The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 46

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Seaside, Gearhart, Long Beach and Other Popular Resorts Along Oregon and "Washington Coast Prove
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C"i EASIDE. Or., June 22. "More peo
pie here right now than there ever
' was before at the same time of
year." is the way the old-timer puts
It when expressing an opinion on the
present Summer population of Seaside.
Hundreds of people made their way
to the beach as soon as the spirit of
the Rose Festival departed. And
majority of them are Easterners. Dr.
end Mrs. H. H. Everett, of Lincoln,
Neb., are numbered among them. Dr.
Everett Is a well known physician and
he and his wife have traveled exten
sively covering the United States and
Europe. Dr. and Mrs. Everett visited
Portland during the Rose Festival and
are now visiting at the beach for a few
Mrs. Caroline Hepburn, of Portland,
has arrived at the beach to be a guest
at the home of her brother, C. B.
Woodruff, manager of the W. P. Ful
ler Company of Portland. Until a year
ago Mrs. Hepburn made her home in
New York City. She was asked how,
according to her opinion, the Beach it
self compared with the Eastern beach
es, and she could quickly reply that
Oregon beaches were the best of them
11. Of course there Is one natural
feature about all the Western beaches
that comes ahead of the East, and
that is the beautiful sunsets that are
to be seen. They truly are wonderful
and everyone watches the clock late in
the afternoon so as not miss being on
the water's edge just as the sun ap
pears to sink into the waves.
Fire Ior Not Spoil Season.
Perhaps one of the reasons why the
beach season has opened nearly a
month earlier this year than it has
previous years was on account of the
upbuilding and the great transforma
tion that had to be made here within
such a short time after the fire de
stroyed a part of the town. To be sure,
the buildings are only temporary for
line substantial ones are to be erected
this Fall, but people have come down
here full of enthusiasm and determined
that the fire shall not spoil the sea
son. Along the board walk many new
cottages are to be seen.
Mrs. W. C Bristol and her two chil
dren are occupying their cottage, the
Wil-Ah-Mee. on the board walk. Mrs.
Bristol has as her guest Mrs. F. E.
Grlgsby and baby.
Mrs. Charles Blakely and family, of
Portland, are established in their cot
tage, the Yorkshire.
Mrs. J. F. Nledermann, accompanied
by her five sons and her little daugh
ter, are cosily situated In their cot
tage, the Nledermeyer, and will remain
all Summer.
California Folk Visit.
Mr. and Mrs. L X. Flelschner have
opened their cottage for the Summer.
This week they are entertaining Mrs.
Philip Gosllnsky, of San Francisco, and
Joseph Ehrman, also from San Fran
C. I Hamilton and wife are living In
a cottage at Seaside.
E. R. Ormsby and Mrs. Ormsby have
come early and expect to remain at
Seaside during the Summer in a cot
tage here.
C H. Well, a merchant of Chicago,
and family, are established in the Ala
bama cottage for the Summer.
F. S. Dunning and Ms son. V. C Dun
ning, accompanied by their families,
re located in the Dunning cottage to
pass the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kuhn, of Spo
kane, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Well.
Mrs. A. W. Goddard. of 490 Mill street,
accompanied by her sister. Mrs. 'S.
Schrake. and her daughter. Mrs. G. H.
Marsh, are here, where they have taken
a. cottage for the Summer. After com
fortably settling her mother and aunt
In their Summer home, Mrs. Marsh will
return to Portland and then Join her
husband In their country home just out
of Portland, where they are engaged In
J. L. Prlckett brouiaht his wife, son
and daughters to Seaside last week, and
are now occupying their Surfslde cot
tage. Mr. and Mrs. Prickett are from
Spokane, but they have been regular
visitors to the beach for the past 20
years and have occupied Surfslde dur
ing each of the past 12 Summers. They
think there Is no place Just like Sea
side and Master Prickett could hardly
wait until he could dig in the sand
Mr. and Mrs. William Higley have
taken the Nelson cottage for the Sum
mer. Walter Honeyman and wife and fam
ily have been at Seaside for the past
few days, but are now at Cannon Beach,
where they will pass the rest of the
It will greatly Interest the young
people of Portland who pass part or
all of the Summer at Seaside to know
that this year there will be plenty of
riding horses. Formerly they have
been in great demand and scarce.
