The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 43

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This Noted Play Contains Cry of Idealist aad Ridicules Many of Modern
Fashion It Awakens in Humanity Glory of Future.
I - ;
rhoto. Copyright, 1309, by Charles Frohman.
MACDE ADAMS will play her, at
last. In 'Chantecler." at the
Hellla; Theater. June I. and B.
Purely, everyone'a curiosity muit be
aroused by thla time aa to the Inner
nature of thla much-be-newepapered
production. Aa far aa the matter there.
In la concerned, they will find It filled
with Ingenuous humor, satire, pathoa,
drama, and the eapresslon of noble
emotion. When It comta to form, they
will be pleased to discover that Rostand
has done nothing more than place on
the stage a symbol, a fable, a parable,
rail It what you will, "to point a moral
and adorn a tale"; that he has only
turned once more to that old mean of
expression employed by all the great
teachers of humanity who have ever
found It difficult to ronrentrate tha
minds of human listener! upon abstract
Parshlea! ' The word has a biblical
suggestion though that form of liter,
sture came Into being long before the
Scriptures. Therefore, ret us turn to
the Klble, our handbook of ethics and
religion, even to the Book of Jonah.
How many know that Jonah- In Hebrew
meana "dove"? But once having been
tlven 'that Illuminating suggestion,
rou must discover the rest for your
telves. There Is a hlg fish In It, too.
Moreover, on the basis of fable, Ros
tand did nothing bliarre In selection a
barnyard cock aa his hero. Chantlcler
or years has been a notable character
n much of this type of fiction. It l
nard to tell Just whem Aesop borrowed
him from; that I". unices w torture
a newspaper "story" to tha level of a
university thesis. But there he Is; and
from that time to thla he etanda dis
tinct In the fables of all lands. Through
the dark ages we hear of him over
and over In the "Romance of Rey
nard." Again. Shakespeare made htm
the hero of the dawn. Then La Fon
taine "featured" him In hla fables.
Finally, why not seek him In the pagea
of Hans Anderson, of Grimm's Fairy
Tales, of George Pand a "Diablo au
Champs." or Kipling's "Just Bo
There la no Innovation In taking
these birds out of fiction and placing
them upon the stage. Quite a few bun.
dred yeara before the Christian era,
Arlstophsnes thought of that same
happy scheme with, as a result, his
"The Birds" and "The Frogs." Nor
has Rostand aped the methods of his
Greek predecessor. On the contrary,
he has gone far beyond him In broad
ening hla horlson. In shaping his phil
osophy to our modern vein of thought.
Indeed, It Is marveloua how much Ros
tand has made of ao simple a story,
with what happy turns, with what
bold and new expressions, without hav.
Ing to force his text In the least, ha
has set before us In It the cry of the
Idealist. For In thla parable of beauty
Rostand ridicules many modern fash
Ions of life, awakes and satisfies the
longing for Ideals which slumber In
humanity and offers for our considera.
tlon a type of being who, through hla
faith In the glory of the future when
sought by meana of the work of today,
alone makes possible world progress.
Ladies' $45 to $65 Tailored Suits
On Sale for
One Week
at . . . . . .
With a Beauti
ful Silk Petti
coat Free
Tom Gallagher, successor to the House of Bair. offers to the ladies of Portland the greatest bargainsin
made-to-order, hand-tailored suits, ever offered in history of tailoring. For one week you may have your choice
of any suit in his enormous stock for $25.00. All suits are lined with guaranteed Skinner satin and are far
superior in every respect to the suits made by the small tailors who charge from $45.03 to $65.00.
All of the suits offered by Tom Gallagher are tailored by experts here in Portland. This is not an
alleged sale of manufacturers or "drummers samples" nor a left-over stock from New York and Chicago
sweat shops, but clean, first-class merchandise tailored in this city.
In order to test the different advertising mediums, any customer who mentions this ad may have a silk
messaline petticoat absolutely free. There will be just one hundred given away, so come early and get one
as the assortment will not last long.
Northwest B!dg.
Sixth and Wash.
.Third Floor
22P2 Washington
Tailor for Men and Women
Northwest BIdg.
Sixth and Wash.
Third Floor
327V2 Washington
Society News
and Notes
(eallaaed From rage 4.
peare Pludy Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. T. P. Townsend, Couch
iiid Kloral avenues, Monday, June I, at
I o'clock.
The next meeting of the Illinois So
ciety will he held Tuesday evening,
June 4. In the parlors of tha Portland
Hotel. The soHetv now has about ISO
members and earh month more new
members are added.
