The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 35

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    IVtt JkCl . I I
Farnltor for Bale.
GOOD, new. first-class office furniture for
ale: on rolltop desk, one roiltop type
writer desk, one typewriter, one tpe
wrtter chair, on 6sk chair. .fx Jttic
chairs, two common chairs one .mailt
ble and one set tack maps. 23 Ch-am-
Dr lommerce wm.
L.ROOM house, newiy fnrmshed. extra large
outside rooms, attic, basement. frujr-
Hide: lease; cheap rent; very reasonable.
.--.. m n si.
wvr ricvf Fa. uaanTl nil rldffe at
Wash., furnished bungalow, living
room, fireplace, kitchen, dining-ix
bedroomj, wide covered porches.
TOR SALE Kltcnen utensils, fumed oak
dining-room set, golden oak dresser ancl
cruiionier. cm nuus.
1 .-tn St.. iiai a. miwji-
NOTICE HOUSe ror nrn wptrn u
er articles of furniture for sale; located
.. .. H
ID - OO Mill, low rriii iw --
ty. Inquire 69 N. 18th l or 101 Front 1
FOR bALti, tLn.MlLK6.
Furniture. 4 rooms, complete, sacrificed:
will assign equltv in bungalow to pur- oura
a nrtAr n.4..r wap1lnv hnnu HMr ma
chine shops; cheap rent; no reasonable
. h- n-m Vl1.
oner re.usea. rnoae i4oor .wv.
E. Glisan st. -
BAKOAIN Furniture for three-room apart
ment (two beds for sale; may be rented
with apartment and piano; only flrst-class
tenant apply. Aiarsnai omv
LADY would like party to take mortgage
on furniture of tt-room house for 15
and take part payment on moris:
room rent. r i o. urcuniou
run BALli irw mru.iuio v,...-.
for rent; ft bargain. 753 Corbett mu Phone
A. lli'J.
rno en r ri.f .ihira nf thr-roOill apart
meat, reasonable. Phone Marshall 2047.
2i!8 2Kh N., Apt. Zl. -
n.iT fnr ni anH furniture for sale, cheap.
No. 425 Everett st. Call Monday 10:30
A. M.
b.N Af o rooms, iinv lujuiium, ;r"
rent $20; rooms rented; snap; price $20;
terms to mu . tan on
r l K.MRHb oi ni-uci n ----
for sale reasonable; flat for rent, $J0.
23 East Pine. East Ankeny car. t
10-ROOM house, furniture of 8 rooms for
sale, fooa,
Fhpne Marshall 42.
WILL, sell my furniture 8-room flat very
reasonable on account of leaving city. Call
41 E. Couch. -
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 10-room bouse;
lease. 12S I4tn si.
A 6-ROOM flat foi rent, furniture for sale;
i c . . - f r til I A A Rrt IL
. es V 111 t Cltjf. " m mv.. -
FOR SALE Entire furnishings of 4 -room
flat cheap for casn. ov- n.vuwj ,.
GOOD furniture, strictly modem, -room
flat, close in. Jiarsnan --..
FURNITURE for sale upper 9-roora mod
ern flat. Inquire or owner. -oyx .an...
FURNITURE of 10-room house.
money-maker, close in. io aiam.
FURNITURE of $ rooms, $10. It taken this
week. zi4 iin.
Hnnimef Resorts.
FOR SALE at a bargain The Winslow
place at Elk Creek; tine ocean view, beau
tiful grove of spruce trees; new cottage,
furnished complete; an abundance of pure
water; title perfect; vegetable garden
planted. Address Mrs. J. S. Winslow,
Ecola, Or.
IHE modern eight-room cottage. "Four
Winds." at Seaside, is for rent for the
season; on board walk, facing ocean;
everything furnished except linen and sil
ver. For further particulars address Mrs.
L. Jette, seaside, ur.
TOR RENT At Newton. Lon Beach.
wh twn l-room buncalows. completely
furnished for housekeeping, for July or
August; 125 per montn; aiso iwo mruisuw
rooms, $4 per week. Tabor 1S33, B 1953.
167 E. 29th st!
Marti and and McHolland cottages, com
pletely fiirnished. on 4th St., near Main;
S7& each for season.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8fa99. A 265t
stir rkxt Three ideally located fur
nished rooms In private home; also one
housekeeping and one sleeping ieni,
week or month. P. O. box 693. Sea
side. Or.
.Furnished housekeeping tents; finest lo
cation in Seaside, in a beautiful grove Just
a whisper from the ocean. Ada Nelson.
Seaside. Or.
TOR SALE Five-room furnished cottage at
Gear hart; " conveniences; sleeping
porch. For price and terms call M. "814;
Tabor 37v6 evenings; or see Mrs. Payne
ai uearnan xr. v.
1 block to beach, fine trees, rustic
benches, etc; 4 rooms furnished. Main
6445 645L .
COMPLETELY furnished, 7-room cottage,
running water, A-l location; also four
room cottage; for further information ad
dress T. J. Ho are. Sea View, Wash. 0
Shellburn HoteL
FOR RENT 7-room furnished cottage,
fine view of the ocean; at Tioga, Long
Beach,- Wash. For particulars see
248 A lder sU t
4 rooms, furnished, large porch, nice
trees; 1 block to beach. $100 to Septem
ber 1. Fred W. German. 329 Burnside.
M. or A 2776.
Open to campers under new manage
ment ; for information address H. B.
Sloan. McKenxie Bridge, Or.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Seaview.
Wash., $75 for season. Phone E. 4 IS.
B. loi4. or apply at cottage D. Kellaher,
138 S Grand ave. w
LEAVING city; will sell swell new furniture
of ft-room flat ; $000 insurance policy,
transferable, paid 3 rears in advance;
2J5 cash. .54t South3dsU 1
I OH KENT Completely furnished 6-roora
house. Beach Center. Long Beach. Wasn..
";, for season. Phone Main 70 or A
2H73. '
iOK RENT Fine 6-room cottage at Sea
view. Wash., on 'ridge." and beautifully
located, completely furnished, including
tddtnff. etc. ,B lal, Oregonian.
SEASIDE The G. G. Ganimans' 6-room
modem cottage for rent, furnished com
pletely; 160 leet from board walk; rea
sonable for season, l'houe Main 2129.
THREE modern cottages at Seaside, one
ocean frcntaxe: firepiactss. piano, hot and
cold water, patent toilet, electricity. Phone
Seliwood 761.
FOR "RENT at Seaside, ti-room cottage, well
furnished; line view of the ocean. Call
Monday. A 4.'99. .Main 2 1
ATTRACTIVE 5-room cottage at Seaside,
near beach electricity, bath, completely
furnished. Main 2100.
FOR RENT At Long Beach. Wash., for
Julv, small completely furnished cottage;
tplendid location. AB J7d. Oregonian.
FOR RENT At Seaside, the Seagull cot
tage facing board walk and ocean, com
ptetely furnished. Tel. Main A 4564.
HolE FOR RENT at Cannon Beach, suit
able for 3 families; reasonable. Phone
Marshall 1944. or AC IQQ. uregonian.
AT Newport. Or., 3 -room furnished cottage,
j.-.O for season. Mrs. A. Driver, S1 Savier
st. A 5174.
toil KENT -room furnished house at
Seaview. Wash. Apply J- O. Gibson, 1103
Williams ae. Phone Wdln. 1705.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Gear hart
beach on the Downs. Phone Main 1764. or
261! Stout st.
