TTTT! KTTNDAY OREGOXTAX. PORTLAND, jr - . i I SMSSSSSHMSMMSBSSesBSBSeeeeemSeemeSat POLICEMAN SHOT; WIFE KILLS SELF Little Hope Offered for Recov ery of Wounded Sergeant. TWO MISSILES IN HEAD Jralouey ('ivm of Tragedy In Home of Orricrr, fiay Friend of Pead Woman Injured Man Re cent Law Graduate. Kverett H. Peachln. police sergeant and attorney, la lying near death at St. Vincent's Hospital aa the result of bul let wounds Inflicted yesterday morning by hla wife, who killed herself with tha am weapon. Attending; physicians offer little hone for the recovery of Peachln, aa an X-ray photograph shows there are two pieces of lead resting on hla brain. The tragedy, which Is said to have been caused by jealousy, took place at the Peachln home on the tarada electric line. It la Impossible to determine from the X-ray photograph whether the two bits of lead are different bullets, or fragments of one. if the former Is the rase, the wounded man's rase Is almost hopeless, say attending physicians. Letters written by Mrs. Peachln Fri day evening to members of the family Indicate that the crime was premedi tated. She was of hysterical tempera ment, say friends, and was Jealous of Peachln. Wards Lead Kboatlag. On account of his wife's frail health, fergednt Peachln recently obtained per mission from his superiors to reside outside the city, and established a home at Wichita station, on the Katacada line. The parents of Mrs. Peachln, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Krlgbaum, living at Ksta radit, were visitors and occupied the house, while Peachln and his wife slept In a tent In the yard. The parents say there was nothing to Indicate trouble Friday night except that a low-toned ronrersatlon was carried on for soma tlmw after the Poachlna retired. An alarm clock had been set to awaken Peachln at 4:0, so that he might report for duty at the atatlon hi its regular hour In the morning. Mrs. Peachln awakened before that tlmn, and appears to have made her prepare tlona for the act. using Peach In's police revolver. The wounded man. who discussed the affair briefly at the hosDltal. said they had a few worda and then she began shooting. Wossaa Fire six Shots. Six shots were fired, two going wild, one wounding Peachln's hand and two. It Is believed, striking blm In the head. Wounds appear in the face and In the back of the head, but tr. Fred Ztegler Is unable to determine whether or not one of tbem was mode by the egress of the bullet which entered at the other side. The last shot Mrs. Peachln turned upoa herself. Inflicting a wound In the from which she died Immedi ately. Te parenta of Mrs. Peachln rushed to the tent and found the wife lying on the floor with her night dress afire from the burning powder. Peachln moaned to them to take the gun away fros her. Assistance was called and the wounded man waa rushed to the hospital, while the Coroner from Oregon City, within whose Jurisdiction the shooting occurred, took charge of the wonian'a body. Pearala Reeewtly Preaaoted. Peachln had no close associates In the department, but waa well liked. He waa of quiet manner and good presence. 'or several years he had been a traffic ofnner stationed at Fifth and Morrlaon streets, and waa well known to the shopping public for hla courtesy. A month ago he waa promoted to a ser iceaacy, and a few daya later took a leave of absence In order to present himself for examination for admission to the bar. He qualified and would hav. left the department soon to take up he practice of law. Last night the wounded man showed a high temperature, and physicians held out little hope for hla recovery. brides residence. Testerday forenoon Mr. and Mrs. Witt again went through the ceremony of marriage, with the family and a few friends present. The bouse was decorated with roses, carna tions and asparagus fern, while tha bride carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Rev. Mr. Weber, of the Metho dist Church, officiated. , Mrs. Witt is well known In Portland society. Mr. Witt Is an Insurance man, and Is associated with the firm of Mo Cargar, Bates Lively. GRANGE HEARS LECTURES Too Much Politics In State Organiza tion, Saja C. II, Welch. Dr. J. H. Brlstow lectured yesterday afternoon on "Fighting Contagious Dis ease" before the Evening Star Orange at the hall on the Hection Line road, and told of the methods of prevention. He pointed out that the people may reduce the risk of contagious diseases by observing the regulations and re specting the rights of their neighbors. Baylor Pmith told why the people should support the state and county fairs. Miss Mary F. Isom, of the Portland Library Association, spoke on "Authors of Today." Miss Isom left with the Grange lists of vacation bonks. The programme was under direction of Mrs. J. K. Nelson, lecturer. C IL Welch, representative to the CLUB ALTERS QUARTERS Cosnmrrclal Organisation Transfor mation N'oars Completion. Alterations In the quarters of the Portland Commercial Club are being tarried forward rapidly and soon will be completed. The bar fixtures have beeu moved from the second floor and installed on the sixth floor Just off the billiard room. What was formerly tha office of the