The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 21

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NO. 23.
Come to the Busiest Store in the CityIt's EconomyThrift
The Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Removal Sale Reduces Every Article in the Store
Sell at Radical Removal Price Reductions
50c Imported Sox, Removal 25c
Men's half hose of imported gauze lisle, medium weight silk lisle
and fine cotton. Also medium weight black with pure linen split
foot The above sox are all Hermsdorf dyed and, therefore, abso
lutely fast colors. .
$1, 75c and 50c Four-in-Hand Ties, Removal 25c
For the particular men. and men who are fastidious about their
neckwear, this sale will make special appeal, for every tie in the lot
is of an unusually high quality both in color and material. You
will find the regular four-in-hand, graduated string ties and a quan
tity of stocks that are always in demand for Summer wear.
25c Cambric Handkerchiefs, Removal 10c
This is just one lot of handkerchiefs for men of a fine cambric
with colored borders and colored initials in the corner. Not all
letters in the lor, but a great number, so you will be sure to find at
least one letter that corresponds to either your first or last name.
25c Mercerized Handkerchiefs, Removal 15c
Men's fine mercerized handkerchiefs with hemstitched borders.
Some have colored centers, and others with colored borders in polka
dots and many pretty designs. The colorings are attractive and in
the best of taste.
$1, $1.25 and $1.50 White Coats, Removal 75c
Waiters and barbers' coats made of oxfords and heavy twills.
finished in the front with buttons or frogs. These coats are well cut
and fit in the best possible style.
A Midsummer Hat Sale
Which Is Certain to Create a Sensation
Original models to be sold at the following removal prices:
Removal $4.50, $5.95, $6.50
We have specially prepared for
tomorrow an attractive collection
of new midsummer hats. These
hats were all designed by our own
artists and executed in our work
rooms. They are made of white hemp
and beautifully trimmed with col
ored flowers and chiffons.
These are ideal hats for the warm Summer days they are pic
turesque and becoming to every face.
The one illustrated is covered with orchid colored chiffon, and
around the crown is a wreath of this beautiful flower in all its
natural shades.
Bargains Picked at Random
From Our Untrimmed Millinery Section
Banded sailors, rough and smooth braids, removal .50c
Bleached peanuts, javas andmanilas, -removal '. .98c
Dress shapes of hemp, chips and milans, removal 95c
All our flowers are now reduced to 48c a bunch.
Our Linen Section Offers Tomorrow
60c Fancy Art Linens, Removal 39c Each
In this lot are the following : 1 8-inch round cluny doilies, with
linen centers and cluny insertion with cluny lace borders. Also 30
by 30-inch Austrian linen luncheon cloths, which are hemstitched
and have five rows of fancy drawn work. Many scalloped and
hemstitched tray cloths, size 18 by 27 inches. ,
Embroidered End Towels, Removal 23 c Each
This is something new in the way of a linen huck towel. It is an
1 8 by 36-inch bleached towel. Hemstitched and ends are finished
with fast colored embroidered neat figures.
Two Big Specials, Turkish Bath Towels
This is a sale of two big lines in Turkish bath towels.
One is a full bleached two-ply yarn in size 42 by 22 inches, with
hemmed ends, that sells at 19c
The other is a bleached towel of three-ply cotton and hemmed
ends, measuring 50 by 27 inches.
25c Bath Towels 19c 60c Bath Towels 44c
$1.25 Damask Lunch Cloths, Removal 75c
These are all linen bleached lunch cloths with a hemstitched
border and fancy work centers in neat, assorted designs. These
cloths are suitable for most any occasion, and measure 32 by 32
inches square.
A Cleanup Sale of Children's Sweaters
Regu'ar $1.23 to $2.00 Each, Removal 98c
Full Sizes for Ages From 4 to 14 Years ' -
A stock clearance of children's high-grade sweaters, all perfect fitting gar
ment, properly made and finished.
Of extra fine all-wool plaited worsted in coat style with "V" necks. Made
with pearl buttons for fastening up the front. They have two lower pockets.
Come in pretty shades of cardinal, oxford, navy blue or white. Some in the
popular "Co-ed" style, made with side buttoning effect and military collar.
$1.50 to $2.25 Sweaters, Removal $1.23
Wool worsted or plated wool sweaters for boys and girls in a fine rib or
fancy stitch effect Made coat style with "V neck, and some have shawl
collars. In pretty shades of light or medium gray, cardinal, white or navy
blue. All have two lower pockets and fasten with pearl buttons.
