The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 4, Image 62

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Imperator, Biggest
NEW TORK, June (Special.)
In connection with the commence
ment exercises at Columbia Uni
versity a costume parade was staged
on South field. A banner . offered by
the class of 1902 was won by the class
X w f m(j 'iM fY irM
If -vL.-r L l : TJL
Gadski Will Make Long Tonr Pntnam Griswold and Otto Goritz, Mabel Beddoe, a Canadian, and Schumann
Eeink Are Among Early Engagements Reported by Concert Masters.
NKW YORK. June S2. (Special.)
With th musical season of 1911
12 completely ended, thoughts
naturally turn to the season, ahead,
which, if one may judge from the an
nouncements of the managers, should
be of the usual brilliancy and interest.
In addition to the artists hereafter
named there will be several attrac
tions, for which the negotiations are
not sufficiently completed to announce.
Loudon Charlton is still In Europe,
where he Is arranging details of im
portance, and Fitxhugh Haensel is also
abroad to arrange several important
contracts with artists now In Europe.
Mr. Charlton expects to be more than
ordinarily active since he resigned the
business direction of the rhilharmonic
Orchestra. Mr. Charlton's artists are.
as usual.' of the best that the concert
world holds and again Include Mme.
Gadski, the popular and brilliant prima
donna soprano, who will make her
usual concert appearances In addition
to her season at the Metropolitan.
Other artists from the Metropolitan an
nounced for th first time In the broad
concert field are Putnam Griswold and
Otto Goritz. both of whom have sprung
Into International fame. the former
after his first season at the Metropoli
tan, the latter after a series of won
derful performance of a most versatile
and ' finished nature. Mr. Griswold'
achievements at th Metropolitan and
before that In Germany are so well
known that they need no further men
tion. It must suffice to say that in
roncert his position is as unassailable
as It is In opera. Mr. Gortts ts In a
Ship Afloat, Launched This
of 1309, who appeared as South Sea
Islanders in a makeup which Included
even Ivory nose rings. Aa man-eating
savages 1907 were hot far behind 1909.
Walter Kelly dressed as a missionary
was led to the slaughter by his can-
class of his own, and whether In opera
or in concert his jolly personality, his
delicate humor and tender pathos make
him unique and delightful.
Another opera singer In Mr. Charl
ton's list is Mme. Charles Cahier, the
American contralto, who as Mrs. Mor
ris Black had a wide circle of ad
mirers in this country. She has since
appeared with great success In the
opera-houses of Europe. Clara Butt,
the great English contralto, and her
husband. Kennedy Bumford. will make
a tour beginning In "January.
2lmballat romtaar Back.
Zimballst. the Russian violinist, who
nlavrd at least 30 times In New York
City alone, and who did the astonishing
thing of going as far as the pacific
Coast on his first American tour, will
return for a long tour under Ir. Charl
ton; and Lhevinne. the Russian pian
ist, will also return to fill a series of
engagements which his limited stay
this year would not permit.- Still an
other Russian is announced under Mr.
Charlton's banner, and this Is one of
the loveliest young artists of that great
country which has given us so many
worthy exponents of the different art
Tina Lerner. who has made a num
ber of sensational tours In Europe
since her last appearance In this coun
try. Mme. Caroline Hudson-Alexander, the
soprano who has won a- distinctive
place, and Miss Mabel Beddoe. a beau
tiful Canadian girl, who has just re
turned from a period of study in Eur
rope, will both be heard in concert, rer
cltal and oratorio.
Carolyn Beebe. who has become well
known not only as an ensemble pianist
of unusual equipment, but also as a
solo artist. . will devote more time to
playing this season after her return
from Lausanne, where she goes to pre
. --
Vessel Mas Many novei xeaturro, xuuuu -
nibal classmates. , The class of 1910
was made up as wuauers; iuu
Tamma-Tamma girls' and 1U were
pretty fair imitation! ol Greek char
' - -r
John Alden' Dix. Governor of New
pare her concert repertory with Har
old Bauer, -wnose pup" n na t
for some years. The Flonxaley Quar
tet, which has made a place for itself
in every music-loving spot of this coun
try, will make another extensive tour
as well as fill its regular New York
dates. .
