The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 6, Image 44

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Entered e Portland. Oregon. Portofflet
Second-Clasj Matter. --
Sobscrlbtloa Batea Invariably In Advance.
Dally. Sunday Included, ona year..
Dally. Sunday Included, mix months.....
Dally. Sunday Included, three montna...
Dally. Sunday Included, one montn.....
Dally, without Sunday, one year.. J-VJ
Dally, without Sunday, six months.....
Dally, without Sunday, threa montna... .
Dally, without Sunday, ona montn -jj
Weekly, one year 2 i0
Sunday, ona year ...
Sunday and Weekly, ona year
Daily. Sunday Included, ona year. '
Dally. Sunday Included, ona montn .
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QUENCES. The new party is practically sure to
carry with it the Republican organiza
tion in a number of states where
Roosevelt men control, and by In
dorsing the ticket already nominated
there, to force the regular! to nom
inate a new Republican ticket under
another name or concede defeat. In
state-: where the regulars control, the
new party must name a new ticket.
We may, therefore, have a chaotic
condiUon, where the Republican ticket
in some states will be really the Pro
gressive ticket, and the Republicans
will be called upon to vote under some
new party name.
The war begun by Bryan against
Parker as temporary chairman of the
Baltimore- convention presages a di
vision among the Democrats, "which
may prove as sharp as that existing
among the Republicans. Refusal of
any f the Presidential candidates to
commit themselves for or against
Parker is significant of their dread of
antagonizing the conservative element
which he represents. Bryan may lead
a fight for radicalism as -elentless and
careless of consequences as that made
by Roosevelt. With him will be these
' who are either radicals by conviction
or who believe the only hope of de
feating Roosevelt Is to nominate
more radical Democrat. Against him
will be those who are conservative
Democrats, either from conviction or
selfish interest.
It is hardly probable that, with three
candidates in the field, any one of
them could secure a majority of the
electoral vote. The election would
then be thrown into the present House,
where the vote would be by states,
each state having one vote. As has
been pointed out In a previous article,
the Republicans control Just half of
the forty-elghi. state delegations, while
the Democrats control twenty-two and
two are tied. The Republican, states
would probably be divided between
Roosevelt and his Chicago-named op
ponent, while the Democratic states
might divide also on conservative and
radical lines. Should party lines not
be broken, no party could secure a
majority and a vacancy In either of
the tied states Maine and Nebraska
would make an election to fill it if
transcendent Importance, as the choice
of President would hang upon the re
sult. Should no such vacancy occur,
a deadlock might ensue and the un
precedented situation might arise of
a President holding over until the new
Congress had organized and elected his
The break-up of parties, which
promises to be the consequence of the
action of Roosevelt and his followers,
and the grave contingencies which
may arise amply fulfill the prediction
of those who said, when Roosevelt
was nominated for Vice-President,
that he would wreck the Republican
party. He may do more he may
K-reck both parties.
The I. W. W. strike on, the North
western Electric Company's dam
across White Salmon River above Un
derwood, Wash., has been broken, not
because of any concession to alleged
grievances by the employing company,
but because the men, recognizing the
futility and Injustice tf their action,
voluntarily returned to work. The
strike was purely an I. W. W. -affair
and was ordered on a few hours' no
tice to the contracting company a few
days after agitators from the disturb
ing organization had gained a foot
hold in the camp.. There was no hint
of dissatisfaction among the men,
either as to wages or hours; the food
furnished was abundant and of good
quality. The men went out, fearing
violence from the disturbing element
if they refused, and went back when
protection was assured them.
This story in duplicate has been
told time and again throughout the
country, no section where large indus
trial projects are in progress or are
being undertaken having escaped from
the menace and annoyance of one of
these senseless strikes. Perth Amboy,
New Jersey, the seat of the greatest
smelting business in this country, has
been within a week the scene of se
rious rioting Incited by I. W. W. or
ganizers. The regular labor unions
are opposed to this strike, If the riot
into which it developed can. be so
called, and the general public has not
been informed as to the nature of
the grievances which the employes tf
the large smelters may have. At
tempts were made to destroy this very
valuable plant in a spirit of pure wan
tonness. Had they succeeded, not only
the rioters but many workingmen, who
are opposed to the strike would have
been left for long perhaps altogether
without employment of this kind.
It is considered most unlikely that
the ameltlna- lndustrv would be re
vived at that point in its present form"
if its plant were wrecked. Compe
tition in this business is sharp and its
establishment calls for the Investment
of a very large sum of money. As
estimated by the New Tork Commer
cial no efficient smelter can be built
at the present time for less fhan a
million dollars, and as the products
are sold In all the large markets of
the world, much of the matte and
concentrates now treated at Perth
Amboy could be sent across the ocean
to Swansea, Wales, where smelters
which compete direct?, with the Perth
Amboy plant are situated.
The I. W. W. agitators do not of
course understand the questions tha.
underlie large industrial enterprises
and encourage heavy investments.
