The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 21

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JL AVerchctndise cf terit OnlX- -
Removed Sale Announcement
The Greatest White Sale
In the History of Portland
Starts Tomorrow
Unparalleled and Deepest Reductions ,;
on Every Article in the Store
See Our '
Double-Page Announcement in
the Fisrt Section of This Paper
Mew Beaver Has Great Past
Record as Swatsmith.
Pinch Hitter and Outfielder Comet
to Portland at Suggestion of
Jack Tlghe, Former Manager
of Seattle Team.
Ever hear of the T. R. of baseball
Tyrus Raymond Cobb? Well Portland
haa a man on tta Coast league staff
who was Just that a few years ago and
who waa unseated aa the champion
batter of the American league by till
asms Tyrus R.
We have In mind George Stone, for
mer outfielder for the St. Louie Browne,
who wee s'gned by McCredle a few daya
ngo for outfield and pinch hit purpoee.
and who, aa mint fane know led the
American league In batting In 10 with
an average of .951.
Stone haa been playing profeeelonal
baseball for 11 yeare and Are of theee
were spent with St. Louis 1UI to 190.
when he batted .227. .3MI. 120, :S7 and
.'! chronologically (peaking.
.est aeaam'a Heewssl .T. ,
.Lent aeaaon he waa with Milwaukee
In the American Aeaorlatlon, batting
.2IT. He atarted out thla aeaaon with
the Brewer, too, but waa drawing auch
a fat aalary that when Pittsburg of
fered them Capron. a youngster, and
voluntered to pay half hla salary for
the string privilege. Stone asked for
hla releaaa and secured It.
"Kansas City offered me a Job but
.lark Tlgha of Loiilavllle adrleed me to
telegraph McCredle and aa I desired to
eee the West I did ao and here I am,"
raid Stone yesterday, reviewing his
career briefly and be It known Ston
la a brief talker, tie la a dead ringer
for Elmer Koestner In the conversation
Stone started out with Omaha In the
Western league In l0t. the Bon ton Red
Hoi purchasing hint In the Kail and
turning him back to Milwaukee In the
same circuit for seasoning In 103. The
next year Stone Jumped to Joe Can
tllllon'a Milwaukee teem In the newly,
organised American Association, where
he bat tod .40. only to be recalled by
Boston In 10I.
Reeerd Beat With St. Leads.
The Nebraska swatologlst didn't re
main long with Boston, though, for the
famous trade for Jees Burkett trans
ferred him to MeAleer'a St. Louis
American camp where he waa destined
to shine for two or three seasons aa a
wonderful hitter and base runner only
to fad and falter and flicker Ilka
randla lit a choppy breeie.
The story of the wherefore of the
Burkett trsde Is Interesting. When
Burkett played left fleUl for the Cleve
land Nationala he waa the hardest hit
ting outfielder In the business. Cleva-
land secured him In 1131 from the New
"York Nationals. When tha Bt. Lou I a
Browns took the field In the baby
American league Burkett Jumped to
them and continued hla wonderful
Jess waa so fast In going to first,
however, that when he began to alow
up the fane got after him. Burkett
retaliated and during Ms final couple
nf seasona his attitude on the field
brought upon himself the nickname
"The Crab." Larry Moselle, a St. Louis
baseball man who la a Portland visi
tor, says Jesa was the crabbiest star
In- ever laid eye upon.
In 1905 when Burkett saw himself
slipping be went to TresMcnt Hedges.
of the Frowns, and suggested that ha
trad him for Stone, the Boston youth,
who he laid would soma day be a
wonderful batter. Boston bit at the
bait and proferred 12600 In addition t
the player..
Burkett'a Judgment proved pretty
correct, for"he remained with Boston
only ona aeason and then went back
to hla old lo-ra, Worcester, Mass, where
ha organised a team for the New Eng
land League and proceeded to win
four straight pennants. Htone, In the
meantime, waa knocking down the
fenres for Bt. Loul.
