The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 5, Image 25

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Five Hundred Employes of Ho
tels Quit in Sympathy and
Trouble Ensues.
Imperial Insurance Law Ex
tends Sick Benefits to 20,
000,000 People.
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Growth of Socialism Attributed to
High Tariff; Free Trad Will
Probably Be Battle Cry of
Poor People.
BEBLIX, June I. (Special.) Ger
many It experiencing the difficulty ot
reconciling labor Insurance with tbe
professional and economic Interests of
doctors. The trouble bas been going
on for 10 years, but It has now come
to crisis at a result of the Imperial
Insurance law of last year, which to
extends the benefit! of tick Inturanct
that the number of Insured will rlee
from about 14.000.000 to 20.000.000.
The coalition of sick bureaus and the
Letpsig union or doctors, which It
practically a trade union, Issue man!
featot against one another; and there
are threats ot open war between the
two Interests at the beginning ot nest
Fere aad Etklra Involved.
Tbe "onfllct It one of fees, politics
and professional dignity. The original
sick Insurance law of 1891 did not reg
ulate ' the relations between the tick
bureaua and the doctors. The bureaus
were at first run in the dominant po
litical Interest, and doctors were chosen
for political or other motives. It was
a common complaint that In country
districts they were obliged to pose as
Conservatives. They were very badly
paid and arbitrarily treated.
Twenty years ago a movement was
atarted In favor of "free choice of
doctors" by the sick persons them
selves. This was attained by the bu
reaut putting to many doctora on tbelr
llstt that the patients had practlcaily
unlimited choice among the doctora In
their neighborhood. Tele pleased tbe
insured, who were able to choose medi
cal advisers In whom they had confi
dence; but It has worked Indifferently
from the administrative and financial
points of view.
While this change was taking place
the tick bureaut fell almost entirely
under the control of the Social Demo
crats. After 180. when Bismarck's ao
clallet law was allowed to drop, the
Socialists had freedom to propagandise;
and they used their two-thirds major
ity on the bureaus' executive commit
tees In order to monopolise the slok In
surance. The Socialist bureaus con
tinued, however, the old policy. They
treated the doctora badly, paid them
worse, and tried, sometimes with suc
cess, to convert them to socialism.
Phya Ideas gaffer If amlliatloa.
The doctors were subjected to various
humiliating condition. Sometimes bu
reau doctors received less than a penny
a consultation. Cases are recorded of
doctors employed In tbe clinics kept up
by the bureaut getting salaries of from
1400 to $800 a year. In return for which
they received from 9000 to 15.000 pa
tients. The new Insurance law contains sev
eral measures Intended to break the
domination ot the Socialists In the tick
bureaus. But it does not regulate the
relations between the doctors and the
bureaus. The bureaus are tree to ap
point their own doctors, leaving the In
sured a choice between at least two,
or to leave the Insured complete free
dom of choice. The non-regulation of
the matter by law has caused great dis
content, because the Interests of the
bureaus and of the doctors are flatly
The doctors, have lost much of their
private work, and have failed to get
compensation through their employment
as bureau doctors. That results from
the fact that the power la entirely on
the side of the bureaus, which take ad
vantage of the eevere competition be
tween' doctors to pay them and treat
them badly.
floclallsaa Grows Tariff.
The "Austrian j5conomle Union" has
annt out a long statement on the failure
of the high tariff, which dealt mainly
with the relatione of Austria and Hun
gary; but In two passages touches tbe
relation of Socialism to protection. The
Union declares emphatically that the
high tariff la the main cause of the
growth of Socialism, both In Austria
and Germany: and that if the rlgore of
protection are not abated Socialism will
further triumph. The statement says
"It Is high time' to break gradually
with the overstrained high protection
policy; and first ot all to meet the Inter
ests of National nourishment and also
of the stock farmers by reducing the
high duties on corn.
"Such a wise gradual reduction of
the present high protection system must
recommend Itself all the more, because
It Is the International rise In food prices
which drives the Immense masses of
the working class, and also the work
ing middle class. Into battle against the
'agrarian usurers' who. despite this nat
ural rise In prices, demand also hlgtv
protective duties; and It la this which
at every fresh Relcharat election causes
a devastating advance of the Social
Democratlo party.
Proteevfoa la Doomed.