Their only purpose Is to create dis
turbance in the labor world, and they
find, as at Perth Amboy, an element
of foreign labor that is very unre
liable and easily influenced by design
ing men. Too ignorant to comprehend
the distinction between liberty and
license they do not realize that free
dom of action in this country must
stop short of destroying the property
or taking the goods of others, with or
without the taking of, and always
with a menace to, human life. They
know only the rule of force backed by
armed soldiers when trouble arises.
The fact that they are ni checked
at the first sign of disorder by bayo
nets or Cossacks encourages them to
a still further disregard of authority.
For these and othr reasons the Jour
nal quoted is of the opinion that large
manufacturing concerns ara relying
too much on a class of people whom
they cannot handle under the luws
and customs of this country and
whom the L W. W. ajltators find It
easy to incite to violence.
Ingenious press agents,, crafty pro
moters and picturesque camp follow
ers have been striving earnestly for
some time past to give a world's cham
pionship atmosphere to a test of fistic
skill between one Jack Johnson and
one Jim Flynn. The event Is sched
uled for July 4 at Las'Vegc:. N. M.
Sporting doctors and ' paid doctors
have shouted upon Johnson's bad
form and possibilities of losing, but
their efforts are air too obvious of
purpose. The t.ffalr is so hopelessly
one-sided, in all appearances, that the
press agent yarns have failed to
change the public belief to that effect.
For once the public has failed ' to
take the bait and run with it in what
has every appearance of a monumen
tal bunco. The Intended victims have
scented the subtle wiles of a motion
picture drama devised by getr-rich-qulck
promoters. .That Johnson, mas
ter brute, can eliminate for a con
siderable period of time Flynn's con
tinuity of thought with a single im
pact of his ponderous fist is doubted
by few, if any. It is improbable that
Flynn doubts It.
Even If Flynn should win, he would
get small credit for it. If widespread
forecasts are to be relied upon. The
possibilities of a return engagement
by the two men, apparently equally
matched, are tremendous from the
promoter's standpoint, provided the
public is not too suspicious.
The public Is still gullible, but ex
cessive subtlety of craft Is required to
separate it from large sums of money
In these days of many get-rich-quick
schemes. The promoters of the John-son-Flynn
affair must already realize
this fact.
The staging of fakes Is characteris
tic in. this unwholesome "sport." It
does not appear that that phase of
the Immorality of prizefights is diminishing.
A lively discussion has arisen in the
Eastern press as to the continuing
validity of St. Paul's prohibition
against women's preaching. What the
apostle actually said was. ."Let your
women keep silence in the churches,
for it is not permitted unto them to
speak, but they are commanded to be
under obedience." This dictum Is con
tained In his first letter to the Cor
inthians. Again, in his first letter to
Timothy, Paul Inserts substantially the
same injunction. "Let the women
learn in silence with, all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor
to usurp authority over the man, but
to be in silence." Moreover the great
apostle had a reason for his poor opin
ion of woman's ability and his scorn
for her rights. "For Adam," he says,
"was first formed, then Eve. And
Adam was not deceived, but the wom
an being deceived was in the trans
gression." -The latter part of this ar
gument reminds one of the habitual
logic and accuracy of the modern
"antis." . As a matter of fact, Adam
was deceived, quite as much so as
Eve, but while it required all the wiles
of Satan himself to beguile her, Adam
was led astray without any particular
difficulty by the woman.
The New Tork Independent, which
discusses this subject very gravely, is
of the opinion that St. Paul's prohibi
tion against women, had only tem
porary validity. "Paul does not now
forbid it," the Independent declares.
"He only forbade It then," that is, in
his own day. This reasoning resem
bles that of the church members who
wish to shirk the Lord's command to
turn the other cheek and to give up
our coats when anybody swindles us
out of our cloaks. "He only meant it
for those times." they plead. It was
all very well for people to give up
their coats and cloaks when they had
only one or two at most, but in these
days when many of us have a dozen
or so it would be intolerable. The
Lord could not possibly have wished
such a hard command to apply to
modern Christians. There is not a
spark of evidence that St. Paul meant
his prohibition to be merely tempo
rary. It is perfectly clear, on the con
trary, that he Intended It to be per
manent. The argument by which he
tries to clinch his command is Just as
valid, or invalid, now as it ever was.
If it was true In his day that Adam
was "first made," it is true 'now, and if
woman's being the first to eat the ap
ple condemned her to silence then,
why should It not now? Anybody -who
seeks to base the liberty of women to
talk, think and vote upon the writings
of Paul is liable to get into serious dif
ficulties. '
The truth of the matter Is that the
apostle to the Gentiles was a misogy
nist. He never married and he
thought it would be a great deal better
if no other men should marry.- "I say,
therefore, to the unmarried and wid
ows," he writes in the same letter to
the Corinthians, from which we
quoted a moment ago, "it is good for
them if they abide, even as I." In
other -words, he counsels celibacy. Not
only did he dislike women as a sex,
but he believed that it would be an
excellent thing for the human race to
cease to propagate Itself so that the
world would be depopulated. This, In
his opinion, was the easiest and speed.
lest way of eradicating sin. As long
as men continued to be born he be
lieved that the larger part of them, by
far the larger part, would end their
career in the lake of Are and brim
stone. Hence it would be infinitely
better for them never to be born at all.
