The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 47

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Besides Being Domestic Mate of Talented Actress, E. D. Price Is Her
Lawyer and Manager i Also He Is Dramatic "Pioneer."
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URIOUSLT enough this Is only
my thirt " visit to Portland."
Bald E. D. Price, as he lounged
comfortably back In his new chair In
his brand new office at the Helllg The
ater. where ho Is already Installed as
manager of the Cathrlira COuntlss stbck
Season. "I say curiously enough, be
cause I hare been Interested In Pacific
Coast theatricals for mora years than
1 can sit down and count up quickly,"
resumed Mr. Price. "When I first came
up here as a young agent In IMS,
Portland was In Its Infancy and dra
matics were to say the least, some
what primitive. V hen I first saw 8am
uol P. Howe, the local manager, he
was energetically employed In paint'
Ing house scenery on wall paper pasted
over, odd bits of roughly framed can
vas. All there was of the Portland
Hotel In that day was the foundation,
overgrown with weeds, referred to as
monument to Henry Vlllard's folly
In being prematurely enterprising.
Choice Plays Promised.
"My second visit was last Winter, as
manager for Robert Hllliard in "A
Fool There Was." It was at that time
the Helllg arranged with me for the
coming Summer engagement of Miss
Countiss, based upon her wonderful
popularity of seven years ago. It Is
hot a stock season but a selection of
comedies and dramatic plays with
which she has been Identified as lead
ing woman and star for tha past three
"These plays have not been seen In
Portland except with the original stars
at $3 seats. I believe that there Is
Just as much Intelligence and appre
ciation back of the 75 cent seat as
there is in the $2 seat, and I shall
make adequate presentations.
Popular Actor Cemlag.
"Sidney Ayree, an xcellent and popu
lar actor, who has been absent from
Portland for four years, has been es
pecially engaged as leading man. I
Intend this to be a company of class.
Mr. Ayers is this week playing a vau
deville engagement at the Orpheum In
Oakland In a 20-mtnute" playltt, "A
Prince of Bohemia." The Tribune of
last Tuesday says: "Ayres, used to
ovations from Oaklahders, was taken
off his feet by the record applause from
a record crowd."
Referring again to his earlier rell
tlons with Pacific Coast theatrical In
terests, Mr. Price said, "In ISSt I man
aged two years of stock at tha old
California Theater in San Francisco,
which Introduced many famous Ameri
can and English players."
Managerial Career Varied.
Returning East, Mr. Price was Rich
ard Mansfield's manager for three years
In this country and London. He was
Mrs. Leslie Carter's first manager In
Th Ugly Duckling, ' was manager for
two years of the New Tork run of
manager for five years of Proc
tor's Pleasure Palace and the Man
hattan Theater. At the latter place
were brought out during his stay Anna
Held, Grace George and "'Way Down
East." Then Mr. Price returned to San
Francisco for three years previous to
the disaster, as manager of the Alcazar
stock and the Belasco Theater, or Los
Angeles, In ths promotion and building
of which ha helped.
While In San Francisco hewas ad
mltted to the bar, being an alumnus of
the University of Michigan, and having
been previously admitted to the bar in
Detroit, where also he bad been a news
paper dramatic editor and sporting
editor for 10 years. Interesting in this
connection Is it that. In 1S78. Mr. trice
took over to England the first Ameri
Can amateur four ever to row at the
Uenly regatta, being himself entered
aa a substitute.
Proteges Were Many.
To him belongs the distinction of
having brought to the Coast many
young stock players who have since
become well known in tne neia oi me
theater. These Include Frances Starr,
Charles Waldron. John Craig. Lillian
Lawrence, Harry Hllliard. Ernest Ulen-
dennlng, Richard Vivian and many
During the past six years Mr. Price
has resumed the management of New
Tork stars and combinations. "I am
Certainly glad to emerge for a while
from the whirlpool of Eastern activi
ties and return to this wnoiesome,
healthful section Of the country, where
the spirit of courtesy and cordial hos
pitality prevails. My wife. Miss Coun
tiss, shares tnis ieeiing. mere is a
lot of sentiment about this engage
ment, for here, during more tnan two
years, she. found friendship, auecuon
and encouragement at a time of her
career when she most needed it. hue
haa advanced ' much as an artist. She
is still the same earnest, sincere and
unaffeoted woman."
