The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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against abutting property holders on
a street that la being Improved, under
an ordinance fixing the aalary for
work on public Improvements at not
less than $3.7 a day of eight hours..
The effect of the decision Is prac
tically that the Spokane city ordinance
fixing a minimum wage of 13.75 per
day on public work cannot be enforced
where the cost of the Improvement la
mora than the work could be done for
by prlrmte contractor.
In making this ruting. however, the
Groceries, Bakery, Candies, Delicates
sen, etc, in the Basement. Phones:
Marshall 4900, A 6665. Tree deliv
ery to all parts of the city.
American Lady Corsets,
Bntterick Patterns and Publications.-
Bed- and Bedding Third Floor.
omen incamp&u wto
Rebels Killed Under Ter- I
II l
ruic rusniaae.
American Planter Rrportrd Held for
Ransom Coneul Ilolllday In
Ytstlgatet Serious filtnt
tlon at Daiquiri.
SANTIAGO. Cubi. June 1 The Unit
ed Ptatea gunboat paaucah remained off
Daiquiri today, out did not land ma
rlnea. Firing continued all night
around the DalquM mlnfi, whin tha
governntent haa a strong detachment.
A sergeant of ruraiea waa killed.
The miner ara abandoning tha mines,
which probably will be closed tomor
row. Tha American Conaul. Holllday, haa
departed for Daiquiri to investigate the
situation there, which la considered
It a also reported that a battle at
Mayala. near I'alma Horinano, yester
day resulted In victory for the gov
ernment troopa under General Mendl
eta. Tha mountain artillery waa used
with terrible effect. One hundred and
twenty-seven rebel and IS women wh
had enareped with them were killed.
It was reported here today that Col
llster Wheeler, an American who owna
a ranch near Daiquiri, haa been cap
tured by negro Insurgents and held for
The United Ptatea gunboat Nashville
at N'lpe Bay has not landed marines.
Tha Hpanlsh-Amerlcan Iron Company
haa asked for the protection of lta
property, valued at i.000.000. at Felton.
Luis Comes, who Is charged with be
ing an Important conspirator In tha re
volt, was arrested while attempting to
embark on the steamship Julia for San
to Domingo.- Other Important arreets,
Including those of two high officials,
ire expected thlj afternoon.
I'rlMiner Discharged at Taconia
Taken by Oregon Marshal.
TACOMA. Wash.. June 1. (Special.)
When I'nited States Deputy Mar
shal Frank Albert brought Itobert J.
Blake, who has Just completed a three
year term In the Federal penitentiary
(or postofflce robbery, to the Mar
shal's office for Ms discharge this
morning. Marshal Frank Snodgrasa. of
Cottage Orove. Or., was waiting for
Mm. The minute Itlake wi formally
discharged. Marshal rinodgrass arrested
him as a deserter from the United
States Army. Ulake was taken to
Vancouver Barracks tonight.
Blake waa convicted of robbing the
postofflce at Irwin. Or., three yeara
ago. He la said to have deserted from
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. where he waa
known as Morton M. Mills, a few
months before tha robbery which land
ed him In the penitentiary.
According to Marshal Enodgrass.
Blake haa a had record. He la alleged
to have robbed IT stations on tha
Southern Taclfic.
Hurkhart Receives S2OO0 Engine
From Xew York.
ALBANY, Or June 1. (Special.)
John C. Burkhart. of Portland, who la
preparing to conduct experiments at
this city with aeroplanaa of his own
design and construction, yesterday re
ceived a 12000 engine from New York
and will aoon be ready for his first
trial flights.
Burkhart now haa three machines
ready for his experiments. lie haa re
built the old biplane with which ha
ssayed some flights here two yeara
ago, and haa constructed two new ma
chines. This will permit a continuation
of hla experiments even though two
machines ahould be wrecked by acci
dent. Tha new engine he haa just re
ceived la the most powerful engine
Burkhart haa ever used, and he be
llevea that It Insures successful flights.
thicken Will Form Big Exhibit at
Cottage'Grove Show.