We can understand, therefore, why he
looked upon marriage as so undesira-
ble even apart from his unconquerable
dislike of women. This dislike did not
include all women, for he had a num
ber of warm friends of that sex, but.
taken as a class, he could not. away
with them..- The thought of hearing
them talk In public was especially
hateful to him.
No doubt there were excuses for his
unchlvalrlc feeling. The women of
the ancient world were not very well
educated as a rule. This waa notably
the case In Greece and more in Cor
inth, perhaps, than in other Greek cit
ies. Corinth was notoriously . given
over to luxury and the women among
the little band of Christians there were
forever falling from grace and back
sliding to heathenism. Probably not
one of them could tell how far it was
from Athens to Sparta, or work a sum
In the rule of three. They were empty-headed,
vapid, giddy creatures, on
the same intellectual and moral plane
ah a woman of the modern self-styled
aristocracy. Who would want to see
one of the latter mount a pulpit, fol
lowed by her poodle dog, and begin to
hold forth?.
It was a certain kind of woman, we
perceive, whom St.' Paul forbade to
preach, namely, the woman with 'an
empty head and a slippery tongue. The
Greeks never permitted their females
to go to school or take any part In
public life. They were confined to
the "home" as closely as they are In
modern Turkey, and naturally became
nothing better than insipid simpletons.
Pericles, who was one of the best of
the Greeks, could not stand it to pass
an evening with his silly butterfly of
a wife.. He chose Instead to visit As
pasla, who had some sense even if she
was deficient In virtue. Socrates was
another Greek whose wife was nothing
but a tribulation to him. ' She could
scold, but she could not think. So he
shunned her society and talked philosophy-
with the boys on the street
corner. Who can blame St. Paul for
not wanting to hear sermons from
such women as Xanthippe? And we
must remember that she was an
Athenian and probably far superior to
the women of Corinth whom the apos.
tie had particularly in mind when he
wrote his letter. Had Paul enjoyed
the privilege of knowing a woman like
Dr. Anna Shaw or Mrs. Carrie Chap
man Catt is it conceivable that he
would have refused to sit under their
preaching? No, indeed. He would
have relished the opportunity highly
for Paul, with' all his idiosyncrasies,
was a man of sound sense and culti
vated mind. He was a woman hater,
as we have said, but we must bear in
mind that it was women of the simple
ton, doll-baby type whom he hated.
Had he happened to meet a sensible
woman he would have altered his
views of the sex. But, unhappily, the
ancient world afforded him no such
piece of good fortune. He fell in with
a kind-hearted saint or two in the
course of his wanderings, but there is
nothing to show that they were su
perior to their sisters as far as intelli
gence Is concerned. '
Let us put aside mawkish sentimen
tality and idealistic theory and con
alder the death penalty calmly in the
light of facts that experience has de
veloped. Murder Is the result of an unbal
anced condition of mind. There can
be no exceptions to this rule. Every
murderer, fully examined, reveals the
stigmata of mental unsoundness. Even
If the murder Is committed under the
so-called unwritten law, the perpetra
tor is victim of intense emotionalism
fostered, it is unfortunately true, by
environment and precedent which
sweep aside his powers of Inhibition.
Murders by criminals are due to moral
degeneracy in one of its several stages
and all types of murderers may be
readily classified by the alienist..
While it Is true that any murderer
is mentally unstable. It does not fol
low, of course, that Insanity can right
ly be pleaded in mitigation. The law
refuses to throw down the bars to the
multitude of the psycho neuroses that
are first cousin to insanity. It insists
upon insanity as a -positive condition
of Inability to adjust one's self to sur
roundings. Men suffering from tem
porary lapses of the Intricate human
mind are more often than not re
garded at the bar as normal human
beings. And it is in this category
that most of our murderers are found
and with whom there is but one ef
fective deterrent strong inhibitions
provided by outside agencies. Fear of
death is the greatest of these deter
rents, if not the only real effective
one. - - .
Take, for example, the man who is
moved to violence under the "unwrit
ten" law. If he is well poised men
tally his strong emotions will not
sweep him into the way of murder.
But if he Is not well balanced, as
an unbelievable number of men are
not, then precedent has paved the way
for him and fails to bolster up his
faltering sanity. He knows" there is
every likelihood of escape and ends by
constituting himself Judge, Jury and
executioner of his victim. -
Suppose this same man realized, as
the result of his experience of life,
that such an act meant his own elimi
nation. How strong an inhibition
would that prove to him? The tide of
his aroused emotions would be
stemmed, in many instances, by the
powerful basic instinct of self-preservation.
