13 THE SL'MMT OirEGOXIAX. PORTLAin. JUXE 23, 1912. It BITCATIONg WANTgPy Bookkeepers mnd Clark. DEPARTMENT TOBE CIZRK Sw POSITION", CITY OR 'NTBT STORE: EXPERIENCED. HONEST AND GOOD H A LEF MAN; U V. 1-w rv- " Al REFERENCES; INTERVIEW WENOGBAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, thorough office man, good correipondeat tnd pen- man, age cs utu w erences. Barbie. Main 1323 or address K liO. Oregon i hotel manager who Is a thorough office man and capable of handling- big business. A 1. Oregonian. will audit, opes, close or write up books, prepare balances and state ments, install systems. GUlln-gham, au- m , mm t 4- i.iriv Vanhall 71 i ditor. 512 Lewis blag, aarsnau n. STENOGRAPHER and clerk. 3 years ex perience In general office, small railroad. HI IriWft Vn Houten It. BOOKKEEPER and office man desire posi tion; quick, accurate and reliable; best of references. A, uregonian. MAN. with four or five hours a day, wants any kind ox ornce worn; can use i? writer; experienced. B 186. Oregonian. rTPFRiFNTEn hAokkBr wants DosHien, first-clsss city references. S 148. Orego nian. BOOKKEEPING service as required. 1041 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 7441. L Miscellaneous. WANTED Responsible position as caretaker on country place or private residence by married man; experienced with gardening, lawn, cows, etc. and bandy all around; gobd wages expected; references. Address C 169. Oregonian TOCXO man with artificial leg. otherwise strong and healthy, wishes light work; formerly carpenter; handy around ma chinery; wages to suit- AB 185, Orego nian. WANTE D Position with reliable real es tate Arm In PortTand to handle city ana country proposition; experienced In all branches of real estate. Richard Plum. 445 Lewis ave-Brooklyn. N. T. City. FIRST-CLASS, experienced packer would Ifke to get employment In wholesale house and store. Address F. Leaf, general de livery. Portland, Or. m AN A-1 clothing and furnishing goods sales man wants position at once; finns who mean business only need to communicate. E io9. Oregonian. RELIABLE Japanese with many years" ex perience and jrood references, wants posi tion as chauffeur in good family. Phons s.v. or S 152. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED florist. German, wants po sition in greenr.ouse or private place or contract for grafting or budding. Apply Matthlesen Hotel, room 113. FIRST-CLASS, all-around mining blacksmith or machine man wants position; formerly with Boston Consolidated Mining Co.. 660 E. Taylor, apt. 9, Portland, Or. CHAUFFEUR, young married man, steady ami sober, wishes permanent position, eitner private or truck. phone A 3819. rom SI. or leave address. WANTED Position as editorial and local writer by sober, capable, practical printer and newspaper man; state salary. Ad dress until June 29. AO 97, Oregoniap. YOUNG man will work on typewriter free of charge for short time for experience in lumber or building contractor's office. A 'J 150. Oregonian. POSITION by experlencea salesman and clerk; can meet business or professional mn; will start at lower salary if per manent. 1 1 i'ii vreB"'" FARMER'S son. age 19. experienced dairy and chickens, wants position on a small home farm. S. R-. 1724 E. 11th. Portland, Or.. Pell wood Station. WANTED A competent girl for general housework: one willing to go to the beach. 733 E. Burnslde. Phone East 1010. . . MAN of 50 wants work as cashier or watch man or any light work; have had some experience as elevator man; good refer ences. B 1S7. Oregonian. - rOUXG man. married, capable, educated, wishes position at anything between hours of 12 noon and 12 midnight. N 162, Ore gonian. MARRIED man wishes steady position in wholesale or commission house: resident of Portland 16 months; reference. A 1 HO, Oregon '.an. MARRIED man desires steady employment; experienced In slectrical. telephone and building material work; references. B 190. Oregon. A RELIABLE man wants work as Janitor or hnuse, office and window cleaner. . H.. 6S7 Kearney. Main 7833. EXPERIENCED civil engineer wants posi tion, experienced in hydrsulic, structural and municipal worn. iqj. W A NT E D Posi t ion as col lector, can fur nish best of city references, furnish bond. tv 14. uregonian. YOUNG man. steady and reliable, with good knowledge of cooking, w t ion as assistant m - HOUSE window cleaner; floors, woodwork repoilshed, day or contract. Main 8034. Martin. BOY 16 with commercial education, wants position In office; can give good re Terences. 1 ! I, uregon ian. room 24. Hotel Irlng. S12 Oak st. PhoneH Main 4ini. BOY wishes position in drug store to learn business; wages no object. AB 173, Ore- JAPANESE wants any kind of work frou. 1 to 5 P. M-, every other day. V 149, Oregonian. MAN 28 years old, experienced, wants per manent 'work on ranch anywhere In Ore- gon. Box 1 rortiano, MARRIED man ot experience, with ref erences, would like the care of a country place. V 14ft, Oregonian. WANTED Work on small dairy ranch. Eastern experience; American. AG ltf2. GERMAN young man wants position In any kind of business; steady man; acquainted with city. L 15. Oregonian. yXPERlENfkSD carpenter and builder 'wants work, charges reasonable. O. Pevcr son. liV-4 rT ISth St., city. A YOUNG man would like a place to as sist with work on farm. O li. Orego nian EXPERIENCED grocery or cigar clerk de sires steady position; can furnish best or refe renews. AJ lt0Jleg0IMai!: FIRST elass chauffeur desires position for month or lx Veeks; references. 262 Ivy nooaiiwn io-. MAN and wife. Scotch, want position, groom and chambermaid or useful man. R urt gmiian. XRAP IMll'MMER. experienced, with out- Marshall 3872. EXPERIENCED chauffeur want position, city references, not afraid of work. A 181. Oregonian SITUATION by good pastry and bread baker; country preferred. E. 158. Ore gonian. GOOD stenographer, some experience, want ing more, wishes position; moderate sal a r y. AC 171. Oregonian. ExVeRI ENCED chauffeur wanu positioa. "city references, not afraid of work. A 181. Oregonian. YOUNG man. German, to drive, repair au tomoblte. private family preferred; ref erenda W ITtP. PAINTER, thorough mechanic, wants steady work with builder or take charge. J. H. Marshall, pnone cast JANITOR or porter, young man. married, no children, wants work: apartment-house or hotel. AO 13. Oregonisn. COI LEGE mn. 3S years old. of high char acter and efficiency, wants outdoor work. Address Ml Y. M. C. A. bldg. YOUNG man. 24. mach. graduate, '11. wants poult ton lu office or drafting-room. One year a experience, a i.. w r--n...... JAPANESE bov wants 3 or 4 hours' Job sfter 4 P. also can cook. AH 1. Oregon i a n. YOUNG married man wants steady day work; now working nights, janitor school, office building. F 1M, Oregonian. COMPETENT carpenter wants jobwork. Phone A 3-Ut Itl"; r runt rv FIRST-CLASS cook, situation In small club, . . n,inrv Kai.I Var S(WA EX PERIENCED Janitor