The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 26

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Government Will Insist Upon
Valley Interests Sharing
Cost of Improvement.
Provision for Preliminary Examina
tion to Be Included In Latent
Rivera and Harbor Bills Locks
Wo!4 Aid Fntlrei Stream.
Should the Government determine to
make a survey of tha Upper Wlllam
atta River, from Oregon City to Cor
vallls. with a view to constructing a
yitam of locks ao aa to hold tha watar
and provide for a depth of at least aiz
feet. It will only ba after atepa have
baen taken by city and county Interests
In tha Valley to organise ao funds can
be provided to ahara the eoat with tha
. War department.
In tha rlvara and harhora bill, which
Is expected to be paused thla month,
provision will ba made for a prelimi
nary examination of that part of tha
stream with view to reporting on
tha advisability of tha plan. Tha work
win be carried on under tha direction
of Major Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers.
V. a. A.
Datauai I al Ilaad.
There la probably sufficient datum on
hand for that purpose. Should there
ba a willingness Indicated on tha part
of tha state or Willamette Valley resi
dents to Join with tha Federal forces
and tha preliminary report was favor
able, a aurvey would be undertaken as
a means of ascertaining the cost.
How the district would be organised
so as to meet half of tha expense haa
not been do'ermlned. but It haa been
suggested that the entire watershed of
the Willamette Valley be brought into
a port district formed In the same man
ner""ag tha Port of Portland, Port of
Tillamook, Port of Cooe Bay and Port
of Astoria. The entire river would de
rive benefits from tha system of locks,
becauae then steamers could ply over
tha entire route at every aeaaon and re
gardless of tha normal stage of water,
while under existing conditions they
re shut Out during th low-water sea
son. t'e-eperatlve Plaa Demanded.
The locks could be so constructed
that they would not Interfere during
high water, otherwise tha adjacent land
would ba overflowed, an they would
' probably ba built In sections and dur
ing; high water could be lowered to tha
bed of tha river.
It in said that the Government will
not undertake tha project and liquidate
all expenses, but will Insist on a co
operative ivstam.
Freshet May Bo Chocked Here Tcm
porartly Thh Week.
I.ate reports filed at the office of Die- j
trlct Forecaster Heals yesterday ware i
that the Snake River was falling be-
low Welser and that the Columbia was i
falling between Kennewlck and Uma
tilla. The Kootenai had been falling for
three days at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, but
the Pend O'Rellle River haa risen slow,
ly for three weeks at Newport. Wssla. 1
The Willamette River, which roes
slightly under the Influence of recent
rains. Is falling above rialem. Mr. Heals
says there will ba a temporary check In ;
the freshet, hut even a fall of four or
Ave Inches should not ba accepted aa
tiie end of the rise.
Tha river at Portland waa 19.5 feet
at 1 o'clock yesterday morning and to
rts r It la expected to be 20.2 feet. The
crest of preceding floods haa been re
corded at Portland, together with the !
height above xero. ss follows: June 20, l
111. 19.1 feet; May IS. 110. lt.l feet:
June 21. 190. 21.4 feet: June 20. 10.
21 I feet: June t. lso;. 1 1 feet; June .
1904. 13.4 feet: Jure IS. li. 12.4 feet:
May 27. li4. 20. feet: June 1. 1903. 24
feet; June 4. 1902, 20. feet: June 3,
1911. 20.2 feet; May 2". 1S00. 1 7.8 feet;
June 23. 199. 24.2 feet; June 1, 18.
21.7 feet; May 24. lf". 23.7 feet; June
2J. H9. 23 feet; June 23. 1191, 23.
feet: May 20. 1SS. l.l feet, and June
7. 1894, known as the "big flood." the
river reached a height of 33 feet.
Papers Will Be, Ilrcrlved Tomorrmr
Covering West Side fslte.
Expecting that the abstract covering;
tha second public dock site, which Is
to be on the West Hide and probably be
low the bridges, will be turned over to
, the Commission of Public Docks tomor
row. Fred w. Mul key. chairman of the
board, says that it will be made pub
lie at the regular aesslon that will he
convened Thursday afternoon.
The abstract was to have been com
pleted last week and It was understood
that a meeting was to hsve been bald
Ssturday, but delav In assembling tha
information made It necesssry to post,
pone tha announcement of the site.
Men have been selected by the Commls-
si on to pass on the Reld property, which
was selected for the t'.aet fide dock sits,
and they are to get together this week
snd prepare an appraisement. The earn
procedure-will be followed nn tha West
Side site snd the work of obtaining
title to both probably will be started
at the same time.
Mcamer comes to Load Australian
Lumber Cargo In River.
Coming from Eureka with a part ear
go of redwood to finish her load for
Australia, tha British steamer Strath
allan Is due at Llnnton today and will
tart working cargo at the Clark
Wilson mill tomorrow. The steamer will
load about 1. BOO. 000. feet there. She ta
under charter to tbe A. F. Thane Com
pany. She will be cleared via Nanalmo.
where she will fill her bunkers.
