THE SU.NUAY 01J(iOXIAX. POKTLA-NP, JUKE 16, 1912. HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT EXCITING INTEREST Many Doubt That Fight Will Prove to Be Financial. Success. CURLEY IS OPTIMISTIC BOISE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP BASEBALL TEAM OF 1912. Johnson Said to Be 111 Story Is Being Told That Fljrnn Has a Sclieme to "Double Cross" the Big Black Champion. BY JAMES R. CASSELU Is the Johnson -Flynn heavyweight championship fight to be A financial success? The consensus of opinion anions; the boxing critics of the country has ans wered an emphatic "Nay to the Ques tion, the majority predicting dismal failure for a venture which presents more of a wildcat appearance than a bona fide championship ring encounter. Yet. in the midst of the tirade against the Las Vegas card of Independence day, comes the announcement from the versatile press agent that 25.000 has already been received from advance seat sales: that Jack Johnson Is anx ious to call oft his $30,000 guarantee and take a gambler's chance on the percentage basis, and that Promoter Jack Curley predicts that the receipts will exceed those of the Jeffries-Johnson mill at Reno, and establish a new mark for ring finance. Either Curley's official typewriter man Is guilty of a gross exaggeration In an effort to counteract the adverse comments, or a host of newspaper writ ers nave made a huge mistake. Flyan'a Chance Ever Present. Bunch the pros and cons, strike a I balance, and you probably have a fair Idea of the situation. Inability to see I tne affair in a truly championship light has undoubtedly blinded many to the drawing-power of a title struggle with the chance on the unhorsing of a cham pion. On the other hand, the Las Vegas news dlshurser Is paid to send out the most glowing accounts of the bout. The receipts will undoubtedly surprise the pessimists and the advance sale is probably fair, but as for the Curley assertion regarding a record-breaker, a bettor would be guilty of laying his money on a sure thing should he back the Reno receipts as the larger. , In the meantime there is a story go ing the rounds that Johnson is a sick man. cannot be In shape for the Julv 4 bout, and that Jack Curley is work-1 lng another Hackenschmldt Gotch frenzied Unance stunt to save his pock- etDOOK. One Chicago writer has come out with a yarn that Johnson is to be Inveigled into the ring with a promise that Flynn will take the count, and that at I the last moment the double-cross will be shifted into position and a new I world's heavyweight champion crowned. Both Johnson and Flynn are quar tered near' Las Vegas, conditioning tnemseives ror tne iray. Flynn, as the principal in need of the bulk of the publicity. Is having much to say re garding his chances, while Tommy I . Hums Is kept busy looking after his . charge and telling the "eager" pub lic what his man Is going to do to the Ualveaton black. "Flynn can't win the bout by box ing, but must make the affair a real fight if he. expects to win the cham- I plonship," is one of Tommy's remarks I that will find no opposition. ... New Vork fight critics declare that . Ad Wolsast is the same old fighter of . his championship days, but needs a f fight or two tucked under his belt I to gtve him the accuracy of his hey- I any. They judge the lightweight title hold er by his showing against Young Jack I O'Brien at Philadelphia recently, fig-1 urlng him Just as rugged, possessing ins Knockout punch, and lit to retain I his title against the best 133-pounderl in the business. O'Brien stayed six rounds with Wol- I gast but the writers say it was not be cause the Philadelphia! was as good I a boxer as the champion, but more like ly berause Ad refrained from knock ing his man out in the second round wnen he had him all but out. . Sam Fitzpatrlck, the man who helped push Jack Johnson to the front be lieves that he has a coming heavy weight champion In Hugh McGann. of I Indianapolis. McGann s chief claim to distinction is the fact that he made a good showing with Flynn