Miss Countiss opens her engagement
In "The Thief" at the Helllg on July i.
Hays, 403 Larch street. Tuesday even
ing. The house was attractively deoo
rated with a profusion of roses and
sweet peas. Following the ceremony
a reception was held. Receiving with
the bride and bridegroom were the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hays,
and Mr. and Mra Cornell. Masters
Leonard Schad. Jr.. and Henry Myers
acted as ushers. The Misses Jennie
Hays, Gertrude Thompson, Marie Myers
and Florence Cornell presided at the
punch bowL Miss Gordon Spencer
caught the brlde'a bouquet.
A pretty wedding was solemnised
Wednesday evening. June 19. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Hershner,
on East Eightieth street, when tt.air
daughter. Joyce Lillian, became the
bride bf Martin Tellefsont of Madras.
Or. Rev. J. L. Hershner. of Haod
River, uncle of the bride, read the Im
pressive ring ceremony and her father
gave her away. The bride Was attend
ed by her sister. Miss Blanche Hersh
ner. of Madras, and H. H. RcSi-h, of this
city, acted as best man. Miss Lois
Hershner played Mendelssohn's wed
ding march. Only relatives 'and Inti
mate friends were present. After their
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. -Tellelson
will returr. to Madras, thelt future
home. t
William Bergmann. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Bergmann. and Miss
Louise Pauline Hellmann. oldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hellmann,
were married at the home ! of the
bride's parents, 440 Oxford street, on
Wednesday at high noon. Mlsi Bertha
M. Hellman. sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid, and William Saub acted as
best man. Mr. Bergmann la In busi
ness with his father In the Bergmann
Shoe Manufacturing Company. Mr. and
Mrs. Bergmann will take their wed
ding trip on the Coast. They will be
at home to their friends after July 15
at 1331 East Six"th street Norths
Holaea- MeGalre.
In the presence of relatives and a
few intimate friends only. Miss .Cath
erine A. McOuire, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John McGulre-, was married to
Charles P. Holmes, Tuesday evening.
The ceremony was performed at 8'30
o'clock at the residence of the bride's
parents, S48 Thirteenth street, by the
Rev. R E. Remington, rector of All
Saints' Episcopal Church. The bride
was given away by her father and there
were no attendants. Mr. and Mrs.
Holmes will make their home In Klick
itat. Wash., where Mr. Holmes Is en
gaged In the lumber business.
MeCall-La rave.
Miss Wlllabell La Fave and Mr. Jay
Earl McCall were married June 19 at
the home of the bride, 730 East Seventy-second
street North. The ceremony
was performed by Revi Boudlnot See
ley, of the Rose City Park Presbyterian
Church. Miss La Fave Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Z. E. La Fave. Mr.
McCall Is the son of Mrs. O. A. New
comb, of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. McCall
are passing their honeymoon In Wall!
Walla and will be at home to their
friemis at 73 East Seventy-second
street North, after July 1. '
Edmond St. George Evans and Miss
Flora Elizabeth Baker were married
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in
All Saints' Episcopal Church by the
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Only in
timate friends were present at the
ceremony. The bride's only attendant
was her sister. Miss Annie L. Baker.
Hon. William K. Lowrey acted as best
man. The bridegroom is the youngest
son of Judge Daniel Evans, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans will make their
home for the present in Astoria.
Luther-St. M. Rlkey.
Mrs. Nelly St M. Rlky and Percy Mc-
Candless Luther were married last week
at St. George's Episcopal Church. Rose
burg. Only the immediate, families
were present. The bride is prominent
In the Northwest In hospital work, hav
been superintendent' of the Aberdeen
General Hospital and the Hoquiam Gen
eral Hospital. Mr. Luther Is a prom
inent mill operator In Riddle, Or., which
Is to be their future home.
- KltrheB-Pearaae.
Miss Ruth Irene Penrose, formerly of
California, and John Kitchen, of this
city, were married Tuesday evening.
June 18. at the home of the- brides
brother, Mr. O. B. Penrose, 1073 East
Washington street. Rev. X J. Staub,
D. D of the Sunnyside Congregational
Church, officiated. Only the immediate
members of the families were present.
W. a Thurlow and Miss Elsla F.
Laue. of this dry. were married at tJl
Eleventh street Tuesday morning. June
11, Dr. Benjamin Toung of the First
Methodist Church officiating. rr.
