THE SUNDAY Ol? EGOXIAN. " TORTLAXD. JUNE .9, 1912. BISHOP PADDOCK TELLS OF HIS LABORS IN FIELD Eastern Oregon Churchman, Recently Attendant on Convention at Olympia, Relates-Work in Tacoma Paper. ' R1 ,T. REV. R. U PADDOCK, Bishop of Eastern Oregon. U attending the convention at Olympia, and hla many friends In Oregon will be Interested In the following account of hla work In the Tacoma Dalty News: Kven with the handicap which at taches to the distinction of being the youngest bishop In America the "baby' bishop, as he Is railed with paternal af fection by fellow-churchmen whose heads are whiter and experience longer Kt. liev. Robert Lewie I'addock, of the Jurisdiction of Eastern Oregon, In Tacoma for the annual convocation. Is nevertheless forging ahead Into the vanguard of progressive religionists Mtli a stride compatible only "wlih youth and vigor In orders. Tacoma feels a very Intimate interest In the work of Bishop I'addock. as his father. John Adams I'addock, Was the first bishop of the diocese of Olympia, and the name I'addock la so closely In terwoven with the early history of this city as to have become almost one of the traditions of the place. In fact It seems as though the progress of the Episcopal Church In thla part of the country were, through a sort of a be- I uriireni Kifmci, Douna up in me gen erations of the Paddocks. So many years ago that fuw remember back that far. It was announced that Bishop Ben jamin I'addock of New York waa to bear the 'standard of the church Into the practically unexplored territory of Ore gon which at that time Included Wash ington as well. His wife's health fall ing, however, that Bishop I'addock, the grandfather of the present. Bishop Tad dock, was forced to resign the pioneer ing project, and Bishop Morris took hla place. The country waa growing rap Idly, and the territory was vast, and after a time Bishop Morris asked that the Jurisdiction be divided. Ills sag gnstlnn was acted upon and Bishop . jonn I'adUouk rame to Tacoma. Tarooia Hie Playground. The bishop's ion Robert was 1! year old at the time of the family's removal from Brooklyn to Tacoma,. and the formative period of hla life was apent In the Northwest. It Is more than prob able that the broad principles and fine human tolerance which he is ahowlng In hla work In the stilt sparsely set tled districts of Eastern Oregon were imbibed . while Tacoma was his play ground and the customs of a new and rugged country were forcing upon his mind the big essentials of life. Speaking of his work In the Jurisdic tion of Eastern Oregon. Bishop Paddock said: "I have no home; no headquar ters, no wife, no ties to root me In one place when the work of my office calla me to another place all of which lacks are really blessings In the peculiar post 1 occupy. Oregon Is an Immense, terri tory, aa yet undeveloped. Im start ing shortly on my regular annual In land tour of some 2000 ' miles every inch of It away from the railroad. 1 travel by stagey when there Is a stage; by wagon, when there are wagon roads, and by horseback when all else falls. I cannot go garbed In my ecclesiastical garments through the tangled wilder ness, and so I wear a khaki rising cos. tume which I find quite convenient and not at all inimical to the mission of carrying the gospel. And Just as 1 discard the outer algns of my office when necessity demands, I make a friend of adversity In other ways, and the lack el a church of my denomina tion In a community does not hinder me In the least from performing my office. Service la Other Cbarrhea. "When I am within a day oil so of one of the-many small towns In Eastern Oregon, and find there la no Episcopal Church In which I can speak to the peo ple, I write to the pastor of some other species of flock and aak him If I may rail on him. Generally ha Is most kind and liberal the wilds breed breadth. But If he does not seem favorably In clined toward me. I look upon his hos tility kindly or overlook It altogether, knowing as I do that the polnta which separate Chrldtlans "the world over are no actual differences of belief, only sup posed differences. Thus, a Methodist minister will show a slight spirit of un