THE SUNDAY OKTTGOXTAX. TOTITL-AXD. V, jnia. VOTERS' FAVOR TO Liberal Discounts for Cash 8E Proposed Changes in State Constitution Not "Taking Well" Is Discovery. REVISIONS ARE STARTED lO VISITORS ARE liWITEP ANEW People' Power Leaffae Deliberates on Berolatlonary Amendment and Prepares Xew Draft Altering Drastic Ideas. Discovering- that Its proposed con atltutlonal amendment. Introducing sweeping and revolutionary changes In the state constitution, was not "taking well" with the voters, the People's Power League has been holding sev ral meetings for a more deliberate consideration of the proposed measure and Its radical provisions. W. 8. tTHen and other members of the organisation that la sponsor for the Drouoaed amendment will not In dlrate to what extent the original draft will be altered before It Is finally lubmltted to the people. There Is a strong suspicion, based on facts that have leaked from the committee room, that when the amend ment reappears It will be minus several of Its most drastic features, chief of which will be that providing for a cab Inet plan of state and county govern ment. Revised Draft Sooa Out. The revised draft of the amendment will be completed In a few days and. It Is understood, will still retain four ma terial changes In the present system. namely: Abolishment of the State Sen ate, proportional representation, proxy plan of voting In the Legislative As sembly, which will consist of 0 mem bers, and the preferential plan of vot Inc. giving the elector first, second and "other choices In selecting all cancl dates. By the preferential plan of voting the "short ballot" will be pro vided. The direct primary nominating election la dispensed, with and the se lection of all public officials. Including members of the Legislative Assembly, will take place In one election. With the proposed abolishment of the State Senate, the functions of the leg islatlve branch are vested In a Legis lative Assembly of 60 members, who shall be elected under a proportional representation plan which Is provided. Each of the (0 members will cast on every rollrall the total number of votes he received In the election. Tin Governor and the defeated candidates for Governor will be ex-offlrlo mem bers of the Assembly and will repre sent the minority by casting on every rollcall the total number of votes rant for the unaucceesful candidates In their respective parties. Cablaet Idea ta II Dropped. The cabinet form of government for the atate, which Is to be dropped from the proposed amendment, according to report, provided f r the election of only two state officials a Governor and an Auditor the Governor to ap point a business manager at an attrac tive salary. The Governor waa also authorized to appoint all other state officials that are now elective, also the Sheriffs and District Attorneys In the different counties. This plan of government went even further and provided for the election In enrh county of a board of three di rectors who should choose a business msnsger. This business manager was to sppolnt all other county officers. The committee that la working with the amendment expects to complete the revised draft late this week. The bill will then be printed and Initiative pe titions will be circulated Immediately In order to get the required 1000 signa tures and file the completed petition with the Secretary of State prior to July 4. That la the last day for filing Initiative measures If they are to be submitted to the voters In the Novem ber election. DAHLIA SHOWJN AUGUST Women of Xehalem Will Make It Annual Feature. One of the most pleasurable Incidents of the excursion held recently by the Portland Commercial club to the Tilla mook and Nehalem Bay districts was the compliment paid them by the wo men of Nehalem. who decorated the cars of the excursionists while the member of the party were visiting Neah-Kah-Nle Mountain. These women have organised themselvea Into the Ne helem Industrial and Floral Associa tion and plan an exhibit to be given In Nehalem City the latter part of August this year. This exhibit will be for the purpose of showing the product of the Neha lem Valley and Interesting the school children of that district In the agri cultural pursuit. One festure which the women of Ne halem will lay special emphasis on Is the exhibit of dahlias, a flower which attains a remarkable degree of perfec tion tn that section of Oregon. This dahlia show Is planned aa an annual Institution for the Nehalem Valley. KLAMATH GETS NEW HOTEL Another Modern Structure as Brick Annex to Be llullt. Kr-tMATH FALLS. Or.. June . (Special.) Another modern hotel is to be conducted In Klamath Falls as the result of a deal completed here. The Hotel Llvermore, which was closed un der a court order a few days ago, ia to be reopened by K. B. Hall, proprietor of the Baldwin Hotel, and a modern brick annex erected to Increase I's capacity. This deal means that Klamath Falls will have three modern hostelrtes. The Baldwin Is at tho west end of Main street and la modern in every respect. The White Pelican, the new I2C0.O00 hotel