The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 61

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baity Men Have Gala Time at
,: ....... --- - rf; j. - -yr,
k-rs Learn of Kxtcnelve Devel
ipmenu That Are fnder Way In
One of Portland's Finest
' Residential District.
Imbri or the Portland Realty
ird. la their pulley la Inspect and
aequalnted personally with tha
ny progressive sections ef tl Kaat
', visited Kaatmorcland Monday
lor tha direction or K. N. "lark.
ere they were presented with anor--hoard
hats and given the first "da
Issued from Head College. Tha
ieepaklns" constated of a plat of
slmoreiand. After tha "graduating
wlsee." tha flrat of tha Inatltutlon,
members were made honorary mem--a
of tha alumni association.
rhnn they were ehown what baa been
-ompllahed toward tha development
Kaalmureland. They found one of tha
Krai concrete mlxere In Oregon,
Irli la being uaed In tha hard-sur-a
Improvementa that ara to ba laid
ough Uastmoreland.
rhe contract haa been let for tha lm-
tvement of all tha streets In tha
iltlon, and la ona of tha largest eon-
iCta yet let In tha city. It Includes
a paving of between It and It mllea
hard-surface pavement, on which tha
rk haa been etarted. A considerable
rtlon of tha addition haa been aold
1 between 60 and first-class homea
o to ba erected at once by purchasers.
rhe Improvementa In tha addition In
de the laying of many mllea of
rnalna. gas plpa and sewera. Tha
und Conatructlun Company haa the
nera contract for tha erection of
i Head Collet building. Owing to
i rain, most of tha vlaltora did not
lit the buildings, but could aea from
car windows that good progreaa
being made on the buildings. It
k three cars to accommodate those
o visited this addition. Tha realty
n were Impressed with tha fact that
era la big development In prograas
tnia part of the test Hide.
Work is being completed on the sewer
stem of Westmoreland, where sewera
e being laid In all the atreeta pre-
ratory to tna hard-surface pare
nts. The Improvement of Mllwaukla
eet alao Is In progress, and it will
completed soon.
trouble tracks are elng laid between
Igate street and Hay bee avenue. Tha
provement will extend to Nehalem
enue In He II wood. It la expected to
Kast Seventeenth street rroenad
rough Midway In the near future.
anoiner street Is needed badlr Tha
ater Hoard la laying a large reln-
cing water main south from Holgata
Kaat Twenty-third street It will
extended to Hellwood and connected
th the main that now supplies that
iri.t ana a circuit win bo formed,
abundance of Mull Kun water la
nmiaed on completion of this pipe-
B. Hasting to Ilnlld Attractive
Dwelling In Kaatmorcland.
I'lana and speolflcatlona have been
eparad for a two-atory ten-room res-
ince to ba erected for Professor 1L
Hastings, on Kast Thirty-second and
aymora streets, Eaatmoreland. The
at Is estimated at $7t00. It will be of
e Colonial atyla of architecture, with
ingied exterior, and will contain tha
llt-ln conveniences. It will hays
rdwood fioore, furnace heat and
esaed brick fireplace In the living-
It will be Bnlahed In selected flr and
ijlte enamel. It will ba tha flneal
aldenre yet erected In tha Eaatmore-
nd district, but aevarat othera along
a line ara projected for that
oltlon. A garage will be built In
nneotlon with tha bouaa. Tha alauti
tiding at Investment Company drew
plana for tha structure.
This same company haa four home!
Uer construction In Irvlngton. all of
hlch cost above 15000. One on Eaat
wetity-fourth and Knott streeta. for
William A. Nhea, will cost ttOQO.
an adjoining lot a $4000 home la
In built for Mr. Hants, of thla com-
ny. On Kaat Twenty-flrst. between
anton and Blsklyou atreta, the com-
ny la erecting a realdencn (or U. K.
in, which will ooat $5210. and en
I.i I r an I v.lh l,:l e
)d Klickitat afreets, a residence coat-
$000 la belna; built for Dr. A. F.
tsel, which will soon be finished.
The Hutterworth-Htephrnson Com-
my haa prepared plana and con-
enevsd the erection of a home for J.
. Kherwood, state commander of tha
. O. T. M., on Tillamook and Kaat
wenty-nlnth streets. It will ba two
orl-a and a half, Jx35 feet In sue.
tre attto there will be a playroom.
lie house will cost $5,100.