press bureau. will be trans formed -into a checkroom, and the old linen room, steward's office and ad joining rooms have been enlarged to the same else as the private dining rooms on the floor above them by cut tlnsj Into the old convention hall. Tha new rooms thus created will be used as cardroom. The steward's office and linen room will be moved to the aev entit floor Tie half of the convention hall that remains from the remodeling operations wilt, be fitted out for a Dutch grill room, and arrangements have been made whereby the private dining-room space will be greatly Increased. Only yesterday the contract waa let for a new fSOOO ice-making machine, which will be Installed In the base ment of the building. Electric dumb waiters and many other minor Im provements will add to the convenience and speed with which service can be handled -in the club. WEDDING SECRET FOR YEAR roi-tlantl Couple Play Joke Vpon AJ1 TlH-lr Friends. Going to the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Hplcker, at itlllsboro, yesterdsy, to congratulate their daughter, Kdlth M., upon her marriage earlier In the lay to W. IL Witt, as well aa to con gratulate the bridegroom, frlenda of the supposedly newly-married couple were confronted with a marriage certificate showing that the two had been married almost a year before. Mr. and Mrs. Witt had taken their departure for Orenco, laughing at the Joke played on their friends. The certificate was placed In a promi nent place on the mantle. In a large envelope, and showed that Mr. and Mrs. Witt had been married In Vancouver, Wah, July 11. 111. They had kept their marriage a secret all the Inter vening time, and not even their closest friends were let Into It. In face It was only several days sgo that Mrs. Witt Informed her Barents. ami It was arranged to have a formal j celebration of the ceremony at the i iiijm hii .y; "" " "ai f tf (k0 ;! ' - ii I. .... . -T -. . Vy, I ersreaat K. a. Peach I a. Was Waa ftaet by Mite Yesterday. g ................ .....4 State Grange, made a report In which he said there waa too much politics In the organisation. J. W. Black alao told of the State Grange. It was decided to hold annual me morial services at the hall of Lents Grange on Sunday, June 16. Evening Star, Lents, Pleasant Valley, Russell vllle, Woodlawn and other Granges will take part In the memorial programme, which will be In honor of Grangers who have died the past year. NEW CAFE KRATZ OPENS Popular Caterer Now Has Klegant Cafo at Third and Alder. Testerday Mr. August Krats, the popular caterer, opened his elegant new cafe at the corner of Third and Aider streets. The many old friends and acquaint ances of Mr. Krats who called ta com pliment him and give their stamp of approval are a certain criterion of the Immediate success he will attain. The Krats Cafe Is a cafe of most modern equipment where unexcelled goods arc dispensed with perfect serv ice. It Is something else beside. It la an ideal rendesvous. It la a symphony In tints and tones and a study In the grain of woods. There Is a cool restfulness about the spacious Interior that sends weary city days Into the Umbo of distance. There are two entrances, one at 262 Alder and one at 142 Third street. TAX LAW TOJE DECIDED Test Case Against Wells, Fargo A Co. Comes on Appeal. 8ALKM, Or, June 1. (Special.) An appeal In the case of the State versus Wells. Fargo A Co.. will be taken by Attorney-General Crawford shortly to Anally determine a question which was raised In the Marlon County Circuit t WOODBI RX PIOfcKR LAID TO LAST RK.ST AT Ht'BBAHD. . ii. in . n . i .T7 'til y 14 Thomas Beatea Klllla. WOODBCRX, Or.. June 1. (Spe cial.) Thomas Benton Klllln. a pioneer resident of Oregon and Civil War veteran, who died at his home here this week, was tha son of John and Frances KUlln and waa born In Springfield, Hl.. JUay IV, crossing ine pimn In an ox-cart In l4a with his parents, he arrived In Oregon the same year and in 18-17 lo cated permanently on Elliot Prairie, about six miles east of this city, where he lived until about one year ago, when he sold Ms farm and moved here. Mr. Klllln was well known through out this section and held In tha highest esteem by all who knew him. He served 10f days during the Eastern Oregon Indian trou bles and served creditably for three years during the Civil War In the First Oregon Volunteer Cavalry. He waa also County Commissioner for Claokamas County for eight years, from 190 to UK. He la survived by Ma wife. Mrs. MUey Klllln; a daugh ter, Mrs. May Durant, and a son, Benton Klllln. Funeral services were held at Hubbard. OlYPTOIn rVWWiiHUlHFJcewie.1 taAa I r VXss-r?V FAR Without line . 