The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 16, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 25

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16, 1912.
FOR 1912-13 TERM
Principals Retained With Two
Exceptions High School
Heads Hold Jobs.
Superintendent Rigler and
Aides Will Be In Old
Few of Grade Instructors
Dropped for Inefficiency
Election of principals and teacher
of the Portland public schools for Ui
1912-13 school year has been com
pleted by the Board of Education.
which yesterday announced its selec
tions. The re-election of City Super
intendent Rigler has 'been announced,
but the Board also has retained for
another year the service of D. A. Grout
and Charles A. Rice, first and second
assistants, respectively, to Mr. Rigler.
The principals of the three high schools
also were re-elected for another year.
They are: Jefferson High School, Bop-
kin Jenkins; Lincoln, T. T. Davis, and
Washington, H. H. Herdman, Jr.
With only two exceptions, the prin
cipals of all the grade schools were re
elected. J. W. MacCormack succeeds
A. L. Clark to the principaiship of the
Davis School, while Elmer Brown takes
the place of J. C. Ryan as principal of
the Irvington School. Although many
changes were made in the grade teach
ers, not to exceed probably a dozen
were dropped by the Board for ineffi
ciency. It was necessary to elect a
number of instructors to till the vacan-
rfefi resultinar - from resignations
failure of members of last years corps er, Elizabeth R. Bickel.
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Johnson, Mrs. Lou Gray, - Christine I r " " 1 i . "V ni , " 1 C
Chalmers. Louise Bouian. Emiiy Hoeker. ramous Council Crest Upeii-Air OKabngf Kink secures Im-
A mn Unit Plnonn. UAPrv Tn TTannl I -
mense New $5000 Band Music Orchestrion from Eilers
Music House, Which Produces Effects of a
Great 45-Piece Military Brass Band
The first sundial ever installed on the campus of any Oregron
institution has been donated to the University of Oregon by Mr. and Mrs.
F. P. Mays, of Portland, as a memorial to their son, Wilson, who died
when a student in that institution. The dial was made in London.
Upon a massive base of granite it will be installed on the Oregon
campus today, and suitable ceremonies of dedication will be made a
portion of the exercises of the coming commencement week.
Knott street, Union avenue cars Prln.
cipal, S. U. Downs; assistants, Alice
Munro, Emma F. Whitney, Jletta C.
Brown, Mrs. Edna B. Allen, Mrs. Esther
Kane, Mabel Hurley, Edith A. Wright,
Pearl Montgomery. Nora Hansen. Neva
Patterson, lone Dunlap, Veldora Mc
Leod, Myrtle Wheeless, Agnes M. Dowd,
Stella- Van Vleet, Rozene Epple, Maud
School for Backward Children Teach-
to apply for re-election.
A complete list of the teachers elect-
' ed for the school year 1912-13 follows:
City Superintendent, Frank Rigler;
first assistant. D. A. Grout; sceond as
sistant. Charles A. Rice.
Drawing General supervisor, Esther
Wuest; assistants. Winella McKnlght,
Grace Foster, Helen Osborn, Jessica
Manual training General supervisor,
J. L. Kerchen; assistants, M. G. Steel,
F. M. Groshong. J. R. Bymhold. William
Milne, E. J. Burrows, H.. J. Burrows,
M. L. Grannlng. C. L. Pieper, J. W. A.
Mancur, A L. Moore, A. J. Carpenter,
S. L. Ennes, C. A. Finch, H. C. Jorgen
sen. Andrew Rugg.
Music Assistant supervisors, Nettie
B. Rice. Frieda Keller. Lyla Ransom.
Physical training General supervis
or. Robert Krohn; assistants, Georgia
Wey. Jean It- Wold. Charlotte Lucas,
T Plutf-hoi r'nT-1 Smith
Sewing General supervisor. Mrs. X.
. A. Sanborn; assistants, Anna Casey.
Anna Rogers. Hattie Strow, Mrs. D. D.
Warner. Sarah Harris. Sally Shaw.
Ainsworth School, Twentieth and Elm
streets: Portland Heights cars Princi
pal, Mrs. Z- D. Thomas; assistants, Ot-
tllle M. Pottner. Amy Bauer, Stella
Fording. Jvangeline Magfiire, Mrs.
Agnes Glenn.
Alblna Homestead School. Beech
nd Mallory streets. Union avenue
pars. Principal Hugh J. Boyd; assist
ants: Marv C. Kavanaugh, Edith El
lis. Inez Wolfe. Maude Cooke, Martha
Irwin. Lottie Armstrong, Bertha Young,
Failing School, Front and Porter
streets. South Third-street cars
Principal! Fannie G. Porter; assistants.