Thurlow Is a traveling man of Port
land and Miss Laue is a popular mem
ber of the choir of the Taylor-Street
Methodist Church. The young couple
left Immediately after the ceremony for
a trip to the coast resorts.
if the Knmft of Mrs. E. A. Phillips,
Hi Sixth-eighth street, her daughter
Loranda was married to Charles Wil
liams. Tuesdav evening. June i. The
rerrmnnv was toerformed by Rev. S, B.
Bollinger, of the Highland Congrega
tional Church, under a large wedding
bell of marguerites In the arch of tne
hunriaomelv decorated Darlors. Mr. and
Mrs. Williams will be at home to their
friends after July 1 at 125 Sixty-eighth
CharreS H. Ayres and Miss Birdie O.
Welch, nf this cltv. were married Sun
day, June 16. at :30 A. M.. at the home
of the bride's parents, captain ana airs.
J. W. Welch, of Kenton. The ceremony
took place In the presence of friends
and relatives and was performed by the
Rev." Benjamin Toung, pastor of the
Taylor-Btreet .Methodist Jfipisoopai
Miss Susan Miller, daughter or H, W.
Miller, of this city, was married to
George W. Feidtoahn. 17 Water
street, Wednesday". June 12, at St Law
rence Church, Rev. J. C. Hughes offi
ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Feldmann are
now at Bay Ocean, Or. On their re
turn' to Portland they will make tholr
home at 107 Water street. . ,
Loomls A. Miller, a tlmbermaft of
Clallam County, Washington, and Miss
Lillian B Cutler, a favorite teachef In
the public' schools of Spokane, . Were
married June 17 at the home of A.
Frank King on Monroe street. The
ceremony was performed by ths Re.
James Dlmond Corby, D. D., Of the Unl
versallst Church.
W. E. Mauser and Miss Helen P. COne.
both of this city, were married by the
Rev. Benjamin Toung. of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church, at his
home, 21 Eleventh street, Monday
evening, June 17. Mr. Hauser Is a sales
man, while the bride. Miss Cone, Is re
cently from North Yakima, Washing
ton. Cos-Cowtes.
Allan T. Cox. of Camas. Wash., and
Miss Ada M. Cowles. of this city, were
married by Rev. Benjamin Toung at his
residence Saturday afternoon. Juhe 15,
In the presence of relatives and friends.
After a brief trip the young couple
Will reside at Carnal, Wash.
Arthur N. Marolf and MISs Lillian W.
Wicklund, of this city, were married at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. David A.
Houston on Nofth Eleventh street,
Thursday evening at t o'clock. The ReV.
Benjamin Toung, of the First Methodist
Episcopal Church, officiated.
Thomas'O. Monroe and Miss Geneva
B. Bcckner were married at the High
land Congregational Parsonage, Sat
urday evening, June 15. Rev. E. s. Bol
linger performed the ceremony and
Clarence Durham and Cassy Comer were
the witnesses. '
JohBson-Matcovtcm. i
Floyd Johnson and Miss Isabella Mat-
covich, both of this city, were mar
ried at the Darsonaee of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church, iei Elev
enth street. Saturday evening, June 8.
Dr. Benjamin Toung performed the
Beler-Yoat. ..
William R. Beler and Paulina -Tost
were married May 2$ at the Unitarian
Church. Rev. William Eliot officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and Mr. and Mrs.
Moody, of Oregon City, . were the at
Edward J. Gavin, bf San Francisco,
Cat, and Miss Louise E. Frank, of this
city, were married Monday evening,
June 17, at the parsonage of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Ben
jamin Toung performed the ceremony,
William Henry Lerchen, of Portland,
and Miss Christine Arsten, of Boston,
Mass., were married June 11 by the
Rev. James Dlmond Corby, pastor ot
the Universallst Church,
William A. Harris and Miss Lillian V.
RusselL of this city, were married by
Dr. Benjamin Toung at his home on
Eleventh street, Wednesday afternoon.
June 12.
Ma )-h all-Brown.
Millard Mayhall ot Portland, Or., and
Mrs. Minnie H. Brown, of Nebraska,
were married May 3, by the Rev. James
D. Corby, pastor of the UnlVetsalTst
Ernest A. Biggs and Miss Maude- C.
Steele were married on Saturday,
March 30, at Hillsboro, Or. .