"It Is. therefore, wiser for the far
sighted politician to give way volun
tarily on one or another point rather
than be forced finally to surrender all
along the Una. and to abandon even the
minimum of protection,' which is ..still
eesentlal In order to protect stock
against diseases from abroad.
"It cannot be Ignored that present
social conditions, which have got so
aggravated that the working classes
tclty dwellers and workmen on one side
and food-producing farmers on the oth
er), are now engaged in a war of an
nihilation, cannot be maintained In the
future. Such a condition makes It Im
possible to pursue a genuine national
policy, for a national policy must be for
all classes and for all Interests."
The statement says that "the fright
ful rise In prices has driven the workers
Into fierce conflict." and predict that If
the high-protection system It main
tained, the Social Democrats will tri
umph altogether, and will then enforce
measures which will ruin agriculture.
"If. as a result of the fearful emblt
terment of the consumer and of the In
crease of Social-Democracy the Social
Democrats are able to push their pro
gramme through, that will entail a cat
astrophe for our agriculture, and most
of all for the peasant-farmers."
Further on the statement repeats that
high protectionists' policy will "turn the
Industrial half of the Austrian peoples
Into embittered opponents, and aend
them entirely Into the camp of the antl.
capitalistic and antl-protectlonlst Social-Democrats.
Let them reflect what
a fascinating party cry the word Free
Trade' would prove for all classes who
at present -are suffering from the high
Kellpne Affects Wireless.
. Chicago Tribune.
X series of notable experiment In
J it - . 1 'at rrem Ift lUgbt tbe tiradaatea srei ( Ts Kw, l.llllea MeMabaa. Ilrlra (;iage. Oreae lea, Olive Atalaaaa. Katkrrta Vlrlaabltm, Daalel RakeMa. (.trtrsie Drsfrk, nir4 Rm,
Meryl olla, Itasarll Vllllasaa, l.ela KaapH, Miles Mct'lellaadt Heevad Ron. Katberlae Johaaoa, M III Mlllemaa. Ht:lea Twuooi, Harold ttlreklaad. Edaa all. Jaba Heaerta. y.ala ( aatl.
bary. Ntonl Baker. Artfcar Lyn. mi-e PhllllpC Rdward Kaaarlla, Bertha liner. tiardaer Xdamai Tblrd Row. Hsrrra ra-e, lara Kklllera. Refcrrt Harrle, Eabel llaaar. I.ala t Uemaa,
t'larraec Belk. tiladya White, J'thm O'Daaaelli Fearth Row. Everett Smith, Kthel Taylor. Raadolpb MrCalla. If f l ook. Uoaald Irber. laaae Mrneanll, KatkrHae Halderaom. Teamar
Bern. Joyce Keadall. Nettle Baa III. Keal Teurtellotte. Mary Brlsgai Fifth Raw, I'aal Utaary. el lie Regaa, Jalla Feldhaaea. U'ltlla Parrtri!, tharlea Owraa, Mildred Ptet. ni Itart
Irtt. Hrlea Bowers, Ray Riwwa, Joale Roas Klxtb Raw, Fay MK'aaell. Beaale Reel, An bar Roberta, Alice Me Laaghlla. Joba Berry, Kdaa Brews. Rath llansell. flay Araold. K.dNla
Aaderaoa, Ails Caaapbell, Kewtea Bogmrt, lyoalaa Raadall, Margaret Yatea. fleveath Row, Rem llartea. Iraia Ilaff, Obae Berk, IHnwthy Daaalaa. bar lea Rreoka. Ilelra I'ptaa. t.eerge
ReldelU Beaale Vaaee. Jeanie Aaderaoa, Jo Tlagley, Lata Pfaffle. Harold Mlnlrlyt Bottom Row, Job a Breach. Oladya (.rant, lirmr Waltber, Ieaa Haw el I, Beaale Devaaey, Art bar Ooare.
Beaale til f ford. M'laale Watera. Reaa C'artee. Marjorle Tatea, Carrie MU ler, Claire Maraoa. I.acy Iflggtaa.
BOISE. Idaho, June . (Special.) The graduating class of the Boise HI gh School this year la the largest ever known In thla city. It la composed of J members, including many of the most
prominent atudenta and young people of the city. The girls in the class of 1 12 outnumber the boys by 11. Tbe class Is the largest ever graduated by a high school In this state.
wireless telegraphy were tried In Paris
April 17 during an eclipse of the sun.