Garments on Sale Exactly Like Illustration
Providing of course that you are interested
White Norfolk and Plain Tailored Suits
Selling Regularly at $25, $27,50 and $31.50
Removal Clearance Price $15.00
Spick, span, new white, Norfolk suits. The very latest, the most
up-to-date, most popular suits of the season.
Made of all-wool white English seme. Wide straps over the
shoulders to the bottom of the jacket. Belt around jacket fastening
with pearl buttons.- The skirts are panel back B""1 deep side pleats,
-Also models in white all-wool serge, plain tailored. The jackets
are 56-inch length. Lined with Peau de Cygne. In a variety of
models, fastening with pearl buttons. The skirts have a high waist
line, panel box back w plain front.
These suits do not begin to represent the manufacturer's
cost, and are certainly the greatest offering we have made in
whtte serge suits.
All of Our New Pongee Coats
Selling from $25.00 to $35.00
Immediate Removal Price $15.00
This includes all our best styles in pongee coats. Made ,56
, ! .fr ?' .it' f 71
tnches m lengtn. oome nave wiae sleeves set in a aeep armnoie.
Then are modeled on straieht lines in the bach and front, fastening
down the front or well to one side. Many have deep hood collar.
lined with blue, tan or white ratine. Also cuffs of the same.
Many empire pongee coats with trimmings of plaid silk, nd
another model lined with plaid or changeable silk. "
A very attractive style is made With deep rounded collar and a
one side rever and very deep cuffs. Trimmed with brown, navy or
American Beauty red satin and edged with two-inch lace. '
Dresses That Become Yours at $12.50
TTiey Sell Regularly from $25.00 to $35.00
Attractive one-piece dresses of chiffon taffeta, messaline, stripe
silk tissue, corduroy, lingerie and French serge.
They are modeled in the latest styles, reflectmg all the new
fashion ideas. In many cases you will find only one model of a kind.
They include the new suepender dress and fichu dress. Dresses
of allover embroidery net bodice. Many with plain skirls. Others
have striped net over silk skirts. ,
The serge dresses are modeled in especially attractive tailored
tyles. Trimmed with colorings of braid or silk. And on some are
covered button" trimmings.. These dresses come in all the desirable
colors. "
Removal Prices on AH Staple Hosiery
The most desirable sorts, all priced much less than regular
' 50c Stockings, Removal, Pair 33c
These stockings are of white silk lisle in a most desirable and durable
weight and gage. They have double welts and extra spliced soles, heels and
toes. Also thread silk stockings in black. Made with extra strong cotton tops.
Regular 65c Hosiery, Removal 45c
New golden tan stockings of fine, strong cotton in a medium weight.- These
stockings are just the right kind to be worn with the low tan shoes. Made
with double tops and extra spliced soles, heels and toes.
50c Hosiery, Removal Now 25c
Again we call to your attention this particular lot of extra quality stock
ings that are being sold at 25c the pair. They consist of all kinds and colors.
The qualities are superb, such as plain black lisle, plain tan. bronze or other
colors; white lisle with open work ankles or in allover open work; also tan
lisle embroidered. ' . .
65c and 75c Grades of Stockings, Removal 50c
Stockings of pure white or new tan in gauze or mercerized lisle.
All have double garter tops and extra spliced soles, heels and toes.
Also thread silk stockings with deep lavender tops.
$1.00 Thread Silk Hosiery, Removal 75c
These stockings are of thread silk in black with long-wearing
silk lisle tops and soles. A medium weight of fine gauze.
Go the Prices on .
Fine Tub Materials
Silk Mixed 1 (-
Fabrics, Removal ,,..luL
Regular 30c and 35c
This silk' mixed material comes
in plain weave, also some dots and
jacquard figures in all solid color
effects. "
35c-25c Imported
Organdie. Removal.
Printed imported organdie, al
ways attractive, always suited for
the occasion.! - Just the thing for
dainty party dresses, house dresses
or street costumes. v
60c Wash Bedford
Cord, Removal.
The leading weave of the season.
Soft corduroy finish in white with
navy stripes, white with Alice and
white with blade
40c Silk Stripe
Voile, Removal . . ,
Voiles are in great demand a
favorite for evening dresses. All
the new and standard shades are to
be found here.' This is a fine, sheer
ground, with fancy self-colored silk
stripes in striking effects.
20c and 1 5c French
Batiste, Removal .