with sxod refer ence wants work. AM 1S7. Oregonian. MAN and wife w ant work on fruit ranch or other work. E 140, Oregonian. WANTED- Position as bartender. Eastern man. Address L 15. Oregonian. J PANE3E boy wants any Job. after noon "or before 9 A M. N 158. Oregonian. JAP NE?E bey wants position, housework, tn 'family. E. Kamida, .;27 Everett et. EPFRIENCED vepttshie man wants work. Vail Marshail 2'5. Room 67. JAPANESE desires place to wait on table; private family. AD 163. Oregonian. bTRONG Japanese wanta a position, farm; small wages. AD 14, Oregonian. POSITION, packer, by an experienced man; can give reference. AE Ifeo, Oregonian. HON EST Japanese hoy wishea a position cooking and housework. A 17. Oregonian. C H A I" FF F.U R- Japanese. wants ran help inside hou. 424 Mo ts position: rrison sr. RELIABLE man wants position as collector; references given. Phone B 24fiL WINDOW-CLEANING, dwellings and flats. Lioors re waxed. Main 6573, evening. WTTJATIOX WAKTED Mai Mieeellaoeeas. WANTED, NEW LOCATION I am now as sociated with one of the largest corpora tions In the Middle West, In the capacity of assistant purchasing agent. Desiring to more West, I solicit correspondence with reliable firms, who contemplate In creasing their working force. Have had 2 years of business experience; five years as traveling salesman. Thoroughly fa miliar with all kinds of office work. Am SO years of age; single. Address AV 893 oregonian. POSITION BY UNIVERSITY GRADUATE. 20. MARRIED. 1 YEARS BUSINESS EXPERIENCE' AS ASSISTANT MAN AGER AND MANAGER OF EASTERN COMMERCIAL ESTABLISH MENT; ENERGETIC PROGRESMVE AND CAPABLE; A GOOD OPENING MORE DESIRABLE THAN HIGH SAL ARY AT START. AC 151. OREGONIAN. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BIBEAU- 215 Second St., Corner Salmon, Women's Department. 243 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phons Main 3555. A 5624. THE Harmony Trio of musical entertainers, full repertoire of latest popular and classic songs, direct from London. For dating address Jack Houston. 7T Mult nomah su Also individual acta. Will leave city. ' SITCATIOX WANTED rEMALl . Bookkeepers and 8t?nofcrraphers. EDUCATED business woman wants position as private secretary or office work, where faithfulness snd reliability will be ap preciated. Two years In present position without being sosent or xaray a minute. AB 1 1 4. Oregonian. POSITION wanted . by experienced lady stenographer and bookkeeper; have also had considerate experience in general ui nce work; references furnished- B IStf, Oregonian. CAPABLE bookkeeper and stenographer of six years experience oesires posiion in dentist's or doctor's office; thoroughly ac quainted with all details or omce wora. L loo, ureioDiso. - WOMAN having business sense, ability to meet people ana a Knowieage oi oook keeplng wants position for Summer months a. Jtti, uregonian. STENOGRAPHER several years' experience, can assist wiLh bookkeeping or keep small salary to begin. Call East 3588. WANTED By competent young woman, po- it inn a honk lcMnr. AJtHtfltant OOOKKeeu er or office work ; references. W 173, Oregonian. BRIGHT, refined ladr wants position In re ception-room, or several aoctors; or otner office work. "ive years' experience anu city reference. 14, uregonian. LADY experienced In general oft Ice work desires position as bookkeeper or cashier; will work as assistant.- T 166, Orego nian. YOUNG woman, five years' office experi ence, some knowleace or stenograpny. wishes position In or out of city. Phone Heiiwooa LARGE, nicely furnished room suitable for choice location, close in. West Side. Main oj -. lO OO evening , ueii roii vu.m. . oicv arier o:oo r. an. Hnrni, rnRnnVA. 2B iith ST. New, strictly modern, private baths; BOOKKEEPER desires position with charge of ret of books ; o years experience in city; good references, f none c.ast j&ia COMPETENT, experienced stenographer, highest references, desires position. Mar shall 2740. Room 320. EX PER1ENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Mara woraer. rnone juain oovx. Apt. 23. Annex. YOUNG lady, experienced In bookkeeping ana stenograpny, desires position; osi of references lurmsneo. juain ooa. YOUNG girl, some knowledge of typewrit ing, desires omce wora. a a. asx, ure gonian. A YOUNG lady stenographer, with some ex perience, wishes position in an on ice. Phone Marshal 707, Room 14. EXPERIENCED, reliable stenographer- bookkeeper wants permanent or temporary worK. fnone Main wotu. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion; law or real estaLe preierrea; gooa references. H 155, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. Ave years' experience, de sires position. Marshall EVENING work, typewriting or stenography. wanted oy expert, a im, uregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion. S 155. Oregonian. Drese makers. YOUNG lady stenographer desires per manent position; iour years experience in stenographic ana general omce worn; conscientious and earnest worker. AN !, Oregonian. MDI.LfiL DE BILLAUT. 655 Washington Ella-sL entrance). M. 449S. Exclusive French designs in gowns, suits. waMta etc. FASHIONABLE dressmaker; expert de signer ana xier ; prices reaouuia. a m bor S3. CAPABLE woman wishes sewing by day, mending or general repairing of ladles' wardrobes. B. 6.. 4S8 Flanders St. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladies' tailoring, reasonable prices. 537 Mont gomery. Phone Main 1018. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, ladles' tallorist wishea sowing in families or home. Mala 323t. DRESSMAKING, reasonable; work guaran teed. Mrs. Myers, 968 Division su. near cor.E. 33d su EXPERIENCED dressmaker will , go out sewing by the day. Phone Columbia 500. 1678 Portsmouth ave. LADY, thoroughly experienced In tailoring ma ken suits at renonable prices; coats a specialty. Tabor 1&;:0. WANTED Dressmaking and homo sew lug by the day. also alteration and repairing suits, etc. Phone East 2397. EXPERIENCED dressmakers and ladles' tailors, bottom prices. 1068 E. 30th N. A car. Phone Woodlawn 1256. A DRESSMAKER from the East wishes sewing by the day; $2 a day. East 199. c EXPERIENCED dressmaker. 2.50 per day n . V.nmA 1TK V'th mt Uarahflll DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring, $3 by the day. Tabor 483. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by day. 503 Williams ave. East 67. DRESSMAKER solicits work, $2 per day. Phone Main 61 S3. EXPERT dressmaker and first-class tailor eea wishes work. Main 4468. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by the day or at home. Main 4140. WANTED Dressmaking by the day in families. Phone E. 5343. CAPABLE dressmaking by day. Phone Marshall 3ii. PLAIN sewing, mending and darning. Phone DRESSMAKER will go out to sew. New DRESSMAKER from San Francisco wishes few more customers. Main M07. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; will make en gagements. Woodlawn 3339. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would like work; 4U.25 per day. 20 Margin sc. SEWING done In families by the day. Phone Main 39S5. A 5U46. Apt. 104. DRESSMAKING, fine and plain sewing by the lay. AN 17Q. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wsnts day work. $2 to 2.50- AO 106. Oregonian. Nor EXPERIENCED nurse will give Invalid, aged ladv or gent. room, best care, home com forts; maternity cases taken at home or out; city referencea Columbia 322. FIRST-CLASS, reasonable rates. East Side Maternity Home. 22 B. 4th, near Madi son: take Hawthorne car. Phone Tabor 337. GRADUATE nurse from East wishea posi tion, day duty, care of invalid, or in doc tor's office: modern compensation. A 186, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse to go to beach as nurse, or companion. References . ex changed. Sell wood 175. . NURSE, g ra d uat e Good Saroa ri tan He s pital. wishes position la physician's of fice. Ab 164. Oregonian. SL'KSE with beautiful suburban home will care for old people or invalids. V 151, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes a position; price reasonable. Phone A 7373. PRACTICAL NURSE wishes cases. Main 5107. x EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wants case; best city reference, f none womiitb how. NEAT housekeeper desires position for wid- Ho POSITION as housekeeper In hotel; 7 years' experience. Phone M. 1IT0. RESPECTABLE woman wsnts position as housekeeper. AS 169. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper by lady In some good home. B 188, Oregonian. STTUATION WAyTgPgWafATJl WIDOW with lO-y ear-old son desires em ployment aaalsting with household duties or care of children In beach or suburban home; good home 'considered more than wages. .box At jt, oregonian. REFINED wiaow wishes position at houae- aeepinc where she can taae son ot prefer widower's home. Phone Wood lawn 5. HOUSEKEEPER; reliable woman, capable cook and housekeeper, wishes position on i run ranon; nave oaugnter v. u oregonian. CAPABLE adaptatlve woman, good cook and nouseKeeper, aaugnter v, wants suuauu- out, tv. i3, oregonian. WANTED At once, a nositlon as house keeper by refined woman of 49; widower's jiomt prorerreq. Air uregon ian- RELIABLE, middle-aged woman desires po sition as housekeeper in apartment -no use. or tor widower. AF 1T3, oregonian. YOUNG woman with two children wishes situation as housekeeper In or out city. x 1 1. uregoman. FAITHFUL middle-aged woman wishes posi- uon or (rust; gooa worker, a s. urego- EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman wishes posiuon, as nouseseepcr in rooming-nouow. A (MUO. NEAT woman, 30. boy 18. desires housekeep- YOUNG lady does sewing, dressmaking. $2 a day. Main 5904. WANTED By competent American cook, position private family; answer with phone COMPETENT girl wants second work; ref erences; 17 a week. Phone Marshall 042. NEAT experienced woman wants position ns cook. F 190, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants po sition out of town. X 14S. Oregonian. WANTED Position as nurseglri and up stairs work. Tel. Main 8665. Miscellaneous. WANTED Middle-aged woman, neat house- Keeper, gooa cook, wno wants permanent home, competent to take entire charge; no warning; three children, ages Hi to x": wire ri an, due not connneu to room .'5 per month and fare to Grants Pass good references necessary; give phone nu inner. AL 167, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman desiring steady em ployment for one year, cananle of earn ing two dollars a day or better, wants piace to cook, mo objection to laoiateo. inland localities. Woman employer pre ferred. Ten days required for answer. AV 395, Oregonian. UNIVERSITY graduate, having traveled mucn abroad, speaking French and uer man fluently, seeks position as governess or companion; she has some knowledge of housekeeping and nursing and would take charge of an invalid. AF 172, Ore gonian. YOUNG woman, attractive, university aradu ate, desires position in physician's office or as ciertc; nas gooa Dusiness training ana is acquainted witn omce routine moderate salary. AB 175, Oregonian. LADY will assist with light housework in exchange for room and board and small salary; must nave phone. 170, Ore gonian. TEACHER wishes office work, doctor's or aentist a preierrea, or will tutor pupils terms reasonable. Main 110. WANTED To care for children evenings: responsible person. Phone East 5943, Tues- uay morning. GERMAN woman wants to go out to work for washing and ironing. M. S. R. 617 xuiius ave. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants any kind ugni worn; email wages. b 1D4, urego nian. WOMAN with 1ft-months -old baby wants housework in small family: wages $iu per monin. au l&i, uregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and office girl wishes position ; references. Phone Bast WANTED By young lady a position as governess with parties who are going to travel. i j o, uregonian. LADY wishes position as companion to lady ana assise ugnt work mornings and even inga for home. AS 171. Oregonian. TWO good women would like chamberwork in respectable place; would like board; nave pome, r iv&t oregonian. EXPERIENCED German woman wants day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning Phone FIRST-CLASS fitter would like position In smaii town ; gooa rexerences. an ibu, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position as traveling companion or care of child ren, j 104. uregonian. WANTED- Situation as governess by young woman with good education. H 153, Ore gonian. WIDOW with boy .'6 would like position as camp cook, coy as neiper. aj lws, ure gonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants work. Coast or city; gooa nome; references ex changed. X 140, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wanta bundle work or day work. Call Marshall 4U4U. WANTED Day work. Ironing, laundress. Call Sunday or after 5 P. M. Referencea. B 1971. YOUNG girl would go to country or seaside to taKe care ot lniant or small child. Phone A 3271 or apply 44 23d st. N. TWO women wish work In railroad or log ging camp; good cooks; must be together. X 171, Oregonian PIANO and violin lessons given; special rates during vacation; references. Mar shall 3016. WOMAN wants day work for Monday. Phone Tabor 701. POSITION by dictaphone operator. Mar shall 3034. AN 163, Oregonian. REFINED young lady wishes good home. light work. M. 5107. FAMILY woman wants take in all kinds of washing. E. S. K. R., 617 Guilds ave. LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun dered, sun bleached. 25c up. Tabor 817. GIRL wants house wok or cooking. 522 Go ing st. - WOMAN wants day work. Call Marshall 1664. TRAINED nurse wants office position, doc tor or dentist. B. 6364. GERMAN lady wishes washing or sweeping; no objection nail days, iiast 31X4. RESPECTABLE lady will, go to beach as companion or will work. Tabor 8023. SCANDINAVIAN girl with experience wants housework; country preferred, e. 1944. LACE curtains hand laundered, special Tates to hotels. Phone Main I486. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for, delivered. Main 3965. COMPETENT young lady wants day work. Phone B 1808 between 7 ana p. m. - GREEN girl wants place to do general housework. Phone Marshall 1367. EXPERIENCED Norwegian woman wants work, chambermaid. Phone Marshall 4t20. LADY w ishes a position as maid ; prefers someone traveling. J 153, Oregonian. NEWCOMER. Norwegian girl, desires gen eral housework. 560 Commercial st. WANTED Day's work by colored woman. Call or phone 455 Main st. M 7S21. CAPABIJ3 woman wants day work. Room 15t Main 266. EXPERIENCED girl wants to do day work snd get dinner. Phone Marshall 1367. NEAT young woman wants work from 9 till a or icss. cox uregonian. YOUNG woman wants day work, references. A 1554. 2 bells. GERMAN woman wants cooking and house work by the day. 220 E. Monroe st. COMPETENT lady wishes work by the day or hour. Main- 5467. LACE curtains washed, V years' experience. Tabor 2445. Mrs. Scott. REFINED, congenial widow wants position as nouseKeeper. u ito, uregonian. GOOD woman wants day work. Main 434. LADY wishes day work. Phone Tabor 3094. WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE men and women to sell the Auto Vacuum Freexers; wonderful article; demonstrated at Olds. Wortmta & Kings. L. R- Griffith. Sales Co. Phone C 1610. AGENTS WANTED everywhere for quick- selling proposition, 23 deny easily made. Address Steele's Specialty Co., Box 3S9, Berkeley. Cal. - ' AGENTS: coat 2c. sell 25c: window letters you can put on with roller: postal brings free mounted samples. Embossed Letter Co., 2542 Milwaukee sve., Chicago. AGSNTS wanted everywhere to handle our new specialty; Dig prouu, easy saies. Write at once for free particulars. E. H. De Sslms. San Jcse, Cal. LEGITIMATE to substitute for slot ma chines; patentea; sens on sigm ror Si; particulars. Plena Co., Anderson. Ind. AGENTS, learn about the profits made sup plying perfumes to ismiues. Aaaress J-ei-f!er & Co.. Indianapolis. Ind. SC PER 100 for collecting names sr.d sd- dresses; III or s?we nmr, biajjid iur par- ticrars. Ksystone Fal Ca.. Darby; Pa. BOTH sexes; we manufacture and control the TS?esT veiling jj-,Mny ocr mveoiea. Connolly Mfg. Co.. 123 Liberty, New York. WANTED AGEKT. A LIFETIME OTtnortunitT: aa-enta make $45 to $90 a week and more; a revelation to" agency work; Clausa Never Fail Automatic Baxor Sharpener; sells on sight; 100 per cent profit and more; all or spare time; Wilson. N. H., sold In 80 in in.; Brock- way. CaL. placed 6 dox. In 10 days; Brown, Mass.. sells 31 first day out: you can equal what these men and hundreds of . others are doing In every section; get ouey oe one ot toe 1000 men to slsxi m next to days In exclusive territory; only successful invention of its kind on mar ket today; only one that hones and strops any rasor, old style or sarety; iron-ci&a guarantee covers each machine perfect, accurate, automatic: Phenomenal money maker. Write today, free trial offer. Never Fail Co., 14S2 Colton bldg.. Toieao, u. DOUBLE money selling our guaranteed fountain pens. We are one of largest Inde pendent manufacturers, sell pens irom sj. to 15 dozen, instruct you In business hundreds dealers throughout country aver age 425 dally profit, only smaP. window space. There is big portunlty every town of 10,000 up for window demonstration ; are now supplying over 40 stores Cleve land alone. Send for proposition, testimo nials, etc.; better still, send 82 for sample dozen assorted fountain pens ( retail 56) or 56 sample dozen assorted 14 karat solid gold pens (retail 515. Including bank, Mlf-flllins-. aafftlAs. nearl. sterling, etc.) Money back not sariened. Tifflny Pen Company, 1027 Garneld Building, uieve- land, Ohio. SUMMER TIME TS BEER TIMET Sell T3 Pirn- pnniti-.t Fvtrart tnr TnAKinC real, genuine, intoxicating Deer ai Not a near-beer; not artificial; real lager Deer, ulakaa i duviv-awi IM ATE ; NO LICENSE REQUIRED. Saves over 100 per cent of brewers pricea Get ready for the sizzling hot weather. Small piCKSge. ii;veryooay ouyw. Great money maker; territory beIn imp pea up. uci dubj " . - -- warm. Write today. American Products Co., Dept. 2027. Cincinnati, Ohio. AT ONCE Something new. model spring winder; guaranteed for life; makes springs any size from any kind of spring wire; wonderfully rapid, efficient, powerful ma chine; sells quickly to factories, shops, mills, garages, printing houses, newspaper publishers, etc; indispensable wherever there's machine with springs: saves time, worry, money; attaches In minute to any workbench or table. Sell one, make $2.50 profit. You can sen ju a aay. xig tells all. Write National -Mfg. A Sales Co., 894 Huron. Toledo, Ohio. nCTAT nnnnrtnnitv tn m d it A 0101167. fast selling "Great Lesders and Natlonallssues Of 1912," discussed by rtoosevott. " Taft. Clark and other leaders of all par ties. Lives of all candidates. 100 col ored and other illustrations; only $1; very best terms; outfit free. Universal House, 1010 Arch st., pnuaaeipnia. START IN BUSINESS Be independent; started as agent, now big manufacturer: have hundreds agents working. I'll art you. Agents ability wanted to open branch offices, employ sub-agents. No money needed. Write me fully, frankly. Dolt today. C. E. Swartzbaugh Co., Box bw. xoieua, uum, VOTERS HANDBOOK; great Issues dls- CUESea Dy grM. a a a' Knii- pariisan doom., oov - tlf ui colored and other illustrations ; 50 . i i 1 fi fnr colored plates, mailing; act quick. Chi cago Book and Music Co., 531 S. Wabash, Chicago. AG E N TS on sal ary or commission . The greatest agent's seller ever produced ; every user of pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent'a sales amounted to $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mrg. JO. Ji. , xa Lorew, r A LIFE INCOME for men and women, ope rating home sales parlors, canvassing per sonally or employing agents for OJJK Year Wear, guaranteed dress shoes for tne whole family. Big profits. Exclusive agency. NO RISK. Kushion Komfort bhOe CO., aOUtn St.. Dogma, whm- WANTED Advertising novelty salesmen for the greatest of all advertising novel tlea; brand new, whole U. S. open; 35 per cent commission; make a big clean-up; act quick. F. J. Dean Mfg. Co., 122 West 3d, Los Angeles. CaL JUST coin money selling NEW IMPROVED HOSIERY direct from mill with our big advertising offer. YOU CAN MAKE $25 DAILY. EVERYBODY BUYS. Credit. Samples In leatherette case free. ' New Improvea Knitting jniua, -.nuns- WANTED Hustler to take the exclusive agency in portiana ror gooa propuoiuuu nniv thnan who can invest after Investiga ting proposition need apply. Room 206 Couch 3 lag. upon eunaay. WANTED Women agents to handle pat ented article that every woman needs; 100 per cent profit. Sells on sight. Write