Stone- played under two different
managers at Ht. Louis, McAleer. now of
Boston, and O'Connor, and the closest
his team cam to a pennant was In
1201. when It remained within etrlk
ing distance until the stretch, when
the pitchers failed. He attrlbutea th
perennial lowly position of the Brown
to the plcayunish policy of the manage
ment In allowing all the other teams
to grab off the coetly promising ma
terial while It la content to sign up the
young fellows who can be had for th
In th Winter month Stone work
as aselstant cashier In a bank at hla
home. Colerldsre. Neb. He bss alway
led a clean, healthy life, abstaining
from liquor and tobacco, ana rignt to
day looks aa young and pry as any
youngster on the portiano aquao.
Pitchers Have Advantage In Other
. 'w .... .-i.l..n.ll- mwwA
ways i ii.u v. in .
Strikes, Say Umpire.
"Always give the batter the best of
close decfslons on balls and strikes'
Is the principle which governs Aug!
Moran's dealings with pitchers and bat
ters In Northwestern League conflicts.
"In every gsme there are from a half
to one doxen balls which could be called
either ball or strike, and I always try
to give the batter th best of the argu
ment," say Fielder Jones' diamond dic
tator. "Why? Simply for thla reason: Tha
pitcher haa all the better of it by the
foul-strlka rule, and I believe that the
advantage should He with the batter
when it cornea to doubtful atrlke.
"Thla does not mean that the pitcher
Is to get th worst of It when It comes
to legitimate strikes, but when It comes
to th doubtful one I alway remember
that the fellow on the mound ha a
two-strike advantage the pitcher of
several years ago didn't have, and place
the burden of proof on his shoulder
when It come to th deciding ball.
"Th pitchers will continually com
plain: 'He don't glv me the corner.
but let them place the ball over the
corners, or up to a man's kneee, and
thev will have no cause for complaint.
"These fellows who have so much
trouble finding tha plat under Ui
rule which glv them all th beat of
th argument with the batter wonld
have a hard time In the old daya when
the foul tip was a foul tip and nothing
The fellow who slides to first, and
th catcher who persists In yanking
the ball down to ahow the umpire
where It came over the plate, are two
of Moran'a pet foes, and neither re
ceive very much consideration at bis
Augl figure, and rightly, that th
rnnner who elides Into first doea ao In
the last extremity, believing that tie
can make th play look ao close that he
can fool th umpire.- when ha could
probably have reached the baae much
more quickly standing up. As for the
catcher who trie to assist the eyesight
of the umpire, Augle doesn't tolerate
htm at all, and aeveral of tha North
western backstops have been gently
booted for tha "bush" tactloa.
Cruikshank Aspires- to Rank
With Batting Elect.
Late Addition to Portland Tram
Holds Enviable Position aa Ilard .
Swatter" Fleet Feet and
Quirk Head Also Assets,
N. P. Crulkshank, on of th premier
swatologlst of the Northwestern
League and one of Nick Wllllama' lat
est additions to hla pennant-chasing
Colts, aspire to be numbered among
the batting elect of th clroult thla
aeason a .100 hitter.
'Last aeaaon Crulkshank swatted hla
way to a mark of .217. tne best of his
four yeara of organised ball, and thla
season, with a start which baa placed
him In the front rank of the bat
wleldera. he I confident that he will
reach tha coveted "goal.
Testable Wttk Manager Ilaa ICffeet
It Is probable that Crulkshank would
have broken Into the ranks of the .100
hitters last year bad conditions been
aa satisfactory aa they are In Port
land, lie had trouble with the Seattle
management the "why" of hie trade
for Strait of the Nlcka and It (Is no
secret that a man does not do his best
when his mind I troubled with other
thing than hla own and hi team'a
While Crulkshank is now an out
fielder, rated aa one of the best In the
league, he broke Into the game as an
Inflelder. In 1)0", at the age of tS
yeara, . he left uis bom at Delano,
Minn, and Joined the South Bend, Ind.,
team, of the Central League. He played
second base that season and apent half
of 1901 with Waterloo, of the Central
Association, at the Infield station.
