The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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Save Money.
See Our DisDiay.
Oct ear prices and wa can set your order.
The Houm of Reliability.
340-24 J Front St., Cor. Main.
rnR rat.r
" 1 10x12 Seattle Jogging engine on sled.
1 10x12 Vulcan logging engine on Bled.
1 0x11 Willamette logging engine on
1 0x10 Tacotna logging engine on aled.
2 0x10 Mundys logging engines on sled.
1 SrxlO Fiory special logging engine on
1 TfcxlO Willamette logging engine on
a 7 ift dnnh! Arnm Tinittnr en tines.
' The above engines with or without cable
and blocks. Engines for rent to responsible
par ties.
" One 12x12 logging engine, with rope.
One 11x13 logging engine, with rope.
Two 10x15 logging engine, with rope.
Two 10x12 logging engine, with rope.
Two OxlO lnzzinr enicine. with rope.
One 7HxlO logging engine, with rope.
rtn TtQ lAvo-ins- irln. with rOD.
One 25 H. P- portable engine, complete.
- un power wood cutting outm
One sawmill, complete.
Logging equipment of all kinds.
235-7 Pine Street, corcer of Second
Portland Oregon
W'm hiv a. bisr itook of new and second
hand pipe, all sizes, from -Inch up to
li-.ncn. b.ack and galvanized; prices, 2
Inr-h black nlo .T2."i for 100 feet: 1H
inch, $3W for lw fee:; JH-lnch $s.a0
for TOO feet: 2-Inch. 6-50 per 1im feet,
a-incb. $'J for J00 feet; 3 4 -inch, 12 per
luo feet; 4-inch. 514 per iet.
?60 Front St., between Matllson and Jef
ferson. Phone Main r;2-
1 Case steel separator. 1 UO-h. p. Inter
national gas traction engine, both nearly
new. in good condition: these will be
old at auction at my place at Trout
Hal Or TiiMav. JillV at 1 P. M.
a Iso two good young horses, many farm
tools, etc Erail Olsen. A. Watson,
HAVE your auto trimmings plated In nickel
nr nli-koi and black enamel. When in need
of new silverware see our display; have
your worn tabieware repiated. worx nn
ished as good as new and t a reasonable
Main 843, tiZStl. Jd and Thurman,
A. 1. 1, furniture of 7 -room home, includln;
400 Emerson plans, liorary and. dining
room, maple and white enamel bedrooms,
range, electric Iron, rugs, sewing machine.
Sit cash; house also for sale iu West
in ore land, near Reed institute, le-feir.
terms ; no agents. Sell wood lit.
Four rooms and bath, running hot and
cold water, electric lights, etc. cost w; reduced !rom $550 to $450. if taken
at once. Phona Main 317u, Monday or see
owner at Oregon lacnt cjud, bunaay, x
4 o'clock. R. R. Warinner.
Wo carry bnthtubs from $j up to S13
and giiarantee orana new.
Frorr St.. bet. Madison and Jefferson.
viR MTI'P.E nsd 2 months, library t
hie. dining table and chairs, buffet, bed.
mattress and springs, and dresser, all
stilfd oak: also rues at a bargain. Own
vr leaving city. S. M. Ransother, 928 E.
iluTOHi 1 Westing nousa 5-h. p. 3-phase.
Itoo-r. anvriiating motor.
1 direct motor.
1 Land and power feed cutter, Ohio.
s men t b i oc ks. etc.
Oil Wiliiams ave., V car.
SPECIAL bria in Kwmr machines: slightly
ud: Sinrr. WhMler A. W'lson. White.
Xomestio and New Home; some other new
$40 machines now $St.Ji) wail they last.
t. s. sigei. 3t Aiar su
BEWING machines; sale of used machines,
1 0O fine machines. Sinsrer. Wheel, it tk
Wilson, White, Io Ties tic. New Home and
otners. xiox top. o ana up, arop neaas,
910 and up. 22 3d su, near Columbia.
bCOW for sale cheap. (700: well built. Just
overhauled. 4 reet. 4 incnes oetween aecas.
21xtf3. Will deliver anywnere on Colum
bia River below Beverly. L. Cook. Bev
erly. Wash.
FOR SALE very cheap White enamel bed,
complete, small air-tight stove with water
coil, just tne thing ror neaung water;
a iso two-hole gas plate. Apply 548 E.
Madison st.
fiixteen-ft., H.-P-, in good condition,
with detachable top. leather cushions, etc.
It always ruis. Phono Oswego, main 1507,
Sunday or Main 3170, Monday.
tiAFES Special bargain second-hand fire
and burglar-proof ; safes opened and re
paired. Purcel Safe Co.. and Portland Safe
Co., 85 5th st. Phone Main taw.
TWO fresh Jerseys with calves, almost full-
blood test: bay mare new meat can, Har
ness ; must be sold. 4J E. 5tfth St. N.
M. V. car.
SOLID oak hall tree cost $33, for $8;- a
lady"s dsk, cost 20, for $7.50; a large
parrot cage, cost $10, for $.". Call morn
ings 716 East Ash near 20th.
h. p. engine, never been used, cost
$-62, for $150; reason for selling, too
much powt-u for my boat. 10:17 Atlantic
st., St. Johns car.
ONE complete st of Spanish language
phone reCjrrts, for sale, never been UBed.
.uc udln. phonograph and books. AE li0,
UiKonij 11
SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg
isters, computing scales, etc., bought' and
sold. The Pacific Store Service Cu, 2-7
tfturk ft. Main 7711. p
THAVB a quantity of dry fir wood; will
sell on car here for $3.5 per cord. Call
Mohawk bldg.
iOl'NG Jcrsv cow. first calf, a really good
cow, $75. 6. F. Hiramers. iliiwaukie. Or.,
R. p. l- No phone.
LEAVING city; will sel my U C. Smith
Bros, visible typewriter, cheap. AH 150,
iKiiBY desks and office furniture, new
a,id second-hand, reasonable. E. B. Haley
iesk Co., -10 Seventh. Main 5S7.
FOR SALE Twin Indian raotorcyc.e. IU
take reasonable offer; bajgain. AC 154,
Ore gonian.
ONE g-OiI cotk stove for sale at reionabla
prirv ; also good beating stove. Phone A
SAFE If you want a fine large safe at a
genuine bargain, call Woodlawn -Sol. Call
evenings alter today.
FOR- SALE One motorcycle. Indian twin,
with free engine, tandem, for $140 cash.
Inquire at 214 Jefferson.
AN account register. 100 account sixe, $21;
good wheel with coaster brake, good tires,
1L'. AP 16L Oregonlan.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Two Willamette
logging engines with rigging; one 6x11 and
4x10. 22 Capitol ave.
1'OR SALE No. S Oliver typewriter in first
class condition cheap for cash. Addrew AD
150, Oregonian.
75-TON. 30-lb. rails. 23-ton. 40-lb. rails, also
fi?h paiea. J. Brounsteln A Son, 13th
and Mrhall at.
1VPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to
$65. Th Northwest Typewriter Co.
262 Stark St.
ilOX of tools for sale; if taken a once sold
cheap. Call 704 East 75th st. North morn
ings. 1 HAVE two I- C. Smith typewriters and
will '.l one at nearly half price, on terxna
AH 151. Oregonian.
YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter 3 months
for $4 : convenient at home. 333 Ankeny
st. Phone M. 6273.
It SALE At once, cheap; lun counter-
-h chairs.
r. pw. i tii '
at b' 6th st. Phone Main S62L
paCK car. fc
3A EASTMAN KODAK, cost $27.50 com
plex, almost new. $15. AE 169, ore
ponian. Full SALE S h. p. Thor in perfect con
dition, with tandem attached. K lc2,
FOR HALE 1 lb-ft. motor-boat, 4-horse-powcr
engine, cheap for cash. Inquire
E. Washington st.
24-FOOT sailboat, first-cla
condition. In-
quire o-a Lexington ave.
INDIAN motorcycle. $115. $60 cash, $15 a
month. Marshall 4639. W 150. Oregonian.
IdOTOKBOAf for sale or trade for real
estate. Dr. Jack Tates, Oregon Yacht CInb.
$i.'. SOiID leather chair. Karpen manu
facture, sell less than half. East 3172.
FOR SALE Duntley vacuum carpet clean
fi cheap. '-i Everett st.
ftvo BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Rose
City Printery. 192 h 3d. corner Taylor.
ilOTOBBC'AT for sale, half price. H. O.
Rogers, 534 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
4-FOOT roll-top desk, solid oak. $17-50;
revolving if ice chairs, $2..'i0 to $;
$00 sanitary flat-top desk. 54x34.
with plateglaas top. good aa new, $&;
arm chairs, suitable for office use.
$2 to $3.50: office tables, $3 to $10;
xl2 tapestry rug. $10: 9x12 Bigelow
Axminster bordered carpet, 16x17 ft.. 50
yds. at 65c per yd., cost $2 per yd., nsed
only three months; room -si re Ingrain car
pets. $j to $5; ft-foot floor showcase,
$1?.50; fourbumer gas ranges. latest de
signs, upper or lower ovens, $7.50 to $15;
Charter Oak steel range, with water coil,
In fine condition. $20; No. 8 six-hole cast
iron range with water coil and high shelf.
$15; foldinc beds. $0 to $10; box (ward
robe)" couch. $3..V; plush lounge. $3.50;
chase leather couch with adjustable ends,
good as new, $15; sideboards, $7.50 to $40,
extra good values; solid quartered oak
buffets. $15 to $18; solid oak dressers. $10
to $15; solid oak chiffonier with plate
mirror, $10; genuine leather seat dining
chair. $2.ZZ; extension table. $4 to $15.
We furnish houses on the installment p!an
with fine second-hand or new goods. No
extra charges for time payments or deliv
erv. Western Salvage Co.. 543-547 Wash
ington, bet. Irtth and 17th sts. Both
phones. Main 1108. A 3793.
46 Second street.
We rent or sell CONCRETE MIXERS.
We rent or sell ELECTRIC HOISTS.
We rent or sell HOISTING ENGINES.
We rent or sell ELECTRIC MOTORS.
We rent or sell DERRICKS.
We rent r sell POWER PUMPS.
We rent or sell BOILERS.
We rent or sell ENGINES.
We rent or sell ROCK CRUPHERS.
We rent or sell CONTRACTORS' equip
ment of all kinds.
We rent or sell.
3 7000-gallon oil tank cars.
IO sets logging trucks.
300 tons relay rail, all sizes.
1 10x1 2 Tacorna yaroVf.
1 10x12 Washington roader.
1 10x13 Willamette roader.
USED MACHINERY We have anything in
this line and can save you raone?
boilers. engines. pulleys. belting,
packing, cable, etc. Investigate our bar
gains before buying elsewhere.
The House of a Million Bargains
240-242 Front St.. for. Main.
REAL bargains on these:
30 H. O. C. i00-voit motor.
12 H. D. C. 500-voit motor.
3 H. D. C. 110-volt motor.
t H. D. C. 220-voIt motor.
5 H. D. C. 220-vo)t motor.
5 H. A. C. 220-volt motor.
I 42-ton Heisler locomotive.
1 42-ton Shay locomotive.
1 3:-ton Climax locomotive. -1
20-ton Climax locomotive.
These engines overhauled at our shop.
6 barges. 1 year 'old. two-fifths cost; 1
15-H. P. gas tug; 1 40-H. P. gas tug; 1
o- et AAAftkAa t launch CRrrvInr 8 pas-
sengers, completely cquippeu, 7
and fast. Will consider real estate no
o ui ties.: or cheap for casn. xx. ocnap-
pert. 74W warer at.
r i-vr-ii in ft nh r. 4-cvllnder engine.
will seat 22. fully equippea; -.
to right party, aiain or xj wi. w
SAILBOAT hull, almost finished, hull 24x7
a"24G. bet. 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. Monday
or Tuesday.
iv a -TKn Several aood 7x10 hoisting en
glnes for casn. aiso eieciric mo"" .
crete mixers and miscellaneous contrac
tor's equipment. ,w .
46 Second st.
TOOLS. HignesL price piu .
ladles' cast-on cioim, 1 " r. ... -
tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main -080.
290 1st st. 1 ne uiui-e.
WANTED A 20 or 25-H. P. second-hand, 8
or 4-tyiinaer gasouue, neu.j-"j
about 4W revolutions per minute. Address,
giving description. bore and stroke.
welgnt. etc. anu priw. iw. .
WANTED Open-air act for July 4 , balloon
ascension, trapeze siiue
diver or any sensational act. J. o. Lucas,
Orpheum theater. te tun, waa,
WANTED Newfoundland or St. Bernard
pup. write, giving price vi, v
Parrv. Woodstock, Or., care box 7
WE pay the highest cash price for aeeond
r. Rater & Martin. Pnone
East S134. 34K Hawthorne ave.
WANTED A steam swing, July 2, 3 and 4:
big money; get our oig ouw. uuoa
E. r'neips, worncnm,
WANTED Lady's diamond ring; must b
cheap; give parucmi uuc
in first letter. av j.o.k urcguuwu.
WANTED Burbank and American Wonder
nmatoea lor seea. wnai, now
have and price. AG 171. Oregonian.
WANTED A 5x7 view camera with lens;
describe iuny ana giv wwi
AH 90. Oregonian.
WANTED to buy One hundred tons of good
wheat nay ior ran unntij, "
and terms, u is ureso"""1-
GOOD Oliver typewriter; exchange for Mis
sion aining-roum luiimmu. w.
MOTORS and generators bought, sold and
repaired. Robt. Skeen Elect. Works. 8th
snd GMsan. nones main iv.
urn f MnrrlRon. Phone E. 1022.
Pays highest cash price for furniture.
SECOND-HAND canoe, reasonable, In good
condition; also a i-roora iurnuvu
boat to rent. 8-15 Multnomah Hotel.
WILL tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at
your price. East a-d. wMiauie ymw.
DIAAIOND wanted. H to Ik; must be a
bargain. J XiV, urcgon.n.
IN TING, painting and papering; prices rea
sonable, phone Main StflO.
WANTED Bicycle for Smith-Premier type.
writer. J 100, uregomau.
WANTED Boston bull terrier pup, female;
ust be encap. rnouw
WILL tint rooms. $2.50 up; do painting at
reasonable prices, aaat qj.-.
