J 40 ' TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JJNE 2. 1912. Redeem All Your Duplicate Sales-Checks for Ballots in Our Great $4,000 Scholarship Contest 15Prizc THE MEIEIl & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison, Alder Sts. WEATHER REPORT: FAIR TODAY. TIIE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1837 Turn to Our Big Double-Page Advertisement in the Center of the Society Section Today Announcing 2d Week of June White Days and Preparation for Rose Festival OUR Mammoth'Annual Event of White swings into the second week, with economies that every household must share, it they haven't done so already. Every white article is reduced, contract goods excepted. I This will be a week of preparation for the Rose Festival, when, with gala times ahead and thousands of visitors in Portland, wc will want rvi jr jj m to look our best. New Summer apparel for all the family; new furniture, draperies, carpets everything for pevsunal and home adornment UTTT A O &IL 1Z&) here. Read our big double-page advertisement in the society section of today's Oregonian. - j " . vu Great June Sale of Toilet Goods S There's Beauty for You in everv Jar of the famous Aubry Sisters' IJeautificr. Hundreds of Portland women give it their highest praise. A delightful paste that not only takes the place of powder but imparts a refreshing and refined clearness to tun skin, such as no powder ran accomplish. "What's more, it ean't he detected nor does it rub off. A special booth on the main aisle, where a demonstrator will give you a trial application, if yon like. The Beanti fier is priced at 25. 50 an 75 a jar. Other Aubry Sisters' preparations includo the Liquid Tint. Heautifier Soap, Cream, Powder, etc. Ask about them ! s at 8 Tomorrow ! Keep the Nails Perfect With Alabastrine! AND not only, the nails arc kept per fect with its use, but the hands become beautifully white, th skin soft and smooth. With the use of Alabastrine, not only mi lady of leisure, but the busy housewife, as well, will have the well-kept, attractive hands that ore a mark of beauty always. Alabastrine, removes roughness of the cuti cle and if used on rough hands the benefits will be effected at once. Ask for J Beecham's Alabastrine . today. . A iJC generous sized jar priced here at m. m ... A Hanson-Jenk's Cold Cream! IT'S the perfect Summer Cold Cream for milady's skin needs as much attention dur ing tlie Summer months as in the Winter. The tan ning sun, the brisk winds, the stay at the beach, the motoring trips all play havoc with fair skin and deli cate complexions. Use the high-grade Hanson-Jenk's Cold J? Cream and the wiles of the Summer out inga need never be feared. Priced a jar at " Other Hanson-Jenk's Preparations Springtime Beauty Cream only 75 Toilet Water, bottle, at 75 to $1.25 Ily's Talcum Powder, can at only 25 Violet Brut Talcum Powder, only 25 Almond Meal, special at 25 and 50 Cucumber and Orris Lotion, only 50 Kail Enamel and Bleach, priced at 25 Nail Salve, priced at, the jar, only 50 Emery Boards, the package at only 25 Soap, the cake, 10S Sot and 35 Tincture of Benzoin, special at only 50 Tace Powder in all shades, 50S 75 The Queen of Beautifiers ! SEMPRE G 10 VINE pronounced Sem pray Jo-ve-nay, meaning always young, has been the "Queen of Beauti fiers" to thousands and thousands of women. Really a remarkable prepara tion not a balm, not a cream, but a won derfully scientific compound, put up in the form of a "little pink brick." And its-use means to women a skin fine, firm and velvety. Removes all impurities can be used on the most deli cate skin and always with the same delightful results. Don't fail to try Marietta Stanley's Sempre Giovine. Regular 50c C size, specially priced for the June Toilet Goods Sale at only Nature Intended Sulphur for Man AM) here in this wonderful new preparation, Sulphurro, those suffering from rheumatism, asthma, goitre, eczema, tlyspepsia, stomach, kidney, skin and blood diseases, will find help. Nature intended suphur to act as a dis infectant for man., purifying and cleansing .1.. ii i i i : t. t-j- - I i nc nincHi and Keeping wie oouy in n normoi, u a jt p healthful condition. That's what Sulphurro, V(pW.