today. Indicator Agency. Douglas. Ari zona. HEADQUARTERS for novelties or 4th July celebrations, fairs, picnics, parka, resorts; also latest campaign novelties. Scheiner Souvenir & Curio Co., 86 N. ttth su, Portland, or. $50 WEEKLY selling collection cabinets to ritory; write for fre samples and descrip tive matter. Bayers Co., Laclede bldg., at. Louis. Mo AGENTS make big money selling our metal lic letters for Office windows, store fronts sod glass signs; anyone can put them on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co., 437 N. ClarK St.. Chicago. - AGENTS coin money selling U. S. fire ex tinguishers; 50V per cent profit; buyers everywhere; exclusive territory assigned; district managers wanted. United Mfg. Co., 1093 Jerrerson, loieao. unio. WE want a permanent representative, either 4 ,, Inxallfv t rt hnnHlfl mir hiffh. gra'le specialties; pleasant work, good pay. P. A E. Sales Co., Dept. 14, Bernice bldg., Tacoma. AGENTS, make $20 a day eelling patented specialties. Send for free catalogue and sample, every article a gold mine. Bu rn on ta Sales Co., dept. 4, Box 200, Butte, Mont. BOY and girl agens, sell 24 packages post cards at IV cento vmuu, ieuBi uui" " doll or watch free. J. C. Finney Post Card Co., Dept. L-, 4349 Henderson St., Seattle, Wash. . A 2-MINUTE demonstration makes every call a sale, witn large promo, yuwuoij biggest agents' bonanza out; free sample and particulars. G. V. Sales Co., 12 Spruce St., New ior. SCREEN DOOR check; demonstrate and i , nn Kan nii MJivefl door: dozen can be carried in pocket; demon strating sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., AGENTS "Inside Information," a new book OH ins UKCUV' whojmd m , j o - have one- 1000 copies free while they last; send for one today. Finch Publishing Co- 250 PER CENT profit; wonderful little article; sells uae wiiaiire; can o crneu in pocket. Write at once, free sample. H. Mathews. 6212 State bldg.. Dayton, Ohta FREE samples; no-splash water-strainers are winners tor agents, um .f1 $5 upward; let us prove it; send 2c (mail ing COt-; rutci -w. SURE sale wherever electric lights are used; amazing pronto w a uanj, n-- sajnple Where U Wan tit Light Co., Chi cago. TO SELL county rights for the best water vacuum cieaner on euu, uiwiitM m one. AV 394. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Mouses. WANTED TO RENT. .A four, five or -six-room cottage or bungalow; must be modern; East or West Side; furnished or unfurnished. Reply care Oregonian, AO 171. A 5 OR 6-room modern bungalow for one or more years: must w- in wu wuui tton and on oiled or paved street. . Ad dress 209 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED House or bungalow to rent; must be modern, good location and car service; responsible party. Y 162, Ore gonian. WANT to rent a furnished or unfurnished house 4n irvington or nouaaay, irom August 1 to January 1; small family. X 362, Oregonian WANTED To rent, small cottage at any beach IOr ins leaaoa. uil- ijnuv particulars In first letter. X 156, Oji-e- A MODERN 5-room well-furnished bungalow In desiraoie nBiguuu'uwwu. auu--Oregonian. WANTED To - rent t or 8 -room modern house on West biae, gooa location; no use in good condition. W 161, Oregonian. 8 OR 9-ROOM modern house, hardwood floors, garage ir possioi-, j. oiuo pio- ferred. Taoor cvav. k YOUNG couple, with no -children, wants a place to take care of during the Sum mer, a. j--j i, e,"-."- WANTED Furnished house on West Side, within walking distance, mono juaxsnau 173 from 10 to 2 P. M. Sunday. FOR Summer, small furnished house or list; gooa location , bwu c fti'cu. Phone East 53tf3 Sunday or evenings. TWO middle-aged women would care for a home wnne owner is dui irum Phone wooaiawn oo. WANT 5- o 6-room bungalow or cottage 1 In, tnnat h mnilurn: virri P 169. Oregonian. WANTED to rent mmisnea oungaiow uy yung COUpie;; rrircui-. auui rni nuu full particulars AR 166, Oregonian. IF YOU wish to rent your house or flat se4 WatSOn & I HTM-CiOTiii u., ovu-v 0pau- lng bldg; Main WANTED For the Summer, furnished houseboat, can or write oii touca mug. WANTED To rent, small furnished house for summer, o av, ureiomsn. f AVrED TO RsUTsV Hoi FURNISHED HOME WANTED. $75 to $100. If you have a home that commands $78 to $10O, call to see us; we have wealthy Southerner who is looking for the best; prefer garage and place ror servants. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO.. INC, 913-917 Lewis Bldg. Main 8400 4th and Oak A 7158 FAMILY of three adults would like care of house during Summer months; country preferred: no objection to caring for chil dren - during absence of parents; refer ences." AD 170, Oregonian WANTED Ft your couple, a small fur nished house for two months or longer. Willing to care for home of family leav ing the city for the Bummer. Best refer ences furnished. Call Sell wood 1651. BY JULY 1 Thoroughly modern 7 or & room house for Summer; must be In de sirable district and in good condition; give full information; garage with house also desired. AT 1 i . uregonian. COUPLE, no children, want to rent modern flat. S 179 Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED 3 -room apt., furnished, includ ing dishes, bath; advise rent wanted. 8 167, Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED By man and wife, two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Nob Hill district preferred; state price, AE 167, Oregonian. " WANTED By lady, July 1; two unfurnished rooms or room and kitchenette in apart ment or private house. Y 152, Oregonian. SINGLE woman wishes furnished room In , Christian Protestant family. Y 148. Ore- gonlan. - WANTED 3 furnished housekeeping-rooms or small flat; give full particulars. R 146, Oregonian. WANTED Pleasant furnished or unfur nished room. West Side, References ex changed. AM 164, Oregonian. LADY with two small children wants housekeeping-rooms in the country or suburbs. Mus". be reasonable, V 150, Oregonian. QUIET business man, single, wanu com fortable room. West Side; rent $12 to $16. O 180, Oregonian. TWO gentlemen want room with two single beds; East Side with private family pre ferred. C 166. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room in strictly mod ern apartment, de-itred by young man, permanently located. J 173. Oregonian. WANTED Three furnished light house keeping rooms. Good location; permanent. AM 163, Oregonian. WOULD "like sleeping or upstairs porch, rtnnncntinff with a room or - two: fur nished or unfurnished. H 169, Oregonian. WANTED Two unfurnished h. k. rooms. Booms With Board. EMPLOYED lady and daughter, 11. wish board and room with good, arlstocraIc family, good neiphborhood, near achool, Irving ton preferred. Phone Marshall 4394, oeiween o:ov mu j.f.xtv m.. -m WANTED Room and board by young man, preferably private home ; central West Side; references exchanged. S 165, Ore gonlan. WANTED July 1st, by two young mon, board and rcom in private family, within easy walking distance of Mississippi, Rus sell. L 1S5. Oregonian, r WANTED Room and board In private Ger man family, within walking distance; will exchange referencea Address V 154, Ore gonian. BY gentleman and daughter, rooms and board in private family, with modern home, lawn and shade, in good neighbor hood. W 147, Oregonian. FURNISHED room wanted by young man. West Side, rent not to exceed $S a month. M 168, Oregonian ROOM and board, private family, by quiet business girl; references if necessary; walking distance. jC 151, Oregonian. WANTED By two young gentlemen, room and board In private family in Alblna district. O 187. Oregonian. ROOM and board, three young men; one room; private. Today. AF 171. Oregonian. GOOD home for two boys, 8 and 10 years old. AL 163, oregonian. WOMAN to board 5-year-old boy where motner coma room, x uree""""'- YOUNG lady employed wishes home in pri vate family. X 166, Oregonian. WANTED Board without room, near 20th and Everett. Marshall 2820. Business Places. STOREROOM OR LOFT. Centrally located on West Side; fac tory purposes: 2000 to 3000 square feet of floor apace. Pacific Art Glass Works, 151 Front. WANTED To ront. a suitable building for ..ailn. ttft- tt mat hn in cnod location and low rent. Address 385 East Morrison st., Portland, On FOB BENT. TWO nice, large, clean, neatly furnished connecting nouseaeepmB i wwum, range, water, phone and bath, walking distance, near Steel bridge. 269 Wheeler street. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms; very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg.. 1st and Pine. FnraiBbed Booms. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Under New Management. . Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look this over before locating. TakA W car at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CABLES, Seventh and Taylor Streets, FOR TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS GENERALLY, At Verv Moderate Rates. NEW. QUIET, REPUTABLE. Absolutely central; two minutes irom Postoffice. stores, theaters and restaurants; just off business streets and caxlines; quietest and best location; handsome brick; ample steam heat, hot running water and phones in every room; suites and private baths. Any car from depot. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street New, modern brick building; steam heated? private baths, hot and cold water In rooms: beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnslde sts. AbsDlutely fireproof; new and eiegantiy furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room; special rates by the month; phone service free. Phone Marshall 4040. RAINIER HOTEL. Ons block from Union Depot; 140 outside . rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates for permanent guests; rates 60c to $2 a day; $3.50 and up per week, phone Main 3413. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms for rent; gas and electricity, not ana coia water baths, etc; swell parlor for guests and roomers' use. Take 23d or W car. 747 Northrup. Phone Marshall 3734. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for busi ness people ; central ly located ; eiegam rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Heilig Theater. Phone Main 91j6. HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park st., very central, European and American plan; homelike service In dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European, $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in eveiy room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. OCKLEY HOTEL, - 390 Morrison St. CHEAP SUMMER RATES. 3 and $3.5Q per week. Neat airy rooms. THE LINDELL. Large, pleasant front rooms: easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $2, S go to $4 per week. 328 4th st. Main 636L EXCELLENT large 6-room apartment, front. back ano Sleeping pjrju, uiaiu i uu 111 , hot water heat, vacuum cleaning system. Stevens Apartments. 791 Northrup. SEVERAL choice sleeping rooms, nicely fur nished, at loi dioui bu, uue uiuck. Buuin of Washington; only 6 minutes' walk from down town. THE GILMORE. 131 10th St.. cor. Alder, Close to all tne DUSinvsa umLnci aua me ters; clean, well furnished rooms; perma nent and transient: rates reasonable. NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold wa- 505 Jefferson st. DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a tow mi" y uiui.mss, 227 Larrabee at. Eaat Side. East 849. LEWISTON HOTEL, 271 Morrison, cor. 4th large airy rwjuia, busi &uu bb uho, transient; permanent rates very reasonable. NICE, clean, furnished, outside rooms, single street. FIR3T-CLAS8 stenographer desires extra dictation, copy ur lauuiaung wun, nave own machine. Phone Marshall 10S3. NICK, clean furnished roo.mi, 25o and up. PARLOR floor, 147 ltoh st., between Alder and Jtomson. Jimamm CLEAN, pleasant, right down town, $3 and up. 164 West Park st. FOB RENT. SBrnlttbed fc owmm. THE SARGENT HOTEL, Grand and Hawthorne Ave, For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suites in the city; large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all the mountains; also some single rooms; elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass the building. The largest and coolest rooms in the city. If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and inspect the Sar gent before locating. Excellent restaurant in connection with the hotel. Phone Eaat 29L J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW CPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hoteis HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS, 2l8i4rhst. 2mi 4th St. 207H4thst. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give ua a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. S37t Sast Burnslde Street. Lire in this hotel and save money on your room rent- We have 130 modern room a tingle or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates COc to $2 per day, $2 to $6 per week. East 5940, B 1275. $3 A WEEK, front room, newly furnished In white enamel; baths free; hot water all hours; desirable people only. Hotel Cadll lac, 3d and Columbia. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room, very pleasant, newly furnished, large front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Hot and cold water, easy walking distance. 355 11th. Main 7875. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for one or two; running water, modern con veniences, spacious grounds, porch, four blocks from P. O., homelike place. 265 6th. $10 MONTHLY, pleasant front parlor ; meals If desired; breakfast 15 cents, lunch - 20 cents, dinner 25 cents: a home, not a boarding-house. 445 6th. PLEASANT room, modern home, large closet with window; beautiful lawn, porch, flowers; reasonable. East Side, near 14th; walking distance. 