THE SUADA1' OKliGOMAA. FOliTLAND. JUNE 16, 1912. 9 RECEIVERS NAMED FOR ALrtlEDA fillllE crosr-cuts and shafts, besides Install ing a smelter. "I am one of the oldest stockholders in the company and am entirely satis fied with my investment. I have vis Ited the company's property a number of times and know that the claims are all right. "The officers hare been doing- every thing; th.xt they could towards develop Inc the property and putting it on i paying; basis. No, the stockholders have not received any dividends yet. but I am convinced that the mining; claims are all excellent and will eventually produce 'satisfactory divi dends. Officers of the company have just completed plans for prosecuting; their development activities aggressively. This will probably be delayed because' of the institution of the suit by the Ohio stockholders. "This is simply a case of an attorney ONE OWNER NOT WO RRIED l?JLt?lm?'t 3imZ. pany. last night. "There is no Justi fication whatever for the appointment of a receiver, as we will be able to show in court- The company owns 1000 acres of as good mining lard of Its character as is to be found any where in the Pacific Northwest. We have already expended $600,000 in the development of the property and have done everything that could be expect ed reasonably by the stockholders." Ohio Stockholders Not Satis fied With Management of Company. Vice-President Says Concern Owns J 000 Acres of Pay Dirt and Has Done $500,000 Development Work on Good Prospect. Armed with - an order signed by Vnlted States Judge Bean and appoint ing him temporary receiver of the prop--rtyv Robert Tucker entered the offices 'of the -Almeda Consolidated Mines 'Company, 207 Board of Trade building, shortly before noon yesterday, and took '. possession of the books and records of the mining corporation. Mr. Tucker was accompanied by a dwpwty United States Marshal and Howard T. William son, of Dayton, Ohio, and R. W. Monta gue, of this city, counsel for stock holders of the concern residing In Day ton and Springfield, Ohio, on whose application Judge Bean delivered the management of the corporation into a temporary receivership. The application for appointment of a receiver for the company was made be fore Judge Bean in chambers yester day forenoon by Mr. Williamson and Mr. Montague. vhoM Ohio clients have in vested approximately $100,000 In what ? they allege in.thelr complaint was prac , tlcal!v worthless stock of the corpora- T "Williamson and sent him to Oregon to look after their interests. Extravagant Claim Made. The Almeda Consolidated Mines Com- .- . i j i , of.; t v. 7 ltal stork of $15,000,000 to engage in the general mining business. The In- rfirntirotnru vr "V Vf fimi.H !nhn T. Wickham. Reece C. Kinney and L. B. M, Simons, all of this city. These same men have had the management and control of the property since Its -.- corporation. Mr. Crouch now serving as president, while Mr. Kinney has served gantzation was effected. .' The company is supposed to own POLITICAL CLUB UPSET CXIOX LEAGUE NOT GLAD BE CAUSE TBYOS ! SEATED. Congratulations , Withheld by Mem bers on Learning California Taft Delegates Named. SAN FRANCISCO, June 15. Four matter-of-fact words that slid peace fully enough over th3 wires from Chi cago have burned all the insulation off the composure of the Union League Club, and when E. II. Tryon. president of the club, awoko in Chicago this momu. he came Into immediate per sonal contact, with their voltage. Tryon is also one of the two Taft dolegateg from Cs.llfornla seated by the National oomm'ttee after a contest In jubilation over the decision in his case, he telegraphed to the club: "Have won my contest.' The telegram was posted on the clnb bulletin board, where It immediately began to attract the attention of Re publican members who did not agree with their president. Their annoyance found expression in the following night message to Mr. Tryon at the Congress Hotel. Chicago: "Your telegram addressed "to the Union League Club, stating you had won your contest, duly received and posted. Owing- to the fact that Roose velt carried the state by 77,000 over When You Buy Furniture ' Remember This: National committee decided in your fa vor; and as many of the Union League members are strong- supporters of Roosevelt, we feel that we cannot offer you our congratulations. We respect fully remain, your fellow members." TIMBER IN THIRD RANK INDUSTRY STANDS HIGH , PRODUCTS PRODUCED. IN Washington Leads All States j Value of Output and Added Value by Manufacture. . in about 40 mining claims, aggregating Taft. we regret exceedingly that the evw acres, in ine uauce mining aistnci, Josephine County. The extent of the deposits of gold, silver and copper In these claims and the possibilities of the development of the property were ex .. travagantly presented in the prospectus issued, by the company. This official , recital of the fabulous worth of the holdings included the representation that 23,800,000 tons of ore were "avail able." - To reduce this enormous ore deposit, read the prospectus, would re quire the operation of a smelter having .a capacity of 100 tons a day for 720 years.