Apartment-House Vntler Way.
M. n. Oodf rey haa started on tha
action of a three-story apartment
illding. 40 hy SO feet In else, to be
illt on Vancouver avenue, between
ussell and rage streets, to cost $34.
0. Tha building will have a pressed
Irk exterior with heavy cornice, and
to have a maaalve balcony porch sa
nding; acroaa the front. It will have
apartments of two and three rooma
i h to the floor, and the structure Is
rringed so that all the tenants will
rive ouisiue ventilation, jiainison a
nuerson have the contract for tha
rectlon of this building.
Churoh Bnlldlng Renovated.
Ty,e church and manse of the Grand
vciiiio I'nited Presbyterian Church, at
ic northwest corner of Wasco street
id Orand avenue, are being thorough.
, renovated. A aoclat room has been
lit In the basement, which will ac
immodate more than 100 peraone. Tha
terlor of the auditorium haa been re
nted and new carpets put down. Both
ulldlnga have been repainted on the
utslde. The truatrea offered the prop-
iv i " r aii jrver. oil, ii a aaua-
u-tory offer was not made It was de-
ded to remain at the present location
nd repair me property.
I'lans Are Prawn for Flat
Plans have been prepared by Archl
eta Jacobberger at Smith for a two
orv frame building to be erected on
ast Twenty-fourth and East Gllsan
treets for Mra. U Zlnsley. It win ba
xi feet In alxe, with full cement
riseiuviii. biiu win cuiuwn (our nais
r four rooms and bath each. It la of
olonlal design.
Spokane Man Invents Here.
Allan N. Peel, of Spokane, has pur.
issed from Love St Kennedy a modern
ungalow at the corner of Kmeraon
ireet and Cleveland avenue. Walnut
ark, for $4700. Mr. Peel will occupy
nxoperty aa Jiia
, " A ' " ,' .-ia' . .' f
Streets to Ue Paved and Municipal
Water System Crged Larger
lllgn Sc-hool Dnlldine Needed.
The pioneer town of Mllwaukla la
making rapid progress. During the
week tha new modern hotel building,
erected by I. Gratton on Front street,
at a cost of $14,000, waa opened. The
building la well planned, and la consid
ered quite an addition to Mllwaukla.
It la expected tnat Mllwaukla will
have new central high achool build
ing erected soon on tha two-acre alts
recently purchased by tha board of
directors for $0004 In the - Ilennlraan
tract, near Waahlngton atreet. It will
probably be a fire-proof building. Ac
cording to the report of Mra. J. L John
son, clerk of the district, the present
eight-room schoolhouee Is overcrowded,
even the office of the principal being
used, and hence a new building la con
sidered a necessity for next year. Tha
district haa no debts.
Consolidation of tha Mlnthorn Sprlnra
Water Company and Mllwaukla Water
Company Into the Mllwaukla Water
Works Company haa been accomplished.
It la announced by those Interested that
water will be supplied for the consoli
dated system from the Mlnthorn
Springs pumping plant, and that aa
aoon aa possible tha capacity of tha
plant will be enlarged to meet all de
mands for fire and domestic purposes.
The consolidated company will Issue
bonda for extenalon of water mains.
The district Includes Ardenwald on tha
north aide of Mllwaukla.
Mayor 8trelb haa appointed a special
committee to look Into a proposition
for tha city of Mllwaukla to Issue
bonds and establish a municipal wa
ter plant to be operated by the city.
The Mayor favora auch a measure.
Provision baa been made for laying
hard-surfsra pavement on the Poster
road, leading aoutheast from Mala
atreet to the cty limits. Alao the Im
provement of Front atreet will be un
.rn-.ut'fncc n !Pv.ri "I -
i if-' r - ry ' i
, a,. ' -- 1 . : y i ..
