TTTE SUNDAY OREOOXTAX. PORTLAND. JUNE 16, 1913. dti r wi-i . i , I I - '- l ' 1 PACIFIC EMPLOTMEXT COMPANT and 524 Couch su. bet. lat and 2d. Tlepioc Main 65 TO. A HH4 ELJ FURNISHED FREE. . Teiepbon. or telegraph roah orfera. at out ezpena. Office open Sunday. A. M. to P. . FOB MILLS. Edgerman, pine lumber. 18.50 to -llch.t-a.ttr. $3.50 Cang trlmmerman. 3 Tallyman on sorting table. JW1. Three lumber gradera, $2.ou. 93. to MThr planer fIer. Z25 and J.W. Two men to load lumber on can. i-0. Mlllhanda, wage -.2J 'to 12.75. Tardmen. $2.21 to $2-50. Threa rough carpeniera. $5.50. SPECIAL TODAT. Ten mill and yardmen for large ram at the coaat In Tillamook County; wagaa $2.23 to $2.50, reduced fare. LOGGUC3. Camp blacksmith. $. Two men to take contract falling aaa burking, ttoe per M; large tltnbec. Twenty-live other loggers. $2.d0 to FARMS AND DAIRIES. " Farm teamsters. Eaatern Oregon, w UPSlx farmhanda, Willamette Valley. 30 to $. SItlkera. $3S to $40. Man and wife on dairy farm, $. Han and wlla on fruit ranch, $w nP- " MISCELLANEOUS. Choreman around hotel, $30. Man and wife aa choreman and cook for email sanitarium, $55 and found. Woodworker In blackamltH ahop. city, Teit men to work on county road. $2.25 to 2.50 day; long Job Cooke, nunkeya. waltere, bus boya. dnhwaahera. etc.. ate wanted every sr. Hundreda of new Job, coming In eyery day. Watch Oar Bulletin- Board. Office Open Sunday, ft- A. M. to I P. M. t PACIFIC EMPLOTME.VT COMPANY. 222 and 221 Couch Su, Bet. let and 2d. . , . . I . . . . 1 I 1 ' t ha. .ATTI . OIlPll territory In a few countlea, Oregon ana Washington, where we can use eeveral re liable, energetic salesmen to aell beet line groceries In Northwest to coneumera: ..' eral commlaalon; atate age. experience, whether married and glvo reference an- dress is hi, ui.tnu'. JHY GOOIS salesman wanted; must know dressgooda. silks and linens thorough!: steady position to right man at decent pay. Apply to Supu before 10 A. M. Monday. THE HOLTZ STORE. Holtx Corner. 5:h and Washington. WANTED Salesman to represent us In good live town, short distance from Portland: must be adapted for our work: reference and surety bond required. Grand Union tea o.. n r amiiswiu AGGRESSIVE, SUCCESSFUL S ALES MAN, UNK WANTING PERMANENCY AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR LAHGE EARN INGS. ADDRESS. STATING EXPERI ENCE. H 141. OREGON IAN. m WANTED Young man. between 17 and 20 years of age, to assist janitor; also mbke lilmsclf generally useful around store; state salary, where last employed; also cive telephone number. V 155, QregonUn. OFFICE managei" Want a competent ac countant and collection man with initi ative and the ability to handle help. Com mercial Abstract Co 1036 Chamber of Commerce. , MAN of rood address to call business dis trict for flashlight photographer; salary jald. Call 66 Grand ave.. apt. 814 to day. WANTED First-class carpenter to take con tract to build house in Irvlngton; all ma terial furnished. H. K. Haak, 310 Lum bermens block. i SALESMAN of neat sppearance. one who is alive can better his position by calling at 520 Railway Exchange from 9 to 11 A. M. WANTED A first-class solicitor for store fixture work; good position awaits the rl-tiit man. Kelly Mfg. Co.. 427 East Han cock St. Call Monday A. M- JEWELER wanted at once; first-class man on general work; steady work, good sal ary for the right man. 502 Macleay bldg. a,- a vTrn Ynunf man. xood talker, ac qualnted In city; permanent position with good pay; give phone number. H 145, Ore. gonian. HELP WAN TED FE .HAUL WANTED Girl for housework, two in fam ily; no washing, no luncneons, gooa no me. Apply Monday 24 N. 2&iu at, apart ment D. WANTED Experienced waitresses. Apply Oregon remaurant. urana ave. WANTED Housekeeper to assist in cook ing and general housework and take en tire coarse of house during lady's ab sence, to imo su m. w. BOOKKEEPER of some experience, who can handle customers' ledger; must give references; state salary ex pec tea. aj a, Oregonlan. BRIGHT young lady, good at figures and mm a IcnnwiedcR tvoe writlDC : steady po sition; chance for advancement. Address G 14. Oi-egmlan. LA Dl ES' wan ted to renrese n t and col 1 ec t for Eastern publishing company; good monty. Call Monday A. M., 21U Worcejter MUg- YOUNG lady who operates typewriter for auditor's office; small pay to start; state age. experience, etc w iw, pregoman. WANTED Responsible girl for general housework; small family; $25. Call Tabor IMMEDIATELY 3 women, I men. for vaudeville sketch. New Turk Theatrical Agency, Eilera bldg., suite 6X0. GIRL or woman for housework in country home near Portland; wages $20. Phone Milwaukle. Red 43. ' GIRL 14 or 15 years of age to take care of year-old baby daytime. Call White Pov- Store. Fourth and Jefferson sts. WANTED A girl to do general housework; laundress kept. 736 Irving at. near l'-d. Main 4- VN. WOMAN t unincumbered for general house work tri suburban home. Phone Muin W. A r.,'31 EXPERIENCED and apprentice girls want ed for dressmaking. 30fe Mom sou, room ' 4. WANTED Capable Christian woman as companion and housekeeper for old lady. K L'regonla. WANTED Gentle. motherly Christisn woman for car of invalid; widow pre ferred. T 90. Oregon Ian. BCHOOi.GlRI. wanted for seoeral house work. Forest Grove. Call 471 E. Ash sU, city. CI KL 17 to 20 to assist with housework; no washing: good home fur right girl: work II,; lit. Phong A 5711. WANT refined hUh school girl to work for room and board and some wages. 'SZ Lnwnsdala St.. downstairs. WANTED A girl for genersl housework nil .J I nam vvvns.sp. -- . v. WANTED Experienced infants' nurse. Ap ply mornings. 145 N. gd st. GOOD cook for a 2 months camping. Ap ply m K. lfkh Monday. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, family of three. 61 East 30th st. North. WANTEID Girls at Portland Ostrich Feath er Dye Works. 601 Merchants Trust BiUg. GIRL forgenerul work; family ot two. Ap ply afternoona 331 6th st. tilUl. wanted In Japanese pool hall at 50 North 4th st.; will pay good wages. INTELLIGENT woman with good acquaint ance in Middle West. AR 145, Ore g on i an. YOUNG girl for general housework; small family. 415 Spalding bldg., or Main WANTED 2 experienced waitresses. Alex andra Court. WANT experienced girl for second work. 231 North :4th. Main 1776. WANTED Girl for second work. 3J0 lltb st. Phone A 138- WANTED A girl for general housework. 440 E. 14th . . OJlu YOUNG gin for light housework; small family. 304 Grant. "WANTED Good lady subscription oJlcitors. Call 7;; Marquam Bldg. COMPETENT girt for general housework; family of two. Phone East JS04. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply 270 2Mh st.. near Hawthorne. WANTED An experienced waitress at ;he Hill, -go ana Washington. WANTED A competent cook, good wages a I.