(? (USfiMcA Stewart's Liquid Compound of Sulphur, has done for hundreds of users here in Port land. 4-ounce bottle, 50S 10-ounce bot tle at SI. Mme. Hudson's Preparations HUNDREDS of Portland women will have no other toilet preparation tfian the Mme. Hudson make. Her watchword has Always been, not how cheap can these articles be compounded, but how good. And the result v . . has been that superior quality of her beauty preparations has been acknowledged and appreciated by women everywhere. Mme. Hudson articles are sold here only in Portland. Satin Cream at 5Cc Iloes for the skin just what Ihe name imnlips makes it soft and satiny, removing blcm- CA ishes, tan and freckles. Triced at, a jar"C Shampoo, priced, 50 i Face Lotion at S5J .OO Eonje, bottle at 25 Hair Tonic only 75 Cleansing Cream, 50 I Retiring Cream, 50 A Page of Phenomenal Specials for This Famous Monthly Event! SUMMER is here the time of all times who milady's complexion must be guarded, lest she-return from the Seashore, the vacation trip, with sunburn and skin-roughness that will take months to cur'. In this big June Sale of Toilet Goods and Drugs, whh.-h begins tomorrow at Meier & Frank's, are extraordinary savings on the celebrated creams, the facial preparations, the talcums, and other toilet articles which you',11 want for Sum mer, j ' Owing to many of these prices being less than the ordinarv dealer pays at wholesale, "WK MUST WITHHOLD the RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Tear tills page off and save for reference. The prices axe in force uniil Saturday night, June 8. A POCKET MIRROR GIVEN FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF f.0e OK MORE "TOKALON" Drug and Toilet Specialties "Tokalon" is rapidly becoming a house hold word it means Drug and Toilet Spe cialties which we tinqualifidely gunrnntee. "Tokalon" Remedies are ompounded for us by one of the world's largest and most molern labatories. Over a hundred daily used articles now embracved in the line and others constantly being added. Ask for "Tokalon" I'reparations by name. Rubber Goods of Quality 1WUVULU I Insist on ge 1 1 i n g' "Knoleak" label and you'll be sure of Rub ber goods which will give nhxolute satisfac tion. It s our own high-grade line, made according to our own specifications and positively guaranteed for a venr. Full line of "N'oleak" Wut.-r littles, Syringes, etc., in all sizes and styles. A 50c Jar Palmolive Cream Free With 6 Cakes Soap, 49c This remarkable offer sold over 10,000 cakes of Palmolive Soap in one of onr recent monthly toilet goods sales. Palmolive is different from other soaps, in that it is eompoed of natural palm an1 olive oils from the Far hast. This gives it the deli cate green hue, found in this soap alone. With every six cakes of Palmolive Sonp sold during the June Toilet Goods Sale at 4fc, we will give free a full-size 50e jar of Palmolive Cream. Pure and white, penetrating, cleansing every pore and soften ing the skin I For one week only. 7i 4 -$1.10 Value for 49! The June Sale of Rubber Goods $2 Wearerer Chocolate Water Bot tles, 3-qt., 81.10 $1.25 Chocolate Rubber Water Bot tles, 3-o.t, 89 0 $1.50 Chocolate Rubber Fountain l Syringes, 3-qt., OS $2.50 Wearevcr Maroon Fountain Syringes, 3-o.t., 31.69 $2 Wearever Maroon Water Bottles, Q 3-qt, 31.49 . $3 Marvel Whirling- Sprays. 32.49 (I 75c Wearever Face Bags at 49 O 75c Fluffy Ruffles Bathing Caps, 49 Soap Specials 10c Jergen'i Peroxide Bath Soap, 7k 10c Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soaps, 6 10c Jergen's Dairy-made Soap, 6 10c Jergen's Almond Coaco- oil Soap, C 5c Jergen's Castile Soap, 35c Jergen's Floating Cas tile Soap, 211 10c Jergen's Violet Glycer ine, 7k 10c Cudahy Lilac Rose Gly cerine, 5 6c Pummo Soap, 3 6c Fairbank's Glycerine Soap, 3 The Facial Creams $1 Milkweed Face Cream at 69 35c Hazeline Snow Cream, 21 50c Fink Blush Massago Cream, 39 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream, 29 60c Malvina Face Cream at 29 60c Dr. Chas. Flesh Food at 29 50c Sempre Geovine, 29 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream, 16 25c Peroxide Face Cream at 16 95 The Facial Powders 50c Java Rice Powder, 23 60c Carmen Powder, 26 25c Tetlow's Powder, 15 25c Swansdown Face Pow der, 5 25c Satin Skin Face Pow der, 16 60c Pinaud Face Powder at 29 25c Lehn k Fink Talc. 16 25c Squibb Violet TaL 1G 25c Mennen's Talcum at 9 25c Ponds' Extract Talcum, two for 25 15c Wild Rose Talcum, 4 25c Dor. Vernon Talc. 12 25c Graves' Talcum, 5 25c Tetlow's Talcum, 16 $3.50 to $8 Rubber-lined Travclyinf Cases, slightly soiled, 89 $1.25 and $1.50 Rubber-lined Travel ing Cases. OS 25c Bath Mitts, priced at only 19 75c Jewel Pockets, special at 49 25c Celluloid Dressing Combs, 15 60c Combs. 39 $1.25 to $1.75 Hair Brushes. 