The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 02, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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"Try-New-Lifew Relieving
At the Various "Try-New-Life"
the 'Pain of Thousan
Agencies That Have Been Established
Hamilton-Beach Sales Company Free Demonstrating Parlors, 367 Morrison Street
Stubbs Electric Company, Western Distributors, 61 Sixth Street
Machine Can Be Bought
on Payments or Rented
on Liberal Terms
Free Treatments Show the
Sufferer How Easily and
Quickly Relief May Be
The generous offer of the Hamllton
Ileach company ha placed that magical
little Try-New-Ufe" machina within
lha reach of tha man with only a 'aw
dnllara at a time ha can now buy a
machine on loatallmente or rent one by
the month, and tay for It while be
treats himself and Ma family.
Hundreda have taken advantage of
the company' offer to make a depoelt
when buying- a machine, and pay for It
Jn monthly payment. Thus the price
of the machine la never missed, and
the aufferer la cured while he paya.
Tha rental offer la fully ai liberal. A
aufferer from any ailment to which
Try-New-Llfe" 1 adapted la allowed
to pay a email aum down, which rente
a machine to him for 30 daya. At any
time before hi month la up tha renter
may buy a machine, and the amount of
the first month's rental will be applied
on the purchase prlre.
No company could afford to make
such offers If It were not perfectly
aura that Its machines will do every
thing claimed for them and mora.
There la no argument with a man.
who comes to the store with rheuma
tism, headache, gout, lumbago, tired
fet. sore back, or any of the hundred
Ilia that attack mankind. He knows he
haa the pain and he know when Try-New-Life"
takea It away. Then ha
want a machine of his own.
If you have a headache, coma In and
have It taken away, free.
If you have a In me back, coma In
and sea how quickly the vigor of a
strong man can be restored by ten min
utes' work with a little machine.
la It Indigestion? Just a few min
utes will aet the stomach to doing Its
work In a natural way and you will
be better.
Are you sleepless at nights? A
killed operator will take away that
restless, nervous, wide-awake sensa
tion with IS minutes of painless treat
ment, and you will aleep like a baby
that night.
Whatever It Is. come In and see what
can be done. Fome thlnira cannot be
cured by Try-New-Life" anv more I
than by drugs, or an operation. If
you cannot be relieved, the operator
will tell you so aa frankly a a phyr
loan would. Hut If It can be cured,
whr notT
Corns In and be shown.
Meier at Fraak C'easeaay te dell "Try-
Arrangements have been made
whereby the Meier Frank Company
will demonatrata and aell tha wonder
ful Try-New-Llfe" vibrators. A aplen
did room In their magnificent atore haa
been completely furnished for the pur
pose of demonstrating this sclentlflo
marvel. They have employed expert
demonstrators who will plve free treat
ments In the demonstratlng-room dur
ing regular business hours. They will
have the permanent sals of these vi
brators In the city of Portland and will
make very attractive Inducement for
the sals of these machines. Their
formal opening and demonstration of
this magical Try-New-Life" will be
gin Monday morning. Every provision
haa bean mads for the comfort and
convenience of the public In their
splendid demonstratlng-room. If you
have not Inveatlgsted "Try-New-Life,"
do not delay to do so for the bene
fits from this treatment are already
being enjoyed by hundreds of people In
"Try-New-Llfe" will shortly be placed
on sals' with the leading storea In
every large city In ths United States,
the Meier Frank Store being one of
the first to take up the sale of these
machines In this city and to offer to
their customers and to the public In
general the wonderful relief from pain
which thia new Invention affords. Visit
their store at any time after Monday
morning, ask for "Try-New-Llfe" free
demonstratlng-room and you will be
shown how quickly thla little Instru
ment will relieve any ache or pain, no
natter from what causa or bow long
Instant Relief From Pain Is What
You Get With "Try-NeW-Life"
Weak Back, Rheumatic Joints, Sore Muscles, Aching
Joints, All Are Quickly Eased.