The new Hotel 8ea Crest, which Is to be built at' Bay ocean, will be an unique building. The doors on
either aide open into the general lobby, which will be two stories high. Surrounding the lobby will be the
eleeplng-roome of the first floor. With broad stalrwaya at the side, a baloony over the lower tier of bed
rooms Is reached, from which opens the upper tier of sleeping-rooms. At each and of tha open lobby will
be a large fireplace built of ratlve stones. One part of tha lobby will ba used as the music and reception
rooms, while the other part will be given over to billiard, smoking and office rooms. It Is expected that the
hotel will be completed this Hummer. '
dertaken during the year. Theaa Im
provementa will aggregate about
It la announced authoritatively that
a syndicate ia negotiating for tha pur
chase of the lilchard Schott farm,
which Ilea on the north aide of Mil
waukle, partly Inside and partly out
side the city Uralta. It comprlaea more
than 100 acrea of land, extending on
both aldea of Johnson Creek, between
Portland and Mllwaukla. If the negotla
tlona aucceed. It will mean that thla
tract wtU be platted Into auburban
uomeeltea. At present tha farm la
rented to gardeaera.
Fire Patrol Asaoclatlon to Interest
Children In Movement.
MAR8HFIELD. Or, Jana L (Special.)
Tha Cooa County Fire Patrol Asao
clatlon baa adopted a novel means of
securing mora Interest In this county
In tha matter of forest-Ore protecUon.
W. J. Conrad, tha secretary, will aend
out to the school children eome In
teresting literature Instructive of tha
forests and will hold a prise essay
contest. The children of all tba
sohools In tha county will bo Invited
to write essays on tha subject of pro
tecting the forests from Ore and prises
aggregating $5 in cash will be offered
to the wlnnera.
The achool officials ara oo-eperatlng
In tha movement. The purpose Is to
arouaa mora Interest In tba matter of
protecting agalnat flree and It la
thought that tha prise essay conteat
will Increaae tba oo-operatlon of the
people of the locality In the annual
fire light. Tba county association this
year will take more pains than aver to
cbeck the Ore damage. Last year the
forest loaa waa brought down to al
most the minimum and thla year tele
phone llnea will ba extended for the
uae of raogera, new tralla will ba cut
and a large force of men will ba en
gaged to act aa aaeletant ran sera. The
county work la In conjunction with
that of tha atata Ore patrol asaocla
tlon. Count B. Baknraa. Oeverner-OeMral ef
Formosa, haa Imported tba first automobile
lato tha Island. It la a four-cylinder car and
was constructed la Tohto. Aaother car la
to ba ordered aooa by tha Talwaa Railway
Hotel for tha uae of Ita rueats.
i- . -
Work Is Started on Six-Mile Main
at Ldnnton First Cnlt of Plant
to Be Kcutly Tlila Year.
Work will ba etarted Immediately an
the big plpa line which will connect
the new $3.00,00 gaa plant of tha
Portland Gas 4 Coke Company at LI an
ton with the dlatrlbutlng tank at tba
foot of Gllsan atreet, according to an
announcement made last week by Guy
Talbot, president of tba company. The
blgh-pressura main will be alx mllea
long and 1 Inchea In diameter. The
digging of the trenches and the In
stallation of the main wilt coat about
Tha company will expend about
$$00,000 In addition during the next
six months en tha first unit of the gaa
plant at Linnton. Besides this develop
ment, the company la laying about 7$
mllea of lateral mains In Portland,
which Includes an extension to Lenta
and Woodstock. The lateral pipe llnea
will ooat about $500,000. About 200 men
ara now employed In thla part of the
work and about 209 more will be
added to the forces when tha company
begins construction of tha Linnton
Preliminary work on the alte of the
plant at Linnton haa been la progress
several weeks. Tha bulkhead and
wharf on the river front are about
completed, and the fill between the
bulkhead and upper part of the alte
la well under way.
The offlcera of tha company an
nounce that the new plant will be
among the most modern and complete
In the United States. Tha buildings
will be of concrete construction and
of highly ornamental design, It is
planned to Improve the surroundings
with parkings, treea and ahrubbery and
to beautify tha property In accordance
with tha plans of tha City Beautiful.
Tha plant will have a capaoity of
about 11,000.000 cubic feet of gaa dally.