CIGAR and candy case, grocery counter and
shelving, r'none 1 soor 000.
WANTED To rent or buy, 2 second-hand
casn registers. rnn atmu "jq-i -
WAI-L tent. 12x16, with fly,
give descrip-
tlon. AJ itti, oregonian.
WANTED To buy. coal and wood range
must be a oargain. rouu o tvw.
WANTED To buy twin baby
Phone C 13 or fa.
oledo scale. National cash register, roll'
top desk, noor snowcawe. Ha.
WANTED Single farm wagon, must he in
good condition, rnona aiareimu
WANTED 20O tons cast steel scrap. Main
S2S5. Joe tsernnaror.
ORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any
kind of furniture, aam awi. a
BUSINESS man. with spare time and wide
acquaintance can assist i rjieuuiu,
growing Portland businee. backed by
strong men. T 173. Oregonian.
FOR large road show; heavy and juvenile
man; want numur v ' ' 0 , ,
ran double in brass. New iork Theatrical
Agency. Eiiera puiioing. suue ai"-
WANTED Young man for stenographer
and typewriter, from 11 to S daily; those
with reference, stating salary expected.
appiy N 1TP, oregonian.
ONE good live boy about IS to work in
coffee and tea store: chance for advance
ment. Call Monday between 9 and 10
o'clock. 209 Salmon st.
WANTEDTwo vounf men for vaudeville.
Experience unnecessary. Pantagea The
ater bldg. Room L
PR CT1CA L poultry man ; have modern
p!ant and stock; fine proposition. S 15L
VAN TED Cleaner and presaer to buy my
shop: low price for quick eaJe. Owner.
311 Davis st.
WANTED Schoolboy to run auioraoo .e nu
do chores; board and room and small pay.
Apply 620 East Ankeny st.
WANTED Three young men to canvaaa
nearby towns on special offer; big money
for experienced hustlers. S01 Pekum bldg.
WANTED A first -class general mdie. sales
man in a smaller town; give references.
Address AV 411. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced door stock cutter.
AV 41. Oregonian.
MAN and wife for ranch ; steady work.
Phone 22R Portland Hotel.
WE have mcancy for
salesman. 231 Stark.
a live office goods
WANTED A marker and distributer. Iroy
Laundry Co.. 201 Snst Water st.
BOY for bakery, one with some experience
prefer re'i. pottery, wj wa. si.
WANTED a painter to paint large house,
board and room furnished. Tabor 143.
MARKER and distrlbutor. Call x Independ
ent Laundry Co., 121 N. 3d.
SALESMAN WANTED Who has sold the
dry goods and general stores trade m
MONTANA, and has a record to show
selling ladies' belts, bags, combs, neck
wear and iewetry novelties. Address
with full oarticulars and reference.
326-330 W. Adams st., Chicago, IU.
HAVE YOU made up your mind how you
want to make your start in life? If not.
have you considered the U- 3- Navy? Most
1 young men are surpnscu iw u'"'- w
4 v.nw litrlA tht-v reallv know
about the opportunities in the Navy for
a successful career. 10 Degm
man is given a thorougn mental ana pn-
i..i .Tr,rr nnirlnr him for his work.
He is allowed to do work for which be Is
best fitted, as the variety of duties in the
Nav are wide. And there are chances
tn learn and nerform many different
trades. He is paid well from the start
and advanced regularly. These things and
man r nnen to everv ambitious.
arious-minded vounv American between
tk. nf it rtfi as. a four years en
listment in the Navy will do more for a
young man's character and health than
almost any position in civil life. Call ai
tne Aavy Kecmiung cwuwu,
change bldg.. Portland Or., and talk witn
ul fJt, .r,arff. He Will tell YOU
ail about pay, hours, promotion, chatices
to save money, mo i
vAH'ii m. if- etc. Or send for "The
Making of a Man o Warsman." which de.
scribes fully the dally life of a blue-
i. - in. 1nfreflnv hftOK. free. AO-
rir TtureAu of Navigation, Box -,
Navy Department, Washington, P. C.
MAN WANTED The undersigned wants an
honest, ambitious man in each city and
town where not already sufficiently repre
sented. Previous experience unnecessary.
We will teach you business thoroughly by
mall and assist you to start In business
for yourself as our local representative.
Bp en did opportunity for a man wsrhout
capital to get into big-paying business for
himself ana oecome inaepeuucm
The. National co-uperauve xeiij
Dany. C-792 Warden bldg.. Washington,
D. C. ; f
WANTED Well-dressed, clever, so
licitors: three months' canvass; city
districted; clever proposition; well
advertised; nothing to sell; nothing
to carry; no collections. Apply
8:30 to .12 A. M. (except Sunday),
511 Royal bldg., 7th and Morri
son. WANTED.
High-class salesman. You can
make fiom $3oO to $300 month.
See Barnard.
407 Yeon Bldg.
WANTED A man to repreesnt me in every
town and city; no capital needed; nare in
my success; I started with $5 and built
up a $LOO0.OOO company in less than 6
years; I will teach you my business thor
oughly by mail and show you how to be
a money-maker right in your own lo
cality, write me toaay. w. h:L1, ' ,
room 622, 12 west 3ist si., .-sew oi. v-ivj.
to vpi vn oat TTfiMITlSl WANTED.
n -o 1 Asm An hv Old-estab-
Ilshed specialty house, calling on retail
trade; better than average men requira
and we pay ror tnat quauty . uuue -
Western force drawing less than $200 per
month. Call 10 to 12. 2 to 4. 527 Lumber
Exchange bldg.. 2d ana stars.
WANTED for U- S. Army, able-bodied, un
married men. between ages of is and ao,
ritina of T'nited States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For information apply to Recruit
ing office, Worcester block. Third and
ubk streets, ruiumm, v.
j-tT n.pfiTiHr.Taurn hnn. has some ODdi
territorv in a few counties, uregn
.uf nrham wa nan use several re
liable, energetic salesmen to iell best line
1. i -v-i,,....o tn KinoimAril 1-
eral commission; state age, experience.
whether married and give references, au.
dress N 141, oregonian.
WANTED A reliable party capable of man
fi m. ki.i. hear full In vesti nation ;
In one of the best towns In the. State of
Washington, one wining to "
money, or would sell controlling Int?"8
to right party. Write B. E. Mott, North
Yakima, wasn.
WANTED Male schoof teacher who holds
a first grade certiricate. 10 i;a;u
school, to commence teaching the first
Monday in September. 1912; must be In
good health; 6 months' term; wagej $60
nor month. Aoolv to L. . C. Gow, Rock
Creek, Gilliam county. Oregon.
AN OPPORTUNITY for a live man, selling
our guaranteea xaxima vaney gfu
pt-v stork. Exclusive territory ; outfit
-a.h v0iriv Ttiiatle." not exoerl-
ence required. Start now. Toppenlsa
N ursery Co., Toppenlsh. wasn.