- The promoters of the company were cautious not to place a definite valuation oa the property in the pros ' pectus, but quoted numerous reports from the assay office as to the amount of gold, silver and copper found in the samples. Fabulous Valuation Claimed. "But this did not prevent the stock salesmen, from, placing a fabulous valuation pn the property," .said Mr. Williamson; yesterday. - "One of these agents' Informed prospective purchasers ' WASHINGTON. June 15. Lumber of "stock (bat the tangible assets of the and timber manufacturers rank third In corporation and Its holdings aggregated value among the products oi tne in 1490.000.000. Enterprising salesmen forldustrles of the United States, accord the. concern even assured Investors 1 Ing to the 1912 statistics made public that an offer of $7,000,000 had been re-I today by Director Durana. fused by the company for its property I The census figures show that there and that the officers were losing sleep were 40,671 lumber and timber es- in their efforts to keep out of the way tabllshments and 784,989 persons en of the Guggenheim and Standard Oil aaared in the industry, of which num interests, who were scrambling wildly ber 44.825 were proprietors and firm to acquire ownership of the company's members; 19,840 were salaried officers. Southern Oregon holdings. superintendents and managers: 18.088 "According to a report made by the were male and 8717 female clerks. The officers of the company, stock to the average number of wage earners was mount of $13,333,000 had been issued I (95.019. December 1. 1910. We will not be able The value 'of products were $1,15$. to tell how much additional stock has 128,747. The value added by raanu been disposed of since that date until I facture. which is the difference be the examination of the company's I tween cost of materials and value of books, which are now in the hands of I products, was $S48,DT1,16S. an expert, has been completed. I Louisiana led all other states In .1 - ... I number of wage earners, with 48,072, u ,"7.. ". ' TJ7;; , and Washington ranked first for value You are buying something that will last a lifetime; something that has a lot to - , do with your comfort and everything to do with your pride in your home, furniture. You are always judged by your : You don't want pieces that look just like your neighbors' furniture. Let us show you our hundreds of exclusive patterns. ' , ' Select from our immense stock pieces that are handsome and comfortable in themselves, and that har monize with your rooms. Satisfy, yourself that our prices are right (if you are in doubt) by comparing them with what others ask; We have earned the reputation of carrying more furniture of the kind that every woman is proud to own than any other house in the Northwest. Naturally, you would prefer to buy this furniture if the prices are no higher than you are asked to pay for the other kind. ' All we ask is a chance to help you make a comparison. . J. G. Mack & Co. Fifth and Stark DEMAND IS FRIED Roosevelt Leaders Call for Re versing of Decisions; "GROSS FRAUDS" CHARGED Letter of Protest Sent to Chairman Rosewater Declares Party Inj ' tegrity Is ' Assaulted . by ' Committee's Action. resentatlons of agents of the company. Its stock apparently : has been sold throughout the United States. The par value of the stock was $o a share but it was unloaded at from $1 to $2.50 a share. - Approximately $100,000 was taken by this company out of Dayton and Springfield and the great bulk of It was obtained from poor persons who could not afford to lose the mory" The formal complaint on nh Judge Bean granted the application for the appointment of a temporary re ceiver. In addition to alleging misman agement of the property affairs and general allegations of fraud on the part of the officers and directors of the corporation, charged insolvency, bor rowing money and giving as a bonus for the loan treasury stock of the com pany. Illegal Issuing to the officers and directors of promotion stock and gross misrepresentations in the prospectus an-d writings' as to the true value of the properties of the company. Mine May Pay Dividends. "With