Thla Is about 10.000,060 feet In excess
... . .v i
This Is Where the Parkrose
Children Go to School
What a pretty place it is. Plenty of room for all the healthful,
rollicking games. Lots of shade and green grass. You couldn't ri-l'r'
find a. more ideal place for the growing, lively young minds and
bodies to work and play in. yfyp
Parkrose has all the advantages of the city, together
abundance of fresh air, health and outdoor life of the
A home in the heart of the city can't be compared to a home at Parkrose. It's
a wonderful place for the children and the grown-ups, too. It has all the
advantages of right in town electric lights, telephone, deliveries, schools,
good car service just a few minutes beyond Uose City Park. An acre at
Parkrose costs no more than a good city lot. Take the I Jose City Park car
today and visit Parkrose. Then come and sec us about terms and prices.
Slauspn-Craig Company
Successors to Real Estate Department Hartman & Thompson
Chamberof Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Streeta
of tha maximum dally eonaumptlon al
present In Portland.
New Car Barn to Rise.
The old frame carbarn at the aouth
east corner of East Twenty-eighth and
Kaat Coucb atreeta, which waa the flrat
building of th kind built In East Port
land, was torn down last week. Work
will start on a brick carbarn, 200 by
7$ feet, aa the alte of tba old frame
structure. The cost la given aa $40,lru0.
Gasoline Thresher Secured.
(Special.) The flrat gasoline thresh
ing outfit to ba purchased in thla vi
cinity arrived last week, consigned to
McDole brothers- The outfit alao In
cludea the first all-steel aeparator
brought here.
Engineer for Irrljatlon Contpanj
Give Details of Project for He.
claiming; Yat Acreage.
PAISLEY. Or, June 1. (Special.)
"We will extend the Nevada. California
aV Oregon Railway from Lakevlew to
Palaley, Juat aa aoon aa trafflo la ready
for ua. We wlP not wait for freight
to accumulate, but will bulkl aa aoon
as trafflo warrants the extension."
This statement, by Oeneral Manager
T. T. Dunaway, of tha Nevada. Califor
nia Oregon Railway Company waa
made to the dtlxena of Tataley. the
Summer Lake and Chewaucan Valleys,
following tha announcement In the
Oragonlaa ef the plana of the North
weat Townalte Company, of Philadel
phia, to apend nearly $3"0.0 during
the somlng year In building the dam.
reservoir and canal for the Palaley Ir
rigation project. Many believe, wltk
Governor Weat and "Bill" Hanley. that
the tract of 1J.0O acres, to be re
claimed by the flood watera of the
Chewaucaa Ktver, will make Palaley
one of the famoua fruit dlatrlcta of
The announcement of the plans of
the Phlladelphlana caused the forma
tion of an automobile expedition te
Paisley from Lakevlew, led by the rail
way men. In the flret car waa Mr.
Dunaway and II. H. Riddel, who was
one of the contractors on the recent
extenalon of the Nevada, California
Oregon road from Alturaa. Cat, to
Lakevlew, Or., alao Civil Engineer M.
r Hice. connected with the roal: 1L
W. Drenkle. V. L. Pnelllng. Mr. Bald
win and George Hanklna of Lake
view. The second car brouaht Mayor Ulna
hart, Judge Henry L. Hanson, Attorney
U f. Conn, W. A. lnaway and J. N.
Watson of Lakevlew. In the third car
were a P. Moao. W. A. MaaalngllL W.
II. fturk, E. M. Brattain and Circuit
Judge H. A. Brattain.
The Paisley Commercial Club had
been notified of the Intended vlalt,
and a reception committee, headed by
Editor L. H- Jones of the Chewaucan
Press, met the delegation and accom
panied the members up the west shore
of Bummer Lake, to sea tha orchards
and farms that have attracted ao much
attention. Beveral of the vlaltora also
went out upon the segregation and ex
amined the tracf te be Irrigated.
In the dining room of tha Chewaucan
Hotel the visitors were given a hearty
welcome by the cltlsens. and after din
ner apeechea were made by Manager
Dunaway. for the railway company,
hy president F. I Young of the Pala
ley Commercial Club, who spoke of the
great developmenta of tha Bummer
Lake Valley that are now assurred: by
Mr. Snelllng. who extended tha con
gratulations of Lakevlew; by Judge
Brattain who Is largely Interested In
cattle raising In the Chewaucan Val
ley, and by Chief Engineer Rexford
A. Harrower, of the Northweet Town
site Company. He explained tha phy.
slral featurea of the Irrigation project.