FOR RENT at Seaside furnished room in
private family. Separate entrance. Phone
Main 74S.
ATTRACTIVE T-r-om cottage at Seaside,
near beach: electricity, . bath, completely
furnished. Main 2itf0.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage at
Gearhart. Or. Phone Main 4143, or T 153.
FOR RENT Beach front, furnished cot
tages. Seaside, electric lights. Phone East
SEASIDE Two ntw. modern and elegantly
rurmstiea cuuaRes. w it
Moore. 4-7 3d st. or phone A 3319.
SEASIDE Furnished cottage, full lot, city
water; or exchange for house, St. Johns.
t t-,,Uw ilia a VA inn St Jnhni
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent. Miss Emma Shepaxd, Sea
View, Wash.
5 complete furnished cottages for rent; aiso
lots for sale. PrerfrneUer, Seaside. Or.
fc ASIDE furnished cottage; gooo location;
ready; reasonable. Inquire B 172S.
MODERN C-room enttage overlooking the
ocean. Marshall 14.
Bl NG ALOW ai Long p.sch, Washington.
Call old 7th st. Main 394.
GEARHART -room nous, furnished. $10e
for season. Wood lawn 6S.
TWO furnished cottages at Ocean Park. I
Stone, 218 l.umbermens bids;.
FCR RENT Jt-r-xim cottas at Sea Side.
Phn- East 67K; Main
SEASIDE cottage, furnished, best location.
all conveniences, appj
FOR season at Seaside, modem furnished
cottage. A 3370 or S 175, Oregonian.
i i mm vvraaar i i. .tJaI .1 xljc-t .3 w. 1 m , . -m. - . . . '
We have furnished tents
at Barview, the Life Saving
Station on Garibaldi Beach.
Barview is located right by
the clam and crab Hats at
the entrance of Tillajnook
Bay. The tents are equipped
complete ready for house
keeping. They have been
placed near our fine amuse-
ment park, which we have
equipped with swings,
bench em, refreshment
booths, bath houses, dance
hall, boat houses, etc.
Call at once and make
your reservations.
170 $th SW Opposite P. O.
One of the best houses at Seaview.
Wash., complete in every respect; food.
nm?n.aH!A hnmA wintAP well as Sum
mer; all of the modern comforts and con
veniences; specially arranged w enter
taining; right at the beach; lOUxlOO
lawn ana two neacn lots. -vw
Large 6-room bungalow, situated oa cor
ner lot, on ridge, at Seaview, Wash.; fire
place. Inside sleeping porch; also two
sleeping rooms facing north and east:
water In kitchen and basement; large at
tic sufficient for four rooms. Price $3oov.
70 Fourth St.
Ideal spot, modern family hotel, country
and seaside combined; ocean in full view;
large yard for children, croquet grouna,
best cuisine ami table service, fishing.
Mrs. ueaman. rruy.
FOR SALE Snugharbor cottage. Hermosa
Park. Seaside- 7 rooms. 3 porches, olectric
lights, batn; Diocm irum " -
A bargain t $1150. or r.nt for on
,ldU 11.11 1 y IU1 ll.l v. u.
Park. 100 feet from Board Walk, ocean
and river view, 500. Writ, owner. G. U.
Quick. Qnlncy. Or.
8-room lioun. furniahed; all modern
comforts and convenience.; 3f0.
7-room house, furnished. $125.
5-room bungalow, .furnished, $25u.
7 Fourth St.
FOR RENT Furnished coxy cottage In
nermoiK rsrs, oeuiu.. i .
rea.opable. Phono Main 134. A 1344-
TWO stores at Linnton. miles from Port
land; new plate-class fronts just installed:
splendid openins; for meat market and for
specialty store; low rent to ood tenants.
Apply to w. Hammond, car Hartman at
Thompson .
107 SIXTH ST. In tho best business sec
tion of Portland, large beautiful store,
suitable for restaurant or other enterprise.
Inquire H. Welnhard Brewery. 13th and
Burnside. -
In a new brick block containing theater
and apartments; desirable location for all
231-233 OAK ST. One large double "ore
witn oaaezneni, euuaviv " w
dealers or manufacturers; terms reason
able and lease to suit. Inquire H. Wein-
nara urewery, xota mu
210 BURNSIDE ST. Large storeroom. Ideal
location for restaurant or retail business
of any kind; terms reasonable. Inquire
Henry Welnhard Brewery, lth and Bum
aide sts. .
ZtiTH AND UPSHUR Fine store suitable
for any kind of retail business; rent rea
sonable. Inquire H. Welnhard Brewery,
13th and Burnside.
&25 3D ST. Storeroom, suitable for any
retail business; terms reasonable. Inquire
H Welnhard Brewery, 13th and Burnside
BRICK store, S. W. corner of 1st and Co
lumbia eta., at reasonable rental to a desir
able tenant. For partloulara see Julius
ivraemcr, xicm j
323 N. 20th Storeroom, suitable for fork
ing shop or retail business; $10 monthly.
Inquire H. Welnhard Brewery, ISth and
curnaioe ig.
WE HAVE a store for rent In the Foster
Hotel bldg., on Second st.; long lease and
low rent. Apply at hotel office, 27
- Davis al
246 COUCH ST. Small atoreroom with
rooms upsuurs, rem ----H.
Welnhard Urmwry, 13th and Burnside
S. il. Cor. 4th and Aldei Hohenstaufen
. . , . . i ' 1 r- tfrmm reason-
able; lease to aulu Inquire EL Welnhard
jsre wery, totn mu jui nom.
I 115 N 7TH ST. Storeroom, suitable for any
kind of retail business. Inquire H. Wein-
nara nrewnry, om uu jjm.M..- -
FOR RENT Stores, No. 248 and 250 Haw
thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply
Hawthorne pock to- r.aai
FOR TRADE OR LEASE Oood store build
ing; rooms overhead for 2 families; mod
ern. AJ 184,Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Part of store space 12x45 feet;
no better location In city. Address stating
line of pusiness. tr mx, mcguniau.
LARGE, high basement In brick building;
good business location, long term of lease.
v ANTED by artist, picture framemaker
to rent nJi
1024 IJtn
THREE NEW STORES, one corner and two
inside, tine locauuu; itut .w, t
... ' o. . t au Man tun it
rnona ai. w-v-, -
BRICK atoreroom. N. E. corner 1st and
Main streets., for lease. Fred &. Williams,
Wi' s isu
MODERN store. 80x23. brick building, plate
glass ana V V
ment. oo. slain hoi.
FOR RENT Store with two living rooms
UX tne rear. vui. -ari.u .
SOxlOO one-story building. East Side, very
, j i.aa inmr ran t Tuprv
centra. "'"" V, mkt
e,- Harris, m iruu jjma- ........
izx tive good lease on fine storage space
on aoca i.v.iv, j ; , , ' -
Harris. W4 1 eon piqjt. jx.m
STOKE Washington St., $40 a month.
foil, OLK i. 1 i v ' r u i"J
Terry ft Harris. 904 Teon. Main B38i.
AlRV. outside view office, with private
pnone. use ui ...t,,.....
top floor of Chamber of t ommerce in
front of elevator; references required. Call
th and Washington sts.; very best lo
cation In the city; reasonable rents. In
quire iwDtna.