Coila Hurley, Laura A. Peterson, Helen
fa Crane, Minnie Foott, Edna Lock-wood.-Madge
Hill, Emily O'Malley,
Mary Harris, Margaret Eade, Winnl-
fred Chance, Jessie Nicholson, Etta O.
Bailey, Madge Cramer, Tressa Spencer,
Alice S. Higgins. Madge O'Conner, Eva
S. Rice. Edith Campbell, May Kelly.
Fernwood School, Hancock and East
Thirty-third streets. Rose City Park
cars. Teachers Frances Dowd, Blanche
Frazier Home, Rosemont avenue and
Halsey street. Montavilla cars. Teach
er Mrs. Delia Rogers. ,
Fulton Park School, Second and
Logan streets. Fulton cars. Principal,
H. M. Barr; assistants, Ella Ehmaen,
Sada V: Brown.
Glencoe School, East Forty-ninth and
Belmont streets. Mount Tabor cars.
Principal, C. M. Stafford; assistants,
Ella Roberts, Edith Darling, Mary
Powell, Verdi Monroe, Helen Dunham,
Mary Clark. Mary Woods, Mary Dolan,
Laura Habighorst, Alma Thelander,
Sara Bates. .
Gregory Heights School, East Seven
ty-fourth and Siskiyou streets. Rose
City Park cars Teacher, Lillian Down
Hawthorne School, East Fourteenth
and Alder streets, Sunnyside cars
Principal, E. J. Hadley; assistants,
Mary F. Hamilton, Anna E. Gray. Es-
tella Marshall, Harrietts Monroe, Hat
tie B. Billings. Vanne L. McLaughlin,
Meta Allen, Vivian V. Mikle, Myrtle
Nettie Rankin, Rachel Hallingby, Marie
Bruce. M. Ella Ansley. Delia Murriey,
Blanche Catlln, E. Cora Felt.
Highland School, East Sixth and
Wygant streets-, Union avenue cars
Principal, J. H. Stanley; assistants.
Addie Clark, Lenore McMorrow, Louise
Hoefer, Elizabeth Spelch, Morgiana
Dunham, Anne Davies, Margaret Con
way, Virlena Ambrose, Anna Gately,
Margaret Patterson, Cora Eastman, Olga
Gunderson, Teresa Baccrlch, Margaret
McDonald. Laura Halllnan, Alma Mlch-
elson. Mary Billings, Winifred Hawley,
Marie Madden, Ida Pike.
Holladay School, East Sixth and
Clackamas streets. Union avenue cars
Principal, A. M. Cannon; assistants.
Cora K. Likely, Gertrude Nefzger,
Lillian Hughes, Myrtle Read, Josephine
Roche, Anna- Pearson, Martha . Bartell,
Mary Ulen, Gertrude Jtockwell, Frarices
Hughes, L'ilah Rogers, Bethyl Brown,
Mary Artnistead, Louise S trout, Eu
genia, Morse, Mrs. Ada T. Beard, Wil
liam Munro, Frances DeWar.
Ruble Goulet, Margaret Hughes. Elsie .,,,,,,,,,. vr, rioirl Km Wllher.
l)enm Minnie diuukii. r.u r umuu,
Beulah Duncomb, Orletta Kraus, Bertha
Reaper. Gertrude Eberly, Nettie Farr,
Caroline Donlon, Nellie Hill.
Arleta School. Sixty-fourth street
and Fiftieth avenue, southeast. Mt.
Scott cars. Principal Ball, S. F.; as
sistants: Nellie Fawcett. Emma Rueter,
Ada C. McLaughlin. Edith Forbes, Jen
nie M. Smith. Mabel Malloy, Estella
Hlckey. Belle MacDonald, Katherine
McNeff. Marion Harrington, Alice M.
Johnson, Nellie G. Smith, Florence P.
Cady. Minerva Pound. Laura Patrlquin,
Helen Workman, Alice Peebles, Ethel-
wyn , Habighorst, Grace M. Campbell,
Maude F. Laughead, Louise Jones.
Atkinson School. Eleventh and Da
vis streets. Washington street cars.
Principal Mrs. Alevla Alexander: as
sleiants: Katherine Padden, Ethel Plt-
tinger. Anna G. DeLin
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society .East
Twenty-ninth and Irving streets. East
Ankeny cars. Mrs. Ellen H. Hecke-
thorn. teacher.
Brooklyn School. Milwaukie and
Frederick streets. ' Sellwood cars.