WANTED Man with family, familiar with
farm worn, to taKe up resiueucw u
place; permanent position, with $2.a
wages to start; $550 acquires possession on
home place; balance can be paid for from
part or wages. Ai w, ".v1"""1'
BRIGHT young man wanted Will start you
in rent ousmess ana. leacn juu uw
drive high-powered 7-passenger touring
car; you must be honest ana have $ t50
casn: security; reivreuwcs.
pidct .rr a uc r-im hintr salesman and man'
aKr lor country town; must db uupauie
buying, aavernsing ana wmuu wuiiuhho
references required. Call the Oregon Ho
tel. 11 o'clock tomorrow. Jas. Shuff.
VIOLIN and piano teaching, also violin
teaching ior steaay saiary iiuu,
knowledge of music more necessary than
teaching experience. 8Sttfc E. Morrison St.,
room 8.
AfiENTS WANTED Best-selling article
rvntt( . x.1 reiurn ior i. iu v emeu .
An automatic, belt-tightener for sewing
machine. Aaaress w. au xnowcxa,
risbui g. Or.
AN order clerk for a retail sash and door
and general mui wora iacijrj, must
oughly understand the business; state ex
perience and salary wanted. Western
Placing Mills Co., Ltd., Calgary. Alta.
LIVE, dependable salesmen wanted in sev
eral gooa zieias 10 sen our uhbui wcu
nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write uk
at once. Washington Nursery Co., Top
penish, Wash. .
WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and s-
A. M. or after 6 P. M.. ask for sales
WANTED A first-class printer who Is good
on book neaaings anu gent-1 m
to do some presswork; wages (2t; union
shop. F. G. Tefft Co.. Aberdeen, Wash.
THE big 1200-acre nursery at Orenco, Ore
gon, nas openings nww iuj RW
men. Address, with references. Oregon
Nursery Company, orenco. ureguu.
EXPERIENCED solicitors who know; sal
ary guaxanieea. aipu uli.-u y
A. M. lexcept Sundays) 502 Marquam
THERE'S money in selling our iaitima-
haray, gusranii-eu siwv-n., uum
free- cash weekly: steady work. Yai
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash.
BANK bookkeeper wanted lor individual
work; state experience. n
dow experience; all correspondence con-
tidentia!. AL Oregonian.
WAN TED Ornamental iron-fitters. Apply
between ana o tr. ji. iuco-j, .
at Imperial HoteL Call for Mr. fechiesln-
WANTED Patternmakers experienced in
ornamental iron wor- j- "
and S P. M. Tuesday, June 25. Call foi
Mr. Schlesinger at Imperial Hotel.
FOR the best mony-making proposition In
town call a 1 t wuin wow o-k.
10th and Stark. to 12.
EXPERIENCED helper to do steam clean
ing ana rougn spotting. Pi".v oiuiw,
Dys works. Grand ave. and Schuyler.
WANTED Youth about 20 years of age for
an OrTtCe; tome eipenento picierrwi. All
rly AC 3tf2. oregonian.
PHOTO coupon: best ever offered; snap for
agents, mmnert oiuuwt um lhuq.
SEE US; If you are a good solicitor; investi
gate. IV- noiiicimu i"u
WANTED 2 $TOOd men.
Call 504 Board of
JAPANESE boy to clean auto and help in
garaen. a ooai.
COMPETENT stenographer, lumber experi
ence. J IP, urcgpuiin.
GLASS BEVELERS to lead glaziers.
Front st.
MAN with family to taKe care or raxm
gear i.crvanis. au
FIRPT-CLASS Toor machinist, out of town.,
222 commercial liub vju.
(One of many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C! A.
Young man. stranger, out of work ($20
hts total cash asset) If I pay you $3 for
snecial employment membership. I will
have only $15 left between me and staxva
Secretary If you pay $5 for special
employment membership, you will have
the Y. M. C A., with its resources, be
tween you and starvation.
Result: Young man joined association
In less than a week he had satisfactory
. RopoH for four months endinz Anrll 30
Calls for men - - - .-H2
Positions filled
Emplovment membership guarantees
member will secure employment or refund
of membership fee; gives two months' full
membership privileges. 10 months' social
privileges and undertakes to keep party
employed aurmg tne iun ierm 01
harvhln wtthnut fnrthr rhareft. '
We have constant demand for high
grade, experienced men. Are you fitted
for a better position
See secretary employment department,
Y. M- a A.
SALESMEN", connect yourselves with the
most progressive and largest real estate
concern on the Coast. WE DO THINGS.
Our system of getting business will en
able you to quadruple your present earn
ings; our salesmen are making big money
right now. Business Is flourishing. We
need more good salesmen to handle It.
Ask any bank about us, then see Mr.
Cleaveland, sales manager Fred A. Jacobs
Co., 26 Washington u
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the V. 8.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 "id
35 must be native-born or hava first
papers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional
compensation possible ; food. clothing,
quarters and medical attendance free;
-. after 30 years' service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances; service
on board ship and ashore tn all parts of
the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps
Recruiting Office. Thls-d and Washington
sts.. and 13 Third st., Portland, Or.
EVERY man on our sates force Is making
from $123 to $000 per month, and we
want you if you are the kind that is not
afraid of work. We can show you a
proposition that sells, furnish you with
leads, and are large enough to take care
- of tlmse who make good. If interested,
call between 9 and 12 at 702 Spalding bldg.
Ask for Sales Manager, Bay City Land
LARGE, well-known concern operating here
tofore In largo cities wants capable man
who has broad acquaintance with business
, men in his own and surrounding towns
to represent their interests in own locality.
Must have ability to present high-grade
proposition to prominent business men and
be willing to do a little traveling occa
sionally. Address Executive Dept.. 10th
flooT, iUS S. !a Salle st., Chicago, 111.
WANTED ; : ?xcptional opportunity for a
young ma;i t learn the sewing-machine
' business; position now open in one of
the large stores here in the city; no out
side canvassing at all, strictly store sales;
good salary to start with ; cigarette
smokers and users of intoxicating liquors
need not apply. Call at room 437 Oregon
Hotel. Tuesday, OA. M. to noon. C. W.
WANTED Assistant traveling salesman for
Oregon and Washington, to assist com
mercial traveler to sell country retail
merchants. Eastern monthly advertising
calendars and souvenir postcards and
newspaper electrotype service; experienced
. man preferred; salary and expenses. Ad
dress, stating age and references, Sales
Manager, AC PS. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wanted on farm, 15 miles
from Portland. Man must be aooer ana
reliable. . References required. Wife- to
help out two or three hours a day with
housework. Will furnish separate house,
milk, fuel and garden. Wages $45 or $50
per month. See Mr. Scott, 201 Washing
ton St., 8 to 10 A. M.
SOLICITOR for adjustment department;
none but experienced man neea appiy,
salary based on results only; the right
man can earn $130 a month, but we do
not euarantee salary unjess wo uavo
guarantee of financial results. D 163,
ri v'PW frt- nuriftlnfir danartment.
1033 Chamber of ommerce Bldg.
SALESMEN For general mercantile trade
on Pacific Coast, to sen Aaw propositus
of MERIT, requiring full time; vacancy
July 1; commission contract, liberal weekly
advances. Miles F. Blxler Co., Wholesale
Jewelers, Cleveland, Ohio.