More of the "Strath" fleet are to head
for tha Coast as the Government has j
taken the Strmthgnlle and Ktrathord to
load coal at Norfolk for San Francisco. .
The Strathmore and Strathnalrn are nn
the way. while other vessels bringing
the fuel are the Lewis Luckenbach and
the Netherpark. Two additional car
riers are to be taken for tha same busi
ness shortly.
North Bend to Have Free Dork.
NORTH BEND. Wash.. June I (Spe
rlul.) The city of North Bend has de
cided to have free docks. The city owns
a large water frontage and heretofore
there always has been a dockage charge
and the water front was operated by a
city wharfinger. The City Council has
dsrided to adopt an ordinance doing
away with tha dockage charges and el-
lowing vessels to dock at tha city
waterfront without paying any toll.
Thla was done for tha reason that It
Is expected much freight will ba
brought by tha railroad contractors and
the city desired to make shipping; to
this point as easy aa possible for tha
railroad contractors. Tha elimination
of charges appllea to all Incoming and
outgoing freight handled.
Skipper of Oil Tanker 32 Yearn Old
and linglneora Are Younger.
Captain Canty, skipper of the oil
tanker Catania, celebrated his birthday
May 25 and on sailing last evening
remarked tbat he was aa old aa bis
ship. Now as age goes the skipper la
yet a 'kid' also In appearance, aa ba
la only 32 years old, The Catania la
also 22. but a few months older than
her master.
In fact. It la a ship of young men. for
First Mate J. P. Tibbetts. who Is ta
leave the vessel to accept a similar
berth on the steamer ttlerra. which will
operate from San Francisco In the Au
stra'tan service, is about 2. Chief En
gineer W. C. Hogan Is 27 and his first
assistant, Harry Ackerman. Is 25.
Others In the englneroom are under tha
ace of their chief. Captain Canty haa
been going to sea 1 years and fur six
years haa sailed on the Catania, one
year aa mate and Ave years ss msster.
His license was renewed yesterdsy by
Vnlted Htates Inspectors Kdwarda snd
Fuller, it being an unlimited ticket for
atrsm and sail
Marine Notes.
From the Alblna dock the (Oriental
liner Rygja will shift tomorrow to the
Crown mill for flour and In the after
noon she will move over to Oersntc
Repairs and tha repainting of the
steamer Joseph Kellogg are about fin
ished and she will resume her place
on the Portland-Cowlltg River run to
There was an Improvement shown In
southbound passenger travel on the
departure from Rainier yesterdsy of
the steamer Northland or pan Fran
cisco and San Pedro.
Captain (3. B. Wiggins was signed
yesterday as master of tha steamer
Watina, of the Shaver fleet, succeeding
Captain 8. 8. Dalby, the latter assum
ing commanS of the Vulcan, which will
steam In the Shaver line for a month.
Approximately 400 tone of flour waa
loaded aboard the Japanese tramp Man
dasan Maru yesterday at the plant of
the Portland Flouring Mills Company
and she will drop down to St. Johns
to start loading lumber there tomorrow.
Frank Bnllam, agent for the Inde
pendent steamers on the Coast, haa
been named uptown ticket agent for
the gasoline schooner Anvil, plying
from Portland to Bandon and way
porta. The vessel sails again Wednes
day. Aboard the steamer Bailey Oatsert
when she leaves for the Colifmbia to
day will ba a party of Elks and they
expect to have an outing at Bonneville,
unless a change of programme la de
rided on and the Journey continued to
Cascade Locks.
A. B. Waatell, .manager of the Open
River fleet, and W. H. Small wood, whore
he succeeded, will leave today on the
steamer J. N. Teal for the tipper river.
After reaching Cellio they will board
the ateamer Inland Km p Ire for a Jour
ney on the Upper Columbia.
District Forecaster Beala will depart
(or Washington June 12 to consult
with the chief of the Weather Bureau
and practice forecasting for the entire
country. He was apprised by wire yes
terday that arrangements had been
made for his presence there.
Inspector Beck, of the 17th light
house district. Issued ordera yesterday
for tha tender Jdanxanlta to proceed
from Astoria tomorrow for Eagle Hsr
bor. where she will be cleaned and
painted by Hall Brothers. The tender
will carry supplies to Puget Pound sta.
tlons before returning to the Columbia,
On the steamer Isthmian, of the
American-Hawaiian fleet, which will ar.
rive Wednesday and thereby Inaugurate
the through service of that line from
fit Una Crux, will be 1074 tons of cargo
from New York and 100 tons of bond
ed stuff from Europe, with 40 tons of
coffee from Mexico. The vessel la due
June 5 and sails south June t.
There was a larger crowd than ex
pected aboard the 0.-W. R. 4k N. stesm.
er Hassalo when she pulled away from
Ash-street at 1 o'clock yeaterday on
her first trip of the season to Megler.
She will lay over there until 9 o'clock
tonight and reach here tomorrow morn
ing, sailing again at 8 o'clock and re
turning from Megler at nlgbt.
Movements) of Vessels.