With the name of the Wolfsohn Mu
sical Bureau restored as it should be.
A. F. Adams keeps up the standards of
the name which haa always stood for
all tat was Intelligent and significant
in concert direction, and it Is a note
worthy fact that one still feels the per
sonality of Henry Wolfsohn. who made
so many great careers, who established
an example of what Intelligent, ag-
i - .....r -,1,1a ft and who
grwi,fl - - -
developed the concert world for all who
should follow mm.
Scfcaaaasn-Hetnk Cemea for Seaeea.
Again Mme. Schumann-Heink, that
superb artist, heads the list, and will
devote her entire season to concerts.
Elena Gerhardt, whose success was
great, will be available from January
to April, and Maggie Teyte. soprano of
nMM nnmnanV will ac-
l nr 1 1 ii- v i
cept concerts from November to March.
Artists from the Metropoiiian
Louise Homer and Herbert Wither
spoon, while Alma Gluck will make a
long tour from October to January and
then go to Vienna. Clarence White
hill, the eminent baritone of the Chi
cago Opera Company, will be available
all season, when his operatic appear
ances do not Interfere, and the Wolf
sohn Musical Bureau -Is also announc
ing Edmond Clement The great French
. h. in imrir from Novem
ber to March, principally for concerts.
. . . i i lit All nTimh.r of R.
altnougn w.w " ' '
gagemehts with the Boston Opera Com
pany, as also in Montreal. Mme. Bern
brich will make a tour In conjunction
with a celebrated Instrumentalist not
t!; u4fW nr.nn
York fetate: returned from a trip to
Europe on , the steamship Mauretania
accompanied by, Mrs. Dix.r He Is the
first Democrat to sit In the Executive
Chamber of Albany since R. P. Jflower
waa Governor. Mr. - Dix is essentially
a home man. Mrs. Dix is of great as
sistance to him In his work as Governor.
She has long been a favorite In Albany
vet named, with Frank La Forge at
the piano, and Florence Hinkle. who
has been , one of the most valuable art
ists on the Wolfsohn roster this sea
son, will again fill - engagements in
concert, oratorio and recital. . Janet
Spencer, the contralto, who has been
In Europe for over a year, will re
turn to America under this direction,
who will lo present Margaret Keyes,
contralto; Nevada Van der Veer and
Rosalie Wirthlin. also contraltos.
Amonsr the responsible standbys of the
Wolfsohn Musical Bureau are Reed
Miller, the popular tenor; Evan Wil
liams, tenor, and Relnald Warrentrath,
the baritone, whose success nas Deen
phenomenal this season.
Among the instrumental artists may
be noted the return of Mischa- Elman,
the great Russian violinist for the en
tire season, also of Yolanda Mero, the
Hungarian pianist for the entire sea-
.. irnan -, , r... n -o o r In TCtirOtie
and in Mexico, Ernest Penciling, the
American pianist, who nas oeen pia
ing In Europe with greatsuccess for
several seasons. Mr. ScheeWng Is also
a composer to be reckoned .with; a
number of his works having been
played in Europe. '
R. E. Johnston, who is now located
In very handsome offices in the Com
mercial Trust, building, has associated
with him Charles L. Wagner, who has
made especial arrangements to direct
Jointly with Mr. Johnston the Alice
Neilsen operatic concert company;
John McCormack. the . Irish tenor;
Riccardo- Martin, of the Metropolitan;
Rudolph Ganz, the eminent Swiss pian
ist; Koclan. the Bohemian violinist;
Charles Wakefield Cadman, the com
poser and others.
. Mr. Johnston has never presented a.
more brilliant list of artists, headed by
Tsaye. the Belgian violinist, for whom
he has already closed contracts for SO
concerts and Godowsky. the pianist for
over 39. Other artists include the Pian
ist Scharwenka; Adeline Genee. the re
nowned dancer, assisted by Alexander
Volinin, the Russian dancer, who caused
so much distress to Mordkin during the
last tour of the Russian ballet, and
with these two will be a symphony or
chestra, and Yvonne de Trevllle. Char
lotte Maconda, Nemara-Toye. Rosa
Olitza and Oscar Seagle. vocalists. .