(Special.) One of the featurea of the
forthcoming Grange Fair at Cottage
Orove will be the poultry department,
which will be under the supervision of
W. C. Conner.
A the fair Is held before the young
poultry Is mature and at a time when
most of the mature birds are In the
moult, the awards will be made by the
comparison method, and a blue ribbon
will be given for the first prise bird,
a red ribbon for tha second and white
ribbon for the third. In the various
clsssea and pens. This big feature of
tha fair will be free.
Recommendation of Successor to
Elmer Todd la Renewed.
ington. June 1. Senator Jonea. of
Washington, today renewed his recom
mendation of B. W. Coiner, of Tacoma.
for appointment as United States Attor
ney for Western Washington, to auc
ceed Elmer Todd, who resigned.
Todd la desirous of being relieved,
and It Is expected that the appoint
ment will be made In the near future.
Tim President made no promise today,
but Senator Jones is confident that
Coiner will be nominated.
Senator Polndexter favors some other
Supreme Court Rules In Favor of
Property Owner In Case.
. OLVMPIA. Wash., June 1 (Special.)
Tha Supreme Court today handed
down a derision In the case of C. E.
Mallatte. appellant, against the City
of Spokane, which will have a far
reaching effect throughout the state,
the court reversing the Spokane Coun
ty Superior Court. ' and holding that
arbitrary assessment cannot be made
right-hour day on public Improvement!
Im not ptiat upon, nor doeM tn court
pass upon any other constitutional
Questions Involved, aa to whether cities
tn themselves have authortty to pas
urh ordinances, or as to whether the
Legislature haa the right to permit
cities to pass similar ordinances. Tha
principal argument upon which the
decision la based la that l( the city
were allowed arbitrarily to assess In
dividual property holders there would
be nothing to prevent It from tncreaa
ing the cost of all Improvements tn an
unreasonable sum. and thua work a
hardship upon the property owners. In
this particular case It waa ahown that
! ' '' f-0" '
.i I
if-' v-
: lilf J L l Laii4
Michael Daaaphoffer, Aged S7.
VANCOUVER. Wash., June 1.
(Special.) Michael Damphoffer.
97 years old, veteran of the Civil
War, and once a soldier In the
French army, attended Decora
tion day services In Vancouver.
Last year he waa able to march
with the veterans by the side of
his son. Michael Damphoffer. Jr..
who fought with his father In
the Civil War. In the picture he
Is Been wearing the emblrmi he
has won. He. was born tn France
and Joined the French army, from
which he- secured honorable dis
charge in 1852, coming to the
United States. Being a musi
cian, he went to Fort Monroe.
Virginia, and enlisted In the
Ninth Infantry Band, which, with
the regiment, waa sent to Van
couver Barracka. At the opening
of the Civil War he enlisted, with
his lf-year-old aon. In the Flret
Oregon Cavalry.
the work would have been done at the
rate of tt.ti per day, and the Supreme
Court. In reversing the case, gives In
structions that the assessment be mod
ified to conform to the reasonable coat
of the work. The decision Is written
by Justice Chadwick, and Chief Jus
tice Dunbar dissents.
The Supreme Court made a similar
ruling In the case of C. G. Oerlarh and
others, appellants, agalnat the City of
Spokane. Other legal questions were
Involved In this case, one of which was
as to the legality of a bond furnished
by Gerlach and the other appellants.
The Supreme Court affirmed the case,
except Insofar aa It related to street
Improvement assessments against tha
Representatives of Commercial In
terests Decide to Raise $60,
000 at Once.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Jure 1. (Special.)
Spokane will hold the fifth National
Apple Show, It was decided at a meet
ing of Chamber of Commerce trustees
and representatives of large commer
cial Interesta today. It waa determined
that In order to carry on tha work
which haa helped build up Spokane
and the Inland Empire during the laat
few years at least ftO.OOO would be
raised Immediately for the greater
Spokane fund.