PORTLAND. June 1. Arrived ateamer
Bavr. from Fen Pedro ami Han Fran
rlsco, Balled ritarnr Knsa City, for fan
Franclso and San Pedro' steamer North
land, for Haa Francisco, dxteamSr Cstsnls.
fur Port San Luis.
Aalorla. June I. Balled st 10:30 A. St..
steamer Jim Hutler. for San Francisco;
ateamer OlympK. for San Pedro. Arrived
down at 11 A. M.. steamer Tamplco. Ar
rived at 11:8 A. St., snd left up St 3:30
Dae ta Arrive,
Xante From. Data
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Is port
Beavsr San Pedro.... In port
Alliance Eureka June 2
Roe H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . June s
Anvil .J'sndon June 9
Oeo. W. Elder. .San Dlege. ... June 9
Isthmlaa. . . . eailna crua. June I
Bear. Ban Padre. ... June 6
Roanoke. .. ... (tan Diego. .. . June 10
Rose City San Pedro. ... June 11
Scheduled to Depart.
Namt far. Data
Preakwater. ...coo Ba.... June 2
Tala 8. T. for I A. June
Alliance Eureka June 4
Sua H. Elmore. 1 illamoolc. . . June 9
Anvil J3andon June 9
Uo. W. Elder. .ban Diets. ... June S
Harvard S F. A L. A.. . June 9
Beaver Pan Pedrv. ...June 9
1-ihmtaa...... Sauna Crtta. ..June
Roanoke Fan Diego. ... June 13
Bear San Pedra.... Juns II
Hose City Baa Pedro... June 19
P. M . etesmer Beaver. from San Francisco
snd an Pedro. Arrived down it I M and
sailed at a P. M-. steamer Rose ritv. for
Pan Francisco and Pan Pedro, Palled at
4 P. M-. schooner Virginia, for sn Pedro.
Palled at 3 4 P. 11.. ateamer Tamplco. for
Ban FranHero.
Ban Kranrlaro. June 1. Arrived at A.
M.. ateamer Tamalpala, from Portland;
steamer Roanoke, from Portland. Halld at
2 P M., ateamer Klamath, for Portland:
at 3 V. eieamer t'oaetr. for Portland.
Bandon, June 1. Arrived Usaollne
schooner Anvil, from Portland.
Msn Krenclaeo. June 1. Arrived Steam
ers Roanoke, from Astoria: Daisy Ultrheil.
from Cireya Harbor; liuford. from gallna
t'rus; Tamalpala, from Aetorla: ahlp Imn
erre. from Newraetla. Aua.; harkentlne a.
O. Wilder, from Uelltngham. Palled Ht earn
er Honoma. for Honolulu: nherman. for
Alasks: Governor, Watson. Pesttln-Klamath.
for Astoria; schooner Golden Weet, for
Orsa Harbor; schooner Archer, for Roche
Heattla, June 1. Arrived Hteamers Atlas.
Tuomt Maru, from Tarorna; Jeffraon.
from Skagwajr: Northland, from f-alyemlth;
Tukon. from Pan Franclsr-a. hailed Steam
ers Penator. Sew ard for Nome; Spokane, for
Skngway: Beilerophon, for Taroma: Atlse,
towing barge 91, for Pan Vrantaco; T.a
tourhe, Martpnaa. for Southwestern Alsekal
Nome City. Tacoma Maru. foe Taeoma; rev
enue eutter Rush, for Bremerton. -
Los Angeles. June 1 Arrived Beer, from
Portland; Rainier, frtwn Wtllapa Harbori
Thomas L Wand, from Kverelt. Palled,
roronado. for Urays Harbor; Xsllowatone.
for Columbia Blver.
Coluasbla River Bar Report.
APTORIA. Or., Jons 1. Condition at the
mouth of the river st 9 P. M.. gmootb;
wind, northwest. 24 miles; westber, clear.
Tides at Astoria Punday.
High. Low.
1 II A M ..... feet'S 4l A. M....-0I foot
9.11 P. M . fei,8 33 p. U 4.1 feel
Meteorites Not Fully Understood by Great Body of Observers Willamette Meteorite, One of Tinest Specimens
Knows, Cause of Three Lawsuit Many Different Kinds Are Known, bnt All Contain Iron.
.41; my r r
, - x - " " :
i '
(i e( -
,, , r f ' 4 'ii..j. .
(Paper read before Oregon State Academy
of Pclenccs at Cores 11 la )
WHAT Is known aa the Willamette
Meteorite waa discovered In the
'all of 1902 by the late Ellis O.
Hughes, living some two miles north
west of the village of Willamette In
Clackamas County, whose farm Joined
the land belonging to the Oregon Iron
A Steel Company, upon which the
meteorite was found. In August, 1903,
in company with William Dale, a pros
pector making his home with the fam
ily of Mr. Hughes, they dug it up and
moved It on to land belonging to Mr.
Hughes and near his residence, where
upon the Iron Hteel Company
brought suit for Its possession.