"Mr. Harrower." eaye the Chewaucan
Press, "made a splendid address, giving
details regarding the work In which
he Is engaged, and making a distinct
hit with his audience." Mr. Harrower
Is a graduate of Lehigh Vnlveralty,
and got hla training In hydraulic en
gineering with tha American Plpa
Construction Company, ef Philadelphia,
which built water worka and reser
voirs for the Pennsylvania Railroad
cosUng more than. 1 15,009,000. On Joint
account with the railway company this
corporation owne mora than a acore of
different water companies In Pennsyl
vania. Manager Dunaway, before leaving,
promised te return to Paisley In about
a month to make a detailed Investiga
tion of the freight possibilities of the
Chewaucan and Bummer Lake valleys,
of which Paisley Is the center.
While the delegatlona of railway of
ficials and Lakevlew business men
were making speeches, tha women of
Paisley took charge of the automobiles
and decorated them with roses, lilacs,
and blossoms front peach, apple, and
plum trees, which spoke eloquently of
the possibilities ef tha aheltered val
ley. Before the return to Lakevlew, At
torney L. K. Cona, spoke in glowing
terms of tha soil, climate and certain
future prosperity of the velley. Enxi
neer Rice, on behalf of the visiting
railway men, thanked the cltlsens for
their reception, and expressed their
hope that the vlalt would hasten the
advent of the railway.
Supervisors to De Chosen.
OREGON CITT. Or, June 1. (Spe
cial. K Two new aupervlaors for the
echaole of Clackamae County will be
jf SB
Prove Frauus.
Joe Pr!
. la IIol
TOtt to TT-.
mente -
.. 1
A eat JTUDfll'
B.ovenlng lh- 'fraudulent real
,1 Tra""
a.?.1 V t SeaTs
s e n as eau - . . u
I Cou
IDt In. U3f
f w
The rapid prowth which Tortland, Seattle, Spokane and other
Western cities have enjoyfd ia beinf? experienced in Calgary
the Wonder City of the Canadian West.
Ctlgvj is the commercial metropolis of the Middle Can
adian West.
Cfchjary is the distributing center for three provinces
greater in extent than ten states of the Union.
Calgary, with cheap power, natural gas, a favorable labor
market and splendid railway facilities, in already an im
portant manufacturing center.
Calfary, with the Panama Canal completed, will by rea
son of its strategic position be the greatest manufacturing
center of Western Canada.
Manufacturers in almost every line may find their golden op
portunity in Calgary. Special reports upon any line of indus
try prepared and forwarded.
Industrial Commissioner, Calgary, Alberta.
with the
choaen by the County Educational
Board next Monday, to fill vacnncle
due to the retirement of Carl K. An
derson, -who has been elected prin
cipal of the Weat Oregon City schools,
and Mrs. Emllle C. Hliuw, who has been
chosen principal of the school at Wich
ita,. In the north part of the county.
J. E. Calavnn probably will bo retained
as supervisor. There are fow appli
cants for the positions, which pay I H'0
a month and traveling expenses for 14
months In the year. The members of
the County Educational Hoard are
County School Superintendent T. J.
Oary, II. u. Starkweather, E. Brodla.
John It. Cole and Henry ll.iblcr.
Marahrield Holds Cclchradon.
MARS II KI ELD, Or., May 31. (Special!
P. L. Campbeii. president of thi
tTnlveraity of Oregon, delivered the
Memorial day address at the exerclsei
held by the O. A. It., at the Musonlc
opera-house yesterday sfternoon, tin
ceremonies were followed by the dec
oration of the graves at the cemetery,
I'roiessor Campbell also delivered th
address at the graduation exerclsei
of the North Bend High Hchool last
nlifht. He addressed the gradiialea ol
the Marahlleld High School, Wednes
day. Fur the care
Vfitie futniltf
J " J'
vou realize whnt
defect in the title
nil's. ii in tho prop
er protection of yout
family T Protect yout
di'nr ones and alo your
e!f before yon close any
real estate deal by seour
ing. piarantoed ("ertil'i
eate of Title. Investi
pate. Cnl! for hook
I.., Titl It Tenat
I fj Co., 4th A Oak ,
Ttfls M
Treat Ce,
cOU?Ottsy Port
?VDAVJ Omgor
f r.i. .,
Q Please eond
- ; - " -
me your
free booklet.
art SIT sir ft
The Fastest Growing City
Western Canada