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Imhoff, of 16S
East Seventeenth street, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Sara
Jane, to Frank Deuster, . formerly of
Milwaukee. Wis.
daughter. Miss Mildred, spent last week
in Tacoraa. where they attended the
wedding of Miss Hazel Estabrook and
Dr. Schaeffer.
Mrs. Grace Hfbbs and Mrs. Clara
Clark have returned to their home in
Prairie. Mrs. Hlbbs was a delegate
to the Order of the Eastern Star grand
chapter of Oregon.
Among the Seattle visitors regis
tered at the Multnomah Hotel-last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston.
Mrs, Johnston returned Monday, ac
companied by her mother, Mrs. J. M.
Mrs. Robert Evans, of Sumpter, Is
visiting Mrs. P. J. Bannon. Mrs. Evans
and Mrs. Bannon represented Alphine
Chapter in the Order of the Eastern
Star grand chapter .field during J;he
past week. -
Miss Marjorie Cogswell, a student ot
Mills College, and Charles Cogswell,
who Has finished his senior year at
Berkeley, will pass the Summer with
their family at their country home at
-Miss Anna Hansen, ajjopular member
of the younger Danish colony of this
city, who makes her home with Mr. and
Mr. T. Mllburn, of 305 Pacific street,
sailed this week from New Tork for a
visit of several months to relatives and
friends In Denmark. . '
Miss Fanny Struck, of Spokane, is
visiting with Mr. Clyde B. Aitchison
for a few days. Several charming
events- have been arranged for the
guest before she leaves for the Sound,
prior to returning to Spokane, Today
Miss Struck will join the Mazama Club
on its trip to Bonneville."
The Misses Grace and Lillian De Graff,
teachers respectively in the Ladd and
Sellwood tehools, left Wednesday for
their summer home at Long Beach. The
Misses De Graff will entertain as guests
for the week Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Stauffer,
Miss Nora B. Green. Miss Halllo C.
Thomas and Miss Pearl Corker, all
teachers in the Portland public schools.
Mrs. John McEvoy. of Skamokawa,
accompanied by her sister. Miss Minnie
M. Benson, and her little daughter,
Loida, were visiting relatives and
friends ih Portland this week, and at
tending ths graduation exercises at,
Jefferson High Seftool Tuesday evening.
when George Cornwall, Jr. (nephew of
Mrs. McEvoy), graduated with honors.
Mrs. Myer Voudovitch, of Walla
Walla, Wash., has returned to her
home after two-weeks' visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chernls. Mrs.
Toudovitch, accompanied by her mother,
spent a couple of days In Corvallie at
tending the. graduation exercises st
Oregon Agricultural College. Her
brother, Joe Chernls, was a member of
the graduating class.
Miss Helen Peters, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Peters, 768 Marshall
street, returned June IS, from Smith
College, at Northampton. Mass. She Will
pass the Summer In Portland and at the
Coast, and in September will return
to college, where she will be a member
of the Junior class. Miss Grace Peters
will accompany her sister East add will
enter a finishing school for the coming
year. The Misses Peters are graduates
of Portland Academy.
Miss Anna E. -Cooley, of Brodlclyn
school; Miss Cora Williamson, of Clin
ton Kelly school, and Miss Harriet Van
Amburgh, of Stephens school, have been
elected delegates by the Portland Grade
Teachers' Association to attend the Na
tional Educational Association, which
meets In Chicago from July S until July
10. At this meeting delegates from
cities throughout the whole of the UnH
ed States will organize a National Grade
Teachers' Association. The Portland
branch of this association now numbers
407 members.
Miss Agnes Voss, of Astoria, Is visit
ing Miss Josle Shanahan, 821 Union
Bancroft Cottage Is open' for guests;
terms reasonable. Address S. A. Middle
ton, Seaside, Or.
Mrs. Benedict announces the opening
of her exclusive art needlework -etore
at 631 Washington street.
Horseback riding lessons at deduced
Summer rates. Well-trained saddle
horses for rent by the hour or season.
Riding habits furnished free. Kramer's
Riding School. 18th and Jefferson.
XmprovomaaW Have Eton Going on All Winter With a View to Making the
Country More Attractive for Summer Visitors. " .
ni 'i ..nmjmmiiHAi i for
i i 1 vmwvn i
Dr. Goray is making a trip through
Central Oregon.