After considerable litigation. Includ
ing three trials, the court finally de
cided In favor of the company and It
waa moved to the mining building at
the Lewis A Clark Exposition, where
It was the center of attraction to thou
9.indg of visitors, after which It wai
old to Mrs. William K. Iodg.f
New York, for $S.000. and takefT to
New York and presented to the Ameri
can Museum of Natural History, which
placed It on exhibition In Central Park
aa the largest Iron meteorite ever
found In the United States and third
largest In the world. The tvan ex
ceeding It In magnitude are the Bncu
blrlto, found In the atate of Flnaloa,
Mexloo, which weighed SO tons, the
other being the one discovered by
Lieutenant R. E. Peary, IT. 8. N, In
1J, at Cape York on the northern end
of Bafflns Bay. Greenland, which he
named the Ahillghlto after his daugh
ter. It measured 10 feet 11 Inches In
length, feet 9 Inches high and t feet
1 Inches thick, weighing lH '""
being composed of native Iron 91.49
per cent, nickel 7.79 per cent, cobalt,
.061 per cent, with tracea of copper and
Wright S1.1T Posada.
The Willamette meteorite weighs
21.107 pounds: Its length at base being
10 feet 4 Inches, 7 feet in width and 4
feet t Incbea In height at summit of
dome, with a circumference at base of
15 feet 4 inches, and la composed of
92.41 per rent of native Iron, 7.21 per
cent nickel. .027 per cent cobalt and
.09 per cent phosphorus, with a spe
cific gravity of 7.7.
When I first learned of Its discovery
In 103 I at once reported the And to
Dr. Oeorge P. Merrill, head curator of
the National Museum at Washington,
who requested me to visit the locality,
make a thorough examination of the
strange vtaltor and report the result
of my Investigation. In compliance
with his request I visited Mr. Hughes'
place October 21. 190J, In company with
Cyrus McKay, of Portland, who took
several photographa of the atrange
monster, while I took Ita measure
ment and secured severs! small pieces
to send with my report, for analysis.
In May. 1904. I made a second visit
with J. C. Campbell and got quite a
good-alxed sample for further Investi
gation. My next visit waa In the Sum
mer of 1905. lust previous to Ita re
moval to Portland, being accompanied
by my wife. Mra. Johnson and son, and
we secured several more pictures.
PVtetloa Cesassws Particles.
Our earth In Its travela around the
sun passes through great showers of
planetary dust (namely, about October
16 to 1S. frequently meeting solid
bodies of matter, some few of which
come within the attraction of our
planet and are drawn to the earth, and
traveling at such a rapid rate the fric
tion of the atmosphere causes such an
immense heat that they are partly con
sumed or fused before reaching the
ground, and are called meteorites; be
ing subdivided Into several -classes' as
slderltes. aerolites," sldeolltes, "bo
II tee." and asslderltes or "chondrites.
Slderitea," or metallic meteorites,
are simply chunks of iron of almost
any size and shape, and are most apt
to attract attention, owing to their
resemblance to masses of artificial
iron, and are distinguishable by a
black crust formed on the surface by
melting during their passsge through
the atmosphere, a well as by pits, rup
shapad Impressions, holes, hollows and
other cavltlea occurring on tbe outside,
caused by the fusing of less refrsctory
minerals, being one of the characteris
tic featurea. Another la that they are
far more tough than any wrought iron,
though they can be sawed or filed, yet
are difficult to break, and only small
pieces can be broken off by. a heavy
blow from a hammer, at some small
projecting point. They usually con
tain over 90 per cent native Iron which
Is almost Invariably alloyed with from
6 to 10 per cent nickel, and frequently
cobalt and tin.
All Have Bell-like Tome.
Another characteristic feature Is
that all metallic meteorites give out a
clear sound like that of a large bell
when struck with a hard substance, or
even with- the ball of the hand, aa
many will attest who visited the Wil
lamette meteorite exhibit while
on display at the Lewis' and
Clark Exposition. The most Im
portsnt snd fins I test Is made
by polishing and then etching with
nltrlo acid diluted with equal parts of
water, which brings out certain pecu
liar markings, known as the Wldman
statan figures; named after Dr. Alois
Von Wtdmanstatan, who first made
use of the test in 1S08. which test is
considered as Indisputable.
All metallic metorltes contain na
tive Iron, which does not occur Isolated
In nature, hut Is always associated
with other elements. The nearest to
native Iron known la a curioua white
Iron .ore found In Arkansas, in How
ard County, adjoining Montgomery,
Polk and Pike Counties, which is so
near being pure that it can be forged
aud welded.
"Aerolites" are the most numerous,
and are composed almost entirely of
stone, though some have Iron mure or
less distributed throughout the mass,
and are sometimes called atony me
teorites, being nearly always Irregular
shaped pieces, resembling fragments
broken either In their passage through
the air or from larger masses before
commencing their flight, their angles
being rounded and aldea either convex
or concave. Their surface Is covered
with a crust of Iron oxide, or rust,
blackened and partly melted, though
they generally escape notice owing to
the fact that they resemble ordinary
stones too much to attract attention,
exrrpt on prairies where stones are ex
ceptionally rare.
Maay Light aad g-seaary.