in a six- round exhibition. s-lg-Hart. a prominent member of the Johnson camp at Reno, Is also a "white hope" producer. Hart will not divulge the name of his man but says he gives more promise than did Jeffries, Rublln I or bharkey In their youthful days. The uncertainty of the no-declsion style of fistic performance waa again brought forcibly to the attention of fandom by the McGoorty-Moba bout in New York. Some accounts say that Mo ha thrashed aicooorty to a fare-you- well, others that McOoorty outpointed Moha by a wide margin, and still others that the affair was a good draw. The result is that both men claim vic tory and neither has tumbled from the contending class. 1j llf J The Members of the Team Are: Miles McClellan, manager; Harold Herataf leit, , Sottetltnte and Fielder) Elva Snow, First Basel Vernon Brown. Second Bases Jack Calloway, Mascot) Ortng Nelson. Captain and Center Fielder) John C. Mitchell, Coach) I.rtoa pierce. Third Base) Eldred Aaaell, Pitcher; Gardner Adam. Catcher; Robert Horrle, Shortstop; Edward Horrle, Left Field; K. Foster, Right Field. . E GETS 2 FLAGS "QUALITIES OF MEN" TOPIC Summer School IMrex-tor Elated That Badger Educator Is Coming. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, June 15. (Special.) Much elation Is felt by Professor Schafer. director of I the Sunuur School at the University of Oregon, over the -announcement by Ir. Joseph Jastrow. professor of psy chology at the University of Wisconsin, that he will take part in the Summer School work at the university. Dr. Jastrow will be at Eugene from July 1 to July 13, during which time he will give six lectures on "Character and Temperament of Men." This series of lectures is based upon one of his most widely-read essays entitled "Qual ities of Men." ' Besides being known world-wide as a scholar and author. Dr. Jastrow is a fluent and eloquent orator. With Dr. Jastrow's name added to the seven or eight noted Eastern educators who have been secured for the Summer School at the university, the coming session, which begins on June 24. prom ises to be epoch-making. Among the bummer School faculty will appear such names as Dr. Adolph A. Berle, Dr. Grant Showerman, Richard Burton, Frederick O. G Schmidt. Dr. Grant Smith and Professor George Rebec High School. Team Brings Home Double Victory. MITCHELL COACHES STARS Ex-Professional and Crack College Pitcher Whips Raw Material Into Condition Season Is Ended Without Defeat. New School Is Needed. SPRINGFIELD, Or, June 15. (Spe cial.) Taxpayers of Springfield will vote July 1 on a proposal to Issue $30. 000 In bonds for the erection of a new high school. The present building. while new, is Inadequate to the needs ot the district. BOISE. Idaho. June 15. (Special.) Finishing the season without a defeat and winning the Southwestern Idaho and the Southern Idaho Interschloastic League pennants, the baseball team of Boise High School has made a record, one never duplicated by a team in Idaho. Rapid development of the Boise team Into a pennant-winner was due to the training ot Coach Mitchell, the "Mc Graw of Boise." a veteran college and professional player. Starting with raw material Coach Mitchell soon had an aggregation of near-professional class baseball players. For four years Mitchell was the star pitcher for his college. During that time he helped defeat Holy Cross. Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Cornell. Maine, Williams. Amherst and Pennyalraala. Mitchell has played ball in Idaho with semi-professional and professional teams and waa in the Idaho State League in the days of Walter Johnson, the big-league pitching star. The record of the Boise High School 1912 team shows a total of 123 scores against but S3 chalked up against It. Here are the reams played and the scores: Boise 5, First Cavalry 2 Boise 6, Alumni 6; Boise 7, First Cav alry 7; Boise 12, First Cavalry 0; Boise 10, Parma 4; Boise 9, College ot INTEKSTHOLA STIC A L L-B TAB BASEBALL TEAMS " Picked By Ed Binkln, Umpire. ' , . FIR8T NINE. Freeman Fitzgerald. C U