- . 11V VArtk W. -ll WANTED Woman for general housework. a 1 4VC? V Vnlr)tn LAPT to stay with children evenings Woodlswn 211. WAIST ilnper, only with high experience; aiso waist finishers. 434 Morrison st. WAIST finishers, experienced only, no oth ers: apprentices wanted. 4-4 Morrison st. tilKI. for ceneml hourework. Apply K&2 HHni-ort t.. Irxlngton. EXPEKIFNCED dresmskers helpers, fL-st-clsss work. 17- loth r. WANTED A lady presser. A lo4. LAX) Y dishwasher. 44 North 34 st. I nva u,w--,rr,.r.rU. . I nr. a vt v r w F I RIXTT4T10N WANTED MAUL PIT CATION WAJTTKD FEXALH. I m AI5 55fNT- I FOR RENT. WANTED TOtJNO tnnr. FOB TBLX PHONE OPERATING. WITH OB WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THE TRAIN WO SCHOOL THE PACIFIC TELE PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE). COB. CTH AND EAST A.VKENT ST BESTS. OB MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND u nlit WANTED Girl for general house work; must be good cook; small family; call mornings, tit Irving at. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman who la going to that ha good backing desire a single or wiaow or. no lejnliy, over j, to take full charge of same. Address AO ..... m csvuiftn. WANTED Girls to make overall Mt nooa Jractory, 23S Couch at. WANTED Young lady between IS and 25 iwr omce erranas; lair eaucation ana good appearance: recent Easterner pre ferred; short hours; $4 per week: state age. address and phone number; rdentlon t""iuui worn x la. oregonian. STENOGR APH ERS 'Tmrnr fnr ,lr, work irooa opportunity for ambitioua young women who wish to add to their present income. If employed, give bualnesa con nection and business phone number, u-on-ndentlal. AC 60, Oregolan. WANTED Ladv assistant- stenoaranher. to nanaie correspondent courses put out by the La Salle Extension University of micago. Plfasant work, good pay. AU. 131. Oregonian. WANTED A-l singing and dancing sister learn xor roaa snow ; must cnange ior week and make good, long season for right rartles. Call Hotel. Hoyt and 0th sis, room 4..3. ror aicuoy. WANTED Competent woman for cook and general housework; family of two, small bungalow, all modern conveniences; near The Dalles. Or. Address Captain noben. tg taay, ur. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory No. S. Grand Ave- and East Taylor St. MUNICIPAL Iepariment of Public Safely for Young Women. Advice or assistance glsdly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola Q. Baldwin. Supu. room 37 T. W. C A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sta GOOD home for younjc schoolgirl, countri' girl preferred, for housework: will pay wages. Call Sell wood 170 Monday attar v A. M. or t Hereafter. WANTED Chambermaid, woman with hus band preferred ; living-rooms, furnlshec uaxiana uotex, COR Ytssningion ana um Ity Place, PLEASANT home. 120 a month, to woman capable of assisting .with housework and care oi cniiaren; on xarm. kx su. a. I). 1, Woodburn. Or. LADIES, make shields, home, $10 per 100. Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Par ticulars for ' stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co.. Dept. 34, Ka.amaxoo. Mich. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of threa; references required. Phone East 2767 or call 758 Halsey sU near 22d. Broadway car. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. addIv 471 Alnsworttr ave.. ror. East 8th. Take Wood lawn car. phone Wood lawn 1738. $2.50 DAT paid lady each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring In tub'is; permanent position. F. E. Barr vo., unicago. WANTED Competent Kin for cook and general housework In country home, .all modern conveniences, two in ramuy. Aa dress John W. Palmer. Hood Kiver. Or. YOUNG girl for light -housework and to . be with an Invalid lady; good home for the right kind of girl. Call at 213 East 4tn st. toaay. WANTED Experienced German or Swedish girl for general housework or cook; good wages; must have references. 421 East , 10th N. YOUNG LADY to call on Individuals In In terest of old-established company: salary and commission to right party. SOS Sell lng bldg.. after 2 P. M. . BY local business house, competent woman over 25. willing to work; experience not requl red. N 140. Oregonlan. WANTED Good girl for downstairs work and rooking: good wages. Apply mom ings,J5 loth. WANTED A girl for housework; no cook ing; references; 4 adults In family. &d7 Hoyt. Main 4l'34. WANTED A competent cook . and second girl. Apply Sunday before 4 o'clock, or Monday before 1. A3 N. 22d st. WANTED Head waitress In family hotel; must be first-class and give references; permanent position. AO 13, Qregonian. DINING-ROOM girl for private boarding house, to begin work Monday. Apply at once. 735 Hoyt st. M. . t04. OPERATORS on custom pants. $15 the week, steady all the year around. 2&3 Stark st. 8. Lowen. FURS Wanted, liners and others accus tomed to fur work. H. Llebee ft Co., 2eS Morrison st. WANTED Lady bookkeper and stenograph er familiar with office work in a real estate office. Address AV 86i, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED mangle girls, also machine girls. U. S. Laundry. Grand ave. and East Yamhill. MtiS. HOWE'S LADIES" AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 H Washington St., near 4th. phone Main bSS-i or A 3266. GIRL wanted for care of child of 4 and assist with second work ; German pre f erred; good waes. 650 Everett st. PANTRY woman, experienced. Apply a Olds, Wortman & King's basement lunch room. WANTED Ladies attendant for mineral hatha Call 1031 Division sU, near E. 34th. Richmond car. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady who would like permanent home, family three, ref erence. East 4848. 44 Benton st. NE AT girl for general housework and go to beach: two in family. East 2052 or call at 741 rilIamook! YOUNG iady to wash dishes and assist in delicatessen. Mother's Kitchen, 445 Jef ferson. WANT schoolgirl to wash dishes and make herself ureful in small private boarding -hous 315 N. 22d st. WOMAN for general housework, small fam ily: must be good cook ; references re quired. Telephone Marshall 236. WANTED Rofinea. capabi woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WOMAN to assist with housework and learn telegraphing; wages $15. R 144, Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED lady solicitor to handle fin est proposition; salary and commission. 810 Selling bldg.. t A. M. to 11 A. M. enly. GIRL bookkeeper and stenographer wanted. Apply Wltn; references raguic jem s Awning Co.. First and Ankney. WANTED V oman to cook and do general housework. $40 per month. 