His instability of character,
his temporary loss of balance, would
bt modified.
And so fear of death has bee"
gauged as the great deterrent to men
whose balance is capable of being
toppled into murderous Impulses. It
cannot always serve,' because in some
forms of murder society all but gives
passive approval, while in others the
perpetrators have been lost to every
restraining Influence. Just why we
should continue in existence these
hapless creatures who yield to mur
derous impulses is not quite clear out
side the realm of simpering senti
ment. If liberated what reason is
there to believe they "will not repro
duce their unstable kind to carry
murder Into a succeeding generation?
Caging them up for life leaves them
no opportunity for carrying out a use
ful, wholesome life, and takes away
their only remaining value service In
strengthening the deterrent against
similar acts by their kind.
There Is a large area of logged-off
lands in the Pacific Northwest that
awaits clearing in the Interest of agri.
culture. ' Of this area Oregon claims a
goodly share. That such lands when
properly brought under the plow are
more than ordinarily productive, is a
fact that has been fully established in
many sections by farms thus reclaimed
that yield most excellent returns In
fruits, grasses, grains and vegetables.
The first cost of these- lands is small
as compared with that of open or pral.
rle lands. The cost of clearing them
varies according to circumstances and
to the means employed. Labor with
the mattock, the shovel and the torch,
according to pioneer methods of clear
ing brush or grubbing land Is not con.
sldered in clearing these logged-off
lands, though in some Instance farms
of considerable area have been cleared
In this manner, a few acres a year, by
the sturdy farmer and his growing
sons. - ' ' -
This process, however, is at best a
slow one and one likely to discourage
boys with farm work. Other methods
are -those of the stump-puller, char
pitting, the use of dynamite and blast
ing powder, all of which may be em
ployed by the settler himself.
Whatever method of clearing is pur.
sued, however, the land thus ocened t
agriculture is of the. very best. It Is
enriched by untold years or leai-moia.
and later by the ash and charcoal from
the first tract; whatever method is
used in clearing. Is. always a factor in
getting rid of the waste of the forest
flora. That millions of acres of land
now uncultivated will be added to the
cultivated area within the next quar
ter or third of a century Is certain.
Of course, this means that homes
will dot these now desolate wastes;
that orchards will thrive and grain and
grasses will yield a large surplus to
agriculture; that stock raising will be
revived and dairying will flourish, both
as side lines in farming and as inde
pendent industries over vast stretches
of these now blackened and profitless
Road building must accompany. If
It does not In a measure precede, the
clearing of these lands and the estab
lishment of homes thereon. Without
this the Isolation of many of the fine
tracts of land is complete and the pros
pect for home-building and community
growth remote; with roads and mar
ket assured, the investment of thou
sands of acres of these lands becomes
a matter of relatively a few years.
The death of Mrs.' Rachel Louise
Hawthorne severs another link be
tween an early era of Oregon's his
tory and the present. The name of
Dr. Hawthonie Is identical with the
first effort mads in the Pacific
Northwest to segregate and care for
the Insane. Prior to this effort, the
relatively few Insane of "regon Ter
ritory were confined in solitude and
wretchedness by their terrified friends
or relatives in rooms or cabins rudely
constructed for . that purpose. The
establishment of the insane asylum in
East Portland, first as a p:'vate ven
ture and afterward as merged into the
State Asylum was the work of Dr.
Hawthorne and his companion physi
cian. Dr. Loryea.
The story is a familiar one and
whether is is regarded as a philan
thropy, a professional venture or a
business enterprise, or all three com
bined, as it probably was. Its establish
ment reflects- credit upon the name of
Hawthorne and Its management laid
the foundation of the ample fortune
that he left at his death to his wide-
but now deceased.
Mrs. Hawthorne was of strong men
tality and of pronounced views upon
matters of public and private philan
thropies. Family sorrows and bodily
Infirmities pressed heavily upon her
In her later years, but she remained
to her last a woman of steadfast pur
pose and strong personality. ' She
leaves many friends, who knowing
her good qualities of mind and heart
sympathized with her in her many
sorrows and bodily infirmities and
who mourn her death, as the break
ing of a strong link between East
Portland, past and present.
One of the problems In clearing our
cut-over lands Is the disposition of the
roots and small trees and brush, and
it would seemthat the logical way to
get rid of these Is by the use of some
sort of a machine for pulling them
from the ground and hauling them Into
convenient piles for burning. For this
purpose what is known as a stump
puller Is usually resorted to, such ma
chines being operated by horse or
steam power. The most of the pullers
on this market are built to work by
horse power, and those who have paid
the closest ' attention to the subject
are of the opinion that there is too
much loss of time and too great risk
in having the horse or horses step
over the cable, as must be done. A
horse will not step oyer a cable at a
height of two feet and keep up a
steady pull. So at each round it is
necessary to ungear and allow the
cable to fall, then pass the horse over
and take a fresh start. This takes a
good deal of time, eating up about
one-half of the power.