Mrs. Nellie L. Hanthorn, of Welser,
Idaho, Is a guest at the Hill for the
Summer. . .
Miss Agnes Voss. of Astoria, Is visit
ing Miss Josle Shanahan, of 821 Union
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Miller and
children are passing a few days at Col
lins Springs.
. Miss A. E. Walnwrlght sailed on the
steamer George ' Washington for Lon
don, June7 15.
Miss Sierra Shields, of Alameda, Cal.,
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Car
lock, of Irvington.
Miss Jane Held, of Kansas City, Is
visiting at the home of her ancle, P.
Bacon, S2 Alberta street
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pullen and son
Perry left Portland Monday to pass the
Summer at their cottage at Long Beach.
Mrs. C. R. Brand, of Detroit, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Kutsche,
of Willamette Heights, 1113 Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harris left for
their Summer home "Waldhelm at
Ocean Park, where, they expect to pass
the Summer.
The family of Rev. J. E. Snyder, of
Piedmont Presbyterian Church, have
left for their Summer residence at Cape
Horn, Wash.
The Misses Margaretta aad Vldae
Marshall have just completed a ten
months' trip around the world and are
now at Alexandra Court
Mr. and Mrs. Harry --urphy, formerly
of Portland, are now residing In San
Francisco, where Mr. Murphy Is em
ployed as a cartoonist for the Call.
Mrs. Bert M. Denlson nas aa her
house guests her sisters, Mrs. Spence
Thompson, of Calgary; Mrs. G. L. Jack
son, and Miss Alta Jackson, of Seattle.
Dr. James W. Rosenfeld will return
to Portland Monday night, after an
absence of two years in Vienna, Bres
Un and other large cities In Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Carpenter
and little daughter. Nancy Jane, of 723
Upper Drive, Portland Heights, are at
Elk Creek Hotel, Cannon Beach, for a
month's stay.-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and
EWPORT, Or, Juh 29. (Special.)
In order tht visitors to New
port may have every advantage
offered by a modern Summer ' resort.
the eltisens of Newport, Individually
and collectively, have devoted their en
tire time during the Winter to making
the blaca attractive, giving especial at
tention to making the many hear-by
points of interest accessible.
The hotels of Newbort and Nye Creek
are modern, but for those who wish
gittages, housekeeping rooms or camp
ing grounds, with good water, ample
provision has been made. It Is only
necessary to notify the Newport Com
mercial Club, stating -the accommoda
tions wanted, and a reply will follow
by return mail.
These improvements nave been made
with the Object of , pleasing visitors:
Front street, the business section, has
been planked, thus eliminating the
dUBt. A new concrete bank building,
new stores end more sidewalks have
been added. The trails leading through
the rhododendron bushes to the shore
have been cut out, ft many prefer their
beauty to the comfort of a board walk.
Variety of Eatertainmeat Provided.
The entertainment provided In New
port is hot surpassed. There aro re
fined dance halls, a skating rink, bath
ing In the ocean, swimming pool, and
the Taqulna Bay, sea lion and land
hunting, brook and deep-sea fishing,
picnics at Seal Rocks, Otter Rocks,
Devil's Punch Bowl, Siletz big timber
and the oyster beds, digging; -for rook
oysters, various clams and hunting
agates. A band plays at the arrival
of the ferryboat and gives concerts on
the beach. The drilling of the United
States lifesaving- crew and trips to the
lighthouse at Yaqulna Head are pop
ular. ' "
The natural beauty surrounding New
port is what appeals to Its visitors. The
rugged contour of the shore, where
high cliffs abound, having beaoh at
their base, is an attraction. The Cave
near Jump-Off-Joe, w.hlch is Quite an
attraction In itself, the rough surf at
the lighthouse and the silent forests,
containing the finest body of standing
timber in the world, are among the at
tractions missad elsewhere. .
Ermines Are Never Dull.
The launch uarties in the moonlight,
the bonfire parties on the beaoh at
night, when marshmallows are toasted,
the bathing parties In the daytime, rep
resent a few ot many diversions in
dulged in by those who visit Newport
annually. .
Newport la not stirr. There are no
private dances or bathing beaches,' as
at other places. The moral tone of tha
town is high. There are three churches
Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Ko
man Cathollci three well-managed sa,
loons are on Taqulna Bay side.