Thirteen fine-looking animals ar lo
cated where the baseball park formerly
was, on the west side of the river, and
ran be secured by the horse-loving
Saturday night the Seaside House
opened the season by giving a dancing
party. Invitations were Issued to many
people In Portland and Astoria and the
surrounding beaches. The crowd re
sponded by turning out in great num
bers and greatly enjoyed the first dance
of the season.
Mrs. Mary Lewton. her daughter. Miss
Emma Lawton, and her niece. Miss Ade
laide Lewton, also Mrs. Elizabeth
Bacheller, whose home In Portland is
In Mount Tabor, have been passing the
past three weeks at the Craney Crow
Mrs. Frank Clopton and daughter.
Miss Sybil, are at Seaside to remain
during the Summer months.
Mrs. R. C Baker is situated at the
UcClaln cottage for the next - few
A. Bornstein and family." of Seattle,
are looted in the Fullam cottage, fac-,
I llWP F rr' " i' ....ill-
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lng the ocean, and will remain all sea
son. .
W. E. Carl and family, of Portland,
have come to the beach for the Sum
mer. C R. Day and family, of 708 H Union
avenue. North Portland, have rented a
cottage for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe are located
in the Seashell cottage.
R. D. Jackson and family are located
in a cottage on Broadway and will stay
the greater part of the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Middleton are oc
cupying the Beachcroft cottage for the
Segal Family Located.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Segal and family
have settled for the Summer In their
cottage, the Glenadis.
E. Z. Stuart and M. N. Ferguson,
who have their own cottages at the
beach this Summer, are already in
Ed Labbe, who built a new beach
home for himself this Summer, has
brought his family to the beach for the
Mrs. E. B. Piper and two young sons
arrived Wednesday to open their cot
tage for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Mayo, of 507 union
avenue North, are enrolled among those
occupying their beach cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. Abrams ana their
daughter, of Portland, are living in the
Potter cottage for the present.
Mr. and Mrs H. E. Reed and daugh
ter. Miss Carlotta Reed, are cosily sit
uated In the Lingerlonger cottage on
the boardwalk.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Webb and family
have a Summer home on the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schacht and their
young son are comfortably housed in
the Shepherd cottage.
Master Claude Sunderland, of Wood-
lawn, is visiting his grandparents In
the Sunderland cottage.
Mrs. A. Welch and family are stay
ing In the Necanlcum Nook for the
Summer. - -
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wascher and son.
William Wascher. are at Seaside..
J. -L. McEvoy has been passing a few
days at Seaside making arrangements
for Miss Angela May. wno neaas a
musical comedy company coming to Se
attle .to open the new . theater June SO.
Mr. McEvoy Is Miss May's husband.
Those who registered at the seaside
House last week were: Mr., and Mrs.
Barrett. Portland. R. R. De Rue, Seattle.
Ed Donavan - and wife. Portland; H.
Holden and wife, Portland; D. Mitchell,
Spokane, and N. H. Craig.' Seattle.
.The departure of the battleship Mary
land from the Portland Ji arbor Monday
morning caused a number of people to
make a trip to Astoria Monday after
noon to watch the big vessel as far out
as they could. : .
At the Moore Hotel the following
had registered during the week up
to June 18:
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crosby. Astoria;
W. B. Chamberlain, Portland; Mr.- and
Mrs. U. H. Garllck. Astoria; Benjamin
Gosham. St. Paul. Minn.; J. W. Thomp
son, Newport; H. J. Leaf. Newport; J. E.
Roman, Astoria: Mr. and Mra.'-C. F.