The regular meeting of the Michigan
Bociety of Oregon will be held Monday
at Women of Woodcraft Hall. Cards
will form the entertainment of tha
The Portland Women's Willamette
Club will meet Monday at 3:30 o'clock
at the Young Women's Christian As
sociation e e e
The Coterie Club will give an enter
tainment some time In June for the
benefit of the Iomestla Service Bu
reau, under Ha care. This Is an enter
prise of Itfterest to all classes, and tha
Coterie Invites helpful co-operation of
all friends.
e e e
The Campus Club will give an Inter
si hoot hop and boating party on tha
eteamer Monarch on Saturday evening,
June 3.
e e e
Net Thursday night Astra Circle,
Women of Woodcraft, will give a fancy
drees party and dance. Everybody Is
TakalewB erala.
William Alfred Tafcalo and. Miss Al
l.e Hwaln were married Tuesday at
1:39 I M , at the home of the bride's
parents, Ir. and Mrs. Kobert F. Kwaln.
nf 1119 Oarneld avenue. Itev. Oswald
Taylor officiated. Preceding the cere
mony Charlea H. W eston sang "l Love
You Truly." Miss Grace Edna Bhort
played the wrudlne; march. The bride
wee gowned In white silk and carried
white carnations. Tha guesta were
Mrs. J. 0. Htuart. Mr. and Mrs. "W. P.
lalto. he. Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Cook. Mr.
snd Mrs. C. H. Wston. Mr. and- Mrs.
Karrtes. Mrs. K. Paundsrs. Mrs. H. Hee
srldens. Mrs. Oeorge Hartness, Mrs.
Kdward I. Curtis, Mrs. Edward Church,
the Misses El lee and Roealle LaRoche.
Fa Maeten. Alli-y Church. Orace Edna
Khort. Aanen Cook. Millie Porth.
Frances and Florence Dlumenauer, Will
P. Curtis. Walter LaKoche. Jr., and
Ororae V. Hartness. After the cere
mony a reception was held.
Jefferson C. Crandall and Mlsa Hasel
May Roaslter were married on May 33
at the I'nlted Evangelical Church at
vckley Green. Rev. J. Bowersoa offi
ciated. Jack Layton played tha wed
ding march. Mlsa Madeline Crandall
acted as maid of honor and tha brides
maids were Mlsa Matilda Obsrg and
Mlsa Nellie Iloberta. Thomas Adams
attended the bridegroom aa beat man.
Among those preaent were Mr. and
Mrs. Jefferson Crandall, Sr.. Mrs. Jane
Crandall. Miss Vera and Paul Crandall,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert itosslter. Jr.. Miss
Ruth Rosslter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Roaslter, Fr, Dr. A. J. Rosslter. Mr.
and Mra. A. E. Rosslter. Mr. and Mrs.
L. II. Rosslter. Mr. and Mra. C. F. Ros
slter. Mlsa Louise Rosslter. After the
ceremony a wedding supper was served.
Mr. and Mra. Crandall are at home to
their friends t 1484 Minnesota avenue.
Dr. William F. Kaiser, district sur
geon for the Southern Pacific Railway
Company, formerly of this city, and
Mies Eunice Thompson were married
In Roeeburg last Saturday. Rev. W.
If. Eaton, pastor of the Baptist Church.
officiated. The wedding waa a quiet
affair and only relatlvea and a few In
timate frlenda were present. Mlsa
Thompson la tha daughter of J. B. C.
Thompson, a prominent stockman of
(Southern Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. Kai
ser will pass their honeymoon In Port
land. They will be at home to their
frlenda In Riddle. Or, after July 1.
Mrs. Henry Wax announcea tha mar
riage of her slater. Miss Minnie Bin
nard, of Lewlston, Idaho, to Albert Da
vis, of thla city, which took place on
June 1. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise per
formed the ceremony In the presence of
the Immediata families of the bride and
bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Davie will
be at home to their frlenda at Haddon
Hall. Eleventh and Hall streets.
Arthur W. Wetther and Mrs. Wacll
R. Mercer were married at Pasadena
on May 25. Mr. Wetther la the son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wetther, of this city.
Frank R. Barrett and Mies Pearl T.o
rena Baker, formerly of Minneapolis,
were married on Monday at the manse
Left Rlabt, To, Ra-er. Maria Aatbray, Job a Hilary, Ethel Raeaell,
I.ela BraJyi arad Raw, Datate Reevea, Elisabeth Kartbrwa, Gran
Yearn Third Raw, Laarle Miller, Ray Nlehclhsak, Ira Gabriel,
Doaald MeGegii Fourth Hew, Grace Vaaghaa, Marias Haaseaaa,
Nada Clark.