A BRIGHT, intelligent young man who can
put up an attractive ousmess prupusmuu
to the public No real estate. Qualifica
tions are push, energy and aggressive
ness. Permanent position. Good money
- References. F 39, Oregonian.
wivTPn rmI ptate salesmen to sell sub
division property tnat taiKs ior usen.
If you are a live wire you can make big
monev selling our properues.
520 Railway Exchange.
WANTED Salesman to sell city lota Large
commission naiu. Bcanuiuavian ui -
man with large acquaintance In city. Can
make big money witn us.
520 Railway Exchange.
WANTED Salesmen and representatives
everywhere, jocatea ana traveling, uw
proposition in Peace River country. Can
ada, good contract. Wilbur & Statu, 513
liain st., Vancouver, B. C.
xxr a v-Tsn Vonns man stenographer, gen
eral office worK; cnance ior auvanueiuem.
Reply in own handwriting, stating age.
salary expected to start, experience and
references. AH 165. Oregonian.
SALESMEN to sell check protectors; ael Is
to every uerson wno uses vn-n. , Jt
cent prorit; sample soc; viiwiar.
Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo,
BOYS Enter your application for Orego
nian routes: win nave wme gwu
open soon; you must be a hustler and on
tne jod e ery uiinuic avc'i
Oregonian bldg.. city circulation dept.
tin Trt ta-v fnr bustlers, experienced in
any nne, 10 um pencil. w- -
Portland; no samples; expenses advanced.
The I. Law Co., 029 Mclntire bldg., Day
ton. Ohio.
SALESMAN Experienced any line, to Bell
general trade r'acuic vo&i . un--'-cii.u
. inn - nwi mloctnin BrtTitmr.t ;
$,t5 weekly for expenses; vacancy July 1.
Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio.
W A NTED Man to furnish materials and
bulla email store, wto pj ay "
land unincumbered lota. AG 169, Ore-
-t ir a vr fit- nmtnm mill: none bu
first-cjass man neeu aiJij. .iV V
Piantnr Mill Co.. E. Water and E. Yam
hill at. " ,
WANTED Experienced man to take charge
of drapery workroom, wuuiiw .
salary ana
Tacoma. Wash. -
T-n 1 TiuirT. Theater advertising cur
tain space; oniy jivw,
need apply: good position ior rignc man.
Apply ttaaer ineaii o r. ji.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon; staple
"llne; high commlsslone; $100 monthly ad
vance . pennaneni puai umu &
Jess a. tmiin J-"rLI
a isr who has sold insurance, stocks,
bonds. Got someinmg easier
dbt. Permanent. Keierences. o, uie-
$100 MONTHLY and expenses; travel, dis-
steady work. S. Scheffer, 752 Sherman,
FIRST-CLASS salesman or hustling
representative 10 ku .71, 1, 1,2
Electric Signs. Permanent connection; big
money. Edwara u. nume tu.,
WANTED-Toung man to drive delivery
wagon : wages ana cothdiimiuu. Junius
Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st-
WANTED Physician, Oregon licensed, of
aood haoits, reierences, ior -
country. AB 170, Oregonian.
WAN T E D Good grooms. Best wages and
reftdv 300 to tne rignx men. iuu
Riding School, 16th and Jefferson.
vinviRTTKRfi and finishers wanted at Ore
ton mrniture jiajiuiaciunug j---
Macadam Road.
u.-vrFrk A KrlitprA1 dAntlat. with nush.
nod ooentng; give pnone nuwuer. a
153, Oregonian.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper with lumber experi
ence, able to operate iypwriiet.
O re gonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman on wholesale
bakery wagon; gooa wages, ap iav,
COMPETENT, all-around man to work on
suburban place; reierences. jus ado. unr
gonian. '
YOUNG man to take active interest mak
ing motlou pictures, jausi nave km.'aa
167, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced awning hangers;
only itrst-ciasa men neea aupiy. x-tttint
Tent & Awning Co., First and Ankney.
BENCH HAND wanted. Oregon Planing
Mills, lytn ana vausnn.
BOY wanted. Vpply Monday, public i-i-
brary, itn ana atarK.
WANTED Experienced assistant In , lea
cream depart menu uiu oiy m.
EXPERIENCED solicitor can get position
with printing nrm. dlx pucnanan oiug.
YOUNG men on motorcycles ana bicycles
make o monin. a 1 anniin.
WANTED High-class salesman-
Mr. Burton. 1 eon pics-
WASHER for wet wash laundry. Call 8 to
12 Sunday sua jmsseu..
222 and 224 Couch, bet. 1st and 2d sts.
Telephone Main 570, A 1406.
Help Furnished Free.
Phone or wire rush ordors
at our expense.
Open Sunday 9 J M. to 8 P. M.
uniwri cKt ron t mnn. S10A month.
Two millwrights, construction. 3 to $4.
Gang edgerman, pine lumoer, .
Planer foreman, $100 month.
Lumber marker on rolls, $3.
Lumber grader on rolls, $3.25.
Cut-off sawyer, $3. 1
r,r in, rtinc tiltvman. S.2.75.
Two sash and door machine men, $2.75
ffto $3.
Shaper and scroll band sawyer, $8 up.
Ten mllihands. $2.25 to $2.73.
- Twenty-five yardmen, $2 to $2.25.
Planer feeders. $2.25 to -2.5A
Graders from planer, $2.50 to $2.75.
Bucker and tiler. $3.50.
Log scaler, $3.59.
Fallers. $3. $3.25 and $3.50.
Bucker. $2.75 and $3.
Loaders, $3 up.
Chasers and rigging men. $S up.
Camp flunkeys, $30 to (35.
Man and wife on dairy ranch, $50 and
found. ' .
Man and wife to take charge of ranch
Chore man on Eastern Oregon wheat
ranch. $30 up.
.Farmhands. 880 to $35.
Milkers, $35 and $40.
Hay hands, $1.25 and board.
Rcnni1 rnfllc Summer resort. 850 to $60.
Man and wife. Janitor and .cook, for
mnii Kflnltarlnm. citv. $55 to $65.
Cook's helper, private boarding-house.
city. $30.
Young mas to work In hotel laundry,
itx. rrtrtm nnri board.
Ten laborers on water pipeline; long
, Jod. sj-ou, v nours.
Twenty men to work on county road.
to 92.0m
. New jobs coming In every hour.
, Watch our bulletin boards.
Open Sunday 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
222 and 224 Couch, bet. 1st and 2d.
"SU Knrth Second St.
Main 727. A 2200.
Pile driver foreman, $150 and board.
Camp cook $75 and board. -
Two flunkies, $35 and board. a.
Japanese house boy, $30 and board.
10 teamsters, $2.25 and $2.50. '
20 con ere t a laborers. $2.50.
23 R. R. laborers (north, free fare) $2.25.
We are laborer headquarters
for -
Guthrie, McDougall & Co., Salem and
' . "WnRt p. hA. Wash.
Porter Bros., Grant South Co., Tenino,
Sherlock, Dupont, Tacoma.
Tacoma Seattle Vancouver. B. C.
All orders given prompt personal attention.
Construction grasle foreman. $130 month.
a pile driver men, $d.iu, v nours.
Pile driver fireman, $90 month.
10 common laborers at Centralla. Wash.
building new roundhouse, ship 6 A. M.
Aionaay ana every day.