Principal Aphla L. Dimick; assist
ants: Sophia A. Wilson. Emily G. For-
rester, Bessie Foster, Stella M. Camp
ling, Grace W. Whltehouse, Josephine
O'Leary, Anna E. Cooley, Rosella Shea,
Lucy B. Eastman, Evelyn Comutt, Cora
D. Fralne. Martha Bowerman, Mrs. Mar
garet West, Florence Bettlnger.
Buckman School East Twelfth and
Burnside streets. East Ankeny cars.
Principal. D. T. Van Tine; assistants,
Emma E. Barrette. Elsa Ohle. Eliza
beth Fritz, Jeanne Ryan, Eva V. Jo
seph, Frances L. Barnes, Alma Wlkan-
der, Marguerlthe Gelsler, Marion L.
Brodle. Merle Young. AUie Wells, Flor
ence Marquis, Septlma Ansley, Halite C.
Chapman School Twenty-fifth and
Wilson streets. Twenty-third or "S"
cars. Principal, IL- B. Blough; assist
ants, Annie I- Cory, 'Ann Chalmers,
Sarah Allen, Marion Dickey, Katherine
Slnnott. Mary O'Conner. Gertrude
Greathouse. Ella McDonough. Margaret
Monks, Mary J. Rogers, Margaret Bre-
haut. Alice Dougherty, Katherine
Franklin. Mary . Mathews, Helena
Clinton-Kelly 8chool East Twenty-
sixth and Powell streets. Woodstock
cars. Principal. L. A. Read; assistants.
Pearl Williamson, Ida H. Holmes, Emir a
Klneow. Mrs. J. Richardson. Aloysla E.
Hlmea, Joyce Wlthey, Hulda Schneider.
Emily McElroy, Wlnnlfred Abbott.
Elizabeth Keber. Helen Llghtner. Jessie
Johnson. Florence McElroy. Mabel
. Peterson. Helen Petsch. Olive Mlsamorv,
Grilla Shonkwiler.
Couch School. Seventeenth and Kear
ney streets. Sixteenth or "S cart
Principal, W. T. Fletcher; assistants.
Viola Ortschild. Mrs. J. Burnharh. Cor
delia Murphy, Julia Bohan, Mrs. N. D.
Singleton. Estelle J. Mclntyre, Grace
Kent, Isabel Chalmers, Mrs. D. Bing
ham, Ella F. Vanlandingham. Louise S.
Battelle. Lillian Somervlllet Loretta
Hoaaa. Frances Harris, Katherine
Sock, Hazel Weller. Mrs. K. Lighter,
Lrs- J. Lisher. Bertha Reed,
-ores! on School, Forty-eighth, south
east, and Powell Valley road. Mount
Scott cars Principal, W. A. Dickson;
assistants. -Emma W. Blandford, Lora
M. Foster, Anna Richardson. Alice
Hughes, Jennie Beamish, Carrie Brown.
Sadie Baum, Myrtle Chamberlln, Anna
M. James, Hazel Hardle, Edith Alder-
son, Maude Ragon.
Davis School. Twenty-first and Ra
leigh streets. Twenty-third-street cars
Principal, J. W. MacCormack; assist
ants. Gertrude A. Orth. Helen Klernan,
Mrs. E. L. Williams, Mrs. L. Marshall,
Florence A. Fryer, Lelah C. Nelson,
Maud Heggie, Belle Joseph.
School for Deaf, East Twelfth and
Burnside streets. East Ankeny cai
Teachers. Anna Sullivan, Pearl Tomp
kins. Mrs. t. aieicair.
Eliot School. Rodney avenue and
' Holman School, Corbett and Bancroft
streets; South Third street cars Prin
cipal H. M. Sherwood. Assistants
Belle Chance, Grace Reeves, Emerol
Stacy. Mollie Segal, Edna Steel, Abram
ine Thatcher, Bess Hammond, Mabel
Finn, Edith Ogden, OUta Cooley, lone
Hudson School, East Seventy-seventh
and Market streets: Montavilla car:
Principal, Llllie H. Kiefer. Assistants:
Hannah McLeod, Lurah M. Himes, El
len Nelson.
Irvington School, East Fourteenth
and Thompson streets; Irvington cars
Principal, Elmer Brown. Assistants:
Eva Catching, Emma Lane, Mary Loft
us, Gertrude Ost, Elsie Perham, Lillian
Ingalls, Bertina Robertson, Emelie
Schairer, Jean Burrell, da Holmes,
Elolse Smith, Irene Higglns, Mrs. JT;
W. Bushnell, Jessie Prosser.
Jefferson High School, Kirby and
Emerson streets: Mississippi avenjie
cars Principal, Hopkin Jenkins.