Hubert. Wisconsin;-Mr. and Mrs. T- F.
Savier. Astoria; Mr.' and Mrs. H. D.
Dietrick. San Francisco; J. H. Anderson.
.V: . - "
Portland: S. S. Chapman, Chicago; F. E.
Notz, Baker; J. McGuire, Portland; G. B.
Johnson, Astoria; Harvey U. Sells, Port
land; Mr. end Mrs. E. O. Baldwin. Port
land; Otto Mosimar, Minneapolis. Minn.;
F. J. H&lllhan. Portland; Mrs. Theodore
Nelson. Portland; J. R. Thlefoff, B. P.
Bert. Portland: Marie D. Mulford, Port
land; F. A. Buttert, Salem: S. Rand. Sa
lem; E. M. Warren, Eugene, Or.; P. B.
Peterson. Portland; H. B. Leinenweber,
Astoria; Will Madison, Astoria: J. B.
Smith, maid and wife, Sandpolnt, Idaho;
Anna C. Harb, Spokane; Soil Seaman
and wife, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. M. R
Everts, Portland; Mrs. Charles H. Web
ber, Portland; H. H. Fletcher and wife,
The Dalles: Mrs. and Mrs. Clayton
Wentz, Portland E. J. Davidson, Port
land; J. A. Sinks and wife. White Bear,
Minn.; J. D. McEvoy, New York City;
Charles H. Bennedlct and wife, Port
land: C A. Newton, St. Louis, Mo.: John
Newton. Hartville. Mo.; H. R, W. Wade-
son and wife, Portland; W. B. Chamber
lain. Portland: S. Kerr. Galveston. Tex.;
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reist, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. R. O. Gilbert Salem; Miss C. B.
Foster, Salem; G. L. Thomas, Portland;
R. J. Wilson and wife, Portland; Oma
L. Tucker. Helena; M. Delaney and
Pearl Delaney. Mllwaukle; H. H. New
hall and wife, Portland; Dr. and Mrs.
F. L. Stertz. Butte. Mont.: Mrs. C. B.
Cowles. St Paul. Minn.; Mr. and Mrs.
John Pearson, Portland: C. H. Webber
and J. A. Rumford. Portland; K. M.
Kepner. Portland; W. B. Chamberlain,
F. S. Stafford, Portland; J. J. Fallon,
Charles Place, Portland; H. M. Kahn,
Portland; B. H. Maxwell, Los Angeles;
J. A. Gllbaugh. Astoria; Ray M. Durrett,
Spokane; Miss Genevieve Thompson,
Portland; Miss . Eleanor Ecob, New
York; Miss Lucile Barber, Portland:
Miss Hazel Rowley, Boise, Idaho; Mrs.
Frank N. Parent, Walter McCommon,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. Held. Kalama,
Wash.; Miss Junto Saare, Astoria; Dr.
and Mrs. Aug. M. Kinney, Astoria;
George A. Bateson. Portland; C. J. Pool,
Kenton. Ohio: R. A. Chittenden. Port
land. S. A. Volkman, George H. Smitton,
G. B. Datson. Ron E. Smith. George S.
Simmons, R. U. Klsch and family, Harry
Wolfe and wife, U. L. Meyer and wife,
Lm. Proebstel. J. U. Morris. Portland.
James Mallett of the New Locksley
Hall, is his same old congenial self
and says he looks for large crow-ds at
Seaside this Summer. The register
showed the following people up to
June 18. Charles Wood. Portland;
James Ma nary. Mary Hurley, Beatrice
Hurley, E. O. Gardner, Portland: O. S.
Clark, Victoria, B..C; Mrs. C. M. Con
ry and Miss Conry, Victor Danhoff,
Portland: Matilda Spaeth. Goble;
George Willis, Boise, Idaho; L. E. Cab
ler and his wife entertained Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Dellinger. of the Astorian,
at Locksley Hall over Sunday.