Pastry cook for country hotel, $60, room
and board. . '
Short order cook, $50, room and board.
Cook city cafeteria, $15 week; steady
2 buss bovs: 5 dishwashers.
30 Austrians or Bulgarians, logging
camp, $2.23 day. Assistant foreman, $3.
21:0 uoucn st.
D. D. YOUNG, Mgr.
ARE you the man 7 Here is your opportunity.
A o matter wnere you live 11 you want
to make big money and establish yourself
In an independent business requiring no
capital, we will teach you by mall all the
secrets of the real estate business. Includ
ing thorough commercial law course, list
with you readily salable properties, co
operate with and assist you to permanent
success; our 64-page free book fully ex
plains our methods and tells what It
means to be the local representative of
oldest and largest co-operative realty and
brokerage corporation in the world. Write
today. International Realty Corporation,
127 Manhattan bldg., Chicago, 111.
STEADY married man to help care for
fruit farm and potato crops on shares,
not far from Portland, on electric line;
have team and tools on hand ; give ref
erences and experience ; can own some
land if services are satisfactory. W 167,
Or egonlan.
WANTED Married couple for mountain ho
tel resort; man to look after row boats;
best of local reierences required. Woman
to do hotel laundry work. Call between
9 and 12 Monday. Crater Lake Co., 424
Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
SALESMAN wanted by leading lace em
broidery manufacturers for their estab
lished trade; rare opportunity to right
party; can also be handled as side line;
liberal arrangements. Ryan, 491 Broad-
way, ew York.
WANTED A salesman to show and sell
acreage property; salary and commission.
Don't apply unless you have had experi
ence in the handling of acreage and can
furnish references.. Apply between 9 and
IO A. M. Monday at 503 Yeon bldg.
WANTED Young man, drive and take care
6-cylinder Pierce-Arrow and make himst'.f
generally useful; only those with experi
ence, references and wiljjs to work need
apply. O 188. Oregonian. j
WANTED Male players of string instru
ments, those that sing preferred; also
straight and character singers. Call Yeon
Buffet, 2 to 4:30 P. M.. Wednesday and
Thursday. 1
TWO bright, well-dressed young men to go
on the road in Oregon and Washington.
Call between 3 and 5 P. M. only. 217
Fliedner bldg. .
THREE neat appearing salesmen, good
movM trtinstiera- citv and road nositions.
Apply at 219 Worcester bldg., Monday,
oeiore ix a. jx- ,
ctr A ATTl?rirtrtrti1!A nleht- man in ear-
airR- one who knows how to wash nnd
polish cars aoid can move some; give ret
erenoes with answer. R 148, Oregonian.
FINANCIAL representative. Successful Port
land corporation has exceptional opening
ior nnanciai representative uu uiuncj
getter. T 174, Oregonian.
BOY wanted. 340 Front st.
TUDTP mimr lflrilM for vaudeville EOt.
Experience unnecessary. Call Sunday or
Monday. Pantages Theater bldg.. room l.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work, three in ranuiy; wage. .v. . o.n
wood l07. B 8213.
WANTED sirl or woman for general house.
- work, willing to go to beach. Apply 574
E. MorriBon.
WANTED Woman, light housework, small
wages, good nome. i;au at unco, ox v.u
lumbla, lower flat. '
nHFSsMATCER'a helner. one who is neat
and fast; axeaay employment, awu
ton Hotel. Main 8170, room 113.
-nnr w.ntari fnr sreneral housework
miwt ne gooa coo, kuuu . (-..
family. 1025 Raleigh, west of 29t.
LADIES wanted to canvass on best propo
sition in .Portland; no wpniruaj iic,-
sary. Call after 9 A. M. Monday. 82S ith.
WANTED Experienced body ironer at Pal
ace steam l-aunary io., c. ivw
erett sts.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
washing: zo roonm. muuo ..wtua...
eral housework, small family, good home
and some wage, can at za
WANTED A schoolgirl to assist witn
nousework. tor coupie; sw "umu
wages. , Phone East 0103.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid at 204 Co
lumbia, can atonaay.
GIRL to assist with general housework.
Lovejoy. A S6SH.
WANTED Girl for general nousework;
gOOd WageS. .O-l .U, CVri-. i-wmnuy.
WAIST finishers, experienced, wanted; also
learn rlrls. 434 Morrison i.
GOOD girl for general housework. Call
mornings. 7 bo trying st-
WANTED Woman to help in boarding-
house, call 513 lamnni at..
WANTED Experienced infant's nurse. Call
mornings. 14ft N. --a st.
SIRL wanted In Japanese pool hall at 50
North 4th st. uooa wages.
WANTED Experienced waitress at the
Hill. 23d ana w Mningwu.
WANTED Competent girl to take cnarg
of children la afternoons, iuo rt. A-m.
EXPERIENCED and apprentice help foi
riresKmaklne. SOUfe jmorrison ruum
GOOD opening for a competent dressmaker,
centrauy toiaicu. icyw. o...
WANTED Experienced stenographer
laW Office. OZg ljummimw. um..
MODERN, first-class dressmaker wanted.
Inquire 047 K.erpy. aonujr muimus.
MUSICIAN and singer for vaudeville act;
violin player preierreo. 101, uiui.u.
girl ti
151 N.
i assist
22d st.
with light house
Call mornings.
WANTED Woman cook In country hotel;
gOOd wagS. v --' - n
WOM EN to do. home work; good pay; call
mornings. old Menmam. iiubl uiug.
WAIST iieipera and apprentlc girls. Te-
HOTEL cook, country, $40w
2 boarding-house cooks, 8
Ranch cook. $40.
Chambermaid, $35 and room.
Chambermaid (out of city), $23.
S waitresses (beach), $25.
2 waitresses, $35 (out of city). ,
Pantry woman. $30.
a second girls. $30 (same place).
845 Wash St.. Room 7.
7th Floor Restaurant. Pleasant surround
ings. Good pay. 1 Apply at once at res
taurant desk.
WA NTEn Weil-d rMiiod. Intelligent women
to learn the corset business. New class
in corsetry just forming, preparing for the
state school of Sep. Chance for good live
women who want to learn a business pro
fession, which will net $25 to $40 per
week. Certificate of qualification given.
Splrella Corset Shop, 407 Selling bldg..
cor. 6th and Alder.
WANTED Girls or women; a good oppor
tunity for them to learn a gooa iraae ana
be independent at all times and places.
fWe will teach them to make cigars in six
weeks; only such that live at home and
have the consent of their parents need
apply; no men In the shop except the
teachers. 243 Ash at. Cigar factory.
WANTED A high-school graduate, who
speaks German fluently, to devote some
few hours dally, preferably mornings, to
small boy who understands German, but
lacks practice in conversation; no lessons,
on grammar. Address, stating terms, X
157. Oregonian. '
$60 MONTH guaranteed, salary or commis
sion, full or part time work; lady local
manager for American Queen corsets; best
corset, best terms. Also traveler to em
ploy representatives. Write American Cor
set Co., Desk 26, Chicago.
SEVERAL ladles with selling ability for
house demonstrating, home necessities,
100 per cent commission; you really make
$3 to $4 day. Call Sunday, 1 to 3 P. M.;
Monday and Tuesday, 10 to 11 A. M. - 884
College st.