225 East 53d su -near Salmon. Phone Tabor 3204, fcXl" EK1ENCED girl for general housework; must be good cook, bear, wages. b5tf Mar shall st. M. 3442. COMPETENT girl In country to assist with second work and care for two children. Call No. 65 N 21st St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 845tfc Washington st-. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. GIRL for housework and cooking at beach; references; wages 35. Address AP 43. Oregonlan. SCHOOL girl for light house work, small familv, good home. 81 East 18 1 a su si. Phone East 60C4. MAID tor general house work. Family four adults. Call 86S Lovejoy streeU GOOD solicitor for hair work. Mrs. Grimes. 173 N. 17th. EXPERIENCED cook, private -family. 515 Johnson st.. near 24th. Phone Main 6966. LIGHT housework; S In family. Call 5S Sumner. Alberta car to 13th. WAITRESSES wanted. Call today. Portland Kelt aurant. S44 Washington st. GiRL for general housework and assist witit care of 2 ctilciren; $30 637 Broadway. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Inquire 487 E. 21st st N. CAPABLE housemaid in family of thre 355 E. 8th sL North, corner Broadway. HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co., Sec ond and Columbia WANTED Experienced second girl, wages $30. Apply 215 Ford su Phone Main 75a WANTED Girl to work In poolroom, 115H :. ntn. upsxairs. EXPERIENCED girl wanted, cooking and general housework, four adults. East 5691. GIRL for general housework; no cooking; imAil sravAB. I' hong. Ualn Cooks, $40; cook and second for hotel at beacn. M Cook, $40; 2 laundresses, S25 each; wait ress. $30; pantry woman. $25, at beach Pantry woman. $30, and 2 waitresses ai the springs. Waitresses, 425 to $35 per month and $8 per week. Diimhrmlrli S2X and S30. Housekeepers, laundry girls and general neipers. , Other good positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies Dept. 205 Morrison St. GIRLS to work l.n factory. Must be 16 or over. AMES, HARltlS. NEVILLE CO, 5th and Davis Sts. HOTEL cook, 40, country. Head waitress, SX5 and $40. Boarding-bouse cook. $40. Chambermaid (out of city). $25. Waitresses (out of city), $25 and $o0. Second girls, $15 and $3. Ctnllw oAnl. Art Presser In . cleaning establishment. $12 Girls for general housework, $25 to $35. HANSEN'S Mrl yJ-ius. 345 Wash. St., R. 7. WANTED One woman cook, one waitress, pantry girl. 2 laundry girls, one cham bermaid, all first-class, with references. Address Elk Creek Hotel, Eik Creek, Ore. j. Fisner, Mgr. - COMPETENT woman for general house- wotk, two in family, no cniiaren, bk" Anniv aaa Kiintt ivp- in morning. Take Hawthorne-ave. car, get off at 20th su, l block south. Wa nteti At h Trvinffton confectionery. 15th and Broadwav. an experienced girl for afternoons and evenings; reference required. w a VTEn Twa wnmn to canvass hair penence; must leave town. Call Monday for Mr. Lawrence at as .N--iotn mi. GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for general nouseworic, forest urovo, iwu tt, family, convenient nous. bii a -c- Ash. Phone East EXPERIENCED nursegirl or young woman for two cniiaren, 8 ana ; some bwuuu work required; $30 a month.' Apply be.ure 3 o clock, bz Marsnaii, near -im- THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv ice Bureau, room 306 Central Diag.. en deavors to render the best of service to its patrons- Main 7667. GIRL to cook and take care of home; $23 a month; must furnish good, reierences. good home, steady place. Call at store. ars. stern. 447 Aiaer. NEAT vnuns- woman as nurse for small boy, willing to assist witn secona worn; jiiio age ana experience, satary eu. ui, Oregonlan. TWO well-formed women, under 30. for vaudeville act. Address Bird iiartx. Heiler bldg., Portland, Or. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; $80 to sioo mommy; promotion, engineer, conductor; experience unnecessary; no strike: age 18-35. Rail road employing headquajters; over 500fl men sent to positions on 1000 official calls. State age. Address Railway Association. Oregonlan. RAl.ESMKN". no einerience reoulred. earn good wages while learning ; nunareas gooa positions open paying ivw iu owv year; write toaay ior parntuiurB, ni of openings. Address nearest office. Dept. 453. National Salesmen's Training Asso ciation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, Seattle. New Orleans, Toronto. HE" and women to learn tne oarbor traas in eight weeks; speciti inaucemenis; per centage paid while learning; toola free; expert instructors; 17 years In the busi ness; 87 schools; a lifetime membership f-iven to each student. Meier Barber Col ege 85 N. Fourth St., Portland. Or. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Moving-Picture Operators In all cities throughout the world. Operators make $25 to $40 weekly. Learn business In 2 weeks. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, 526 H Washington SU, near 17th. MEN and boys to learn automobile repair ing, a riving on up-io-aaie cars; ie;irii;i, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; position secured; satisfaction guaranteed ; catalogue free. National School ot Engl nee ring, 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. , WANTED Salesmen ; graduates given po sition, international uorresponaeoce School Headquarters. 409 McKay bldg. Phone Main 126 Open Wed. and Sat. nights. . ' ' MOVING-PICTURE operating, full, practi cal course taught in t neater, tne oniy way of learning it right; secure position; price reasonable. 404 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington AMBITIOUS young men to become travel ing salesmen; earn wnue vney learn, write for particulars. Brads tree t Fystem. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mai; cierks. prepare now. ex cellent satanos anu promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School. McKay bldg.. city. WANTED Shorthand students, skilled in dividual instruction, day or evening, nan tuition when position obtained. AB 161, Oregoaian. WHY not try sign painting? Experience unnecessary, no iraua; samples, instruc tions, etc, 10 cents. City Sign Co., Toledo, Ohio. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay ; iree dookioi lcii uuw. United Proas Syndicate. San Francisco.. E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE secures posi tions- Short nana, rapia arias, any ajBitMn. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2751. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we u teacn yuu. ntmi j San Francisco. MOVING-PICTURE machines, films, lan tern aiiucn iuuc , -b"'' Laemmle. 333 Cak. ... NORA L- LUC1S Naturalistic teacher China and water color, aunuay ci Bases. ioaa. 30th North. A Car. Woodlawn 3 256. ELITE PRIVATE Business College, 642 Hamilton piag. Mar. -oo. upen an year. STUDY LAW during the Summer. Enroll now. 631 Worcester diock. aiar. .ox FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION lor schools ana teacners. otu sweuina oias- GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced rates this montn. 