In th middle of 108 the new Colt
quit the Infield for good, going to the
outfield. He stayed with Waterloo dur
Ing 190S and a portion of 110. coming
to Seattle In mldeeaeon of 110, hitting
.34 In gamea.
Average Ged la 1S1.
However, that waa the aeason Lou
Nordyke, of Spokane, topped the list
with an average of .20. ao Crulkshank'a
mark waa not so low, comparatively,
as when the league boasts of a plethora
of .100 batters. His low average gave
him 12th place In the list of batters.
Although he boosted his average to .247
laat season, he waa 18th man. in the
final tabulations.
Manager Kick William, of the Colts,
conaldere hi acquisition one of the
beat hit-and-run men In the minor
leaguee. It waa chiefly on account of
hla ability to hit the ball at th right
moment, together ' with hi speed on
th pa tha. that made Nick more than
willing to turn over Strait for the fast
er man. In both pbyaical and mental
Former . Clerelander to Head St.
Iouifl American Clnb.
ST. LOUTS. Junt 1. George Stovall,
former manager of th Cleveland Amer
ican League team, was sppolnted to
night manager of the St. Louis club
nf the American League, replacing
Knoderick WaJlace.
Beaver Miscues Aid Senators
to Take Brilliant 4-2
Rappa' Clouting Unable to Overcome
.Effect of Errors Bancroft's
Play Sensational But
ler Hurt. '
Ps rifle fia at League hlaadlnge.
w. l. p.r. w. L. P. .
Oakland ...4 22 .Wi7 Uprmmu 1.1 .T .44
Vernon 32 22 ..Vta'San Fran. ..2 3i .41
Los A' galea ;i) 2 .57 Portland ...;) - .4i
Yesterday's Resnlts.
At Portland Kscrsmentn. 4; Portland. 2.
At Los Angeies Bsn Francisco, 6. Los
Angeles, S.
At Baa Francisco ossisna. : vernen. a.
With "Rudy" Schwenk. former Spo
kane and Louisville slabster. nntpltch
Ing Klawltter, one of McCredle's best
bets In th hurling line, Sacramento
defeated Portland, t-f, yesterday after
noon, shunting tha Beavers to the cel
lar once more when Son Francisco
finally fathomed th Angela.
Th Bearera gleaned 10 hit off the
delivery of th Senator rltrher, while
eight waa the best the visitors could
chalk up against Klawltter. However.
the o Rourkes hit at the psychological
moments, and Bchwenk, assisted by the
breaks' that favored the Beaver In
two of th gamea of the aeries, pre
sented an almost Impenetrable front
In the pinches.
tiasse Is Sparkling.
The diamond bout was a sparkling
one, with Schwenk Just wobbly enough
to keep the crowd of 1000 fana on
edge. Four double plays, one nego
tiated by Butler unassisted, featured
the contest.
The Senatora scored two runs In the
second Inning, a single, a double and
two errors acoountlng for the talllrs.
Beaver runa In the aecond and fifth
tied the score, but the Invaders made
It 1-2 In the sixth and Increased to the
final 4-2 In the eighth. .
The spectacular work nf the game
waa furnished by Bancroft and Irnlan.
The Beaver third sacker made a won
derful atop of Sheehan's grounder In
the seventh Inning, knocked down tha
ball, chaaed It for 30 feet, and then
made a rifle-shot peg to first In time
to nip the runner. Irelan Is charged
with the only two Sacramento errors,
but he handled 11 chances faultlessly,
several of 4hem decidedly difficult, and
figured In the two double plays.
Kraeger Lets Ball Pass.
Th scoring came In thle manner:
In the aecond Inning Swain singled,
and went to second, when Krueger, for
the third time In as many days, let the
ball get through him. Miller, a good
fielder but a weak hitter, fouled out.
Lewis singled to right and Swain
scored when Doane fumbled the ball
before making a peg for the plate that
bounded the ball over Backstop Fisher's
head. Sheehan then drove a "groover"
to the fence between Krueger and
Doane. acnrlng Lewis.
