The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 26, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Rolling Stock to Cost SIO,-
000.000 Has Been Ordered
for Quick Delivery.
30.000.000 IW or Timber for Bov
cars Mi( Conie From orthwei.
Say, Mlpalatlon Koad Ire
parcs for (mp Mocmcnt.
Limpmfot order placed In the last
few days by the Tarlnua railroads rorn
prtslns; the Harrlman system will re
quire an expenditure aggregating lid.
.. and will consurne feet
f lumber, all of whtt-h. It la specified,
must he pttrrhaed from mill la urtlua
and tYaahinaton.
The blicK-l Item In the order I for
20' locomotive fur ue od the o.-V. ft.
N- ureon Khort Line. In ion I'aclftc
and Souihrrn I'arlnc system.
Xnst of them wl I be ltairibut-d otr
the t'nlon f'arinc and 8rm t hm Parinc
r'tfteen rnitlBcf of the Mikado type
have been ordered for the main Una of
me o.-V. K. N. Company, and will
be delivered before the end of th
ana liairara Ordered.
More than Soort S0-ton boxcars, whir
are anionic the lament type made. are.
Included In th order, and will be used
t hand) the enormoua areata crop
IB Northwest thia year. Tba O.-W. ft.
at N. Company will set ISvtf of lhM
earn the remainder being distribute
over the rihort Ltne. I'nlon l'aclflc an
houthern Pacific systems.
orders for 2w or 109 paasensje
coarhea. mall and bMajyaffe ran nas
been placed with the Pullman com
pany. and will be filled within the nex
few months. Four cafe ob.oervatlo
cars are to be delivered to the U.-W
R. X. Company by July 1 of thl
year and XI pissencer. mall and bag
gajre cars by rVptember i. All cqaches.
mail and bajnraare cars are to be bull
of steel, and will be fireproof iiwl aa
bear Indestructible as It 1 possible to
make them.
provision also Is made for a Isrre
number of cabooses. T.iese. too. are t
be f an Improved typ-. The ft.
A S. Company allowance of cabooses.
together with Its boxcars. Is to be de
livered by rieptember 1, before the grain
t-rop starts to move.
An order for ISu ref risierator cars
for the pacific Fruit Kxpresa. which 1
fperuted by the Harrlman lines, has
been place! and will be tilled before
the I 1 3 fruit crop demands to be
terf hweat Leasfcer te Be I sea.
Orders for most of the boxcar, re
'--tr.xator car, flatcars and caboose
have been placed with the American
Car -a Foundry Company, with the ex
press provision that all lumber used
In their construction be procured la
the Northwest and shipped to the Kaat
' ern plant of the company over the
Uarrlman tinea. The order for the
necessary lumber, which will a4tirres;ate
approximately S0.000.0og feet, now are
brtntr placed among sawmill men In
varuu part of Oregon and Washing
ton. More than half th orders. It I
said, have been received by Portland
Th prevailing market price for this
kind of material Is about IIS per M. so
this will brine nearly 1400.000 Into the
hands of mlllowner and their employe
with "n th next few months.
This t one of the blgarest orders for
this kind of lumber ever placed In the
1nttd States. Two years ago the local
mills cut about sO.0oo.eoo feet for car
builder filling similar orders for the
Harrlman system. That order alone,
tt Is said, exceeded this one In s'.ie.
For four or five years the H.arrtman
ratlraads have made It a condition upon
the eoncern with which they placed
their order for new car that all th
lumber need n the work be procured
In tselr territory. In addition to this
they influence lumber orders from the
same nrms on contract witn oincr
railroads operating In territory that
tfuea not produce lumber.
Optlssletle Tear RrSeeteal.
Th- fact that the railroads are plac
In- auch heavy orders In the face of
Presidential election reflects an ex
ceedlairly optimistic tone. It Is pointed
cut. They seem to be disregarding the
adverse trade conditions that the pessl
mist sr attempting to create out of
the ensealed political situation.
" e have to keep going ritrht ahead."
I said .t, I Mohler. president of the I nlon
l'aclflc and Oregon Snort uine. at the
llultiiomah Hotel yesterday. Mr. Mohler.
inn iormerly was president of the O. K.
i N. Company, has been spending a
few lays with Old friend Iri Portland
and. Incidentally, tranaactlng business.
-The railroads cannot afford to go
I bac k. Our new equipment orders are
tatended principally to take care of the
enormous crop that we are sure to
n)o on all part of our system this
year. Crop condition never were bet
ter, tind we must be in snaps to lane
pf them.
.e lite of an ordinary boxcar Is
only from 10 to IS years, and. of course.