The healtny growth of Newport aa a
resort and the visitors who boast of
having come here for many years are
the meet creai table recommendations
to the town.
right On the ridge, where they are as
near as they can get to the water. Most
of these homes are built by those who
love to watch the waves continuously
tossing and rolling high up on the
shore. They get full benefit of the
salt-laden breeze and insist that there's
nothing quite so fine.
One of the new cottages to come un
der this head' is the one built by-Mr.
and Mrs. Andre Fouilhoux, of Portland.
It Is as fine a one as there is to be seen
H. Green, Portland ; Mrs. C. E. Groes
beck, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H, J,
Mansfield and Miss Dolce Mansfield,
Portland; Mrs. F. W. Sheffield, Spo
kane; O. W. Taylor, Portland; B. M.
Warren, Eugene, Or.; George Gunn,
Calgary; Mrs. R. A. Lelter and Miss
Florence Strong Wilson, Letter cottage;
J. M. Newell, Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Leith, Nelson, B. C, Canada; Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Smith, W. A. Moody and
J. U. Sanders, all of East St Louis, 111.
Mrs. M. E. Arnold, Vancouver, Wash.;
on the beach. Built on the ridge In a MrsV "?nrIe"a-E' -Bonners Fer
place which commands a splendid view
for miles around, the cottage Is sure to
be envied. Seaside can be seen plainly,
nestling in the shelter of Tillamook
Head, and Just beyond the Head the
lighthouse Is In full view. The cottage,
really more than a cottage, has eight
rooms, boasts of a pantry, oatnroom,
shower bath, heater in the fireplace and
electric lights. The furnishings are In
mission and wickerwork simple but
very appropriate. Tan burlap covers
each room and all the hangings are
of a nlnk Jap design. At present Mr.
and Mrs. M. H. Whltehouse are living
at the cottage, called "Villa Mlramor,
Spanish meaning "looking out to sea."
Mr. Whltehouse is Just recovering after
an Operation for appendicitis. They have
as their guests Mrs. E. L. Brown and
her two children, Kathleen and Gardner.
On Tuesday a whale could De seen
quite plainly, spouting water and oft
times Its black body came to view
above the water. ,
Miss Everett Ames and her two chil
dren, James and Ted. are visiting with
Mrs. Everett in tne iurrie cuLwists.
Miss Sally Lewis has bought the old
Hamblet cottage and expects to open it
soon, where she will entertain East
ern relatives.
Mrs. Hart-let J. Maneriem ana aaugn
ter Dolce are occupying their cottage
on the beach.
Dr. J. M. Holt of Astoria, ana nis
family are settled In their Summer
Mrs. . C- Westcott nas openea ner
Robortina" cottage on the ridge. Her
daughter. Mrs. H. E. Bailey, of Charles
ton, Wash., with her three children,
Eugene, Christine and Harry, are visit
ing for a few Summer weeks. Mrs.
Westcott named her cottage the "Rob-
ertina" after two of her grandchildren,
Robert and Christine.
Mr and Mrs. Harry Hamblet of 492
Harrison street are expected this week
to open their new cottage on the board
walk. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lelter have started
their Summer season at Gearhart by
opening their cottage, which Is near the
upper end of the boardwalk. They are
entertaining guests.
Mr. and MrsF. T. eoiienur, or fon
lnd. with two brothers, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gollehur. of St Louis; Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Gollehur. of Portland, and
Mrs. M. Manley, of St.-Louis, made up
a Jolly party which passed the week
end at Gearhart Hotel.
Golf and tennis reign supreme in tne
sports at Gearhart Tou can imagine
ths enthusiasm when young men
and they don't outshine the sirls get
up at E:30 and play till 7:30. It's not
merely to work up an appetite, they
say, but real fun and the appetite
comes, too. Ana wnen two or mora
meet they greet thus: "I played nine
holes this morning."
Whew! I just made the first in
"Well, you didn't do worse than me;
It took me 12 to make that number 7."
"Cut the golf: tennis beats it hol
low and we won this morning, -S."
The -Gearhart Hotel shows the fol
lowing guests until June 18:
. Mrs. John Latta, Portland; Mrs. .
ry, Idaho; A. Constable, Astoria; Coia
M. Shaver, I. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Lewis. Mt3S Clementina Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Page. Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Klelnsorge, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. O. K. Kellner, Chicago; C. A.