It is, therefore, expensive to use
the horse-power machines. Those run
by steam power are, however, also
open to many objections, on? of the
chief being the securing of water to
run it, and also the expense of cutting
the fuel. Aside from these objections
as to power, all of the machines on
the market have more or less short
comings as to strength. All of them
are. strong enough In spots, so to
speak, but you can hardly find one of
these, machines in practical use that
does not frequently break down, some
being weak in one place and others in
another. And none of them is just
the right thing when i. comes to speed.
The same speed cannot always be
maintained. On a stump ten Inches
in diameter, say, there Is naturally a
hard pull, and It must be made at a
slow speed; In pulling roots the speed
should be somewhat faster, and In
Jerking in brush it can be still faster
but there must be no Jerking, just a
jteady pull.
None of the machines now offered
can be thrown from one gear to an
other with the quickness needed to
make it a money-maker, say to change
from 1000 feet a minute down to
twenty-five feet. But the logical
machine should be adapted to
even great., t changes than that
made Instantly by a mere twist
of the hand. It would seem
that gasoline Is the logical fuel to
use, the engine to be placed on skids,
self-moving, and arranged to' handle
three cables, easy of adjustment from
one speed to another. The horse power
should be about twice what you ex
pect to call upon the machine for.
The puller Itself should be made very
strong fully three times as strong as
a scientific calculation calls for.
Breakdowns are very expensive while
the work Is going on, and anything
that will keep these down to the mini
mum is cheap in the end.
- It will be said that a machine so
constructed would cost more than the
average land-clearer could pay. There
are various answers to that objection.
The first is that a low-priced stump
puller Is always dear In the end; one
That would run day in and day out,
month after month and year after
year, without loss of ' time by break
downs,' one that would "yank" out
anything it was hooked to, would be
cheap at any reasonable cost, even
three or ffur times the price of a
cheap and easily broken one. -
But the final answer Is that the
stump puller should be a community
owned machine. No ordinary land
owner has use for such a. machine
more than a few weeks In a year; his
co-owners and neighbors should so ar
range as to keep It running practically
all the time. And if the machine Is
properly constructed, as the machine
of the future must be, one neighbor
hood would not wear It out, and it
could be sold to another. With the
proper sort of community-owned ma
chine land-clearing will not only be
shorn of some of its terrors, but the
cost will be reduced 110 or $15 an
One of our prominent land owners.
one who has made a close study of
charpittlng and other clearing, is now
centering his attention on a machine
built along the lines mentioned, and
that he will at least go several steps
forward there is no doubt. But it may
be some of the present manufacturers .
will change their tactics from a cheap
machine which they aver any man
wrltn a. fo.w acres of land can afford to
own, to one of vast power and easily-
changed gear, with gasoline power,
which will be offered to large owners
and communities at a fair value.
When a person speaks of Summer
reading he is usually supposed to
mean something more insipid than or
dinary trash. There is a special kind
of fiction which is believed to be ex
pressly adapted to the state of the
human intelligence in wan weather.
The action Is slow and languorous.
The morality tastes like stewed dried
apples. The sentiment flows with the
gentle viscosity of tepid molasses.
There are -certain fixed rules which
writers of Summer novels must ob
serve with the stricte.t rigor if they
hope to see their productions sell well.
One of the rules is that no hammock
or sea shore novel must ever stir the
reader's mind to activity. There must
be no appeals te the intelligence. The
conscience must te lulled to a soft
and voluptuous slumber. The plot. If
it exists, must be one that is known by
long acquaintance and frequent use
to be dull enough to woo clumber in
tho middle of the afternoon and the
literary style must he of that mild and
saccharine kind which soothes the
nerves without nauseating the stom
ach. The Summer novel is, like our
Federal Constitution, a thing of
checks and balances. It must be sweet
but not cloying, silly but not idiotic,
sentimental but not impassioned. We
can perceive from these re .uirements
what a difficult art it is to compose
an Ideal work of Summer fiction.
Difficult as the art may ve It does
not surpass the powers of thousands
of our young women. If anybody
thinks of denying that th- American
people are artistic by nature he is In
vited to behold the affluent stream of
Summer fiction whicu pourt from the
great publishing houses of the metrop
olis. There is scarcely a graduate from
any high school In the country who
does not feel perfectly competent to
write a hammock novel which shall
become a best seller as soon as it
leaver the press. Just what the num
ber of our great mistre.--j of this
kind of fiction is nobody seems to
know precisely t it must be very
large. Every family contains at least
one genius of thU variety nd many
ar blessed with two. Few men shine
in the production. of the genuine va
riety of Summer fiction. The art sue.
ceeds best in the han;.. of women and
the qualifications which fit one of the
fair sex to produce a mar -et conquer.
lng hammock novel are so well known
that there is but little need to re
count them. She must be a young
girl so that her mental rieture of the
various passions shall not have been
blurred by reality. She must have a
mind unspoiled by education and a
hand which has never demeaned itself
to help mother do out a washing or
mend little : brother's trousers. The
perfect Summer novelist -o like her
books, soft, soothing -and silly.