Commercial Department Head. Chas.
D. Lazenby: Assistants: Stella B.
Bell, Mrs. M. Burlingham, L. G. Duke.
rairs. Norva Howard.
Cooking Department Mrs. Ellen Mil
Drawing Department Mrs. " A. May
uay and Essie Patterson.
English Department Head, Robert J.
Smith. Assistants: Nora Gentry, Caro
line Holman, Estelle M. Ingalls. Kath
erine Koch, Althea Kimmel, Olive Don
nell, Louise K. Brace, Cora Thomson,
rlorence H. Murphy, Lena Nealond.
Marlon Schneider.
History Department Head. Herbert
Augur. Assistants: Alice A. Hutchlns,
Henry D. Nave.
Latin Department Head. I. A. Me-
lendy.- Assistants: Anna Brannon,
Mary Gleason.
Mathematics department Head, A. F.
BUtner; assistants, Agnes Beach, J. C.
Kendrlck, A. A. Campbell, Sarah Ruby,
A. May Sethler, Leon La Forge, Frank
Physics department Head. S. D.
Brlggs; assistants, Barry Eastman,
Call a Hand, Charles E. Scott, Lora Hen
dershott and Emma Straube.
Jonesmore School East Eighty-first
and Schuyler streets. Rose City Park
cars. Teacher, Elvene Grenler.
Kenton School Fenwlck. and Lom
bard streets. Kenton cars. Teacher,
Gladys Williams.
Kerns School East Twenty-eighth '
and Couch streets. East Ankeny cars.
Principal, Mrs. A. E. Watson; assist
ants, Mary E. Frazer, Pearl Ellis, Chris
tine Bergsvlc, Grace MacKenzle, Lillian
Blasen, Carrie E. Moreland, Marian A.
Bolin, Ethel Lawlor, Edith Lewis, Helen
Knowlton, Anne T. Donovan, Charlotte
Ballln, Grace Sanborn, Delpha Ham
mond. Estella Marias and Delia P.
Ladd School West Park and Jeffer
son streets. Jefferson-street cars.
Principal. C. M. Kiggins; assistants,
Nora B. Green, Grace DeGraff, Elphe K.
Smith. Jennie Llmbocker, Kate Cahalln.
Henrietta Baum. Frances Greenburg,
Kate Protzman, Nellie Nesvold, Anna E.
Rogers, Elsa Koerber, Ella Pratt, Joella
Amy Holt, Eleanor McCarty, Jo Hanna
Cramer, Edith Young, Mabel Staut and
Mary G. Smith.
Lents School. Gilbert avenne and
Main street. ML Scott cars. Principal
Hershner, A. F.; assistants: Frances
E. Smith, Mrs. E. L. Paxson, Katherine
Jenkins, Carrie E. Hunt. Belle R. Eade,
Ida M. Hurlebaus, Fannie L. Ziegler,
Bess Brubaker, Geraldme Kirk, Mrs. L.
W. Ausmus, Matie B. Train, Nell Moran,
Margaret Peroefull, Essie Shinn, Leona
Sansum, Mertie Auten, Fina Sagorsky,
Stella E. Smith, Dorothy Waugh. Mrs.
M. K. Darnall, Ethel Everts.
Lincoln High School. Park and Mar
ket- streets. Jefferson or Mt. Tabor
cars. Principal Davis, T. T.
Chemistry Department. Head Mc-
Connell, Christina.
Biology Department. Head G. P.
Commercial Department. Head
Herron, H. W.; assistants: E. O. Allen,
Bertha Holdsworth, Burton A. O'Mealy,
Margaret FomBroy,. Hattie Crawford.
Cooking department Hedwlg Bleeg.
English department. Head God
dard, Jessie; assistants: Mabel Downs,
Gertrude James. Mary B. Moore, Eliz
abeth Roberts, E. O. Tabor.
French department Ada Cress.
German department Mrs. E. Alt man.
Mrs. H. Mundt and Gertrude Camp.
History department Head, Ruth E.
Rounds; assistants: Elizabeth Bain, Mr-
rian S. Culver, Laura H. Northrup.
Latin department Anna Hitchcock,
Leona L. Larrabee, Laura H. M. Peter
Mathematics department Head, Car
oline A. Barnes; assistants: Mary Buck
ley, Vincent Borleski, L N. Gannan,
F. E. Harrigan.
Physics department Head, L. D. Rob
erts; assistant, Emma GriebeL
- Sewing department Eleanor Harris.