friendliness toward me, let us say, be cause be believes I differ with him on points of service and vestment, etc. But he will ask ma to come to his prayer meeting and probably as the evening weara on and he sees that I am really Interested In the work he. Is doing there In the wilderness, he will ask me to ad dress the half doxen good and faithful women who have come out for the serv Ice. Then It Is that I, Instead of ac centing any minor difference In non-es-senttala which may exist between him and myselfemphaslxe the fundamental facts upon which we all. Episcopal, Methodist. Presbyterian. Christian Sci entists all agree. And I explain about the vestment, which Is so ob vious a mark of distinction between our churchmen and others that It Is fast ened on generally aa our great point of divergence. I tell them that while It Is not necessary to divine worship we have found It helpful. And likely as not they ask me to show them bow we conduct, a service and what we wear. And perhaps on Sunday morn ing, at the Invitation of the ator. 1 dissension, and a forerunner of the Kingdom of Heaven." New members received in Grace Church follow: On confession of faith, Miss Maud Lambert. 8 North Seven teenth street; from probation. Miss Dol. He Greenfield. 40 J'atton Road: on pro bation. Miss Laura Richards, 471 Pat ton Road. The general conference did the Meth olst Episcopal Church good aervtce when It voted to matte the presidents of the Woman's Korelgn Missionary Society and the Woman's Home Mis sionary Society members of the gen eral conference,' A bit of good news for the people of Grace Church is that Dr. A. N. Kisher. who attended the general coaference in Minneapolis, has consented to give his Impressions of the general conference next Sunday. The Rev. Delmer H. Trimble, of the Centenary Methodist Church, has been called to his home In Essex. Ontario, by the death of his youngest sister. He will be gone- for about three weeks. His pulpit will be filled today by the Ker. J. w. McDougal, district auper- intendent of the Portland district. Sunday,-June 1. Mlaa Maude Kenworthy will tell of her experiences In Indl PORTLAND'S LARGEST MILLINERY HOUSE WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES See Our Demonstrator Tieing Willow Plumes PORTLAND MAN MARRIES SAN FRANCISCO GIRL AT WHITE TEMPLE HERE. . -N ' ran rmr: ,.. M$ ( Mil. A!D MRS. FRAUK W. ROGERS. Frank W. Rogera and Miss Opje Brown were married on Tuesday. June 4, at the White Temple. Rev, W. B. Hlnson officiated. . Only the parents of the young couple witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Rogers formerly resided in San Francisco. Mr. Rogers Is associated with the Automatic Call Company of this city, and ls-we.ll and favorably known, having lived In Portland for 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will be at home to their friends at their attractive new home, 1440 Thompson streot. Rose City Park; hold service In part of ray robes, black gown only, let ua say, and the Methodist or the Presbyterian, or whatever- It happens to be, formula. Then in the evening likely aa not I will be requested to give our regular serv ice, which I do. It It not that I attempt to usurp the territory of other denoml nations that Is the farthest from my object. What I want to aee la unity among the Protestant churches. I do not think that five poorly supported churches In a community ran do the actual work that one well-supported church can do. Te Maay Demoaalaatla 'There la In Oregon, for Instance. hardly a community, no matter how poor and struggling, but has from four to sla starving ministers, and four to six quarreling congregations. Christian work cannot be done In that way. The churches do not differ in essentials, only in unessentlais. I would like to see In each one of those communities one prosperous church a beautiful church, better than the best bank build ing in the city. I would like to see one high-salaried mtnlster'.