-Printed French batiste in many
different patterns. A dainty Sum
mer frocking which comes with or
without borders white and tinted
grounds. '
Sale of Switches
Unparalleled Remarkable Important
Our hair buyer is off to the market next week for the purchase of hair
goods for the new store. Being firmly resolved not to transfer a single
switch from the old to the new store, we inaugurate a sale tomorrow on
the finer grades of imported hair.
At Prices Heretofore Unknown
Below we set forth a few examples of the astonishing prices we have
placed on our entire stock of switches.
Germ'n Wavy Switches
$5.75 30 to 34 inches. $2.95.
$5.00 26-inch, now. . .$2.48
$3.75 24-inch, now. . .$1.48
French Wavy Switches
$10.00 24-inch, now. $ 5.98
$15.00 26-inch, now. $ 8.98
$17.50 28-inch, now . $12.98
$25.00 30-inch, now. $18.98
Gray German Switches
$ 4.50 24-inch, now. . $223
$ 5.00 30-inch, now. . $2.48
$10.00 24-mch, now. .$6.48
$15.00 30-inch, now. .$9.98
$1 French Curls 73c
$1.65 German Puffs $1.12
$5.00 French Aero
planes $2.98
$4.00 Round Puffs. . .$2.23
$3.50 Gray Puffs $1.98
$4.00 French Puffs. . .$2.23
50c Bangs, removal. ...39c
$3.50 Chignon Bangs. $2.48
$2.50 German, now. .$1.25
$5.00 German, now. .$3.23
$6.00 French, now. ..$3.00
$3.25 French, now. . .$2.48
$3.00 Gray, removal. $1.95
$6.00 French, now. . .$3.25
A Half-Price Sale of Beautiful Undermuslins
First in Quality First in Economy of Prices
We foresro every profit in order that these garments may be sold immediately. You will marvel at the dex
terity and skill of workmanship and the originality introduced into the models and the designs. But you will
marvel most at the prices, which are wonderfully low. The removal sale demands price sacrifices. But the end
justifies the means. We are determined not to move a single undergarment to our new store.
Come tomorrow I Prepare to see the most beautiful collection of high-class undermus-
lots marked at cost.
This includes gowns, princess slips, combination corset covers and drawers, separate drawers
and skirts.
White Skirts Half Price
A splendid assortment of
white skirts, some in the new
narrow cut style with flounces
of embroidery, some with bead-
trigs and ribbons, silso trim
mings of fine laces with rows
of insertion and lace edging.
Made with and without dust-
ruffles. Of longcloth, nainsook
and lawns.
1J25 Skirts, removal. .63c
2.00 Skirts, removal, $1.00
3.00 Skirts, removal. $1.50
4.00 Skirts removal. $2.00
5.00 Skirts, removal. $2.50
6.00 Skirts, removal. $3.00
$17.50 Skirts, removal. $8.75
' The only store
where you canbuy
All Bathing Suits
All Bathing Caps
All Bathing Shoes
for women
and children at
Reduced Prices
This lot consists of ladies' gowns in regular and extra sizes, with
high, "V". and low necks. In slipover styles or open fronts, with
and without yokes. The low neck gowns have dainty trimmings
of fine double thread Valenciennes laces, torchon laces, embroid
ery insertions, medallions, ribbon and headings.
Regular.. .$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $4.00 to $12.00
Removal. . 63c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $138, $2.00 to $ 6.00
The prettiest styles we have ever shown in princess slips. They
come in sample size, 36-inch, only. The necks are cut round and
finished with edgings of lace and embroidery, lace, ribbon and
beading. The skirts are finished with embroidery flounces, or lace
and insertion, some with ribbon strung through a beading, many
being trimmed in the heavy fashionable laces.
Regular.. . $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 to $6.00
Removal . $1.00, $125, $1.38, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $3.00
Corset cover and drawer combinations in sizes 38 and 36 only.
Only one of a style in this lot. The trimmings are edgings of em
broidery and lace or yokes of lace and embroidery and medallions
finished with ribbon, double thread Valenciennes laces or torchon
laces. The drawers are the new skirt shape, prettily trimmed with
embroidery or lace and insertion. Some fancy side trimmed.
Regular. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $6.00
Removal 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00
These drawers can be had in either open or closed styles, and
some of them are in extra sizes. Trimmed with ruffles of em
broidery or lace and insertions. , The best of longcloth and
Regular. 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00
Removal. ..... .38c, 50c, 63c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00