"Sldrolltes" are a class of burnt-out
meteorites from which most. If not all.
metal haa been evaporated during Its
flight through the atmosphere: being
only a light, porous, spongy, black tnaaa
upon reaching the- ground, and would
escape notice unless it waa seen to
' Bollta" or bolla," familiarly called
shooting stars, which were known to
our ancestora aa fire balls, ran ba aeen
by the close observer on almost any
clear night, though the area of the
Individual spectator's vision Is limited
and comparatively small. A great ma
jority are consumed entirely in smoke
aa they pass through the air, leaving
only a trail of light and sparks, while
still others upon entering our atmos
phere become Ignited and produce- such
an Intense heat that they explode with
a loud report, leaving a brilliant trail
of light behind, and are almost entirely
consumed, their ashes being wafted to
and fro by the wlnda and finally reach
the earth with the rain drops, though
sometimes one is so large that it comes
through tha air without being wholly
burnt up and falls upon the ground
unnoticed and may be found later by
accident, and no doubt there are many
thousands of them distributed over the
fields and forests unrecognised.
Another class of meteors or bolltes
appears to the eye as graat balls of
fire. We first notice them In the lower
heavens, traveling parallel with the
plane for long distances at great ape-ed
before they fall, or disappear, which
during their visible flight emit a bril
liant light. Illuminating tbe aky like
electric lights, and making a roaring
aound like a heavy wind storm or
ascending skyrocket, frequently ending
with a heavy explosion, like the report
of artillery or clap of thunder, shat
tering the Individuals Into many sepa
rate email fragments of solid masses,
often burying themselves out of sight,
or they wear away and bum out and
thslr ashes slowly fall to our earthln
fine asb or cosmic dust. While those
bodies which suddenly glow and travel
a short, quick track and vanish in the
sky. usually towards the senlth, are
the most common clasa.
All meteors are supposed to bet ex
Examples of Best Work of Noted Artists of Many Nations May Be Seen
This Week Exhibits of Old Lace and Colonial Silver Also Open,
ANEW loan exhibit of etchings,
from tbe William M. Ladd col
lection, la now open to the pub
lic at the Muaeum of Art. Fifth and
Taylor streets,' The collection Includes
many fine examples of the work of
American, British, French. Dutch snd
Norwegian artists.
A portrait. In dry point, of Alfred
Stevens, the Belgian painter, by Edgar
Chahlne, Is described aa "a modern
masterpiece, especially noticeable is
the delicate and sensitive effect of color,
combined with strength: the Impression
conveyed of character. Intellect and
age, and the wonderful treatment of
the hands. Chahlne, who la an Ar
menian living in Paris, Is exemplified
also In three beautiful feminine heeds.
"Madame lelvalr." "Juliette" and "Mra,
Gaby," These form part of a group
of five large etchings, where their flow
ering freshness of line form an inter
esting contrast with the aerlous char
acteristic English work In two Inter
esting beada by William Strang.
Two other dry points, "Lady Read
ing" and "Lady and Couch." by Jean
mot, show rich masses of dark tones,
the subtle yet strong lines of the figure
In the latter being particularly charm
ing. A group of popples and a candlestick
In "Oood Night." by James n. Smiley,
shows an unusual subject for an etch
tremely hot when reaching the earth,
but few have been found and touched
soon enough after their fall to show
more than moderate warmth. The. onlv
positive knowledge we do possess Is
that sny matter coming to the earth
through space and entering the earth s
atmosphere at a velocity of from 10 to
40 miles per second, the enormous
speed through the air naturally causes
extreme heat through friction, fusing
some of the less refractory material
sufficiently to account for the cloud ac
companying many of them, aa wll as
causing the fused Incrustation always
found of more or less thickness on all
L meteorites, aa well aa producing tha
plttlngs on the surface. Those falls
containing no iron whatever are known
aa asslderltes and chrondrltea, owing
to their crystallisation.
Meteotltcs vary greatly In slse and
shape, and the great majority coming
to nnr earth probably do not exceed
single grain In weight, though all are
of value to science, regardless of their
site, shape or composition. Soma 40
elements have been discovered In me
teoric falls, though no element baa yet
been found which waa not already
known upon the earth.
Dr. Hshn, a German student, whs
died In IliO, had spent a fortune dur
ing his lifetime In bis efforts to dis
cover tracea of either vegetable or ani
mal life In meteors, and claimed
to have fonnd remains of sponges,
corala and lichens In some, though he
failed to give satisfactory evidence In
support of his claim.
It Is doubtful If more than one-tenth
of the falls are observed, though the
phenomena Is being produced all over
the entire heavens, being vlslhle In
some part of the globe every night, and
during the daytime, owing to the light,
they are Invisible and pass unnoticed
by man. following hta usual avocation.
Besides, only those falling on land In
habited by Intelligent beings are no
ticed, and no doubt a great majority
fall at sea, where at least one-half
would fall during daylight and be most
likely to escape notice. Others fall In
Isolated places and are too amall to
attract attention.
Baaall Part Re-ewvered.