013 rt-otnenuq oiug SHORTHAND. Typewriting School. 269 14th SU Main SW3- r.xperi lusirucuun; i iu. HELP WAXTFD-MALE OR FEMALE. WILL START YOU earning $4 dally, home spare time, silvering mirrors; no capuai; free Instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 66. Boston. Mags. WANTED Washerman, one washer and other work, small steam launary. z. ; aiso two hand Iron era, $1.50v Phone Car son Steam Laundry. Carson. Wash. WANTED Live male and female solicitors to handier strong, iqdiibduw axia perma nent side line; give line handling and phone numper. r ia4. uregonian. BE a detective; earn $150 to $300 per month, . -1,4 T'f ita Q.inr T.nri- llftVCl QVCI HIV w v iva. .t wig. 1402 Scarrltt bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. ANYONE, anywhere, ean earn good income copying aaaressea. rarucumrs, gummp. -E. Rogers. Dept. AK, Boston. Mass. BECOME DETECTIVE Fortunes earned quickly. xravei. w mo uv. hvl WAGNER, 1243 Lexington ave.. New York. DEMONSTRATORS at nee, $3.50 to $7 per day; A. M. to ix. loors nutoi. JANITOR and Janitress at the Y. W C A. Call morning WTIATIONS WAXTKi) MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG married man, good habits, with ex ceptionally gooa salesman s uiju, manes position wlta some reliable wholesale and retail firm ; at present with one of the largest establishments In the city. A 166. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER and typist, experienced; good references, desires position; at pres ent yeoman, first-class. U. 6. N. Address 20 Howard House. Vallejo, CaL 50x100 FEET, on East Gllsan sf. cost me $1.)62; present list price fiow; rami eii for cash at once; make me an offer. Phont Marshall 90. evenings. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up trooss. prepare oaiiacN ian iuir ments. Install systems. Gillincham. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKS opened, written up, closed or au dited by experiencea auauor; systems in stalled. Phone B 1140. E 124. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED accountant, employed, de sires 3 or email sets ot oooks to aeep after hours. AP 148. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by experienced book- keeper-stenograpner; rexexencea. j Oresonian, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and oltice man desires position, nrst-ciaas reierences iur nished. D 14f. Oregoninn. POSITION wsnted as bookkeeper or cashier by young man, a,, experiencea. -v 1 Oregoman WANTED Position as city salesman on commission; m real ex Late, 4 At, ure-goaiaa MUNICIPAL FRES EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second SU. Corner Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no io Phone Main 3o55, A 00-. aTOUNG man. slnela. beinar In somewhat poor health, wants light job on farm or country home in mountains; wmius anu steady: would appreciate any opportunity and consideration shown in order to re gain my health. AC 3. Oregonian. YOUNG married man, 18 years experience in accounting, systematizing, purchasing and office management, desiros position with contractor or machine shop; A-l ref erences; Ktat salary' Josejh A. Bell, -06 A. isomoard n.. Kichmona, a. REFRIGERATING engineer wants posIUon, 16 years' experience; do my own repairs, pipe lit ting, etc. ; all round mechanic Address J. McAlvey, Kingston, lUOfe su, Portland. 3d YOUNG man C23). with some technical Knowledge of mining ana mennuru, would Iik nasltlon which will slve prac tical training, either mine or assay office. AL 132, Oregonian. - a VniTVn winn wle-Vioa TinaltinTi In nrlvate fam .Jly, evenings, in exchange for room and board; references; can take care of ana run auto or a horse; older people jpre- ierred. T 36U., Oregonian. STEAM engineer wants position in city or out of city; 20 years' experience In oper ating locomotives, steam boilers and sta tionery engines. Address Chas- Hay. 43u aiain su. city, nome pnone tou. WANTED Rpxnnnsiblft naaition: 12 years' experience as manager in largest whole sale furniture concern In Chicago; now located near Portland On ranch. AV 3titf, uregonian. x ht:h Brisw.i hnv nf ift rfiirinr hia va cation until about September lsU would 'like to get work with a good family on a farm, fruit farm preferred. Address P. o. Box i7, Hoquiam, w &nn- IF you want a young energetic business man and salesman on a salary or com mission anu salary ; reference; .ddres AO 141, oregonian. voitng itrnntT man wishes Dosltion as car penter or foreman, in-or out of town; not afraid of any kind of work. P 143. Ore gonian. BY man and wife In hotel, chaniberwork, wallinir s.Iat-1- or har man: lOha OXPerl- . ence, reliable; Northwest; no short Job considered. N 133. Oregonian. YOUNG married man with five years ex perience wants position as cashier or as sistant in good bank. Best of references given. a v a.o, oregoniaju SOBER man wants position with commis- mn .wnn om or manuiaciuriDR .uutoiu at living wages; not afraid of work; gilt edge references. A lbi uregonian YOUNG married man with exceptional busi ness ability wishes immediate employ ment; best of references. Address F 164, Oregonian. YOUTH 20 years of age would like position with wholesale house, hardware pre ferred. Have had 3 years experience as shipping clerk. At UQ. oregonian. I- AM a thoroughly experienced traveling . . .1 . o nari nnttiHnn - can give first-class references. H 143, Orego nian. WANTED Young married man, a capable moving-picture operator, would like part interest in a sunurDan or Bmau .wu ture show. K 143. Oregoaian WANTED A position to take charge ot farm or stock farm; had 20 years' ex perience; best reference furnished. AO 151. oregonian. BY man and wife in hotel, hamberwork. waiting, cierK or dbj ma-u, wu vv V ence, reliable; Northwest; no short Job consiaerea. j.o.weisw".". JAPANESE married couple desire a POB., lion, nuHutuiu m wu u ' " - housework, city or country or young nurs ery. J XI t, urejumau. JAPANESE man and wife want situation to wora at one pa: " v wuuu. N 160. Oregonlan. HOUSE window cleaner, floors, furnltuie repoiisnea, aay w cuuuo,i. . Martin. ' . YOUNG man, sober and industrious, would like to work in garage. Address F. May, 54Sa Washington su YOUNG man wants to spend vacation on ranch with American people. AB 160, pregonlan. YOUNG married man would like position as moviug-p.ciuie u'""' " city, iv ia, ureguuinu. HOTEL manager with twelve years ex perience wat luoiwuu chief clerk. AS 149, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced - fry cook, wanu POSICIOU QBT VI uifiuiii r a - ' uregonian. CHAFFEUR wishes position private or com- 1-1 f 1 a .Aaran rim g'ft 1 1 IWff ft til merciau -"--- 473 after B f. M CAPABLE young man wants position travel. ing or m cnj oa."' Address J.ri io. v '"""' WINDOW-CLEANING. empty dwellings. Newmaraen. nutci, iww Green. iiNTER-ALL-ROUND MAN , MARRIED WAito :j1,aui. 4T. ORI.UOMAA. MAN and wife wartt work on orchard or other work; experteutcu. ac goman YOUNG married man wants steady posi tion Ol BUtUO IVWU, a.