It baa been noticed by scientists that
the distances over which wireless mes
sages can be dispatched varies greatly
according to the time of day and the
direction. A message aent by rapid vi
brations, which will not carry more
than 700 miles during the day, ean be
tent over twice that distance at tun-
set, especially toward the aouth. When
slower vibrations are used It can be
transmitted farther tn tbe daytime. It
It believed that these curious facts
are due to the. activity of the so-called
ultra-violet rays of jthe sun, the theory
being that these rays are a powerful
factor In the energy of the Hertzian
waves. The eclipse, when a great part
of these rays were suddenly cut off.
proved an ideal occasion for decisive
tests, and the wireless station on the
Eiffel tower tent messages continu
ously from a little before the eclipse
until a little after it, in . several di
rections. The conclusions to be drawn
from theae experiments are awaited
with keen interest.
Tbe Crack Constabulary That Keeps
the Green Ielo Quiet.
Christian Science Monitor. .
The royal Irish constabulary lsnow
highly disciplined body of men. bear
ing an excellent character. The force
la spread over the whole face of the
country. In a web of which every thread
centers In Dublin. Being a quasi-mili
tary force they are armed with . ayo
neta, carbines, pistols and ewords, and
have to perform very varied duties.
On January 1. 1837. there were 15
county Inspectors, 210 dtstrtrt Inspectors,-
7388 sergeants and constables, and
tn 1911. 17 county Inspectors. 187 dis
trict inspectors. 22S head constables,
10.260 sergeants and conatables.
Many things have happened In Ire
land since the present constabulary
force waa established in 1838. and
great changes have taken place In Its
social and political conditions. Tbe
royal Irish constabulary has through
out these changes held the respect and
confidence of all classes la Ireland, and
It haa been consistently honored by the
approbation of the sovereign end his
responsible ministers, entirely Irre
spective of social or political caangee.
The depot of the royal irisn ronstao-
ulary Is in Phoenix Park. Dublin, where
the royal Irish constabulary cadets re
ceive their training. Put It It n6t
alone the training ground for the royal
Irish constabulary, for. In 1807. It was
arranged by the colonial office with
the Irish authorities tnat an ponce
officers of commissioned rank In the
crown colonies must undergo a period
of Instruction at the royal Irish con
stabulary depot, for here they have all
the facilities for learning everything
connected with their future profession.
The Irish constabulary la the only
British police force wnicn is osiicereo
by cadets and armed with bayonet and
rifle, and It Is after the manner in
which the colonial police are officered,
armed, drilled and trained. ,
Since 1807 there have been In train
ing at the depot officers from or for
the colonies (and other parta) of north
ern Nigeria 2. southern Nigeria 81,
Eaat Africa IS, Gold Coast 12. Uganda
11. Trinidad . British Guiana t. Ja
maica 4, Sierra Leone t. the Gambia 2,
Straits Settlements 2. Malta 2. Feder
ated Malay States 1. Somallland 1. FIJI
1 total. 112. The course of Instruc
tion given at tbe depot is composed
of the following subjects: British
criminal law and th law of evidence,
police duties, musketry, military and
physical drill, fire drill, taking finger
prints, a coarse of Instruction In test
ing weights .and measures, keepln- po
lice accounts, equitation. ' Recruits for
the royal Irish constabulary are taken
mostly from Irish farms. On an aver
age there are 800 recruits taking the
six months' course of training at the
The royal Irish constabulary are dls
trlbted through the country In par
ties, generally consisting of a sergeant
and four constables, ' The district head-
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somewhat stronger party, consisting
quarters' station contains, however, a
o fa district Inspector anda-head con
stable, one sergeant, one acting ser
geant and from six to a dozen con
stables, according to the necessities of
the locality. In Belfast and Cork a
head constable In 'each district has su
preme charge of the police arrange
ments, and visits each sergeant and
constable at least once during bla tour
of duty. In the cities above named the
men commence their tour of night duty
at 11 P. M. and are relieved at 4 A. M.
Each man' performs a month's night
duty at a stretch, and for the three
following months he generally per
forms sic hours' day or evening duty
In times of public excitement (not
ably on July 12. August IS. March '17.