Of more than 200 meteorites found
and made known in the United Ptalea
during tbe lalt century, only about
one-fifth were collected when they
fell, the others having been discovered
accidentally by partlea observant of
mineral objects, and though they have
been falling In past ages and no doubt
there are many thousands of them dis
tributed over the surface of the earth
or slightly burled beneath It, and In
spite of the fart that the Indifference
of scientists and collectors of early
days has given way to a more diligent
search for them In the last few cen
turies, yet In all their research none
can give any positive evidence regard
ing thetr origin, though many theories
have been advanced by our modem
scientists, one of which Is that they
are of "lunar origin." which theory had
many able supporters.
Others, equally aa able observers, be.
lleved meteorites to be material ejected
at aome past period from the earth's
volcanoes. Pome have res-arded them
aa of aolar origin, and still others aa
fragments of. a shattered planet,
though none Of these theories could
establish a firm footing, and the only
positive knowledge gained so far by
Investigators Is that solid rnsmlc mat
ter la being continually added to our
earth, coming through apace.
Ing. The "Lady at Piano," by Anders
L. Zorn. la an excellent example by
thla Norwegian master, of whom It haa
been said, "he combines In equal pro
portlona certainty of draughtsmanship
with masculine confidence.' Ills portrait-etching,
"Mrs. Kasmussen." is free
and direct In execution, and full of
character and charm.
Aalaaal Pic tare la Uee4.
The "Lion and LJoneaa." by Augusta
Laneon. are majestic specimens of their
race. Gome examples by Eugene Bejot,
Including "Under the Bridge Salnte
Marie," are vigorous, bold and frank,
"Florence from Pssso Ghlrsdo" and
"Wells Common, England.'' by Colonel
R. Ooff. show sensitive study and
atrong expression that are wholly fas
cinating. "Paasage du Commerce," by D. Shaw
MacLaughlan, la a rare example In tbe
artist's earlier style, MacLaughlan ta
a young American etcher, who works
chiefly In Italy. In the collection be
la also represented by "L'Estacade" and
"Young Cypress Grove, Florence. "Jsp
onlsme." with Its aqua-tint effect, by
Mary Cassait. Is curious and Interest
ing rather than beautiful. Her picture
of a mother and child In "The Mirror"
Is very beautiful, however, being deli
cate in execution and wholesome, with
out tbe least mawklshness In aentl
mnt Tbe work of T. Ralll bceramanger, of
the modern Trench school, shows many
novel and striking effects In etching
and In color.
"St, Martin's Bridge," by Jeseph
Pennd. and "The Long Walk. Kensing
ton." are both fine examples of this
etcher's style, the former being par
ticularly 'gorgeous In e fleet.
Oliver Ilall'a Werk Typical.
Oliver Hall, whose trees always show
nationality and character almost hu
man, has "English Trees," "Lancsster
Moor." 'Trees on Hillside" and "Semi
narists in the Borghmese Clsrdens." In
the latter. In spite of the title, the
atone pines and cypresses are the real
subjects, rather than the Inconspicuous
figures In the foreground.
"The Brldice of Hlaha." by Otto H.
Backer; "Ships at Wharf." by Mulrhcad
Bone, and "Street In Terrsra," by C. J.
Watson, are all Interesting In their dif
ferent ways. ,
There are two etchings. "Tour do
1'Horloge" and "Uslerle de Notre Dame,''
by Meryon. best known by his series
of etchings of architectural subjects,
especially of the cathedral of Notre
Dsme, Paris.
The Dutch artist, Wlllen Wltsen. has
a well-massed study of a woman with
a bundle, and D. Y. Csmeron's work is
seen In "Veronica, a Maid of Italy"
ancient In dress but modern In feeling.
Very striking Is tha group of 10 un
usually large etchings by M. Bauer, en
titled, respectively. "Proceeslon." "All
Baba." "La Heine de flsba." "The Mos
que of Hassan." "Mohsmmed II." "The
Mosque of Ashar. "Street In Cairo," "A
tultsn." "La Jour de Fete,-' "Amiens
Facade." Philip Zilcken. the Dutch
critic. Bays of the work of Bauer: "One
le reminded of Hembrsndt. He hss the
ssme habit f composition, the samo
simple contrssts of llcht and shade, the
same easy, subtle execution In simple,
direct, never-healtstlng line." Bauer
hss a strong personal Individuality. No
other Dutch or foreign etcher csn be
compared with him. Ulfted as he Is for
composition, with strong Imagination
and power of expression, he tskes very
high rank among modern etchers.
Other Interesting etchings are W. I.
Wyllle's "Fishing Boats;" J. Wstson's
"Old Hsrum:" Jongklnd's "Street Scene:"
Frank Short's "Dutch Cansl Scene." and
"La Malson du Charron." by Lcgros. a
Frenchman of the English school, who
haa taught and Influenced many younger
In addition to the etchings there Is
a beautiful exhibit of old lace and
colonial silver, which should specially
appeal to feminine art lovers. The
museum hours during the Hummer
months will be 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. week
dsys, and I P. M. to P. M. Sundaya.
The free afternoons are Sunday, Tues
dsy. Thursdsy. Frldsy and Ssturday.
High Prices Will Be Tald for Peas,
rteeru nd fcweet Corn Keep
teh Method la In fee.