Instrumentalists will be Irene 8char-
- n TJootonraiit. Tiflt.hsteller Swimminff Pool and Other Modern Conveniences.
- '
society, and Is a ch&rming hostess as
well as a good politician.
An Interesting photograph was made
at the contest of avlettes at Issy-les-Moulineaux,
France, for a prize offered
to any man who would fly over a mark
by his own power. Nobody succeeded
in accomplishing this feat, although
there were some creditable exhibitions.
More 'than one-third of the 8700 em
ployes of the Boston Elevated Street
Railway Company went on strike re
cently, causing many disorderly occur
rences and a crippled service. There
was rioting at night' and shots were
fired at a conductor. A policeman was
rer. a young pianist, who will make her
first American tour; Mo warn urocKway,
the composing pianist; Henrlette Bach,
the brilliantly talented young violin
ist, a pupil of Kneisel and of Kreisler;
Ida Cone-Divinoff, Russian violinist,
and others not named.
As a special attraction Mr. Johnston
is offering R. G. Knowles, the humor
ous American traveler in "An Evening
of Travellaughs."
m w Hanson feel the importance of
furthering the chances of the Ameri
cans and is making every attempt to
secure the best that are to be had In
Europe and America. For this reason
he announces a long llt or successiui
a artists, jib al ho Gottfried Gal-
.... itrni.h nistnist: Dr. Max Pauer,
pianist of Stuttgart, well known as the
head or tne famous diuiis1 U,IDC
atory of Music, and George Henschel.
In recitals to his own accompaniment,
the latter so well known in thi coun
try that he might as well be an Ameri
can. Louis rersinger, ine young aiuoi.
lean violinist who has made a sensa
a,.Aa in Rerlln. has never been
heard in this country and Leone Rains.
first basso of the uresaen tiojai uiwr
house, also an-Amerlcan. are on Mr.
Hanson's list. Irma Seydel, a young
violinist, is announced and Marguerite
Lemon, the well-known American so
prano who has sung for some years in
hnnKixj nf Eurone. will be
among his artists. Again Marie Rap
pold, of the Metropolitan Opera Com
pany, and Mme. ae rwHuan, n" "
the Metropolitan company, will entrust
. v. i AAn..,, annraunci to Mr. Hanson.
while Adele Krueger, who has made
such a promising ana nrunani Degm
ning under his direction, will be avail
hi. onin for next season. George
Harris. Jr., too, who has created quite
a following ior mniDcii, win ,nn.c an
other tour under Mr. Hanson, who will
also present for the second season Lud
Wlg Hess, the famous German tenor,
Henri Scott, of the Chicago- Opera
Company and Henrlette Wakefield,
who ha made a place for herself In
.u wnrld as also in operatic
circles at the Metropolitan Opera-
House. Hansel et jonas unn
the present an attractive list of art
ists, to which they, expect to add sev
eral others.
For the third - consecutive aeasom
Injured by a atone, and a car damaged;
i c; i. nmtiin Tr woa thfl refusal
111 DVUUi - "
of the president of the company to treat
with employes as members of the Amal
gamated Association of Street Railway
Employes which precipitated the strike.
The Hamburg-American Company's
new giant liner Imperator, of 50,00
tons, was launched May 23 at Hamburg
and was christened by the Kaiser. She
is the biggest vessel ever launch-eel, be
ing nearly 4000 tons heavier than the
Titanic, and having a length of 900
feet, or more than four city blocks. She
has a double bottom and coal bunkers
at the aide, which gives her a doublt
skin. She is equipped with a series of
transverse bulkheads, which are closed
by hydraulic power controlled from the
bridge. She will have a complete Ritz
Carlton restaurant and a Rathskeller
Bond will he available for recitals,
concerts and festivals, following the
close of his engagement with the Mex
ican National Opera Company. Leo
Slezak, leading dramatic tenor of the
Metropolitan Opera-House will be
available for concerts and recitals dur
ing the month of February only, he
having asked the privilege to close his
season with the . metropolitan wpem
Company January 31, for the purpose
of de voting this month to concerts.