Quick relief from pain and sickness
Is what every sufferer wants. Whether
lis has rheumatism. Indigestion, back
ache, nervousness, gout, weak kidneys,
aore nerves and muscles, sciatica, lum
bago, headache or any other trouble,
caused by a lagging of the vital or
gans, or whether he Is merely worn
out, lacking In vigor, "all In," bs can
be relieved In a few minutes.
"Try-New-Llfe," the latest discovery
of science, by going direct to the seat
of the trouble, whatever It la. and
working with Nature Instead of oppos
ing her, brings results In a fsw min
utes. Nouralgla, that terrible scourge that
fears no drugs, gives way In a few
minutes to tha maglo touch of a "Try-New-Llfe"
Indigestion, the mother of so many
other Ills. Is eaaily cured. Tbe flow of
blood and digestive Juices Is stimu
lated, the action of the stomach Is as
sisted and encouraged, and, after a 10
mlnutes treatment, ths gnawing pain
and discomfort are gone, and ths work
of the stomach la dons In the healthy,
natural way.
Sciatica, that disease of ths great
sensitive nerve In ths thigh. Is one of
the most painful aliments known to
suffering mankind. Sometimes a long
stay at Hot Springs will help, some
times drugs deaden the pain. But only
"Try-New-Llfe" will go straight to ths
tissues of the nerve Itself, stimulate
the healthy flow of blood, soothe the
nerve Into quiet, and take the pain
away In a fsw minutes.
Headache, caused by pressure of ths
blood In the delicate vessels of the
bead. Is taken away as by maglo when
' . i 'iHs ' ;v--- . i f ' - i?r ' -: i
Every Home Should
Have This Marvel
4 Try-New-Life" WU1 Re
place the Hot Water Bot
ties and Noxious Drugs.
Every horns In the country will svent
ually bs supplied with ons of ths mag
ical little Try-New-Ufs" machines. No
household ahouia bs without It any
mors than without court plaatar for
cuts and scratches, salves for bums or
arnica for bruises. y
"Try-New-Life" I destined to sup
plant ths hot water bottle for all or
dinary uses. If thers la sluggish cir
culation, causing cold hands and feet.
"Try-New-Life will start up ths circula
tion and remove ths cause of cold
extremities mors perfectly than a whole
battery of water bottles.
If there Is nervousness, a feeling ef
Indeflned fear, a feeling of Impending
disaster without causa, a tormenting
desire to be op and moving about when
ths operator works for a few minutes
at tha throbbing brow or aching tem
ples. Backache, from whatever cause, dis
appears In a few moments wben tha
operator of "Try-New-Life" beglna to
aend the Ufa blood with new vigor
through ths tissues and qulsts tbs ach
ing nerves.
Weak kidneys, which, when neglect
ed, often develop diabetes or ths dead
ly Brlght's disease, are quickly atlniu
lated to do their work thoroughly, and
the symptoms weak back, lassitude,
sagging facial muaclea. sugar or starch
In the urine soon gtvs way to healthy
Nervousness and sleeplessness, twin
vlls that uaually go hand In hand, are
routed in a moment by Try-New-Llfa."
Tha dallcats nerve centers
along ths neck and back are easily af
fected and. when they are Inflamed by
cold or weakened by overstrain or
worn down by worry, the least trifle
Irritates them and tha victim rolls and
tosses or walks ths floor In agony, and
Is lucky to get two .hours' sleep a
night. "Try-New-Ufe" qulsts tha
quivering nerves like maglo, and often
a single treatment will bring a sound
night's sleep to a sufferer wbo haa not
slept a whole nlgbt In many years.
And these treatments, given at the
company's stores, or, when requested,
at tha patlent'a home, are abaolutely
free. They are merely given to show
what the magical little machine will
do for It sells on lta merits alons.
Doctors nse It In hospitals and In their
private practice, but. best of all. tha
sufferer can use It In his own horns,
day or night, as often as ha may wish,
and tbs result is always ths same.
ons really wanta and needs rest. "Try-New-Llfe"
will calm the sufferer and
permit him to rest when nothing e'.sa
short of soma powerful drug, which
does more harm than good, would have
any effect.