In making up the budget It waa de
termined the money must be raised for
the following purposes: - Colonisation
of the Inland Empire, extension of
trade relations, entertaining of vis
itors representing tha Commercial
cluba and others of the Inland Empire,
National conventions, participation In
the Dry Farming Congresa and other
land ahowa of the East. National Apple
Show, publicity, comprising the get
ting out of literature and the conduct
ing of the press bureau.
"It waa unanimously agreed." said
President Inslnger. "that the work
dona during the last few year In
making Spokane and the Inland Em
pire known all over the United Statea
cannot he wasted by quitting now. sta
tistics from bsnks and the postofflce
and reports from merehsnts showing a
decided revival In business and the
best of prospects for the year.
Coos Buy Fourth Is Planned. .
MARSH FIELD, Or June 1. (Spe
cial.) A big Fourth of July celebra
tion haa been planned for Coos Bay
by tha Marshfleld Chamber of Com
merce. A committee haa solicited the
necessary funds and special tralna and
boats win be arrarged to bring people
from all over the county. There may
be two days of horse racea. Several
hundred children will give a Maypole
dance, there will be log-rolling con
tests and other athletic events and
water aporta will be held. The cele
bration will last for three days and the
mills and logging camps probably will
ahut down.
200 Women's Suits
$25 Values $14.98
Our first preat sale of women's Tailored Suits is announced
for Monday and Tuesday. Plain and fancy material., serges
and whipcords, in tire season's most desirable fashions and
materials; plain tailored and Norfolk effects; values up to
$25.00. On sale Monday and Tuesday at this K1 A QO
special low price for two days only. ej) lTalO
White Nubuck and
White Top Patent
Shoes for Women
$3.19 a Pair
An unusual nnd timely sale of
"Women's High Shoes, handsome
vvhite Xubufiks and white-top pat
ent leathers. All new, tip-to-date
lasts. The styles you have been
paying $5.00 and $6.00 J0 "I (
a pair for. Our priee PJ 1
3000 Yards
Dress Goods
200 pes. of plain and novelty Dress
Goods, Mohairs, Panamas, Serges,
mixtures, plain colors and fancies;
great assortment to select from.
Values up to 89e, on sale
at, yard eOC
$10 Lingerie Dresses $6.98
.An unusual lot of white Lingerie Dresses, trimmed in small
tucks, lace and embroidery; square neck and short sleeves;
neat, pretty Dresses for Summer and graduation wear.
Also colored voile Dresses; $10.00 values; on d QQ
sale at the low price of only. 3)0.50
$2.00 Waists at $1.29 Each
$7.50 Corduroy Skirts $4.98
1000 Tailored Waists in chiffon, batiste, madras, crepe and
corded pinpham. soft collar and cuffs ; all new, (T O Q
pretty Waists; $2.00 values 0 l J
Small lot of white Corduroy Skirts, made with raised waist
line, straight six-gore effect, box plait in back; ri vl QQ
regular $7.50 values; on sale at AOT'.atO
$10 Norfolk Jackets $6.98
Special lot of red Norfolk Jackets for children and misses,
collars of green or black velvet; just the thing C QQ
for beach or outing wear; $10.00 values at e!bO.vO
Special lot of Middy Blouses at 59
Crowd Bringing Grocery Specials
In Our Sanitary Basement
Hams Corncob smoked Pig Ilams, lb
Baker's Chocolate 1-pound packages 29
Holly Milk It whips, can 7S dozen 79
Pet Milk Small cans, dozen 4Gp
Gold Dust, for Monday, package 17
Wilson Whisky, per bottle, Monday 83
Holtz Comer
Marshall 4900
A 6665
5000 Yds. Embroideries
$1.50 Values 24c Yard
A sale extraordinary of high-grade hand-loom Kinbroideries.