Portland scored In Its section of the
second. With one gone Irelan bob
bled Butler'e grounder and the runner
stole second. Doane waa walked, and
Bill Rappe, who waa responsible for
three of the Beaver orouts, scored But
ler with a single to left Doane was
nipped at the plate when Fisher
grounded to Schwenk. and Klawltter
fouled out.
In the fifth Fisher, the first Beaver
up, drove a low one to center. Kla
wltter forced him at second, but Chad
bourne beat out a bunt to Schwenk, the
aecond time he ""slipped one over" on
the Senator heaver, and Bancroft took
first on a swinging bunt to third, fill
ing the bases. Klawltter scored on
Rodger's sacrifice fly to left field.
Kraeger Again Falls.
Irelan walked In the sixth, stole sec.
ond when Fisher pegged low and wide
to Rodgers, and scored on Van Buren'a
drive that went for a double when
Krueger again failed to atop the ball.
In the eighth, with on gone. Cheek,
Irelan and Van Buren alngled In a
row. Cheek scoring. A double play
prevented another score.
Butler. Beaver shortstop, wrenched
his ankle sliding back to aecond In
the second Inning, and when he made
another elide at first In the fourth waa
forced to retire, Lindsay taking his
The ecore:
Sacramento Portland
Irelan.. a 1 0 2 Chsd' 4 2 1 A o
VBn.rf 4 2 2 O V lUnr't.Sh 4 112
l)'H.:b 4 O O 4 O Hodra.'.'b a 1 1 S 0 4 2 U O KrtuT.rf 4 1 2 O 1 4 0 14 1 2 o 3 3 A
I..wi..lf 4 1 1 o v nnan.rr X o 1 o 1
fin.e-n.1b a 1 ' 1 A 4 3 13 O
Ch.ek.p 3 112 O.KI.hvr.e. 4 14 18
Ecb nk.p a 0 O 3 K1. r.p 4 1 0 a 0
Llnd' 2 O 1 a 0
' Totals 32 a 27 1 2! Totals 34 10 27 1a 3
Sacraments 000101 0 4
Illl. 0 lOOOldl 1 s
Portland 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 2
Hlta 0 1 2 OA 1 1 I 110
Runs Irelan, awaln, Lewis, rheek. But
ler. Klswltter. Struck out Hy Klawltter 4-
Etm on balls "ft Klawltter I. .if oYriW.nk
1. Twe-b.M hits eibeehan. tn Huren.
Kappa. louble play. UutJ.r, unaaalated.
Irelan to Millar. Klawltter to R'lgr. to
Kappa. Stiller to Irelan. B.rrlflce fly
Rnjgrs. Stolen baa-. Huller, Jr.. an.
Time 1:40. L'mplr.s Finney and Wbier.
Notes of the Game.
Koestner will pitch the final same of the
series for the Beav.ra, while "Spider" Baiun
will probably oppose him.
If Han Francisco loses today the Senators
ean drop the affray and the series and still
leave In fourth place, a notch better than
thev were when they Invaded Portland.
The crowd had much fun at eapenae ef
Kru.s.r. When be causht a ball or made a
stop after .hla two he was roundly
applauded. '
But for Miller's splendid rstch ef
(VRouke'e wild beave In the fifth the Bear-
era would have acored one and poaalbly two
mora men.
Kappa la climbing the batting ladder at
a terrific clip. He hit .T.'.O yesterday, a
double and two slnsles in four trips to the
Althnush Fchwenk atruck out ' twice he
waa once a pinch bitter. Ha batted .S33 (or
Louisville several seasons ago.
Swain hit safely twice end would have
scored another but for Klawltter'e quick re
covery 01 a drive tnet hit him on the root
mnA twtnnded towarda the Portland bunch.