9S 60c and 75c Hair Brushes at 39 25c Tooth Brushes, all sizes at 1 9 35c Hand Scrub Brushes only 19 $2 and $2.50 Famous Ivy Razors, A 25c Sanitol Vanity Case with every 25c box of Sanitol Face P'wdr at 15c The Dentifrices 25c Graves' Tooth Powder, two for 25 25c Rubifoam, 2 hots. 25 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder, 10 25c Past curiae Tooth Paste, 15 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder, two for 25 25c Euythymol Tooth Paste, 10 25c Woodbury's Dental Cream, 15 Hair Tonics 50c Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur. 39 60c Seven Sutherland Sis ters' Hair Grower, 39 50c Herpicide, Newbro's, 35 $1 Potter's Hair Stain at 69 $1 Fitch's ' Dandruff Re mover, 79 60c Fitch's Dandruff Re mover, 39 Sachets, Perfumes 60c Willow Sachet Powder, assorted odors, ox., 39 75c Roger & G all at Per fumes, assorted odors, oz. 59 50c Dorothy Vernon Per fume, 39 50c Dorothy Vernon ToOet Water, 39 25c Dorothy Vernon Sachet, 19 Patent Medicines $1 Bliss Native Herbs, 69 25c Orangene Headache Powder. 16 35c Merci s Sugar of Milk, 21 25c Peroxide Hydrogen. 9 60c Beef, Wine, Iron, 33 $1 Sarsaparilla, at 37 $1 Plnkham's Veg. Com pound, 69. 35c Fletcher's Castoria at 19 25c Rose Water and Gly cerine, 17 T 1 II ,mZ fVSVH TELEPHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600. HOME A 610L Chicago Knows Mme. Hatten SAFE to say there arc few women in all of Chicago who haven't hard of Mme. Hatten, the famous beauty specialist, ller 20th Century line of Toilet. Articles is th result of years and years of experience. Her formulas are exclusively her own. The. original "lice Hive" lahel is on every package. All put up in lipht, sani tary nlumitiuin receptacles. 20th Century Princess Cold Cream it's a perfect skin cleanser for use niirht and niorn inj?. Triced, a jar, 50 and SI. " rvjiTr jTM eutfirr '( PR!N'CESS.COLD CREAM Other 20th Century Specialties I.leach Crenin, Dry ('renin. Freckle Cream. Koupc Powder, Almond Whitenor, Face Powder, etc. Variously 25C 50 and SI. A New French Shampoo AMKJMCAX women need no longer envy Hie perfection and natural lieaut' of the fashionable French woman's hair and coiffure. Through the use of this famous French Shampoo Sanadermu the hair is left soft with the natural glossiness that's so essential to the attractive coiffure. Sanaderma is an exquisitely perfumed Powder, which, dissolved in water, produces a hygienic scalp cleanser. Five packages in a box so you've ntf 5 delightful Sanaderma Shampoos The Natural Way to Oregon Prune Laxative FOR ages our mothers and grandmothers have agreed that the eating of prunes was not only generally healthful but arc n sure cure for mild eases of constipation. , Here in this Laxative Prune Bitters the juice of the prune, medical herbs . and vegetable syrups are compounded With its regular use, biliousness, indigestion, malaria and constipation are helped. A natural uninjurious rem edy for children and adults alike. Ask for m A A the Prune Pitters a larpe bottle priced at V) i Health You'll Never Use a Mustard cpiQApi, after you've on-c used ALtcClarcn's ? M$J ""Mustard Cerate. Jt takes the place of :ijf the old fashioned plasters, liniments, poultices, etc. v gives relief that's immediate and lasting and is easier and more quickly applied. Gives prompt relief for headaches, lumbago. o aching backs, neuralgia and rheumatism. MacClaren's Mustard CVrnto is known nsCi "the little doctor." Two si.ed jars at 25H and 50. MAC LAREN'S WILL NOT BLISTER- 2 Back to the Indian Bays Jlme. Leonard went, to secure the wonderful formula for her famous Indian Herb Hair (Irower. Fqually as. natural and uninjurious are the other preparations that have worked wonders for Portland women. These special offers for the June Sh1: ISOcAmolia Pomade, for dandruff 50c Indian Kerb Kair Grower 25c Tar Antiseptic Shampoo $1 Mme. Leonard's Rose Blush 50c jar Almond Face Cream 25c jar of Raspberry Tint 98c $1.19 Pacific Kid Glove Cleaner HOW many women have found when preparing to go out that the otherwise perfect toilet lias been marred by soiled gloves and no time to snd them to the cleaners. If , you've a box of Pacific Cleaner in yourliome, the gloves, shoes, belts, etc. can be cleaned in a moment's notice. A demonstrator at a sjxcial booth will show j-ou how quickly and easily it cleans. Once yon use racihe Kid lilovc ( leaner, you II never be without it. Good-sized box, priced at the exceedingly low pnee it. f f? r, 25c 4pl