--that almost makes one laugh to think of. doesn't it? 1 believe In high salarlea for min isters. I do not believe men can give either the physical or the . mental strength to the cause when their lives are pinched and worn by the struggle for existence. I believe In minister having vacations, whether they want them or not. I believe a congregation should Insist on Its minister taking a vacation, ao that he can give to them the efficient, intelligent service that comes from a mind renewed by travel and rest. . "But that Is getting away from my subject What I want to aay la that 1 look forward to the day of unity among the denominations. It is a dream.-per-haps but It la a dream I cherish. 1 believe that mutual concessions can be made among the Protestant sects that a compromise can be struck which wtll result In one great forward noving churrk a power for good, a quieter of i. the at 11 uslngj ter w A. M.. and Evangelist Van Mar- ill speak at 7:45 P. M. An evening service of unusual In terest will be held at the Piedmont Presbyterian Church, corner ' Jarrett street and Cleveland avenue, Sunday, at I o'clock, under the auspices of the Westminster Guild of the church. This Is the most recently organised society of the church, and its membership Is confined to the young women of the congregation. There Is a friendly rival ry among the different societies of this church in the matter of a series of Sunday -. evening meetings, each of which is conducted by one of the church organisations.' The -society ae. curing the largest congregation for Its evening will be deemed the victor, and the one securing the' smallest attend ance will pay the penalty by entertain ing all the other societies at an enter tainment and supper. The object is to promote good fellowship among trie congregation. The young ladles of the Guild have prepared a fine musical pro gramme, including vocal solos by Ken neth Gibson.' Ruby Scott. Margaret Gib son and Mr. Palmer. Margaret Faber, the accompanist, will also give Instru mental selections. - The pastor. Rev. J. K. Snyder, at the special request of the , young women, will deliver his sermon on "The Feast of Belshaxiar." This sermon Is a powerful appeal to young ! men and Is well worth hearing. The public, and especially young men. are cordially Invited to attend. .. e The Waverly Heights Congregational Sunday school will give a. Children's Day programme this morning at 19:30. The regular preaching service will give way. for this programme, which 111 constat of recitations and songs by the children, a solo by Miss Arsh Hoyt and special music by the 'regular cnurcn choir. One of the features of the pro gramme will be the new Sunday school orchestra of seven pieces.- The church auditorium, where the programme will be given, will be decorated. SOCIAL EVENTS OF WEEK CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 with a profusion of La France rosea. The ceremony was read beneath a huge wedding bell of white carnations. Mra. J. H. Ray played the wedding march. Among those present were the bride's Bister, Mrs. T. N". Marlowe, of Missoula. Alont., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer P.eed. Mr. and .Mrs. A. M. Lawrence and Mrs. Val iant. Mr. and Mrs. Wells will be at Imtne to their many frlenda at 2069 East Hturk street. Bnaaeaa-ltyaa. A pretty wedding took place at the St. Francis t (lurch on June S at A. M.. when Miss Bessie Ryan was married to Peter Blmo Honneati. The bride was gowned In whl,te silk poplin with veil and orange blossoms and carried bride roses, and the bridesmaid. Miss Cather ine Ryan, waa dressed In pink silk pop lin. She carried pink carnations. The bride was given away by her father. W. K. Ryan. William Ryan and Oc tave Ronneau acted ' aa ushers. Miss Muriel ricmneau played the "Wedding it'll March and while marching out they were showered with rose petals and amid a shower of rice they entered the carriage and were driven to the bride's home, where the wedding break fast awaited them. ravidma-Moldeabauer. A pretty home wedding occurred Monday, June 3, at high noon, the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Molden hauer. 