pitcher Floyd Perk in C. U catcher William Manary. W. H first base Stewart Davis, C TJ second base Blaine Severs, C U. ..third base R. Scholtx, C TJ ..shortstop Philip Lind. Jeff. High left field A. Miller. Wash. High. .. .center field George Nixon. CoL U right Held : SECOND NINE. " William Tenrck, Lin. High. ..pitcher Ward Irvine. Jeff. High catcher Walter Mulrhead. C TJ. first base Albert Schilt. Lin. High.. second base W. San ford. Port. Acad... third base W. Grebe. Wash. High shortstop E. Shannon. Cl TJ left field William Lewis. L. Hlgb. .center field G. Miller. Washington right field G. Robinson. Jefferson. .. .right field Idaho 1; Boise' 6, Nampa 2; Bolsu E, Payette 0: Boise 8, Albion State Nor mal 2; Boise 11, Welaer ; Boise 7. Col lege of Idaho 0; Boise 14, Meridan 1; Boise 8, Shoshone S; Boise 16, Pioneer 0. The game for the championship of the Southwestern Idaho Interscholastlc League was played oft between. Boise and Payette, Boise winning 11 to 6. The championship game for Southern Idaho was played by Boise with the Pioneer High School team, chalmplons of the Southeastern Idaho Interschol astlc League, and Boise won by the de cisive score of 16 to 0. The regulars who made 'up the team are: Ansell, H. Brown, Adams, Snow. B. Brown, E. Horrle, Pierce, R. Horrle, Nelson. Foster and Hirschland. Ansell and Brown constituted ' th ' pltcnlng staff and Adams held both of them as the regular catcher. V. Brown played second, E. Horrle, shortstop; Pierce, third base; Snow, first base; R. Horrle, Captain Nelson, Foster and Hirschland, fielders. E. Horrle leads the batting with a per cent of .403 and Ansell fol lowed with .400. In - fielding Adams heads tne list with .980 per cent and Snow second with .941. Catcher Adams will with the team next year. A majority of the other players remain. OSCAR HAUGEN GETS PRIZE Lincoln High School Graduate Wins Bennett Gift Money. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, OrM June 15. (Special.) The Bennett prize, which consists of Interest money on a gift of $400 by Phllo Sher man Bennett, of New Haven, was given today to Oscar S. Haugen, a grad uate of the Lincoln High School In Portland, who is now finishing his so phomore year In the University of Ore gon. - The subject of the winning paper was "Some Economic Aspects in the Legal Determination of the Minimum Wage." The prize, which amounts to about $16, is awarded each year to the student who writes the best essay on the prin ciples of fiee government. Last year the prise was won by Howard Zim merman, of Salem. FLYIIII FIGHT FIXED IS KEEN SUSPiCiOr Aspirant to Win From Negro in 10 to 15 Rounds for Pic tures, Is Rumor. WHITE MAN IS CONFIDEN Unbiased Writer Sends Out Some Interesting News From Las Ve gas Return' Match of Attell and Murphy Expected, BT HARRY B SMITH. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL. June 15. (Special.) By far the best pen pic ture- that has come out of Las Vegas, New Mexico, as- regards Jack Johnson and Jim Flynn is at the hands of Bert Smith, a Los Angeles automobile writer. who recently passed through New Mez ico with the ocean-to-ocean automobile party. Smith. I Judge, is the first on biased newspaper man with any appre ciation of sports, who has had a chance to visit the camps of the two heavy' weights. AH the others have been chiefly press agent workers and what they have had to say doesn t count for much. The Los Angeles man doesn't pretend to speak technically, but he does say that JKz riYTT is hog fat and that he will have to train off a good many pounds to be in tne same shape as when he boxed Sam Langf ord. Also the writer comments on Flynn s state of mind. The fighter is portrayed as be lng arrogant and lofty to all but the newspaper men who are in a position to help ' him. To other visitors Flynn assumes a don t care attitude. Of course, as might be expected with one so egotistical as Jim Flynn, he is absolutely confident of winning, but the same does not seem to be the case with his trainers and handlers. They assume the same air of confidence, 'but when asked confidentially, admit they don't think there is very much chance for Flynn to be returned the winner. "Fixed Fight" Again Humored. Also, says the same informant, there seems to be a suspicion that the fight Is fixed.