The Colonial Hotel housed a newly
wed couple this . week and nearly
everyone became aware of the fact
They were Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Cowart Mr. Cowart Is from Atlanta,
Gl, who came to Astoria to ( marry
Miss Florence Pearl Clark, of Ham
mond. They have gone on a honey
moon trip over the state and will re
turn to the beach in August to stay
the remainder of the Summer. Others
registered at the Colonial Hotel for
the week ending June IS were: C. V.
-ni mm. .ok.s iXT.grgg-faaWr I" I I -?5m58S,S
2?c? Jzz 'rrp', 5&asJza.
Brown, Portland; P. F. Grief enhauge,
Chicago; E. M. Gol-damer, Chicago;
Miss Zelma Rowan. SDOkane: C. E.
Danielson, Spokane; J. W. Hill and
wife, Portland; Ms. J. W. Heath,
Portland; Charles Kirk and wife, Port
land: R. K Stevens -and wile, i-ort
land: F. L. Abbott United States civil
engineer. Fort Stevens; E. F. Cron
noble, of Portland, and his brother.
G. L. Cronnoble, of Mott N. D.; Mrs.
H. Mitchell and son of Othello, Wash.;
A. D. Miller, Portland: A. G. Fields,
Chicago: Miss Elva Lorraine, Miss
Vada Peek and Miss Hazel Franklin,
of Portland; Lee J. La Blanc, Cincin
nati, O.; Miss Winona Hest Eugene;
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Raymond, Astoria;
R. G. Call, Pocatello, Idaho; H. A.
Schwanke and wife, Seattle; Misses
Verna Bowman and Clara McCall, Van
couver: Joe Jones. Portland; L. A.
Donovan. Portland: A. Nickel, Jr.
Henderson. Neb.; L. E. Gardner, As
toria; J. J. Hess, Portland: Olive B.
McCormick and VInibel C. McConnlck,
Roswell. Idaho: H. E. Couch and wife.
Portland. George R. Brown of Ko
daks. South Dakota, was a visitor at
Seaside a few days of the week and
stopped at the Colonial. Mr. Brown
is a buyer of cattle and tnis was nis
first visit to Portland and the beach.
Five Couples at The Breakers Add
to Interest of Those at Kesort.
LONG BEACH, Wash., June 22. (Spe
cial.) Newlyweds are a queer lot
There have been five- couples at the
Breakers within the. last 80 days,-but
as soon as the regulars begin to dot
the hotel piazzas and the beach Itself,
off they scoot to find some other se
cluded spot One matrimonially x
Derienced man remarked that Newly-
weds ceased to be newly wedded after
six months, for they then began acting
as the other much married people, and
continued to follow the course on
through life. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ople,
of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Brown, of Seattle, and Dr. and Mrs.
A. F. Petzel, of Portland, come under
the head of those Interesting newly
weds. The Breakers Is taking on a very
businesslike air, in spite ot the fact
that officially speaking Its season opens
July 1. The management has secured
riding horses and the tennis courts
look very inviting to the tennis fan.
A. B. McAlpin. quite a tennis fiend, and
Incidentally a photographer In Port
land, and bis wife spent the week-end
Quite a heavy correspondence has
been carried on with Spoka9 people
who expect to be down this Summer.
The register shows the following peo
ple registered up to June 18: Mr. and
Mrs. C. C-Heston, Portland: John Scott
Salem; A. G. Fields, Portland; Edward
J. Brown and wife, Seattle; Dr. and
Mrs. A. F. Petzel, Portland: Charles E.
Shaw, Portland; A. B. McAlpin and
wife. Portland: V. Edwards and wife,
Portland; G. G. Bailey, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Opie, Tacoma; Mr. and
Mrs. C F. Wheeler, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Fraley, Portland; Edith Ca-
Attractive to Hundreds Who Hurry to Enjoy Pleasures Off ered on Pacific.
hill, Portland, and James Loder, Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Watson, of Spo
kane, and their three children, Esther,
Frances and Charles, have taken one
of the cottages at the Breakers for all
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gane and five
children, of Santa Barbara. Cal., ac
companled by their sister. Miss Gane,
of Chicago, haVe taken the Arthur cot
tage for the Summer.