' Llewellyn School, East Fourteenth
and Henry streets; Sellwood cars
Principal, Mrs. Ida M. Allhands; assist
ants: Irene Smith, Bessie Teed, Mary
O'Donnell, Grace Rankin, Clayte
Montavilla School, East Seventy-sixth
and Pine streets; Montavilla cars
Principal, L. A, Wiley: assistants: Nel
lie Beckett. Ola Deniston, Agnes Mat
lock. Vida Hammond, Mrs. Grace E.
McCord. Helen Pollard, Anne W. Bieson,
Marguerite J. Banks, Edith M. Olnon
Lucie M. George, May Hamlin, Mrs. N. C.
McAdam, Mildred Fltzpatrick, Margaret
Bolin, Sarah Stiles, Jemima' Bell, Har
riet Thayer.
Mount Tabor School, East Sixtieth
and Ash streets; Mount Tabor cars
Principal. W. M. Miller; assistants
Frances Vail. Roma Stafford, ifiila car
penter, Josephine Fullerton, Mary
Da.i. ITlnriinpA O'Krlen Kmma, I JO ri I P
Mella White. Agatbe Crondahl, Myrtle wnere, tree Irom dust ana way aoove tlie city nseil,.
Davis, Minnie Elton. tiin.llr nut f tn th. mnoin nf r hp-Wheat. iWlffr
Onlclev Rreen School. Ainsworth and I " "J " - o -
Patton avenues; Riverside, St. Johns skating facilities of the very highest order have been
cars principal, u. w. itenaerson; as- i . , ,
sistants: Marv Ritner. Eugenie Keat- F"""'
ing, Marie Falb, Jessie Sands, Anna Mc-
Givern, Ida Fisher, Ethel Slusser, Al-
wina Bach, Bertha Teuscher, Pearl Lee,
Alverta Kraeft. Nina Sharpe, Jennie
Bonnell, Helen Clark, Mrs. Virginia
Hood. Lillian Borquist. Emma L. Bir-
Cher. Mrs. Anna Read.
Peninsula School, ' Drummond and
Russell street; St. Johns cars-Prlncl-
pal. E. H. Whitney; assistants: Blanche
YL Ross, Laura E. Black, Ethel Lee,
Pauline Geballe, Florence Harris, Alice
Ormandy, Margaret McCabe, Florence
Callwell, Marguerite Miller,
Bollam. Georglna Bell.
Portsmouth School, Gloucester and
Lombard streets; St. Johns cars Prln
cipal. B. E. Hughson; assistants: Mar
garet Nugent, Blanche Comstock, Marie
Luders, Jessie McGregor, Medora Whit
field, Paulina Rossner, Mae Blayney,
Lucy B. Morton, Sara . Beattie, Lillian
Yeo, Fanny Landen, Freda Gelger,
Evangeline Roche, Frances Estes.
Richmond School, East Forty-second
and Grant streets: Richmond or Haw
thorne cars Principal, O. R. Dinwid
dle; assistants: Florence G. Caughey,
Mathilda Ahrends, Jessie M. GliflHan,
Mrs. L. Goodspeed, Anita Turlay, Alma
Harris, Myrtle Hanson, Kate Hlckling,
Paula Schmalz, Cora Sullivan.
Rose City Park School East Fifty-
seventh and Sacramento streets. Rose
Boiler skating is not waning in popularity, particu
larly at Council Crest, where a splendid rink is pro
vided, 'away from objectionable city environments and
The management has been working on the problem
of securing adequate music for skaters for some time.
Finally Eilers Music House was commissioned to im
port from Freiburg, Germany, a specially built musical
instrument, of which the above is a drawing taken
from a photograph.
The instrument is the largest of its kind in the
West, built by the Welte house, who have won medals
and honors everywhere for' nearly a century. It is a
duplicate of the great instrument recently placed in the
famous Nicollett Rink, at Minneapolis. By means of
, it the management of Council Crest is planning a series
of delightful open-air concerts, as well as supplying the
musical demands for the greatest sport and best and
most healthful exercise for young and old roller skat
ing in th open air, high above the city, away from
the dust. ,
Taubenheimer, Incy Baker, Mrs. A. J.
- Shattuck School, Fifth and Harrison
streets. Sixteenth-street cars, south on
Fifth street. Principal, A. R. Draper
Florence I assistants, Mary Donohoe, Mary Millard,
Nellie Washburne, Phebe White. M.
Frances Himes. Elizabeth Miller. Clara
Haetlnger, Ella Crawford, Ethel Rich
mond, Emily Young, Nellie Dickinson,
Kate Colburn, Thera - locum. Norma
Reld, Adlna Libak. Winifred Mosher,
Frances Myers, Lutle Cake, Jessie
Murch, Katheryn Ridgeley.
