The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 22

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liiE MJeNDAl UltiiliUMA.N, roKIL,AD,' JL'-Nii 2, 1J12.
McDowell to Be Sent to North
western League in
Few Days.
MrCredle, Forced to Cot Down fetaff.
Decide to Let Hard-Hlttlng
Plaer Go to Fill Gap on' -Williams'
Ths crippled Portland Colts, ths
Northwestern League pennant-aaptrants
who have fallen pray to tha Victoria
Bees during tha series which and a to
day, will probably be strengthened by
McDowell, Bearer utility man, thla
McCredle has XI men oa hie staff,
whlrh he sipects to cut down to 20
within a few days.
With Eddie Mensor atlll out of tha
came with a sprained ankle and Crulk
shank temporarily rendered unfit for
duty when ha stopped a bslt with his
face the other day, tha Colts hars
been presenting a line-up with Ppeaa.
an Inltelder. at second, and Eaatley. a
pitcher, la the gardens. The need for
an extra Infielder Is Imperative and
means much at thla stage of tha pen
pent race. itb the Colts strong con
tenders for the flag.
With McDowell, another catcher, and
Mensor and Crulkahank back In the
same, the Colts are greatly Jo be
feared, although tha pitching staff has
not been holding up as well as ex
pected, ftloomfleld will ba ready for
action soon again and the hurling de
partment will ba strengthened also.
McDowell. If he Joins the Colts, will
be placed at second, with Menaor. prob
ably the moat valuable CoM player.
Rent to his logical berth In the out
field. With Menaor the garden cer
tainty, ftpeaa. Fries. Crulkshank and
Hmlth are available for the other two
places. Smith has Dot been hitting
well, and Is not a particularly fast
fielder. Crulkahank seems sura of Isft
field, with 8 pea a the logical man for
renter Held, although Fries Is far Out
hlttlng him at present, 8peaa Is tha
better fielder, but Fries makea up for
his slowness by bis hitting.
The break of luck haa been against
the Colts In one or two of their
recent games, and this, combined with
the crippled line-up and auperlor mound
work of the Bees, has been rsaponai
ble for the defeats of the past which
toppled the I'ortlandera from first
e e
The past weak reaulted In further
hunching the teams In the league.
While Seattle and Spokane, the tall
rnders, havs been see-sawing back and
forth Portland and Vancouver have
been humbled by Victoria and Tacoma,
respectively, so that only four games
separata tha leading Bees from the
trailing Seattle Bugs.
Victoria, the leader, la now only one,
half game ahead of Portland and Van
couver, tied for second place, while Ta
coma, fourth In the Hat of six, is only
one gsme from Victoria,
From the play of the past week the
strength of the reclaimed Tacoma
Tigers cannot be overlooked. Several
writers hsve predicted that 'facoma
would be the team to beat for the pen
nant, and from the way they have
hammered the Vancouver Champions
the I.jrnrh men are making good on the
The Portland-Los Angeles game of
Tuesday afternoon cannot be played be
fore J:0 o'clock, according to rail
road officiate. The Angela will arrive
In Portland on the Shaata Limited,
which will not permit them to be In
uniform ready for the opening game of
the series until one-half hour after
the usual time of starting.
banks of the river at that point being
aglow with bonfires of merrymakers
nearly every evening. The spot is beau
tiful and many springs in the vicinity
make camping Ideal.
The matter. of motor boat race a dur
ing the Rose Featival. Is up again.
Prospects now are for a series of
events June . the day before the open
ing of the Fleets week. The Oaks
management has offered a number of
cups, which the membere of the Port
land Motor Boat Club will probably
compete for In front of -she amusement
Unfortunately lack of wind Inter
fered with tha sailing races of the
' Oregon Yacht Club Iecoratlon day. but
races between the big sailers will be
on nearly every Sunday of the 8nm
I mer. A good many will be out today
If the weather Is favorsbls.
The warm weather of the past few
days bss started river bathing In earn
est and all the spots where bathing
facilities are afforded Is well patron
ised. Tha Windermuth Bsths have
been towed to the foot of Rose Island
and probably will be ready for pa
trons today. The floating confection
ery stand at the same plsce is crowded
afternoons and evenings. Bundy's
swimming estsbllshment will also be
In running order soon.
' The T. V. C. A. launch la working
overtime, having atarted Its season of
junketing. This piece of. water craft
Is probably tbe most popular part of
the Y. M. C. A. equipment, not except
ing the tank, and the majority of the
evenings of the week sees the boat
chugging along with capacity load.
Leslie Beebrook has purchased a
handsome Jo-footer from tha Gas
Power Boat Company and haa made
application for membership In the Mo
tor Boat Club. He la building a house
for the boat and will soon be moored
with the rest of the flotilla.
Final plana for the Rose Festival
water paradea next week will be con
sidered at a meeting of the Portland
Motorboat Club at tha clubhouse Tues
day night. The meeting will bo In the
nature of a amoker, and entertainment
wjll be furnished.
The Wild Wolf, the new aspirant for
motorboat glory recently put In th
water, by John Wolff, builder of tha
present world's champion, probably
will speed oil the Willamette today.
The engines have been giving a little)
trouble, but Wolf expects to have them
it-. : -il
i '' ' ! ' !
I i It
Lincoln High School Will Put In
Following the trend all over the
country toward aquatic education for
the youth of America. San Diego, Cel..
recently established a marine high
school, where swimming la compul
sory. No student can get a diploma
If he baa not learned to take cava of
hlmsslf in the water.
In many atatss students are forced
to Indulge In some kinds of exercise
and because of the admitted benefits
of swimming this form of dsvelopment
haa been accepted as the standard for
the high school which includes water
The achoolhouse ta a large brick af
fair standing on tha bluff of San
Dleao'a harbor. The students there
spend half the day at booka and with
tools, tha remainder In learning how to
handle boata and make them. ,
Lincoln High School w ill be one of
the nrat In the Northwest to be
equipped with a tank fur tha use of
the students.
