THE SUNDAY QKSCiOSIAy. FOKTLAXP. MAY 26. 1912. . 3 SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK m OOKTETOED FROM PAGE 3. m Or;on Cltr horn. Th handaom. parlor wer. d-oratl In pink rose and snowball. Thli waa tha l!th party glran br th. Kriday N'la-nt Hrtdg. Club, and. bin- tn. lat on. of tba year. th mioD prizes wr awarded. Tho r rrlTtns tha prisea wera: Mr. Theo dora Osmund. Mra Henry CTMaUey and Wt Fannie I'orter. Tho. present at tha affair ware: Mr. C I'- Latourette. Mrs. C H. MeUsner. Mrs. H. K. H-ndry. Mrs K. T. Arisen. Mill Kannl O. I'orter. Miss Ka:a I. Toner. Ml.- Theodore Oenjund. Mrs. Edward Krhwsh. Mrs. H. B. Moody. Mrs. K. I'. Kanda. Mrs. Henry o'Malley. Vd. K. XV. Creeman. Mla Nell '' f.eld. Miss Vera Canfleld. Mi Bain aad Mrs. Thoiras Charroan. . Mr. and Mrs. lavH Henry Smith a-K-.l ueta to moke, up four tables of -i0 ' Wednesday evenlnc. compliment Ins; Miss Uertrude Uerstel. of Burns, or. Mls Oerstel Is vlsltlns; her sister. .Vri Louis ik-hwartx. Card honors fell ti Mrs. Schwnrta and August Gerstel. Ked roses decorated the llvjn;-room and In tha d!n!nic-room tha table was attractive w"h a banket of Carolina Tesiout and La Franca roses. Thosa who played were Mr. and Mrs. William Fdward Lederwod. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Snow. Mr. and Mrs. August Gersiel. Mr. and Mrs. Scnwartx. Mrs. rtwearinren Miss Uerstel. Mla Myrtla tSwenniren. Ralph Brackett. Fred -ner Oscar Smith and Mr. and Mra Smith. Tha W. T. O'Brien homa on tha Llnn ton road was the scene of an attraettya party Monday avanlna; when hla dausn ters. tha Misses M-bel and France wera hostesses. Their ttuet motored out and the avenlnir was passed In playlna- "Sou." Honor fell to Ml Lo reta Qutnn and Bart Gleaon. Later aupper wa served on the porch, which was Illuminated with numerou Japan ese lantern buns; to a lar Japaaeea umbrella. Kiceeulnirly dainty card marked place for Mts Ane Corcoran. Mtsa l.oreta Qulnn. Miss Carmel Sulli van. Mis Mary Monks. Miss Mabel and Frances O'Brien. Blalna Derer. Bert r.'.eason. Alfred O'Brien. Frank Mayer. Roitr lieufert and Ed Corcoran. On Wednesday .renin at her homa a linen hower wa alven to Mis Ber nlca Bessla Mlnar. who I oon to ba cotra the wife of Frank A. Orcott. of North Taklma. Wash. Many beautiful and useful linen sift wera a-len. Amon those present wera tha Mlsse Florence Qulnbr. Blrdlo Waldt. Edith I.yla. Velma Lyle. Mcrcaret Harmon. Irene Harmon. Fearl X. Fowler. Irl Panforth. Ethel Danforth. Ethel Mc Clure. Haael Mlnar. Mra. E. M. La Fol lette. Mrs. W. C. McClure. Mr. James 1-arwood. Mrs. Les Dlmond. Mrs. Cora. I Kllton. Mr. Huh T. Foy. Mr. W. W Mlnar and Mrs. Earl Mlnar. The social and literary meetlnr of the Toterle- wa held at EHera music hall Wednesday. May IS. A paper on "Aerial Navigation" - waa read by Mrs. Coovert. Two Instrumental number wera a-lven by Mr. Fhea. and a vocal solo br Mra. ttlfton. a paper on "Soma Biological Asrects of Sociology" - wa read br Miss Wold, of tha State Equal Suffrage Association. 'Later luncheon we erfed at the Haselwood. Mra. Salmon, a member who has been pa Ing some tlma In Australia and New Zealand, made some Interesting re. marks about the two countries. see On of tha most successful affair of last week was the Annual Prome nade given by tha Junior, and nlor r:ae of the Allen ITeparatory School Friday nlcnt at the Masonic Temple. More than J"4 guest wera present. Tba "executive committee waa composed of K'jle Lee Josephine Lane. Madge Nl' kum. Norman Flska. Xavler clerln. Edgar Wrlglii. and Herbert Kad drrly. Tha patronenses were Mrs. Urorge II. Learned. Mrs. Oreenbury W. Allen. Mrs. John J. Kadderly. Mrs. Halph K. Lee. Mrs. J. Frank Barrett. Mrs. Joseph M. NUkum. Mrs. Itlchard T. Dabney and Mrs. I'hlllp L Moula. see Tha Tythlan Sister Chrysanthemum Club met at the home of Mra. Alnilra Jenkins, on Hoyt ireet. last Friday af ternoon and played 00. afier which a social hour was iased and refresh ments aerved. Mrs. Steepy won tha prtie. Thosa present were: Mr. Erd ner. Mr. Harold. Mrs. Baker. Mr. Hill. Mr. Wagner. Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Ber ry. Mrs. Loon. Mrs. Anderson. Mr. Sleepy. Mr. Puma. Mrs. Klnsey. Mrs. Umtr, Mrs. Jenkins. Tha women will meet with Mrs. Ida Warren. Oak drove, on May 31. Take Oregon City car. At tlia Multnomah Hotel Thursday evening a bamiuet was tendered to tha Portland start of tha Prudential Insur ance Company, by the home office offi cial. There were present some agent. 10 assistant superintendent and their frlenda. John Pauer. superintend ent of tha local territory, ill toastrnaa. ter and Introduced M. K. Jornaon. of Newark. N. J., who represented tha company. Short talks wera made by TPr. Alan Welch Smith, representing the medical staff: Charles Preston and ethers. After the banquet a business meeting wa held. . Miss IjicII Mason celebrated her fifth birthday on Tuesday. May II. at tne homa of her parents la Haasalo street In Laure'.hurst. Carries and music formed tha entertainment of tha afternoon. Tha children present ware: Dorothy Ward. Elizabeth Spurlock. Francis Chambers. Marlon Buebkt. Mary Wilson. Elma and Iwls Kuep pell. Virginia and Philip Manning. Elisabeth and Donald Fletcher. Harold Dawson. Irving Jaggar. Robert Fones, Genevieve wil.lams. Lurli Mason. A pretty Five Hundred party wa held last Thureuay afternoon at tht homa of Mrs. H. G. Strayer. of Rosa City Park, In henor of Mra. Freberg. who leave June 1 for an extended visit In Europe, Tha house wa decorated In Scotch broom, daisies and roses. Tha following guests were present: Mrs. Freberg. Mrs 8. L. Eddy. Mrs. C. A. Brandes. Mra. J. II. Brown. Mrs. H. P. Cloyes. Mrs. Sam Fenny. Mrs. Cresslck. Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Oreen. Mrs. Cuslck. Mrs. Will Brandt and Mrs. E. J. Mann, e e e Miss Ellen Harris entertained on Thursday eve.ilng In honor of Mrs. Ollv Craft, of Loulavllle. Ky. Several vo.-aI olos by Professor McFall. Mr. Fdward Herring and Miss Florenc KUtskte were greatly appreciated Glee songs given by tha Pacific Mala Quar tet wera an enjoyable feature of . t-enlng. Those present were: Mis Marie Stathr. Miss Haze: Jarvla. Miss i.lvtis and the Misses -la and Pearl Jocnsoa and K. c Cine. G. Clevenger. D Ma.ior.ey and Kay and Bob Harris. Miss Marguerite Madden, a June was complimented last wjk: with a linen shower given by M: Pearl Hrrshey. After an enjoy able evening, wit music as the enter taining feature, light refreshments were served. Those present wera Mrs M.ii:.:. Mrs. J. W M:i:. Mrs. L. Mar sni Mrs. A. A. H, Mrs. Crlmmins. Mrs. T. G. Mad-len. Misses Elinor Mann. Nan Mann. Helen S illivin. Laura Wher. J ! Trlbot. Tlllle Graven. Ame ia Jr.-s. O ne Mills. Marguerite Ma.len and Pearl llers.iry. see T:.e Walking C'.tf of the Michigan S-cietv of Oregon enjoyed their firat long tramp Kri-lsv evening. The mem bers, in number, wa.ked from the and of the Mount Tabor Una to Gray Crossing, en tha Mount Scott Una. Neat I IAI.KM DOT TO CiRADlATE FROSI A.tPOLU NAVAL ACAOEVI. r V " " if r Tboasaa Leigh Catek. In tha commencement exrcle at the United State Naval Acad emy at Annapolis on June 7. Ore gon will ba repreented by Thom as Lnlgh Gatch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oaud Gatch, formerly of Salem, now of Berkeley. CaL Young Gatch was born In Salem August . 1891. He attended tha Willamette University and the State University at Eugene. Ha was appointed to the Naval Academy by Congressman Haw ley In 108. Tha young man Is a grandson or Dr. O. P. 8. Plum mer. who ha been a resident of Portland for the past. year. Hla paternal grandfather la Dr. T. M. Gatch. of Seattle, formerly president of the Oregon Agri cultural College and of tha Uni versity of Washington. Mr. and Mra. Claud Gatch lived for many year In Salem, moving to Berke- . ley laat Spring. Young Gatch haa been assigned to the cruiser Maryland, now stationed at Mare Island, and probably will visit Portland this Summer. Friday evening tha club will meet at :10 at tha end of the Woodstock line. L. Brubaker will act as guide. Tha Michigan Society of Oregon Is planning to organize a riding club, see Mr. A. M. Worth, of C7 East Stark street, waa aurprlsed pleasantly laat Thursday when a number