erected by the Klu march Develop ment Company last year. Is at the east end of Main street. The Llvermore is about half way between the other two. When the annex Is completed the Llvermore will have S4 rooms and an up-to-date grill will be operated In connection with the hotel. The reason for the failure of the Llvermore under Its former msnagement was said to be the lack of sufficient guest space. Kldgeflrld Has Good Perry Crop. RIDGEFIELD. Wash.. June I. (Spe cial.) F. B. Thomas has a wonderful patch of atrawberrlrs. They are ripen ing and he will have strawberries for months to come. In order to estimate the yield the fruit was counted on three plants. One plant had 111 ber ries and the other two bore 402 and 411. This Is an average of 101 berries to a plant and the patch an a whole will easily reach this figure. It la lo cated on a side hill and from the foot nearly every plant can be seen, loaded with luscious fruit. KM DR. B. K. WRIGHT. TO CALL AND SEE OUR STRICTLY MODERN DENTAL OFFICE PROMPT SERVICE Perhaps you have heard of us. We have practiced our pro fession in Portland during the past 17 years. We have always kept in the lead by riving the public the best in skill and modern appliances at moderate prices. We won't keep you waiting or interfere with your enjoy ment of the Festival ; we can arrange the work to suit your convenience. It will be the best you can possibly secure without the tedious delays so common with most dentists.. SEE US AT ONCE DR. B. E. WRIGHT 1 AND ASSOCIATES 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh Phones: Main 2119, A 2119 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P.M. Sunday, 10 to 1 SEVENTEEN YEARS' PRACTICE IN PORTLAND OOPS HOT SCARCE Representative of Big London Firm Reports Conditions. FOREIGN CROPS IMPROVING Surplus Kroni Previous Yean Gives A-warance That There Will lie No Famine and Normal Prices Are Certain. There will be no shortage of hops In the world this season. Crops every where are normal, and prices should be n a reasonsble basis to both consum ers and producers. This Is the opin ion of Ernest E. W. Ashby. of London, representatlre of Strauss Co.. one of the largest hop firms In the world. Mr. Ashby. who is registered at the Hotel Portland. Is on a tour of Inspect tlon of the f'arlftc Coast hop-growing sections. He snent aeveral daya view ng the Willamette Valley yards, ana before coming to Oregon saw tho Call fornla hop districts. "Mr cable today reported crop con ditlons In England and on the conti nent as satisfactory, said Mr. Ashby last night. "It la Impossible at this time to estimate the alse of the Eng lish crop, but It will be fully as good as last years, and probably better. In 1911 England produced between 400,- 000 and 460.000 hundredweight. The government placed the yield at only S28.023 hundredweight, but no one pays WELL-KSOWX VOM HIES AT M'Mn.VlLLK,OH. Mrs. Ella M. Babeaek. MMINNVILLE. Or.. June . (Special.! Mrs. Ellen M. Babcock. a well-known resident of this place and mother of Charles H. Babcock, formerly right-of-way and land commissioner of the Croat Northern Railroad, died at Imr home-In Mc.Mlnnvllle. -Monday, June 3. Mrs. Babcock waa born In New Jersey In 1839. and. while a young girl, moved to Illinois and later to Minnesota, from whence she came to Oregon In 1898, making her horn In Mc Mlnnvllle. Mrs. Babcock Is survived by a son, Charles H. Babcock. formerly of Seattle: seven grandohlldlren and a sister, Mrs. It. H. Craft, of Minneapolis. Charles H. Babcock Is the rep resentative of Samuel Hill at his ranch In Mary Hill. Washington. any attention tn the government's sta tlstlcs. Germany and the other con' tlnental countrlea will have large crops, aggregating say 100,000 hundred weight. Cres) X'p i Reawlrrsaeats. "The total crops, aa they ara esti mated now. will be fully equal to the requirements of the brewers, so there is little ground to fear any scarcity on this score. "Besides this, account must be taken of the bopa of laat year and previous growths still on hand. I believe that September 1, 1912, will see more un used hops available than were on hand September I, 1911. The English grow ers still hold 10.000 pockets of last year's crop, and the dealers are also well supplied. The brewers. It must be remembered alwaya carry at least six months' reserve supply on hand. In addition to this, I'aul Horst has sev eral thousand bales of old American hops stored In London warehouses. rasslae la Scarcely Peaalble. "No one need fear a hop famine this year, even If the cropa ahould come down lighter than expected. Last year waa a abort crop year, and prices were forced abnormally high. That they were sent to an artificial level waa shown by the fact that values later came down. The fictitious char acter of the 1911 market waa further made apparent by the fact that so many of last year's hops ara still un sold." Mr. Ashby denies the rumor circu lated some time ago. that his firm Is still "short" on Its sales of last year's crop. FREAK SPRINGS FOUND WATKItS POSSESS MANY NOTA BLE PROPERTIES. One . Spring- Furnishes "Chicken Soup," Another Jelly and Another Has Cleaning Qualities. - BOISE. Idaho. June 8. (Special.) The famous springs of the Tellowstona and other great parks of this country apparently are backed completely off the boards by the. discovery of freakish springs near Weiser, Idaho, on what Is known aa the Washington Hlnes ranch, for they not only produce a solution as savory as chicken aoup a la carte, but also jelly, and ara famous for their cteanslng ar.d curative qualities. Each on of tha remarkable springs Is differ ent, both In else and character of flow, and their combined strength Irrigates a large pear orchard. "Chicken Soup" la the title Mr. Hlnes, who la one of the lsrgest ranchera In that vicinity, believes ia appropriate to label his springs. "All that la neces sary," ha saj". "la to add a little pep per and perhaps a lltt'o salt and butter, serve the peculiar water from one of my springs In bowls, and If those whs taste It don't believe It's chicken soup, they'll be different from anyone that ever visited my place." The "Chicken Soup" spring, accord ing to Mr. Hlnes, Is a, group of eight. Hlnes has promised to take sa:nplea of the springs' water for analysa All the springs produce warm water The aoup spring is boiling- hot. The water ia clouded, but not dirty, and I's odor Is Inviting. The second boiling spring has all the soap in the world beaten for scouring purposes. One application of th water from thla spring on grease tint liss been In the cloth for years. nd the grease is removed. It will clean var nish off furniture and take paint snaked In boards for years off without trouble. Another one of the springs Is even more wonderful than that of the chick en soup and natural soap. It produces a thick substance which, when well shaken, forms a Jelly. It Is not edible. There Is the "beauty spring," In the bottom of which there has been form ing for years a beautiful rock garden In many colors. It has all the appear ance of stalactite and stalagmite forma tions of aa underground passage. The water from this spring petrifies all substances with which It comes la con- ' - - -I Hit I ' Edwards' Will Trade your old stove in as a part pajrnent on a new Gas Range. RING UP Our man will call and give you an estimate. ,We can sell you a Gas Range as low as $13.50. We absolutely guarantee to undersell all others on Go-Carts. Palmer's Hammocks No. A 500 Are open gauze weave; have eoneealed spreader at head; continuous stringing and wood bar at foot, with patent tips and adjustable hitch end 1 CC rings, requiring no knots P B 100 Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave; jae- anard designs in hodv and valences; otherwise same as A 500. iSue 36xS0 C 100 Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave; jacquered designs in body and valences; have concealed spreader at head; continuous stringing; other- C1 Qf wi.e similar to previous numbers, fcixe 3Sx84 $1.58 Refrigerators This is the only store in Port land showing the Wisconsin Fear less Refrigerators. If you will see these yon will admit that they excel in finish, style and work manship. The Badger Enamel line is an other of our leaders, and offers to the buyer of limited means the limit in valuation. Ask to see our family size, spe cial $15.93 Popular Priced Gas Plates lZ -. -J I Folding Furniture Not only the cheapest, but the stron et and most durable goods thnt hnve ever been placed on tha market are now being opened by us. SPECIAL Reclining Chairs (like illustration), regular $1.50, hardwood, for S1.00 Good hardwood Camp Stools at 47 Umbrella Folding Chnir $2.25 Folding Camping Cots $2.50 For Summer prri r i v ill We are showing the most complete line of stoves using GASOLINE, . KEROSENE or ALCOHOL i i Special Purchase Makes This Possible. We recently purchased a large .bankrupt stock, which included a number of Go-Carts, and put them on sale this week at whole sale price. A few without hoodj, S2.50 Large $7.50, complete, S 4.90 $15.00 Wagner Carts, S10.75 i . - - "-L IV -.1 . . . i-vi .rr'JU Two Burners, Black.. $1.58 2 Burners, Nickel Ideal ,, S2.00 3 Burners, Nickel Ideal ...$3.00 2 Burners, Common Sense $2. OO 3 Burners, Common Sense $3.75 3 Burners, 3099 $4.50 Where Else CanYou Get These Values? 2-Burner Gasoline Stovo (like illustra- tfco QC tion) for... P 2 -Burner Kerosene (blue flame), now for 2-Burner Alcohol (invisible flame), now for tj gg S3 Eor and Your Promise to Pay $1 Weekly We will deliver this Dining Suit to your home. Edwards' Quality Dining Room Outfit for $34.75 Hero is your opportunity to, buy "a whole roomful of dining furniture for what you would ordinarily pay for tho table alone. Three dollars cash and. your promise to pay one dollar weekly sends it to your home. Table and chairs are beautiful solid oak and will give a lifetime service. This set is easily worth S38.50-whioh is the regular price. The Lowest Prices A Good Place To Trade srfierilsS Most Reasonable Terms tart. Parta of petrified trees have been taken from Ha depths. Several other sprints In the same group are noted for medicinal