: they wear out, so w have to te renew
Mag taeai constantly. Jluin or the new
rouliment this year Is to replace worn-
cot cars and engine.
and lawn cemeteries. Under thl mod
ern method, which ha been adopted
by Mount Scott Park, all lots, aa well
aa all parts of the cemetery, are main
talned and cared for In perpetuity. Thl
Is accomplished by the ettabllshmen
of aa Irreducible permanent main ten
anre trust fund.
The fund Is created by setting aside
a large portion of the receipts from
the sale of lots and single graves. Th
Interest accruing from thl fund
applied solHy to the maintenance of
the cemetery, relieving the lot owne
of any further care or expense and
guaranteeing not only that his lot shall
always be kept green and clean, bu
also that nothing In the surrounding
shall be unpleasant or incongruou
when the cemetery I entirely occu
pied It will form an extensive park,
rich In foliage, flower, mausoleum,
statuary and monuments, with funds
ample for It perpetual care a memo.
Uarxant Charr ftremcr With Sell.
Ing in "Dry" Trrrltorj,.
Warrants were Iss-ied jr.slcrday from
the Justice Court for the arrest of
H-r.rr Melster. resident, snd Alfred
l.el timer, secretary, of the Mount
Mood Brewing Company, and for John
Ixe. an employe. . harged with dispos
ing if liquor In "iiry precincts. The
con rlatnt was Usued by Deputy li-
tri.-t Attorney Collier at the Instance
cf K K Keegle. a real estate dealer of
the Mount cott district, where th
ffense is alleged to have been com
ratttad. Th- brewery. It Is charged. dlstrlSf
vte liquor on orders, through sec
tions saloons have been exclud
ed vote of the re-idents. and their
rixt to do so Is questioned
t lltfcl K OPER ATOR OX
Olaf pkUllpa W laaiagstaa, IS
lean II lei.
i A Portland hoy bears dlstlnc-
tlon as t!ie youngest wirelesa
operator on any veel afloat.
Olaf Phillips Wlnnlnrstad.
T whose parents reside at "IS North
t Twentieth street, attended the
Hill Military Acadomy up to a
few months ago. when he took up
wireless telegraphy. About a
J month ago he went to Seattle.
I where he passed the Government
vinwaa examination witn niga
honors. The I'nlted Wirelesa then
assigned him to duty on the
steamer Santa Crux, and after less
than a month on board this boat
he ti transferred to the Cana
dian Pacific steamship Princes
ftoyal. which run from Victoria
and Vancouver up thei Alaskan
cnait to Skacway.
rial gift to posterity without a cor
responding burden of expense,
Th dedicatory service begin at !:30
P. M. Dr. C. II. Chapman will deliver
the principal address. A special mu
sical programme will be rendered, by
artist of the city. The public nas
been Invited and free automobile aer-
vlre between Ients. on the Mount Scott
rarllne. and Watson Station, on the
Caxadero line, and the cemetery, a dis
tance of one mile, ha been provided.
Giant Fir Is 8 1-2 Feet in Di
ameter, 25 1-2 Feet Around.
On fcochtem Ranch, S Mile FVom
Portland L.lmll, Valuable Timber
of Immtoac t?lxr Has Bern Il
covcrrd by Logging Crew.'
Within three miles of the city limits
cf Portland on the South slope of
Mount Scott, the ranch of Tony Seen
ten boast a giant fir tree auch as one
would expect to find In the heart of
the wildest forest. Twenty-five feet.
six Inches In circumference and eight
feet, six Inches In diameter. It la fully
ltt feet from the ground to the first
branches) and Mr. Sechten estimates the
full height of the tree at nearly 300
feet. .
Tree Tea Bis; For Sana,
Some time ago he sold the timber
on the uncleared portion of hi ranch
to a sawmill company. The trees of
ordinary alxe were quickly cleared
way. but when the tlmbermen came to
this one. they decided that It was too
large for them to . handle with tlie
equipment at hand, and It will probably
be left standing for some time to come.
While It Is the largest tree on the
ranch. It is by no means the only large
one that has been left standing. Two
of these large trees, nearly six feet
In diameter, stand very close together.
and have been christened by Mr. Sech-
ten, "Adam and Eve."
I.aad 1 Rich.
Mr. Sechten has owned this ranch
for many years, although he was en
gaged In business In Portland. At the
present time he haa a home both In the
city and on his ranch, and makes his
trip back and forth In an automobile.