Swiss, nainsook and cambric; edpes and insertions, beautiful
patterns in eyelet and blind work designs; edges 9 to 18
inches wide, insertions 3 to 3 inches wide, also swiss and
nainsook allovers 21 inches wides, 18 and 27-inch; try A
values to $1.50 yard. Monday and Tuesday, yard .TrC
Unusual Milliner Specials
1000 untrimmed Shapes, natural, white and QC
black; best styles, great values i!) i.e.O
Fine Milan, chips and azures, large, small and OQ
medium shapes; wonderful values OaVC
Finest Java, peanut and Penokias at 49?
5000 Yds. Ginghams 9c Yd.
35c Wash Goods 23c Yard
5000 yards of handsome staple Ginghams, all new, fresh
goods"; checks and stripes in unlimited assortment; Q
best values ever offered at, yard XJQ,
1000 yards of beautiful Lisle and Arabian Tissues, sheer,
light "weight Summer fabrics; checks, stripes and no
plaids, 30 inches wide; best 3")c values at LijC
75c, $1, $1.50 Silks at 39c
4"00 yards of new Foulards, fancy Messalines, Chiffon
Taffetas and Costume Silks in new Spring shades for
street and evening wear; choice designs; endless nQ
assortment: 73c to $1.30 values at, the yard dUC
35c, 50c and 75c W omen's Hose 1 9c
5000 Manufacturers' Samples
5000 Pairt of Women Imported Hose in sheer gauze lisle,
silk-plaited lisle, fine mercerized cotton and silk lisle, in
black, white, tan and full line of colors; not a pair in the lot
worth less than 33c and most of them are excellent. f0c nnd
75c values; the shrewd buyers will anticipate a wholo sea
son's supply, for the entire lot goes on sale Mou- Q
day morning at, a pair L JG
Holtz Corner
Marshall 4900
A 6GC5
Vaniman's Dirigible Falls to
Ocean but Rises Again.
Balloon Makes Trial Trip Prrpara
tory to Intended Flight Across
Atlantic Teat I Voted
ATLANTIC CITT. K. J.. June 1. Mel
rln Vanlman'a alnhlp Akron dropped
Into the Atlantis Ocean when making
lta trial trip today and. after repair
had been made, the great gat bag
asaln atarted aloft and landed aafely.
Vanlman took out the bla- bar with
which he hopea to croaa the Atlantic
Ocean early thla mornlne". He waa
aloft for almost an hour, circling over
the meadowa and the bay.
The accident happened after the bal
loon had been performing: aplcndldly.
Trying new guide rope experiment,
the hawaer. with a 100-pound wetght
attached, waa lowered and allowed to
drag In the water. In aome manner
a wrong move waa made with the pro
peller and one of the bladea caught In
tha trailing rope.
Like a ahot the great dirigible
dropped to the ocean and part of the
underatrurture went under. The repairs
did not take long. After the huge craft
wa once more sailing through apace
Vanlman'a young brother clambered out
to the edge of the alander propeller
ahaft to adjust the damaged blade. Thla
waa when the dirigible waa too feet
above the water..
The ehlp la the aame one In which
he made a flight over the city laat
Fall, with Improvements. Very few
peraona saw the flight, which was
started at :45 A. M.
Aboard, besldea Vanlman. were his
brother, Calvin; Fred Almas, chief en
gineer; George Bourrllllon. assistant:
Walter Guest, assistant navigator, and
Ralph Upson, of Akron, one of the con
atructora of the ship.
Track Events and Military Parade
Arranged for July 4.
VANCOUVER. Wash, June 1. (Spe
cial.) In addition to the big parade,
with the Twenty-first Infantry and the
Second Field Artillery of Vancouver
Barracka taking part, and the military
maneuvers to be held at the post on
the afternoon of July 4. a number of
racea will be conducted at the Clark
County Fair Grcunda.
There will be a 2:10 trotting event
and a t:2t pacing race, with a purse
or lioo lor each; a quarter-mile dash
for ponies under 14 hands, purse 130;
half-mile dash and three-quarter mile
Motorcycle racea also will be held In
the afternoon.
Newport Honors Dead.
NEWPORT. Or, June 1. (Special.)