Shaver School, Mississippi avenue and
Morris street. . Mississippi-avenue cars.
Principal, T. E. Speirs; assistants.
Adeline Hammond, Jennie Ready, Eliza
beth MacDonald, Pearl Prince, ' Olga
Hallingby, Pearl McKey, Olga Johnson,
Bessie Rawson, Celeste Albln, Margaret
Gleeson, Olga Allmen, Helen Coldwell,
Bertha Palmer, Jassamine Hamilton,
Barbare E. Kennedy, Margaret Wil
South Mount Tabor School, East
City Park cars. Principal. Mrs. Mary Sixty-fifth and Division streets. Haw
Imon' assistants. Laura Bertrand. Es- tnorne-avenue cars, principal, r. Die-
telle Obaugh, Lola Creighton, Elsie M.
Romig, Fay Wise, Margaret Mathiot,
lone Wilson.
School -f Trades Eleventh and
Davis streets. Washington-street cars.
Principal. H. C. Brandon; assistants,
Paul Y. Eckert, John H. Gault, Vera
Haskell, Julius Klein. Joseph Leibo,
Ben Kuhns, Maud L. Marsh, Maud Matt
ley. Katherine McDonald. Will Oetin
ger, Lucie Schmidt, John O. Steendahl,
George Williams, Clara Wickstrom,
Grace Funs ton. Edith Toon, Maude
Chollar, Margaret Walker.
Sellwood School East Fifteenth and
Umatilla avenue. Sellwood cars. Prln
cipal, L. H. Morgan; assistants. Pearl
Corker, Kate L Porter, Lillian G. Cowle,
Lillian DeGraff. Gladys Riches, Irene
Ray, Edith Tidcomb, Anna B. Kellogg,
Florence Rogers, Ruby Pond. Margar
etta Ray, Henrietta Holum, Sarah B.
Gray, Daisy . Larsen, Roberta Rippcy,
Goldle Grissom, Grace Downing, Mabel
0 IT I f""",, " ' I Mt'Ttptiyw- '"' I
M mm ' i it H - -i i
AURORA. Or- June 8. (SpeciaL) Wednesday, May 22, marked tne fortieth anniversary of tne wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gribble, pioneer residents of Northern Marion County, but the celebration of the event
as deferred until the following Sunday, when a family reunion was held at the Gribble home.
Mr. Gribble crossed the plains to Oregon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gribble, from Johnson
County. Missouri, in 1846. The following year Mr. Gribble, Sr., located on a donation land claim near this
clty, a portion of which today constitutes the farm home of the son. On May 22, 1872, the son married Miss
Mary Irvin. a native of this state. To them were born II children live sons ana stx aaugnters an or wnom,
together with five grandchildren, attended the anniversary reuliion. The children are: Mrs. Bertha Winches.
of Portland: Lane Gribble, Aurora; Earl Gribble. Dallas; Misses Viola and Lillian Gribble, Portland; Wade,
Amy, James, Eugene, Lois and Blanche Gribble, -all of Aurora. , .
Donald; assistants, Eula Strange,
Dorothy Prosser, Margaret Hart, Min
nie Worrell.
Stephens School, East Eighth and
Harrison streets. Brooklyn cars. Prin
cipal, R. R. Steele; assistants. Rose B.
Fouts, Mary E. Fryer, Flora Blough,
Harrlette Van Amburgh, Frances E.
Huntley, , Josephine Lytel, Merle
Wooddy, Maysie Foster, Lois Williams,
Luella M. Knapp, Alice Banfield, Au
gusta Anderson, Charlotte Reed.
Sunnyside School East Thirty-fifth
and Yamhill streets. Sunnyside car.
Principal, E. D. Curtis; assistants, "May
I. Rathbun, Estelle A. Hell, Mrs. Jean
nette Studer, Lucretia Allen, Abbie
Wright, Viola Thayer, Mary C. Heslln,
Olive S. Rodlun, Elizabeth Eastman,
Nancy E. Drew, Lydia Robertson, Mrs.
J. Chaney, Ethel Weeks, Male V. Peel,
Annie Neicken, Jessie L. Peterson, Edna
C. Swiney, Anna M. Sorenson, Lena
Dranga. ' '
Terwllliger School Macadam Road
and Thompson avenue. -Fulton car.
Principal. E. T. Faltlng; assistants:
Bessie Segal, Anna Moore, Wilma Fiske,
Ethel Sherwood.
Thompson School Borthwlck and
Shaver streets. Mississippi-avenue car.