BUTHERLIN. Or, June 1. (Special.)
As a result of the construction work
now well under way on the World
Keepfresh plant here, fruitgrowers and
farmers all through this vslley are
planting a large acreage to vegetables
of nearly every variety, giving prefer
ence to peas, beans and sweet corn,
all of which the factory will accept at
highest cash prices.
When A. B. Kirk and W. R. King,
of Portland, arrived here three weeks
as-o with a view of Interesting the
citizens In the Keepfresh method of
caring for fruits and vegetahlea. there
had already been a movement started
looking to the establishment of a can
ning factory here. The sclentlflo meth
od snd the wide diversity of products
which can be handled by the Keepfrrsh
system so strongly eppealed to the cltl
gens, that within, three days over $10,
oe In stock had been subscribed for
the plsnt. which Is now well under
way and will be ready for operstlon
late in July. Similar plants are also
being built at Eugene and Ashland.
The establishment of this plsnt In
Sutherlln has solved the problem which
confronted many who own orchard
tracts: What can one do to mike a
living while ones orchard Is coming
Into bearing? There are approximately
9000 acres of young orchards In Suther
lln Valley, the oldest of which are not
quite four years old. Many who own
orchards here are not yet residents of
Oregon, and are havtng their orchards
eared for by othera until they shsll
come into bearing. The reason that
many owners of orchard lands have
not taken up their residence here Is
due to the fact that there waa no local
market for the vegetables and berries
which could ba grown between the
rows of apple trees.
Now that rlutherlln Is to have a fac
tory hero which will pay ie highest
cash prices for all vegetables and
fruits, conditions have been made most
deslrsble for every frultrrower and
fseyner In this section. The factory
will have a capacity for handling 40
tone of fruits and vegetables dully.
Over 10.000 loganberry plants were set
out here this Spring and approximately
100.000,000 plants will be set out next
Fall and the following Spring.
Hutherlln Is now Installing a 9S0.0OO
water system, cement sidewalks and
cluster electric lights. The town Is
only three years old, yet It has many
modern homes, new high school build
ing, two churchss. a bank and several
good business houses and over 900 In
habitants. Schooner Afire, at Sea.
NEWPORT. Or.. June 1. (Special.)
The achooner Anvil arrived here yes
terday from Portland. When a short
distance north of this !sy a small fire
occurred smong a lot of fruit that was
being csrrled on deck. It wss stowed
alonaslde the galley and it Is thought
a spsrk from the galley range got In
among the strsw pscklng of some ba
nana crates. The ship's conk was the
hero, getting quick sctton on tha blase
with a hand pump, while the crew were
engaged In getting the fire pumps
coupled up. Only a small amount of
damare was sustained and It waa all
In the fruit.
Man Caught With Ioot.
ROPEBVRa. Or, June 1. (Special )
E. R. Barlet. confessed deserter from
tbe Marine Corps at Bremerton, was
arrested In Toncalla today and brought
to this city. He waa apprehended
shortly after having burglarised the
residence of O. F. Thlel. of Yoncalla.
When arrested Ieputy Sheriff Daugh
erty asked where the stolen goods wers.
"I have them all In my pockets," re
sponded Bsrlet. When searched he
had a gold watch and fob and other
things valued at ITS or 1100.
Expert Given Right to Save $2000.
SALEM. Or, June 1. (Special.)
Holding that the atate printing expert
haa discretionary powers In determin
ing what la appropriate for printing In
the various reports from atate officials,
Attorney-General Crswford today sanc
tioned the move of Printer Expert Har
ris to dissect tha Secretary of State's
report snd remove therefrom over 400
psges which will result In a savins of
practically 1:000 to tha atate. Thla
move waa also Invited b Secretary
COOS w ON 60
Lumber Industry Brisk. Im
provements Projected.
Logging Roads Planned. Electrical
Equipment to Re Installed,
Mia mora Hull. ling and Char
lircd Is Sriinn's Prospect.
MARSHFIKI.D. Or.. June l.(Sps.
clul.) Improvement, in connection
with the lumber Industries of Coos
County which have been made recently
and which are now being Marled will
aKirregate In expenditure approxi
mately Sl.Mn.000. Never before In the
history of the locality hss there hren
ss much sd am enient In the wsy of
Improvements and new Industries.
By the first of next yesr, with the
projected Improvements, Coos County
will be one of the moat Important lum
ber shipping and niuniifitcturlng points
on the Coast, It Is stnti by local lum
bermen. The Improvement ere not confined
lo "lio locai:t. hut throughout the
county the different Industries sre
making raplu advancement. The Itnn
dolph Lumber Company, near Biindon,
is now putting new machinery In ths
sawmill, which will Increase the ca
pacity to 76.0UO feet a day. The ssme
company has made arrangements for
the Melville liollar, a large steamer of
the Robert t'ollitr Company, to mske
regular trips and transport the lum
ber output. Thla will he the largest
vessel that hss ever mitde regulnr vis
Its to the Coqullle River. The Secley
Andorson Lognlng Compsny Is com
pleting a 100. Ooii logging road which
taps an enormous tract of timber
owned by the Randolph Company.