the elimination of the promo ' te-s from the control and manage ment of the corporation." said Mr. Williamson, "we hope to be able, by placing the property In the hands and direction of bona fide stockholders, to convert the project Into a reasontbly good paying investment. This result can nevej- be attained und r the man agement that has heretofore controlled the property. "The operations of this company fur nish only another proof of the need in year state for a 'blue sky' law such as I understand will be submitted to the Voters in the November election. With such a statute, no concern would have been able to continue to carry on V It' business on such a scale as has : ben followed by this concern without ' interference from the proper state authorities.'' - It Is admitted by counsel for the Ohio another. stockholders that some development work, including the Installation of a 100-ton smelter, drifting, shafting and - tunneling, has been done by the com pany. But it is charged that the lo cation of the smelter is such that its successful operation ia absolutely Im possible. It la further alleged by coun of products. $89,154,825, and value ad ded by manufacture, xaz.z A Talk With a Friend. Harper's Weekly. "So you refuse to buy my car. do your' said Whtbley. "I certainly do. Whib," said Hinkley. "When I want a car like yours I'll go to the 5-and-10-cent store and get a new one." A Slap in Politics. "Why ire Irishmen always laying bare the" wrongs of their country?" asked some one in the House of Com moiur "Because they want them re-dressed.'-thundered a well-known National member CHICAGO, 'June 15. Demanding-that the Republican National committee re scind its "fraudulent actions" in un seating delegates, or bear the "respon sibility of assassinating" the . Repub lican party., leaders of the Roosevelt forces, including the . Governors of states who urged Roosevelt to run for the nomination, sent today the follow ing letter of protest to .Chairman Rose water: "Representing.' as we do, the Repub licans of our respective states, or the delegations auly elected to the Nation al Republican Convention, we thus ad vise you, in order that hereafter the matter may be one of record, that you are prostituting your positions, vio lating every tenet 'of fair dealing and decency and assassinating the Repub lican party. Protestants "Will Not Submit" "You are perpetrating gross frauds and disfranchising Republicans of the different states. Tou are engaged In a deliberate attempt to thwart the will of the rank and file of the Republican party and thus convert the party of progress Into one of reaction, xou know this, we Know it, tne nation knows it. We, ' in our individual ca pacity and the Republicans whom we represent, will not tolerate or submit to your illegal, outrageous and lar cenous acts. 'we demand that you reconsider your unlawful actions thus far taken, that you cease your assault upon the Integrity of the Republican party, and that you perform your functions in Re publican fashion with fairness and honesty. , Rescinding of Decisions Demanded. "Unless you rescind your fraudulent decisions, upon you shall rest the re sponsibility for the attempts to assas sinate the Republican party, and for all time to come you will have the con tempt and execration of all liberty-lov ing, square-thinking and reputable cit izens. The protest is signed by the follow ing: Hiram W. Johnson, Governor of Cali fornia; William E. Glasscock, delegate- at-large from West Virginia; Gordon D. Wheeling, National committeeman elect, of New Jersey; Robert R. He Cormtck. Illinois; A. L. Garfield, Ohio Edward O. Carrington, Maryland; Ma rion Butler, North Carolina; William Flinn, delegate.. Pennsylvania; Del B. Heard, Arizona: W. R. Stubbs, Gover nor of Kansas; S. S. McNlnch, North Carolina: Robert S. Vessey, Governor Of south DaKeta. OLD FAMILIES LINKED GRAXDSOX OF. IiOJTGFEtliOW AND ENGLISH ARTIST MARRY. Socialistic Ritual Used to Unite Ed mund T. Dana and Jessie Hoi 11 day of England. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. June 15. (Soe- cAm.) tWHIi a ceremony characterized by its' brevity and simplicity and at tended by only IS gue&ts, the wedding' son into the background and he did rfo JOHNSON TO BE OUSTED CALIFORNIA "PROGRESSIVES' IN DISFAVOR WITH T. R. Colonel Decides Neither Governor Nor Heney Shall Speak at Mon . , day's Big Meeting. CHICAGO. June IS. (Special.) At a conference of Roosevelt managers to night, participated In by the Colonel himself, it was decided to shelve Gov ernor Johnson and Francis J. Heney, slated as speakers at the big rally Mon day night, and have speeches only from benator Borah and the Colonel him self. Double significance attaches to this change of programme. It means not only that the Colonel regards Senator Borah as a more effective campaigne than the two California 4 progressives, but that be no longer looks with favor upon Johnson s Vice-Presidential boom. Since his arrival In Chicago, Johnson not only has made himself offensive to Taft but to the Roesevelt leaders well, and at today's conference Roosevelt was advised to thrust John night for Portland. Today the Kosmos liner Osiris sailed from Hamburg; the Japanese liner Chiyu Mart, for Hong kong; the Pacific Mall liners Aztec and Acapulco, for BUboa; the Matson liners Enterprise and Hyades, for Hawaiian Islands, and the British ship Dunsyre for the Sound to load lumber for South Africa. The French bark Rene arrived at Queenstown yesterday, 123 days out from the Columbia with grain. She was ordered to proceed to Dunkirk to discharge. The British steamer Strath ardle sailed from Newport News yester day for this port with coal for the Government. of Bdmun-d T. Dana, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dana, of Cambridge, grandson of the poet Longfellow, and Miss Jessie Holliday; of Harrow-on-the Hill, England, an artist and suffragls took place at noon today on the lawn of the Dana estate on uratue street. Edmund M. Parker, of Cambridge, Justice of the Peace and close friend of the Dana family, -performed the ceremony. Both bride and-groom were unattended. A simple low-neck, short skirt was worn bv the bride. Mr. Dana wore white flannel suit, with soft shirt and collar and shoes to match. The double ring ceremony was used, the bride groom giving the bride a plain gold band ring and receiving a chased silver ring in return. The Socialist marriage ritual was. followed and the ceremony was all over In two minutes. . Nonunion Men Plan Union. LONDON, June 15. (Special.jr- working man writes to the papers urg ing the desirability of uniting into so cieties all workmen whs are not mem bers of trade -unions, but who. during strikes, are willing to continue in their employment. It is pointed out that large number of men already Joined up with trade unions have not done so with a perfectly free mind, out be cause of lack of moral courage, and nowadays it requires more tuan the usual amount; but some constitution of organized free labor of the above description would encourage common sense to assert itself. PRE-CONVENTION SIDELIGHTS CHICAGO, June 15. (Special.) lis being done by the National Com "Rushlng" the popular freshman at mlttee?" ; . . colleges preparatory to enlisting tmn-r un h hn dull it thnn them in a "f rat"- is a tame and unin teresting business as compared to "rushing'' the delegates as they arrive in the city. Whenever there is a doubt ful delegate . there you will find at least six Taft men proving to him how popular a person he Is. "Are you all fired up for hotel ac commodations?" asks one. The delegate assures them .that he has had a room engaged for a month. "Step over and have dinner withus. We are giving a ltttle fmnction down the street tonight and it wouldn't be complete without you, George," says Then they all take him Into an open I door to "have something cool, and the delegate discovers that he 1ias fallen into the hands of six oi tne jouieai men that ever lived. Director McKInley. of the Taft head quarters, gave the word that the dele ahini im met and "received" sel for the complaining stockholders and advised all that were here already that not a single shipment of commer-1 .,. ,h. nulit have to be warr of .clal ore has been made from the prop- I thtf -bluff and bulldoze" of the Roose erty since the company was organized I velt men seven vears aao. I . - Oae Stockholder Kat Worried. C CRPRISING aa it may seem, there - Dr. Ia A. Kent, 770 East Tambill i3 ia one subject that interests the street, who owns a block of stock In officials and attaches In the Taft head- the company, takes an optimistic view quarters more thask politics. - Almost ne"itU.m.t,0J! fh. .one.lhJeS?i r ' "e -"erneon a visitor concerned as to the soundness of his . . , .,, Investment- who saunters up to the door will re- "The company owns about 40 mining ceive the shock of his life to discover claims, aggregating 1000 acres. In Jose- that they are standing about a little Bhiita County. said Dr. Kent, last niiht scoreboard on the wall that informs ri am BOt nreoared to sav how much I the reader, not of the converting ofJ of the money realized from the sale or delegates, but of the standing of the .stocks has gone into the property, but Senators Washington's favorite ball I do know that the officers bsre done