M'MINNVILLE. Or, June 1. (Special.) Friday. June 7. will be tha
ISth annual commencement of McMlnnville High PchooU when 14 stu
dents will be graduated. Tha exercises will be held at tha Imperial
of the officiating clergyman. Rev. J.
Boworsox, 1140 Gay street. Mr. and
Mrs. Barrett will make their home In
YamhlJl County.
Frederick C. Stimson and Miss Elsie
Gannon were married at the) home of
the bride's parents In Pasco. Wash..
Wednesday, May IS. The bride la the
daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Gannon,
of Pasco. The bridegroom la the aon
of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stimson. of Amity,
Or, and Is the proprietor of tha Crea
cent Drug Company. Mr. and Mra.
fttlmson will be at home in Pasco after
June 24.
A. D. Reinhard. aon of Rev. A. W.
Relnhard and Mra. Reinhard (Hasel
Dell Harcourt), ara receiving the fe
licitations of frlenda on tha arrival of
an eight-pound daughter at their home,
100 East Thirtieth street.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice, of Irvlngton,
announce the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Harriet, to Robert T.
Btelnke, of Spokane, Wash. Tha wed
ding will take place the evening of
June 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesse announce tha
engagement of their daughter Agnes
Helen to Karl Koch, the wedding will
take place In tha FalL
' Mrs. Leroy Emerson Fairbanks.' of
Feattlr, Is the guest of her cousin. Miss
Orace Wilton, for a few weeks.
Mrs. Gorge J. Foster, of this city. Is
In New York and la staying at tha
Hotel Martinique.
Mrs. Ada Myers, of 127 East Thirty
fifth street. Is visiting her mother Mrs.
A. P. Venen in Butler, wash.
Mrs. Emma Haws was the guest of
Mrs. W. A. Bellinger In Forest Grove
last week,
Mrs. Well, of Baker, la visiting Mra.
C. Kaufman, of ti West Park street.
Mr. Well and Mra. Kaufman will be at
borne next Thur day afternoon Juna
Wilbur McEldowney, cashier of the
Forest Grove National Bank, has re
turned from a trip to Bolae, Idaho.
Miss Mildred Fuller Is tha guest of
her aunt, Mrs,-John Weln, of Butte,
Mont., where she Is being entertained
by relatives and friends.
Kola Nels and Frits Strobel. of Port
land, sailed from New York for Europe
May H. on the North German Lloyd
steamship Berlin.
Mrs. Gilbert Barah (Blanche Settle
mler) and little daughter. Marjorle, of
San Francisco, are visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. O. M. Gettlemler.
Hi East Davla street.
Miss Florence Oliver and Miss Mabel
Luclle Boyle passed the week end In
Hood River aa guests of Mr. and Mra
H. E. Boyle.
L. S. Kaiser returned home laat Sat
urday after a two weeks' vacation In
California and Southern Oregon where
he visited friends an' relatives at Los
Angeles, 8s n Francisco, Marysville and
Mrs. Mlanda Smith, of Vale, la
passing the week In Portland aa tha
guest of her daughter Mrs. Irene Col
breath. Before returning home. Mrs.
Smith will vlrlt her aisier Mrs. Caro
line Watte at La Fayette.
Mr. and Mra. Clarence M. Simpson
are expecting Mrs. Simpson's sister,
Mrs. Clarence M. Cannon, of Salt Lake
City, to arrive In Portland next Thurs
day to be their guest during the Rosa
Festival at their apartmenta In the
Mrs. Rittman's appointment of Mrs.
Kirk aa deputy high chief ranger for
Marlon County district of tha order
was the cause of much satisfaction, as
Mrs. Kirk la one of the moat popular
workers In tha lodge in Oregon and
waa recently sent to Chicago as a del
egate. Mrs. R. A. Kirk had as her guest
Sutday laat Mra. Rose D. Rlttmaa, a
Chicago matron, who, aa high chief
ranger of the Women'a Catholic Order
of Foresters, representa (4.000 women
In tha United Statea and Canada. Mrs.
Klttman has been Instituting courts In
the Northwest, one of which la St.
Rose. No. 47, at St. Stephen'a parish.
Forty-second and Eaat Taylor streets,
120: Gilliam. 1: Grand. 30: Jose
phine. (: Klamath. 4i; Lane. 12;
Lincoln, 43; Linn, 134: Malheur. 30;
Marlon. (5; Morrow, 25: Multnomah,
123; Polk. t: Sherman. ; Tillamook.
S3; Umatilla, 107: Wallowa, R: Wasco,
28; Washington. 131: Yamhill, 323.
Counties not reported as yet are Clack
amas, Harney. Hood Klver, Jackson,
Lake. Union snd Wheeler.
