has established that a
rifled barrel marks the bullet In a way
that is unique for each Individual
weapon. The hammer also strikes the
percussion cap in one perfectly dis
tinctive place. Thus tbe criminal ex
pert win obtain circumstantial evidence
of the strongest nature that a given
bullet was shot from a given firearm.
Already the method has been put into
practice, and as a result a man named
Houzard has been condemned for mur
der at Tours.
Sir William Maxwell Altken. one of the
new members of the House of Commons,
thoug-h many times a millionaire, began life
m..- utm Insurance-
Prominent Englishman Sure
Site on Tigris Delta Is
Biblical One.
Sir William Willcocks Investigate.
and Discovers Ancient System
Used in Slaking Land One
of Vast Richness.
LONDON, June 29. (Special.) The
vast tract of land forming the delta
of the Euphrates and the Tigris, de
scribed by Sir William Willcocks as
"The Garden of Eden," may, be re
claimed. This at least Is the scheme
which the famous Mesopotamlan ex
plorer has submitted to the Turkish
Government, and which he recently ex
plained at a meeting of the Royal
Geographical Society, held under the
presidency of Lord Curzon.
The theory is that the site of the
garden was devastated by "the dragon
of the Euphrates." If, therefore, the
Euphrates and the Tigris can be mas
tered by dike and barrage. It la held
that the garden can be restored into a
place of fruit and flowers and rich
"Every part of the Euphrates Delta,
from Hltt to the Persian Gulf," said
Sir William Willcocks, "has been called
Eden that Is, the cultivated and Irri
gated plain, as distinct from the un
lrrlgable plain. The Garden of Eden of
our own Biblical tradition lay, I be
lieve, on the Upper Euphrates, between
Anak and Hltt. The Garden of Eden
of the people of Sumer and Akkad lay,
probably, just north of Ur, of the
Idem Is Explained,
At any rate. Sir William Willcocks
maintains that the Euphrates-Tigris
delta can be reclaimed. "If we wish to
reclaim Babylonia without tens of
thousands of captives weeping by Its
waters, we must provide the Euphrates
certainly and, If possible, the Tigris,
with efficient escapes. The Euphrates
can be mastered thus. The ancients
controlled It by an escape into a de
pression S00 square miles In extent and
60 feet deep, northwest of Kerbela. A
belt of shells gave me the clew, and I
rediscovered it, and now the Tlabbanla
escape, under construction, has been
designed to carry the excess waters of
the Euphrates Into it again.
"The Tigris is a more difficult prob
lem. Provisionally I have suggested to
the Turkish Government to sacrifice
the left bank of the river to the floods
and to create a massive canal and dike
along the right bank. On the other
hand, an escape could be constructed.
If we could overcome the objections
of the Shammar Arabs, we could utilize
a salt-pan southwest of Samara, in
which, as we have discovered, the
River Harthar terminates. We should
have to raise the level of the Tigris
in flood by eight meters, and the two
barrages and canal needed would, cost
Retnra Wanld Be Large.
"But there would be a splendid re
turn. The value of every acre of land
in the delta would be doubled; it would
be a godsend to Baghdad, and allow
the Baghdad railway to traverse the
cultivated land instead of the desert.
The delta of the two rivers would be
richer than the delta of the Nile and a
safer place for the investment of capi
tal. Indeed, I should say that, as the
Egyptians are so eager to return to
the protection of Turkey, England
would make a good financial bargain
to exchange Egypt for Babylonia. - -
"The first direct irrigation works to
be carried out will be the Feluja and
Hlndle Barrages on the Euphrates and
the canals and drains dependent on
them. On the Tigris the canals to irri
gate the country northwest of Baghdad
will be taken off above the proposed
barrages near Nlmrod's Dam. which
are, I hope, to provide the escape into
the Tarthar depression. The second
barrage on the Tigris will be made at
Koot, to convert the Hal branch of the
river into a permanent canal. Farther
down, at the junction, regulating
works, dikes and canals are proposed
to reclaim the land from Basra to
Khor Abdalla."
Sir William Wllloocks pointed out
that various ruined dams could be re
constructed, and that once flood pro
tection was secured silt prevention
would present another problem. The
two rivers In flood carry five times aa
much deposit as the Nile. "On the
subject of navigation," he added, "I
hold that the water should be monopo
lized for irrigation, and railway trans
port should be substituted for. naviga
Arabs Refuse to Bow to Authority
of French Nation.
MOGADOR, June 29. (SpeciaL)-Th
Nationalist movement, originating In
the Southern Provinces, and headed
by Mulal Hamed el Haiba, Is dally
assuming a' more serious character.
The reported abdication of Mulal Hand
has given a powerful stimulus to El
Haiba's enterprise, and it seems that
all the Atlas chieftains have now sided
with the "Pretender."
An influential supporter of his said:
"We recognize that France has se- .
cured control of the seaports at pres
ent open to foreign trade and the
seven-mile zone defined in the Algecl
ras convention, but we deny the right
of any foreign power to control the
interior of our country. On this is
sue we shall fight No Sultan Imposed
on us by a European nation will be
recognized by the people of Morocco.
If you- can do it you may massacre
our men, women and children, but we
will never willingly submit to foreign
The Pretender is described as a man
of middle height, with a light brown
complexion, slightly bronzed by an out
door life; large and. expressive eyes,
and a firm, not unpleaBlng mouth al
together a typical Arab of the purest
breed. An enthusiastic friend of his
says that be is now 81 or 22 years of
age, and that he has . latterly grown
rather stout, which is the way of most
Moorish "personages."
Save for headgear, consisting of an
exceptionally high "tarboosh" and tur--ban,
bis garb is simple but of the best
material; a dark blue kaftan, with
sllk-embroldered patterns, for Indoor
use. this being hidden by a blue halk
when "His Majesty" rides or walks
abroad. His food Is the same as that
of the poorest dependent, being mainly
confined to dates and camel a milk. He
Is well versed In Moslem literature.
follows devoutly the precepts of the
Koran to the letter and leads much the
same sort of life as did the early dis
ciples of Mohammed.