Why this sort of literature is as
sumed to be ideally adapted for Sum
mer reading we do not understand
precisely. As far as we have been able
to observe a person who has any com
mon sense in Winter seldom loses all
of It in Summer. He retains at least
enough to enjoy books which exhibit
traces of intelligence. If it be ex
plained that what Is called "Summer
reading is intended to rest the mind
we reply that rest does not flow from
folly. The books which best relax a
mind that possesses enough ability to
get tired are thoso which say some
thing amusing or stimulating in an
original way. The only type of mind
which could possibly enjoy a ham
mock novel .is one which is too feeble
ever to grow wea,ry through exertion.
Nor do we understand why it is so
commonly assumed th.U nobody wants
to read anything.bljt noveli In Sum
mer. Why should a person who rel
ishes history ' suddenly lose all his
taste for It as soon as the sun ap
proaches the Summer solstice? If a
person enjoys books of travel in De
cember why should they nauseate him
in July? Is it really true that a per
son who likes to follow the advance
of scientific knowledge ceases to care
anything for It as soon rt the weather
grows warm? In out opinion the title
"Summer reading" is a misleading
one. People who like to read vapid
books in Summer want the same kind
in Winter, and those who enjoy sane
literature when the weather is cold
retain the game taste when it is
Apparently .the Portland Public Li
brary holds opinions on this subject
which are not unlike those of The
Oregonian. It has prepared a list of
novels for general reading which is
not changed with the seasons. The
same books which are good at Christ
mas are supposed to be good in Au
gust. Dickens does not lose his savor
as the thermometer rises, .icott tells
a story Just as well at one time of the
year as at another. The library list
Includes "a hundred good novels." The
reader will note with satisfaction that
it does not pretend to name "the one
hundred best novels." What is really
best In the realm of fiction is a ques
tion upon which we may dispute for
ever, but there Is substantial agree
ment among intelligent people as to
what Is good. Readers ought not to
be prejudiced against the library list
because It includes "classics.". The
common belief that "classic" books are
invariably dry and wearisome is an er
ror. Dullness is not a prerequisite to
literary fame. The novt's which have
stood the test 6f time have done so
because they were inter-ting more
than for any other reason. It Is not
their stupidity which saves the. a from
oblivion but their wit and humor, their
plot, character drawing and lively ac-
tlon. George Meredith's novels are the
only ones in the library list which
can by any twist of ingenuity be
called "hard reading" an the fact
that his are difficult does not In
crease their merit by any j :ans.
As a rule the great novels are quite
as easy to understand as .the silly
ones. Often they are easier since stu.
pldlty Is apt to make greater drafts
than wit on one's intelligence. Good
books are far more enjoyable than
foolish ones, from the very fact that
they exercise the mind. The best va
cation for the body is not obtained by
lying in bed for a month and, on the
same principle, the best rest for the
brain comes with a change of activity
not with a lapse into coma.
The Oregonian for once was the vic
tm nf misnlaced confidence in Orearon
weather. . It predicted, with a show of
certainty, that the powers of the air
would be mindful of the infirmities
and crenerously regardful of the antlcl-
narlnne anrt rnmfort Of the Pioneers
by granting a fair and balmy June day
for their annual reunion. This esti
mate was predicated partly upon me
fact that only the week before the rain
had fallen at intervals day after day
Tne fiHnw And its merry-
makers, the logical conclusion being
that as rain was needed, tve younger
folk could stand wnat inconvenience
nnn.A . ,an.hini. hAttpr than the
older folk who came to the pioneer
lesuvai. jvna 10 ana oejium, it .
lest rain of the year fell In the after
noon of pioneer day! . The Oregonian
protests its 'good intentions in this
unfortunate prognosis of bright skies
onrt .aim.. v.Aroa fnp Tiitia SO. and
humbly acknowledges that it was for
this-once the victim or mispiacea con
fidence. '
Mr. William C. Brown,- president of
the New Tork Central an I Hudson
River Railroad, Is the originator of
that oft-repeated slogan, "Back to the
Farm." It was no empty cry with
him, as under it he launched a cam
paign for the repopulatlon of the de
serted farms throughout the interior
of New York that has brought forth
excellent results, in that much aban
doned acreage is being refilled and
many deserted farm houses have been
restored to a habitable condition and
are alive with family life. .
Figuring from census reports as well
as from personal observation, Mr.