3000 Will Reach High School.
SALEM. Or, June I. (Special.)
That practically 2 per cent of the stu
dents taking the eighth grade examina
tions will fall and that when all of the
reports come in practically 100 who
took tha examinations will have passed
Is tha estimate of tha State Superin
tendent of Public Instruction. Reporta
so far received show that 253 have
passed. These are divided among tha
counties aa follows: Baker, (7; Benton,
40; Clatsop. It; Columbia. 43; Coos. 33;
Crook, S: Curry. 13: TJoualas.
Developing Bust
Mil. Mer!yn. Amrlc'tj r author
It y on Health and Butr Cultur. advl
dn hra.thlnar ch momlnf and nlctat.
Tim wun NcioroH rifiuiy
rrtun avch nival, and aca morning bath
maMacltiff tb
tha nana with cold salt watar. Taka
Whlta Vaucalr Galeira Tablata roar tlma
a da jr. drink water frely and within a vary
rraaonabla tlma ricaiiD.t results will ba no
ticed. It U aaaanttal that yoa taka tha
Vaucalr rmdy that ronlalns tha GENT
IS H IMPORTED OALEOA, tni. h aa WlllarrJ
Whtta Comyany'a do a. Taka no aubatltutea,
aa thay ara worthleaa and a waata of tlma.
Tb tablets ara mora of a food than a
madMna. aad ara 'perfectly baxmlvaa. Kaay
l taka.
Not only doaa lCUe. Martyn Indoraa Oil.
mat hod. but alao all hlfh authorit ! on
beauty cult, and beauty wrttera and tbou
aanda of woman who hav succataf ully ud
them. Whtte'a Vaucalr e Galefa Tablet- ara
ao aaw eBtrarlmaate
Wi CAtTIOX you
to a.k tor
Wlllard White Co.'.
Oaliga TabMa
tub rmoi-a
Itawt PtiUsi
rteab Walldec
$1.00 BOX
ark) w v w
This Is the preparetloa se highly recom
mendd hr MM It. D LE VIE and all high
authorttlae en health and beauty culture.
Whltce Vaoralre Otitis Tabl'te contain
the s-enulne Imported Uairra. Th-y rours
ut shrunken shailew narta. develop and
make the buat firm. If you ere undeveloped.
THI.f. careworn, nervous or run.Oewn, take
a boa ef three tablete and aote their won
derful effects. II boa tthree weeks' treat
ment ), only Tax. One tea ef tee tatMets
etuals twe boilUe ef the 1 Slse liquid and
lrerr superior.
CAUTION Imitation aad worth lee ana
(rami are belna elfered. Oet only the
Hlnal, genuine, distributed by Wlllard
While Co., rhlcaso. Hewere of substitutes,
,oo (or U. a. registered trade-mark ea each
Meet Perter Totlet etatieo l the W erld.
mT.r. weed le stamp for sample of
IMeloroee Cream. Meloroee raoe Povder; also
Mall order, filled: add Se extra. Write
to W1I.LAKU Vi HITK CO.. Chicago. HL
Sold by Llpmn, Wolfe a Co.
nrurnv 3ovta
pitaa. ceitvauAiNB. mom, ut, arc.
all eaweeisrt avc it oa hu. cevftu a scaMtar
accer mo auejriTuTia.
rrte MS Cetrs.
Neo Plastique
Tha Great Instantaneous v rlnkle Tla
mover. Incloee 2c stamp for particu
lars. 34 H Washington street, second
floor, Portland. Or. Asoata Waa tea.
listening receivers put In your office, your borne. In any room, or In
every room.
Ifewi by Telephone, Music by Telephone.
Sermons by Telephone, Vaudeville by Telephone
Baseball reports while the game Is going on.
Lectures, speeches, theatrical performances, opera and happenings
af every aort by telephone; not In squeaky, rasping. nerve-Jarring
sounds, but clear and melodious tones, the human voice Itself reaching
you over a distinct wire system.
CIIDCrDIDC WftW CENTS A DAY, payable when liatramrola are
alUUilVnialle 41 V II pat la
eervtcw aea
roar off Ire ar home aad fall eoaemet- e I a I
Come and Listen
606 Royal Building (Formerly Toll & Gibbs Eldg.), 7th and Morrison.
Hotel Multnomah, All Around the Balcony, on Mezzanine Floor.
Meier & Frank's, 2d FL, Ladies' Waiting-Room; 7th FL, Restaurant,
Please bear In mind we are only
demunetrstlng now. in a few weeks
we will commence a full commercial
service from g A. at. to 13 P. U. tat
t cents a day,
Every day (eacept aunaajr) between
the he-re of 1 and 4 and a and 10 P.