DESK room or office with privilege of re-
. i .nrf nhont. In One Of til.
finest suites of rooms In the city. Price
n .M. ?ift Kollinff bide.
FOR RENT Office, with Joint use recep
. . , .Knn. .nir. rhamber of
Commerce, fourth floor; very reasonable
to desirable party. K 173. Oregonian.
Fine office In Chamber of Commerce
Completely furnished. Phone free.
FOR REVT Rooms in Stearns building,
suitable for musical studios, sample sales
rooms architect s office, etc. Inquire of-
Tlce pnarram ,.7
UNDERWOOD typewriter.-Hall safe, large
1 hir 1 A. 43mlth. 517 Board
01' Trade.
MOST centrally located ofTlces; all-night
elevator service. 303 Swetland bldg.. 5th
and Washington.
PHYSICIAN" to share suite of rooms with
dentist, nrst-clasa location. AO lbs, Ore
Fl'RN'ISHED deskroom on ground I.oor,
telephone, etc., $25 per month. Ask for
Mr. John P. Weston. 2 Lumbermensblog.
DESK room or private office, as desired,
facing Washington st-; use of both pbonea.
Call 610 Wilcox bldg.
LA RGB desk and chairs, both phones; rea
sonable rent. 837 C of C. bldg.
DESK room In light, airy office;, all con
venience. 512 Lewis bldg.
DESK ROOM, free use of phone. $7.50 per
month, bll Buchanan oiag.
It-room flat. 635 Montgomery at.. $22.50
per month. ' ...
Corner store on Union ave. ana East Asn
St.. $M per month. ,
Entire 2d floor. 50x90 feet. Everett St.
between th and 7th sts.. $75 per month.
243 GtarK St.
STNDICATE erecting luxurious 500-room
leaalng same to responsible party, long
term. J. Olson. 507 Fifth ave.. New York.
TO U.48E.
WE hsve a responsible tenant for anartment-
h0UPH preier one ur wui.. "
Schmidt's Agtncy, 413 Chamber of Com
WILL lease building that covers 50x100 hi
i:..t Sid business district. Phone East
. ' lb
WILL lease to responsible party 14-room
modem house, nicely arranged to
for Ught housekeeping; well located, West
side. Call at 250 Alder st.
VESTMENTS. 610 Lumbermen bldg.
Up-to-date stock of ladiea" and ! chil
dren's furnishings, will Invoice $15,000, to
exchange for city property or acreage.
238 acres, close to Salem, 0Jr 20U
in cultivation. SO acre orchard, gootr
bulldinga. This Is a fine a (rm 1 a you
will find In Oregon. Price $30,000. Will
, exchange for city property. .,.
Two modern home ($4000. $3500), clear
of Incumbrance, to exchange for acreage.
Equity of 11500 In modern 5-room
house. lot 50x200. valne $2500. to ex
change for grocery stock. This place is
v. - Vnm . nark and IS
bound to Increase In valne.
we nave several new ttu. -
can sell at the small payment of $100.
balance as rent. If you are thinking 01
buying a home It will be to your in
terest to have a talk, with us.
Restaurant, right down town, rent $80.
will seat 40: has large, well-equipped
kitchen. This place on the line of march
during the convention and will pay for
Itself during that week. $400 and It
yWe want to call your attention, that
owing to our Increased business, we have
had to look for larger quarter, and on
July 1 we move to suite 819, the same
floor, but turn to the left when leav
ing the elevator.
10 lumberman bldg. Marshall 8039.
POOL room. 20 table, right down town and
coraer. never operated; all new end first
class; ready to open; long lea :
nothing better; $2000 cash, balance as
room earns It.
403 McKay Bldg. cor Sd and Stark.
I WOULD like to meet a Party, . wh.,
Is financially responsible a well
good business head: have large Proposi
tion with good profits; small expenses ana
small Investment are the good Points i w
my proposition, no risk; will stand closesi
Investigation; reference exchanged. Re
ply X. 104, oregonian.
WANTED A reliable party capable of man
aging an A-l established wholesale bus!
ness. which will bear full Investigation.
In one of the best towns In the State oi
Washington. One willing to Invest some
money, -or would sell controlling Interest
to right party. Write B. E. Mott. North
Yakima, Wash. '
the services of an expert on ,
call or write Chas. J. Barnard. 407 Teon
bldg.. for SO yeara connected with Com
mercial National Bank of Chicago. 1"
No charge for advice.
270 Stark SU
On Main street, live railroad town West
ern Washington, first-class window, fix
ture, soda fountain, roll tern desk, type
writer, $4000 or Invoice: experienced prin
cipal, uuty. A. o., v.
ROOMING-HOUSE, location and surround
ings highly respectable: 3 minutes' walk to
P. O.; 19 rooms, nicely furnished, "'way'
filled: showing net monthly profit of $".
cheap for cash. 8e Mltohell, room -sou.
Loiumois Diug
AN all-dav hustler who 1 a good talker, a
man with a pleasing personality, good
dresser, and capable of meeting and pre
aenting a business proposition to business
men. is open for a position that will pay,
a good commission; good business chanco
office preferred. AF iaa. uregom-m.
FOR SALE The best hardware and sport
ing goods store on the Columbia River:
good lease; grocery "'ore in connection
which can also be bought; $8000 to $12,000
will handle It; monthly sales better than
saow. dpi an. LtaMnanic,
BRIGHT young man wanted Will start you
In rent business and teach you how to
drive high-powered 7-passenger touring
car; you must be honest and have $iu
cash; security; reference. Apply T 104,
WANT strictly trustworthy mart with two
weeks' time and $5000 available cash:
costs nothing to investigate proposition
promising extraordinary profit; chance or
lifetime for right party. AM 180. -Oregonian.
BAKERY, $325, rent 25, lease 2 years, dally
receipt $15. all cash trade, no delivery,
located on East Side; here Is a good place
' for a man who understand the business;
act quickly if you want it. Goodkind Co.,
Wilcox bldg.
Partner to take half Interest In a light
manufacturing plant; a man who can taks
charge of an office and manage men; aal
ary $125 per month. Kinney & Stam
pher. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg.
DON'T BUY OR SELL any mining, oil or
industrial stock until you communiate with
us. we can furnish you most any active
unlisted stock and save you 20 to 80 per
cent. Correspondence invited. W. E.
Davidson & Co., 218 Lewis bldg.
INSIDE information worth millions; coal
land selling now almost nothing, soon to
increase immensely account railroad com
ing: few dollars invested now means mil
lions. Address quick, "Operator," Fair
view, Utah. "
SAWMILL, new and all ready for business,
lots of timber and plenty of order for car
shipments; mill on North Bank R. R.;
great opportunity for a good (mill man
with aome money to go Into a paying busl-
' ness. 003 Board of Trade bldfi
UNDERTAKING business, up-to-date in
every respect. $1000 cash will place you
in a good a business a there la in Port
land. HIGLEY BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg.
CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream, fruit, to
bacco, luncheon, waiting-room; best loca
tion; 4 years' lease; average $55 a day;
term given. Owner called to foreign coun
try. 230 Washington t.
FOR SALE I'art Interest in small saw
mill on Oregon coast; no competition:
good proposition for a practical mill man;
few thousand will handle, or will con
sider trade. AV $82. Oregonian.
Corner storeroom in new brick block,
30x02, with two entrances and basement;
line location for a live man.