Principal, G. E. Jamison: assistants:
Clara C. Gill, Addle S. Naylor, Erma
Hall, Ida Foott, Berdlne Merrill, Mrs.
L. H. Lamberson, Adaline M. Riley,
Emma Graves, Mrs. Bonnie Williams,
Lena Spinney, Grace P. Burnett, Olive
Hallingby, Hazel Henrys, Mae Munson,
Bessie Dupee, Gertrude Miller. Mae
Ziegler, Itha Cbeadle, Mrs. Carrie M.
Ogle, Naomi R. Stengle. .
Vernon School East Twenty-third
and Wygant streets. Alberta car. Prln
cipal, William Parker; assistants:
Caroline Redding, Florence Reynolds,
Katheryn Cowan, Inette Nordeen,
Louise Kelly. Helen Bennett, Louis
McAlplne, Beulah Kennedy, Laura
Klew, Lucy Packer, Edith - Rogers,
Mary McKinnon, Lena Craddock, Flor
ence Allen, Agnes - Condon, Clara
Thompson, Rosa E. Smith, Grace Leary.
Washington High School, East Four
teenth and Stark streets, Sunnyside
cars Principal, H. H. Herdman, Jr.
Cooking department Head, Lilian
Tingle; assistants, Emily Rodgers,
Marie Williams.
Drawing department Margaret Ar-
tlngstall, Winifred Yager and Irene
English department Head, Winifred
Hays; assistants, Fannie L. Barbar,
Luella ' Crain, Ella Kuentzel, Emma
Laromers, Ella S. Mason, Agnes Slur
dock, Ruth Pringle, Lillian - Sabin,
Hannah Schloth, Ethel Wakeman. -
German department Margarette
Bekker and Mrs. C. M. Krumbeln.
French department Angille Matllet.
History department Head. Edwin
Anders; assistants, A. H. Burton, Laura
Cleland. E. E. Jackson, Mary A. Gray.
Latin department Head, W. A. Fen-
stermacher; assistants, Annie L.
Adams, Estelle Armitage, Cora Pattee,
Jean Slauson.
Manual training department-V. E.
Chrlstensen, J. H. Mason and A. K.
Mathematics department Head. Vir
gil D. Earl; assistants, Olive Baltimore,
Carolyn Bateson, u. r. tsittner. unanes
R. Holloway, Catherine Lamberson,
Mary L. Lepper, Cora Shaver and Cora
L R. Wold.
Pedagogy department Elizabeth Mc-
Science, department Head physics.
J. E. Bonebrigbt; assistant. Vera Dar
ling; head chemistry. W. V. Green; as
sistant, A. E. Yoder; head physiog
raphy, Jane Stearns-t assistant, Frances
Heath. ' . !
Sewing department Grace Fields,
Jane McBrlde and Mrs. E. Phipps.
Weston School, East Eighteenth
street and Sixty-sixth avenue South
east; Mount Scott cars Principal, W.
A. Petteys; assistants, Julia Spooner,
Ovedta Johnson, Sadie Mclnnes, Faythe
Lawrence, Queenie Swanson, Gertrude
Bide and Florence George.
Wlllsburg School, Ardenwald avenue
and County road; Cazadero cars
Teachers, Mrs, Florence llenzies and
Cora Darr.
Woodlawn School. Union avenue and
Bryant street: Woodlawn cars Princi
pal, T. J. Newblll. Assistants Frances
Parker, Mary Mahony, Elizabeth Oates,
Alipe Randall, Margaret Barbare, Jean
ette Dobie, Alice Joyce, Margaret Mo
Morrow, Hulda Scheel, Ethel Loucks,
Mrs. Marie Wilson, Rosealma Thibert,
Alice Radamacher, Jean Stephens,
Ellyn Thelander.
Woodstock School, Fiftieth street and
Fity-seventh avenue. Southeast; Wood
stock cars Principal, A. J. Prideaux.
Assistants: Abbie L. Conlogue, Lucy I.
Humphreys, Carrie McCabe, Vinsen
Gorman, Edna Davis, Jessie McLaugh
lin, Julia M. Sears, Jean Brownlie,
Wlnnlfred Wilson, Ethel Smith.
Lincoln Evening School Principal,
W. C. Alderson. (Other instructors to
be selected.)
Instructors for the vacation schools
have been assigned as follows:
Holladay, School Principal, A. M.
Cannon; assistants, Nellie Fawcett, Le
nore McMorrow, Emma L. Lane, Carrie
Brown, Eugenia Morse, Berdine Mer
rill, Jennie E. Carr, Grace Burnett.