TWO advertisers and demonstrators, be
tween IS and 25, must be of good ap
pearance, saiary $40 per month and ex
penses. Apply Dr. Lewis, Perkins Hotel,
between 1 and 8 today.
WANTED If you are a lady of good ap
pearance and are willing to work we can
furnish you with a pleasant and profit
able position. No Bone Corset Co., 507
Northwest bldg.,' 6th and Wash.
WANTED A maid for general housewovk,
family of two. 450 East ISth st. North,
lrvington. Apply after 4 P. M. Take
Irvington or Broadway car. Phone East
MUNICIPAL repartment of Public Safety
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all young women. Mra
Lola G. Baldwin. BupL, room 87 Y. W. C.
A. bldg., 7th and Taylor ata.
Apply Standard Factory No. 2.
Grand Ave. and East Taylor St.
WANTED First-class cook; references re
quired; also nurse for two children, aged
SH and 2 years. Write and send references
for inquiry to Mrs. Samuel Elmore, 14th
ana orana ave., Astoria, ur.
WANTED Stenographer, experienced in
credit and collection work; retail store;
give age, experience, salary expected and
pnone number, tr xo, uips"'"'
SALESLADIES Must be neatly dressed;
salary ana commission; reitricuvc. , , , '
mornings. 516 Merchants Trust bldg.,
Was hln gton and Sixth,
WANTED Mother's helper; competent take
full charge during momers uquei
sence in refined home; two children; ref
erences. AD 153, Oregonian.
THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv
deavors to render the best of service to
Its patrons. Main ?oo.
WANTED Competent nurse, middle-affed,
tn taicA curt ot small cnuo. Aitoix lieu
tenant Naits, Vancouver Barracks. Phone
81, Vancouver.
EXPERIENCED clove saleswomen; none
others need apply, uooa salaries, iwrm.'
nent positions. Lennon's, opposite Post
office. :
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman, over 2o. for
position with wholesale nouse; experience
not rdquireq. ad mti wcbwiwi-
r.r.nVR fitter and mender, thoroughly ex
perienced tor large aepannreuu Aumcaa
A(J nv. uregonian!
AW exDerienced Dress machine hand as ex
perienced DOay ii oiier. i tneio ov.u
Laundry, E. lUth and Everett.
Washington bldg., 270 Washington st.
near 4tn. rnone nam oooo or a p.
WANTED Renned, capable woman lor r-
ponslDle position, viavi u., on
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
LADY. 30 to 40, as advertiser and assistant
to lecturer touring towns on w i
rsTRT. for housework, two- in family, no
washing. - good nome. .a- i. -
Apt. D. '
WANTED Girl for general housework and
assist with cooking, small house, small
family. 714 East Davis. Phone B 2011.
EXPERIENCED family cooks, $40: second
, alrls. 30: general girls. $40. St. Louis
Agency. 253 Alder st. Main 2039.
LADY compositor To set straight matter
for a few weeks, beginning July 8. Hood
River News, iiooa jtiver, ur.
iinriva ..nit .Hnm. virlm. singers, clan-
iats. good salaries. New York Theatrical
Agency. Ellers bldg.. suite aiu.
845V, Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
SALESGIRL wanted; must be respectable
and have good references; others not
wanted. 44 2d St.
WANTED 2 lady pressors on ladies'
clothes. Apply at Broadway Dyeworks;
steady work. Grand avenue and Schuyler,
GIRL to help with general housework. Ap
ply 1032 pacilic, lAureiuunu rnuuo ii.
WANTED "Two first-class waitresses, one
dishwasher, two laundry girls. Write Elk
Creek Hotel, aeasioe. ur.
vntTTcri irii-i for llsrht housework: no cook
ing or washing; family of 8. 611 Weidler
' St., lower nai. t
wiVTrn An exDerlenced girl for general
housework. 772 Everett; must have city
EXPERIENCED solicitors who know, sal
ary guaranteed. Apply between 10 and 12
A. M. (except Sundays) 502 Marquam bldg.
WAVTRTl Second glrL AnDly to Mrs. C.
H. Lewis between 1 and 6 o'clock, 19th
and Glisan sts.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework and cooking. 1093 Franklin st.
Phone Main 2999.
GIRL to do general housework for small
family; best wages for service rendered.
Call mornings. 1 103 Thurman t.
EXPERIENCED cook for general house
work In small Summer home; two - in
family; good wages. Phone A Sb2.
WANTED Neat, middle-aged- woman for
general housework; no cnuoren. can oun
day, S82 Overton at., corner 26th si.
COMPETENT girl to cook and assist with
housework; small family; good wagus.
Apply 735 Kearney St.
WOMAN, assist with housework and learn
telegraphy; good opportunity. B 185. Ore
gonian. .
A GOOD girl for general housework, two In
family: must be good cook. Phone Mar.
315 or call 250 Stout at.
GIRL for general housework for beach. 211
N. 24th st. or Main 3995.
HOUSE assistant, light work, small wages,
call immediately, iiwu uranq ave. iortn.
WANTED Girls for assorting cherries. Ap
ply lav Madison bu A. xvupert o.
YOUNG girl for light housework. Apply
504 East istn iNortn.
WANTED girls to wait on table Sundays
at Council crest-
EXPERIENCED girl for general
work. -O M.rAei. aiuu Duao.
WANTED A girl for general housework
and plain cooking. 588 Myrtlav-
mLP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Sec
ond anu vviiiuiuia.
-WANTED Hand lroners. Yale Laundry, 500
K. Morrison.
FIRST-CLASS hairdresser, manicurist and
hair worker. itosentna oistprs. iiu itn.
COMPETENT general housework girl.
urban, -reiepnone atain vm&.
YOUNG girl for light housework. Apply la
bor ivoe..
Musician to travel, $10 per week and
Cooks, $40; cook and waitress. $65.
Waitresses, $20. $25 and $30.
Housekeepers, $15 up.
Hand-ironera and starchers, $8.50 to $8
per week.
Solicitors, second girls and general help
ers at good wages. Family cook. $35.
Ladles' Dept. 205 H Morrison.
Wanted a lady to handle the selling
of one of the best articles for women on
the market, this is a good one and have
made big money out of IU T 172 Ore
gonian. WANTED Married couple for mountain no
tel resort ; man to look after rowboats ;
best of local references required. Woman
to do hotel laundry work. Call between
9 and 12 Monday. Crater Lake Co.. 4?i
Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower, la
borer; no Incumbrance; must be pleas
ant, neat and respectable; would prefer
' one with girl from S to 11 or 12; must not
be over 35. AV 396. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced fitter for cloak and
suit department; give references, where
last employed and phone number; only
-those with ability need apply. T 150, Ore
gonian. WANTED -Experienced girl for light house
keeping in family of two, Trinity P!aca
Apt., separate room for maid. Phone Mar
shall 516 or call Monday. 9 to 12. Apt. 4$.
WANTED At once, practical nurse who
can give scientific massage ; nurse with
soma training preferred. AB 171, Ore
gonian. WANTED A reliable woman to care for
city home during family's absence; mod
erate wages. Call Monday, 1129 Thur
man St., Willamette Heights.