Sleeplessness Is an especially trying
affliction to women, and it la very eaaily
overcome with "Try-New Life." At
bedtime, when tha clothing is removed,
put the soft, sponge-like applicator on
ths machine and pass It slomly down
ths spins from ths bsse of the akull
to the end of the backbone, pressing
gently. The quiet bum of the little
motor, the grateful feeling of maseaga
on the tender nerve centers, and tha
gradual glow of warmth that spreads
over ths entire back as ths blood ves
sels are stimulated and the normal sup
ply of the life fluid surges through them,
will quiet tha moat stubborn nervea.
and ths sufferer will gradually grow
drowsy and go to sleep like a tired
Several women In the last week have
told how a single treatment with Try-New-Life"
has so soothed them that
they have a pent all nlgbt without wak
ing. This when ths treatment was giv
en In the afternoon at the company's
store, i7 Morrison.
"Try-New-Ufe" Is Not
' an Electrical
Electricity furnishes ths power to drive
tbs motor: there la no mors electricity
felt by ths patient than In riding In a
streetcar or In using an electrio Iron.
The motor drives at tremendoua speed
a little lever, at tbe end of which la
fixed a rubber applicator, of which thers
ars sis stylta. fitted for all kinds of
ailments. The rubber applicators,
placed gently against an aching bead, a
rheumatic and swollen Joint, or drawn
tenderly down a aura spine, stimulate
and sooths ths blood Teasels, and aid
Nature to resume ber work Interrupt
ed by Inflammation, and Instant relief
Is felt. It Is a maaaags of tha moat
sclentlflo kind, a hundred times mors
effective than any given by the human
band, becaua mors strong, mors accu
rals and more delicate where delicacy la
required. A child can learn In IS min
utes how to operate "Try-New-Llfe"
and trained operators are alwaya at
hand at tha Hamilton-Beach store at
t; Morrison, to glvs free treatments
and to show bow to opsrats ths ma
chines. All tbe nerves of sensation and ef
motion branch out from the spinal cord
between the bones of the spine. Sclen
tlflo massage of these nerves and ths
muscles In which they are embedded,
brings relief from ths hundred aliments
which spring from a faulty blood aup-
f ly to theee centers. Such massage. In
ts perfection can bs given only by
Full directions ars given with each
machine. In addition to the practical
fres demonatratlons when ths patlsnt
calls at tbs store.
If you do not cars to Invest at ones
a full purchase price of a Try-New-Life"
machine our easy payment plan
or our rental plan aa atated In this ad.
offers you a splendid opportunity to In
stall one of these machlnea In your
borne and begin treatments at ones and
to receive ths benefits of ths tree t men t
while you ars paying for your machine.
Try-New-Life" Brings Health, Joy and Happiness
It was a story of Intenaa human lntereat which was related by Mrs. W.
Fctsrson. of 1147 Albtna avenue, this city, when expressing her gratitude) to a
representative of tbs Hamilton-Beach Sales Co.'s demonstrating parlors at SCT
Morrison street. Mrs. Peterson said: "Last September I was takes) seriously 111
with what I ho doctors called "Nervous Prostration," and later an Impure condi
tion of the blood developed, causing a aweillng of the feet and limbs, requiring
tbe use of crutches to got about. In fact, my condition was such that 1 had
about concluded my life was of short duration: but like most people In a similar
condition I waa willing to try almost anything which gave promise of relief.
'ortunately I happened to read a Try New Life" advertisement, but not 'jclng
able to leav my home I requested my husband to visit tha office of the Hamilton-Beach
Rales Company and find out all he could about tha Try New Life"
machine. While there ha was given a Demonstration Treatment, and waa ao
well pleased with Its health-giving power that bo requested ons of ths repre
sentatives to take ons of ths machines to his horns and glvs his wlfs a treat
ment." '
This treatment was given on May the 14th, and the relief was so magically
wonderful that a machina waa purchased, since whloh time I have treated my
aelf. My crutchea have beeaa discarded, swelling In feet and limbs baa disap
peared, and my normal health almost regained
From the fact that I have been transformed from a realm of Intense) suffer
ing to a stats of practically good health, Joy and happiness In such a abort
tlms will causa me to forever herald the prala of Try New Life" machine.