FOR SALE Up-to-date bakery business In
thriving city in Oregon; only bakery In
city: good reasons for selling; splendid
opportunity for active man. Address AV
8v9. Oregonian.
I HAVE exclusive sale of lots- In fastest
growing town In Oregon: want partner
with some money and lots of ability as
salesman and manager; references re-
quired. A 1S4. Oregonian.
WANTED Partner with $500 cash to take
half interest In 10-acre young orchard
In Hood River district and accept position
to care for . same with wages $2.25 per
day. Addres P 154, Oregonian.
OPPORTUNITY for store; barber and wife
can nandle refreshments or any able line;
suburban ; no competition. A. W. Fer
guson. Roseburg. Or.
RESTAURANT, doing excellent business,
$700 worth of furnishings for $200 cash
or trade; obliged to go lyat immediately.
313 Marquam bldg.
MOVING PICTURE outfit. also roller
skates for sale cheap; lease on building
if desired. Addres C L Voorhee, Van
couvcr. Wash. x
WELL-LOCATED grocery, will established
trade, will sell at Invoice, about $SO0;
owner has other business. S 163, Ore
- gonlan.
EXPERIENCED business chance man who
knows the game, who can hustle, talk and
work all day. la open for position. AG
164, Oregonian.
xe.0 Delicatessen, restaurant for sale;
splendid trade; clearing $300 monthly
above all expenses: will show you. Frank
M c Farland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.
$6u0 CASH, or trade for city lot. ouys res
taurant with good trade In central loca
tion: lease and low rent- AO 164. Ore
10c MOVING-PICTURB theater: best loca
tion East Side: 6-year lease; price $2500:
biggest bargain In Portland, clearing from
11UO to 600 monthly. P 165. Oregonian.
Good location, close in. doing good busi
ness; want to sell at once. AO 156, Ore
WILL put about 110,000 into auto repair
and reouiiaing ihou ii p1 1t -
take management of the business will put
. , ..-. a Drarnntan.
RESTAURANT, cafeteria and dairy lunch
in nest oowu-iown ,o , . '
rent reasonable: easy terms. AM 158, Ore
FOR 8ALE 40-h. p.. 7-pass. Studebaker-
Garf ord In good running orow .
rent business, $850. Thi 1 a real snap.
'.! Airier t -
WANTED First-class location for saloon
in roruma, or win uj -
1 ngnt- J4 1 A... Vjr-Psnmavn.
$8000 YEARLY in your own back yard;
oranu new lauuauj, t ...... .v
J. Atinauscr. neajuiuuiB, .-
HAVE Inside Information on new oil field
in i. mi 1 1 lm ii ' . , v ... o ni
claims. r leming, ago in o---.
SALOON for sale; Independent license, fix
tures and toc; line iw.imn. a-- -Oregonian.
RESTAURANT and 8 room; will give term.
830 First su
2000 Alaska Pet 4k Coal
400 Almeda Con. m - bid
23 Am. Auto. Nelson) Fender .T bid
15 Am. Drug Synd 14 00
6 Am. Life & Acc cheap
500 Automatic Call bargain
3 Coin Machine Mfg sacrifice
8000 Crown Coal Coke...... bid
1000 Govt. 6tand Powder sacrifice
110 Favary Tire -...bargain
10 International Lbr. Dev..1 25.00
S00O Montana Silver-Lead . r bargain
200 Multitype Machine, old stock. snap
150 Necarney City Oil cheap
1000 Orient Gold (White Elephant) .bid
Paoiflc Cranberry Marsh 6
per cent guaranteed divl- -dends,
possible profit enor
mous investigate
4 Pac States Fire Ins bargain
100 H. O., Peck Auto wheel sacrifice
500 Portland Cement bond bargain
25 Portland Con. Pile snap
annn ninaMMa w . i aMrlflce
60 Slmonson Flx-lt -90
1000 United CoDner-Gold Mines.... bid
1000 United Placer Mines bargain
63 United State Cashier. .bargain
Alaska Coal Oil Poulsen Wireless ,
Almeda Con. 15 (Free or pooled)
Am. Drug Synd. Riverside M. 4 M.
Am. Life a: Acc Rose City
Multitype Machine Union Pac. Life
Necarney City Oil U. S. Cashier
Omaha Tel. bond Washougal G. 43. .
Pac State Fire
225 Ablngton bldg.
Fine,, clean stock of groceries,
close in, good location; .ood fix
tures. This place include 5 living
rooms, bath, hot -and' cold water,
etc: new building; "rent only $25
per month; price $800. If you want
a real bargain INVESTIGATE THIS.
517 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1429.
SMALL, modern sash and door factory at
Bay City on Tillamook Bay. Only plant
of It kind In the county and la ..con
venient to all Tillamook beach resorts,
where much building Is in progress, will
sell business and machinery for $65).
Stock at invoice. If wanted. TO lease
land and buildings or set, for $4000. Terms
one-third cash: will take 20OO or more
In mlllwork and a mortgage for balance.
Would retain Interest with desirable party.
For description call at 186 First t.. Port
land, or address Central Sash, Door a
Mfg. Co.. nay uiiy. ur
AUTOMOBILE agent I want local agent
In ever' country in the United State to
handle a popular-priced line of automo
biles; a good name and reputation for in
tegrity count more with us than money
or experience; If yon have $300 and can
furnish bond, you can procure the agency
for our high-grade car and we will fur
nish you with demonstrator. For full Pr
tlculars address T 163. Oregonian.
In operation; 80 M. capacity: planing
mill, full logging equipment, store build
ings. 25 million feet Umber mostly fir,
with considerable sugar pine, more tim
ber can be had; a good and going business,
worth Investigating. Write for details;
principal only. AV 373. Oregonian.
WANT to meet party who ha from $2000
to $8000 to Invest in a good sound busi
ness that will make $200 per month and
better. Money doubly secured. Can draw
out money any time dissatisfied. Refer
ences required and given. Give phone
number for appointmenu AB 188, Orego
PARTIES with capital from $100 to $1000
to Invest in legitimate home manufac
turing corporation, officers and direc
tors, high-grade business and banking
men, showing 25 per cent annual divi
dends. Write for prospectus. AN 167,
27V atarg pi.
HARDWARE opportunity of a lifetime for
sale In one of the best towns In Idaho
of 4500 people; 25.000 acrea of land com
ing In this year under Irrigation; reason
fo selling 1 lack of capital: stock and
fixtures all new. a v
AMBITIOUS young married man, with $500
desires to speculate or go In Partners
with some responsible party in business,
country or town. Write full particulars, as
party means business. H. S-, i9 9th sU,
Astoria, ur.
$300 BUY3 well-equipped garage in cement
building. 5-year lease, repair, dead and
live storage, necessary tools, gas and oil
tanks, one Buick auto doing good business-
never before was such opportunity
att. i-i n.airnr nn. '.
orrerea; invgaugaLc- m- .-J v. -c
IF you need capital, have stock or bonds
for sale, or wish to Increase net bns.ness
profits, address Business Development
Company of America, 116 Nassau U. New
HALUU.v LnaAr.
Saloon In business district for sale, 5
years lease, license, fixtures, stock, etc
Will consider a trade for inside property.
f 1 1 1. ureguuwii.
EQUITY of $8000. crop valued at $3000, on
one of finest farms, close Portland; will
trade for gen. store, or hardware; in good
-valley town. Address M. C. Hull. Boring.
ur. iiua a i. a.. ...
WILL give party with money Interest In old
established lumber firm and consider his
investment a. a LOAN Exceptional op
portunity. Or will selL AY 403. Ore-
ItdDlAUlvaui a.
We have a good location for a restau
rant In a new brick block in thickly set
tled district.
STRONG & CO., wo i.u.n-uim pnaiu.
GROCERY All cah business; $.1500 per
month; no credit, no worry; good lease;
good East Side location; will take part
trade, city or country. 431 chamber Com-
I Til U.n QOttl
merce. riiwfiaj mam. "
RESTAURANT. 12 furnished rooms, . rail
road town; monthly business J 1000; good
reasons for selling. Will sacrifice. Ad
dreBS AV 835. Oregonian.
PARTNER for delicatessen and restaurant,
ideal location, small amount cash required.
See owner White Dove, 4th and Jefferson
sts. " ' .
BAKERY and confectionery business, popu
larly known as "Hoffman's," 37th and
Hawthorne, or will trade for good home;
no time for idlers.
Wanted, man with $1000 cash to Invest,
with or without services, in incorporated
'company at L uregonian.
THE best restaurant location is offered at
109 Jersey stree-U St. John. Right where
the car tops. This is a money-getter.
Look it up. It will pay you.
Attractive location in new brick block;
storeroom 18.2; rent reasonable.
FOR SALE Small printing, offices, well es
tablished. Books open for inspection.
Easy terms. T 151, oregoniun
WOOLEN" mills for sale, will manufaoture
any kind of woolen goods. AK 170. Ore
. gonlan.
FIRST-CLASS restaurant. 5 years' lease, do
ing fine business; good reason for selling.
See owner. 151 Grand ave.
$400 FOR business paying $100 per month;
let me prove m. . . .., , ..-
risk. AH 146. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, restaurant In splendid
location, seating 60. fully equipped. 863
East Morrison si.
FOR SALE Agency for Elks transfer signs
for windows anu ii"i"'-...... au,
delivery. 820 Yeon bldg.
CREMERY for sale; will sell controlling
Interest or ail at a sacrifice. Inquire at
G1 Russell sU. Portland. Or.
CONFECTIONERY, cigars. Ice cream par
lor cheap, good business; will trade.
4S4U, Washington st.
UO.NFECTIONBRY, cigar. Ice cream par
lir. good trade, cheap renu lease. 453
Washington SU
FOR SALE A small lunch counter and
restsurant in a country town; 23 steady
boarders; $400. AF 181. Oregonian.
MAKE me an offer on corner cigar stand;
am leaving the city end will sell cheap for
cash. 54 N- 6th.
SHOE repair shop doing good business,
latest machinery., down town location. AM
157, oregonian.
FOR SALE Two machine shlngle-mlil on
rail and water, also some timber. Box
tj,- mageneiu. n au.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished restaurant
with sleeping rooms; rent only $2jjt good
location. Owner. 321 Water sU ,
A WHOLESALE flour and feed business In
the best town in Central Oregon; about
$ -000 Box 235. Redmond. Or.
irOR SALE Good local trade, mill and tim
ber or will leaae to responsible party.
John H. Brewer. Sllverton. Or.
Buchananan bldg. 2S6i4i Wash.
SHOES We pay cash for smU lots or en
tire stock of hoe. AV 404, Oregonian.
partner WaUited, old established reatau-
rant; sow. --
rlGAR and tobacco store, near Washington.
ni - -u.ln S4V52.
ej trfiTAX'RANT Good business, lease, cheap
. i..,., ..n- terms. 204 4th st
rent. - -
20 PER CENT less than Invoice; good cash
business; no delivery. V 103. Oregonian.
t teach up-to-date chiropody reasonaoie.
Dr. Nelson. 250 Alder. Main 7366.
BARBER SHOP, two chairs; will sacrifice
and term it taken soon. 127 N. 6th su
1005-S Wilcox tJIGg.
Cor. 6th and Washington.
Phone Marshall 46S, A 105S.
Cigar stand and confectionery. $500;
rent $45, daily receipts $16: West Side
location; a snap. Goodkind Co., lnc -
Dairy lunch-and creamery, $600; rent
$10; daily receipts $15; located on East
Side; a bargain. Goodkind Co.
Billiard parlor, cigar stand and confec
tionery. $700; rent only $15; good corner,
located on East Side; 3 pool table. 1 bil
liard table, fixtures alone worth $14c,
only reason for aelllng compelled to leave
city on account of sickness; something
good. Goodkind Co.. Wilcox bldg. j
Dairy lunch. $3100: rent $85; lease 1H
years; seating capacity 60; dally receipts
$50; elegantly fitted up: located on West
"Side, close to thi office: it Is a snap for
the money; come and see it at onoe.
Ooodklnd Co.. Inc. Wilcox bldg.
Wholesale and retail grocery and com
mission merchant, $5000; rent $o; good
i i... v.. inn.... tifi not): horse
and wagon; part cash will handle this
nicely, balance on easy wraia; ,uv ,
West Side, short distance from this office
Goodkind Co., 1005 Wilcox bldg.
Bakery, $950; rent $20, with $ I'yin
rooms upstairs; can get long lease; daily
receipts $25 ; horse and wagon, brick oven
tzll; no opposition; located on East Side;
a snap for someone Goodkind Co.
Billiard parlorf cigar stand and barber
hop, $800; 2 year' lease; rent $25; clears
$100 monthly at the present time; $500
cash will handle xnis, Daiance i
terms; located on East Side; S billiard
tables, fully equipped in every particular.
Goodkind Co., Inc.
Grocery, delicatessen and home bakery,
.Einn. ...... ,9c: nri.v. A livtna- room., fur
nished; lease 2' years; dally receipts $20
to i4U; all casn txaae; no ueuverj-, ucm..
place; never before offered for sale; snap.
See Goodkind Co.. Inc
Cigar stand, $150; rent only $10; doing
41 nice business; located East Side; lease
4 years; snap. Goodkind Co., Inc , -
Delicatessen and lunch counter, $1600:
rent $30; guaranteed to clear $150 month
ly; located close to one of the best trans
fer corners on West Side; party la com
pelled to sell on account of sickness; a
snap. Goodkind Co., Wilcox bldg.
Grocery, $3000 or Invoice; rent $70; good
long lease can be had; dally receipts $75
to $85; horse and wagon; located on best
corner on West Side; established 8 years;
thi, place will bear the strictest Investl
gatlonf a bargain. Goodkind Co.
Coffee house and restauratnu $1800: rent
$130; lease years; seating capacity 70.
dally receipts $60 to $90; located on West
Side, in worklngmen's district; must be
seen to be appreciated. See it at once.
Goodkind Co., Wilcoxbldg:J 1005-S.