Ladd School Principal, A..R. Draper;
assistants, Mary D. Donohoe, Metta C,
Brown, M. M. Washburn, Emma F.
Whitney, Kate Protzman, Louise L
Kelly, Ruby M. Pond, Cora M. Eastman.
Lincoln High School Principal, W.
T. Fletcher; assistants, Adolf F. Bltt-
ner, Hugh J. Boyd, Marian A. Culver,
W. A. Fenstermacher, W. V. Greene.
-Lincoln High School H. W. Herron,
Ella S. Mason, L A. Melendy, G. N. Mc
Kay, Cora Thomson.
School of Trades for manual train
ing will conduct sessions in the differ
ent shops from two to five days weekly,
as follows: Arleta, 3; Clinton Kelly, 3;
Couch, 6; Eliot, 2; Hawthorne, 3; Hol
laday, 5; Lents, 2; Sellwood, 3; Shat
tuck, 3; Stephens, '2; Sunnyside, 3;
Thompson, 4; Vernon, 3.
The schools will be In charge of the
following Instructors: Assistant super
visor, M. G. Steele; assistants, J.. R,
Bymhold, C. J. Ennes, M. L. Grannlng,
F. M. Groshong, William Miine, A. L.
Moore, S. J. Pieper, -A. Rugg, Clara
Wickstrom. Lucie Schmit, Vera Haskell,
John H. Gault, Julius H. Klein, John
O. Steendahl and George H. Williams.
Alaska Anti-Trust Cases Go Over.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 15. None of
the Alaska anti-trust cases in which
several transportation companies and
their officers are charged with con
spiracy in restraint of trade in viola
tion of the Sherman law, will be tried
thrs Summer, according to word re
ceived from Washington yesterday. At.
torney-General George W. Wickersham
has instructed United States District
Attorney John Rustgard, at Juneau,
Alaska, to appeal from the decision of
Judge Thomas R. Lyons In dismissing
the personal Indictments against Chas.
E. Peabody, formerly an officer of the
Alaska Steamship Company; George H.
Hlgbee, of San Francisco, vice-president
of the Pacific Coast Company; C.
E. Wynn Johnson, E. E. Bllllnghurst,
W. H. Nansen, W. B. King and F. B.
Wurzbacher, and the cases against the
defendant corporations will also go
over until next Fall.
Lodge Prepares to Entertain Visit
ors to Reunion In Portland.
EUGENE, Or., June 15. (Special.)
Anticipating that hundreds of Elks, on
their way to the Portland conclave,
will stop here, the Eugene lodge has
made preparations for entertainment
by naming the following general com
mittee: J. S. Magladry, who is presi
dent of the Commercial Club; Mayor
Berger, W. A. Bell, F. L. Barker, F. L. '
Chambers, C. H. Fisher, Otto Gilstrap,
Judge Harris, D. A. Paine, E. O. Potter,
Jack Rodman, M. Svarverud, Dr.
George Wall, C. S. Williams, and F.
M. Wilkins.
Lodges at Klamath Falls, Ashland
and Roseburg have signified their in
tention of paying fraternal visits to
the Eugene lodge, and it Is expected
that the special trains of Eastern
Bills" will stop at Eugene. The Eu
gene lodge has chartered a special
train to go to the conclave, and will
leave Eugene July 7.
Woolen Mills to Be Enlarged.
ST. JOHNS, Or., June 15. (Special.)
Plans for the enlargement of the
Portland Woolen Mills of this city have
been prepared by Architect L. I. Thomp
son, of Portland. The plans and speci
fications call for a new factory build
ing, two stories high, 85 by 200 feet. It
will be erected adjoining their present
large plant. The lower story will be
used for storage purposes and the up
per story for a loom room, with a ca
pacity of 20 or more machines.
Centralia Postal Receipts Grow.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 15. (Spe
cial.) Figures just compiled by Post
master John Benedict show an Increase
of 14 per cent in the Centralia postal
receipts for the year Just closed over
the previous fear. The average yearly
Increase for the past 15 years has been
34 per cent.
Removed by Same and Similar Proeewif
In Manx Cases. Patieats Can Return Home on the Same Day
The Institute Is Provided With All Apparatna for Electric Treatments,
Light Treatment, Magnetic Treatments, Vibration and Onclllatloa.
Electric LiKht Bath. Electric Tub Bath and Spray Bath.
Our Staff of Three Physicians and Snrgeonsi
One Regular Licensed Phynlcian,
One Chiropractic Physician,
One Regular Licensed Surgeon
and Expert tn Electric, Light, Vibration and OZOLINE Treatment
Treat All Diseases of the