Orange and Nationalist anniversaries)
Brilliant Weather Adds to Charm of Festival Children Take Fart Is Pageantt and Exhibition Contest I Keen.
Automobiles Are Big Feature Association Is Planned.
ti i
LEWISTON. Idaho, June 8. (Special.)
Lewlston this week celebrated
Its twelfth annual Rose Festival,
and waa considered by all 'who wit
nessed It one of the most gorgeous
events ever held In tbe Inland Empire.
The fair waa twice the alze ot that held
last year, and the parade held Wednes
day afternoon surpassed anything of
Its kind ever held In the state of Idaho.
Under a brilliant and warm aun the
roses tor the last two weeks came out
In splendid beauty, and the exhibition
of roses, say visitors, waa the finest
ever teen in this part of the North
west. There were approximately 100
entries, and tbe Lewlston Commercial
Club room were banked with flow
era The prises for he best decorated au
tomobiles were awarded to the Tsche-
menucum Club of Lewlston, first; Mra.
Frank J. Thompson, second, and Forest
White, third.
The parade of decorated automobiles
and vehicles extended over 10 blocks.
The children's participation was a tpe
clal feature of the parade.
"Next year." said Miles Johnson, chair
man of the fair, "we hope to be greater
In magnitude, both In number ot ex
hibitors and the tcope to be covered. It
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the royal vIrlsh constabulary are called
upon to perform a considerable amount
ot extra duty for which, however, tl.ey
receive an allowance termed "subsist
ence allowance." In country districts
"patrols" are substituted for "beets."
Up to about 10 years ago "patrols" con
sisted of at least two men each, since
then, wherever the state of the coun
try has permitted of It, that ls to say
In all parts ot Ireland, except in cer
tain districts In "proclaimed counties,"
It baa been quite safe to allow one man
to perform duty patrols alone. Each
night patrol, however, still consists ot
two men. Eac) man available for out-of-door
duty, at a rule, performs one
day patrol and one night patrol dally,
each patrol being of from three to four
hours' duration. Patrola, unlike beat
duty, are sent out at Irregular hours,
with the object of . confusing the Ill-
taw t a. W a.
Rnae Display la Commercial flab
' Fereat White, Waa Third l-rbc
will be our Intention within the next I
year to form a Rote Fair Association I
l , pi? :'i3yy
t : fi 'mr ?iy$ J
disposed, for It Is obvious that when a
few men ar charged with the policing
of a large tract of country. It left off
and returned to duty at stated hours.
the people would soon become ac
oualnted with the local police arrange
menta and lay their plans aorordlngly.
Hub-districts vary very much In site;
the aversge sub-district Is perhaps
about 1 miles square," and It la the
duty of the sergeant In charge to see
that each portion of tbe territory In
his charge Is regularly patrolled both
day and night. In undisturbed sub
districts the dally routine la somewhat
as follows: At 8 A. M. the sergeant
places a constable on duty at barracks
orderly who remains on duty for 24
hours. During this time he has charge
of the barracks and all the public
property therein, and keeps a record of
the movement of the party at the
i VI
. 1 .-'.
' XA
Beams 3, Decorated
Aatesaoblle of
to carry on the rulfore ot choice rotes
In the Lewlaton-Clarkston valley."
er- s
station. At 8 A. M., dally parade, when
the sergeant Inspects tiie men, their
arms, clothing and accoutrements.
After parade the sergeant generally In
structs the men In their duties, and
puta them through aome evolutions in
Patrols are sent out at Irregular
hours, both day and night, and at 10
P. M. all married men not on duty are
required to be at their hnmea, ami
single men not on duty must attend
roll-call at barracks, after which the
barracks are locked up for the night.
In addition to their ordinary duties
of preserving the peace, preventing
and detecting crime, the royal Irish
constabulary are railed upon to act
as census enumerators and enumer
ators of agricultural statistics. They
also enforce the cruelty to animal act,
children's act. acta relating to dogs,
wild birds, etc, and by statute they aro
both customs officers and excise of
ficers for the purpose of preventing
smuggling and Illicit distillation.