St.. we have the followlnc special P re
gram me. There Is a little somethlna
coming ever the wires constantly from
in to A. at. until 19 V. U. Xbe roaiiy
enjoyable numbers are:
1 .uu I'latio eolo. Newa
3. IS aopraaa "The Hiver Shaaaea.
l.&t s'laiiw eolo. Jaouologue.
laa Coniralto. "Hoes ef Ut IlearL
1 .e eteiitor monologue.
1 Soprano. Oaruea af Rosea."
St:Mo t'lano muale sruiu Hvmio a
l:oo-l'laao eolo.
2 wu Comraito. 'Xast Rose af Sum
3:10 lull orchestra, overture.
2 25 stentor announcement
j ; fcourano. "Bilver Tareaaa, uicneetral muale.
S;4 liaritone, ragtime eoag.
X :d- Orchestral muale.
S:vO Unit. bttlna. Little Olew Warn1
S :fo Orchestral muaio,
g:li etentor announcements.
1 JO folo. striae. XI r prot. O. 3V Jer-
ery. . .
S 10 aopraae. Ton and Leva
t.te 'Cello aula, tor big nor stniae Ce-
3 SO Orcneetral nulla
j:t Contralto, -believe Me."
4 :vv fiina muale,
a :vu etentor otenolofue.
1. 01 Plane eoM. Mra Holcombe,
a:lu toarltone. "The Harbor of Leva"
a. la Contraiie. "Laat Moae eg anna
Bner." 5 30 Heading; by Stentor.
g Jt Soprano. "The Klver Shansea,"
g.o ttantone "Vale of Draama."
b oa- Pano aole.
:0 Contralto. Hoeetta"
S ee fnort talk ea Telephone Ueraia.
a;bo Monologue trouoat.
t .v plane aoio.
I no Koprano. "Garden ef Flooea"
a 10 toaritone. '-The Harbor ef Lave."
k . 1 ft rupraoe. You and Love.
b:u Hlentor reading.
a:ao : on trait o. "The Rosary.1
s. etenior monologue.
e.4e Piano, hamlrk s Song abea,
S.ftU1 Announcements; supper pre
gramme at various cafes.
Come aad lietea le Mies oeretby
Lewis sing "The Laat Hoes of Sum
mer" at k P. M. and b:lb. Come and
lietea to the beautiful baritone of Cart
palm, late of tha Btuart Oper -. Com
pany, in "1he Harbor of Love." St S:IS
aad 10. Hoar our eopraaa, M Lee Al
berta Oeliana. If yea hear Uleee sam
ples you wia lietea to it all.
tCuaslng oound announoea each num
ber about to commence, betweea ease
One minute Interval betweea num
ber a "-
Subscribe bow; payable whea Instruments ara pnt In your office er
heme and full commercial service commenced. Kead Booklet. It's la
formation, lasplralloa and Amusement on 'lap In tha Home.
Phone Subscriptions to Main 4345, Home A 3213
(Formerly Tull a Olbbs' bldg.)
rRoronK! commercial bEavica
S.UO r:iart time,
a. M. Weather reporta.
Late telegrams.
Hrlef, teree review of ehlel
liema la morning press.
3:45 ef the morning newt
repeated. bpeclai auieuaee
mrnta. S:3d-10:0u Special sales at the vari
ous aturee. aootal programme
tor the day. Local peraoaais
and small Items.
lOiOS New York Kacbange quotations.
Market letter, f inancial oewa
Mlecellaneuus Items.
ll:O0 paclfio Coaat aewa. CJvIe mat
tare. Polltlcai notes. alarine,
ehipplns and erop reports.
Noon Exact astronomical tme.
12:00 Lateit general sews. Naval,
military and lung rasaiosa,
23 :S0 Midday San Xranclseo snd Pert
laud btoca Kscnangs Quutatluas
and market reporta.
3:00 Hepetltlon of the half-days meet
Interesting uema.
1 :SO Local topics.
3:ou Koreign telegraphle dlspatshea
htei of the Norlhweau
SAO Theatrical, faeulon and society
notes. Household hlsta. Head
Insa, looturee, language lessens,
3.00 Laeehell reporta tin eeasoa, re
ported on special wlrs direct
from the para, play by play
during game. Ueneral sperlln.'
tiewe. Standing of league kluba
tipeolal newa Itoma.
S:00-e oo etorisa and talke fee the
e:30-8:(PO Orchestral muale.
S:U0-10 80 Vaudeville, opera, theatri
cal performances, concerts,
lt:30-13.vv urshsstral musls.