Bell, Portland; Vivian A. Marshall,
Portland; Miss Ella M. Kuentz, George
F. Kuentz, Portland; Bonnie Replogle,
Portland; Alfred C. Dobson, Portland;
H. A. Field, Genevieve and Elinor Field,
Osseo, Wis.; Mrs. William Belote, Seat
tle; Bailey Coe, Portland; J. L. Hart
man, Portland; Mrs. A. M. McAulay,
Seattle; Howard Whipple and T. B.
Whipple, Portland; Frank M. Jones,
Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Mosley, Portland; C. A. Kressmann,
Portland; Miss E. Fhelander, Portland;
Mrs. Ross, Astoria; Miss Carmen Scott,
Portland; Max Rothkugel, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Baker, 'Billings.
Mont; G. C. Ganse, Portland; J. G.
Brunold, Astoria; Dr. Marshall, Port
land; J. A. Rankin, Mill City, Charles
Nicholson, Mill City; Mrs. Swope, As
toria; G. N. Stevens, Fort Stevens; Au
gustus Naton, Fort Steven;; S. S. Dov
ey, A. C. Fulton. A. G. Allen, T. D.
Gullllum, W. A. Wright, G. W. Utzin
ger, all of Astoria; Mrs. Caroline H.
Hepburn, Portland; Mrs. A. ti. Hertz,
child and maid, Portland; Martha L.
Martin, Portland? Winifred Martin,
Great Falls, Mont; Elizabeth H. B.
Van Duzer, Miss Margaret Therkelsen,
Ed Frohman, J. Slocum Mennan, all of
Restitution of $480 May Effect Dis
missal of Charges.
- - "
Restitution of 3480 to E. B. James,
manager of the Majestic Theater, is
expected to bring about the dismissal
of a charge of larceny against Alice
Hughes, cashier for the theater, who,
with Harvey Thompson, the ticket
taker, la accused of having defrauded
the- theater of unknown sums. The
girl has been at liberty since her ar
rest and has returned the sum of money
charged against her.
Thompson is held at the County Jail
and It has not been decided whether
clemency will be extended to him. He
has been less candid than the girl, but
is said to have made some admissions.
The two, it is charged, defrauded
the theater by retaining tickets when
presented by patrons, Thompson slip
ping them back to Miss Hughes to be
resold for their personal gain. A watch
through a hole In the ceiling disclosed
a bunch of tickets In the woman's lap,
it Is said, and detectives managed to
overhear a conversation between - the
two which warranted the arrests.
Father Vangban Comes.
Much interest is being taken by peo
ple of all denominations in the coming
of Father Bernard Vaughan, S. J., of
London, who will deliver a lecture on
"Our Families the Pillars of the State"
at St Mary's Cathedral Sunday night.
June 30. Father Vaughan la consid-
The Opportunity
Art Lovers
Special Sale on Art Goods
For One Week Beginning With Tomorrow
This sale will prove a source of great interest to the many art lovers in
Portland who come hero for new suggestions, so helpful in completing
their collections. The scop of the varied assortment assures every
visitor the widest latitude for selections.
Brass Art Objects Off Art Pottery at Half Off
Including Candle-sticks, Jardln- Inoludlng wonderful co!tr effects
. v.v,..i, stanris rrn D!hes. ' h Amphora and Stellmachor;
leres. Umbrella Stands, f ern iiisnes, ftlso doInetlo make, ot Vases, Jar
Hanging Vases, Smoker's Sets., etc dinieres, etc.
A magnificent opportunity for coU
lector, of bras, ware, Loverjj of TJnlqUe
Framed Pictures ; Mouldings
... . ir W have lust received New Mold-
li tO UII lngs. Including beautiful antinue
- ' . . . , golds in Frenoh and Italian ttnes,
. Including- Carbons. Water Col- mahogany, ebony, oak, etc., in ail
ors. Oils, Photogravures, etc all finishes. Our Framing Department
artistically framed. s a guarantee of the beet work
Three Specials Framed Pictures la carrying out your ideas to perfec-
Sepla, Pastels, Etchings, Photograv- tlon
ures. Imported Color Prints, etc, ,. ,. ,
Former prices up to S5; this I Of
w l.'lL Cut Olass at Off
Former prices up, to J3.50. J I Q7 Including Berry Bowls, Nappies.
this week....... sjitwi wBter Sets, Lamps. Candle-sticks,
Former prices up to $2, this QQm Silver-Deposit Pieces, handsome de-week..-..