570 E Madison. B 2871. FOR RENT Furnlahed room, moat beauti ful room In city, large tile private bath connecting; in new home, close In; sleep lng poroh If wanted. Marshall 4012. ELEGANT, light and large front rooms for one or two gentlemen, all conveniences, reasonable rent; walking distance, ill North ist. A COMFORTABLE, furnished front bed room, suitable for two, walking distance, close to two carllnes. 618 Hancock at. E. TO RENT Private family; walking dis tance; two nice rooms, suitable for two; with or without board. Call East 5156. VERT nicely furnished front room; all modern conveniences. Call 675 Gliaan st. A 7497. NICELY furnished front room; bath, - gas, phone ; suitable for two gentlemen. 472 layior St., near inn su FURNISHED room in private family; walk ing distance; gentleman preferred. 782 Glisan street. DESIRABLE room, also sleeping porch and kitchen in private 6-room apartment. Nob Hill, walking distance. V 169, Oregonian. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two; one small front room. $2.00 week; bath. Phone 443, Taylor, near xnu st. NEAR Arlington Club, lovely furnished rooms for gentlemen, facing park; very central. Main 8857 ; PRIVATE family; 2 neatly furnished rooms for three or four working girls; walking distance. 426 10th st. . LARGE, airy room, also bay-window alcove room, opening on veranda; modern, rea sonable. 6Mt Everett. A FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants contract or work by the day. Phone Woodlawn 3064. PLEASANT room, modern house, walking distance. Phone C 2803. 266 Grand ave. N., cor Multnomah. FOR 2 business men or women, large front room, with sleeping porch, in private fam ily, West Side, 10 rnln .walk. Mar. 569. DESIRABLE room, well located. West Side; conveniences ; business people preferred ; references. Main 6987. LARGE rooms, very desirable, newly fur nished, large yard, easy walking distance, 665 Everett. Marshall 2820. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; easy walking distance; phone, 055 Wash ington. ' CLEAN, Quiet, front room. . Modern con vinces. Nice neighborhood; 2 blocks from car. 35 E. 22d st. N. EDUCATED and refined gentleman wishes congenial roommate. Member Multnomah Club preferred. W 169, Oregonian. TWO nicely furnished rooms en suite, price reasonable. Inquire Mrs. John F. Schoen. 494 Morrison St., cor. 15th, LOVELY, bright, cool room; bath, gas Slate; $3; short walk, quiet, clean, cool aching room $2. 292 Tenth. 1165 EAST YAMHILL, 1 block from Sunny side car; fine furnished parlor bedroom for one or two gentlemen; private family. ROOMS, with home privileges, SL $2, $8 per week; beautiful location, 10 minutes from t. U. bst jf ianoers st. DESIRABLE cool furnished room in modern steam-heated flat, walking distance. Main 7o"J4. TWO conneotlng parlors, single or en suite, strictly modern, fireplace and piano. 32 North 16th st., near Washington. FRONT room, phone, bath, board If de sired. 721 Hawthorne ave. Phone East FURNISHED front room, reasonable, cen trally located. 348 Ross su Phone East 5Q18, YOUNG lady wishes roommate; beautiful front parlor; piano. 33- Harrison. Phone Aiarsnaii zoo-. TWO nicely furnished rooms, bath and phone; walking distance. Phone B 2496. 000 .ftast 'layior sr., near xoi.it. PLEASANT furnished room In Piedmont for one or two gentlemen ; meals if desired. 1203 Garfield. Phone Woodlawn 929. $S MONTH, modern, walking distance. S95 Cable st., Portland Heights, near Chap man and Mill sts. Main 1141. LARGE room connecting with sleeping porch, separate beds, hob and cold water,- ideal location. 351 W- Park. Marshall 4215. LARGE, nicely furnished front room; mod ern home'; reasonable. 384. College, Main 6960. - " . WELL furnlahed rooms for young man. easy walking distance. 595 East Taylor, corner of lotn. fnone asc vvp. NICELY furnished, adjoins bath, electric I Ignis, pnone; mimm. o- imu. NEWLY furnished rooms in private lamily. Apply 595 Main. - NICELY furnished room for one or 2 gentle men, walking distance. M. 4267. FURNISHED room In private family; gen tlemen. 782 Glisan. NEATLY furnished rooms, suitable for one or two. No. 62 Ella st. $2.00 PER week for clean, pleasant room. 268 12th st. - PLEASANT front room; nice locality, walk ing distance; ?tf montn. owi mast aaimon. SMALL bedroom for gentleman $7 per LARGE front room, cool attic room, for 1 SlCi Attractive room tn new home. East Side; walking distance. Sellwood 1739. 187 EAST 14TH Nicely furnished room In new and modern home; walking distance. NEATLY furnished front room, walking distanco, x.otf per weea. s-ij ua a. NICE, cool rooms, (2 and $2.25; bath, phono walkine distance. 325 12th. NICELY furnished room, $6 per month. 67 Is. 14th St., between Davis & Everett. ELEGANTLY furnished roomii. Nob Hill, wal k ing distance. Phone Main 4t62. FRONT room for gentleman, electric lights, bath, close in, $3 week. A 3962. 1RVINGTON Furnished. 2 connecting rooms, witn oatn. wbck. vjo join su A PRIVATE room in private family for EPiUicmau. " " 1 NICELY furnished room for one or two people; sia montn. -m -i. FURNISHED room. 146 Hamilton . ave. tnone aarBumi 350 SALMON sc. modern, suitable 1. 2 or WELL furnished room, rent $2.50 per week. NICE room in steam-heated apartment; rea sonable. Main 22 S2. ROOM adjoining bath, gas, electrlo light. phone. 23U iutn st. LARGE room for X or 2 men. 205 6th, cor ner Taylor. 2 LARGE furnished front rooms; porch SINGLE room for gentlemen, $2 per week. 67 Ella st- , NICELY furnished room, private home, modern, moderate. 5R7 Madison at. NICELY furnished front room for gentle men. 725 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 227 CLEAN, airy rooms, $2 up. 266 12th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 688 Irving. FOR RENT Front room. 280 Park su FOR BENT. Fornlsbed Booms In Private Family. SWELL furnished room tn private famtly of man and wife for rent; no other roomers; Nob Hill dlstrUt, near 22d and Everett: fine lawn, rosea large porch, all com forts of home: also uae of parlor. Tel. Main 608. FOR two gentlemen "or couple, newly fur nished sleeping room. home prlvllegfa ana use of piano; good table coard in private Eastern family; 3 minutes from MU Scott or Hnwthorne-ave, cars. 546 E. 45th st. Call and inquire. NICE room, connected with bath, hot and cold water, large clothes closet, suitable for one or two wntlemcn; will rent rea sonable to steady tenant; close In. $33 Market st.. between 6th and 7th. MOST desirable front room in flat: private porch, beautiful view, within welkins dis tance, as well as on carllne; all modern conveniences, reasonable: gentleman only. 44 Larrabee st. Telephone E. 5430, FURNISHED room in private home, pleas ant and convenient ?or 1 or 2 persons o. good habits and character. 285 Hoila day ave., one block new bridge. Phone East 5577- LARGE room, suitable fur two, large win dows opening on beautiful garden; private home occupying quarter block: board op tional: very reasonable. 