-a,w w . 145, uregonian. EXPERIENCED baker wishes position In ..... ..,.-.. marrlar. man; can furnish ciiy oi wuuui reference, w Aa, ureguiuu. JAPANESE boy wants steady work a, jan itor, porier or uuaiuuui t , . bu-I, riome ynmic REGlaTEKED chauffeur wants position, prl- ii.r. Aon lva nrrAncM. AC 96. VlllU l 1411 1 , Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced country store maua aow gonlan. " EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur desires position in city or wumi. ,x gonian. JAP first-class cook, wants position. Sum. mer nuueo, tuuuwj " man. HOrifEMAN, experienced aiso In waiting. or famifvT Mr. Prlchett, 12"J East 20th sU WISH position as butler In a private house. lease huuitw . - - city. PAINTER, strictly temperate, wants a pos ition; many jeam w. "v Jection to leaving city; G 14b. Oregonian. TRAP DRUMMER, non-union, -would like position in picture ."wnw. v"j. 3872. HARRIED man desires the care of a coun try place; expniicm-cu iu l1'"" care of nil farm stock. O l.fl. Oregonian. vi--ii man. 19. wishes position as collec- . . nra.nnlnn OT, Or DUlf'U" WV'"' JVJJ y.vpv.-y LANDSCAPE gardener wants work by day or contract. Tabor 8935. YOUNG man. city references, would like any honest worn, au -tw, urcguoian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants Job out side of city; ucenwu. ait ato, victvuiMi. JAPANESE wishes position any kind of work except cooa. vicBmon. YOUNG MAN d). wishes position aa timekeeper, ajx uiciuuibu. WINDOW washing, houses" cleaning, floors waxed ana pouBucu. a.uwvu iu. GOOD, strong Jnpanese wants place to do any kind of" work. T 143. Oregonlan. HOUSEMAN, 'thoroughly experienced; also wait tame, ian jar. ' JAP. cook wants situation, private family. city, country. i xqo. urcgumau. TRAVELING salesman, open for position. salary or commission, n &, megmmtw. 8ITPAT1QN WANTED F3MALJL Bookkeepers and Clerks. I AM the bookkeeper you are looking for. competent uu iyui ui, ,a -perieace In Portland; can give good refer ences. If you want to prove how much I will be worth to you. write K 148, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 6 years- experience in piuruoiug uppuM, capable of taking full charge of office details and correspondence. Call East 8588. LADV. accurate, quick at figures, wants Work as assiaugUk wunkccyci . a-aij, Oregonlan. 1 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-cashier wants position; some aaowieuuo ur Bieoograpoy; re co mm en dat ions. V 157. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer. billing cierK, wants any aioa oxxice worn. Phone Main 9370. EXPERIENCED old-line life Insurance cash ier wants posiuuo. a a. 104, wre,wniMH, u Marshall 4oo. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, with two years' wtehla iuitinn A T MVCIIOUW, w - -a, gonian A CAPABLE salesman desires position as demonstrator, collector or 01 rice cierK. out of city preferred. AM 147, Oregonlan. V,T0 lady stenographer and bookkeeper with Eastern experience, wisnes posirion. A ddress -'53 E. 3th. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. - Phone main o-vx. Annex zs. POSITION wanted by experienced stenog- , rap her. cau; can give rexexencea, a doo. EXCELLENT lady seamstress; specialty shirt waist suits and bouse dresses; pre fer to do work In own home; rates $2 per day. Phone Marshall 30o0. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, ladles tailor- 1st. wishes sewing In families or home. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladles' tailor. Price will suit you. Woodlawn GENERAL sewing,- alteration and repair work done neatly and reasonably. Main " 1104. LADY thoroushlv experienced In tailoring. suits, reasonable prices, coats specialty. xaoor iwu. EXPERT RVPEn drturirmaker will make en gagements by the day. Phone Woodlawn DRESSMAKING and ladies tailor by the nay; 3. Tabor 4S3. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker by the day. j'none tz. 4.".97. 5SO E. 23d Si. EXPERT dressmaker and first-class tailor ess wishes work. Main 4469 445 th. DRESSMAKING, wai-ted: , sewing by the "ay; ilio; experienced. Alain o-'-tx PHONE Marshall 227. Com oetent dress- maker, 2.50 per day or at home. 375 12th. DRESSMAKING, children's c lathes, Irish crocheu Tabor 8023. " DRESSMAKER will take work outside. Miss FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by r iinams avo. cant woi. DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy. DRESSMAKER, expert fitter, nice work. vuMvm vtsry reason aoi a xaoor 00. DRESSMAKING. $2 per day. Call after 6 j-. ji.. .Mrs. Alien, o 3f7U7. Jiurses. NT'RPE would like any "Tcind of nursing"; will do Institutional work or will travel. East 3172. WANTED A good place as nurse girl for una or two cnxiaren; reierences. am lifr, Oregonian. GERMAN nursegirl wishes position, expert- viice, ciiy reference. ju. Eisner, oil. ft Front st. Main 8669. MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do light housework. Main 147. Housekeepers. LADY, 85 years of age, wants position as nouseaeeper or care or invalid; can fur nish very best of references. Telephone Woodlawn 937 or address S 144, Ore gonlan. LADY, 36 years of age, wants position as housekeeper or care of Invalid; can fur nish very best of references. Telephone Woodlawn 037 or address S 144. Ore gonlan, HOUSEKEEPER experienced, capable of taking charge of refined home; can give children a mother's care and training; references. R 158, Oregonlan. WIDOW of 86 with son of 13 wishes posi tion as housekeeper In wldower'a home, suburbs, farm or dairy. O 180, Orego nlan. A NEAT, capable Norwegian girl wishes nouseaeeping; would leave city l neces sary. East 6123. NEAT woman, 84. desires housekeeping, widowers family ; cook, small crew, su Louis Agency, 253 Alder. Main 2039. NEAT, experienced middle-aged lady as Housekeeper or cook for one or two people. L 152, Oregonlan. GOOD cook and housekeeper with boy 10 years old wishes a situation; willing to work. F 16S, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with two children wants situation aa housekeeper In or out ox city. J 160, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman desires position as housekeeper in rooming-house; references. - A 5306. COMPETENT mdldle-aged lady as house- Keeper or cook on ranch or country place, L 150, Oregonian. LADY housekeeper wishes to work for a widower or bacneior. AS 17, Oregonian. GOOD cook desires position as housekeeper. G 147, oregonian. LADY desires light housekeeping. AD 145, uregonian. LADY would like cooking by day or restau rant worx; west muo prererrea. rnone Marshall 242 or call 306 4th sU FIRST'-CLASS cook, respectable, middle- . aged, wants position hotel, restaurant or e.MH. DvnM Ik XT D V U 7 1 LADY will do housework In home In ex change for room and board. W 145, Ore gonlan. WANTED A situation; . good home cook; good pastry, u 14&, oregonian. Miscellaneous. . CAPABLE woman, good cook and house keeper, wants position on fruit ranch; Hood River country; have daughter. K 147, Oregonlan. WORK wanted by Mrs. Allen, any klnL Call or phone, new Grand Central, after 1 o'clock, room 312. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants' place to keep house tor 01a people, men or women, x 156, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants place as a cieaner in punuc ouiming or in respect able rooming-house. Y 158. Oregonian. JAPANESE woman wants position at plain nouseworic in gooa ramuy. b. 14a, ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED German woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Main 9163. AN experienced cook wants position in pri vate ramuy; no general nousework. j 150, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wants position In offlde of pnysician or d us in ess no use; oesi 01 rei erences. AS 148, Oregonlan. GIRL, 16. wishes position caring for chil dren wnere treated as one 01 lamiiy. Phone Woodlawn 1227 on Monday. LADY wishes day work ; laundress. Call week days alter a o Clock. Kexerencea. B 1971. YOUNG lady wishes to act as companion in exenange xor ooara ana room, u l&u, Oregonian. YOUNG lady pianist desires position with orchestra. Hotel or otnerwise. wood lawn 8S6. EXPERIENCED teacher gives two piano or mandolin lessons, cents- a. 150, ore gonian. WANTED The care of children or sewing ana darning at your nome or my own. . 158, oregonian. LACE curtains. band-laundered, special prices to note is. .pnone Main i486. WOULD take care of rooming-house, or for family needing mother. Marshall 4392. LADY does washing. Ironing, cleaning by day. .Main owo. DAY work or bundle washing, please. East oUWJ. SWEDISH girl wants general housework. Phone Mam wb?. WANTED Office work, figuring or copying; nest n'lPrrncco. a v ottv ureBQniaa. DAY WORK by good woman. Phone Main 4394. GIRL, good education, wants office .work. AK 10, uregonian. - LADY wishes hours, receptions and cooking oy ine nuur. -j aour ouf. YOUNG woman wants day work: references. Call week oays a xooe a pens. - COLORED lady wishes work by the day. Phone Main wav. ' JAPANESE woman wants position in hotel from 8 A. u. to f r. m. juarsnaii i&oa. CARING for children and mending done C veil j 11 5 a , iwci j x-z. ui cfeuuu. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work. Apply TBI Koaney ave. GERMAN lady want day work. Phone East 6475. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. pnone Main obji. COLORED woman, washing - taken home. 848 Couch st. Main RESPECTABLE lady will go to beach, corn- pan ion or helper. Tabor 303. YOUNG lady desires position In dentist's of fice. J 143. Oregonian. . STRONG woman want housecleaning, 20c per hour. - xeiepnone xaoor z.itto. LACE' curtains washed, stretched, called for, delivered. Main autw. . DAY'S work wanted by- a woman. Phone Main 1101. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Room 15. Main3Zs. WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Mar shall 1T7H. - WOMAN wishes day work. Tabor 3094. WANTEDAG E-Ty 8. rO experience needed to earn big Income selling our goods. Send for our 1912 Win ner Eclipse Jobbing Agency. Pomona, Wash. ALUMINUM cooking combination. 12 pieces. needed in every Kucnen; everynoay Duy. aluminum. Thomas Mfg. Co 674 State bldg.. Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED 110 a day can easily be made selling tne story or tne smiting of the Titanic. Write Vincent Distribut ing Co., Tolt Wash. LEGITIMATE substitute for alot machines; patented; sens on signt tor sx. particu lars, Gisna Co., Axiderson, Ind. AGENTS making $10 to $20 daily selling "Titanic xnsaster oook; toia oy survivors; 850 pages; 50 illustrations; price only $1; 00 commission; ous to general agents cash prixea ; freight paid ; credit given ; outfit ires. Almost as blar seller aa Tl tanic" is our new book. "Great Leaders and National Issues of 1912," Initiative, Referendum. Recall and other tasuea, dis cussed, explained in this book by great leaders themselves Roosevelu Bryan, La Follette, Wilson Cummins, Clark. Taft, Harmon. Underwood and others. Plat forms all oar ties: lives of all candidates. Hardest fought "Battle for Votes' 50 - years, creating enormous demand for non partisan book, sou pages: iuu portraits. illustrations; price, qniy num. out fits free. Don't delay! Decide quick!! In ternational Bible House, Perry bldg., DepU O. Philadelphia. START IN BUSINESS. Be Independent Started as agent, now big manufacturer; have hundreds agents working. I'll start you. A .rents of abllltv wanted to opn branch offices, employ sub-agents. No money needed. Write fully, frankly. Do It today. C E. Swartxbaugh Co.. Box 7.V. Toledo, o. $3000 YEARLY in your back yard! No poul try. Trucking, ginseng, musnroom "dope. New industry, never heard of. Current "Square Tips" explains with further de tails. Price lOc F. J. Affhauser. Healds burg, Cal. started as agent, now cmfwypjpuj jpn A LIFE INCOME for men and women, ope - rating home sales nariors. canvassing per sonally or employing agents for OUR Year Wear, guaranteed dresa shoes for the whole family. Big profits. Exclusive agency. NO RISK. Kushion Komfort snoe Co.. South St.. Boston, Mass. JUST coin money selling new Improved ho siery direct from mill with our tig adver tising offer; can make $25 daily; every body buys; credit; samples In leatherette case fre. New Improved Knitting Mills, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED EXCLUSIVE COUNTY AND CITY selling rights to hustlers for Perfection steaming, preserving and strain ing kettle. Great money-maker. Pacific -peciany axrg. to., jos Angeies. SoO WEEKLY selling collection cabinets to merchants; no competition; exclusive ter ritory; write free oamples descriptive mat ter. -Sayers Co., Laclede bldg., SU Louis. Mo. - LIVE agents wanted. Something new In - the market in novelties for ladles; can make $10 to $23 a day. Address Wash ington Mall Order House, 293 Vermont , st.. xirooKiyn, . . AGENTS, sign painters; cost 2c; sell 25c; guaranteed sign letters mounted with kerosene and roller; grip outfit free. Em bossed Letter Co., 2542 Milwaukee ave., Chicago. GOOD money for wide-awake