The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Image 63

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i .fiiii'"iAnM'ni ii in i i . r - i-i
Slipp "at Powers'-Portlaod's
;: Largest and Most Modern
Homef mc rii&h i n g S tore.
Rose Festival Visitors
Welcome! . k
Every on of the many Hose Festival visitors in Portland this week
D is cordially invited to accept POWERS' hospitality. It is not nec
essary to make purchases. Those who come for sightseeing and to
make the acquaintance of the largest homefurnishing store in Port
land are as welcome as those who come to buy. Make yourself at
home, ronm through the store, rest, wait for friends or whatever you
please. We will do all we can to mnke it pleasant for you.
Child's Iron Crib With
Spring of National Fabric
Sella Regularly at $7.50
A splendid design, made
with drop sides. lias iron
instead of bras knobs as
shown. Is enameled white
and equipped with spring of
National fabric.
$11 Layer Felt Mattress With
French-Roll Edge for
$7.65 -
A first-class Mattress, made of purest layer felt, built up to a lux
urious thirkness. Covered with highest quality blue and white
tripe ticking, and having French edge.
50-Pound Mattress, Regular
$5.50 Value, Special This Week
Top, bottom, sides and ends are thickly padded with pure white
cotton, center is wood fiber. Covering of art ticking, extra quality.
This $27.50 Oak Buffet in
Fumed or Golden. Finish
Selected oak is used in this at
tractively designed Buffet
one of our new patterns. Is
beautifully finished either in
golden or fumed. Case is 44
inches wide with a particularly
convenient arrangement of
drawers and cupboards, as
New Patterns in Porch
Swings, Priced Special
I braced. Very
12.73 6-foot Porch Swing, made of oak, and steel braced.
it tractive slat design, fumed finish, complete with
chain and hauler
ti.00, 4-foot lawn Swing, very similar in style to above, but
smaller size. Complete with chain and hooks. Spe- )f
rial at !LT,iJ
Buyer's foil r-passe n ire r Lawn Swing, with two seats facing each
other, and substantial frame, painted red. Spe- fl? 1 O 7 C
rial at J) 1 O I 3
Kitchen Cupboard, Worth $9.50 &r QQ
Well Built and Finished, Novt$O.VV
Very strongly eonstnicted Cupboard
of Eastern hardwood, with golden fin
ish. 'Mi inches wide and 70 inches
high. Convenient design as shown.
3 0 ESUM 1
ill i " UM v
Regular Price, $3.50
Oriole Baby Walker
of Hand-Woven Rattan
IVntitiful Colonial Rap Rugs
in all light colors and mix
tures, clean and cool-looking
for Summer homes, very
specially priced this week, as
follows:1 : '
$1.."0 value, ' s i z e
2734 inches.. . . . .$1.07.
. .. . .
S1.;kI vaine, size
. yOxGO inches. .
$4.50 value.- size
,4x7 .feet.".!. ..
' ."rO ' value,
6x9 feet.....
$12.00'. .'value,
7.6x10 feet..
... . .$6.73
, New
Straw Mattings
A new shipment , just re
ceived, containing all the
new ideas of design in these
particularly satisfactory
Summer -floor coverings,
special: i
x Regular 25c value for,
"yard . . u. 19
Regular 30c value for,
yard 23
Regular 3."e values for,
. yard 29
$4.00 Matting Rugs,
0x11.6 feet . .$3.33
$3.00 Matting Rugs,
8 feet 6 by 0 feet. .2.43
$2.00 Matting Riiga,
6x8 feet, 6 inches. .$1.59
Summer v
Nothing so cool and attractive
looking on the windows in Sum
mer as crisp muslin curtains. We
have a splendid line, lace and
ruffle trimmed, at reductions this
$1.50 Muslin Curtains, lace
edge, pair 99
$1.50 Muslia Curtains, lace
and insertion $1.23
$2.25 Ruffled Muslin Cur-
tains, special.. $1.79
$2.50 Barred Muslin Cur-
-. tains, lace edge $2.09
$4.X Scotch '.Madras Cur-
' tains blues and tans. $323
$3.25 Scotch Madras Cur
tains, cream only a $2.6o
If You Need a Li
Rocker, Here Are
brary Table or a
4 Great Bargains
$10.00 Selected Dak Pattern,
Golden or Fnmed.
A beautifully trained and
finished tabl of selected oak.
designed as
U SflUUVCfl (tun.