- and that Flynn will win In from 10 to 15 rounds. It is pointed out there would be a fortune In moving pictures In case Flynn wins, and it is hinted that Johnson might be Induced. You hear more or less of the same kind of talk at every big fight of this sort, but usually in championship af fairs there is no such arrangement- Fight pictures are not worth as much money as they were once upon a time. and even with Flynn winning,' there wouldn't be an overwhelming fortune. Further than that, as has been pointed out time and again, Johnson thinks the world and all of his own title and Isn't going to hand it over to Jim Flynn lust for a small bit of coin. He knows that with his title, ne is good for about so much money on the theatrical stage and he isn't going to take chances. Jack Curley. when he was recently in San Francisco to see Jack Welsh about refereeing the match, had the good taste not to make any announce ments ot what he thought waa going to happen. 'There isn t any use my trying to convince San Francisco people," he said. "I know they don t think much of Flynn. Of course I think that Jim will beat the white man and we'll let it go at that." " Jack Welsh. Preferred. The referee will 'probably be Jack Welsh, of San Francisco, although Ed W. Smith, of Chicago, has a chance to be named. The rest of the men were merely given honorary mention and that is as far as it will go. Jack - Johnson would have liked Welsh as referee at Reno and he will doubtless prefer the Westerner at Las Vegas, unless there is something crooked about the match. So far as San Francisco Is concerned, it looks as if we would have a return match between Abe Attell and Harlem Tommy Murphy. Coffroth has Murphy tied up to a contract and can get Attell If the weight difference Is settled. At' tell wants the weight 133 pounds ring side, while Murphy wants it several hours before the fight. The two boys met last March and nut up a rattling good fight. After the bout the story came out that Attell thought it had been arranged for Murphy to let him win. Therefore, Abe took things very easily and was caught napping. . For the last two months he has been up in the mountains, living the simple life. Billy Nolan, who Is handling htm, thinks that Abe is right for a fight. He is trying to work up a demand for another fight with Johnny Kilbane, the featherweight champion, and thlnics the proper way is by showing the public what Abe can do against tne New Yorker. . Graney's Headway Slow. Eddie Graney. who has the Fourth of July permit in San Francisco proper, doesn't seem to be making much head way. First of all, be was sure he had captured Bombardier Wells and Al Palzer. Then when wells arrived, it was discovered that he wanted only (20,000 for his end. Graney very naturally turned mat match down. Later he thought he had chance at Abe Attell and Murphy since he and Billy Nolan are extremely friendly. Coffroth promptly put the quietus on that by sending transporta tion to Murphy and cinching one end of the bout. So at the present, no one knows lust what Graney will do for a card. It is probable that when he finds he can't land a match he will sell his per mit to G. M. Anderson, the moving-picture millionaire, who Is. a bug on the fighting game and has several fighters he likes to put in the limelight. One Round Hogan and Manager Gil Boag arrived on Wednesday. The San Franciscoan Is anxious for a match or some sort and may have a chance this month with either Frankie Burns or Red Watson, a youngster who has been rapidly coming to the front. Boag is n bad with the local newspaper con tingent. When he was here the last time he was nicely treated, but upon his return to New York spent much of his time roasting San Francisco and the newspaper writers. - However, he will probably have