team. a great deal ef development work, in- "What are the Senators doing to cluding about 7000 feet ef tunnels, day?" ia heard more often than "What A immaculately attired "panhan dlers" that have been making municipal lodging-houses of the lobbies of the loop hotels. Following the example of the Congress. , many of the big hotels have taken the fleep leather couches out of their lobbies, thus making It necessary for a man who doesn't pos sess a room to sleep standing up. Since sleeping standing up is not the most restful occupation one may And, it is expected that the lobbies of the hotels that have followed this system will be used largely by men who hava a right there. - - ITTSBURG BILL," colleague of William Flinn, is delegate Charles F. Frazee. When he is . not "delegating" he sells coffee. He says he ia the only "drummer delegate" to the convention. "P1 has placed a standing order In a florist shop to supply the aforesaid pretty girl with roses every day until the con vention closes. - . ; ? GEORGE A. KNIGHT, National com mitteeman from' . California, finds himself in a serious dilemma. "Here I am. pledged to Roosevelt and work ing 18 hours a day to see that he Is nominated and elected," says Knight, "and, on the other hand; Senator La Follette long ago promised me that if ever he were made President he would appoint me Ambassador to Russia. And there you are.". SENATOR BORAH says George A. Knight Is extremely anxious to be the next Secretary of Agriculture. "He has a dinky garden in his back yard at home and thinks he knows all about farming. Fact is, he does -not know a prune vine from an eggplant. GLASSCOCK, of West OVERNOR Virginia, was being photographed for the 99th time, standing att ease in the hotel entranced" A pitcher of ice water in a window, above him was overturned and the contents splashed down over him. -"See," he drawled, "that's a sign frm heaven that this picture thing is being overdone." W. COLQUOHOUN. one of the Maryland Roosevelt rooters, de serted $800 In bills, when a. telephone call dragged him hurriedly from a hotel cigar stand. When he returned 15 min utes later, a pretty girl handed him the wallet with the wealth intact. Ever since Colquohoun has been singing- the praises of Chicago's honesty. He also c. c. W. POST, of Battle Creek, Mich igan. known to fame as the founder of Post City, Tex., and-many brands of breakfast foods, was telling around the bote! today how he makes rain in Texas by shooting 1500 pounds of dynamite into the clouds. ' Inasmuch as drizzling rain has been falling in Chicago for-the last three days, Mr. Post found himself in dis favor as a rainmaker. THEODORE ROOSEVELT is not half so sure of the cowboy vote of the Western states as he thinks he Is, ac cording to many well-informed West ern men now here. Roosevelt lost the cowboy vote pf at least two states when he advocated admitting . New Mexico' and Arizona as a single state, by cancelling his engagement to speak at the rally Monday night. As Johnson's Vice-Presidential stock has declined, Hadley stock has risen and by many Hadley is now regarded as tne favorite for second place on possible Roosevelt ticket. NEVADA WANTS ANSWER WING-FIELD'S DELAY TANGIES STATE'S POLITICS. Failure of Solon-Appointee to Say Yes or No Leaves Political Situation Acnte. RENO, Nev-., June 15. (Special.) Nevada s political situation Is in a hope less -tangle awaiting the decision of George Wlngfield either to accept or reject the appointment of Cnlted States Senator offered him by Governor Oddie to flu the vacancy caused by the sud den death of Senator Nixon. There is a possibility that Wlngfield may not accept. ' It is known that he intended to be candidate for the position two years hence against Senator Newlands. Dein ocrat- -Whether Wingfield accepts or rejects the Appointment, It is reason ably certain Key Pittman, of Tonopah ill be the Democratic candidate at the primary election In November. If Wingfield accepts he will be pitted against Pittman. If Wingfield rejects the .appointment. It is not known whom Governor Oddie will appoint for the few months before the next session of the Legislature. The situation through wing-field's sl- lencn is growing acute. The politicians are at sea completely. Drain rate is higher BRITISH SHIP CHARTERED AT ADVANCE OF NINE PENCE. Oil Tanker Oleum Headed for Port land Rene Arrives at Queens-, town From the Columbia. SAN FRANCISCO, June 15. (Special.) -The French bark General de Negrier, under engagement to Meyer, Wilson & Co. to load general cargo at Newcastle, England for Portland, has been char tered by Hind. Rolph A Co. to load wheat on the Columbia for the United Kingdom