properties. Bend Council Will Xame Mayor. BEND, Or- June 7. (Special.) At a meeting; of the Cltjr Council last night that body pledged Itself to elect a May or to flU the vacancy that has existed alnce the resignation of U. C. Coe aev eral weeks ago. The election will oc cur at the next meeting. June IS. As far as csn be ascertained, there Is do speclsl contest Involved, as no can didates are out for the offlre. the ac tion beln simply the outarrowth of the necessity of having some official head of the municipality, especially as many mattera of Importance are pending-, such as the Installation of an ex tensive aewer system. Klamath Gets Farmer Institutes. Kl-AMATTI FALLS, Or, June i. (Special.) Farmers- Institutes are to be held In three placea In Klamath ALVEOLAR TEETH Does Away Entirely With Partial Plates and Ordinary Bridgework Pain a la Mode Save Ignorance, no other on thins; keepa ao many people away from the dental office as the fear of being hurt. The demtlst who does good work with out Inflicting severe pain usually has no difficulty In securing plenty of work. Good, classy work R-enerally commands remunerative fees. But if It could sud denly dawn on the minds of the public that all dental work could be done wtth the Infliction of so little pain that It would not be minded, which la a fact In our offlcea, the dental offices of this land would overflow with patients. It Is the shrewdest form of dental busi ness to svoid Inflicting pain (quality next.) No word In the code of ethics prevents our exercising that skill and care In this respert which shall make our offices the Mecca of the fearful. He may do good work. This point needs no amplification. His fillings should, in the lanKUage of the commnn people, "stick." idls upper plctes should stay up, and the lower onea down. Alveolar" Teeth Warre Brlderewerk la Iraaoeelkle. If only your front teeth are left, say J or . 4 or more, we ' can replace all thoee that have been lost on both sides clenr bsrk with perfect Alveolar teeth, whilst brldgework- would be tmpoimlble even if vou had B or 10 front teeth to tie to. If you have only two back teeth on each side, say molars, we can sup ply all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, serviceable, lifelike Al veolar teeth. -This could not possibly be dona by the bridge route. Suppose you have lost your Isst (back) teeth, two or more upper or lower on either side. We can replace them with Al veolar teeth. The bridge specialist would have to advise a partial plate which would encumber your mouth aa well as to help to destroy your other teeth. Where you have lost a few teeth there are dentists mho would ex tract all the rest to mske room for a plate. (Where people have no teeth we make plates, too. And when we do they look like they grew there. They are scientifically and artistically built for service and comfort as well as beauty.) Kven where brldgework la possible there Is no comparison be tween the two. A very large percent age of our work la taking out bridge work put In by supposedly hlarh-class dentists and replacing tt with the beau tiful and artistic Alveolar Teeth. And, unlike brldgework In another respect. It is practically painless. No boring or cutting Into the gums, nothing to be dreaded. Now, then, prlcea being equal, which would you choose? rtfrlna Pyerrkra (lnose teeth), a dis ease given up by most dentists as in curable. Is another of our specialties. We cure it absolutely. Its a boastful statement to make, but we can do any thing that la possible In dentistry, and what we do Is slwavs of the very high est class. Our booklets. Alveolar Den tistry, are free. Write for one If you cannot call. We have samples of our work to show at all tlmea, and a mul titude of references who are wearing Alveolar Teeth. ALVEOLAR DEXTAL CO DENTISTS. Portland Ablnrtoo Bid.. 101 to Id St Seattle Halght bldg 2d and Pin Terms to Bailable People. County this month, according to plans announoed today. One will be held here, another at Bonansa and a third at Merrill, and the datea aet are June 2, 27, 28 and 29. According to tha plan outlined by Secretary Oliver one day's Institute will be held at each Merrill and Honansa and two daya here. LOW FARES EAST ROVKD-TB.IP TICKETS TO Mtlsl CIPAL CITIES If MIDDLU WESTER?! ASH EAST" EHX STATICS. AH BirCLLRNT OfPORTITinTT TO VIST THE OLD IIO.MIB. New Verb-. IISS SS St. rnl... seas Tsreete... Sl.Se Wasa'tea.. 1S7.M Baltimore. Slot M Chirac.. . aVaa. City., as. rnoroiinoNATKLV rkdi cro fares TO MA.1T OTHER FOINTS TICKETS ON SALE Intermittently to September 10th. The Short Line Blast is via 0.-W. R. & N. 0. S. L Union Pacific Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 10 A.M. "Oregon-Washington Limited." 8P.M. " Portland and Pupct Sound Express." Both to Chicago via O.-W. 11. & N, 0. S. L.. U. P and C. & X. W. , 8 P.M. Soo-Spokane-Portland "Train de Luxe" to St. PauL ri Spokane and Soo Line. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS Let us aid you in outlining A DELIGHTrUL SUMMER'S OUTING City Ticket Office. Third and Waahinfton Streets, Portland.