Brown finds that during the last ten
years the acreage devoteti to agricul
ture in the UrJted States has increased
23 per cent and agricultural products
30 per cent, while consumption of
agricultural products during the same
period has Increased SO per cent. In
other wordsr the lnwrease in consump
tion is almost three-times as great as
the increase In acreage and almost
twice as great as the increase in pro
duction! This is certalrl" an alarm
ing presentment of the rapidity with
which consumption of the products of
the farm is overtaking production. In
this view the Blogan "Back to the
Farm" finds added emphasis. Not by
blindly moving but upon uncultivated
areas and bringing thei slowly and
toilsomely under cultivation, but by a
purposeful, intelligent and, to an ex
tent at least, a return to farming as
a means of livelihood and of produc
ing each year an increase in the sur
plus products of the land.
While admitting that the Agricul
tural Bureau at Washington has ren
dered the farmers great assistance, Mr.
Brown says that the hope of our coun
try Is in our agricultural colleges.
since the territory is too wide for any
one institution cover. Specifying
he says:
Such lnatltutlona aa the agricultural cot
lesea of Illlnoia. Wisconsin, Iowa and that
at Cornell have done wonderful work and
each year they are equipping young men
and women for the task of taking hold of
land long since worked to death and re
juvenating It and reaping from it big and
marketable crops. That la what we must
look forward to. Every year, I am glad
to say, the classes In the agricultural col
leges are fuller and each year the acope of
the work la broadened, and when graduat
ing day comes a splendid corps of men
and women go forth to scientifically treat
old and worn out soil and under their ex
Derienced hands crive It life and a produc
ing power far beyond the fondest dreama
of the farmer of the old school. I pin my
faith to the farmer. That is, the farmer
who really and scientifically farms.- V hen
ha rnmu into hia own city dwellers will
reap the benefit as well as the tiller of
the soil.
Iu this view we may well regard
with pride and hope the lagge class
of graduates sent out from the Oregon
State Agricultural College last week
a replica in constantly Increasing
numbers of preceding years. Not be
cause we have in Oregon any number
of abandoned farms or indeed any
farms of that class to rejuvenate, but
because many of our still occupied but
long and unscientifically tilled farms
badly need the intelligence of applied
agriculture to bring back their wasted
powers of production, while large
areas of land still in a state of nature
lie idle, awaiting well directed indus
try to make them yield their quota
to the surplus o' agricultural products
required to feed the masses who live
and toil in other lines, at prices which
their industry will enable them to
meet, without exactions that leave
them nothing for the proverbial rainy
day fund.
The response to the slogan "Back to
the Farm" by men with bare hands
and without knowledge of the details
of farming, and of women who. lack
strength and energy that are neces
sary requirements in the successful
Wife of a successful farmer, will add
neither to the happiness nor comfort
of those who answer the call; nor yet
will it increase the desired surplus of
agricultural products. Intelligent
farming, together ith economy,
courage and persistence, may be
depended upon to create the need
ed balance between supply and
demand that must be reached if the
cost of living is to be i educed, ora?ven
if it Is prevented from going higher.
"Main strength and awkwardness,"
formerly supposed to be sufficient to
'make a man a successful farmer, are
now wholly Inadequate to meet the
demands of the agricultural situation.
Farming has become a science and
only to the extent that It Is so recog
nized will the slogan "Back'' to the
Farm" call to happiness and . pros
perity on the land those who- elSsay it
and at the same time offer a degree
of relief to the masses who foil in
other occupations from the high cost
of living.
The Democratic candidates are as
prone as the Republicans to claim
more delegates In the aggregate than
there will be in the convention. The
surplus probably represents the num
ber of those who have promised their
votes to more than one man.
Delegates Coe and McCusker were
separated on the verge of a .test of
flstio, skill. Somebody's always spoil
ing something. A detailed account by
rounds would have made an interest
ing addition to the convention reports.
While Americans are . holding
tumultuous conventions, the Chinese
National Assembly "comports itself
with strict propriety," as though It
were experienced at legislation.
The world already Is rushing in ad
vance orders on Oregon's choice apple
crop. Next thing there'll be a wait
ing list of eager buyers.
- The visit of the battleship Oregon
to Portland will be a climax to the
attractions of Elk week.
Were ail railroad contractors like
M. J. Heney,, there would t? a stam
pede to work for them.
Bryan has packed hisNpress pencil
and unsheathed his scalplng-knife.
Aren't we ever going to hear the
last of these Thaws!
A new party will be wholly ex-parte.
Scraps and Jingles
By Leone Caaa Baer.
Well, you'd expect a leap year to
have a little more Spring in it, now
wouldn't you? -
T fiction deteriorating?" "Esther"
writes to ask. Certainly not stnee the
campaign started.
Every son of Adam cherishes a desire
to own his own latch key.
It's a wise man who knows his own
station in these days of crowded street
cars. Definition of impossibility an ugly
It was a plagiarist, I'll bet, who first
said: . "Second thoughts are best."