Benny Hendersoa complains of a sore eras.
r 7
7 , - 9 1 a. 1
1 A -zm
v" pfj -
but afcCredlA eipe?ta to uae btm one day
aest week a (ulna) I.oa Ana-lea,
Vrrnon Plica Vp Big Early lx-ad but
Ixscs It and MM Place.
land lumped to the top of the
percentage ladder today with a - vic
tory from Vernon. Th series now
stand Oakland 4. Vernon 2. with a
double-header to be played tomorrow.
Carlisle, the first man up for Vernon,
led off with a home run, and hla team
mates tallied two more before the end.
but Oakland took two In her half of
the Inning, added three more In the
third and kept the lead. Caraon and
Parkin were both hard kit, but Parkin
kept hie hlta better scattered. Score:
It. It. E.I . u. a
Vernon ( 12 4,Oakland . ... 12 2
' Batteries Carson and Sullivan; Par
kin and Rohrar.
Henley Makes Home Run and Angels
lose Sot First Time In Series.
LOS ANGELES, June 1. A home run
by Henley with one baa occupied waa
the feature today of a nlnth-lnnlng bat
ting rally which gave th Seel their
first victory over Loa Angeles In the
present aeries. Toter hit one man and
walked two others In that Inning and
San Francisco amassed a total of five
runs before the Inning ended. Score:
R. If. E l R. It E.
Loo Angel's I 3,an Fran.. 3
Batteries Toser and Boles: Henley
and Schmidt- Umpires, McGreevy and
Chicago , Philadelphia. .
CHICAGO. Jun 1. Chicago played
an uphill gam and overtook Phila
delphia' early lead and won. The
game was exciting from start to
finish. The ecore:
R. H. E. RH.E.
Chicago... I 3 Phlla'phla.. 3 7 4
Batteries Bens. Mogrldg and Kuhn;
Bender and Thomas.
Detroit t .New York S.
DETROIT. June 1. Detroit bunched
six hits with bases on balls after two
were out In the fifth and defeated New
York. Caldwell and Hoff were driven
from th mound In thl Inning Craw,
ford's batting featured. Th score:
R. H. B.l R. H. E.
New York. 3 3 i;Detrolt 3 2
Batteries Caldwell, Hoff. Warhop
and Hweeney; Summers snd Ftantge,
AVaahlngton S, St. Louis S.
ST. LOUIS, June. 1. Manager Griffith
presented a new line-up and Washing
ton won from SL Louis by bunching
hits. The score:
Wash. . .3 IS O.ISt. Louis. ..3 13 3
Batteries Hughes and Henry; Nel
son, Hamilton and KrichelL
Cleveland f, Boston si.
CLEVELAND. O., Jun 1. Boston
made Its first appearance of th season
her and was beaten. Cleveland hit
thre Boston pitchers bard and drove
Hall and Collins from th box. It being
1 r -
Hall's first defeat of the season. The
Cleveland.. 14 i, Boston.... 2(3
Batteries Kahlcr ami Easterly; Hall,
Collins, Tape and Nunaniaker.
Pittsburg 7, Philadelphia 5.
PHILADKLI'lIIA. June 1. Dttsburg
played a Xlne uphill gam and beat
1'hlladelplila hy mixing lilts with bat
tery and fielding misplays of the home
team. Ilyrne made two doubles and a
single. Score:'
R. II. E l R. H. E.
Pittsburg ..7 11 UPhtla'phla.. SSI
Batteries: Robinson, Camnlti and
Gibson: Curtis, Keaton and Moran, Doo
In. Umpires Klem and Bush.
Cincinnati 7 Brooklyn 3.
BROOKLYN. June 1. Cincinnati de
feated Brooklyn." Moet of the damage
waa done In the third when four hits,
four passes, three steals and a wild
pitch, mostly by Regan, sent six men
across tlae plate. Score:
R. II. E.I R. H. E.
Cincinnati ..7 S OiBrooklyn ...3 7 0
Batteries: Suggs and McLean; Ra
ta n. Karger and Erwln. Umpires: Rlg
ler and Flnneran.