Memorial day waa appropriately ob
served here. The business housea
closed from I A. M. to 4 P. M. 8-rvJre
waa held at tbe Presbyterian Church
at 10 A. M, At the close of the service
a proceeslon was formed and. preceded
by th band and the Grand Array vet
erans, marched to the cemetery, where
an address was given by Rev. B. C.
Black, and "Lincoln's Speech at Get
tysburg" was read by Rev. C. T. Hurd.
after which the grave were decorated.
At 4 P. M. at the Bay Beach, near tha
llfesavlng atatlon boathouse. a beauti
ful flower service was performed for
the sailors and others who have died at
Camas Prairie Merchant Ask Xorth
Bank for Man at Wright, Wash.
LTLE, Wash, June 1. (Special.)
Fifty merchants and shippers of Camaa
Prairie have aelected August Kuhn
hausen to confer with the Hpokane.
Portland A Keattle Railroad Company,
asking for an agent at Wright, Wash,
on the Goldendale branch.
As It Is now, these merchants have
to ship and receive freight either at
Lyle or White Salmon, and thla means
a haul of 10 to 16 miles over rough
and ateep roads, whereas If Wright waa
a regular freight point a distance of
IS to 20 miles would be saved and the
roada traveled are better.
The shipments aggregate thousands
of dollars, mostly In hay, stock, lumber
and dairy products, and tons of food
stuffs are annually brought In. Outalde
of having thla Immense amount of
business to justify tha railroad com
pany installing an agent, there are lo
cated at Wright a sawmill, rock quarry,
woodyard. mineral and aoda water
works, hotel and hundreds of ranchers
In the contiguous country.
Voncalla Geta Direct Service.
(Special.) Messages are now going di
rect through Cottage Grove from the
Yoncalla country over the new tall
line Just completed by the Pacific Tele
phone Telegraph Company. For
merly the messages had to go south to
Rpseburg and then north to Cottage
List of Arrivals at The
Hotel Multnomah.
Chicago W. H. O'ConnelLT. B. Smeller
and wife, E. A. Hartman.
New York Lewis J. Herman. I. Mets
Indorf, Mrs. H. F. Ttlge, Mathew Tay.
lor, J.-R. Bowman, Mma. Grossinger. S.
Konlgsteln. A. B. Cook and wll
Vancouver, B. C. A. L, McConnell.
Prattle D. K. Skinner and wife. L.
Parson and wife, A. H. Llnd, J. E. Sears,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Watson. P. M. Rlevln.
Pan Francisco George W. Carey. D.
D. Hrhlndler. H. C Kwlng. W. E. Jones.
G. B. Hagdon. G. W. H oil ads y. A. 8.
Wlrtuer. Martin Castor, 8. D. Davis. J.
R. Molera, L L. Grennlnger, D. C. Jones.
C. P. Wallla.
Pittsburg. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
CassMy, Miss E. K. Caasldy. J. P.
Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8.
Boston. Mass. Stanley SInshelmer, J.
R. Hooper, Jr, N. A. Terry.
Astoria J. R. Hamilton and wife, F.
H. Haradon.
Omaha O. J. Gossard.
.Denver W. O. Duvall.
Ft. Joe, Mo. W. B. Botten and wife.
Baltimore 8. Ewlng.
McMinnvllle E. V. Ptlvers and wife.
Ulllsboro. Or. E. B. Yeager.
Klamath Falls Angus Harmon.
Kxeter, Cal. R. C. Merryman.
Hood River, Or. W. 8. Widroy.
Peaxlde, Or. Louis Henrlcks.
Rainier, Or. A. J. Klepen and son, C.
F. Jackson, Robert Mcintosh, T. E.
Parks. W. H. Gorman.
Fargo. N. V. Mra. J. W. Smith, Van
Tavlor 8mlth.
Monmouth, Or. Minnette E. Harlan.
Florence Tate, Ines Stark. Frank M.
Sturgill, Vair Dunlop, E. S. Evenden.
Rose B. Parrott.
Tipnmi Henry Bader.
Yamhill, Or. W. i. Moore.