Not affected by climate a woman's
Extravagance took a taxlcab to look
after a streetcar.
Hele-hth of gallantry kissing a
woman who has eaten onions.
r,...vhlnr In' connection with the
business of a tailor is done at a fit
ting time.
Market report says: ' "Indigo looks
-KVn.tit.ia AnAKn't vinit a. lot of us be
cause we do nothing to Invite her in.
"Lunatic dies at the age of 98," reads
a headline, which brings to mind the
old proverb: "Cracked vessels last
(With Apologies to Mother Goose.)
Hiccupy, hicoupy, hock,
I love the season of Bock.
So fill your glass
' And let it pass.
Hiccupy, hiccupy, hock.
Bibulous gent in jail appropriately
tried to cut his Jug. Jug-ular vein.
- The greatest architect of air castles
is T. O. Morrow.
In the fine art of politics
Theodore progresses fast.
For in each new endeavor
. He still goes beyond the last.
"We want justice. How long shall
w havn to wait?" is the unfortunately
chosen slogan of the striking waiters
in New York.
When the seats In the car.
All close packed are
Each morn as I ride Into town
Some nice man I find.
"With manners moat kind
Gets up and lets me sit down.
In feigned surprise,
I smile Into his eyes, ...
And as he bows and raises his hat,
I know Just the same
Every strap-hanging dame
Mentally calls me a designing cat.
Though I'm way a-paat twenty
I've graces a-plenty
And charm the essential that pays
Hand-painted eyes
And looks that are wise . . .
Stand no chance with my modest weighs,
I smile at 'em tender
As their seats they surrender,
And sit enthroned at my ease.
And the strap-hanging damas
Can call me bad names
For Into a seat every time I can squeeze.
(P s. For I weigh 250 pounds, and I'd
Just like to see the shrimp who won't give
me a seat when I get In a car. I d knock
his block off, and he knows It, too,. Just
to show him what kind of a lady I am.)
Man has Invented an organ without
a stop. Huh, the Lord beat him to it
when he gave the organ of speech to
Mexican politician and his allies bar
ricaded themselves in a booth and
tossed out of a window the dead body
of a delegate sent to interview tnem
. the opposition party. Now, in a
United States political convention this
would be Illegal.
Political Vaudeville
By Dean Collins.
The daily paper Bald to me:
"The talk of bolting Is no more.
And silence has come down on those
Whom they have run the roller o'er;
The great convention will, proceed
Unto its close with tact and speed.
Now all things are as they should be."
The daily paper said to me.
Unto my inner self I sighed.
After the paper I had read;
"Hearken, my soul. Didst get the drift
Of what the daily paper said?
If wild confusion reign no more
Upon the great convention floor.
Soon will the big show end and roll
The curtain down," I told my soul.
I wept into my coffee cup:
"It was a bully show, indeed.
I hate to see things smoothing out
And moving with unhampered speed.
Too soon, if things proceed so fast
'Twill be a mem'ry of the past.
I hate to see the show wind up,"
I sobbed into myycoffee cup.
My soul, in accents sad, replied:
"I liked the turmoil and the fuss;
I liked to see the roller roll.
And calmly smear away the muss.
To hear the groans and cries for help.
Hear Heney paw the air and yelp.
I hate to see the big show close,"
Thus my sad soul proclaimed its woes.
The daily papers spake once more:
"Cheer up, the show is but begun.
See the big dust toward Baltimore,
Kicked up by Bryan, on the run.
Chicago's turn, indeed, may quit.
But Baltimore's will follow it.
And we. shall Joy our spirits still .
O'er the continuous vaudeville.
Portland, June 22.
Onions Uoueht From Indiana.
Eugene Register.
A family arrived yesterday from
Indiana and they were typical Hoosiers.
Among other things they carried as
luccaxe were two five-gallon, Bquare
coll oil cans with the tops cut out
and wire balls for carrying, filled with
screen Winter onions with the tops Just
Ketting ready to go to seed. The lady
of the party "'lowed they mightn't
have any onions like these in Oregon,"
and they brought them start along with
them. They will locate in Eugene,
Commencement Days.
When the Hurly-burly's Done.
Roscoe Gllmore Stott, In Judge.
Three broken hearts (since mended),
23 badly-used text-books,
1 sheepish skin. ,
10 lil-aeserved testimonials.
1 thesis tnever read by anybody),
5 Latin words
S German Idioms.
10 French oaths (for dally use),
1 prospective job at tea per,
26 pennants oc brilliant hue,
1 fraternity pin.
And , .
Sixty-eight cents In real cash.
One lost heart. .
. $2U to bookstore, '.
J10 to college registrar,
10 notes of thanks, r
' $3 to my roommate,
JD0 to my Latin tutor.
J3 to my German tutor,
$1.5 to my French helper, . -.
' $25 to employment agency,
2d pennanta for exchanged onea, -
$10 borrowed from friend
Therefore I cry.
Does an education pay!