Mrs. A. W. Witherell and Miss Mol-
lle Witherell. former Portland people,
whose home now is in Tacoma, are
located at Tioga, in the "Vista"- cot
Mrs. E. BartelL of 'Portland, and her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. Bartell, for
merly of Portland, but now located in
Hover. Wash., on a fruit farm, have
taken Falrvlew cottage, at Tioga, for
a few weeks.
Dr. and Mrs.' George Nottage, of
Portland, are opening their Summer
home on North Beach this week.
Mrs. James Franey and daughter,
Alice Franey, her grandchild. Fay Col
lier; Mrs. J. Flannlgan, Mrs. J. H.
Fagan and Mrs. T. Fitzpatrick are en
joying an outing at Long Beach for
a few weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Kane and
little daughter have passed this week
at Long Beach. .
S. Bromberger. accompanied by his
wife and daughter Ruth, arrived this
week and opened a cottage for the
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pullen and small
son, of 627 Love joy Btreet Portland,
are located at Long Beach for the next
three weeks.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart whose home
In Portland Is in Brooklyn, has been
down at Long Beach for a few weeks,
in a cottage. Mrs. Stewart has been
to the beach for the last 20 Summers,
and It .wouldn't be Summer at all for
her If she had to miss the trip. Her
daughter, Mrs. Fred A. Jacobs, of Irv
lngton. Is expected at the beach soon.
Mrs. A. Dilley and daughter. Miss
Carrie Dilley, have located at Long
Beach for the Summer.
H. B. Stout and family have taken
up their abode In the Elkshorn cot
tage. M. G. Thorsen, of the firm of Fisher
& Thorsen, of Portland, and his family
are located cosily in their cottage.
Donald G. Woodward brought his
family to Long Beach this week, to set
tle them for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Jacobson are en
joying Xhe sea atmosphere at. Long
Beach. .
The Sisters of Mercy have opened
their cottage for the Summer. At pres
ent there are five Sisters here. -
W. Withers and family have located
on the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Amos, who have
their own cottage, have come 'down to
spend the Summer In It
Mrs. S. M. Bllven and three daugh-.
ters, - Edith, Edna and Elsie, are lo
cated in Dr. E. D. Patten's cottage, the
Point Loma. Dr. C. W. Shepard Is a
guest for a short time.
Nearly every house and hotel on the
beach has been "fixin' up a little"
with a coat of paint a new porch or a
new swing, or anything' new to catch
the eye. A cafeteria and delicatessen
in one is a new feature which will aid
the housewife In her preparation of
meals for those big appetites on the
beach. It Is Installed at the Portland.
The following people registered at
the Portland Hotel up to June 19: Guy
Rogers, Harry Reichel, A. G. Brown,
E. P. Hoglund, Dr. W. J. Nace, Mrs.
N. E. Karlson and three daughters, all
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bar
tel. Hover, Wash.; H. E. Brown and
John Christ Portland: C. W. Rorabecca,
Nahcotta; J. C. urlscoll. Mr. and Mrs.
Byers, H. Hennig, W. H. Malcolm. J.
J. Stephenson, Portland; Horace Miller,
Raymond, Wash.: J. J. Campbell, Ska-
mokawa; F. M. Cross.-Astoria: L. Mur
ray. Portland; C. D. Baker, Raymond;
A. J. Whitaker, Raymond; A. J. Taylor,
San Francisco.
A party of three from Walla Walla,
Mrs. HaraelL Mrs. Beams and Kath-
eran Cump, who are visitors to the
beach this week, took the trip to North
Head Wednesday.