7& " E. Thirty-Second street, when their daughter, Alice, beeame the bride of Albert Earl Davidson, of New York. Only the Immediate family wit nessed the service, which waa read by Rev. Malcolm C. Martin, of Kenllworth Presbyterian church. The bride wore her golng-away costume, a tailored tilt of navy blue serge, with cerise hat. After the wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson "left for a trip through Tuget Hound, and via the Canadian Pacific to Banff and Lake Louise. On their return they will make their home In Portland. Lsmmko-llimlltaa. .At the manne of the first Evangelical Church. 3i East Sixteenth atreet (Ladd Tract! ThurnUr afternoon. June . L. J. Luscombe. of Iewis County, Idaho, agent of the Camas Prairie Railroad, located at Vollmer, Idaho, and M4sf Blsnche V. Hamilton, of Portland, were married by Dr. C. C Poling. Mr. and Mrs. Luscnmhe left on the o'clock train for Vollmer, where .they will be at home to their friends. Allea-fjaker. ' The marriage of Slon B. Allen to Miss Hallle It. Baker took place Sunday. enta. Mr. and Mrs. U H. Baker, 231 East Fifty-second street North, Port land. Rev. J. Bowersox, of the United Evangelical Church, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. C. M. Van Marter. Rev. Mr. Bowersox performed the marriage ceremony for the parents of the bride 31 years ago. The bride and bridegroom have gone to Seaside for a short time, and after June it will be at home at 204 East Fifty-second street North. , - Geedaeagh-Alberm. . Emma A. Albers and Charles Good nough were married on Saturday even ing. May 25. The ceremony was per formed at the manse of the United Evangelical Church, at 1140 Gay street (Ockley Green). Rev. J. Bowersox offi ciating. The ring ceremony was used. Mrs. L. Aahlock and George W. Albers (daughter and son of the bride) attend ed them. Others present .were: Louis Ashock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Snyder and Mrs. J. Bowersox. Mr. and Mrs. Good nough are at home to their frlenda at 118 Gay street. Grovr-Woed. ' A pretty 'wedding took place on Tuesday evening at the home of the brlde'a parents. 1461 Berkeley street, when Russell F. Grow and Misa Estelle M. Wood were married. The Rev. H..D. Chambers, archdeacon of the diocese of Oregon, performed the ceremony. Earl L. Kollenborn acted aa best man and the brides sister. Mrs. W. L. Walch, was bridesmaid. The house was beauti fully decorated with white and pink rosea. Many relatives and friends of the bride and bridegroom were present. t'opeabagea-Chllade and MrCoaavelU t'kllade. , A double wedding took place on May !. when Henry J. Copenhagen and Miss Edna M. Chllade and John L. Mc Connell and Miss Anna V. Chllade were marrledr- Rev. Luther R. Dyott offici ated. A large number of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. Miss Julia E. Blair olaved the wedding march. Misa Copenhagen acted as bridesmaid. ' Yeler-fr lellaae. John J. Toder. of Hubbard, and Mrs. Nellie B. McClelland, of College Springs, Iowa, were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Potts, at Greenburg. Rev. Mr. Goudge officiated. After a short visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Yoder win be at home at their farm near Hubbard. . KelUngtba-LJgatfeet. Fred Kelllngton, Jr., and Mlas Carrie married . Wednesday of this week at Ascension Chambers, of the Episcopal Church chapel, on Portland Heights; Archdeacon Chambers, of the Episcopal Church, performing the ceremony. Only the near relatives and Intimate friends of the contracting parties were present. Edwarda-Bltaer. Vernon I. Edwards and Miss Louise R. Bltser were married on Saturday, June 1. at 613 Montgomery street. Rev. Luther R. Dyott officiated. Johaaoa-2tew4aB. Roy Johnson and Miss Hasel Newton were married May 28, at 74 East Sixty fifth street. Rev. Luther R. Dyott per formed the ceremony. Mr. AXXOCXCEMEVTS. and Mrs'. Charles G. Kinsey an- nounce the engagement of their daugh ter. Eva. to Hugh II. Sterling Hase lett. The wedding Is to take place in July. ... ' : The marriage of Miss Adelaide B. Kohlberg to. Alfred B. Weller. of San Francisco, Cat, will take place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mra. Albert M. Kohlberg, pa cific avenue, San Franclsc, on June t. The engagement has been an nounced . of Miss Isabella Donahue, daughter of Mra Richard Sprague. and the late. Colonel Mervyn Donahue, of can rranciaco, and Qranddaughter