The popularity of the Sellwood open
air tank Installed at the Sellwood Park
last Spring by the city will probably
mean the construction of another be
fore long, aa the capacity waa over
taxed. The old Portland Public Batha. built
by a few philanthropic citlaena In 100S.
were also swarming with boys and
Klrla every day they were open to the
public and many of Portland's youths
owe their ability In the water to this
first free bathing place.
Tha Portland Y. M. C. A. haa taken
a forward step by giving access to the
tank every year for a time and giving
earn boy that learna to awtm 10 feet
a pin on which are the words "I can
Portland will have many places where
the amphlhloua can get their, dally
practice, for with tha opening af the
I'uka and the Windermere River
there will be three publlo plarea. Port- I
land Batha being open continuously. J
The banka of the Willamette are1
rather dangerous for the novice be
cause of the "chuck-offa" which occur
nt the most unexpected places. In theae
water reaorta there are always plenty
of swimmers who ran rescue the be
ginner, i
"The arguments In favor of swim
ming as a hotly-bullder are many. de
clarea J. E. Cody, a Portland swim
ming Instructor. "Bathing Is one of
the sports from which Immediate
pleasure results, for what la nicer than
a plunge In a cool tank on a hot Sum
mer dayT Thla leada many to stay with
thla sport when others become tire
some. "Another Is the fsct that swimming
and diving, except In contest, do not
fatigue the beginner as much ss other
nthletlcs. More opportunities for the
akrls and boys of our city ought to be
Oswego Is the objective point of half
tha water pleasure parties on tha Wil
lamette hailing from Portland, both
Pendleton Easily Downs Bote In
Trl-State League Game.
In the Western Trl-Btate League yes
terday Walla Walla defeated La UranJe
at Walla Walla. 10 to . and Pendleton
beat Boise at Boise 1 to 4.
At Walla Walla the generosity ef
Etchandy. tha La Grand pitcher, com
bined with soms timely hitting, gave
the Walla Walla men their big lead.
The La Grande men got 11 hits off
Brldger. but cashed In but three runs.
At Boise Pendleton bunched hits and
gathered In five runs In tha fourth In
ning. The fielding was not up to tha
class established earlier In the week.
The saorss:
At Walla Walla:
R. H. E.l R H. E.
La Grande.. Ill 4 1 Walla. Wa.10 11 I
Battsrles: Etchandy and Ens and
White; Brldgar and Brown.
At Boise:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Boise 4 IlPendlet'n ..10 t S
Batteries: Fox. Brunson and Fox;
Osborne and Pembrooke.
Tap Row (Left te Right), Oetta acker, Captatai Creaky, Murphy. Bark
a ad gtebarte Middle Raw, Powers, Asssaaa, Drtaeall. aad Baraea.
Motteaa Row, (iarser aad Hylaad.
Th Christian Brothers Business College team, which won the cham
pionship of the Commercial School League after being tied with Uolmee
Business College. Is one of the strongest amateur teams In the city
when compared with the high school nines which have defeated Wash
ington High School's aggregation.
The four teams which entered the league finished aa follower Chris
tian Brothers College. Holmes Business College, Trades School and the ,
Portland Business College.
Oakland Goes Down Ladder
After Hard Beating.
Pacific Coast Doga to Be Seen In
Exhibit Thla Tear.
8ALEM. Or.. June 1. (Special.) At
a meeting beld today elaborate prepara
tions were started for. one of the finest
bench ahowa ever seen on the Pacific
Coast, to be a feature of tbe Oregon
State Fair this year. Max Muller will
be superintendent of the show. While
there have been small exhibitions of
doga In the past. Secretary Meredith
reached the conclusion this year to
make a dog show a big ' feature and
every effort will be directed to secure
the cream of the dogs from all along
the Pacific Coast. Over 100 doga are
While a premium list haa not been
finally decided on. numerous inquiries
have been received and there will be
many handsoms awards and trophies.
Oregon "Ajjrlea" Win.
CORVALLIS. Or, June 1. (Special:)
The Oregon Agricultural College
baseball team closed the season today
with a 14-to-i victory ovsr Willamette,
after having suffered a 4-to-4 defeat
at tha hands of the Methodists yester
day In Salem. Today gams was
loosely played and of tntsrsst only aa
a clouting match. Coach Stewart's
Beavers found everything Melntyre had
to offer, making 14 safe connections,
which materially fattened eeveral bat
ting averages.' Willamette's six hits
netted them five runs. Battsrles:
Auborn and Phillips; Melntyre and
Mondorff Maintains Wonderfal Hat
ting Record and Leads Coast
League With Average of .365.
Swain Has Figure of .SSI.
Oakland's bsstlng at ths bands of
Sacramento a week ago put a large
alsed dent In the Commuters' batting
average and the figures np to the pres
ent uncompleted series show Los An
geles possessed of the hardeat hitting
team In the league. Sacramento with
Swain. O'Kourke and Hheehan, ranks
a close second, .IM to .2(1. while Oak
land. Portland, Vernon and San Fran
cisco trail along In the order named.
Mundorff Is maintaining his wonder
ful batting record and Is now leading
the league with an average of .165.
Swain, "Big Charley" of the Sacramen
to club, stands aecond with the fat
ranking of .151. with Heitmuller and
Krueger In close proximity. Mundorff
wss shifted laat week to third baae for
the Seals. McArdle going on the bench
and Corhan at short. Altman will like
ly be released soon and the New York
Americana are said to be dickering for
Christian aad Parklaa hew.
Christian and Parkins, of Oakland.
Raleigh and Castleton. of Vernon, and
Arrelanes, of Sacramento, are the
premier twlrlers gauged by the statis
tics. Abies, Carson, McCorry. Koest
ner and Baker are close up.