N.- E. Robinson, of Portland, whose
mother. Mrs. Marv Robinson, of Lin
coln, Neb Is visiting him, brought
her, bis wife and their two children,
Kenneth and Cecelia, to the beach for
a week-end visit ' '
Long Beach (Hotel has had the fol
lowing guests during the week ending
June 18: Mrs. Ruth Korjinson, Kennetn
and Cecelia Robinson, W. E. Robinson,
of Portland; Mrs. Mary Robinson, Lin
coln, Neb.; T. G. Frederikson, Port
land; Mrs. E. H. Walters and Edward
Walters, Jr., Shoshone, Ida.; Mrs. Har
sell, Mrs. Beams, Katheran Cump,
Walla Walla; D. Solomon, Portland;
W. A. Weaver and wife, Portland; Roy
S. Ovelman,. Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran spent
part of their honea'iioon trip at Long
Beach last week, and are now at home
In Portland. Mrs. Curraa was Gertrude
Dineen. .
William Hare, engineer and elec
trician from the Institution for the
Blind at Vancouver, Wash., visited
Long Beach this week. It was his first
trip to the ocean, and he thought it
The list of guests at Driftwood cot
tage last week was: H. B. Macklln,
James W. Duncan, R. W. Hopkins, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Curran, Jr., W. L. West
Mr. McCord, all of Portland; J. S.
Townsend, Des Moines; T. P. Leekley,
Astoria; George M. Jones, Seattle;
Sheriff Stevens, South Bend; F. A.
Ford. Portland; A. E. Van Duzen, South
Bend; J. D. Arible, Portland; ' W. W.
Crittenden, Milwaukee; B. P. Bert Port
land: Mrs. J. B. Pape, Washington, D.
C; Mrs. A.-Deputy, Los Angeles, Cal.;
Bob Adams, Portland; J. J. Haire, Van
couver, Wash.; George L. Simmons,
Portland; G. D. Shearet, Portland; Har.
old N. Strong, Portland.
Oldtimers on Long Beach and the
tourists who are already settled at
the beach were treated Wednesday
evening to an entertainment of much
merit The affair was In charge of a
branch of the Improved Order of Red
men, an organization known as Klip
San, No. 113, meaning Sunset, and was
the dedication of the new hall at Long
Beach. L. C. Fenn was chairman. The
committee in charge provided a pro
gramme of musical numbers, readings
and' addresses. The best of all came
last when hot clam chowder, hot cof
fee and home-made cakes were served.
At least 150 people were present Later
the floor was cleared for dancing and
the young people , reigned supreme.
One of the events this week which
has kept Interest keyed up was the
housewarmlng Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Free
brough at Seavlew. Mr. Freebrough Is
a retired nurseryman of Portland, who
has made his home there the last 80
years. Their eight-room co'ttage at Sea
vlew proved a Mecca for fun lovers.
Heretofore they have aroused curiosity
.iuiijs uie enure oeacn oy uieir guigt
manner and the fact that no one
seemed to know Just who they were.
The Important event of the evening
came as a great surprise, for when the
lights were all turned out a red and
a green light burned brightly In the
fireplace and disclosed a couple stand
ing before it ready to be married.
They were Miss Lillian J. Reese and
Charles Glascock, both of Portland.
Rev. F. J. Knight officiated in the
presence o,f 160 guests. The decora
tions of each room were carried out
in different colors and Japanese lan
terns hung among the trees made a
pretty effect out of doors. Each guest
cast a vote for the name of the new
cottage, which Is "Freebrough's Cot
tage." Mrs. Janney, of Long Beach, enter
tained Mrs. Walter Darling. Miss Ada
Howard and Miss Angela McQuinn, all
of Portland, last week.
Paul Morton and Marshall Fife, of
Portland, spent the week-end at Long
Portland Folk Give Last Coats of
Faint to Summer Homes.
Several new cottages have been erect
ed by as many Portland people this
Summer and this week are getting their
last coat of paint before being opened
for the Summer.' Meanwhile many of
the owners are watching the proceed
ings from the Gearhart Hotel."
It's -odd, the way these people choose
the sites for their homes. Some build
Concluded on Pgo 0.)