( Iiha go 7, Boeton 5. -
BOSTON. June I Chicago batted
Dickson and Tyler from the box and
won from Boston. Zimmerman's hit
ting featured. Score:
Boston 6 S HChicago 7 13 4
Batteries: Dickson, l'erdue. Tyler
and Kltng: Reulhach. Smith and Need
ham. Umpire: Owens.
New York 13, St. IjouI 4.
NEW YORK. June L. New York eas.
Ily defeated St. I-ouls. Steele was
knocked out of the box In the second
Inning and Harmon wss hit harder than
hie predecessor. Mathewson also wss
till hard, but wss strong in the pinches
and received wonderful support, ho.ore:
St. Louis 4 13 New York.. 12 13 0
Batteries: . Steele. Harmon and
Oakes. Wlngo: Mathewson and Meyers,
Hartley. Umpires: Johnstone and
Chchalls Beaten, t to 3, With 3000
Fan Watching (iame.y
CENTRALIA. Wash., June 1. (Spe
cial.) Ceotralla took a one-aided game
from Chchalls at the Fair around, thle
afternoon by a .score of to 3. Jorg
stad, the new twlrler secured by Cen
tralis from Victoria, only allowed three
hits. He deserved a shutout, Chehalla'
rune being due to errors. The hitting
of Vivian, two double kplays by Cen
tralis, and a long running catch by
Guyn In left field were the features of
the game. Even a bigger crowd saw
today's game than yesterday's. It be
ing estimated at close to 3000. The
R. It E-l R. it E.
Chehalla ..2 3 4'CentralIa ,.t 11 1
Batterlee Sgulres and Taylor; Jorg
atad and Byrnes.
Creston School Calls Meeting.
A special meeting of the Parent
Teacher Club of tha Creaton school haa
been railed for tomorrow afternoon at
2:2', when officers will be elected and
preparations for Creston'a part In the
Rose Festival parade will be discussed.
All parents In the district are requested
to be present.
Fast Double Plays Put End to
Portland's Rallies in
Three Innings.
Victoria riayer's Sensational Field
ing I Feature Veaaey Hit Hard
In Spots--Williams' Men
Score One In Ninth.
Northwestern League Standings.
W. I.. P.C.I w. L. P.P.
Victoria ...24 1 ..ViHjTsrnma ...S3 'I
Portland . .24 22 .n'J'J'pnHBiia . -" -:1
Vancouver .S 2- .SJ'.Veatlle ....SO 2.1
Yesterday's Heaults.
At Seattle Victoria 7. Portland 1.
At Tacoms Taroma IV, Vancouver 4.
At Hpokane Spokane .1, Heat lie 1.
SEATTLE. Wash ' fTune 1. (Special.)
Victoria yanked Portland down a
notch In the Northwealern League's ex
citing pennant race today by hammer
ing out a 7-1 victory st Dugdale's park.
The Bees have won thre out of the
last four games, but the Colts ar
erfpplrd by the absence of Mensor and
rrulkshank, and their pitchers are not
going good.
Doable Playe Hurt.
Portland's rallies were killed In thre
Innings by fast double plays. Rawllngs
proved the stumbling block for the
Volts, his Molding being sensations! in
the extreme. Ho accepted 1 1 chances
without an error and got a home run
Inside the lot.
. Veasev wss hit hard In spots. The
error column would Indicate thst mis-
play in the field contributed to the
defest. but as a matter of fsrt only
one error, a muff by Smith, was a fac
tor In the scoring.
Doubles by Keller and Merrltt and
Rawllngs' homer gave Victoria three
in the third. Stadlllo'a alngle, two In
ncld outs and Weed's single yielded
one In the sixth. With two on and
two out In the eighth. Smith muffed
Weed's fly, letting two over. Merrltt
singled, counting one more.
art land Makes Omr.
Portland's one run csme In the ninth.
Wllllnms single), rlolo second and
scored on Kaetley's single. Score:
Victoria I I'ortlanrt--
A.H po.A.K.I ' '" ':
tvnnn.Ilh. 4
0 tl 1 O' rpea.-b.
Ille.lf 4
4 10 i llHi-nac. .