Carlisle, the Vernon outfielder, has
finally achieved the distinction of Join
ing the .100 hitters. He has bsen a
great disappointment thus far to,Ho
gan. The figures follow:
Pltrtilag Averagee.
Chleaao. .
Boston . ..
Detroit. ..
Kew York.
Toledo. . . .
Kan. City.
St. Joseph.
tes Mnu)i
renvr. . .T,
Hlsux City.
Asses If a a League.
v. l. Pet.;
; 11 .;? nTlandl '
It 14 ,41 Wa.h ton..
Jl 10 .61 3 v.w York..
II 17 jiol. Louis.
XatWaal Lesgne.
: T .in at Ixuls...
34 17 .fi l-hll. .
IS 17 ..'.41 nrooklya..
It 17 isl Boston
Asaertraa A srtattoe.
IS 17 .(ISSt. Paul. ..
7 IS 434 Milwaukee.
37 ir.414 Ind'apolls..
Si 11 .41: Loajavllle..
Weatera League. .
M I! . ST. 1 Wichita...
? IS rpeka.
ii 1 ..Ml Lincoln. . ..
tl It .U2 Omaha....
m'aahlnvtoa ts
W. U P" I
.IS S .r.M Ahardsea .
.10 0 .3,Hoquiam
W. 1. Pet.
14 1 .44
It 31 .4TJ
ii ;:i .141
14 17 .141
IS 2 .4(3
14 24 .41:
13 31 .241
u 37
t : .4Ji
17 34 .11
It 3 ,11
11 It .!
:t si .sa
17 ; .4:s
17 11 ,4.t
17 14 .411
W. L. p.c.
10 S ..VM
S 12 .SJJ
Yeaieraay's tU suite.
Amerlesn Association Milwaukee 11.
Kansas rlty 1; Columbus 4. Louisville 3.
Mlnneapalla 4. HI. Haul 3; Toledo 4. Indl
anapnlia 1.
Western !eatue Wichita 1. Hlous City 3;
I)nvr 1. Omaha 1: Dee Molnea a, Topeka
1; Lincoln 4. rtt. Joseph 4.
Vnton Association Osden 14. gait Lake
11: Helena i, Huns 4 til inalnsa); Mis
soula I. Ursat Kails I.
rartlaad Batting Averagea.
Paclfis Coast I North western
Ao. H. Av.l Ab. H. As.
Kraegsr. . 14.1 51 .171 r-lkahask. 77 JS .374
HstU.... 14 .'.': Frl. 17) it .jm
Holler.... Kit 3 .-'! Meneor. ... 12S 11 .15
Doane. ... Lit 4 .217 Tnnneeoo. 74 7 ..'32
Lindsay..' lit 1 .270 Sneas 14 (0 .372
(one.... 1.1 4 .77'rnllh 14 .741
Hanersft. 144 44 .J2 Williams.. 171 44 .;M
Hcler... 1! 41 .:4 Kibble. .. . 1.1 1 It ,3il
MrIowll S3 11 ,73 i oltrln. . .. 140 40 .714
fdbo'rne. 17 4 .714 Kastley.... 40 lo .:.
Knesinsr. 41 10 .331 Moor. .. . 14 7 .;4
rturrh... 13 7 .717 Harris. .. . 112 IS .197
Hosier... IIS ! .ttonr ;f 4 .14-
nilllaan.. 14 I .l:Umllh.. 7 I .14
Hsrkness. 1 2 .17 HI mfleld. 71 a .14
H ah hsm. It 7 .142 Manrield.. IS 1 .is
H'ndereoa IS 3 .l4.Veaajr . . .. , e 1 .tot
Klawtttar. It .141
Ore. ... 7 t .US'
r.irot t . 1 .17.".!
lithsr.... 1 .1111
Great, P. ....
r later. L. A.
Christian. O. ,
Parkin. O. ...
Haleiah. V. .
Caatletoa. V. ,
Arrelansa.a. ...
Abies. O
Carson. V
Scbwenrk, . .. .
Marttnonl. O. ...
McCorry. 8. V. ..
Paker.B. T
Kosatnsr. P
Mlll.r. 8. r
Halls, L.A.SS...
f.eversna, !. jL
Williams. 8. .....
Saura. a. . ..
Nsale. I A
p reck' rid ae, Y...
H'saab'th'm. p..
Pope. O
Stewart. V
Mahnney. . ....
Check. L.-.
Melarksv. O. ...
Klawltlrr. P. .. .
Hentsv. B. F. . . .
Orav. V
Harknesa. P.
Durbln. O
tlreaory. Cx . . . .
Gllllfan. r
Toner. . F." . . .
Whalen. V
Fltscerald. . ..
Pvram. a.
Hsnderson. P. . .
Hlsa'e. L- A. . . .
Fannlns. S. F.
(llrot. I
Thornae. g
Osddy. H
11L 3 5 5 s
. . r r :
J-t-H M H
II 1 t It I0OO 0 01 0 0 0
tl 1 t 1 loon o o I 0 It 0
7 4 1 Oj.IlT; 3 t t 01 0
7 11 0 11 t! 1 0 I
71 I.IS7 0 t! I 0;
I l! Q1M t t t 0
,11 I 01.717 null
12' ll 4 t'.tt7 1,1 0 4
t tl S Ol.47 S O S
II l 1 t..t7 1 0 1
I' II 1 t'.tUT t Oi t 0 0
71 4 I 01.(71 0 t 0 1 1
l' I 4 tl.lili 10 10 1
11 0 tl tl.HJ. 10 0 10
11 41 i a, .06 1 1 1 t t
lit SI 01 3 t 0 0
it 11 ir t .sto 31 o
10 ll II t'.liM) 1I0 S t 0
'I 41 4 O'.SOuj III II I I
4 ll 1 O . J00 I I I I
4 2; l! tl.toOl 0 0; 0 t
l 1 11 S,.loo tl t t 0
2 l' V O .Me O' IV t O
1 ll ll ll Ol.iiXl) I' 01 I SI 0
I H 1 0 .600 I 0
'll l I; 4 .4.4 0 tl
I e' Mi K a ijj a si
71 ll 4
4' 1
ai.42' t
01.4171 11
400 4
113 ll
31 0 .in! e
I1 0:.3H t!