1SS E. 12th S.; walking distance. LADY with beautiful furnished 6-room corner flat on Mt. Tabor would like to rent rooms to 2 or S young ladies or nice couple; use of kitchen; a cozy, home-lik place. Belmont. SPLENDIDLY furnished, large. cheerful rooms In private home; one block from car or within walking distance; all modem conveniences. Marshall 138, 779 Johnson street. REFINED young lady stenocrapher wshes young lady to share comfortable apart ment. Very reasonable. Call Sunday at apartment 45. Claypool Annex, 11th and Clay. ELEGANT furnished room with private running hot and cold water, shower batn. all conveniences. W Trinity Place, be tween 19th and 20th sts.; walking dis tance. J26 NORTH 18TH ST., one newly furnished room, sleeping porch adjoining; every convenience. No other . roomers. Refer ence. NICELY furnished bedroom In a private home, bath, $8 per month, single gentle man ; $10 per month, two gentlemen; walking distance. 21 E, 35th au ELEGANTLY furnished large room, first floor, private bath, new house, close in. large porch, shade trees, $S5 per month. Marshall 4013. FURNISHED room in good home for child while mother Is at work; also nice, airy housekeeping room. 292 11th au, corner of Columbia. Marshall 4481. ONE, two or three very pleasant furnished rooms, sleeping or housekeeping, hot and cold water, bath and light free. 174 K v 85th at., one block from Sunnyslde car. LARGE1, newly furnished suite, suitable for two, $4 per week, with bath, hot and cold water. 28 8d su, near Jefferson. Ds- sirable people only. FINE large outside room, phone, heat, hot i and oold water In room, walking distance, very reasonable, Waldorf, cor. East 9Lh and Schuyler, apartment 4. NICELY furnished euite for 8 or 4 gentle men; lavatory, bath, phone, shady yard, near depot; also room, two gentlemen, $2 apiece. 241 jv. 10th su ELEGANTLY furnished room In private home, small family, close In ; breakfast If desired; refined business men. Phone Marshall 8756 mornings. RENT reasonable; clean furnished room In modern flat; walking distance: bath, laundry and use of sewing machine. Caltr Sunday, 160 East 13th., cor. Belmont. Cuf urn Lslied Booms. $700 2 rooms, built-in cupboards, station ary tub, bath, water and lights furnished; private entrance; yard. 64 E. 81su 12 LARGE rooms, newly papered. 340 7 Front; excellent location for rooming house. 2 ROOMS, $7.50 and $7. 192 Market at. buomt With- Buarfl. DOES a home appeal to youT THE WHITE- HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near car; 4 blocks from P. Q. American plan. THE LAA1BERSON, 654 Couch St., very de sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run nlng water, with or without board, close. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UN I ON, 23d year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. P10 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board. running wator, steam neau aao oa st. MANITOU, 261 13th su Attractive, clean, rooms, steam heat, good board, close In, THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, oorner 13th. Rooms with board. Modern conveniences.-. LARGE, airy rooms, including- first-class l" board; facing the Park. 874 l'ark su Booms With Board In Private Family. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or with---out board; first-class. 476 E. Everett at., - cor. of Oth. A NICE, large, airy front room, near car line; good board if desired. East 3856 Rates reasonable. YOUNG married woman alone wants young 1 lady (employed) to board and room, will charge only lor board. Phone 1105. WANTED 2 Christian young men to room and board; home privileges; terms very reasonable. M. 4469. " LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen; single beds, baths attached; close in. 291 West Park. ', ELEGANTLY furnished parlor room with; board; easy walking distance, 48 15th su North. $17.50 per month, 2 rooms, suitable for 4, Inciuding 2 meals. 408 Cambridge st. . Woodlawn car. VERY pleasant rooms, excellent board, la private home; every convenience, with use of piano, close in. Phone C 2519, -1 WANTED Lady to room and board fa private family; all home privileges, sleep-, ing porcn it aesirea. raoaa ami ooou. BEAUTIFULLY furnlahed room, only young people in family; every convenience. East PLEASANT room with board, strictly mod ern, fine view; prices reasonable. 340 Hassalo. 424 JEFFERSON, corner of 11th, room and board, private home, rates very rea aonable; come and see. Phone Main 5421. NICE large clean rooms, home cooking, bath, piano and phone, reasonable, 494 j. 28th. pnone oeiiwoooiiw. $ti EACH for two large front rooms, S meats, zwj. iiui sw, uwwn, shall 2693. PLEASANT room In modern home, with home privileges, 2 meals a day, $22.50 per . month. 563 E. Madison. East 3693. BY' DAY or week Room and board, under new management; Eastern lady; prices . reasonable; home cooking. S'JA 7th su i LARGE, nicely furnished room, for one or two gentlemen; board If desired, 870 Bel-, mont st. Phone Tabor 1075. -: REFINED young lady wishes room-mate tn modern home and good board. 10 minutes from P. O. 391 10th SU ' NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two refined gentlemen: private family, modern, up to date. 475 Ciay. Main 6621, LARGE alcove room, also single room, home cooking, walking distance. Marshall 4111... . MODERN room with board, 204 N, 22d. Tel. A 7230. WOULD like amall child to board. 1608 E &th at. Nortn, NICELY furnished room with board, horn privileges. "la Jjqimonv i. i.iv. ROOM and good board, reasonable; aljry 1 Mft-i. home modern. 410 Park. ROOM and board, $3 a week. 605 6th SU LARGE well furnished room, also amallet . one. Mar. 2747. 564 Flanders. . . FURNISHED rooms and board. 695 Easl Oak. East &52. Prices reasonable. BOARD in modern home, $24; two in room:' two meaia. v rara iu ROOM and board, with home privileges. 653 Afnrflhn.il 1978. BOARD and rooms, running water, sleeping porcn. 4J4 aaimon. GOOD room "and board, ;20; walking dis- tance. 10 E. 15th. Phone B 1791. ROOM board; private family; two gentle- min. 576 Ladd ave. Eaat 2333. TWO pleasant rooms, large porrn sua. grounds; exceneiu u-jwu. ....... ROOMS with board 15 and up; without, 11.50 ana up. no"'" ROOMS with or without board. 711 Flan- ders. yi- FOR 2 gentlemen, large front room with J- slngle peas, m . 535b home for children 3 years and up warda. Main 1030, A 3143. - j LADY wishes to board children; very rea sonable Sellwood 402 WOULD like a lady to room and board; : a enable. 208 11th au . . two fine rooms, home cooking; fine loca j, trv " .i.l j 4-t a1T 1 -, fvi 4. V tion, gooa waift'g "'J""1- ' ROOM and board, private family, two geni, tlemen. 51 N- Park su Main 2527. KOOM and board for young women; $3 per week. Phone E. 47.32. EXCELLENT room and flrst-clapa board.' 560 Glisan st. Phone Marshall 44S3. pVTO men to board and room in private . family. Ptoui FOR RENT Furnished room with board, 820 11th at. A 1636. I t ' 'It rG!H06.Q I 1