man in spare time calling on cigar dealers and station ers In Portland. Write for particulars. Trade Journal Co.. 150 Nassau st.. New York. WANTED Women agents to handle pst ented article that every woman needs; 100 per cent proflU Bells on slghU Write today. Indicator Agency, Douglas, Arl- zona. WE are headquarters for novelties and pennants for 4th July celebrations, fairs, picnics, parks and seashore resorts. Schelner Souvenir & Curio Co., 86 N. 6th Portland, Or. AGENTS We have a gold mine, something new, just out; millions can be sold; be the fi rs t sen d for sample. Pease Mfg. Co., agency, 514 Bryson bldg., Los Auigeles, Cal. AGENTS make big money selling our metal lic letters for office windows, store fronts and glass signs; anyone can put them on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co., 437 N. Clark st.. Chicago. AGENTS We have a gold mine, something new, just out; millions can be sold; be the first, send for sample. Pacific Sales Co., .17 Public Market bldg., Tacoma, Wash. AGENTS Our No-Splash, new invention; we want salesmen in every county; send 15c for Bample and particulars. The Mor ris, Young Co., 6021 Buchanan bldg., Port land, Or. SHOES Every pair guaranteed one year; cents pront .on every pair; outfit Trei to workers. Guaranteed Shoe Co., 6774 State bldg.. Dayton. Ohi. BOY and girl agents, sell 24 needle cases for us at 15c each and receive beautiful watch, air rifle or doll, free. The Crown Needle Co., Dept. E, Corydon, Ky. FREE samples; No-Splash water-strainers, winners ior agents, ootn sexes; aaiiy pront $5 upward; let us prove lu Send 2c, mall ing cost. Seed Filter Co., New York. " FIVE dollars per hundred for collecting names and addresses. All or spare time, stamp for particulars. Keystone Sales Co., Larby, Penn. WANTED TO 2UE3TE. Houses. WANTED For Summer, new cottage or bungalow, completely furnished for 3 adults, in strictly desirable neighborhood on East Side, 4, 5 or 6 rooms; references given. Y 160. Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished house. 6 or more rooms, modern, comfortable, good neigh borhood, four months or longer. West Side. G 150, Oregonian. FURNISHED modern cottage at Seaside for tne season. Telephone East 3100. McKln ley apartments. I WANT to rent a 6 or 7-room modern nouse in gooa location; rooms must be on one floor. AN 150, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-room house by July 1; East iide, modern, some yard. F 166, Oregon an. JULY 1, 6-room flat, all or part -furnished; guuu inuauuu , uii particulars, SA-Xi - A4S, Oregonian, WANTED To rent house with place for cnicK.ens ana cow; soutneast part OI city. Phone Tabor 1176. WANTED To rent small bungalow with yara; no Objection to suburbs with good car service. B 167, Oregonian. WILL give $100 a month for first-class un furnished home on West Side. Phone Mr. Myers. Main 6869. WANT to rent from July 6 for 6 weeks a modern furnished house. Mrs. Driggs, 628 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 4437. IF you wish to rent your house or flat, see WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 305-6 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. WANTED To rent completely furnished moaern nouse or at, 12 or la rooms; West Side .preferred. Phone Woodlawn 193. TWO teachers will care for house or apart ment for use during- Summer. F 171, Oregonian, BY young lady and mother, furnished house oy juiy x ior two or tnree months; ref erences exchanged. East 6081. WANT to rent 8 to 10-room modern house on west side; prerer west of Seventh and south of- Washington. S 157. Qregonian. Rooms. WANTED 3 or 4 clean housekeeping rooms in rennea neignooraooa, near gooa scnooi; will stay one year if satisfactory to both parties; man, wife and one (brought up) 9 -year-old daughter. V 139. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes room three or four blocks from canine; East side preferred. AE 178, Oregonian. LADY employed wants small room, about $2 weeKiy or would snare room with an other; references. B 180, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to share housekeeping room witn gin empioyea. uaii morning, sun day. 191 Union ave. N. Rooms With Board. TWO young men desire room and board in private ramuy; must not exceed $10 per week for two. Answer, giving full par ticulars, H 148. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board, in private fam ily, by motner ana cnua. age 3: mother employed; references. V 142, Oregonian. WANT room and board for 8 small children In Jewish family. Phone East .932 morn ings. ROOM aad board wanted by gentleman; high cmss, strictly private; west bide; fullpartlculars. AO 14 9, Oregonlan. TWO young ladies of refinement want per manent room ana ooara in private iam ily; references. T 144, Oregonian. FOB RENT Hotels. THE CHESTERBURT -0th and Kearney. Residential hotel and apartments in the Nob Hill section, the most exclusive resi dential location in Portland. Everything new and the appointments- of the highest order. Large, attractive dining rooms. Ex cellent home-cooking. Miss E. M. Bowe. proprietor. Marshall 784 or A 4458. Rooms. FURNISHED also unfurnished roome very SUItaote ior genii-men. x-amra xiag., XSt and Pine. Fnrxiisbed Boon LEWISTON HOTEL. 271 H Morrison, cor. 4th. large airy rooms single ana en suite; transient; permanent rates very reasonable. imfr-r invpir TW i vn ire-trr)orv "PER WEEK UP. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and .-room apt-, private natn ana pnone. Summer rates. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson. NICE, furnished room for gentleman, in fine apu nouse, private oatn. xstffe N. 23d. Marshall 2S2L DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at i" iiy nmoi ijarrao'e, 27 H La rrab fee sU East Side. East 849. ROOMS, ROOMS Housekeeping and sleep ing, very jcauiuio, wn rivuu eaiem House, THE SARGENT HOTEL, Grand and Hawthorne Aves. For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed room and bath suites In the city; Urge rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all the mountains; also , some single rooms; elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass the building. Tha largest and coolest rooms In the city. If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and inspect the Sar--gent before locating. Excellent restaurant In connection with the hotel. Phone East 291. J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW CPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTr-L HOTEL HOTEu MINOOK, PARSON3. ROWLANDS, 2l3i4ihst. 311 i 4th st. 2u7H4thsu On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon sU ; brand-new brick ; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable p aloes, give us a call, as we know you