3. 0 .!-.! t
I i;.;ioi t
41' 0
41 tl.tttl tl
41 e, ' ti
s' i. too; t,
ti t .tool si
3 ol. too' 04
II oi.ooel 4
li I'. mo 01
ti t . ot'' o
ol t
11 3
tl t
tl 0
tl 0
ti n
4 0
0' tl
0 0 0
tl 0' 0
t 01 t
I1 t1 pi
01 tl o,
tl S 4
tl O t
tl tl t!
al ai 1
a' t ol 0
01 t t 0
Mar St. IbcIusIt
hit same.
1 aoblt came; "l -
Plarer and rlub IB. ft. IBH.PA.
Martlnonl. Oakland 0 3 2 .44
Vsrls. Lot Ana.les It I .3 71
Pteaart. Vernon I 0 I .171
Mundorff. Kan Francisco... 74 I 77 .141
Pwain. Hacramento 17 It l( ."I
Heitmuller. 1.0s Angslee. . . ISO It II .14
Kraeasr. Portland 141 71 It .I4.A
H.irrsll. Vsrnon 114 14 II .127
Kane. Yernon t It It 121
Hrram. hacramento IS 0 t .1:13
Pape. Oakland I t 1 .113
Hartley. Mas Francisco ....171 14 17 .171
Henrer. Los Ancetsa 1S1 11 11 .1:1
p-rashear. Vernon .11 It 13 .331
Ultt. Vernon 2.1 1 I .170
Tledemann. Oakland 73 t 11 .lit
lKane, Portland 114 11 3 .lit
Zsrher, Oakland .....174 11 41 .114
Hetllog, Oakland ......... Ill 11 II .HI J
Purhlu. Oakland . .' II 1 I .111
Daler. Ios Ansel 117 14 17 .!
Butler. Portland 84 0 14 .101
....100 10 10 .101
177 11 II .lot
.... It I 0 .lot
.... 61 0 10 74
.... tl T 11 .!
....Ill II 41 .114
....174 17 11 .211
... II 0 11 .21
....10 1 11 .:!
....Ill 11 II .24
....if.7 li 44 ,:it
....107 0 It .110
.... IS I 7 .718
....lit 11 II .170
.... 40 I It .171
.... 40 I 11 .171
...111 10 4 .14
....1.11 14 17 .371
.... II I 11 .371
....141 11 II .270
....147 17 It .111
.... SI I 0 .211
10. I 37 .17
....1S It 41 .114
13 31 4 .311
....171 11 41 .l.'.I
17t 11 41 .:t.i
,...14 14 41 .3SI
.... 17 11 13 .211
....117 17 11 .311
,...12 21 41 .l&t
....120 11 It .311
.... 4t 7 14 .341
12 6 1 .210
,...10 1 6 .2. 'it
.... Ill .110
,...11 11 41 .147
,...111 20 II .141
,...1H 31 44 .144
...177 11 41 .341
.... IS 4 14 .317
.... II I. 13 .III
...10 J 11 II .13.1
.... 17 4 .31
It 1 7 .311
... II I I .321
lit 10 41 .321
... ;t i 11 c3i
... HIT .321
11 4 T .12t
til .323
...lit 14 ' It .11
... 71 0 10 .211
... 21 1 1 .111
.... 14 0 1 .714
. .. 14 0 I .314
... 47. 4 It .111
... 71 0 11 .311
...17A 11 IS .201
... 40 I I .201
... It 1 1 .10
...6 l'l .10
Howard. Lot Ansslaa . .
O'Rourke. Hacramento .
Gregory, Oaklaad
Lltschl. Vernon
Hhehan. ffacramento . .
Haftarr. San Francisco .
Coy, Oakland
Van Furen. Sacramento
Lindsay. Portland
Hharpe. Oakland
liosp, Vernon
Iiber. Loa Angelas ....
Anw, Vernon
Hayless. Vernon
Hsnlsy. gan Franctaco .
0. Brooke, Los Anfelss.
Jackson, rtaa Francisco
lielsier. Sacramento ...
'. Patterson. Oakland..
Tlllon, Loa Anselee
Hanrroft. Portland t....
Parkin. Oakland
Cheek. Facremanto .....
1. wls. sacramento
H. Miller, Kacramento..
Mstsasr, Loa Anseiea ..
Kappa, Portland
Corhan. Han Franoleeo. .
Mclvar, 6an Franc teoo. .
Loard. Oakland
Cook. Oakland
Mohler. Kan Franctaco..
I'ass. Loa Anseiea
I. everens, Loa Angelea .
Ralelrh. Vernon .......
Hamilton. Oakland
liodtrara. Portland
rhinn, oaoramante .....
Madden, Sacramento ...
Hoffman. Oakland
Powell, Man Franolsoo ..
McDowell. Portland ....
H. Patterson. Vernon...
Irelan. Kacrarnento ... ..
1 loser, &.oa Anin . . ..
' McDonnell Vernon
Chadbourna. Portland ..
Gideon. San Franclsoe..
Arrelanea, Hacramente .
Williams. Pacramento ..
Breckenrldae. Vsrnon ..
It row n, Vernon
Krlrk. Oakland
Mahooey. rtaoramsoto ..