Further let ma state that I nave alwaya abhorred the Idea of making a state
ment for publication or permitting the use of my picture) In connection with an
advertisement, but If those who suffer can obtain relief as quickly as I did It
Is my duty to lend encouragement to try tbs uaa of ths "Try New Life."
Choice Agencies for Re
sponsible Easiness Men
There are choice locations for exclu
sive agencies, for the magical Try-New-Llfe"
Machine. They would all have
been gone now but the management is
exercising great care in choosing only
reliable business men wbo have stand
ing In their community and who are
In a position financially to handle the
Write Hamilton-Beach Bales Com
pany. 1(7 Morrison, for terms In delll.
All Inquiries received by ua from the
public wherein a local agency has been
established ars turned over to the local
agent In his particular locality. We are
receiving bundreda ef these Inquiries
every day. These will prove valuable
to the party who secures local exclusive
territory. Writs at ones If you wish a
good proposition In your town or city,
lee own letterhesd In Writing.
The Hamllton-Iteach 6alrs Company,
147 Morrison. Portland.
Hundreds Come to
Men and Women Suffering Pain in Many Forms Are
Given Instant Relief.
Try-New-Ufe," the wonderful treat
ment for physical afflictions, la attract
ing the attention of everyone. It la a
marvelous invention for the relief and
cure of the suffering.
It wae placed before the publlo In
Denver. Colo.. Just 11 wewks ago. Near
ly ItWO machlnea haVa been sold In that
city alone, and the results of their use
are nothing short of marveloue.
Hundreds of peP' ra writing the
Hamilton-Beach Co. atore at 17 Morrl
aon street, and one ha only to remain
near enough to hear the expression of
delight from those taking the free
treatment to bs convinced of the mer
its of Try-New-Llfe.'-
People began coming tha moment tha
store opened. Men with arma or lega
drawn by rheumatism, which bad long
leslsted drufs and llnlmenta and hot
batha. were amazed at tha relief they
found tbe very first minute. The cold
handa and feet were warmed into a
glow the flabby deadened muscles were
stimulated to health and vigor, the
stiffened Joints were made to work
again and the pain here la the delight
ful part of It the pain was rolleved
In a moment.
Women came with headaches the
kind of headache that whltena the face
with pain, drawa lines acroaa tha brow
and below tha cornera of the mouth
and puta dark circles under ths eyea.
Tbey must have believed they could
be relieved or they would not have
come; but belief bad nothing to do with
It. Just so they cane. For a skilled
operator, working with a aoft. velvet
like applicator, soothed ths throbbing
nerves, gently stimulated tha blood
that was gorging tha brain, smoothed
away ths lines of pain from brow and
face and the headache was gone.
Caaea of headache there were among
both men and women. Overwork, men
tal and pbyalcal atraln. weak kldneya
bo matter what caused It there they
were with pain In ths small of the
back. They could walk, but with pain
at svery atep. They could alt down
and rise pp. but at tha coat of many a
pang. They could even stoop snd rlss
"Tiy-New-Life" Gives
Beauty of Face
and Form
Beauty Is Possible Only
When tho Body Is in
Good Health.
Smooth skin, healthy complexion,
plump neck, rounded cheeks and arms
and bust, all follow the use of "Try-New-Llfe,"
the latest marvel of med -cal
science. It relieves pain In a won
derful way, but not alone for that Is
It noted; It aids Nature In a natural
way, and whether or not the trouble 1
painful. It la relieved.
Beauty of fnoe and form depend
largely on perfect circulation. By lta
marvelous sllmulutlng power "Try-New-Llle"
brings more blood to tha
organs, urges Mature to carry away
the wasts and build up fresh and vigor,
ous tissues.