will like 1U Rooms 4y the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Under New Management. - Large lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and marble; ladles parlor, with elegant -fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day. electrio elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all room, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look - this over before locating. Take W cae at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL BYRON, HOTEL CAPLES, Seventh and Taylor Streets, FOR TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS GENERALLY, At Very Moderate l-tates. NEW, QUIET, REPUTABLE. Absolutely central; two minutes front Postofffce, stores, theaters and restaurants; just off business streets and carl In es; quietest and best location; handsome brick, ample steam beat, hot running water and phones in every room; suites and private hatha Any car from DepoU . HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building; steam heated; private baths, "hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 887). East Burnside Street. Live In this hotel and save money on ' your room renU We have 120 modern rooms, -Ingle or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates 50c to $2 per day. $2 to $6 per week. East 5940, B 1275. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates Dy the month; phone service free. Phone Marshall 4040. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 outsld rooms with hot and cold water and steam ' heat; offers special rates for permanent guests; rates 60c to $2 a day; $3.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3413. HOTEL KLICKITAT, 326 Holladay ave., new brick building, all outside rooms, hot and cold water in all; new and clean; 15 minutes walk to P. O. ; 50c to $1 a day; . $2.50 a week and up. East 5988. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Take S or 16th-su cars north, get off at Marshall; rooms 50c night for one, or $1.00 for two. Phone Main 67 71. Modern conveniences. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for busi ness people ; centrally located ; elegant; rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Heillg Theater Phone Main 916. " HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park st., very central, European and American plan; homelike service in dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European. $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105 -Twelfth su Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in ever room; $1 day and up; $4 week and DESIRABLE rooms, Philadelphia House, Third and Salmon, clean, respectable and modern, rates $1 a day and up. Phone A 2961. Marshall 4643. J. E. Block. THE LIN DELL, Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance; all home convenlencss; $A $2.50 to $4 per week. 2S 4th su Main ; tfl. THE GILMORE, 131 U 10th St., cor. Alder, close to all the business district and thea ters; clean, well furnished rooms; perma- HOTEL ROYAL, 108H 4th, near Washlng- TWO beautiful, airy rooms for one or two, o ctt u-nilfini, riiKtnmt. fiJif. Pvprstl NICE, clean, comfortable rooms, reasonable. 3S7 Taylor st, Furnish ed Booms In PrivatFa mily. NICELY furnished room, close in, privaUt home, all modern conveniences, board if desired. E. 4510; gentleman only. FRONT room, beautifully furnished, for two; first floor; modern, reasonable. 475 Clay. ROOM in private family, reasonable, walk ing distance, 2 blocks Steel bridge, 2J7 Larrabee st. NICELY furnished room, close in, bath, phone, electric lights; reasonable, 1. Phone NICELY furnished rooms in modern home, excellent board if desired, reasonable, 94 North 16th St. Phone A 3043. FIRST-CLASS modern rooms and accommo dations; private family of 2; board op tional. Call at 1S8 E. 12th st. S. PLEASANT room, niodern conveniences, de sirable location, new bungalow, 2 In fam ily; Investigate. Phone Tabor 818. ONE large front room on ground floor, with kitchenette; also 1 single room. 775 Gll san st. TWO to four furnished or unfurnished mod ern rooms, walking distance. East Side, perman e nt. Phone. East 1390. FURNISHED rooms. (2.50 and $4 a week; 2 if desired; bath, phone and heat. 226 12th, near Salmon. D ES I RA B LE f urn isbed room in modern steam-heated flat; walking distance. Main FURNISHED room: for rent for one gentle man" Rose City Park. Phone C 2314 or Tabor 2,-04. TWO nicely furnished rooms; hath and phone; walking distance. Phone B 2496. 000 iast, 'x ay 1 or st., near otn. 3 ROOMS, furnished, on lower floor of 6- room cottage 10 cuujno wunout cniiaren. SO East 28th st. North, cor. EveretU TWO clean furnished rooms, with use of . kitchen if desired; walking distance; very reasonable. Call Sunday, 160 E- 13th. VERY desirable room, newly furnished, all conveniences, large yard, easy walking . distance. 655 Everett. Mar. 2820. . PLEASANT front room, nice locality, walk ing distance, $10 month. S01 East Sal mon. DANDY room for two gentlemen, ex clusively private, right downtown. 230 10th su FRONT room on Park, electric lights, tele phone, bath, talking distance. 360 Park. CUPOLA sleeping room suitable for young man, very reasonable. 181 14th. LOVELY, cool room, gas plate, bath, $3 week; quiet, close In. 292 Tenth. ELEGANTLY furnished room Nob Hill, walking aifatance. pnone m 4ue- NICELY furnished room, modern, t walking aisatnce. jqi e. mn. $2.50 NEAT, clean single room, 4 block! from x. O. o otn. $1.75 SLEEPING porch, 4 blocks from P. O. 263 6th. NICELY furnished front rooms for gentle men; phone and bath. Phone B 2267. ROOMS, $1-50 to $4; bath and phone. 264 12th. . LARGE, clean front room, close in, for tw people. 431 Taylor1. . WELL furnished room, bath and phone Main 6821. 173 14th. LARGE room, suitable for one or two; rea sonable. 238 12th st. $3.50 per week for pleasant front room on nrst iioor. .so, iLii o i CLEAN furnished rooms, center of city, $3 up a weea. ij " cm 3 NEATLY furnished rooms. $3, $8 and $9; nice location. 302 Montgomery st. FURNISHED room, all modern - conveni ences, 1 a montn. to n.. orn. NICELY furnished rooms, 545 Morrison sU n- nhn-A A 7741. FOR RENT Furnished front room, $6.50 a month. 511- Jefferson sU, near 16th. - MODERN, newly furnished rooms, $10 and UP- J.V fM LARGE front room, kitchen and pantry, 1 . I. - -t month liri T. I - - Willi iJin-iiv, m . ...wnm. u-r-x j. jj iin pi. NICELY furnished rooms, running water; reasonable. 01 uarrison su, cor. seven tn. 2 NICE furnished front rooms; rent $2 and $3 per week. 175 17th. THREE-ROOM suite, nicely furnished and clean; price reasonable, pwt Everett. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; easy warning distance. 000 wasnington. FURNISHED ROOMS 213 Grand ave. North. East 064.,