Stone. Portland
Whalen, Vernon
Drlscoll. Los Ansales
Core. Loa Anselse
Carlisle. Vernon
Koestnar, Portland ....
hlasle. Los Augslea ....
Fanning. San Franclsoe
May It, inclusive.
Leading sacrifice hlttera Heitmuller 14.
H. Patterson and Hosp 13 each. Rodrsra,
Bancroft. Haylesa. Daley and Herasr 10 sseh.
Leading base stealers Daley li. CarUsl
11. Howard 11, Rsftsry. Leard and Shlnn 11
each. Heitmuller 14. Doane 11. Hartley and
Madden 11 each, cnaflbourn. Jackson, m
Patterson. Hoffman. H. Millar aud Berger
It aach.
Leading run-settera Coy 17. Hoffman and
Carlisle 11 each. Howard It, H. Patterson
21. Henrer and Madden 10 each, Rafterr.
Daley and Burrell 14 each. H. Miller 21.
Kruessr, .arlier and Baylesa 11 each. Meta
ger and Cook 11 each, Chadbourna. Heit
muller. Kane. Braahear and Shlnn 10 each.
Lea (line two-bass hitters Hetllng IS. Hart
la) 11. Coy 11, Rappa, Cook and C Patter
eon It each.
Leading three-baee hitters Bancroft 6,
Pnaoe. Kane and Coy 4 each. Rodger.
O'Rourke end Howard I each.
Leading home-run hitters Jackson, gwaln.
7.acher and Howard 4 each. McDowell. Raf
trv. Cor and Heitmuller I each.
May il Incluaive.
Ten Games in First Schedule With
Opening- Contest Today.
MARSHFIELD, Or, June 1. pe
clai.) Local baseball enthusiasts srs
to be furnished soma fine sport this
Rummer by the Coos County Baseball
League. The aeaaon opens tomorrow,
at Marshfleld and North Bend, "pe
dal trains will be ma from CoqulUe
Valley cities to brine players and
spectatora from that locality. Auto
mobile paradea will be held In both
cltea. At North Bend tha team of that
place will play Myrtle Point and In
Marshfleld there will be two games.
Marshfleld will play. Bandon and Co
qullle will play Eaataids.
A schedule of 10 games for each
team haa been arranged, making a pro
gramme for every Sunday until tbe
later part of July, when another
schedule will be arranged. Each team
haa put up a forfait to play out tbe
season. Only one Imported man la
allowed on each team which must ba
confined to It playera. Tha Eaatslde
team la made up of employes of the
C. A. Rmlth mill and the company fur
nlahed the unlforma and equipment.
The business men of each city contri
buted to a fund to start the league
but It la espected to be self-supporting
after the gamea begin. However, there
are enough funda to carry tha sched
ule through ths season.
Charles Baxter of Coqullle la tha
president of the league and tha mana
gers of the different teams .are aa
follows: Marshfleld. Joe Pchott: North
Bend. J. C. Wallace; Bandon, Stewart
Whlteett: Myrtle Point, Henry Bohroe
der: Coqullle, George Gage; Eaatslde,
R Whltty.
Trophy Cu la Claimed.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or, June 1. (Spe
cial.) Captain B. K. Lawson brought
back with him from Portland this wsek
the ellver trophy cup won last July by
the team of the local militia which
took part In th annual shoot. Ths cup
was long delsyed In the making and
has bean on exhibition In Portland a
couple of months.
Averages ef flubs.
Cliihs Games. Ab. R. lBh. Fa. Sh. Kb, IFh.lrrh.Hr. Tip. Re.
7s Anaelea .T..S1 174 101 4-" 1I ! 17 II It 17 I
(iacramento 44 !:. l.ii 4" 7M1 43 II M 11 7 14 1
Oakland t l! 711 411 III 47 17 ! 7 4 It I
Portland 4. 14M lit HO 754 l St 04 14 0 41 I
Vernon 4 1&77 307 4'o l.-.n 77 7S t 11 t 14 0
"aa Franclace 41 1S72 111 111, 341 II TS 14 I 11 41 6
Total tt ItiO OAU'sta ISO 144 411 01 47 170 13
'League batting see
Fans Ordinarily Fail to See
Fine Points Between Good
Work and Fumbles.
Inflelders Are Olven Benefit of
Doubt In Faulty Play I'mrn Gar
den; Homo Runs Frequently
Go Down as Two-BagTfcrs.
(Third ef a series of article oa tha Intrl
eaclee of Baseball.)
"To err le human; to forgive dlrln"
Is not a good baseball maxim, for If
the average baseball fan had his say
there would ba mora errors chalked up
In every game than aafe hits. The
average patron of the park haa a fool
ish notion chucked away In tha back
of his brain that any time a fielder
goto his hands on the ball and misses
the plsy It Is an error; and Inversely
that no man can be charged with an
error who doea not get his hands on
the ball.
The rules, themselves, prescribe the
bam hit and error limitations and noth
ing could be farther from the truth.
No greater mlatake could be made than
to let thla false doctrine Influence re
sults. If. every time a fielder made a
sensstlonal try and missed, he waa
credited with an error, the number of
such brilliant trye would be minimised.
The Vniea provide:
"When a fair hit ball la partially or
wholly stopped by a fielder In motion
but such pieyef rsnnot recover Mmaelf
In time to field the ball to rirst csss
before the striker reaches first or to
force out another base runner credit a
base hit."
"When the bill from the bat strikes
the ground on or within the foul lines
and out of reach of the fielders credit
a, base hit.
Fallacy la Dissipated.
The aecond section above dissipates
the "no touch, no error" fallacy, for
the rules plainly state "out of reach"
of the fielder. Many times, especially
In amateur games, the ball bounds
squarely to the waiting fielder who
misjudges the hops and does not "get
his hands on the ball." t'nless sn In
equality of tha turf causes It to be de
flected so that human hands could not
be expected to Insurs perfect handling,
an error le charged.