' Bakery and confectionery, $6500: rent
$75; good long lease can be had; located
in good country town of 60,000 popula
tion; dally receipts $50 to $60; established
for years; here Is an- opportunity for a
Hotel and 17 furnished rooms, $300;
rent $25; located in a good country town
between Walla Walla and Pendleton; car
pets and furniture good; established 4
years; only hotel In the town. Here is a
snap. Goodkind Co., Wilcox bldg. ,
A MAN that has had eight years' expe
rience in automobile repairing and garage
work and can take full charge of same
and make pay will accept position for
same, or will take charge of business
for man that wants to Invest money In
same that can furnish references. H 166,
FOR SALE Splendid equipped business,
college In fine little town; profit last
year, $3500; equipment modern, new and
complete; value of equipment $3000; a
great bargain If you hurry. Investigation
will be convincing. Address AV 398, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Baraar store In growing city
of 2000; good location; cheap rent; in
voice about $2500; store doing a good bus
iness but am compelled to move on ac
count of health; will trade for similar
stock on Coasu E. R. Sully. Kennewlck,
900 Butcher shop doing $1200 to $1800 per
month, cash trade, no delivery; splendid
location; equipment will Invoice price; $35
rent; lease worth half the purchase price;
etands Investigation. Addres Owner, T
155. Oregonian
One of the neatest, cleanest place In
the city; doing a good business; will con
sider a good lot In part paymenU .
918 Yeon bldg.
OLD established milk business, selling 300
quarts day; making big money; price
$1000; a good reliable business. Full
equlpmenU Address Box 475, Vancouver,
VESTMENTS. One of best corners, 66x160, $20,000.
-Rant bnv for moDGV. Hava others.
AM leaving city and will sell at a sacrifice
for cash my grocery, light hardware and
feed-business located on good East Side
corner; cheap rent; new stock; no reas-
Onaoie oiir i.iuaeia. a a. .a, w......
HIGH-GRADE representative (patented
article In great demand). State age and
experience. Horto Electric Co., Chicago,
INVEST younr money in property already
sold at 1 per cent proflU $15,000 collec'.ed
on $60,000 sale; balance received month
ly. R 149, Oregonlam
$25 rent, including living room; $20 per
day business; A-l location; $450. 61i
WANTED Partnere of. business experience,
lady or gentleman, with some means to
start in with me on equal terms. H 170,
A CONFECTIONERY and poolroom at Oak
Grove, Or., on Oregon City carline; price
$700; good business; come out and aee the
Place Or Call Una Uimei Afcca -
HAVE very good location for store In
suburbs; lots for sale or will erect store
and dwelling to suit tenanu Phone Main
I HAVE $100,000 whloh I desire to invest
in a sound, profitable business, capable
of expansion and promising substantial
returns, av oai, wcsuuiau.
PARTNER wanted with $600 in a splendid
monev-making manufacturing business.
Handle your own money; best of refer
ences given. Address P 168,Oregonian
sTlENDID opportunity for party with $200
to handle exclusive sale In this territory
Eastern Invention, a money-maker. Call
room 2, Pantages Theater building.
Well equipped restauranu $20; rent
' $150: easy terms. 618 Yeon bldg.
ESTABLISHED collection agency. A-l refer
ences; other business requires my time. T
l.irt, oregonian.
PRINTING plant for sale, aomplete working
outflU 10x15 Jobber, 25-ln. cutter, plenty
type. Call . J ir.i. i
DirTi-DS- KtTfYW
iYl-'l 1-VA A in a u a. an -
Modern and up-to-date In every respect.
This Is A-a ana payms. wio .
FOR 6 ALE or lease; well equipped automo
bile repair and machine shop; good loca
tion, inquire i au-.. vaicamii..i..
HAVE some money to Invest In legitimate
. . nil,., v,av. von? AK 176. Ore-
DUSineaua. ".' -
West Diae, cro ii ".i. gw a, . ----
well fixtures, good stock. 618 Yeon bldg
EXCEPTIONAL- opportunity offered to young
man who can Invest $300 and give service
theatrical office. G 169. Oregonian.
Rent $16.50, West Side, good location.
This is a snap at $250. 618 Yeon bldg.
FOR SALE Grocery business, 421 Haw
thorne ave.. cor. East 6th su Inquire of
.... An -laa. Oreatonian.
ESTABLISHED cleaning and pressing busi-
ness; uiti k .i.h .
make offers 311 'Davist
ls i n ii i. i .
Dutch oven, well equipped place, doing
a good business; snap buy. 618 Yeon b.dg.
If you ar looking for a snap, call and
see minaA& iivw
PARTNER help handle business during Elks
carnival; only sizo ivniui. -"-
FOR SALE 1-chalr barber shop on East
Side; gooo ousuie.. . u SJ"'-'",."' ' "
lease; reaganaiip. -
$500 CASH will purchase a business that will
produce fi-o
ass East 48th North.
DYEING, cleaning and pressing shop, es
tabllshed trade, good location, good busi
ness, cqetiV aniiv-
FOR SALE or trade, good paying moving-
'tv Call McCu'rdy Music Co.. 88 N. 8d su
YOUNG man with little money to Invest;
A-l.- 13 l -ir Oreronlan.
FOR SALK Laundry '"u" "
cheap lor casn. au ia-. vi..n-...
DOCTOR Splendid opportunity for first-
CiaSS lOCatlOH. vai .n.w -
25 ABLE pool room, cheap. 25 Market,
across from balloon ascension.
GROCERY about $1600, average business
over i w . mVil
NICE clean confectionery. 190 If taken at
once. See owner, mi .pu.ngm.
GOOD paying cigar and confectionery store;
BaKer uuinime,. -
ONE barber chair outfit etfmplete, 25. 394
front sU
FOR SALE OR TRADE A good paying bo
te! and restaurant witn confectionery anu
light grocery store In connection ; hotel
4s located on the main street of one oi
the best growing towns in the Willam
ette Valley, about 60 miles from Portland
on th West Side branch of the S. P.
R. R. ; this place does a business of
$10,000 a year; rooms are always full;
this property is valued at a300 for land
and building; furniture, stock and fix
tures will invoice ,$3000. This is a snap.
Owner Is unable to run this place him
self, so will sell or trade same for land
in pastern Oregon. Address AV 4 lli.
Is made from the below described prop
erty. A good hotel and bar in one of the
best towns on the North Bank Road, from
Spokane to Vancouver; on the account of
other business, parties have to sell their
fixtures and lease at a great sacrifice; no
trade considered. It will take $4000 to
handle it. Remember the heading of this
ad is guaranteed if the business is run
properly.. Come and let us describe this
property to you.
Main 255. 432 Chamber of Commerce Jag.
CLEANING and pressing business; this is
a fully equipped plant and doing a good
business, but owner is tired of hired help
and wants interested partner; if you are
looking for a good little, legitimate busi
ness that you can make money and it
doesn't require but $200, call at 823 Lum
ber Exchange. ;
$1000 CASH will put you In possession of
a fine double fiat building on Belmont St.,
and give you an income as well as a
home. I am leaving the city and will givs
same one a chance to get a good property
on very easy terms. Trade for San -Diego,
Cat Owner, 831 Mohawk bldg., while
in the city.
MAKE money with me: share in my success;
I started with $5; now head of $1,000,000
. company; no matter where you live, I
will teach you my business by mail; then
I will co-operate with you in money-making;
send far free book. "How $5 Grew to
f 1,000.000." W. M, Ostrander, Dept. 622,
2 West 81st St.. New York.
Here is one of the best buys In the city
for the money. I am going to California
July 1 and will sell right if sold by then.
In best- apartment-house district, doing
a fine business, good stock and fixtures.
This is a snap; quick sale. See my agent,
' HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg
WANTED In a solid store business that
carries $10,000 worth of stock, a man to
keep plain accounts as partner; if you
haven't got the money you can pay a
small payment down and the balance can
come out of the earnings of the business.
Will pay you a salary of $100 month and
profits. 323 Lumber Exchange.