Ogden. Utah H. M. Lewis.
Scappoose O. M. Washburn.
Iunaee R.C Crosby. j
Ifarrlnian and Hill Intereala Both
Said to Be Represented and
Rumor of Electric Line Out.
ASTORIA. June 1. (Special) Tha
presence of a large number of railroad
surveyors tn the lower Columbia River
district Is the cause of much specula
tion. There are at the present time Ave
ganga of engineers comprising a total
of over 10 men at work along the line
of the half circle, beginning here. Two
of these parttea, the one at the Humbug
and one on the ridge between the
Humbug and Necanlcum rivers, are
known to be In the employ of the
Harrlman Intereata and are unques
tionably aeeklng the beet grade for a
road from connection with the Lytle
Una at Buxton via the Nehalem Valley
and either the Iwls and Clark or Ne
canlcum rlvera to Astoria and the
beaches. Who the other surveying
partlea repreaent la not yet definitely
One party, consisting of 16 men, went
to work last Tuesday about 1 miles
below Heaslde, while two other gangs
are running a preliminary line between
here and Seaside. One of these Is In
the neighborhood of the Josiah West
ranch on Clatsop plains, while the other
la working at the C. 8. Brown place,
and a third party is to be placed In
the Held within the coming few days.
These three partlea and the one below
Seaside are sstd to ba under the super
vision of T. Walte, sn engineer who is
reported to have been Identified for
years with the engineering departments
of the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific railways.
This fact, coupled with the further
assertion that one of the engineers In
charge was In consultation with Presi
dent Young and the other officials of
the Spokane. Portland A Seattle Rail
road during their recent Visit to Sea
side, has given rise to the belief that
the North Bank line is arranging to
shift Its line from Wsrrenton south
closer to the beach and to also extend
the road to Tillamook and down the
coast. Another current report la that
all the aurveyora are employed by the
Soutbern Pacific, while still another Is
that tha ones who are running the
lines for the proposed electric rond to
Seaside sre tn the employ of the "Dun
dee" Hold Interests. Tha latter report
Is given credence In some circles for
the reason that some of the engineers
are known to have formerly been con
nected with the Keld projects and also
because of the transfer recently of tha
title to the Lewla and Clark River
railroad grade from one Reld company
to another.
Bend Arranges for Joyous Fourth.
BEND. Or.. Juno 1. (Special.)
Nearly $1000 has been subscribed locally
to pay the expenses of a Fourth of
July celebration. With the railroad In
operation, a record crowd Is expected.
A baseball game with Matolliis haa been
arranged, the usual horse bucking con
testa will be staged, while a feature
will be the aquatic sports, on the
Deschutes, chiefly consisting of canoe
races, tilting, and log rolling. The lat
tor features being unWttie In this sec
tion, are expected to "take" well.
Water Line Is Repaired.
(Special.) The city water la again be.
Ing aupplled from Layng Creek, re
pairs to the Intake pipe having been
Two Things
That are
the Attention of
Investors and
Home Builders
on the
Future Factory
Residence District
I . '. V. "l . - A Z" . .tr-:.'
Vaareavrr Car Ones Direct to
liisabla) la 25 Mlaatea from Recond
We. 1 la the Map la Propoaed K
i' .t- ' t '. - L 1
y.v.;.,;':v..-::.-, :. , n
a i ilana-i T SfO
Bridgeton (oa tha Co-
erond aad Waahlagtoa f
Kew llrtrtge. No. 3 la
r District. I
t .vr ' 1 i in, !vf
Salesmen will be on the ground for your conve-
nience to answer Questions. I
No one can buy a lot without first seeing the property and the great race for the
$205 in Cash Prizes we are offering for the best group of five answers to the ques
tion, "Why is the purchase of a well-located lot in Bridgeton the first step to finan
cial independence?"
See the property today. Average price, $180 a lot; $10 down and $5 a month.
Call or send for printed information about Bridgeton so you, can go after one
of the cash prizes $100, $50, $25, $15, $10 and $5.