Members of the royal Irish constab
ulary also act as Inspectors of weights
and measures. To quality for this po
sition they are required to pass a stiff
examination conducted by the 'Board
of Trade. They also afford a further
protection to the public from fraud
ulent traders by acting' as food and
drug Inspectors. Ia thla rapacity the
Inspector Is given compulsory powers
to take samplea of any article of food
or any drug which Is retailed and It
on analysis It Is found to have been
adulterated the seller Is subjected to
heavy penalties for bis fraudulent
A eV-lmtltat InsJeta That Amateurs
Be Harrcd Oat.
Scientific American.
In tha Arrll 18 issue of the Prlentlflr
American a correspondent Kdwln I
Powell make an untimely and futile
defense of the amateur who Interferes
with tha transmission of official wlra
lose messages. Untimely: In view of
the fact that for forty-eight hours the
Slasconset station on Nantucket Island
was prevented from receiving wlreleaa
messages from the farpathla when she
waa hurrying to New York with the
i'jrvlvors of the terrible Titanic dis
aster. Futile when one considers the
efficiency of the Government's appar
atus located at every Important point
along the Atlantic seaboard.
It Is a deplorable condition when
r.t of vital import such as this.
Involving the lives of Stieo passengers
In ml doc en. Is confused, and tha Uvea
of those passengers Jeopardised by
Irresponsible meddlers. This class of
wireless experiments, while they may
not wilfully Interfere with of filial dis
patches, nevertheless do Interfere, which
fact Is attested to by the Navy Impert
inent records and by the French gov
ernment In 1808. when "leakage" of Im
portant official messages from the
Eiffel Tower to the commander of
French forces at Caaablanra was dis
A French scientist pointed Out the
ease with which tbeeo dispatches were
Intercepted by an ordinary wireless ap
paratus ot his own construction, and It
was later proved that these messages
were received at the French military
wireless station of Verdun, and prob
ably at a neighboring German station
across the Yosegwa. This naturally cre
ated widespread consternation In French
military circles, and steps were taken
to perfect a system proof against leak
age, but no system can as yet be de
vlwsd to remedy this grave defect. The
few Instances where amateurs have as
slste1 authorised government operators
are cutwelicbed by tha annoyance oc
raelaned by their meddling with dis
patches of vital Importance.
It is the amateurs who dabble In
wlreleee and retard the proRrona of this
branch ct electrical science, and It ls
high time that the Government called a
halt to the ever Increasing danger of
amateur experiments.
niackllstrtl llonere Vnable to Supply
Themselves With Tood or Drink
and Even Have Difficulty In
Dtposlngr of Garbage.
. STWKT, N. 8. V June 8 (Spe
cial.) ilomethtng of a novelty In
strikes has lstely Inflicted much In
convenience on the residents of Broken
Hill. It Involved some 0 cooks, bar
nialiis. waiters, waitresses, kltchon
malli. tea girls, and others employed
in the local hotels and restaurants,
living axreed that their wages were
Inadequate and thnlr hours excessive,
thrso workers drew up wht Is known
as a "union log," which they presented
ss an ultimatum to their employers.
Twelve hotels, three boarding houses
and three working men's clubs accept
ed the conditions embodied In the log.
ami were graciously "granted permis
sion" to curry on business as usual.
K' seat' here the employes csme out In
a body, with the rebuilt that bosrdera
liait to cook their own breakfasts snd
make their own bc!s. Over 60 hotels
were affected, besides many boarding
houses, restaurants and eating houses.
There were som disorderly scones, and
d'isplte the efforts of the police, dam-
ko was Inflicted on the premises of
certain uneympnthetto employers. t
Headed by the women, msnv of
whom are said to have been "Intoxi
cated with excitement," the strikers
paraded the streets and boldly Invaded
ItotulM where non-unionists were em
ployed. Home of theao were forcibly
removed from the buildings. In one
hotel the crowd psrtlally wrecked tha
dining room, rnlded the kitchen and
pantry and consumed a quantity ot
food provided for customers. What
they could not eat they sprinkled with
pepper or strewed on the tioor. One
hotelkoeper who lied slimed the union
log was vbllKeil to discharge Ills lar
muM. to whom he was giving union
wages, because she did not belong to
the union, on the second day of the
strike several hotel cloned their doors.
All Iho non-union houses were pick
eted and were denied supplies of meat,
bread and Ice.