In the rase of a ball too hot to han
dle, base hits are generally given pref
erence over errors for "a mechanical
failure to make an assist or a putout"
should be the governing principle. In
other words if a fielder misses a play
on which he would have been roundly
applauded the play waa no mechanical
one and tha batter Is given a aafe hit.
Fielders ars not there to make star
playa and tho man who Is stabbing at
Impossible stops Is entitled to the
Under ordinary clrcumatancea when
either an Inflelder or outfielder has
smple time to set himself for the ball
he gets an error for a mlscue. An out
fielder who gets one, or even both
handa on the ball when running at full
sneed and drone It should not be
charged with an error unless his fail
ure to get aet was due to glaring mis
Judgment. The words "In motion" In
the rules quoted above, provide for this.
One variety of doubtful hlte results
from the bunt or slow scratch. Hunts
usually call for more than ordinary
skill In handling and. up to the laat
few years, bringing development of in
field defensive play, scorers Invariably
credited all hunts which landed their
progenitors on first bsse as hits. Even
now the ftelden- Is entitled to lentesicy
on all bunta and quasl-hlts.
Take this aa a foundation: Credit a
base hit on 'bunts and scratches on
which he makes first unless the bsll
Is rolled directly at the fielder, ao as
to maka a fallurs to handle It a pal
pably poor play, even though a fum
ble or poor play Is made by the ftolder.
The slow scratch and the "too hard
to handle" hit both cropped up In
Wednesday's opening game. In the
fourth Inning, with Swain on second.
Miller grounded slowly to Bancroft,
who cams In like a shot and pegged
to first without a chance to straighten
up. His throw drew Rappa off the
bag, but Miller waa given a hit. Port
land's first tally reaulted when Burch
lined a terrific drive, squarely between
O'Rourks'l legs at second baae. Patsy
waa not given an error because the
ball traveled too fast to be Judgod.
Kaerptloaa ta Rale.
Precedent eatablishsd by major league
scorers governs several type of base
bits not covered In the rules. The
crooked bounder haa already been
pointed out, but tho ball that drops be
tween two outfielders or Inflelders
through a tnlxup is another of the
scratch variety that goes for a hit,
although "not out of reach ef tho
Tho high foul flies thst come whls
slng straight down are most difficult
to handle and these are generally over
looked by the experienced scorer.
Should an outfielder throw to a base
ta catch a runner and the ball bound
over tho receiving fielder's bead or go
wild or prove ao Iraperfeat In any man
ner aa to allow the ruaner to advanoa,
an additional base, the outfielder Is
given tho error. The tendency la to
give the receiving fielder the benefit
of a doubt for the reason that he tas
many mora ehanoea to err than the man
la the pasturea.
A base hit la given the batsman when
a batted ball hits a baaerunner. The
runner la automatically out. If the
ball hits the umpire the batter gets a
Hits Sense I fa Psjaallag.
Tha batsman la entitled to only as
many basea as he can get before the
opponents can gwt the ball there, pro
vided they make the play on him with
out error. A man may make three
bases on a hit that la only a two
bagger, because tbe plsy. la made on
another man at the plate. Tho proper
differentiation between the hit and the
throw-In Is sometlmea pustllng.
And finally, remember thla peculiar
quirk In tha ralea: should a tls game
ba brought ta close by a hit, that hit
can be no longer than technically need
ed to win the game. For inatancs. If
the batter hlta aa ordinary horns run
with a man on aecond baae, his homer
goes for only two basea. for a two
bagger would have done the winning
Minor Baseball.
The Meier Frank baseball team
will play the Wlnton Six team today
on Eaat Twelfth and De-vls streets. Th
Wlnton tesm haa a clean slate to date,
a e e
The Brooklyn Graya will meet New
berg today at New berg. Ths Portland
team haa a few open dates, which
caa be filled by writing to J. titer-
rett. 114 Kaat Sixteenth street, or call
ing Eavat 111.
e e e
Ths Baltimore Dairy Lunch nine will
play the Mount 8cott Athletic Club
team today on tha Mount fcott grounds.
The Dairy Lunch nine hss a few open
date which can ba filled by writing
to Manager Kssopsky, at ill Buchanan
building. Main (all.
The Arbor Lodge baseball club Is
looking for gamea w)th fast teama
In and out of the rlty after June 10.
Teams having open dates write to Louis
Larsen, 1174 Greeley street, or rail
Woodlawn (00.
Th Studebaker team will go to
Rainier today, where It will meet one of
the strongest teama of the Lower Co
lumbia. The Studebaker team la one
of the strongest of the aemi-pro nines,
belnx composed almost entirely of ex-Trl-Clty
League players. They have
a few open datea. Write to J. M.
Duffy, 11 Thirteenth atraeL
a e
The Portland Cuba will play Bprlng
water st Bprlngwawr today.
The Tlmma-Cress painters will play
Clackamas today st Clackamas,
The Moose Lodge team will play the
Etlacadu nine at the power city today,
a s e
The Weetern Hardware nine will
meet Oswego st Oswego today.
Speaker of Boston, Mclnnl and Col
lins of Philadelphia, Lead Cobb
In Hatting Work.
When Rube Marquard beat the Phil
lies on Memorial dsy, T to 1, he com
pleted a record for himself that haa not
been equaled since IV01. He has now
pitched 10 consecutive gsmes without
a Oefrat to mar his sesson's work. And
more remarkable still, every club In
ths National Iagua hss been set down
by the New York southpaw In his har
pooning. Hack In 1904. "Hooks" Wlltse won II
straight gamea, but thsy wsre at In
frequent intervals, for ho was not
worked regularly. Leon Ames won 10
straight the following seaaon working
every fourth dsy.
Marquard's 1911 pitching record follows:
1's.te. Oppoeing Team. icore.