of her friends who have known her for about 20 yeara called and tendered her their con gratulation In honor of her seventieth birthday, along with a cut glass vaae filled with ca. nation. Mr. Worth I the daughter of ti e late Dr. Geary, a pioneer clergyman of thla atate. The guests who cal'.ed were: Mra A." Had ley. Mra W. H. Markell. Mrs. Klnsey. Mrs. Charelaon. Mra E. M. Walt. Mra S. P. Garrlgdes. Mra A. Kerr, Mra Wil son BenenVI. Mra R. Ewlng. Mra L Chambers Mra Settlemler. Mrs. P. A. Marray. Mra W. Johnson. Mr. O. A. Rockwell. Mra P. A. Spenc and Mra M. C. Bayer. e e Monday evening. May SO. the young ladle of the Waverly-RI-hmong Liter ary Club met at the home of Miss Mar garet Smith. 44 East f'hlrty-slxth street. Tha study of the Ufa of Henry Wadsworth, Longfellow wss taken up. The members than undertook the matter of closing the work of the club year and making arrangements for their first annual banquet. e e A reception wa given Rev. Dr. and Mrs E. Benson by the congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church on Mon day evening. An Interesting pro gramme waa given and refreshments were served. Dr. Benson was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church In Brooklyn. Iowa, for S3 yeara He cam to Portland recently. e e Mlsa Helen Sullivan waa hostess last week at a miscellaneous shower given for Miss Marguerite Madden, a June bride-elect. After a pleasant evening spent with games and music, a light luncheon waa served. Those present were Mlsse Marguerite Madden. Pearl Hershey. Mae Cousins Ethel Dickenson. Margaret Ray, Martha Jensma, Flor ence Sullivan and Helen Sullivan, e e e Mrs W. W. Kern wa hostess yester day for a party of little folk at the Orpheum matinee. Her guest were: Dolphin Hosenfeld. Madlne Frleden thal. Dorothy- Kerns Virginia Thatch er. Leslie Kerns Richard Martin. Jack Holdrn. Arthur Mlchener. Frank Mich ener and Edgar Mlchener. see Mrs Phllo Holbrook. Sr waa hostess at luncheon Wednesday, complimenting Mra John Studebaker Welch, of Kan sas City. Mo. The- table wa centered with a graceful arrangement of laven der sweet peaa and corsage bouquets of the am flower marked the covera e e The Ma. tolia "S00" Club wa enter tained Wedneday afternoon at the rea. Mence of Mra John Charlea Foley. The fortunate contestant was Mrs. Charles Calvin Llghtfoot. The neit meeting of tha club will ba at tha residence of Mra Charlea Morris Fowler. On Thursday evening a $00 party waa given by Mrs. F. D. Haines 240 East Twenty-econd treet. In honor of Mr. and Mra Richard Marten, who will de part for Europe In tha near future. e Mra F. J. Maine waa hostess at a "500" party Thursday night, compli menting Mr. and Mra Richard Martin, who will leave Portland for Europe soon. a . i- . j - - Woman's Club at Dallas Or, on May by Mrs W. Wynn Johnion. was "June McMillan ordway, the Oregon Poetess COMING KVEXTS. . of nevt week wl'l be tha dance and card party Tuesday t v . iv.n k St Ann's Charitable no. riety at Masonic Tempts The organi sation, which -1 the second oldest In the cltr. was founded 10 yeara ago at the old St. Vincent' Hospital on Twelfth and Marshall streets, by tha lata Archbishop Seaghers The society Is non-sectarian and Its charities are far-reaching. There are active mem- prii ail ' 1 " ' j " - .. . - .---.. - . - err second Thursday In the month. They give one -rty a year, on the anniver sary of the organisation. The charter members In the city are: Mra. M. Zan. Mra Jamea Lot an. Mra J. F. Shea, Mra Anna Petraln. Mra J. F. Freeman. Mra J. Wiley. Mrs. David M. Dunne. Mra Raleigh Stott. Mra James C- Laid law. Mrs P. J. Cronan, Mrs J. Klosterman and Mrs R. liars Mrs John Raliegb, of New York, was the first president, and Mrs. C. M. McGinn, of Los Angeles one of tha charter members. The offic ers are: Mrs. P. J. Flynn. president; Mrs F. Zimmerman, vlce-presfjent : Mlsa Emma Campen. secretary, and Mrs Isaao Lawler. treasurer. Tha patron esses will be: Mra M. Zan. Mra J. Lotan. Mrs J. R. Wiley. Mra P. J Flynn. Mrs. J. F. Shea. Mrs J. A. Free man. Mrs. D. Dunne. Mrs J. W. Watson. Tha floor committee will consist of Mrs J. P. O'Brien. Mrs K. A. Wyckoff. Mrs. D. J Maher. Mrs. F. Kleman. Mrs. L. Hodler. Mrs. D. J. McGUL Mrs. T. J. Seufert. Mrs M. W. Daly. M. J. Lvnch. D. J. Maher. E. Clary. D. J. McGUL T. F. Hulme. J. Jacobberger and T. Monks e e The first annual convention of the Oregon State Grand Chapter. P. E. O.. sisterhood, will be held this week in the church of Our Father, corner Yam hill and Seventh streets - The event of the convention will be as follow: Informal reception on Monday evening. May ST. at the home of Mrs Lawrence Holbrook. 