In Australia It Is becoming usual In
those cases to Invoke the "sympathetic
strike" as a means of bringing recal
citrant employers to their senses, and
snch pre-ieure was duly exercised at
Hroken Hill. While steps were taken
to prevent the Incursion of "blacklegs'
from Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide,
other local unionists combined to make
matters as uncomfortable s possible
for the hotel keepers. The Hread
Carters' t.'nton forbsda their members
to deliver bread to the picketed prem
ises. The Liquor Trades -Kmploye'
t'nlon carried a motion "That no hotels
be supplied with aerated waters, spir
its or beer of sny description unless
they comply with the Hotel, Club snd
Keetaiirant Ktnployes' Union
Kve the town, duet men's organisation
commanded Its members not to "hsndle
any garbage from 'tcsb' house."
As to the merits of the dispute, u
statement Issued by the Linployers'
Association Is Instructive. Home of
the wages asked for. It la declared,
were out of reason. "Why should a
IS-year-old pantry maid domand
shillings a week, with board and lodg
ing, which Is equivalent to $11. :r. snd
why should a mere lad demand $1" a
week as a waiter or barman, while an
experienced miner has to work for
118.60 a week without free beer, clgsrs
or cigarettes? (Some of the terms
asked by the) lenders are utterly un
workable and unfair. For example, we
are told that we must engage our
hands only through the union officials.
We are quite willing to employ union
labor, but to make our businesses psv
we must Insist on having a free hand
In the engagement of our employes."
The weekly wages offered by the
employers. In addition to board and,
lodging, were: liarmalds, I7.E.0; bsr
tnen, 111.26; male cooks, $8.76 to tin J&;
female cooks, three-quarters of male
rates; kitchen men, I4.2& to x.:6;
kitchen maids. !.:.': waiters, $10 to
$12 t0; waitresses, $r to $7.60; psntry
maids and tea girls. $6; billiard mark
ers, ftl.:6. Kvery worker wsa to have
a 611-hour week and one day off In
seven. At the end of a week the
trouble ended In a victory for the
strikers. As usual. It Is the public
who have had to pay, since the ratea
for board and accommodation In Hrok
en Hill have been suh.tan tlally In
creased. TIic Naino America.
Nw York I'resa.
We are lobl that the niiti of this
continent was derived from that of a
Kentlemsn who wroto about It Amer
Icus Venpiiclus. Ills real name, how
ever, wus Venpucol, and Vespuclua Is
tha Lrfillnlxed form of It, Just as Amerl
rus Is supposed to be Latin for Amer
igo. If the continent had been named
for Columbus It would not. In all proba
bility, have been named l.'hrlstopherla.
but Columbia. Why, then. If Columbus
was to be robbed of the honor. Is the
land not csllcl VespuclaT
The question, too. has been rslsed
whether Vespucci's nsme was Amerigo.
One authority rlitlms that It was nol.
It Is said that In a volume published st
Milan only nine yrara after tha death
of Vespucci his name Is given as Albcr
tatlo. It is, of course, possible that
this was a misprint, though such an
error would be unlikely to occur on a
title page, even In those days.
Una unique theory Is the name Amer
ica was nol derived from Vespucci's
name at all, but that It cams from a
Celtic word. Imrirh. which means to
emigrate. However, the name may
have been derived. It Is certain to stand.
The whole world, except France, rails
this country America, and spells the
name one way. This uniformity Is true
of no other great country. Ieiitvh
land Is Germany to the Kngllsh snd
Allemsgne to the French. Knglsnd 14
Anglrterre to tha French and lngl-.ll-terra
to the Italians. France la Frank,
rrlrh to the Uermans and Francla lt
the Kpnnlnrds. Kspngna la F.spsgna 14
the Italians and Kpnln to the F.nallsli,
and so on. Hut America H America,
with practically the aame pronuncia
tion to all the world, except France,
where It becomes Amrrlque.
Track Championship Postponed.
The Pacific Northwest Association
track and lit Id rhaniulonthlps, scheduled
for Multnomah Field next (Saturday aft
ernoon, have been postponed until hVp
tetnber. Thla action waa taken on ac
count of the absence of the best ath
letes of the Northwest at the Olympic
Kmee. I poll the return of the North
west atara a glRantlo meet will be held,
with proapectlve entries to Include
nearly every one of tho 12 TactAc Count
men at Sweden.