Api 11 1 1 Hro.,kln
Attrll 11 Hoeton
Al-rll Jo Hrookl; n . . .
April 114 I'l.lla.lelphla
Mar I rilllsiieli.hU
Mil 3 l'hlisdei,hla
Mir 7 ht. l.ouls ...
Msr 11 'tilcaao
Mar lit Vltlel.iirc ...
May ''tiirlnnsll ...
Msr 14 I r,ik, n ... ,
Mar in I'hllatlellihla .
4- 1
5- H
Northwestern Statistics Show
. Colts Hitting Ball at .
Right Time.
McCredle's Trnm I Srvond In
Double Plays Wnffll of Spoksne
Heads League In stick Work
With an Average) of .So..
A glance at Portland's position In ths
Northwestern League statistics, with
ths Colts third In hatting and absolute
ly last In fielding, shows that McCredle's
club Is In ths fore of the battle because
the players ars hitting ths bsll at ths
psychological momenta.
Ths complllatlon of figures up to snd
Including Wednesday's games shows
that ths Colts have erred "1 times for a
fielding averags of .ttn. While thsy sre
last In tha list In this department of the
game, they have llgured In 17 douhl
plays, sscnnd to Tnconia, which leads
with 41. The Colts lead tbe league with
1 1 S3 putnuts.
Ranking third In hatting percentages,
with a mark of .247. the Colts lesd In
three-base lilts, with 17. and are tied
with Heattle, at 12. In two-baggers.
Heattle leads tho team halting with
an average ,JSS. yet they have been
trailing the field the greater part of tha
seaaon to date.
Wiiffll. of 8pkane, Is the lesdlng
batsman of the league, with an average
of .S5. "Had" Meek, of Victoria, Is sec
ond with .130, while Crulkshank. of
Portland, ranks third with a mark of
Ths following sre the figures:
Individual Batting.
riaver and mil a u. P.. It.
evhnelder. PenlUe 14 I
James, Heattle :4 I
Wuffll. Knoksne : SO
oncsnnon. lctnrla 17
Meek. Victoria 117
lironks, Seattle 0
crulkshank. Portland I
Hchsrney. Vsnrouvsr ...... II
l uila-lK. Teromn 7&
ThomoMin, Heatlle 113
Marquaril relieved Tesreau. who get
ere. In f,,r vtctorj.
Pitched eeven Innlnss and retired, with
the ame sewed up 11-0.
tttarijuartl pitched nine tnnlns and gav
war to Mstheason. with the acore a tl.
Malty waa credited With th defeat.
Speaker, of Boston, and Mclnnes and
Eddie Collins, of the Athletics, lesd
Ty Cobb In American League batting,
the averagea being, Speaker, .110; Mc
Innea. .11: Collins, .171. and Cobb, .160.
Lajole topa the bunch with .407. but
haa not been playing for several weeks.
Of the Pacific Coasters, I'lng Bodle.
at Chicago, leads with .11 (, which is
some fence-busting. Essterly leads
the Cleveland regulars with .202. Joe
Jsckson hsvlng alumped In every de
partment. He has been eliminated
from the squad of 10 leading sluggers,
ranks ninth smong the bsse-steslers
and seventh among the run-getters.
Buddy It) an la batting .280, Birming
ham .278. and Olson, another Cleve
lander. .265. Jackson Is down even
below this with .262. Vltt, at Detroit
la now stinging the horsehlds for .214
and Kuhn. for Chicago, .201.
In the American Aasoclatlon, Kalph
Capron la batting .127 for Milwaukee.
The feature of th past fortnight In
ths Association haa been the loaa of the
lnllanapolls club by W. 11. Watklns.
"Wstty" st one time was well fixed,
owning both Indianapolis and Minne
apolis. He aoki the letter a few years
ago for 110,000. a palpably bad deal,
and haa not been having very amooth
Bailing at Indianapolis. Manager Jim
my Burke also has lost his head.
Time has finally laid Its devastating
handa on two veterana of the major
leagues, Hans Wagner having given
way at Pittsburg to kid ohnrtstop
named Vlox. while Cy Toung. the re
markable pitcher, has gone back to his
farm to rest.
Seattle ...
Taroma ..
Portland . .
Vlr-torla ..
Ppoltaue . .
. . .171
1 71
I Timnfiiin. I', inland 72
!evot. Hpoksne 4
Itrennan. t'lrtorla ......... 74
Mann. Heatlle 144
Kennedy. Victoria .110
AhlMitt. Tacoma Iho
lleunett. Vancouver 1M
r ries, forusnn .....ion
Mauser, Hpoksna .. ........ 19
.Meiers, hpoksne .....107
Mxnsor, Pnrilitml .....l.'T
Nordvke, Vlrlolla 12
Moichlor. fpokana 134
Hpens, Tortlsnil ....144
NelKhbors, Tsioina 140
7linmernisn, Hpokane ,,....l.t
Kllihle, Portland M
l.a Lonae. Kenttle 42
Uslillek. Xpokane r,H
Jatm'B. Vm-ouer ... .144
Krlek, Vancouver ....141
Weed. Vlwtorla 114
Wilson. Victoria 77
Iiulln, Tscotna r.4
Yohe. Tacoma 1r
Kippert. Vsni-outer 1.14
Li nch, Tacoma 117
Mil. Tarntna 144
HHier. Heattle . . . in
Itrashear. Vancouver l."l
Cooiiey, Htokane ...14
Strait. Heattle 1.1.1
PemasRio. Vancouver 1-K
Morse, Taroma 1ST
Harry, Hratlln lo
Moran, Heattle lr.o
t'oltrln, Portland 13X
Willi time. Portland 11,1
Lewis. Vancouver ,..lii2
H ti 1 1 li. I'oitland 11
Wild I ln. Heattle '
Mft'ieery, Victoria ...
crlttendon. Tacoma .,
Moves, Hpnksne ......
csmeron, Tseoma ....