About 10 acre of the land Is still un
cleared and &0 acres are under cultiva
tion, bearing strawberries and other
mall fruit. After the timber. has been
cleared from this section, the extreme
fertility of the soil lias proved It an
unusually fine district for fruit culture.
Oddfellows Grand Master Plans
Novel Visiting Trips.
W. A. Wheeler, elected grand master
of th grand lodge of the Oddfello'
order of the state at Pendleton, has
TaKurned. and has already outlined a
novel official trip througn the state
this year, visiting lodge, mainly by
automobile. Heretofore, It baa been
the practice of grand master to visit
the lodges on the main traveled rail
roads and towns easy of access, while
remote lodges were visited seldom and
many never have cen the head of the
order, ltut Mr. Wheeler plan to spend
practically all his time during good
weather visiting the remote lodges,
using his automobile. He will fit up
his automobile so he can camp out at
any place ha may desire while on the
After Investigation Mr. Wheeler came
lo the conclusion that an automobile
ill be the best vehicle of transporta
tion In covering the state, besides tt
ill be a trip of Interest, fie will be
the first head of any organisation to
e an automobile In this manner.
Mr. Wheeler Is a member of Orient
Ixvdge. No. 17, and ha been a member
or the order since 1SS4. Joining at
Ketchem. Idaho. He Is a son of Jacob
Wheeler, an Oregon pioneer. For so
ars he was puMlsher and editor of
he Pacific Oddfellow, which he re
ently disposed of.
The salvation Army recently stated that
Its propertv hoHlnss la the United States
exceed l&oOO.OOO la value.
Proposal Is lo Have Capital Itaised
by Bond Issue and Directors
Appointed by Conrt,
For several reasons, lawyers are not
Isposed to consider seriously a pro
posed Initiative measure, offered by
cltlsens of Jackson County, by which
the organisation of the "Taxpayers' Na
tional Bank of Jackson County" Is
contemplated. It 1 because of the) nu
merous and apparently valid reasons
why such a mesatire could not be en
acted and if enacted would not be con
stitutional, that those who have studied
the measure at all are about convinced
that the authors of the bllL whose names
have not been made public, are them
selves not serious in suggesting such
Briefly, the plan proposes the estab
lishment of such a National bank In
Jackson County, whose directors shall
be seven men. to be appointed by the
County Court. Authority 1 also con
ferred on the County Court to Issue
2-year. non-Interest bearing bonds to
the amount of ll.ftOO.OOO, to be secured
by the assessable property of the coun
ty, estimated to be worth about 140.
000.000. The bonds so Issued, provides
the bill, are to be deposited in the Na
tional Treasury at Washington In ex
change for currency therefor. The
County Treasurer Is made cashier of
the proposed National Bank and he and
the members of the County Court are
to receive no salary other than that
already allowed them under the law.
In the opinion of Portland lawyers
the scheme Is not only Inconsistent In
a general way with the Initiative
amendment of the state constitution
but In essential details It does not con
form to the requirements of the Na
tional statutes regulating these insti
In the first place the title of the bill
declares tor raising funds for making
public Improvements In Jackson Ccuntj'
while the body of the Initiative meas
ure makes no reference to such im.
provements. A further constitutional
objection Is urged against the measure
for the reason that It proposes the ere-
aaaasa" " af alV T JS Va. Ta SPK ess
'vl'rtH.u"'"o.A!,i ..
Awaits the Home-Maker
Down at
Put our statement to the test when we say that every advantage that any
land ever afforded a family awaits, the home-maker down at Columbia Acres.
The richest of soil, the finest water, an abundance of fuel, good roads,
ideally located homesites, easily cleared, splendid transportation facilities, school and
church, progressive neighbors. After you have investigated all other propositions in seeking
land for a farm and orchard home ; after you have summed up the facilities and advantages
of each have taken into consideration those thing's that are most advantageous to the
home-maker in the development and operation of the farm home and the price, then go
down to Columbia Acres and satisfy yourself as to the merits and possibilities of this
fertile section. It's a certainty that, taking into consideration everything, you cannot do
as well elsewhere. 5
$40 to $60 an Acre
are the present low prices. It 'rill cost you
more to get it a few months hence. Any num
ber of acres to the buyer. So easy have wo
made it for you to take op one of these tracts
that you can do so right away. Get acquainted
with us; let us tell you more about our propo
sition. No obligation on your part to buy
all the information you want will be cheerfully
given. Our office open evenings on Mondays
and Thursdays for those who are unable to
come iu during the day.
Cut Out, Sign, and Mail to Us at Once.
Kindly send me map and other-matter pertain
ing to Columbia Acres.
Name ...
ation of a liability against the county
in excess of that authorized under the
state constitution. Furthermore, tt Is
entirely out of harmony with the Na
tional banking laws in the matter of
the organization of the bank, its per
sonnel of officers and the manner oT
their appointment and election.
Former Wltntvs In Police Cases Is
Locked Vp for Misdemeanor.
Because of a conviction for a misde
meanor and the Imposition of a fine of
.0 In Municipal Court yesterday, Louis
Sossman. under parole on a charge of
taking the earnings of a dissolute wom
an, lost his liberty by order of Judge
Gatens, yesterday afternoon, and must
serve a year In the penitentiary unless
pardoned. Chairman Coffey, of the
police committee, of the Executive
Board, under whose direct supervision
the original conviction of Sossman was
worked out, went to the Police Station
In hot haste after this action was taken
and hurried Patrolmen Sherwood and
Miller out to catch the man and turn
him over to the Sheriff. Sossraan had
paid the fine of $20 Imposed by the
Municipal Court.
Back of these proceedings yesterday
Is a long story, touching at many
points the series of revelations which
have been made within the past year
with reference to police affairs. Soss
man was arrested by Detective Lytle,
whose connection with the police force
ceased soon afterward. Sossman came
from his term, at the rockpile vowing
all sorts of revelations, and was a wit
ness before the grand Jury which re
turned a number of indictments.
Programme la Prepared for Dedk-a-tlon
of Mount Scott Bnrial Place.
T' dedication of Mount S--ott Park
Cem-terr at - ! P. M. next Thursday.
nco atlcn dv. marks the passing of
fie .ld-faaMoned graveoard Its
jloonv and unkept appearance, iril
the romtrg of t.";e modern park and
lawn cemetery.
Ail Casters clues have their park
S t'-r-?'-; r " I';?.-'' VV-'ir- X l.K-fit'-i
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l3 yo4iw Y-t)
I tow crnTe BEiri larues
T Or A GftOt P OF BKi KIHS 0
Accused Slanderer Held to Jury.
ROSEBURG. Or May 25. (Special.)
Accused of uttering false and scan
dalous statementa relative to, Mrs. H.
W. Kerr, daughter-in-law of President
Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural Col-
lege. Frank Rogers, a cook, was held
yesterday to appear before the grand
Jury during the regular May term of
the Circuit Court. Mrs. Kerr was re
cently taken to Mercy Hospital, and It
was whiie she was a patient at that
Institution that Rogers is alleged to
have made the defamatory remarks.
Rogers formerly worked for Mr. Kerr,
who has charge of the Portland cement
quarries near thla city. Rogers is th
first man arrested In Douglas Count
under the statute governing the utter
ance of false and scandalous state
ments in many years..
8. Hancurf
fnr nomination
fnr Sheriff
ls. ca
W. Ho
Dr. Wm. Pfunder s
Has for Nearly Half a Cen
tury enjoyed the confidence and
patronage of thousands.
Its virtues well tested are
mainly derived from the na
tive products of our state.
A most -valuable alterative
and regrulator.
For sale by all druggists at
Or 3 Bottles for S2.50
Dr. Wm. Pfunder Co.
Portland, Oregon
"The Beauty of
Oriental Floor
Never Fails"
A Rich Silky
for your Summer home
what more beautiful
rug could you havef Its deep, rich colorings will harmonize per
fectly with your other furnishings. These rugs come in sizes from
24 feet to room sizes. A special purchase enables us to offer about
300 of these at prices fully
4 Below
what they ordinarily sell for. They are marked so low that this
sale truly marks an event, a rare opportunity to cover your floors
with taste and economy.
Our twenty years' specializing in the finest grades of Oriental
floor coverings, and our large and exclusive assortment, marked
conscientiously low, assure you absolute satisfaction.
Oriental Rug
in the West
Atiyeh Bros.
Tenth and Alder Street
A Proven
When your lite is ebbior sway from the ravage of this
disease, yon should take
Warner' Safe Diabetes Remedy gs
rth has been proo throorh 35 years anrint; which tt
nas broagoi reuci te mowiimii v aMwco.-.
-i tluM . mt ... ..r-fntlv ftrensred froBI doctors uiaam.lfLiHfSIS
ZLa . Im nraarrih nle for the disease iadicssed br its nasM. Sack
lor iu rwrpose stands iipreme. Their purity asd fiaeacy base
bses recognized by all. Sold by all aracguia.
XX. mrt uiU. ACTUAL 1W a-af " '
WirWl Safe RamadiM Ca,
',. DH. 265 "
a'WXV'V if ,"S" a-A