an alibi to the ef fect that he was not correctly quoted. SPECTACULAR FINISH IS SEEX Merrill's Colt, Red Top, Noses Oat Gar Light in Stretch. Red Hal, owned and driven by Fred '. Merrill, won the Class A. mixed race. of the Riverside Driving Club yesterday at the Country Club and furnished the most exciting race of the programme. In both heats Red Hal edged Guy Light out by a bare margin in the stretch. Helen Hal, owned by Charles Cleve land, Jr., and Helen Mistletoe, owned by George Parker, also made a spec tacular race, especially in the last beat, when the two horses finished with their noses a few Inches apart. Thl was the special race for 2-years-olds and the time. 2:38. is considered slow. The best time of the day was made by Red Hal in the first heat when he negotiated the mile in 2:22. The crowd was not large and a number of entries were scratched. Jack Johnson, owned by C W. Dilg, won the first heat of the Class C pace, after a pretty race, but in the last two heats he finished second, breaking his each time at the crucial moment. Jim Hill, driven by G. K. Howitt, won first. Summary: 2-Tear-Old Colt Race. Brian Hal. owned by Charles Cleve land, Jr. 1 ' 1 H)en ntftne. owned br Georae Barker 8 3 Time, 2:13, 2:38. Class A Mixed Rare. Red Hal. Fred T. Merrill 1 1 ftiiv 1 irht f ' W Flandara... . 2 2 Rockett, John Sawyer ........... 3 3 3 Time, 2:2Sii. 2:2-114. ' Claae B Trot. Hallle C, J. T. . Howitt 1 1 VlTI. M . M. .T Mveni 2 2 General B-, Fred Broker S 3 3 Time. 2:33, 2:321. Claae C Pare. 3 11 Jim Hill, G. K. Howitt Jack Johnson C. W. DUs... HUM AW MEGAPHONE OF OAK LAND TEAM, LEAGUE'S LEADING PITCHER. si if ii ' x- ,g.,-..,..,.., I Cy Parkin. I Mlas Altalena. H. T. Drennen.... 2 3 3 Sadie T.. R. J. Debouhr S 4 Jane Reed, Sam Wlae 4 5 Time. z:zu. z:zu. 2:3ltt. Officials Starter. J. B. McClintock: timers. A. L. Powell. William Karrln and H. Smith: judges. J. S. Crane. O. J. Brown and G. C. Johnson; announcer, Sam Kra mer. OLD BOOK IS RARE FIND INK EXPERT BUYS VOTjCBIE FOR $9 WORTH THOUSANDS. Second-Hand Shop Sells Copy of 'Fox's Book of Martyrs, 1760," of Immense Value. SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. Theo dore Kytka has less money than J. Pierpont Morgan, but feels certain he can get more value for it. Kytka is a handwriting expert, and his hobby is Indelible ink. He says that while car negie Is spending millions for libra ries, not a book In them will be legible 200 years from now. Whenever he runs across an old book that Is still sharp and black, he analyzes the ink. In running through the shelves or a second-hand dealer the other day, he came across a particularly well-pre served copy of "Fox's Book of Mar tyrs, 1760." It cost him 9 to own tne book. Shortly afterward ha saw that Morgan had paid (10,000 for a first edition of the same work. Yesterday he took his copy to his friend. Thomas Burns, cashier of the Sub-Treasury, and an authority on old books. Without a word Burns pushed him out a stack of $20 gold pieces. Kytka refused. The book is worth whatever price the fancy of a wealthy collector may set on it. Jewish Butchers Shut Up Shops. NEW YORK. June 15. Six thousand Jewish butchers in New York today de cided to close their shops until the orlce of meat products has been low ered by the wholesale dealers. The decision, which directly affects more than 300,000 Jewish residents, was reached after Jewish women .had an nounced that until the price of meat I waa lowered tbey would boycott the Kosher butchers. REFEREE FOR BIG BOUT 15 SELECTED E. W. Smith, Sporting Writer of Chicago, Agreed on by Johnson and Flynn. FIGHT TIME IS CHANGED Promoter Curley Announces That Battle for Championship Will Take Place at 2 P. SI. Instead of at 1 1 A. M. LAS VEGAS. N. M-. June 15. E. W, Smith, a Chicago sporting writer, to day was selected referee for the Jotin-son-Flynn championship battle heie July 4. This decision was reached at a conference between Jack Johnson, the champion, and Jack Curley, the latter representing Jim Flynn. Curley also announced that