'. 30" signs.
Visitor Are Welcome Take the Elevator
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Art Department, Entire Fourth Floor
ered one of the ablest and most eloquent-priests
In English-speaking
countries. His denunciations of the
follies of the fashionable set In Lon
don a few years .ago gave him wide
Grand Jury WU B Asked to In-
"'dict Notorious Divekeeper.
Clemency and a chance to reform Is
not to be extended to Louise Oautier,
one of the most notorious of dive-keepers.-
"A promise of reform from this wom
an would be ridiculous," said Deputy
District Attorney Hennessy, in refusing
to accede to. an application that the
woman's case shall take the same
course as those of others. By agree
ment between the chief of police and
the Municipal Court a few days ago.
It was arranged that some 30 women,
held under vagrancy charges and also
on an indictable offense, shall be freed,
as their cases arlBe, on promises that
they will quit their nefarious busi
ness. But the Gautier woman cannot even
promise reform, because, the authorities
hold, her whole record foretells what
the outcome would be.
Under her proper name and as Goldle
Gray and Louise Trouville, the woman
has been arrested proDamy more oiten
than any other one in the city. The
Woman keeps the Richelieu Hotel at
Sixth and Couch streets. She is held
for a preliminary hearing, looking to
ward her Indictment by the grand jury.
Quail Ordered From Missouri Held
TJp Because of Infection.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 22.
(Special.) Sportsmen who have been
awaiting the arrival of a consignment
of quell ordered by the State Fish and
Game Commission to stock Klamath
County are doomed to disappointment,
as the birds will not be Becured thl.i
The shipment was ordered in Mis
souri, and the birds were expected this
month, but owing to an infection dis
covered after the birds were crated the
state game authorities of Missouri
would not allow them to be shipped
out of the stats.
Don't trouble yourself to run all over
town to get an expressman to take
your baggage to the depot, then be
compelled to wait your turn to check
same before boarding the train, but
phone Main S9B0 or A 3322, when the
Baggage & Omnibus Transfer Company
will check your baggage direct from
home to destination. No extra charge.
Does Away Entirely With Partial Plates
and Ordinary Bridgework
Price vs. Quality
There Is a large percentage 6f people
who know that the very best Is the
cheapest In most things.' There is a
small per cent of people who buy the
best. The majority will not. on ac
count of the highor cost. But there
are enough who are willing to buy the
best and who would have nothing but
the best In dentistry, we are glad to
state, to keep us busy. A word te the
wise is sufficient. Take this advice
from us: in dentistry buy the best.
Briefly, the Alveolar Metnoa is jais;
rr vn havA two or more teeth left in
either Jaw, we can supply all that you
have lost with teeth aa good, solid and
sound as the best set of natural teeth
ever grown " in any human being's
mouth, and a whole lot more beautiful
than nature's oest product, without re
sorting to such makeshifts as partial
nut., ni tha unsRnltarv brideework.
Alveolar Teeth are not only beautiful,
but they are .comrortaoie ana auraoie.
We guarantee them to last a lifetime,
wHoro ih. innrevltv of brideework Is
seldom ever longer than 6 or S years,
and generally a. good deal less. It is
never guaranteed to last by any first
class -dentist who is responsible and re
liable, because all first-class dentists
will tell you that bridgework at best is
doubtful. It is a painful operation and
gives trouble from the time It is put
in the mouth until It has to be taken
out. In many cases where bridgework
is impossible, and all cases where it is
possible, we can replace your missing
teeth with perfect Alveolar Teeth. Tha
fialn Incident to this work Is practlcal
y none; the expense is the same as the
best bridgework but in satisfaction
there Is no comparison between the
We have samples in our offices to
show at all times hundreds of pa
tients here in our home city to refer to.
Examinations and booklets on Alveolar
dentistry are absolutely free..
Remember that in addition to our'
specialty. Alveolar Dentistry and cur
ing Pyorrhea noose teeth), we are ex
perts In every branch of dentistry from
the simple filling up.,
Portland Ablngton Bldg.. 106 3d St.
Seattle Halght Bldg., 2d and Pine.
Terms to Reliable People,
t, VlliM;,..,'
"L v.
treated as a boy. Give him the light,
tell him the truth, show him the way,
let him be outdoors.
A vacation close to Nature will make
a lasting impression. The environ
ments here are ideal from his view
point and from yours.