at 35 shillings and 9 pence, an advance of 9 pence ever the rate paid to the German bark Hera, or 8 shillings fend $ pence above the sailing hip owners international union mini mum rate. The Kosmos liner Salatls arrived from Hamburg last night; the bark Andrew Welch, from Honolulu, and schooner Mahukona. from Newcastle, Australia, The Mahukona brought 1093 tons of coal for Hind. Rolph & Co. She has no outward charter so far as is known. The barkentine Hawaii ar rived today from Mahukona, the steam ers Roanoke and Coaster from Portland and the Pacific Mail liner San Juan, from Bilboa. The Hawaii loads lumber on the Sound for Australia for J. J. Moore & Co. The oil tanker Oleum sailed last NOTED PICTURE SOLD REMBRANDT NOW PROPERTY OF "WHITE PINE KING." Painting One Acquired- by Consul Weber for $5000 Changes Hands at Considerable Profit. , NEW YORK, June 15. Thomas Bar low Walker, of Minneapolis, the "White Pine King." has purchased "The Adult- ress Before Christ," a Rembrandt pic ture, which was recently disposed of at the Weber sale in Hamburg, it is said. Consul Weber, of Hamburg, acquired it several years ago for $5000. The deal era in this city through whom Mr. Walker bought the picture, while not giving the exact figures, said its latest owner had paid a much larger amount for It.' The picture measures 44 by 53 Vi Inches and has six large figures in it. For many years it was in the collection of the Duke of Marlborough at Blen heim Castle, when it passed to the col lection of Sir Charles Robinson, in Eng land, and later to Charles S. Edelmeyer, of Pari from whom it was purchased by Consul Weber. Mr. Walker, who has had apartments at a New York hotel for some months, is said to have art treasures in the ho tel rooms alone worth more than $1,- 000,000, American Indians Increase. New York Times. The redskins now living in the United States number 265,683, as against the 237.196 of a decade ago.- The director of the census reports that 54.5 per cent of them are full-blooded Indians. There are at least 300,000 Indiana in North America, and their number is increas ing; they are not "vanishing." Indeed. ethnological experts say that the con tinent harbors perhaps more aborigines than in the days before the white men came. In the hunting stage of civili zation the land could not support many Indians. A Talk to the Ladies Yon tell your rrasbanda. Don't you like' to feel, when you send your nice dresses to be cileaned, that they are in the hands of com petent cleaners? We clean more fine dresses than all other clean ers in Portland. One-piece dresses. ...$1.00 to $1.50 Fancy dresses ... . .$1.50 to $3.00 Fancy waists ....,.,.,$ .50 to $1.00 Tailored suits ...... $1.25 to $L75 Long jackets $1.25 to $1.50 Plain skirts.,....;... $ .50 Pleated skirts.., $.75 They will be satisfactory, too. During the Month of June Gents' Suits, $1.00 Out-of-town business will re ceive prompt attention. Write for information and price list. U. S. Laundry Co. -' . Dry Cleaning; Dept. Phones : East 63, B 1193 EASY TO TAKE OFF HARD TO SHAKE OFF This ifl thA MaaI rnrahfnfltlnn fmmA in the SIf I R-o CLIP. Ladles like It hftcausA It Ionics wall? men like it because it Is convenient. Every man and woman In the city wearing eyeglasses is invited to stop in and trp the SHUR-ON CLIP. Dallas Optical Parlors . 218 Falling Building, Corner Third and Washington. Second Floor Take Elevator. YOUR DUTY Requires you to make proper provision for -the distribution or di vision of your estate and at once. The very best plan is -through a well managed trust com pany because it is saf est, most economical, always on guard and everlasting. "Write or call con cerning your affairs. No charge for advice. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Portland Ostrich Feather Dye Works OSTRICH PRODUCTS Plumes Manufactured, Dyed and Repaired. Black dye and all work guaranteed. Willow Flumes Made Prom Old Material. 501 MERCHANTS TRUST BLDG. Sixth and Washington Sts. . Phone Main 979. PLAYER PIANOS Big sale of player pianos this week. . X0HLER & CHASE 375 Washington St. CALIFORNIA HOTELS. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square v European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New tl and brick trncture. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of and retail district. Oa fe line trmnaf erring- ell over cit jr. Elee E emmbum meets train and ateameia, HOTEL SUTTER Sutter and Kearny Streets SAN FRANCISCO An up-to-date modern fire-proof hotel of 250 rooms, taking the place of the old Occidental Hotel and Lick House. European Plan $1.50 Per Day Up Take aay Tatcab from tha Ferry at th Exenie at tba Hotel.