the fight would be staged at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The choice for referee was narrowed to Smith and to Ed Cochrane, of Kan sas City, upon receipt of a message rroro Jacn welsh, or Ban Francisco, that he had been chosen to referee tbe Wolgast-Rlvers match. Promoter Curley had planned to stage the bout at 11 o'clock the morn ing of July 4 for the convenience of the newspapers and Eastern fight fans. The change in the hour was due to the Inability of the railroads to get crowds into ias vegas Derore noon. Smith Is in Las Vegas, having arrived here several days ago to represent a '.-ago paper. He accepted the refer- eeship. SWEET GENEVE WINS 2:80 TROT Results at Forest Grove Race Meet Show Good Time. FOREST GROVE. Or.. June 15. (Special.) The result of the second day's races, under the auspices of the Washington County Agricultural and Live Stock Association, were as fol lows: 2:35 trot Sweet ' Geneve. first: Mark H., second: Lady Dillon, third. Time: First heat, 1 minute 9tt seconds; second heat, 1 minute 9 seconds; third heat, 1 minute 8 seconds. 2:25 pace Aldine. first; Llghtfoot, second; Radium, third. Time, first heat, 1 minute 7 seconds: second belt. 1 minute 8 seconds; third heat, 1 min ute 6 seconds. ' 2-year-old trot Barbrla. first; Patrh McKay, second; Billy Mack, third, Time, 1 minute 64 seconds. Half-mile dash Arthur Hyman. first: Latisha S., second; Edna 8., third. BLUE RIVER FURS SELL Bear, Cougar, Wolves and Bobcats Give Trappers Employment. BLUE RIVER, Or., June 15. (Spe cial.) Fourteen bears, nine cougars. two wolves and 125 bobcats, all killed within two years near this place, tes tifies to the fact that wild, fur-bearing animals in Oregon are not extinct or n danger of becoming so. Several trappers pass the Winter months In the timberland along the McKenzie River, and by Spring they always have enough hides to pay for their bacon supply, ammunition and all other expenses Incurred. Many of the cougar and bear skins are tanned and made into rugs by the trappers, and these find a ready- sale when wealthy sportsmen come up the McKenzie on -deer hunting and fishing trips. When a surplus accumulates, the skins are sent to Eastern markets and invariably bring the highest mar ket prices. Perhaps the most noted rug ever pro duced In Blue River was made from the hide of a dog-eating cougar, so called of course because of tbe large number of canines which had met death in fights with the animal. The cougar was finally treed and killed, but it re quired several 30-30 bullets to end its life. The animal had been chased by trap pers and hounds for more than a year. Every few weeks a dog - would be killed by the animal. Blue River citi zens sent out a general alarm and or ganized to hunt the cougar until it was brought down. Hounds soon struck the trail, and with several dozen men and at least 20 dogs In pursuit, the ani mal was forced to take to a tree, where it was, shot. . Upon examination Its teeth were found to be broken off In several places, and by this and other marks it was known to be an old ani mal. Battle-scarred, shot through and through by several bullets, the cougar was finally laid low, and the rug made from" Its skin will carry with it a story never to be forgotten by the citizens of Blue River. . Although 125 bobcats have been killed within two years, hunters and trappers declare the animals are still numerous. W 111 u 1 I 4. t Here is the secret of easy shaving I've got a hard beard. Tried everything under the sun. I've solved the shaving problem now. The Perforated Razor Hone does the trick. Just get one to day and try for yourself. Sharpen your razor on it. You don't need to be experienced or even careful. It's all in the Holes. They make wire edge imnosaible. Give you a smooth, clean edse and that' all you need to give you the shave of your life every day any ' time. Don't let another day go by without a Vrforated Hone. Costs you $1 at the best drug and hardware stores or by mail from the " Perforated Hone Co. Portland. Oregea-