Old established, regular trade, will sell
right; $1000 down, balance easy monthly
payments with 4 per cent Interest ; a
splendid opportunity for 2 or 8 live men
with little money to get Into a good busi
ness. AO 170. Oregonian.
BUILD a $5000 business In two years. Let
us start you in the collection business; no
capital needed; big field; we teach secrets
of collecting money; refer business to you;
write today for free pointers and new
plan. American Collection Service, 43
State street, Detroit, Mich-
WISHING to add a line of groceries, I will
make an attractive proposition to the
right party having a few hundred dollars;
state experience and amount of capital
you have in first letter. Address Mer
chant, Lock Box 116, Sumner, Wash.
A BARGAIN A new grocery store, stock
and lot Included, located In a line sub
urb of Portland; party going East, must
sell at once. A snap; terms cash. See Mr.
Jordan, with Mallory & Co., 010 Wilcox
SOLID office business wants partner to
f work In the mailing department; will pay
you (fUDQ .alary aiiu llluiiia, juaa ..ii
draw your investment out at any time,
which will be guaranteed By responsible
parties. 823 Lumber Exchange:
GROCERY, hardware and notions, clearing
$200 month, no delivery. Will invoice
$1400. Lot and building with 3 livlrg
rooms, cost $1700; for Immediate sale
$2450 buys all; $1800 cash required. 218ft
Stark st.
GROCERIES, feed, hardware and coal, old
established trade, rent $20, clearing every
month $250 above all expenses; will sell
at actual invoice (about $2000) and dis
count. 303 Lumber Exchange.
WELL-EQUIPPED garage, storage repair
shop, tools, and doing good business, for
sale or trade for clear property; one week
only; give particulars first letter. T. Nel
son, 89flH E. Morrison.
If you want a country butcher shop,
where you can make much more- money
than In the city. Investigate; price $3000.
P. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce.
DYEING and cleaning business wants part
ner, must be sober and willing to drive
wagon white learning. Will pay $5 day to
start, fan try it before buying. 248
Stark st. x
WANTED Party to invest from $.500 to
$1000 in a novelty which can be sold dur
ing the Elks' convention. For particu
lars, call up, Sunday, Tabor 1343; Mon
day, Main 948, A 5282-
MAN TO show property and take half in
terest in business clearing $20 month
each ; $300 required. 303 Lumber Ex
change. MACHINE SHOP and foundry wants in
terested partner to keep plain accounts;
salary $100 month and profits. 32.1 Lum
ber Exchange. ,
CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream and cigars, a
first-class place, worth $1500, will be sac
rificed for quick sale at $850 cash. 248 hi
Stark st.
WANTED by corporation, reliable man with
$500; salary and commission, good open
ing, experience unnecessary. X 167, Ore
gonian. FULLY equipped laundry for sale; no reas
onable offer refused for all or part with
or without lease. Terry & Harris, 904
Yeon Bldg. Main 5387.
ATTORNEY desires a hustling partner in
paying, long-established mercantile collec
tion business; $ti00 required. B 174, Ore
gonian. ACCOUNT of death, prosperous mail-order
department large textile mill must be
sacrificed: details to principals only; no
brokers. Box 97, Springfield, Mass. .
CONFECTIONERY store and candy makers'
outfit; good location and business; must
sell; come and see it; make an offer. 120
Kllllngsworth sve.
LEADING confectionery and ice cream busi
ness in town of 3000; hall in connection,
the receipts from which jnore than pay
all rents; splendid opening. 248H Stark st.
On account of other business will sell
or rent an up-to-date picture theater;
a- nw A-O 1 T rkvAtrnn.OTi
FOR SALE Interest .in established going
buiness, not a may be. but an is; $100
monthly salary; $1500 to $2000 necessary.
AS 3 70. Oregonian.
WASHINGTON street restaurant, rent $ft0.
lease, doing $5 day; must be sold. See
it and make offer. 248 Stark st.
CIGAR and confectionery and ice cream
oarlori: this place Is paying $150 month
over ail expenses. 823 Lumber Exchange.
tures, ground floor, good lease. W 149,
CIGARS, ice cream, books, etc., West Side,
6-year lease. Owner Is called to Alaska;
no agents, jm. aqx, vicg"""-"-
COMPLETE restaurant outfit in good loca
tion; owner is sick and had to close It.
Will sell for $150. 248 V Stark st
FINEST candy, ice cream and cigar store,
located near one of the main corners of
the East Side. T 169, Oregonian.
HALF Interest in old-established coal and
wood business paying better than $150
month. 248 Stark st.
CIGARS, Ice cream, etc., best location on
West Side; clears over all expenses fl.'O
month. Price xstq. 3ua Lumoer cxcnajigw.
WANTED Partner, paint shop, good me
chanic; few dollars required. Plenty of
1 -V- "t DA Ca n-a-iv. Ian
TRANSFER - and storage business clearing
4T Til. nnnth 11 VAO m lfR " rftCeiOtS ffOm
storage pay' all expenses. 248 Stark st.
WISH PARTNER Secured coffee roasting
and tea business; no competition. John
Walsh, 1908 7th ave., Seattle. Wash.
WEST SIDE cafeteria doing $70 day, will
Invnntoiy over $2500: for quick sale $2000
buys It; will give terms. 248 Stark st.
DRUG stores (snaps) for sale and trade in
48 states. Particulars free. Address F.
V. Knlest, Omaha, Neb.
WISH"" partner coffee-roasting and tea busi
ness; no competition. John Walsh, 1908
7th ave.. Seattle, waen
BOWLING alley, pool room and cigars; rent
will stand investigation. 248 Stark st.
rooms; rent $12 month; big ice cream
trade. Price $375. 803 Lumber Exchange.
HOME takery and confectionery 4
furnished rooms, rent $25; clearing $150
month. 248 Stark St.
MILLINERY stock and fixtures In Oregon,
east or rnrtianu. -wis. vir6iimii,
85 SHARE People's Amusement stock, $11
share. The Red Front. 1st and Taylor.
A MOVING-PICTURE show in small town
near rornanu, x unup iaum uoi.
FOR PALE Confectionery, cigars and light
groceries. 565 Williams ave.
CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand in front
a bargain. 518 Williams ave.
600 BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery. 1Q2 gd. cor. Taylor.
GROCERY at Invoice, take about $800; 5
living rooms, 803 Lumber Exchange.
General store and postofflce In Central
Oregon town; owner has done well, but
has poor health and must retire; Invoice
about $4000; buildings, lutO. Would take
most ot it in good suburban acreage near
Portland. . ,
Only store In Southern Oregon rail
road town; stock and buildings Invoice
about $11,000; trade $75 to $100 per day.
Will take small farm In Western Ore
gon or Washington up to half of in
voice. $7000 General store in one of Wil
lamette Valley's best county seat towns;
store only been running a year and every
thing is new ahd clean; take good farm
or orchard land for half or more.
In exchange for 10-acre fruit orchard,
80 acres good, level land, $1600.
Equity in 900-acre wheat farm. 300 acrtg
in wheat, 300 Summer fallow. $17,000.
820 acres timber that will bear in
spection, $900. -
Any or all of the above for stocks V
merchandise to suit.
605 Corbutt Bldg.
55 -room modern apartment . house in
beautiful location; exceptionally well fur
nished and doing fine business; cheapest
rent In the city; good for 20t per monih
profit; no mortgage to assume; will sell
at a bargain and take modern 7-room
residence free of Incumbrances as part
payment; only $500 cash required. Ad
dress owner. W 162. Oregonian.