of Judge Wallace, to William Henry Pool, of New' York, nephew, of the late Law rence Pool, of San Francisco. ' SOCIETY FERSO.YAXS. Mrs. George B. Cellars has sent out cards for a five hundred party next Saturday. . . . Mrs. Carl Dllahelmer, of Baker, Or, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lowengart. Mrs. Leon Hlrsch, baby and nurse have returned from New York after a two months' visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Graham, of - Irv Ington, will soon depsrt for Seaside to open their cottage for the Summer.; . Mrs. Robert Lutke, who underwent a severe operation and haa been confined to her home many weeks. Is convalesc ing. . Mrs. W. F. Koehler and son Frank made a three-day visit to their new llei MOORK ruiscm ncurnv so vrss NCVC riuN0 KtrlLlll TMCStMDtRO piica, chilsiaims rciosi, sushi, sre - A VALUABLE. HOUSEHOLD BALVC- all oaweetsrs havc rr oa wu. csin on atavesr ACCf'T HO SUSSTITjITCS, 5n rPuxcyCO. PORTLAND EMPORIUM 24-126-128 Sixth Street, Between Washington and Alder OSTRIC DT T T"Rvir 1L7 S PRICE Such startling bargains have never before been offered. "We advise every woman to take ad vantage of this gigantic sale. Ostrich Plumes are worth full value at any time and an oppor tunity like this means as much as if you were to get a diamond at one-half price.' , EXTRA WlbE FRENCH PLUMES are the coming plume; very full and rich and verv durable. ' Extra wide Extra wide FRENCH FRENCH OSTRICH PLUMES OSTRICH PLUMES worth $12.50, worth $7.50 $6.25 I $3.75 Extra wide Extra wide FRENCH FRENCH OSTRICH PLUMES OSTRICH PLUMES worth $17.50 worth $22.50, $8.75 $11.25 FRENCH FRENCH OSTBICH PLUMES OSTRICH PLUMES worth $6.00 worth $4.00, S2.98 I S1.97 Vkt "X. ifI""-!' V'tfUl AV .'iJ.V WILLOW sassvw' See Our Show Windows Great Bargain for Carnival Week GENUINE PANAMA $10 HATS cut to. . . $1.65 PARADISE ONE-THIRD OFF Every Hat in our store, including riirme Hats, PnrauliHG Huts and French Pattern Hats greatly reduced. French one-tied Willows and the weeping Willows, the kind that never, fall out, in black, white and colors; made from best male African stock; hand tied; double knotted. - PLUMES Jf PRICE $0.75 FRENCH TIPS, 3 to bunch, all colors, regular $2.00 value 98c $13.50 Willow, 20 inches long, 18 inches wide. . Sale price $20.00Willow, 24 Inches long, 22 inches wide. Sale price. .$?).85 $27.50 Willow; 28 inches long, 26 inches wide. Sale price. $i:.75 $32.50 Willow, 32 inches long, 30 inches wide. Sale price. $15.75 Mail Orders Promptly Filled. t Dress Shapes, jnst the thing for these plumes, at cut prices. Special sale in our Cloak and Suit Department. cottage at Cannon Beach last week, a-etttnir it in readiness for the coming season. Mrs. C K. Bltton entertained at din ner last Wednesday, in honor of her nephew C. K. Williamson, of Msmphls, Tenn. Miss Adda Mariraret Brlstow a pass-Ins- the week at Corvallla. atrndtna- the commencement exercises of the Oregon Agricultural College, which Is her alma mater. Lyle-F. Brown, a senior at the Uni versity of Oregon and a Sigma Chi man. was down last week and passed the weekend with his parents In this city, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. ; Herold Pefley, contractor and builder, of Ban Diego, Cal., who, has been the guest of his aunt Mrs. A. F. Bruns, of, East Fifteenth street north, for several weeks has returned to his home. Mrs. I'V. 'Wlnkless, Jr.. who has been 'visiting her , sister. Mrs. H. O. Iilckox! will remain for the Kose Fes tival before leaving to visit relatives in Seattle, Washington, and Boise. Idaho. Before returning to her home In California. Mrs. Wlnkless will psss a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. Iilckox and family at their cottage at Sea side. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith, of Ean Diego, Cal., wars guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aitchlson. The Smith came up by water, bringing their machine. "The Little Lady." with them, and on Sunday motored to Dallas. to visit Mrs. Harriet Veasle on her farm. On Wednesday Mrs. Smith was entertained by Mrs. J. R. Krause and her mother. Mrs. Phoebe Kinsey, with a small luncheon, pink sweet peaa and fern formed the centerpiece. On Frl- gave ssn Informal Ink roses were day Mrs. Aitchlson tea for Mrs. Smith. . PI used through the rooms, with sweet brier for perfume. Many old-time friends of Mrs. Smith were among the callers. Mrs. Eugene Rafalsky presid ed at the table. The Smiths will re turn to the city as Mrs. Altchlson's guests for the Rosa Festival and later will go. to Eugene, where one of their homes Is located. SPECIAL AWOCXCEME.XTS. For the June Bride Engraved wed ding Invitations and announcements, reception and church cards. Social Sta tionery Dept. GUI's, Third and Alder streets. i mm Bancroft Cottage Is open for guests; terms reasonable. Addreas 8. A. Middle ton. Seaside. Or. ' passed by the City Council and for that reason gives the license committee no authority to allow the programme sales without payment of the usual license. A number of Councilman have objected to the enforcement of the antl-llcenee measure and members of the commit'' tee who recommended Its passage liavt protested against Its enforcement, stat ing that they adopted It along with others without undersandlng its pur port. The license of $10 a dsy Is provided for a programme which carries no ad vertising matter. PROGRAMME NOT IMMUNE Rcgnlar 910 Lfcrense Demanded on Rose Festival Folders. Pesplta the fact that the license com mittee of the City Council recently recommended the passage of an ordl nance granting hawkers the right to sell enuvenlr programmes during th Rose Festival without paying th usual license fee. City Auditor Barbur has Issued an order for the enforcement of the present ordinance, which " requlrea the payment of a license of 110 per day. The police iiava been asked to enforce the order. This action was taken because of the fact that the proposed ordinance adopt ed by the conrmlMo haa not been '"3 .cl-: r fb' OUR ADVERTISING is n not to sell you anything di rectly, but to set you think ing that there must be some thing in our remarkable claims. . v. v. j". . Ireland Honor Lord Kelvin. DUBLIN,' June I (Hpeclal.) A me morial to Lord Kelvin Is shortly to be set up in Belfast, his native city. It Is to take the form of a statue In bronse. executed by Albert Bruce-Joy. The- statue depicts Lord Kelvin stand lag in a characteristic attitude, at tired In the robes of a Deputy County Lieutenant He holds In his left hand an Interesting adaptation of the gyroscope for which he was himself responsible, while behind him Is a copy of Ills famous compass. The ststua tinrii n.arlv IA Ihi hnl.hl lit ilk r and the pedestal Is of Aberdeen gray granite. y l'lsttcry of a ltarbrr. ' (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) - One must be a genius to he a success, fill barber. One Is reminded of the ton snrlal srtlst who operated In the sama vtllaxe for fifty years, and never made a mlstske. In his early days, a hand some boy got Into his chair. "Shave, sir?" asked the harder. "You flatter mc," latixhsd the youth. "Toil flatter me. No, 1 can only use a haircut." Yeara passed. In fsct, thirty years did it. The same man cams to the aame barber. "Hair cut. sir?" asked .the barber. "You flatter me!" sighed the man. "No only a shave." J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR OPPORTUNITY I am going to make rofrular $(0 and $63 Suits for $50. Long Coats at $-15. The reason is very natural. Every sea son I make a special trip to New York City and personally se lect my stock for the next season. In order to avoid carrying over any stock, I am giving you this great opportunity. The materials in my store are the very best that money ean buy. Every piece of lining, every thrtid, every button, is backed by my guarantee. Come tomorrow and nee one of the finest assortments of ladies' tailoring material in the city. Thi earlier you come the better choice you will have. This price is for a limited time only. Whether you buy or not, call. It will pay you to look over our materials. We only work till the end of June. Our workroom will be closed during July, while I will be in New York. "WHAT WE SAY WE DO-WE DO" 447 Alder Street June t, at the home of the bride's par- tT,ifvM'ric-s co Llghtfoot, - both of Hllls.boro, were