A MIDDLE AGED woman for a country ho
tel, who is good cook, would appreciate a
good home rather than wages. Box 96,
WANTED Girl for general housework in
apartment; family of three. Call morn
ings Apartment 307. Highland Court, 22d
and Glisan sts.
APPRENTICE wanted; Miss Hofmaiater"
dressmaking parlors, 424 Clay st. Call
Sunday. Clayport Apt, 27, Phone Main
WANTED An experienced foreign girl for
general housework; wages $40. Apply
Mrs. Wilson Clark, Llnnton. Take United
Ry. car. Second and Stark. .
WANTED Elderly women for light house
work; must speak German; good home
and wages. 643 Upshur st., cor. 20th sL
NEAT appearing woman to handle collec
tions for Eastern corporation; opportunity
to travel. Apply at 219 Worcester bldg.
i .3 .) o u
COMPETENT salesladies, thoroughly ex
perienced in corsets, muslin, underwear,
trimmings and laces. Roberta Bros., 8d
and Morrison. -
WANTED Good, strong Swedish or Ger
man girl to cook for family of aix adults.
AL 1G6. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
Oregon Ulty carnue. r uuuq warn utw.
nea ou-.
WANTED 4 experienced salesladies, Mon
day morning. Becker, McLaughlin at
Sweeney, 441 Washington gt. -
WANTED Girls for musical comedy com
pany. Interstate vaudeville circuit, pant-
ages Theater bldg.
WANTED Young girl for general house-
wom, ramuy 01 iww. 1 ro .tv un-v
I cor. 440 E. 17th st. N.
WOMAN for general housework; family of
8 women; wages $25. Phone Woodlawn
GOOD girl for general housework, out of
..... o .ho n -V iRth at.
GOOD, steady girl for general housework.
GATHERING information in any community
mnnf... Aii aw na r timfi trav
eling or at home. Easy work. Either
sex. Booklet free. National Information
R.iroan Ktnttnn A 44. ColUmbUB. Ohio.
WANTED at once, cook, man or woman;
. . 1 n..v.1.. iinitcntanil Ah&ir hllSl-
ness; give telephone number. Elk Crecr
Timet, rnoiuc, un-a-u-
SOLICITOR wanted at once; good, reliable
1 M.illnnmnh ftfanillC
& Dj4 Works, 3D4 3d ,t. M. 1141), A 313H.
WAXTED A couple, woman good cook and
nouseKeeper, mau h.iuchw.
allv handy. Call E. 31'S.
AMATEURS wanted, pay cash prise, everj
South foriiana.
GIRLS to pick berries, and other help!
goc-a pay, uiuoc m. --o
MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemea
on nearby railroads; $80 to $100 monthly
promotion, engineer, conductor; experiencs
uaneersary; no strike; aga 18-35. Rail
road employing headquaiters; over oout
mti sent to positions on 1000 official calls.
State age. Address Railway Association.
SALESMEN No experience required; ear
good wages while learning; hundred, gooc
Positions Bopen paying $1000 to $5000 yeaK
Write toilay for particulars list opening".
Address nearest office. Dept. 4;i, National
Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago,
New York. Kansas City, Seattle, New Ot-
lear.B, Toronto.
MEN and boys to learn automobile repair
ing driving on up-to-date cars; electrical,
clvi'l engineering, surveying; methods most
practical; room and board while learnlngl
position secured; satisfaction guaranteed;
catalogue free. National School of Engl-
neering, im w. n.
MEN and women to learn the barber tradt
in eight weeks: special inducements; per.
centane paid while learning; tools free
expert instructors: 17 years In the -business;
7 schools; a lifetime membershlj
given to each student. Moler Barber Col-
lege, 35 N. rourt" i"1""""' v"
WANTED Industrious married man familial
with horses ano wuo v.u k,,Ti
horse team to take part Interest in bull,
ness and position at $2.50 per day U
start; small amount of cash required.. Ad.
dress K loa, urcswi"-
MOVING picture operating, full Pfccal
course taught in theater; the only way
of learning It right; aecure posltlonsi
price reasonable. Terms. 404 Rothchlld
bldg.. 4tn anu w m"'am
WILL START YOU earning $4 dally, home,
spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital,
free instructive booklet, giving plans op
eration. G. F. Redmon jt Dept. 59. Bolton,
WANTED Family man familiar wlta
nursery work to iiaivw ymi.
young orchard and accept position to car,
for trees; wage, $2.50 per day to start:
mist have some cash. R 151. Oregonian.
AMBITIOUS young men to become traveling
salesmen, earn while they learn. Writ,
for particulars. Bradstreet System, Roch
ester, IM- I-
HAVE several vaudeville acta and sketchel
irom one to iuui j"r"- -"inr
aamo and guarantee to placa act. m-
. v. i .. "l 1711 i irarnn lii. cvwymiuB' -
ALL kinds of stag dancing quickly taught
t dnuu LmmAiitii secured
New York Theatrical Agenoy, Eiler bldg..
suite oi-v.
RAILWAY mall clerks, preps .re now, ex-
i i an4 nrnmrit Ons: DO JB.
offs. sure pay; free book Call today. Pa-
ClIIC States BCDWl. ja.t-ft.-j ' -
LADIES make ehlelds at homo, 10 per 100;
" . . . u raKnh a women: Dar
Eureka to., uepi. " ,
BE detective; earn i Nat onal
KttctlvV SerVice. Merchant.' Trust bldg..
Los Angeles, cai.
WANTED Be a detective, join our force;
Korelentatives wanted in each town and
Jftyr?media employment. Write Cluef
Flint, tws id "' a-w
ANYONE, anywhere, can earn gooj 1 incom.
copying k- RoVton. Mass.
It. ti- loggia. i
GO . to Manhattan poolroom new n large open
place, laoifB. -
Tot nnd Morrison ets.
BE a detective earn $150 to raw per moni...
travel over iub ------ ...
wig, 1402 Scarrltt piqg., iaahbm -...j.
MAKE money writing short "rlJ;..orh
P,a.pfil:T5,Fvndlcate. San Francisco.
ince, 1040 Chamber of Commerce.
nn.lMfin IOr VAUOU.c A-' -J
WANTED Steady "Ingle man with $150;
wages s-o ' "r T.
Call 4XA Jiorrisoii .1.. tw
NATURALISTIC teacher, China and w.i
color; prices ngni, onu,
v. ho N. A car. Phone Woodlawn 150.
WANTED Picture play writers; bl( PMI
VVAA..r . Tii,.... oi.v Auociatlon.
we ll tescn you. . - -
San Fraicisco.
YOUNG men wanted to learn moving plc-
turO Operauil.. AACAmmi.
ELITE PRIVATE Business College.
tiamiitop pm. a- i-- -
echooi ana teacnen-
YOUNG men- wanted to learn "oyin pic-
t'Jre OpcrttllllK . uncmuiit,
GIRLS, learn, beauty parlor work; reduced
. ,' R14 Rnthrhlld DldC
rai ung w -
YOUNG men wanted to larn moving plc-
Xure opeimmg. uaT-iiin-,
SHORTHAND, Typewrltlnf School, 269 14tfc
a . i ocng -Cvnavi- inat filiation . lb IS
Blm AlttiAi. OWO. jMrw, f - -