K'nccly.rf 4
Meek.c... 4
Weed. Ik. 4
Merrltt. cT 4
It Una.... a
0 n
1 ft
1 10
o o n't . ..
1 1 it
I o -j
N I t
0 0 n
1 11 11
1 4 11
O hl II
1 o -tmltli.rf .
0 11 Warn. ,1b.
1 OK'.tlry.lf.
t 2
2 :l 0 It K Ihlile.alt.
t It N iroltitti..s.
10 2 "
S'v.aun.p 4
Total.. .3.1 II 27 U O Totals... .12 WI
:t u
Victoria o J " " " ? J
Portland luvuwvvwa
r.uns Startllle C.'l, Meek. Weed, Kellnr.
Merrill. lUiwIlnxa, Williams. Two-naae hlta
Merrill, K-lhir. Matlllle. Home f'n--Kaellnsa.
Htolen Ptadllle, Meek.
Merrltt. Wllllama. foltrln. Hlrtick out Hy
Nxrveaon 4, by Veaay 4. Ha.ce on lialla-
off Veaay .'I. Hit u pitcher Kpeas and
Ert.ttey bv N.rvceon. tumble playe Nar
veaon to llawllnsa to Wce.l I2i: Fries to
Harris: Colirln to Hpeas to Williams, lime
1 :20.
Tacoma Cutrher's Batting Overtakes
Vancouver's Early Lead.
TACOMA, June I. Two three-hiiM
hits by Catcher Dick Crittenden, of Ta
coma, one In the seventh and ono In the
ninth Inning, with a single In the
twelfth hy Abbott, pulled a hard-fought
12-lnnlng game out of the fire fur the
Tigers today. Crlger waa yanked out
In the first after Vancouver scored fuur
run) on him. Gordon held the Ilea vets
safe the rest of the distant-. The game
waa marked by ragged fielding on both
sides. Score:
1UI.K.I nii.E.
Vancouver. .. 4 2Tacom Ill
Butteries (iorvals and Lewis; C'rlger,
Gordon and Crittenden.
Indians Tnko Game, 3 to 1 l ttllor.
ton's lldncss Costs Game.
SI'OKANK. June 1. Leonard was too
much for the Seattle batters today, ami
Spokane won 3 to 1. For five Inning"
Leonard held Seattle hltless. Seattle
scored tlto one run in the sUtlt'on
Ftillerton'a three-bsgger snd Moran's
single. Kullerton was wild, ami bases
on balls, coupled with daring baeo run
ning, wore responsible for tho Spo
kane runs. Score:
Seattle 1 I 2ipokane 3 5 0
Batteries Fullorton snd Whaling:
Leonard and Pevogt. Umpire Moisn.
Kitnons i.osK. ron hoqmam
btarkell Unable Ut Keep Aberdeen
t lTom Taking Hagged Game.
IIOQUIAM, Wash., Juno 1. (Sneclsl.)
Cos'ly errors lost th game for ll--qtilam
In the Slate League contest line
thle afternoon between Aberdeen snd
Hoquiam. Starkell. formerly of
Tacoma Northwestern League tektn.
pitched high-class hall throughout for
Hoquiam, but hi support was rsgiicd
at times when It counted most. Hcl
meck In tho box for Aberdeen wss
pounded hard, the locals annexing nine
hits off his delivery. The score:
R. H. F..I H. H- F.
Aberdeen . . .3 S 2',Hoqulam ...2 5
Batterle: Helnieck and Glea.on;
Starkell and Troeh. Umpire: UoMcn.
Aviator Cooke at Salem.
ALBANY, Or.. June 1. (Special.)
Weldon B. Cooke, a San Francisco
aviator, gave an exhibition In Albany
today. Rising from Bryant' Park, he
executed a circle of several miles at a
speed of about SO mile an hour and
alighted successfully.
College Ilasehall.
Yale (. Princeton 1.
Army Navy 7.
Pennsylvania . Cornell t.
Harvard 2. Phillip Exeter 1.
Amherst 3, Brown 0. .