474 Broadway: regular ses sions of meeting Tuesday, May it. at the church, with formal reocpUon In the evening at the home of Mrs C. R Davis. -727 Schuyler street; and regu lar sessions again on Wednesday at the church. Mrs Samuel Shaw Park, of Chicago, supreme president of P. E. O., and Mr. Louise W. Moore, of bpogane. president of Washington State Grand chanter will he in attendance at all sessions Luncheon on Tuesday will be served at the Hazelwood and on Wednesday In the Arcadian garden at the Hotel Multnomah. see Mrs Anton Gelbisch will entertain the Portland Shakespeare Study Club at her home. 7i Halsey street. Monday. Mv "7. The dramatic department of tha club will present "Henry the Eighth." Leave Broadway car at East Nineteenth street. e e Chapter A, P. E. O, will be enter tained by Mra J. Archibald Stewart at Alexandra Court on .iionaay aiier- noon. May 22. e e e The Ladle' Guild of the Pro-Cath fll s.lnr Bt,nhni the Martyr w Ill give a tea at the home of Mra Her bert Holman. 787 Overton street, or Friday. May tl. from 2 to 5. e e Mr. Jean Cllne and Mrs Arthur Cal- lan have aent out Invitations lor bridge party on Wednesday. May !9, at the Summer home of Mrs Cllne on the Willamette River. WEDDINGS. floffmaa-Gerdlng. Dr. Carl Julius Hoffman, formerly of Portland, and Miss Ethel May Ger dlng. daughter of Mr. and Mrs E. A. Oerding. of Astoria, were married last Thursday evening at the borne of the brides parents In tiieventn street. Astoria Rev. Van Kossen, of the First Methodist Church, read the service In the presence of a few relatives and frlenda Decoratlona or wnne roses, sweet briar and Scotch broom were use! throughout the rooms. The bride, who wa given in marriage by her father, waa gowned in white measa- llns cut en train and elaborated with lace. Her tulle veil fell from beneath a Juliet ciD and ahe carried a ahower bouquet of brides' rose and lilies of the valley. Miss Nellie Geraing. sis ter of the brlds waa maid or honor, and Dr. J. W. McCullom. of Portland, acted as beat man. After the cere monr a buffet luncheon was served Miss Annie Power presided at the table In the dining-room, assisted by Miss Esther Gearhart and Miss Georgia Ekstrom. Out of town guests who at tended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs H. F. C Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs Fred erick Hoffman. Miss Lea iiinsport. air. and Mrs F. J. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs J C Herman, all of Portland, and Lieu tenant and Mrs L. B. Chambers, of Kort Columbia Dr. and Mra Hoffman will pass their honeymoon In Europe, and will sail from New Tork May 30. on tne naiser Ine Augusta Victoria On their return they will make their homa at Wood land. Wash. They will be at home af ter January 1. t'oraaaek-Srhopee. One of the prettiest home wedding of the week waa that of Mis Anna Louise Schoppe and Alfred John Cor mack, which took place Wednesday evening at the Broadway home of the bride's father. Fred Albert Schoppe. The bride was charming In her gown of white voile, cut en train, ana trimmed with rare Cluny lacs Her veil of tulle was held In place with orange bloasoms and she carried a shower bouquet of bride s roses Her bridesmaid. Mlsa Julia slmpaon, of Spokane, wore pink with an arm bouquet of pink roses Mr. noy iennu bauer waa best man. Preceding the ceremony "Because' was sung by Miss Verna Smith, accom panled by-Miss Lottie Banfleld. "Lahen gren'a Wedding March" wa played by Miss Myrtle Hansen. The Impressive marriage service was read by tne Kev. Henrv Narrotte. of Westminster Pres byterian Church, In the presence of relative and intimate menas. ine ring used wa the wedding ring of the bride' mother. Following the wedding a large reception wa held. The Schoppe home was beautifully decorated with mllax and roses for tha occasion. In the living-room and the library, where the bridal party re ceived their friends the color scheme was green and whits while In the dining-room were massed large bouquets of pink roses. Mr. and Mra Cormack left the same evening for a short trip and will be at home to their friends after July 1 at ttt Misourl avenue, where their pretty bungalow 1 rapidly nearlng completion. Feadall-Belt. On of the noteworthy weddings of the past week waa that of Barbara Burnett Belt and Phillip Richard Fen dalL Jr, which took place Sunday evening. May 19. at the Wlllamlna home of the bride's parent. Mr. and Mrs J. D. Belt. The impressive ring service wa read at 7:30 In tha pres ence of relatlvea and Intimate friends of the young couple. Just preceding the ceremony the bride sang I Love You Truly." The bride waa charming in chiffon over cream messallna and carried a shower bouquet of white car nationa. She waa unattended. Tha Belt residenco was elaborately decorated for the occaalon. In the drawing-room white carnation and malndenhalr fern were effective and the entrance hall waa banked with beautiful ferns The color scheme of the dining-room waa pink and whit, a huge bowl of pink carnation cantered the tabls The bride la the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs Belt and la prominent in mu sical circles Mr. Fendall Is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fendall. Sr.. of Wlllamlna They will be at homa on the Fendall ranch to their many friends after May 29. Clarke-A adersoa. One of the notable weddings of the month was that of William I". Clarke, of Astoria and Mrs Florins Anderaon. of Portland. The wedding was solemn ized at the residence of Mrs P. Mor ton. 40 East Thirty-ninth street, on Thursday evening. May 2. Tha rooms were prettily decorated with cut flow ers Oregon ferns and foliage, and the ceremony took place beneath a bower of Oregon dogwood and ferna Rev. John Henry CudllfT officiated. Mr. Clarke la a prominent young business man of Astoria while the bride Is a popular young society woman of Port land, and a daughter of the late Mra M. B. Lofton, formerly of Atlanta. Gs Only relatlvea and frlenda of the fam ily were present at the ceremony. Af ter a light luncheon Mr. and Mrs Clark took their departure for As- The Wiley B. Allen Co.'s Store the Best Place to Buy a Piano. iano Buying a piano is either easy or difficult, according . to the way you set about it. Don't court -disappointment by selecting an instrument in a hap hazard -svay. Remember there is a standard of value in pianos, as in every thing else. Here at The Wiley B. 'Allen Co.'s store you hare the opportunity-of learn ing definitely just how good any piano should be for its price. We don't say "Come here and buy' your piano" but we do say "Don't buy before coming here." Perfectly logical! For here is a great store with all but one floor devoted exclusively to the selling of pianos and player pianos in a range of prices that excludes neither the 'pinched purse nor the one that can buy the most expensive of all. Here there is not merely one kind of piano but many, so that every taste in tonal quality, construction and style can be pleased. Nor is this simply a. salesroom. On. the contrary, we know every piano we sell and guarantee it so that each is backed by the reputation, of the West's greatest music house. All this holds good whether your purchase be the paramount Mason & Hamlin art grand or the splendid little upright, which we sell on easy payments for only $195. . Come! We don't want you to buy so much as we want you to see. Come if it's only to enjoy some good music. A Large and Complete Piano Renting Department Also Headquarters for the Victor Department Famous Angelus Player Piano First Floor Bargains in Wareroom and Other Used Pianos Seventh and -Morrison Sta. torla. where they will make their homa Eaehle-t rarter. . f the home of . . . . i vf-- w TV Carter. 40$ Ross street, occurred the wedding of Miss Edythe Carter and Louis A. Kschle. The ceremony wa performed by the Rev. A. M. Breck. of St Mat thew' Kplicopal Church. The bridal party stood under a white wedding KAvn rnliimnl eomDOsed of Den auu - - white roses, carnatlona and Oregon grapa The oriae s gown i , , ..-ii. mnA she carried a emoroiuerwu shower bouquet of brides' roses and lilies of the valley, mi wa maid of honor, and the bridesmaids a i . TVinmngnn And Mi S3 were jiibo Freda Boehl. Frank Reiner acted a best man. Mlsi liinei am. . aw marrh f rom LolienKrln. UID " CUUIUB a.. . . In cutting the cake the ring fell to Miss Emma ODiasser. airs. r. , hn.ii the button, while Mrs. Car ter received the thimble. After a short wedding trip Mr. ana mra hkhi. make their home In Portland. Chlsholaa-Hefferaaav. . v..-v.i Mr.. Marsraret Heffernan were united In marriage i at st. frvs nhurch. Jlieaua iiiu. iia, - " - Wllliama avenue and Stanton street. Rev. W. A. Daly officiating. After the ceremony breakfast was served at the home of the bride to a number of rel atives and frlenda in tne anemoou reception was held, Mr. Chlsholm Is wen anown u - : Northwest. Mrs. Chlsholm has long been connected witn ou i"" .. w- r-Kl.hnlm vllt he at home Mr. a u u vi ' . ............. ..... to their friends at SOS Fourth street .fter June 1. 'Whlddea-Tarboresgh. . . i TVMdden. son Of Mr. and Mra William M. Whidden. and vi.a icajiia T. Yarborousrh. of San Francisco, were married Wednesday, May 15. at tne x-ro-ioeui. Franoisco. by Bishop 1 F. Nlchola A. C. WBiaom na a i lear Los Angeles, where he has lived for the past year and a nan. mt. Whidden spent several day wnn nis parent at the Hotel Bt Francis. San Francisco. WlllianS-LSnva. Jam F. William and Miss Florence i. I .amon were married last Saturday t 1140 Oay street. Rev. J. Bowersox fflclated. Those present at the wed ding were Benjamin F. Larsen, oromer of the bride. Mis Jesle west, auss Sylvia Murphy and W. E. Armstrong. Mr and Mra Williams are at nome at 11S Kaat Kllllngswortn avenue. noward-Rlchardaaa. e ?t . .- anil Mlsa Lrda MaV Richardson were married last Sunday .t 1140 uay street. -. fflclated. Mr. and Mra Howard are at home to their irienoa aw am u Oak apartmenta Caather-HaaneL r .......- nf thfe rltv and Miss w .. tt . .i nf uiiiaboro were mar ried at the Centenary Methodist par sonage, on Sunday atternoon at 'clock. Rev. jjeimer n. inmon ol- flclated. The bride, who was deputy -. i n tt... rniml. f" 1 ,rlr had in tne ui 'ILD " " ' the unusual privilege of writing her own weaamg -iicenoo. Is an electrician under Government ap pointment to Honoiuiu. t UowsH-Darrak. A oretty wedding wa that of E. E. Howard and Mlsa Laura B. Darrah at the tiome of C. H. Squires. B04 East tlna street. Wednesday evening. May J, at S:S0 o'clock. Rev. Delmer H. Trimble D. D- performed the wedding ceremony In the presence of a few frlenda They will Da at some to tneir xr How to Select Them y"a 1 V-f-Jt & JP'ij '7 fX$?F jV ? Ji ' friends at 279 East Thirty-ninth stieet. North. El I lott-Barnea. A prety wedding took place Wednes day evening when May Credwln Barnes became the wife of Richard D. Elliott at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Barnes. 642 Prescott streets. Miss Ruby Haas acted as bridesmaid and Charles Falkloner as best man. Carothers-Shephard. James H. Carothers and Miss Ethel R. Shephard, both of Portland, were married May 21 at 8:30 P. M. at the Congregational parsonage. University Park, Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating. The couple will make their home In University Park. Whlte-Jone. Clarence A. White and Miss Ella Jones were married at the First Bap tist Church Sunday, May 19, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Hlatt-Bennlcku - Walter Hlatt and Miss Dora Ben nick were married at the First Bap tist Church Monday afternoon. May 20, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Foley-Gerard. Robert E. Foley, of Hood River. Or., and Miss Mary Gerard were married at the First Baptist Church Monday aft ernoon. May 20. by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Lengacher-Hencher. Victor O. Lengacher and Miss Mar- zella Z. Hencher were married Wednes day evening, May 22, at the First Bap tist Church by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Myers-Maxwell. Robert W. Myers and Miss Hazel Chapman Maxwell were married at the First Baptist Church Wednesday even ing. May 22, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Imboden-Bonrmaater. Harry Adam Imboden and Mis Let tie M- Bowmaster were married at the Whit Temple Tuesday, May 7. by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Lowe-Ritchie. Ernest Warren Lowe and Miss Bes sie Louise Ritchie were married at the White Temple Tuesday, May 7, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Cannan-Batcheller. Raleigh H. Carman and Miss Lucia B. Batcheller were married at the White Temple Wednesday, May 8, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. Llnggl-Garner. Frank Llnggl and Miss Maud Gar ner were married at the White Tem ple Thursday afternoon. May 9, by Rev. W. B. Hinson. AXXOCXCEMEXTS. Mr. and Mra Thomas Hall, of Gervals, Or., announce the engagement of their second daughter. Miss Mame Florence, to Clyde Cutsforth, of Gervala The wedding will take place Monday, May 27, at the Catholic rectory there at 7:30 A. M-. .after which they will take the train for a wedding trip. Miss Hall Is one of Marlon County's successful teacher and has taught In her home city, Gervala for the last two years. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rosenfeld are receiving felicitations upon the arrival of a baby boy, born May 18. a June 2 1 the date chosen for the wedding of Charles Cunningham. of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Miss Mable Patterson, of .-Portland. The young couple will tour the Eastern states on their wedding trip and will return to Seattle, their future home. In August a a Mra Jessie Todd Brakeman an nounces the engagement of her daugh ter. Donna May, to Ernest Richard A cifrs Goldapp. The marriage will take place In June. SOCIETY PEKSOXALS. Mrs. H. C. Atwell. of Forest Grove, visited in Portland during the week. F. M. LeMoon. of Portland, Is a vis itor at the Hotel Astor, Times Square, New Tork. Miss Phoebe Prosch, of Seattle, is the guest of her cousin. Miss Marie Ca valine. Miss Mary Pringle, of Forest Grove, Is visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Swan, at Vancouver, Wash. Miss Phebe Anne King, of Minnea polis, is the guest of Miss Ethel Mitch ell at her horns on Mt. Tabor. Mrs. Charles F. Berg, of Highland Court, hag as. a guest her sister-in-law. Miss Frida C. Berg, of San Francisco. Dr. C. L. Large, of Forest Grove, was the house guest of Professor MC. Myers, at 327JSast Thirty-fifth street last week. Mrs. G. W. Dodge, of Pennsylvania, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Dodge at the Wheeldon Annex, Tenth and Salmon streets. Mrs. Walter Bennett, of Seattle (Miss Marie La Barre), is passing several weeks In Portland visiting friends. Mrs. Bennett will return to her home early In June. Mr. and Mra F. W. Stadter with their daughter are passing a fortnight at one of the Smith cottages in Hermosa Park, Seaside. They are accompanied by Mra Stadter's mother, Mrs. George Hallett; of Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Henry Duffleld, of 668 Union avenue North, is entertaining, for the week, Mrs. Louise W. Moore, of Spo kane. Mrs. Moore is president of Wash ington Grand Chapter, P. E. O. Sister hood. Mrs. Lloyd Griffith, of Rose City Park, has as her guests for the week. Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney and daughter. Miss Helen McEldowney, of Forest Grove. . r He will pay a fraternal visit to Eu reka Council on Monday night and Se curity Council on Tuesday night for the purpose of delivering an address on the question oC rates. Mrs. Samuel 8. Parks, of Chicago, supreme president of the P. E. O. So ciety, while in Portland attending the state convention of the 'society, will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. John F. Beaumont, of 481 East Fiftieth street North. - Hiss Ellen H. Rankin, Miss Alice E. Wilson, the Misses Amanda and Ella Pearson and C. F. Pearson, of this city, and Mrs. M. Louise Hollls, of Forest Grove, left Friday for an extended tour of Europe. They expect to be gone about five months. Mrs George A Horllck, -whoso hus band is president of the Horllck Malted Milk Company, with her daughter Flor ence, are here from Racine, Wis., as guests at the residence of Mr. and Mra M. C. Haines, 115 East Twenty-fourth street North. Mrs. Karl A. BIckel, formerly Miss Helen Davis, a Portland Academy girl, is here visiting friends and recuper ating after bein? Injured in an auto mobile accident which recently occurred in Denver, Colo. Since her marriage she has resided In Colorado, where her "THE. NEW TURKEY" BY MRS. L. PARKS-RICHARDS, PORTLAND HOTEL, Wednesday aad Friday. 11 A. M May 29, 31. June 5. 7. Tickets S3. Address Miss M. HalL Hotel Carlton. t 18 Demonstration Piano Rooms Second Floor.. Seventh and Morrison Sts. husband is a newspaper man and in the office of the Attorney-General. Dr. James Wendel Rosenfeld, who, for the past two years has been en gaged in clinical work in Breslau and Vienna, under Professor Von Pirquet, sailed May 23 for home, on the Princess Victoria Louise. He is accompanied on his homeward Journey by Dr. Lawrence Selling, who has been with Dr. Rosen feld on his tour through Europe, and together they visited the main clinica In all the large cities before returning to Portland. Miss Genevieve Mathlson Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ford, of 416 East Twenty-fourth street, North, returned Wednesday from California, where she has been attending Mills College. Miss Ford is a graduate of Allen's Preparatory School In this city, and is prominent among the younger Lilian Edna Amos arrived in Portland Wednesday - on the Steamer Bear, fom Berkeley, Cal., where for the past four years she has been at tending the university. She completed her course in December, and since that time has been doing post-graduate work. Miss Amos made Phi Beta Kappa last year. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cummlngs have returned from an extended tour of the southern part of the state and have taken apartments in the Madison-Park. Mr. Cummlngs, who is manager for Western Oregon for the Knights and Ladies of Security, has been working In the South since January in the inter-, ests of the order. ; The Portland friends of Miss Marlon Dorothea Clinton will be glad to learn that she has recently been awarded the Anna M. Powers memorial scholarship for the senior year at Bryn Mawr Col lege. In 1909 Miss Clinton graduated with honor from Portland Academy and is maintaining the same high standard In her college work. SPECIAL- AXXOUXCEMEXTS. Celesta Hyde has added halrdresslnsT and manicuring parlors to her milli nery establishment. Residence calls made. Phone Main 3110. 381 Yamhill street, near West Park. Our insecticide positively puts bed1--bugs out of business. We also make all styles of sweeping compounds, floor oils and floor spray. Phone Plummer Drug Co., Third and Madison. Main 292. HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES IN 15 MINUTES Instantaneous results. Fine wrinkles 5l appear, deep lines soften, nagging; lifts up, face becomes firm, skin tightens, complex ion brightens. Harmless. No peeling or other drastic methods. Delightful sensation and refreshing. Large pores and double chin dis appear. Neo-Plastic rebuilds and preserves the muscles and tissues of the Face, Neck and Chin, not expensive. end, 2c stamp fox booklet. Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law. BOLD ON APPROVAL. Call at our office for free demonstration. NEO PlaASTIQUE AGENCY, Pult 9 Second Floor, 886 Washington Pt Portland, Or. Dept. F. Phone Mala 3271, Agents Wanted. r.S-a - MOORE'S Poison a never n FMSTRV 30 years TAILING. KUrlLUT THE STANDARD PILES, CHILBLAINS. FCLONS, BURNS, ETC, AVALUABLC HOUSEHOLD SALVE. ALL BftU&GISTS rlAVC IT OR WlU. OSTA1N OH JtCQJJCST ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. f-co 25 Cenrs. tr.NGlgVMIOft?5 SAN FPfcNC'SCO.