Woodworking Pleats F.atahllsked.
The Lyons & . Johnson Lumber Com
pany mill near Baiulon has also been
Improved and put to Its highest manu
facturing capacity. The Ueorge W.
Moore mill al Bandon, which was built
new a year or so ago. Is running st
Ita rapacity. A number of smaller
wood - working establishments hsve
been established at Bandon and along
the Coqullle River.
At Coqullle. the county seat of Coos
County, the new Coqullle Lumber Com
pany mill has been completed and Is
In full operation, and the plant of the
Coqullle Mill & Mercantile Company,
which was destroyed by an explosion,
hus been rebuilt on a larger scale than
before and Is In full operation.
At Marshfleld the C. A. Smith Lum
ber A Manufacturing Company has
started extensive Improvements, in
cluding the electrifying of Its planing
mill, the starting of a $7110,000 pspor
pulp mill and the establishment of a
tloo.000 electric power plant. The
compsny will also build new electric
loading devices, and the lodging firm
of the Smith Interests will adopt the
plan of logging by electricity In some
of tho larger camps. Kxtenalve Iok
gtng railroad building will also he
done by this company, and an enor
mous lumber carrier Is being built In
the East to run out of Coos Bay.
North Bead lias hblnale Mill.
At North Bend a shingle mill hs
been completed and Is In operstlon
and replaces ono which was burned
down. The Simpson Lumber Company
hss made Improvements In the I'ortrr
mill and has put on a new stesm
schooner to use In the Coos Bay lum
ber export business.
Shipbuilding hss. during the psat
year, played in Important part In the
lumber business of the locality. The
money received this yesr by ship
builders of Coos County will be In the
neighborhood of 17&0.000.
If the rate of lumber shipments from
the two ports of Coos County since
January 1 la kept up for the rest of
the year, the shipments for 111 will
bo the greatest In the history of the
oounty snd will also show the great
est increase of any previous yesr.
Marriage Licenses,
CAT! Alt aT.lHS NTOl'SI A To Pericles Cae
ahallea. It.V of Multnomah County, and Anaa
tssla Nlntieta, K.V
IIKIINKI.l.-M'litllltK To William T. liar
nail, of Multnomah County, and Uerlrude
son. 2.', of Multnomah County, and Maria
llertllng. 2
llOV-UuUTt'N To Thomas A. Hoy, JT, ef
King Couuty, Washington, and Llla Bolton,
sen, 27. of Multnomah County, and Dorothr
Juhnsnn, yo
I.AZINHK-HAI.TMAK To Plncus I.axlnsk,
ef Multnomah uily, snd Ana haltmnn.
Nl 'W-r ItKMt'KK To Jacob Na. 'il. of
Molmomnh 'nni!y. and Molly Kredufr.
KKW A KI-M (ilU'K To lien J. kdwarda.
2?. r Multnomah County, and Mra Clara
Al.l.KN-HAKKIt TO T.lnn Tt. Allen, ef
Multnomah County, and llallle 1 Baser.
H. l'reaton, U.v. ol Multnomah County, and
Anna Hainmerstrorn. 27.
MATTi)N- l KKlf To A. tt. Matloon,
an, of Multnomah County, and Bella M.
Curry 2-
V II.riu.V-rrrMMlNOH To R. W, Wilson,
t, of Multnomah County, and Hubenla A.
CummlnK. 21
ANIlth.Wf-TATt.on To Rarry t,. An
drews, of Multnomah County, and Virginia
11. Taylor.
FKKHIK.WII.COX To W. A. Fartls. ef
Mulinoniah County, snd Jennie Wilcox.
tason. 27. of Multnomah Counl), and Jannls
L. c'srler. M
IlilNNKAl'-ltVAN To P. V.. Ttonnesu,
of Multnomah County, and Elisabeth Ryan,
gTOOPg-RVNNKL". To Charles gteops,
81, of Multnomah County, and Cora Run-
" ;n
' HllETM AN-7.K BFROF To R. W. Brev.
man, 2H, of Multnomah County, snd Marie
Lellerse. 0.
UOOLFV-DALET- To Jeaeph T. TWlay.
I, of Multnomah County, and Florence
Dalev. 82. .
COI'LF.K-RICKETT To Lester R. Coulee,
SH. Multnomah (ouniy, snd Alice B. Itlck
ett. HACKNUT-BltVgON To Jack Hsrkn.y.
8S, ef Multnomah County, snd Addle Ben-
KF.HN-FERPORF To Louis Kern, 3,
Multnomah County, snd Anna T. erdorf.
liKPVUM'-HA I I''.' " " '
Redmond. Multnomsh County, end eadle A.
The Victoria Rpnlinfj Co., Ltd.,
announce that their entire fleet
of 35 vessels (23 of Rritish and 12
American register), having a ton
nage ranging from 40 to 130 tons,
is now for sale.
Inspeelion of tlio vessels and
prices asked can be obtained upon
application to the Managing Di
rector, Capt. Win. Grant, Victoria,
B. C.