Me-rllt, Victoria
tlordon. Tacoma
MrMullin. Heattle
Ilavmonil, Meatus
Cartwrlsht. Vancouver
Catea. snrouver
Wallv. heattle
Keller. Victoria
Hhaw. Spokane
Harris. I'ortlani
Victoria 1"
Tacoma lfl.M
Vancouver In;
Seattle 1ns
Hpokane ln?2
Portland 111!
Kail Inf.
ib. in.
. 7:
'. :i
. li r
. sr.
I'll. A.
. J ." 4
. St n s
.si t
.'.".' 7
1 1)
J 4
J 4
AV I1.
. 20
.2 4
Ksperlg (Yom Pacific ftrthwest to
Contest on Track at Coun
try Club.
The third annual motorcycle rare
programme of the Portland Motorcycle
Club will be held thla afternoon on the
Country Club track, nearly 10 racers
of Portland and Northwestern cities
competing In 11 events, ranging from
three to 10 miles.
In addition to the motorcycle races
Harry Parka will give an aeroplane
exhibition and race hla Curtlss ma
chins against an K-M-F automobile In
a feature competition.
Interest In the meet is keen among
the motorcyclists, with the 11 races'
promising to produce the best speeding
ever seen In Portlsnd and the shatter
ing of a number of records.
Archie Tsft, ths Beattle man who
wss expected to prove a bLg factor In
the races, was unsbls to make the
trip, hla machine going out of com
mission on a tryout Friday.
C.J. Cook baa been chosen starter,
with the Judges and timers from the
following men: Judge Morrow. Jlmmle
Dunn, Walter H. Kvans, 8. O. Noire,
F. T. CarswelL "Dad" Foss and A. I.
Kd wards.
The races are: l-mlle, 4 horsepower,
fully equipped; l-mlle, 4 horsepower,
ported; 2-mile. T horsepower, stripped
stork; l-mlle handicap, i horsepower,
fully equipped; l-mlle (flying start),
4 horsepower, ported; l-mlle (flying
stsrt), 7 horsepower, stripped stock;
l-mlle. 7 horsepower, fully equipped;
l-mlle, 4 horsepower, ported; l-mlle,
T horsepower, stripped stock; l-mlle, 4
horsepower, stripped stock (bait
drive): 10-mlla. open to five fastest
mschtnes of tha day.
The entries Include C. Welch. Tloy
W. Arown. Vern Msskell. A. Tl. Fppen
ateln. Fred Nowotnv, le T. Dean. Harry
Bryant. K.d Berreth, Arthur C. Knight,
E. H. Allen, Robert Bailey, Andrew
Walby, F.lvln Conlet, Gu Pellel. H. 8.
Hill and J. 8. Brann.
Carlton O. Manga Back. Too Long In
Inland Empire Handicap.
ALAN. Idaho, June 1. Enfield, at 11
to 6, won tha Inland Empire handicap,
the feature of today'a card at Alan. In
handy fashion, running ths seven fur
longs In 1:2. a track record. Bchwe
blg, on Carlton O, waited too long be
fore ho made his bid, and while tho
Carson horse responded gamely to a
drive, ha waa unable to get within two
lengtha of the leader, nummary:
Four furlonia Pat Cannon, 111 (Tapllni.
to 6, won; Htout Heart, lift (flooneyl, 0
to t. second ; 'Vested Hunts, U'J (HuKtoni,
coupled In betting with I'at Cannon, third.
Tims. 4 -0.
fctscond race, five and half furlons Lil
lian liar, lt'4 (Kederisi, T to 2, won; Lem
ond. 100 (Flechsr). 20 to 1. second; lie
Knows. 100 (Hanover), I te 1, third. Time.
1 2-0.
Third race, five and half f urlonse Mc
Alan. 10S (J. Mrlntyrei. 0 lo 1. won;
Ocean Hhore, I0S (Klsrherf. 0 to 1. aec
ond; Anna Hchneider. I0 (McDowell), M te
1. Ihli'.l. Time, 1 :' 1-0
Fourth rare, seven furlnnss Enfield, ml
(Hoffman). 11 to (. won; Carllon 1 . IS'.
(KchwsMsl, 11 l ft. second; Ymlr. 12 (Bus
ton 1, a te 1. third. Time. 1 .'.
rifth race, one mils Muff. 10 (Srhwe.
bll. 1 to ft. won: Msromara. Ill ( e-nr. I h.
2 to 1. second: Siiar Lump. 1"S (Kill), 4
to I. third. Time. 1:40 1-0.
aisth race, six furlonss Cisco, mo, (Mc
Powell), 0 to won; King Klk, 102 iHllll.
ar. to l. second: Hue. loa (r-nrsythe), I to t
third. Tim, 1:14
President of I' art I cm I Slates Icague
Flies Petition.
PHILADELPHIA. June 1. William
Abbott Wltman, Nr.. of Beading. -Pa.,
president of the t'nlted Plates Bseehatl
tissue, toilav filed a nntltlon of Volun
tary bankruptcy In Hie I'nlted ftatea
District court Here, his naniiities sre
placed st 161,106 snd his asset at !i2.
0.10. The assets In, hide the Heading
Baseball Park, valued at $50,000.
Among the liabilities is an Item of
1970 due as salaries of players of the
Meaning team.
A Hefleslon of Siorl.
-The Trial bv Water." m. thrllllna- aa.
count of the flood at Galveston. T' X., a
story of famous shooting around In
Maine. "The Beet (inn for Cpland
Kport" and "At th Edge, of the Clom,,"
reflecting frontier life during the Civil
Wsr, ars a few of the good tiiltmr in
that live inagaxlne liom Cluvagu,
"fports Afield," for June.