Large garage on Hawthorne ave.. fr
sale, this is a good money maker, owner
has 2 businesses and must give up ons,
price $1575, but will handle this.
913-917 Lewis Bldg.
Main 84O0 4th and Oak A 7158
CLEAN grocery stock on good corner,
block from car. in Windsor Heights; no
other grocery within 6 blocks; rent $1o
per month, including living rooms; dors
$X0 to $15 daily; present owner has run tt
for three years; 111 health compels change;
$1200 will get this; better investigate this
it's good, Marshall 10P1 or A 2353.
SOLID business opening Partner wanted,
either man or business woman; requires
small investment and you handle your
own money; each partner can clear f.0t)0
year; open to your closest Investigation
before you Invest one dollar. Particulars
gi3 Lumoe; nixcnango oiog.
WANTED An office man to take charge of
down-town office and showroom in con
nection with factory, who can lnrest
$2006. This Is a good opportunity for
right man to get in a legitimate business;
no get-rich-quick scheme: references ex-
changed. ' X 15a, Oregonian.
AN experienced hotel and restaurant cook,
who knows the work in every detail, and
who is competent to manage and make
your place pay, as well as increase the
trade, is looking for position, eliher oa
salary or percentage oil profits. AG loo,
HOTEL for sale; 30-room hotel, only first
class commercial- hotel in city of SuOO peo
ple, located about 30 miles from Port
land ; dining-room and kitchen complete:
brick fireproof building; a real snap. AV
409, Oregonian.
HAVE lucrative proposition for party with
$1000 to $5000; business will pay from -3
to 100 per cent profit annually; full par
ticulars upon application. S 174, Orego
nian. '
3-YEAR established manufacturing busi
ness; good machinery, electric motor, some
stock; costing $1200 ; will sacrifice for
$700 account of sickness. K 167, Ore
gon ian.
AUTOMOBILE businese Have opening tot
steady man; owner will guarantee good
salary besides share of profits; experience
not necessary and very little money re-
quired. 319 Lumper .exenange.
CIRCUMSTANCES are that I am compelled
to take a partner or leave my business for
some time with hired help; business clear
ing LO Ccn,
Main 4257.
r have n. rood oavins business and want
partner to handle office end; business es
tablished two years under present name;
S100 cash for half interest to the right
party. R 169, uregonian.
HAVE good advertising proposition which
has made good in every city of size In
the East. Need $500 to start In Port
land. Loan sharks need not answer. W
170, Oregonian. '
PARTNER wanted to help in store, can de
pend on $100 month salary and the profits
should pay you $100 month more; money
required will be fully secured. Room 31$
Lumoer exenange.
WANTED Poulsen Wireless Corporation;
United States Cashier Co.; Necarney City
Hyrdo-carbon Oil and many other stocks.
See us about youra. W. E, Davidson &
CO., 10 Lewis D1UB-
OLD established wholesale manufacturing
business wants honest, reliable partner
with ibout $4000 for increasing business.
V liZ, uregonian.
REAL estate business Owner wants steady
man to help In office, show property, etc.;
can clear $200 month; particulars. 211
Lumber mxenangs p. as.
FOR SALE General merchandise stock in
prune and farming district in Willam
ette Valley; good business opportunity.
owner, m j.ov, xjivm""-
RESTAURANT, fine location, must sell on
account of leaving city; seats 75; Is well
worth $600; price Monday, $275 for ail.
van oa iwii'i UC2L
PICTURE show, a beautiful place, with lou
of people to patronize you; will sell cheap
and give a 5-year lease. Room 819 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
If It Is about stocks and bonds, call,
Dhone, wire or write us. W. E. Davidson
& Co., 216 Lewis bldg. Phone Mar. 8.
3" LOTSnd blacksmith shop, furnished; 2
forces, all other tools complete; nearly
new- good location in. Portland; will sell
at great 8acnui:e. r uunr
IF you want to get Into business that is
business something doing all the time
call at 267 Yamhill st. No fake; no
agents, tan ii unua.
FOR SALE Drugstore in fastest-growing
suburb of Portland; owner will sell at
invoice price; good reasons for selling.
can an rj. anu pi- m-v-
IE, .Yl rIU X in aCil X v " ..v. .. t
v liable partner to help him: will show
you he ciearea souv muiiLn
Room 319 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FORSALE Groceries. confectionery, ice
cream and cigars, good district, have oth
er business; will sell cheap. $600. 'Phone
PARTNER wanted, mostly outside work,
and pays $30 week; requires very littlt
oney. oom aiv uumm-r
FOR SALE Up-to-date halr-dresstng and
manicure parlor; leaving city. 404 Roth-
child bldg.
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, lease and
stock; cheap. Walter Plymale, Auroia.
HALF Interest in good cleaning works, do
ing good business. Call 7 Grand ave.
or pnone -c. icq-
BARBER shop in best country town in Ore
gon; 4 chairs, always busy; baths, etc.; bc
bargain. ai .uuinoer i.wii'.ns
REPAIR shop wants partner- big profits;
requires $300. 819 Lumber Exchange.
HAVE a friend here from the East with
S3000 to $5000 to invest in a well-located
bakery and grocery. For particulars see
Geo. A. Riggs. 815 Spalding bldg. Phones:
iK.hnii "?74 or A 2489.
WANTED Undertaking or furniture and
undertaking business in town of not less
than 1000. Address K. W. Howell, i-i
Bunkernm ave., uos vs
WANT lumber or hardware business, EaM
ern Oregon or Idaho. Full particulars fi'fct
letter. S. Gabel. 7. 523 .Lacrosse, fcpj-.
WILL invest J500 and services in legltimaw
Davini proposition that will stand
thorough investigation. Y 170, Oregonian.
WANTED Grocery stock; will trade mort
gage, land, and some cash. Vanduyn &
Walton, blO tnBinueiwu
WANTED To buy country bakery. Emll
Schroder, Oregon v-uj, u.
WANTED Location for shoe-repair shop or
position in snup. i , - i. .......
WANTED To buy a small restaurant. Al
3 75. Oregonian
ON PARK street, strictly modern 6-room
flat; full of roomers and boarders; sacri
fice sale. 4US oregum"
FOR SLE Furniture of apartment-house,
building for rent; good business; 4oiT
tease, v 11
WANTED To lease, apartment or Wining
hmise;Hll buy furniture. Describe fully.
JS 81, lreKmi'"i
A BARGAIN 14 room, jrood fumltur. 4M.(J
nigs; term; no agents. Owner, F t.l.
15-ROOM modern flat, cheap rent, elesanl
'""'"J -'! -I?,OI?X. "k.eJtV- Jit
MUST sell or trade 3l-room apartment-houM
quick; any reasonable offer accepted. 16
tjoiumoia bl, tui nu.
ONE rooming-house for sale, and a goojJ
lady wanted to take charge of one. call
Kofi ill st.
11 ROOMS Housekeeping, lease, rent $40.
t tA pinu In tlMl rlnmn. baL
$15 month. Owner, Main i2Bi.
17" ROOMS Housekeeping, close in, good in
come, rent only $.5; will sacrifice for T2
terms, or cajtn. wiuvi, iiu
FOR SALE cheap, rooming-house, 16 room
Owner 721 1st, corner Hooker.