7-m -T'NgAIM in fia j.i?' vision mj s . Lens Both Near and Far Vision in One Lens With no Line of De markation. On of th" most wonderful in ventions optieal science has pro duced in many years. Two pieces of glass are so siiU fnlly fused that no line or scam exists.' Krypto's look exactly like reg ular single-vision lenses. They are smooth to tbe touch. Over 200,000 people are now wearing them. Krypttfks give the t greatest comfort when designed, made and fitted by us. THOMPSON i Eyesight Specialist, Second Floor Corbett Building, - Fifth and Morrison. . Court as to validity of tha gross earn ings tax law, which was passed by tha people In 106. In tha lower court. Judge Burnett, who Is now on tha Su preme Bench, held that the general tax law of a later date, paased by the Leg islature, by Implication repealed the gross earnings tax law. The aame quest'en has to be an swered regarding the law creating tha Tax Commission at a still later data, but this question Is not Involved In the present appeal. Time for filing notice of appeal In tha Standard Oil case has elapsed. JENNE SEEKS NEW PLANT Kite I Offered for Woolen MJUs With Probability of Acceptance. A woolen mills plant Is one of the Industries that the Jenne Station Im provement Association haa undertaken to secure for that district. W. S. Jenne, owner of the Jenne homestead, baa agreed to donate a five-acre site for tha plant on Johnson Creek. Jenna Sta tion la on the Qresham branch of the Portland Railway, Light at Power Com pany. John M. Mann, a Portland busi ness man, who owns a farm at Jenne Station, had the water of Johnson Creek analysed and It was shown to contain all tha qualities required for scouring wooL There are good pros pects that the plant will be established. The prospective owners of tha enter prise seem favorably Impressed with the location and have the matter under consideration. Through the Initiative of the associ ation tha county will replace the old bridge across Johnson Creek, which Is on the sntomoblle road from Portland. essage -AM From Moyer Moyer says that the greatest, part of the profit in selling a Moyer $15 Suit is the knowledge that he has gained a satisfied customer and a friend. There's so much goodness in a Moyer $15 Suit that, having once worn one, you are sure to come for another. Moyer $15 Suits are pure wool the tailoring has many of those niceties of fit and finish that you look for in more expensive suits; there's no need for you to pay more when Moyer can please you so well for an outlay of only $15 try it once and you'll know. Summer fabrics are here in patterns the newest; let Moyer show them to you. FIVE STORES MOYER First and Morrison Second and Morrison Third and Oak When You See It in Our Ad, It's So FIVE STORES First and Yamhill 87 and 89 Third with a concrete bridge, the first of tha sort projected In the county. A num ber of roads In the neighborhood have been opened and Improved and some are oiled. At a recent meeting held by the club Henry Keed. candidate for County As sessor, addressed more than J00 farm ers on new methods of assessing prop erty. It wss the largest gathering ever held in this section. The Jenne Sta tion Improvement Association has be come one of the most effective Im provement factors In tbe county. Lewis Buys mi Ljle. LTLK. Wash.. June L (Special.! R. IL Lewis, president of the Columbia HuddIv Comoanr of Portland, nas pur chased ISO acres In Lyle's fruit district. a few miles north, and Intends to de velop It as fast as the timber Is logged off. Forty acres will be cleared and setto fruit. Mr. Lewis whs formerly a prominent orchardlst of Hood Klver. Tangle Over Anto Settled. OLTMPIA. Wash., June 1. (Special.) The Supreme Court today reversed tha Superior Court of Chehalls County In the esse of A. J. Anderson against tha White Company, appellant, an ac tion brought to recover $j00 alleged to have been advanced on an auto mobile. According to the testimony the automobile was to be sold through the agency of the Aberdeen Auto Com pany, the White Company representing the msniifartiirer. The Supreme Court held that the Aberdeen Auto Company was responsible for non-dollvery of tha automobile. Vancouver Gets "Cooklnu Hate." OLTMPIA, Wash., June I. (Sperlsl.) The Puhllr Service Cominlslon today authorized the Portland Light and Pom-er Comiwny to put In a "cooking rate"' at Vancouver Jilne 1. The rate Is something novel In the tarlf of an electric company, and will permit the user to operate his electrical conking appliances at less cost than at the present tlmv 4 Days tSS JUNE 8 SHOW GROUNDS 25th and RALEIGH STREETS MILLER BROS & EDWARD ARLINGTON'S nnn nnmcni REAL WW Hi . .1 "X"'-' vj.-'J(.'jL'.uu.s.V'.'(r- HTT ev ax rv I i 1 h -lSwmL ' tap WW mmm Bstrfaai graanf erjaaai fts1 TWICE DAILY 2 28 P.M. RAIN ORSHINE Devtatewa 1 l-ket ofTlrv on Is Hher maa. rir ., Slsta mm 4 Merrlaea . atreeta. PealUvely Eatrsi t targe for Karly Reeenatleaa. A Revelation to Homebuilders Kings and Arlington Heights Within ten minutes of the busy business center of this preat eity lies the most beautiful of its residence sections. Here, close to the heart of Portland, and close to the heart of nature now and for the future the most exclusive residence section. Building Sites From $1000 to $3750 . Terms to suit. Special inducements to those who will build within a reasonable time. 4 -1 ; V V 4 .r. -v . j -if' ! -t m i s it. -X, ;, " arr-t , - . . ' s I l . : i(l i MACLEAY BOULEVARD, KINGS HEIGHTS. Our automobiles are at your service to take you to Kings and Arlington Heights at any time. Call or phone for appointment. Dorr E. Keasey r Co. DEALERS IN HEIGHTS PROPERTY SECOND FLOOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE J