Tirn srxDAi onrooxTAX, portlaxi, .may 26, 1912. $250 DOWN, $2 MO. INC. INT. price $:5a Rnn4-ttv 4-mo-n b-ifif!i. bat end rwc-ap(.,.,n hell. 10 kmton. 1 b " to car Lae. m. g Ot lake oi aa paxt pjmtit. $4jo down. bal $-.0 mo. price cct to $.to. N w ft-rom bung-Cow near Alberta Mr. har1o4 f llAri : rep.a--. fu l cement a-mnr. wasn tr-i-r rhc. rfjin cut i. .- bath, lo.'t Xset. 11.1a la cp(iooK,7 c-x-mJ. sew K. Hxl.iO FT, TRICE $20l ONLr $0- POtt'N. BAL. EAST. New $-rvm home, reception ba'I and I barn, in Wo !'wa. The s;rw it ub -t to g:rii-rr pan a s (me sar- . dan. a. o 4 ;.-i 5tt-. Jirn1 n H-r'.n ' boose t r "'. $.'v-J to ii (low a, b.- I a oca 9 13 m oi n. leKR E. KRAET 0. 2d I .ihir '.limber of Co mmrc. BARGAIN W uliTH W KILE HuMb A. Kir'I" fcl T room a, large concrete po r-h In front. a'o ,a.-g- mr screened p rc h . h.t-w eter heat, n ard a o.d floor. !.: a'or:e f ir--p.a-. iarg living-room, large d.. r.atairs bedroom, this la a cut st-re bju(iyw. haa duo'a .r ?: wa.l, UiJe ' as bu.lt fur a hjma. ow&r liw;.g In am: pr. Includes iatlM and elfci rir f .x t jrn . b. if Jtj firif. fine Iiwd an 1 r-c . pru-t $059. w.Vch la less trai cuti. - It and )u will buy tt . miut be or.-naif ca-.i an J must be aold at oner. loatet tn tria cno;rm prt ot huM Ci;jr la.it. 1'Uua oner. C 3744. JUST got T'J t-KI.L. 13 MIM IKS : I- IvKFICE Overlooking tne l...er. Elegant bun f uut,ed off In ml- lon ;;; ba:a and t-:.et. fc-la--ein -ivs-d e.eep i r.g pore n, lar .'Dat Vftjr. 1a. lull c-runl ba -era exit a:.'l la ar.drj . t,r-; I tv. gas. electric cr.t". 1!it, full cint.'l k.tchen. tu: :-ln t1(,c"'' and cMr.e ri.-s-a-t and turret. tric or.iv j o- . am! payment duc, en-v te.iua un u.auc. (4.1 fir C- '- IBftn. CHAPIN-HEKI. A MT1- A TRfST CO Jd f'.-ior 'i.a:r.r of "on;n:rc. PAY -' A il- -NTH AND OWN Ywt'K .WN H MK. HrlAl i U !'L !!". M )I1 W.TH ALL I'u.NWiMtN' k . Very larica -rrtrn airlc; y mi.TQ houaa, on ftna inrner ltt anJ in r-a: r.c t-d d:a trict. crnvrnlnt to two caxlinr. cxce'l'-nt a. fiNorhcwxl. and tn a diatrict raid.y gro lug in vai u. pa .'A a month (no othr flrat pay mr.t r-eaafv . Pr . T V'i A. N. arle. K- Ti;.i in.l K. f;!!an M-V car t. ( fi open Sutula;. a HAWTHOUNK 11?TICT. t.'M. Smi!! payment Uu. Ftj'ance aa Rent. tirt brf a:n in H-iwtnorne d.tr:rt; brand new U ut:e foni'ruarj tunci hardwood fl-ora. den. .ara- l:ini mom. handsome Are mare. hooin. i-a. pa n-- .ed din.ng-ronm. :r tuftet. Duun k.: ;;-n. larg- aun..y lw .nvnnit, a: tic ovr en;: re house, f u.t ft ni-i . l4- mTi. auii'i-y trava. e;--. , sp-rmud n-1 s fu -jt h ot! . t..a house rttust be si.d at bc, bii reason ao.e offr rsf -. T i'j.r 3' -. ATTRACTIVE nine-room bunr!w. well ar ranged, beautirii interior U:.i pease anr on desiring a real tin me. u. ron lf Uninf :otered ..rs, a rraf Or g i"J pp-r as first ps men i. b.in. e vse pay n- n ' a uwncr hme no y afternoons. routn west corner Eis tK:ti and O-iaaJi. $lhO DOWN. Wa nffer a me ap'end'd v iea In bun:owa and houses in P. se lv t'ark, II a wi Flirne and rurn-'te dl-trut at prlc- rinf'ni fr"m ." upwr-ls. Many n e r ierTi.. l.ke r nt. .-- our h-usa departme! t-'re !e-'.j'i.g upn a home. lKR V.. KK A.V A ' .. i& liwwr c ..ai rt of Comniena, 93 30 RE i i r v p tik. Easy tr-r.. ir l.-wat -ro.m bunai out tiifa' to Ka: ta wart rne of the In Portland, eorr.e tn stre t an. .-an !V i ar. and I w i.i i.-v ad. fct su:h thu a 1 house. I i t.e it. -re i ; . It tiaa ?a r.n r. ft.. (e . if y '3 lur tut lor the m o! rn a ff ti I can t9 t rome totlay vniT.'r:f. Id UP-Io fat tn a prior. RtViR i in PPK. 5M M L rtlMKNT i' UN. UALANCF. AS ItKNT. Pp'sndid a.-ron u u e innatnictcd b'jn(.uw, brn-l new u-l bui t for a ho.u . ver lul t nt r r v . r. I n-e . v-y htM.Uorr.' il.. .'-..r,. ; . . nr mi usr h .v i v . I w ; n rr -fu-a any r tsor.a".'- .T-s. urme arranged t suit T " -t 3- - ON THE WF- r si. 'PE F MT T il' 'K. ."U-to, FAST FAC-: .iT. bLt!fi:I bunc'" w.-rt A r.-oms snd bat dtwnsrsl- an! 3 ur f '-ilsn., r"tna tipetai-. r.in!r'i'I:'. f'r.si and rtetai are ih beat. 'jw...1 f .ors. ftrep.aca and eery m-i-rn fei-'jre A B MX AT I IT'V $.100 CASl-t. HAt.AN.-; RUNT. TAB' R . 2 R SALE Bv ow nr. h uae. mod-rn In eve nice. larr. -r.-ora v. Isrge slp i base meat, f urna :e. In g porn, full re-ni E. Man. near Jn lne nic bungalow . Just f !n lah e.f, latest dini. 2 nhirri, with !..- attic, full betm"nl. on K lth. n-r i!in( . h---e ae g'd har-a.na, n u i-rm; w;: ta god ,oi as part payment. Call B tH Y,; want a h- m sn Va.l. Just byon i Cm . net ssaured easy of sv-rvtce fiow. Aro-m m..i tage J !a- !. w h fryr stis' csh p i rr e n t Ir. i er wilt bai-d to iu 1 ou. n Ing rent u-- eM a-r. If lo do bus'.cras address O .". l"ti'n. f-: Tua i a .'f.t ' Inn- :. a p. r re.ly Ivhtla n i h tZ ;c; hth h carina. wf.n est fro v ) w of M xmJ . s ,ct-us tng of 3 lore, wttn u:o a.tu.:ed on and sflen.lM . ui;aiIi. t ons:: - s : . a of 4 two mi and two be1ch-im?ers on tne groun l f .r. toge;her w it n bsth and two Jchamri n ond f ,or . pr.ee 1 1 m XH . see. lent terms and l 1 con -s dsr some trade on i 1 ee-ln. low-priced acreage T tf,i-Tini. Ht'Nd t-Ot FOR PALE. Nsw 3 room t ir.aow. t"tJ at p-e-ent . m ust be sold a .n ; (-rn; v ee-v r e.nak le . ew n-r la leaving cit v ; iocs ion. PI r.tth at., near Hawthorne ave. N Vd, ura g on tan. ELr.ANT HOVE. Coe tn. rnn. brsad rear, S-s'orv ro'S. d ubl- cortru' tlon. ftne a rc . : lur ful coacr-'.e ba"iert and f.oor. wa-n trTs. raa. -e'ru ttv. hnlo.d f .-ors. f'.ne su-t In f .ulna room f.xtures. f'r-r . fnrr.awe e?c . 1 t "ml'v h.rd Star'acw S""-e. cemer t walk. !-.. rtci a.; s e It r.:r ISA- co-d terms. F V' ?to:s. i.-oj v y, s b:.iv ; xj.. -4 ; oo caan. $ '. 3 Pr month a. for a new A-room hcue. pine: d! Irt., 1 n ', i g room. large pantrv. .arg b : i : o-:-;. f -e rti turwa . basair.e-; '. f r. : t lto.i lot JW-t - . 4 b' o- kg to P u hm n J r. ner Ca no.tc ac hao.. rBt, tevena. Taor 1VM " VLK 4;wv ft-roon h"j- Monravfa. b:o-ka to car. Easy payments caa be ran-- t IVRTlAVh TRUST COMPANY. TMrd and - :a i:. riwx. And - a month lr..:u.1.ng In terest 1 bay rr.y a-room rv.,.i r hou- kj&100 lot. 1 - b.ovks tw car.l-.e .vt MR LEON UtP. . Fo-irt-i st. Jt '-T C ITT P 4 R Si. roo-n bunsa -vw. I o,-k f- w Pan.' . e.rvthirc n v 1 - - n aO to dat . sood b-gAin. tor tem.s r-.r S'jrdAjr. das after 4) P. H V E ejtilt.ee In see-. ptj I m.ist be r- -i t ,f t N e e.- r "! I -.na leT e. e--rac- f.w 1 pp- or a ' rr -n e tn 1 ' u V- ILL a-.. m e-;u.;y t :' 4V-roona banga ow M i:...ii pared a-re-t fo- v ri-AH'CRTT at ON' t.-;3 Yon B . ir .-bleat:. Hi-" fr M ff.1t : r .. t b in a mod r v an l-.'ni m ipn f.r.-a a.i bu..t- c modern In eery wav r at-I a-: I will sa.-- "ce fSia h'1' . . -w- r---e Tis -r - 7 use w.t p lercea. Fv K SAl K. -ror .vias i'-v a J i.u, el t!i N E a-a If tkr rner of ''. 1 i.S week, t g.e' ar. UKU'Tir L home In T-nir. T" . m o F co-. nf Tn . t-j ei-re. cme a-id see tt an vo-a ; a -: t v m -te--. a: a baa"-t. a a . ta -rr.cn at give ter-ra. re rvm e-ge. bfh. r , .. m -1. easy tcraia er. 2- 4th. Jt EA L E ST ATE- t r haIc H-osee, RENTS FOR S: AX ACRE CASH. Lani at MMtnna atlirr for tl& i rvni tor $,0 an acra to a'J-i aa ra. Tnat ta t pr cant Intrraat on fii a Ad1 thai'l what La Mollnoa land will b r(ri ,n to or ttirra a r a. Thr ratn. l.ca M-tlm-- ia tna only Irrlrattoa proj ct m C'al'T'-rr.ia that baa mora aatar than i gravity .tm. M-inoa ta lha larfvat bdy of uni form, r ---I aoil m loa a:at ailt loan Si trrt 0Pk !. il...i-oa haa tha bat Irrigation fav i. : uu ran find an) w tiara. F)v intakca. b: heat! or water. It feat to tim m . fall, no "rotation" and no b:kM Ir catUiD nacvaaary. La V:m.a haa prfct drmlnara. !. M-'iinoa :a a beauty aot. an Ideal p:r to with ita grr at oaka. beau Ulul araTia and aetcr.c of anountaina. JL'a Mo.:e... haa tba bt hay market tn Nort.-irra Ciiif rs a. ani ftna mark eta fol bJti-r fat. fruit and v-fetail-a. Loo M iinoa iana wu pay lur lta-alf tn two crt'pa, V- a rn buy on I yaara' tima. Tfi'w la r -thine to -mparo with tbla bau:ul tra.-t in tha at at a. It la on. faat. li.r t a.t tiu next wk. i. all t'uiAy on II. O. TtLRT. 04 Ten BMf. If jou do not liv tn Portland or l eim:y. wriia to LOS MOLIXOr LAND COM PANT, Loa' M 'ihr.ua. CaL IRVINliT?N HOME. rKm bir.jfalow on "SOxl'X. flno n.-tion. fuil crment b-iaement. ban at 4 feet hih. pT rw, fMCirt weal, a Tod luvcam.(..it ; raaS. bn jrre vaay terma IHV1M;Tc(N :Ao Kaai Jtfh at. N.. lo-room houaa. t!lrd f . nor on ponh tn1 bathroom, a. a? tied drain '-ard In klirhn. Una Djt-'it f i lures. Ijrxe rnomi, hrti wovd floor a, n;- yard, in fact a love.y modern homo. i'.i i ". a tern- a IKVlNtlTON HfNOALOW. t-,itH 7-r-n.-T. mf tern in aver way. one b.or ta from i road way rarUna. will b coiup.ated tn a few J.: a Termi Blven. ALKEKTA HOHK. $-!WH -rooni hi.a. 2 b.ocka from A1 baita tariur. 4 rooma on flrat door, bandy to i hurrb and ai'ra. flrat h'-ua a-uth of t:. Itota at. N. Wi aro tha ownora. Ixmi ' '. te-na GOWEN-1DE TRUST COM PANT, No. 2 LumWrmena 13. d Oround Floor. l-V.rt CASH. NEW 2-STORY -KOOM HOUSE. Larre front porch. Iteception hall, Ll inn-rouin; IU.ina; -ruom ; Cabinet kitchen; Three bdroon; tlrpina; port h ; liat n.-oom. Lin n clos-t : Fu'l cemrnl bement; Furnace, laundry traya and wood lift. Firep.are. hardwood f.oora. bookcaaea. buift. paneled wal.s, beamed ceilinga. Lii;t fixtur-a, :nd w shades, Lrt'd to suit. For information. ral Main i37 or A ev.xir,Ri and Punday Seliwood 1TST. AN ATTR ACTIVE PORTLAND He-1 oil rs HUUk; 8-room modern houma. select real-d-nre d .strict. I'lH'O corner lot, 1 blcK-k of H-iaihts car; f.r.e view of t.'te city and mountains: faOU coaa, balance easily arranged, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, ifj Fourth St. Ma.n o, A 3o0. PEE THIS TODAT. $300 DOWN. T-roona modern houae. corner 4-4th and Ho Kale. W W car. w:th fireplace, fur nice, built-in bookcaao. bu.'f leaded - fiss wLdoms. b-autir ul wo d work and .i.l reTierit basenivnt; ha every modern r. nvf :it- n-ur car; with a marve.wua iew. r pamcu'rs see Ttlfc LAW K K N a CO.. Aider a. .Tt 3.V LK Br owner; the cosiest of bursa, .w homes; strictly Callforuia typa. Di,ilrr.. Trand i.w and complete In eery wav. with gard'-n. fu,i cement basement. f-rnaie. nrep.a.e and fixtures; will Inter est any up-to- lata coup.e. a woman's toeai of a bour, and a man a hlra for a bom-. ery ra-y terms; Ji.at like rent! i rr'-r of I; .e '' it 1'ara. i-.d Last .4th p'fi. N r:a C ai"3- See what a littls m nev will d. For pale. A fine new ,s-ru.m rwuee with two Tots, rn y 2 b'otki from Union a at a price j a will snap up if you W..-U a home. r t-n c -n and n.onthly payments. )-!t..re M.tn or call and we can come tw terms. S. N. PTEEL CO.. 4"2 Chmber of C'mrj.rree. IK J N i To N HOME. NEW ft-room ro.iem huM on TL 10th at. Hard wcd floors, s eeping porch, fire p.are. Cu.i ce.nenl bav-mrnl, i! bedrooms In attic, full -. loo-rot i"t. all Improvf nventa in. un-y $5jw duwo. ba.ance to a't.t WATSON TH ERK ELS EN rQ yn fp.t i.rg B dg Main . f2 iv oU" LVKit SToP io r.rlr wnat a snap -h a Is? A T'-'m hoUwe. ii.'r corner lot. good Oyt bu.oainis. f.ne p. ace for garnen. cnickens. .-. I am toil to sell it f-r llw, with $ : cah pa men t. balance easy. Mr. l-n,M. wl.vriN HF.KI.OW MT'l. A TRUST CO.. :.d f lo.r v" r.amber of Commerce. P BTLA NI H EIGHT BARGAIN. La:i.ty n-w arvm Cojon.a; house, bul!t f r h- me. lo-y r;d sod mahogany fm-l-h. artistic f:rep.a.e. sur.room. to sleep ing porches. :ar improved grounds, view a'o.ute. ui'.vuun.r I . f I !.5u". terms; $ lovo reduction f 1.d belore May ili. BROOKE. Mir.i:i j4-'T. A 3S. I'v'Kil.AXP HEIGHTS Five-room Cjttage. itt.rc and s.er.ng porches, comp.eta r.Ji'-wing. e.eetr.c 'igh!s. fuel gss. furnace r-,rt . ! t tH'ih'o f t. . 1 x) ft. from street, at ir n bv r.istlc wa k and steps; good view ovr I'sr.jon Road and city; li nun ut. 4' car ride from center of city. D b'J. Or-cor.ian. INGToN GREAT BARGAIN. B'tuitrul ne. H ro-nr.s. modern In rte ti. .r.'e-lor f.ti'.ah, m.-iud.r.g a.l flo.ra, N.v. 1 Eastern oak. o.d Ivory and white eismet .vn.r lu.'t and occup.es. .'or pe r. T.al reasons n.ut Seo- li . iii ere ate a, p. ease rep Pv tregn You w i'.i not regret iu AN 6-ROOM HOU.-E CORNER LT. I rae (or aa.e a go.d 6-room house, choice corner lot. fine locatt -n. cjose to car. school, stores, etc., for tha smal p. u-e of $:rW Mr. T avles. I li Al'lN-HrJKLo A' MTG. A TRUST CO.. .id floor chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER 1 am leaving the city and will sell my beautiful bur s alow. . rooms and sleep li g porch, f ..rn.shed or unfurnished, in a g ol :.Kttton. 2- minutes' car ride. Ar.s-r t.V.a and I w CI show you a great b.ircs:r. 1 jl terma. R V Oregonlan. LAURELHURsT. One of the choicest homes In this tract Is owned bv me 1 n-.uxt s-ll and will offer it at such a price that you wouiin t heal tate t v buy at one when you have seen It. Easy terma AN H-t. Oregnntan. FES .'n-f about th:s new modem apurt- nTnt-bou-e ar.d corner lot, Hawthorne d;s;rtct. clo-e in. a., rented and earning over $! month; price $i0v, will take f r s:dr. -e or up to s45vt suid L."" I !' rr.t. "V "" inian. .- BOW N. 1 1 PER MONTH. NrlvV 5-ro.in modern house, fy 1 cement bas-rr.enl. 4" 1 V foot lot, wl:h 2u-foot e. in rear. 11 ' WAT.-oN TilERKELSE. CO. bw Sr":l n ' Main 7".9 sr P LOOK. fna. bv I t tM ll'". ner. n.-lrn A-room houaa. u.t trrea. 3ii Marguerite -room f urr ished houae ault e or J b4c.ie.ora. Apply J. 4 1-1 Macaua:a St., seouth 1 . a n 0 F. KN" st-rvH-m house. Eaat lft: h and u rn.-ma". .'.olV. l:. pri. e filVA Clark in; on Co., Fourth and 274 Oak st, :-. a s2"-2 $..1 IH..WN. $:. P t'H MON TH. t-r.rn M.-ae on 1 't.:l-' V lot. $2 $00. WTS'-N A THEKKELSK.V CO. -V ?i :-.g P.da Main 75r- UcM:i;. a - r 00m b urgatow. i.u, me bios.ee. terma Owx.tr. Ks4H E- 2Mb r h. IKVIN '.ToN h-vme. bui t one year Improve- rra. a . a .L rn-vrra. 3 b..vka f-orn r. !'. eas t rma p ft, Oregonlan FOR SALE liii equity In $-rrrT nodera bngs . no reas nab.e oiler r fused. Ta-- r MvNFi t: 1 hate It. I w! l sell you a . te.i hous at a bargain. ar -! Frsnk L M '-j.re to lna -ire aganat f re t. 1-tft. 51 Abington t og A 1144 Wi'.L bu. 4 your t-n p . V 13 creg.v es and take iota for $--il SAT.U piano, ii ro-.n bouse, fu.'SiaUad, wlia TftLb, sw REAL ESTATE, tar HaJa llowaa a Portland heights hoxk. A moat attracliva W-rovm, moutra bun TA'Oar in a beauufuUy aecludad tpot on tnr weat a.op ul tna nisnia. inia aia trtct la aiwa cooi in hummer and pro tected from tha at winda In Wtn:er. Houm haa a litn iivinx-room with maa- bit itor.t firrp.ct ini biinlwood flof-ra. d i n int - ( outn hjs ieaai f ul built-in buffet. tni t'rvncti wiudowa opening onto a ir r lu.a. .Viva Pm pantry wub large double con.pariment cooi tupsoarl. Kitcnen wry coinp.vte with combination ainlc and laun dry tray, c4U.net gaa um and but.i-m cupboard, urawena and oina. screened back purch. Two nice htto anatne.ed bearooiua With large cioeta oa Brat f.oor. alao bathroom, with toilet aeparate, a '.mo a vry larao cedar Itnea c.oaet with nve a raw era. one oi w hlch wni tak draaea witnout fo.dins- on aecond f.oor ta a la:s incloaed aieeptng portli. a comp.eta ba'.nrooja. two tfilrooiui and targe paaeied and tHamtd bl. hard -room. Thr la a fu.I buvmrnt, wlm cement fioor, to.iet. automatic u heater and brown vitro ware laundry traa and a large Iruitroom. Ail room a ara tinted and nuciy hniahed. and euipp-d with r-ttht-do wn-to-utrt llKhtlng r.xturea. There ar Z 7.ki aquaro f-t of grounua. beaut if ul y w ooded w ith love.y native trees, in a pit, wild cherry. ri.-m.ock and fir. aao 15 young fruit lift Thla house waa bulit by tl:e owner for b.a own use and la a marvel of conveni ence, ana la iiirrounlr 1 by hih-c.a bomea. PrJ ta $ l.tK. Can arran ire terina, H'-nry C. Pruuhomm?, owner, boxl Wi.cox o: a g. I F THE HOUSE SUITS TOU WE CAN MAKL THK TLRilS SUIT. With y monthly pay men ta; a modern reautence, contain m recepttua hall. 11 v in a room with flrep.ace and built-in book casea; dlnlng-rottm. pass pantry, kit en en. 3 bt'drooma, bathroom, extra large aiep ina; porch ; full basement, furnace; elec tricity and gua: full lo-foot lot. with fine view, situated on Weidier t.. between Kaat IMUh and Enst 2(th ata. Call at lUj Weidier at., on premises, for key. Can be Inspected at any time, or phone Main 1S7S w ewKdaya. or C 3H'l Sundays or exenlntB. BLILU OS VAC A -NT LOT. WE WILL, TURN THE BURDEN IN TO INCOME. WE FURNISH TH B PLANS. FINANCE AND Hi. 1LD APART MENT OR HKMDE.Nft; AT LOW COST. WE ClVd li u D. SHOW OUR WOrtK. A.ND RKKF.H TO OIH CLIENTS. aalal US BEFORE IOC UAaa' PLAN 3; l WILL PAT. L. R BAILET CO.. CONTHACT1.nl ARCHITECTS. 2 AUINOTON HLDci. MR. LOT OWNER I HERE la TOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PUOPERTY WITH A HUME. FLAT OR AFAUTMENT; .vile FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE O? IN TEREST; PLAN'S FUR.NISrfEU FLEK; IT WILL PAY YOU To CO As si i. AMD 1 ALiw XJJl OVER. J B. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND 1. ITLDSIL HENRY BLDO. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 5 acres. 2 m:.ea from city limits, ten Bilnuua walk from Oregon City carllne neat & room houae. chicken-houae and yard; beat garden soil; a. I In crop, ready for harvest, most grapes, all klnua of ber-rit-a; fruit trees, aire fei:ce around all; level and sJcht.y place. Price rlgtit; re quires two-thirds cash. Phone Hud 11, Miiwaukte, or call at First Stats Bank, Msiwaukle. 000 BUYS A HOME. Good lot. fine garden, two-room house, new chicken house. :o range can be in cluded for $s.i; cash. $! and Interest monthly on balance; 10-minuta car serv ice. bee Geo. Englehart. isOWEX-U. TKCST COMPANY, No. 2 Lumoermens Bidg. Ground Flor. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Fine, new home, lot suxluo. parkins; 10 feet, impruvementa paid, cement block e. -umney and fireplace, elegant hardwood f. oor. .-foot buflet, beveled plate glass doors, 4 French m.rrors, large work pantry and link, fine basement, f urna e. large rooms, sleeping pwch. canines 14 min utfs to busiiK-sa. terms. i'hot.e owner. Main 4144. mornings and evenings. SACRAMENTO STREET SNAP. 7-room bouse with lot Box!.V feet on south siue of Sacramento St., .To f e, t w-at of Union ave. Actual vatue $4.'hju. Our price $.-3v. Who will giab it Soma leriug. GODDARD A W1EDRICK, -.'-4J Stark M. Foil SALE -Fine modern houae, bearing; fruit trees, fine lawn, good car service, .:-. ea.-y terms. 4-rootn hou-e. modern, except furnace. $liH cash, balanc terms. 1 4-roum house. oo. 1 two-room nouse. SrtoiV Your own terms. Act quickly. Harrlaon and Hodge. CHAPIN-HEKLOtV M I'll. TIU ST CO.. 3d f ioor Chamber of t'ommerc. NEW. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. Owner wi.i sell on go d terms a beauty In restricted u. strict; uuxlO ft.; beautiful enrered panels. 7-foot beveled plate g.aaa buftet nd pookcaaea, Frrncu mirrors, al, built In conveniences, oak floors, music room, sleeping. porch, etc. See this; It will pay you. PUune Main 4144 forenoons and enuiga $15 PEK MONTH io down. (room bungalow, lot Su100, facing eaat. 2 block a to car. not far from Reed Col lece. tne house Is modern snd Just com p etod and everythlr.s in flrst-claas order. Price VJ.iv F. E. Mivhreat. CHAPIN-HEIUOW MlG. TRUST CO., d floor Chamber of Commerce. HEAL bargain from owner; 7-room houne. 4 bedrooms, bath, living-room, dining room and kitchen, large basement, corm-r lot. fine roses and lawn. 4 blocks from Inlon ave. in North Irving ton, hard sur face street. Price $J"oo; small cash pay ment, ba.ance monthly pa menta. Call oodlaw n 1 Utf. H b1. Oregoman. WHAT ABOUT THIS? Come and see tne best 4-iot and house proposition. A.l ready to make money on, ow ner must sell ; J biweks from car. 1 b.ock from beat school. Price only 11700. Terms, See Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. A TRUST CO ;id floor Chamber of Commerce. E. IdTH AND ASH. Corner lot. with houae that rents fr 125 per month : this could be Improved to advantage with apartments or flats; price I.m. H. P. la. mer-Jones Co., 404 WLcog bldg. Phones Main bb9. A 2-..V3. C- ROOM IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. ..oO down on tfiie atrictly modern 0 room hue. Hardwood floors, cement floor basement, s.reping porch, all conveni ence. 4't-.0. with easy terms. WATfON A THEKKELtiEV CO.. 3rtH Spalding Jlldg. Main 7502. FOR S A L E Lot 5"x I 0, n t cely fenced, small neat shack 12xlH. unfinished ,on In a.ue, at 3oth. 1 t ovk from liolgate st. ; io-i feet from Odd Fellows Home. tt blocks from S. P. car shops; good buy for working man; price io". Apply Donald McGregor. 3.".. 5th at. HoME BARGAIN at a real sacrifice my lovely 7 -room home. In choice restricted district. Never before offered at such a close price, $4G50. with fu.I lot and choice lawn and ehaae trees. See my agent, A. H. Birrell Co., 202 Mc Kay b.dg., 3d and Stark sts. $47."o Irvlngton cottage home. 7 rooma. no unpaid lmprovementa. former sale ma le to parties who are obttged to take charge of property In Mtchisan. which enab.es me to make a g-eat concession In price. I'hons WcH.d.awn 25o7. NEW 4 -room bungalow on 3 lota. &Oxino feet each, 1:1 Vlriand. n!y 3 blocks I roin car- line; shade trees and Tsry sightly; $2500, turnn WATSON A THERKELSEN CO.. S0 Spalding Bid.. Main 7592. BY owner, new T rooms and sleeping1 bal cony, fireplace, furnace, built-in conveni ences, shades. Improvements paid. $3000; tt.'Q din. small pay menta; will accept lot. io E. 40th N.; Hose City car; tele phone TaboT I9S7. I.aT'RELHI'RST FACRIFICE. By owner, new 6 -room strict ly modern houae. J 'H. w ill or. aider clear lot as first pa ment. balance easy. 420 East Harris-in phone B ltt4. $--$ I RV1NOTOX BUNGALOW $tUmu. .New, 7 rom., la rue s.eepirg porch, bath, tol.et and Isvatory on each f.oor; up-toda-.e conveniences, elegant location; terma A 1-1. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL 7-room Irvlngton ree'denca. Stucco flr.'ah. hardwood floors, exreptma a.ly well finished, on E. Hancock; $7400. WATSON a- THERKLLSEN CO.. 3( Spalding Bid Main 7592 NEW rorr bungalow wl'h one to seven lots. 2--m:cu.e ride on Oregon Cltv line; Sc fare- A bargain. C. A. Wolfgang. Ev ergreen S rat Ion. or Marahall 254. FINE home In P'.umont. 3 Mocks from car. mo.'era. w i: h garage- $4.'i; If s :d qul-.'k will ccn:der leas. $6-0 cash; easy p!i mer. Tr. C 1 . Or-onlin. J..o. TER3JS. $ block from Unar-n ave. on Sacramento st , 5-ro m cctiago. I will give very easy terma ca:iF.a:5317 after A P. M. FOR SALE Br owner: 7 -room all modem house, one or tw lots ; imaii payment down, terms to salt purchaser. 45uii 45th e e. Se.l od 1 crtl Far rXa I e--Acreage. 2d ACRES at Il'iV) p-r acre, on main county road. 5 acres under cultivation : S blocke to station. Oregon Electnc carllne; 10 ini'ee by wa-n road to Portland CEO. A RIGCft. Spalding Bldg. ic'KE trc:s on your own terms; Improved, c.vee carl:ne. trsde for equity. 21" Ger !r. icr t.cg. trtl'd Rea!;v Co. 2 1-3 ACRES for sa'e at Tljrardvliie. .cIoe to station. H lvo, OresonlaA. REAL ESTATE. lor r-aJe Acreasre. WORTH READING. 80 acres, about 2 miles from Sandy P. O.. on Cedar Creek, close to Mount Hood ' Kiectric survey, anout half under culti- I vat ion, fine barn, fair houae, sheds, etc. ' Land acroas tn road seiiinsT for Slod Der I era. uur price easy terms; you can malLa montiy on this. HUMASON, 100T Teon. 1$46 ONE DANDY BARGAIN. BONA FIDE SNAP. 10 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion and n crop: lies beauUtu Uy, with fine view of surrounding country; extra fine deep om soil; right on main county road. R. F. D. and telephone, tight in the heart of Willamette Valley. In fins farming section, ilij miles from Portland, ngnt at Sulem Electric station: town one boundary: price for quick sale, 1-JoO; 1 i"mi c.isn, DAiance o years, per cenu CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. bJ Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark Uta. SYCAMORE ACRES Is 40 minutes from the city by tho O. W. 1. electric line, and In the bent part of Multnomah County, and the prices aro right. GEO. D. PCHALK, Stark Street. Main o2. A So92. 6 aci:ls. j-U'O. $80 cash, bal. easy payments. 17 mllc-a by auto road to the city. H it miles from Hlllsboro. Two miles from station on S. P., which is now to be electrified. This la hign-ciass laud. Ideal for hops, potatoes, orchard chickens: well watered and no waste: I am the owner and will show you the best vaiuea in tne iualatln alley, conalder lna the distance from Portland. G. A. NICHOLS. Owner. 1H7 Wilcox Bldg. rnonc .Marshall a oUod. fi.7S ACRES. ADJOINS STATION PROPERTY. 15 minutes' ride from Jefferson st. denot. slight southern slope, good soil; one of the best bus we have on our Hat. This place has nver been advertised before 12 Go cash down will buy It. balance month ly payments; price $100 an acre less than ouier property arouna it. ATCHISON A ALLEN, 113 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. SYCAMORE ACRES. Think of It, an acre of good ground, on Johnson Creek, 40 minutes' ride from tha city, for 94i. GEO. D. SCHALK, Stark Street. Mam H2. A IfotfU. BEAVER DAM. 2o acres. Including 8 acres beaver dam, on Oregon City Electric, 400 feet distant; large spring, splendid water system, two trout ponds. Has produced celery at rata of 15oo per acre. Now owned by two men wtio wish to dissolve partnership and will sell cheap. OODDARD A WITSDRICK, 243 Stark Street. 6-ACRE TRACTS. tt mils south of Oregon City. Sidewalk to tract and phone; In oats, wheat and potatoes; beautifully located for fine country home; coe- to stote and school; fin, garden snd fruit land ; ld.-al for a chicken firm. This bT-acre farm has just been platted and must be sold quickly to sett! an estate and wlil make easy terms. Y b8. Orrgoman. $ ACRES. 4.1 minutes from Portland, nice little 2 room bungalow. Just built, Isnd clear, soil 10 ft. deep. mile to eictrio station. Only S3u neressarv to handte. THE WESTLYN TRLiT CO.. lr:i Yeon Bldg SACRIFICE. 7'UCT9 farm on Columbia River. J5 miles from Portland; S miles from Ship herd Hot Springs; A acres cleared and level; 4M0 strawberry plants, 8W fruit trees; s;unr&nt-ed ready market for garden truck; poultry house, city water and electric lights. Sale by owner. l-T-'uHt caah. C. F. Falmborg-, 425 E. 46th N. Tabor 218. , ADJOINING OREGON CITY. An unuaual platting proposition 142 acres adjoining Oregon City on the Enat. also adjoining the Clackamas Southern, now building; would be ldel for platting Into small acreage; price $100 per acre; easy terms. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark streeL GARDEN LAND. ' 0 or 10 acres splendid garden land at Santa Ross, on Oregon Electric. In high state of cultivation; owner needs money and will sell cheap. See us for partic ulars. GODDARD A WTEDRICK, 24d Stark Street. 5 ACRES. On Foster Uoad. near car, close to Portland: easily cleared: splendid sol), good water. Price only f 425 per acre; $500 down, balance easy terms, call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIX-HERLOW MTO. A TRUST CO., 1U1 floor C hamber of commerce. FOR SALE 1 acre, essy terms, situated 1 a minutes' walk north from Gilbert station, on caxadero line and 1 mile from center of city; fenced, water piped to site, with great r part cleared and cultivated ; few stumps on remainder. App.y to A. IL T. Williams, owner, 656 Clijan st. 40 ACRES, near Vancouver. $50 per acre, land selling $l't0 adjoining; terma 20 acres, loo cultivated, $35 per acre, near McMinnville. 1 acres, near Glllls. on Mt. Hood line; $15i0; terms. Ra more Realty Co.. 4 SO Worcester bldg. " F I V EA rRE S ATI . E NT S. Located H rnile from store and school, one acre of fruit and 4 acres of meadow, with nice new 5-mom bungalow; price $5000; part cash ; good terms. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 3 ACRES on the electric line, in the Valley within sight of Council Crest; all cleared c.irfsrc to Portland. Price $2000. small I payment down, balance easy payments. W. H. Lang A Co.. 315 Ablngton bldg. Main f 3. "RARE CHANCE FOR A POOR MAN. It takes $H0 cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent, for the possession of a f'ne 10-acre. well-improved place, near Oregon City carllne. worth $45o: our price for short time, $.'1SOO; a real bargain. F. FT'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. TEN acres. S in fruit of all kinds, mostly besrlng heavily, all first-class shape; com fortable Improvements, stock. Implements, poultry, good furniture, crops In: Income from start; 14 miles Oregon City. Ad dreas AR 1. Oregonlan. MOUNT TABOR. Three acres, al) or part, adjoining City Park beautiful view; all conveniences, near hard-surface and car, fruit, berries, fit wars, new bungslow ; take some ex change Owner. K 4d, Oregonlan. COLUMBIA DELTA GARDENS. Re claimed rtver bottom. In Oregon. As pro ductlve as beaverdam. 8 t acres; river and rail connections. $340 per acre. Terms. 7o3 Lewis bldg. Main Su"S. $4 PER ACRE AND UP. Klickitat County screag. fruit and grating land; some near railroad and Co lumbia River. Hoffmann, 60S Couch bldg., 10 4th. RIVER FRONT. Three acres of tho prettiest Willam ette river front: f.ne view; both native t rees and fruit ; $3000 per acre; easy terma A K W7, Oregonlan. 4 on ACRES, 13 miles out. 24 acres in crop. 5-room house, barn and 3 acres orchard, giod land; price M00 per acre. HIGLEY A BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. FOUR acrea. rich soil, three-room house, good well, good chicken house, fruit trees, near school and store: 3.". minutes out. $.750. terma AP it. Oregonlan. F"b WNitfO acres, near Mt. Hood road. s'Jlt able for subdividing: will take small pay ment down, balance from aalea. Owner, 4"0 Worcester bldg. 19 ACRES. 6 cultivated, lies between Os wego and Oregon Cltv; $.50 acre. Ad dreaa t73 South ave. Phone Sellwood 24$. FOR SALE 5-acre tracts, attractive propo aitlon. cloae to Portland, reasonable terma A lid. Oregonlan. THREE"acres In city. West Side, lies well, magnif.cent view. Owner, AR $7, Ore gonlan. $7.".o ACRE tract. Ku-a station, Oreon F ertnr, rt-eent faje; $10 month, F. Mc Faxlaad, 39 Yeon bldg. REAL ESTATE. For fele - Acrcaxc. SPECIAL BARGAINS LN ACREAGE. Close to Pot laud, on electric car line, srood automobile road, store, school, tele phone, daiiy mail delivery, good neigh bora, splendid soil. 2 1-3 acres, all cleared, running; water, level, $U0 per acre. 4 acres, gentle slope, running? water, an Ideal place for poultry, fruits, gardening, etc. fu-o per acre. 4 H acres, over half cleared, balance rolling1 and htll, running- water, sp;endid for country or suburban home. $oo0 per acre. a acres, partly cleared, splendid for close-In subtiTDan homo and chickens, $3aO per acre. 2 acres, more or lew rolling, spltndid for chickens, 1-50 per acre. These are well worth your prompt in vestigation; good reaaocabio terms. Buy NOW. J. W. HEFFERLIN, 807 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 224S. $115 W'lll put you tn possession of a splendid 10-acre tract of fine frarden land, about 1 acre of this is genuine beaver dam and cleared, tha remainder Is a rich black, loam covered witn flna cordwood timber; thers Is a fine stream of running water crossing this tract, making tt ideal for the raising of ducks or chickens: this property is located on a fme macadamized county road, only 0 miles from Portland, In the Tualatin vallev. PAC. N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., Inc. 40& Couch Bldg SYCAMORE ACRES. Sycamore station, on the O. W. P. Ry., Is In the center of Sycamore Acres. No tract over five minutes' walk from tha station. When buying;, consider this con venience. GEO D SCHALK. 2-S Stark Street. Main 3U2, A -iuVU. SMALL tracts. A beautiful 3-acre tract on electric line. 8c fare, less than 8 miles from the Front and Jefferson electric station; station and side track right at corner of this place, good new building: partly set to young orchard. This Is ideal for a suburban home. 13 seres half mile from electric sta tion; will take good 1911 automobile as first payment, balance easy terms. Look these over If you want something good. M. i37. A 2003. See Trumble, -i7U Stark St.. Portland. Or. RIVERFRONT ACREAGE. On tho beautiful Willamette, good boat landing and convenient to the Oregon City car. If you want an Ideal home on the river, buy one of theso acres. For price and particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO 248 Alder iu ACREAGE OPPORTUNITY. We own 65 acres facing on the Section Line road and running through to the Powell Valley road, about 4 miles east of ML Tabor. We have recently had a road surveyed through this land dividing It Into small acreage which should soil for 1500 or more per acre. In order to realise at once on the whole tract we will sell It for $300 per acre, half cash. STRONG A COMPANY. 605 Concord Bldg. SYCAMORE ACRES. Tou can get an acre facing the electric line, Johnson Creek, on Foster road, for the price of a city lot. They're good. GEO. D. SCHALK, 2-S Stark Street. Main A 2392. AT LAST Wind River Lumber Company's logged o'f lands are on the market. Finest fruit land. Opposite Hood River, 55 miles from Portland; near lumber camps. Government sulphur springs and mineral hot springs; irrigation ditch under construction; $.0 per acre and up. Inquire of Palmborg Land A Realty Co., agents for Wind River Lumber Company's land, 600 Yeon bldff. Marshall 8177. $3tXfO WILL HANDLE HOP FARM. Partners Disagree. 5 acres. 45 In cultivation, 30 acres fine saw timber, sawmill 1 mile, IO acres hops, new hop house and drier all necessary bldga.; partners paid IS730; will take less; bopa will eell for 4U and 45 cents this year. Terms. Will take soma city prop erly. 519 Board of Trade. SYCAMORE ACRES Is on the Gresham line, just east of Lents. Excellent car service, richest soli, lowest prices. GEO. D. SCHALK, Stark Street. Main 392, A 2392. BARGAIN COUNTRY HOME BARGAIN 3 acres right on carllne, close to port land, nearly ail cleared, fruit trees and berries, chicken-houses and runs; fenced, fine view of mountains, excellent soil, al most new residence, located in fine grove of native trees; good water. Gas plant Installed. Price for this home for ten days or.iv $.V"K. Call for C. G. Reagan. UHA PIN -HER LOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. OREGON-ELECTRIC-ACREAGE. 7 14 acres. mile from station, with good 6-room house, good barn, fine well water, etc. ; all under cultivation, fruit and garden; a line jersey cow. it pigs, chickens and all implements, and. just think of the price. $3600; $1500 cash, bal ance on terms. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 31H Board of Trade Bldg., 4th a nd Oa k. E own and offer for sale all or part W f acres choice land, near .huh nun specially adapted to fruit; deep, rich soil, well watered; about 40 acres in cultiva tion; beautiful scenic surroundings, boat ing and fishing; an Ideal place for Summer homes; would exchange for mort gages, contracts or city property. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., feu6 Wilcox bldg. 5 ACRES. 5-CENT FARE CULTIVATED CITY CONVENIENCES SMALL HOUSE BARG 4 IN. OWNER. AT J6. OREGONIAN. EASY TETRM3. Small tracts, with Irrigation all Sum mer fine soil, only - 6i miles south of Portland. Finest investment In farm land on the market. Get free literature at 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRR. LAND CO. IF YOU WANT a fine piece of acreage close in and near electric railroad, deep black loam, see me at once, as the season Is passing; will plant it to potatoes or loganberries, so you can hav revenue at once; will make terms to suit. Thomas McCusker, 329 Lumbermens bldg. 15 ACRES. i ml1 from atore and station, on Sa lem electric line. 40 miles out; excellent soil, all under cultivation; good family or chard and berries; 8-room bouse, barn and outbuildings; price $4500; terms. K A t r r A 4 at m u w n d 325 Lumber Exchange. 131 ACRES. 19 milee out, 70 acres in culti vation and In crop, 5 -room house and barn, all kinds of fruit, well watered; cows horses, hogs, chickens and machin ery; all goes for $S7.50 per acre; t.IU take some trade. HIGLEY A BISHOP, irt2 THIRD ST. 54.8 ACRES, $45 PER ACRE. Portland 22 miles, near railroad, Colum. bla River and two good towns, excellent drk sul, $-0 per acre, clears half, bal ance cuts 10O0 cords of wood, terms. Hoff niann. Couch bldg., 109 4th. BASE LINE FLATTING. 9 acres to 45 acres, partly in crop, with Improvements; all facing electric and Base Line; you csn double your money at price; good terma. F. O. Northrup. 313 Couch bldg. 35 ACRES, partly Improved; good house and barn. Joining town QottrelL Mt. Hood Una through place, running water; splendid; long terms to suit. Owner. 430 Worcester bldg DOE 3 THIS SUIT YOU ? Five acres near Oregon Electric, close to Ryan Station. GEORGE H. THOMAS. 267 Oak SL, Room 2, Ainsworth Bldg. $0 CASH DOWN BUT3 ONE ACRE Near station on electric line; 12c fare, balance only $10 per month ; land all cleared. W. B. Allen. 213 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. 37 ACRES unimproved land In Clackamas County, sbout 15 miles from Oregon City, to trade for close-In acreage or city prop erty equities. Addresa Y M. Oregonlan. SMALL acre tracL $10 per moeth, 5c fare, 15 mlnues' ride, shade trees, running wa ter, good soil, no rocks, fine view. Se curity Development Co.. 4th and Pine. 40 ACRES close to Newberg, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn. well stocked, crop all in, for sale cheap. AB Oregonlan. 4 SIGHTLY, CHOICE, 5-ACRE TRACTS AT BEAVERTON. $2.V per acre, easy terms. 329 Everett SL Call E. 4077. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. CHOICE 'ACREAGE. Close to Portland. R-acre Chicken Ranch. 5 acres of good soil. 4 acres clear d, the balance very easily cleared; gradual southwest slope af foramg an excellent view of the valley; spring water: soil is adapted for fTult or will make an exception al chicken ranch. The price is $k; $10A down, remainder easy pay ments. $S0 PER ACRE Will buy 10 acres of fine land. This property has excellent timber on It, which, cut into cordwood will more than pay for the clearing. This Is exceptionally cheap; $& down, balance easy payments. PACIFIC X-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC.. 405 Couch Bldg. POULTRY RAKCH. Four-t&om, new, modern cottage, 7 new and modern chicken-houses, capacity 100 to I'M hens each, fenced runs, gasoline engine and water system. 8 incubators, some old and young stock, 2 or i acres, all cleared, only 60 feet from carllne, 14-cent commuters fare; -good schoois, church and stores close; this at a sacrifice price. See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 3d, A 3o00. A HIGH-CLASS ACRE TRACT ON YOI-R OWN' TERMS- When I sav OWN TERMS. I mean IL You can buy this tract on smaller month ly payments than rent. It is ideally lo cated, within 3"0 feet of the best car service In Portland. 30 minutes to the cen ter of the city, soil black loam, with no rock or gravel; sidewalks, eraaea. streets, water, lights, telephone; In fact, every convenience that can be had In the city. The nrlra of this nrooertv la riffht and on whatever terms that suit your pocket book; a crop of potatoes this year will more than equal the amount you will have to pay on this tract- Let me take you out in my machine and show it to you. it 18 a real suap ana, rera-mow, on your own terms. AL Vt pregonian. ZM ACRES, all cleared. wlth new S-room house, good well and close to station. 40 minutes ride from 4th and Washington sts. ; com muters' fare 13 cents; this may be had on monthly payments. See us, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 35, A S500. I TO 5 ACRES. Resntifiiiiv located between Mllwaukle, Clackamas. Jennings Lodge and Glad stone. Splendid soil, settled neighborhood. Oregon City county road runs LhrouRh the property. Prices from $400 to $550 per acre. Most convenient terms or pa mem Do not buy acreage until you have seen these matchless tracts, which are steadily and surely increasing in value. J. O. ELROD. OWNER, Ask for Mr. Crossley. 519 Corbett bldg. $10 DOWN. $10 per month and interest buys a good level cleared acre tract with Bull Run water piped in. Woodstock district, 5c fare; considering the great amount of development taking place In this locality, you make no mistake In buying this tract. $75 DOWN. $10 per month and interest buys a splen did corner acre tract near Ml Scott car line. &c fare. Tract is cleired. level, ready to bulid on. Bull Run water. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. m 70 4th st. Main 1008, A 1003. SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS. EASY TERMS. 100x100, level, gcod view, two blocks from electric carlme, 6c car fare, for 7looxl00. level, 3 blocks from electric carllne, for $600. louxioo. gentle slope, 4 blacks from carline, $400. ' , ... loOxloo. rough, running water, splendid for chickens, ducks, etc.; cheap two-room house. 6 blocks from carline, $450. J. W. HEFFERL1N. 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. j SPEcTaL bargains, easy terms, 5-ct. car fare 20 minutes out; take Oregon Electric car at foot of Jefierson st., Sunday, go to Shahapta Station; owner will be at Sha hapta morning and afternoon to show you four tracts only, size 100x100, at $400. at $650 and $750; level, sightly and close to station and 100x150 with cheap house for $450. You will want one of these tracts when you see them. . J. W. HEFFERLIN. S07 Railway Exchange 31Ug. Main 224$. A SPLENDID Washington County forty within 20 miles of Portland, on S. P. line, new being electrified; a tract of 40 acres, which will raise fruit, potatoes. - hops, or any other crop; lies perfectly, has house, burn and chicken house, 3 acres clear; will cut 25w cords of flrst-ciass wood; good school and neighbors near; price very low, compared with nearby tracts. AJ oL Oregonlan. CORNERING at Rothe station, on the Ore gon City carllne, and the river auto road. miles out, are two beautiful acres, planted to young orchard, surrounded by fine high-class homes. He fare. b00 feet to river and boat landing. You can buy one of these on your own terms. H. At water, 623 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 3117. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH, near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION Lowest prices, best soil, fine view, wood, water ind roads; 0 acres. $400 per tract; J-A.. $000- $20 A.. $MH'; 40 A., $1200; bO A., S2006; 100 A., $3000; liberal terms ...1- i r . wn WVAT.TV CO. 3U icon xmB.,r en e 10 acre, or one-half, all in good ,tate of cultivation, and in crop. r 1... .mail fru t. 4-room house. good barn and outbuilding., well; also funnfric water; situated 1 miles due eaat Jrom Merger Station. Take Salem E.ec- trie train. A. Nelson, . . . c i c- arM or more. .10 down and $10 per month, 6 per cent interest on, de ferred payments; small house and good - -ii cleared and fencea; some crops, lX. ' " trirrio n H.. about 50 minutes On w e Rwu , . v. . na-naf HI 1 from city 1 1 mi IB. wi vn-"-., Failing bldg. Ten R. SALE. a nr land located In small town only two blocks from Oregon Electric depot; good house, fruit and berries of all uinri- only twenty-two hundred doLars ( $00). Call or address K. -N Forest Grove. Or. Staehr, TeT t-i iTTivn 40 acres adjoining new arowin- town; railroad terminal, in good country: land level and clean, easily plat ted suitable for lots or acres. Price $7000. This should return iareo ior Address AV v. ur-guuu r rn 1 1 t euuiDDea cnicKeu -arden. orchard, berries, wheat na ehicken greens, all ready for use! 7. IT, .v,e aa.s2 or write J? . Macvaug rT F. D. No- 1. Lents, Or., Kendall fiifJJ tion. Parties leaving c-w. acrks or iana in .miwh wieguu. Railroad is going through the land. Come In and ftna oui tuu- 1 .hP-n and on easy terms. Thos. VL Rogers, &01 Chamber of Commerce. TXorir.F SALEM ELECTRIC. 1 and 2-acre tracts, 38 minutes from -(TH on carllne: fine view, roll ing iand; $4JO an acre; $20 down and $8 a. montn. An co. ait. or part 01 my .ii-acre ptui- xv.-loaa- Creek, sacrificed If sold before June 1- very rich soil, perfect slope, springs. mnmntr water, en.. . Milwau uKie, Or. aO ACRES, OU per -uc, a 7a 10 a La tlon No. 1 oil; lie well; neighbors and school adjoining; $250 down; terms with or without interest; investigate. Room Id, 232H Washington st, trn-a SALE lhk cres of land, with house, barn abundance of fruit. This place la rtf the hest school towns in Oregon. price $4000 for quick sale. Address AD 94. uregupm.il. BET 5-acre buy on Salem Electric, 17 miles from Portland; right on townsite; cars stop In front of. property; $300 per acre; owner leaving city; terms. B 115, Oregonlan. L 2 and 3-acre tracts, close to Portland, 1 to 6 block from electric carline, $200 to $400 ner acre, easy terma J. W. HefferLa &ea,i ty Co.. 307 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE One acre land improved, 3 room bungalow, river view, near Elk Rock; e fare. Terms. No agents. AN" hfl, Oregonlan. M , 40-ACRE tract, on Base Line road, all c. eared and highly improved; fine house and outbuildings; lots of fruit of ail kinds. A 102. Oregonlan. IT ACRES Hnear Beaverton 15 cleared. S blocks from car station and running water; only $300 per acre; terma Owner. James Wilson, Boring, Or., route L BEAUTIFUL 14-acre tract on Base Line roaa. lor sa.s very cneap; lor price and terms. A 72, Oregonlan. 3 TO 10 acres, close In. on Oregon City carline, partly cleared. For sale cheap or will trade. Call East 5217 after 6 P. M. $16115 CASH and $1000 In one or two years . will buy 15 acres of excellent truck land near Troutdale. Call Mars hall 212a REAL ESTATE. For Seie Acreage, TUALATIN VALIET. We have for sale a fine 10-acre tract, in this fertile valley; all cleared and in cultivation, absolute - ly free from rock or gravel: the very beat of soil, excellent drain age; thia place is especially adapted and recommended for an orchard; property is only SO miles from Portland on main macadamised county road close to transportation, both electric -and steam. The price of this tract ia $2O0 pr acre; $200 down, balance easy payments. SEE FOR ACREAGE IS THE TUALATIN VALLEY. PACIFIC K-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC.. 403 Couch Bldg. 5-ACRE TRACTS, MOSTLY IN CROP, PO TATOES, WHEAT AND OATS; k MILE SOUTH OF OREGOX CITY. SIDEWALK TO TRACT. At Mount Pleasant Heights, close to school and store; fine for chicken 01- fruit ranch or country home; the best of gar den soil; would also make good truck farm; some tracts under cultivation and some only partly cleared. This bus just been platted and will be sold on easy terms and small payments, from $200 to $40O per acre. 8CUMAUCH A KLINGE. 2o McKay Bldg. FIVE-ROOM new bungalow, 9 acres 6-year-old apples, good well, small barn, fine cow, good horse, har ness, wagon, spraying outfit, all kinds of tools, only one-third mile from carline and 14-cent com muter's fare; here is an opportun ity for fruit and poultry and so close to Portland. Sea ua. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, 102 Fourth Street. Main 35, A 3500. , SPLENDID TEN ACRES. Non-resident, who is buying on contract (easy monthly payments.) a fine I0acre tract Just on the edge of the town of N. Yamhill, well settled neighborhood, all splendid soil, no waste, for $1000, on which he has paid in $250, writes: "Sell my equity for $150 cash; must have mon ey." Here's an opportunity for anyone in tho market for a fine 10 acres to get It at very low price and on very easy terms The Southern Pacific Railway now elec trifying its lines through N. Yamhill and values there are advancing. Get busy If you want this snap. J. W. CROSSLEY. 619 Corbett Bldg. Phones: Main C173. or A 3624. 1, 2, 5 AND 10-acre tracts, only 10 miles from Portland Court house. 40 minutes' car ride. 13 cent commuter's fare and selling at $125 to $500 per acre upon monthly-payment -dan; proper discount for cash. Office open un til 9 P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 1U2 Fourth St. Main 35, A 3500. AUSTRALIA. VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED LANDS. Tracts from 2 to 200 acres on 31 H -year payments; price $35 to $65 an acre; set tlers can pay off land at any time and become absolute possessors; abundant supply of water; oJimate same as Cali fornia; lands close to thriving towns with free schools; government wants settlers. Write to government agents. Peek-Judah Co., 687 Market st.. San Francisco, for full particulars as to fare and conoagr slons offered to settlers. TRUCK GARDEN FARM. Splendid 10 acres, about 14 acres' of GENUINE BEAVERDAM. tjje rest is a rich black loam. There is a fine living stream on this which, added to the fertility of the soil, makes it one of the best pieces of land for gardening in the country. The price is only $125 per acre, $125 down and $25 per month will put you In possession. 405 Couch bldg. 6-ACRE tracts across the Willam ette from St. Johns and 2fi miles back from river, part cleared and offered at $350 per acre upon monthly-payment plan; proper discount for cash, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 35, A 3500. YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. 10 acres, adjoining S. P. depot at St. Joseph, all cultivated, deep rich soil, good fruit land, modern S-room house, bath, toilet, H. A C. water, septic tank, Ke wanee waiter system; large barn and other outbuildings, Jersey cow, chickens, hay and farming implements, lyil runabout; everything In splendid condition; some furniture, excellent water, good family orchard; price $0u00. half cash, balance on time. Address Walter Evenden, K. D. No. 2. McMinnville, Oregon, owner. SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS, EASY TERMS. lOOxlOO, level, gooa view, two u.o-iv from electric carline, SVsC car fare, for ' 100x100, level," 3 blocks from electrlo carline, for $6u0. 100x100. gentle slope, 5 blocks from carline. $400. 150x100, rough, running water, splendid for chickens, ducks, etc.; cheap two-room, house. 6 blocks from carline, $450. J. W. HEFFERLIN, 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. A FINE 25-acre fruit farm in the Willam ette Vallev; all the best of land, 10 acres In full bearing fruit trees. 8 acres in cul tivation, balance in brush, fenced and cross-fenced, small old house and stable, 4 miles to town of 6000 people, only 1 mile to R R. station and also electric road. The 10-acre orchard Is worth tho price we are asking for the entire tract. The owner needs the cash, hence a bargain of fered. Price $5000. S. N. Steele & Co.. 432, Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 25o. YAMHILL COUNTY RICH LAND. How does this strike you, when you can get 10 acres of the best land in Oregon, all In cultivation, and part fenced, for $100 per acre, small payment down, then $10 per month at 6 per cent, 2 miles to town and railroad, 40 miles from Port land on a county road? Make, a start and be Independent and work for yourselL CHAHN'-HERLbw MTG. A TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. 35 ACRES. Choicest red shot soil in Washington County, 40 miles from Portland on tha new railroad from Hlllsboro; ,ne-half eas ily cleared, balance heavily timbered with yellow and red fir; good roads; good schools; new railroad twon within 2 miles. $100 cash, balance your own terms. Wa are the owners. F1RLAND TRUST COMPANY. 806 Spalding Bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. The Cleveland Meadows, opposite ML Hood Gresham depot, subdivided into busi ness lots. 50x100, with Bull Run water; 1 2, 3, 5-acre tracts, all cleared, only 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Rich deep, subirrlgated solL Call for prices, plat of tract and other Informa tion. Clark Cannon Co., SO 4th and 24 Oak at, Board of Trade bldg. 15 ACRES near Sycamore station. 2 miles from the electric carline on the Damascus road- all good soil, no stone or gravel, easily cleared ; this land Is a good in vestment, or will make a good home place. Price $200 per acre; $3oi cash, balance long time. W. H. Lang Co., 315 Ablngton bldg. Main 9503. , . TWO choice acre tracts, one tnousana ie?a than value; 40 fine fruit trees; one block from car; gentle west slope, sightly; on acre In potatoes, other in garden; noth ing better. Redmond A McGovern, Jen- nlngs Lodge, Or. 8ft ACRES. 4 miles from Portland, near Sky-line boulevard, on county road, plenty of wa ter; price $125 per acre; terms. H. P- PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2652. ONE acre, beautiful home slteV. .25-mlnute ride on Oregon iny mie; obc-.m' . -bargain. C. A. Wolfgang. Evergreen Sta tion, or Marshall 2584. 5 ACRES on Base Line road, near Rock wood, an ciearea ana icnceu. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO., 30 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. 10 ACRES, close to railway station, all In cultivation. line spring water on place. Address Gust Peterson, route 2, box 94. Gresham, Or. SNAP $10 down. $5 monthly, 97x254, 2j minutes out; price zbo. ask ior Marsten or Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg 3 ACRES and 14H acres, on Vancouver elec tric car; gooa improvements; reasonable, J. E. Hall. $08 Abington bldg.