No cosmetic can equal the bloom of
health that cornea from using tha lit
tle machine to make tha face smooth
and glowing.
No amount of oil rubbed Into a lean
neck will make It plump and full aa
will Try-New-Llfe" properly used.
Nothing will clear up a muddy com
plexion, pimples, flabby cheeks, crow
feet about the eyes, lux chin muscles,
like this little machine. It works, not
through drugs, but by helping Nature
to do tier proper work. Beauty waa
meant for women, but Nature often
needs help to keep up repairs. It la Just
this help that Try-New-Llfe" affords.
The waist ought to be slender and
supple. If It haa become too thick,
too heavy, too rigid, It needs the tone
and vigor and youthful firs that Try-New-Llfe"'
always gives.
Nature meant the throat and bust
to be ull and round and plump. "Try-New-Llfe"
gives them tono and firm
ness Instead of flabblncss and aagglng
There ars skilled and courteous wo
men operators at the IIumllton-Beacli
Bale Company's New store, alwaya
ready to show a woman the new Inven
tion and demonstrate whut It will do.
It takea but a moment, and costs noth
ing at all to know for yourself.
Free Treatment Given
at Your Home
If you or any member of your fam
ily are In need of a treatment to re
lieve pain or to strengthen and build
up any part of the hudy and you can
not bring the aufferer to tha store for
treatment. Just atep to the telephone
or send Ua a card, giving the name and
address, and we will send a skilled op
erator to your home for a free treat
ment with "Try-New-Llfe." However
we would prefer that you would dro(
Into our atore at 367 Morrison street
where ws are prepared to glvs you th
full beneflta of treatment and can ex
plain to you In detail tha wonderful
mechanism and the nicrita of thla re
markable Invention.
There Is absolutely no danger from
ths use of thla machine It Is so con
structed that a child can handle It.
There in not even a chance of getting
the allahtest electrical shock, aa every
part of the motor la encased.
The treatments are abaolutely fr
and a treatment In no way otil;ratea
you to buy. lrop in at our free dem
onstration parlor, 37 Morrison street
sml let us show yrui what this wonder
ful machine will do.
Scientific Marvel
up again, but every movement was aa
A few minutes In tha handa of a
trained operator made a world of dif
ference In every one of them. The
special applicators made to reach the
seat of pitln In the musclea of the back
went rlKht to the spot that flt ao
sore, soothed away the pain and stimu
lated the muscles of the bark so that
warmth and vigor and strength took
tho place of chill and wearlucsa and
Home had gout that painful, deform
ing malady caused by th blood leav
ing uric acid In the form of chalk In
the Joints of flntrers and toes. It waa
amaslng how quickly those were re
lieved. When treated with drugs and
llnlmenta gout la a alow and stubborn
dlaease; but "Try-New-Llfe" Is Instant
In lta effects. Handa that had long
been weil-nlKh usolesa were given
back their suppleness In a few minutes,
and the pain waa taken away aven
quicker than that.
Little children there were who had
suffered from Infantile paralysis, and
there were older persons who had been
stricken. Withered arms and leg were
warmed Into life, tha blood stimulated
to flow with renewed force through
half-dead parte and renewed vigor and
vim Injected Into muscles, which from
disuse were wasting away. There la
nothing yet discovered which squala
"Try-New-Llfe" for building up a
waatlng muscle. ..nd It works In a
natural way, aiding and stimulating
Nature herself to take up tha work she
haa been neglecting.
It would take a book to glva ths
story of all the good "Try-New-Llfe"
did In the first few days It was offered
to the publlo In thla city. The list of
diseases It haa relieved would bs a
long one sciatica. Indigestion, neural,
gla, asthma., lumbago, nervousness, de
pression they ail found relief. If you
have any ailment whatever, come In
and see, without a cent of coat, what
It will do. Call at the Hamilton-Beach
bales Company Store, i7 Morrison
street, .....