Mme. Gerville-Reache, the great dra
matic contralto, will be available for
concerts, recitals and festivals during
the entire season, as her contract with
the opera company calls for appear
ances which shall not conflict witli her
concert engagements. Mme. Jomelll,
now singing with the London Opera
Company will return to America at the
close of her season witn air. nam
mersteln, and Gertrude Rennyson Is
one of the great attractions who has
come recently under the Hansel &
Jones direction.- Miss Rennyson, who
was well known in English opera cir
cles has sung in Bayreuth and else
where in Europe very successfully. She
is without doubt one ot tne most val
uable member of the Haensel & Jones'
This firm Is also booking concerts
for Ellison Van Hoose, whose season
In America will open In Philadelphia
in the title role of Lohengrin."
Arthur Hartman,' the distinguished
violinist, who has already made two
highly successful transcontinental tours
of America under iaensei & Jones,
will make bis third long tour of tne
country and Germalne Schnltzer, who
came as a brilliant, young pianist sev
eral years ago, will return a full
fledged artist, who has been acclaimed
as the second carreno.
Antonla Sawyer, who has not been
in business quite three years, has
established herself firmly through the
success of Kathleen Parlow, even dur
ing her first year in America. It is
part of the musical history of this sea
son that Kathleen Parlow and Kath
arine Goodson have been busy the en
tire season. Miss Parlow will return
in January to make a tour through
the Northwest and California, but Miss
Goodson -will not return until the sea
son after next.' Mrs. Sawyer has made
a sensational managerial coup by se
curing Julia Culp, the great lieder
or cafe veranda, paved with stone ano
a hair-timoerea ceiuni na niea " "
old-fashioned ships' lanterns. She will
also have a swimming pool.
The Hon. James Schoolcraft Sherman
is well known the entire country over
as a baseball fan. Mr. Sherman has al
ways lived In Utica, where he was born
October 24, 1855.
The visiting German officers were
entertained at the military academy at
Annapolis recently. The party con
sisted of Rear-Admiral von Rebour-'.
Paschwltz. Prince Christian von Hesse,
Captain Ritter of the Moltke. and oth
ers. They were accompanied on their
trip by the German- Ambassador at'
Washington, Count von Bernstorff. Rain
prevented any demonstration in the af
ternoon by the middies in -connection
with their commencement drills.
singer, of Europe, with Conrad Bos.
(. kiM..ii " anM,im, r f .... Inter
est in America, where he shared all
the triumphs of Ir. Wullner. Mr. -Sawyer
has also completed arrange
ments with Aiwin eenroeoer, wuu
stands at the head of the 'cellists of
today. Mr. Schroeder Is leaving m
n . c-.. v. .- n..Vi..,.. n
DVBIUI1 llipilUll J ' '
this tour, and with him will be associ
ated his daughter, Hedwig ecnroeaer,
a talented pianist, who will play hla
accompaniments and also solos.
Foster & David, who have estab
lished a successful business in a re
markably short time, offer an Interest
ing list of capable artists headed by
Mme. de Cisneros, the admirable con
tralto of the Chicago Opera Company;
Marguerite Starrell. also of the Chi-
cago Opera Company; Arthur Philip,
baritone of the London Opera Com
pany, who will make a short concert
tour In this country next season; Fred
erick Martin, the well-known basso;
John Barnes Wells, the cnuRlly well
known tenor, and In Joint recital with
Mr. Wells, Harriet Ware, the composer-pianist,
in programmes of her
own compositions. Foster & David
will also direct the business manage
ment of the Volpe Symphon;- Orches
tra under Arnold Volpe, as well as the
Olive Mead Quartet. Th?re are a
number of negotiations pending with
other well known artists.
Suffrage In Hungary.
London Standard.
The women in Hungary are starting
a crusade for suffrage. They were
rather slow In taking up the fight, but
now they have among their greatest
enthusiasts many titled women. The
suffragettes are striving to get Count
ess Szechenyi, who was Gladys van
derbllt, to join them and work for
the privileges of the ballot. They have
appealed to her on several occasion
and have received replies from her
that indicate she is considering the
question. The Hungarian suffragette
have won much preatlge recently
through' the help of the two mot dis
tinguished law academies of the coun
try that have gone on record in favor
of votes for women. Furthermore, the
Social Democratic party, which waa
bitterly opposed to the cause, has come .
out strongly for the suffragette.