Rocker of
Solid, substantial and . well
finished. Very attractive and
comfortable C A IE?
design : P T M. O
$7.60 Pattern of Quartered
Pest selected stock, first-class
finish, . splendid design, w ith
Spa nish mo- A Q Fj
roccoline seat tpTFeOO
$25 Massive Mission Design,
4-Inch Legs.
Of quartered oak, with heavy
built-up fop. Roomy drawer
and tray, Q-l Q Q E?
special . . " X 7 O O
We've Just Received
a Carload of New
Free Sewing Machines
Come in and let us show them to
you let our 'Mr Bennet, special
representative of the "Free"
Company demonstrate to you the
automatic. tension release, auto
matic thread controller, im
proved head latch and a dozen
other exclusive points which are
to be found in the "FREE" and
only the "FREE."
iff iftE'
What It Means to
Own a
Free Sewing Machine
It means absolute satisfaction for
a lifetime. It means the posses
sion of a machine that is the easi
est of operation and the most de
pendable of any in the market.
It means having the advantage
of 27 improvements in construc
tion which no other machine on
the market can sHow.
You'll Be Greatly Disappointed if You
Buy a Gas Range Before
Seeing the Famous "New Idea" Line
.There is no disappointment like finding that you have paid nn excessive price for an inferior
article, but this is particularly true in the punliase of a uas Kange. irom where one expects
to receive years of service. e can point to ov-r J(M)0 users ol the "ew Idea right here in
Portland, and all without exception will reconmend it as the very best Kanse to buv. It ha
more practical arrangements and conveniences t'.ian any other Gas Range made.
Carried Exclusively by Powers $13.50 to $135
1 $4.50 Cream Iron Bed
designed as shown, with angle-iron rails
unit iiiicis tit uu auu xwi. j
very good value at a mod
erate price
LI ttllU 1UUI. A
$9.00 Value A New Design
just exactly like cut, with ornamental
. head and foot board ; have 3 decorated
flat panels as shown. rt
Continuous tube post.. pO X O
$11.00 Gold Bronze Bed
a continuous-post design, having five in
stead of seven filler rods. Best Vernis
Martin finish. Substan- Q
tial and attractive, ij) 00
Showing of
Old Hickory
MMHt lit -m.1jIW
We Sell
Furniture for the June
Bride '.
To those who do not know the possibilities of furniture as gifts for
the June bride our present stock owmis up a most attractive and
interesting' field. The hundreds of pieces make a brave display of
artistic yet entirely practical suggestions. -Starting as low as $:!.(()
fr a Tabouret, prices run up by easy stntrcs to 100 or higher.
Why not give something of this kind that you are sure will not be
duplicated? '
If '
1 M7ffl
Covered with .woven-wire fabric
highest Quality, heavy inctal ends and
three rows of coil supports.
Only one to a customer.
Famous Yum
Yum Spring,
Sold Elsewhere
for $3, Special
We Have the Largest Showing of
White Enamel Furniture in Portland
Not only the )edrnnin pieces which are in such great demand, but
an eserially interesting disilay of new patterns dining-room
sets, just recently received from a lending Knstern factory. I'rices
are exceedingly low and the assortment widely varied. We will bo
pleased to exhibit them without iinjsisitig any obligation to buy.
$27.50 Value
Quartered Oak
Dining Table
Has 4.Vinch round top, heavy
barrel and scroll legs. Is fin
ished dull golden.
Nickel-Trimmed, Rubber
Tired Go-Cart Worth $8.50
tine of our 1012 models in a Sturgis Collapsible, one-motion fJo
Cart. which has proved a favorite with our patrons. 11ns spring
seat and rubber-tired wheels and is full niekcl-t rimmed.
$2.50 Old Hickory Seat
With Double l j
Splint Top ipl.OD
20 inchea wide and l.j inches high.
nusk iou ncea lor noso I ebuvu weec. B
We bont'hl up a large quantity of these metal- B
braced ( amp Stools, just for the Carnival srll-
oowc "iR- J on can rest while waiting for the street
attractions. A regular .Vic value.
Let Us Show You the Finest
Line of Refrigerators in
If you want Kefrigerators that
you can rely on to be of relia
ble make, come direct to us.
We carry only those lines that
re characterized by Honesty
of construction.. Thn Tconard
('loanable, for which we ore
sole agents, is unquei-tiomibly
the best Refrigerator, and the
most economical made.
We Feature the
Smallest and
Largest Sizes Made