The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 69

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    Till' SUNDAY OKEf.OMAN. rOKTLAND. MA V 10, 1912.
...:!B Lead. '"B12 CHld fromfeEduGa'lion.
of ihe 9zns2s,' io Iaeas.'
i r - V. - -jr
n- i
fttv Co.. .Nw York Cur
"I don't bl It:"
Tbl would nmturatlv be the opinion
f th old-taMn! trarir when told
t thm wonderful edur&tlonal retilt
reomrl'' d by thm wurld-f jmutil
nethodm of tir. Iarl Mootrinorl In
ducttiiff Ttaltan rhlldren of frxm t ta
yere. cMldren o far In advance, of
ther chtlircn of like )nn :hmt the
din- 1 like a fairy tale from won
The book l aitrartlTely written and
:a me!taiie ! eo nrw. so aurprtalnclT
ood that It hmild be read by all a
enta and Kuartilans the world over, at
aet by ail who cat read Kngltuh.
vmonir the Mnnteaanrt puplia are chll
ren of four, who have learned to
Mte In alx weeke of tntrurtion. and
t haa been noticed that when the Mon
eseorl puplla are tranpferred to irraded
choole they are letter prepared In
ha requlrej auhjerta than older pu
ll of the regular ilftn; and In ed
ition to thla. have a poise. aelf-con-rol.
an accuracy and Initiative whirls
m'.p them to achieve rapid advanre-
watchlne; Pr. Iunle.ort and her
culler K-hnoli eUed 'VhlUlren'a
.oueea" at Home. ItaLv. I
The feminine erhoot leathers who
nok on the teat-hlne- irofeesltn slmnlr I
swift etepplnc stone and near- t
'ren a -kids."" and who are generally
srood aa teachers, are warned away '
rom tnta hook. It mlicht make them -
ui ici trie lime .n 11 rir I rp.
or very a.iame. e are a icrm -omed
aa Americana to oat ourselves
the bark and think that we exist
.Ipcovered America. J
The book extend to 3T7 ages, and
written In common icne. modest
he Italian by Anne 11. George, and an
ntroductlnn U Itlven hy Irofeesor
ienry W. Holmes, of Harvard lnl
pace, and while lrofesior lluimrl
u rTi a ri 1 1 1 . 1 1 i rrmariii are I4f ifi)
ricltal. and he suKtfeets a rvmprumi".
rnooi crtuurrn in inia couniry. ana
nere r
In her f!rt r rcrarh. Pr. Monies-
resent a treatise on s.-lentiftr peda-
uev. lite mt'ui urrix'i i i.irc in
orap'ete notrs la to ute the rf-.u'ts
f an experiment at naient'.y
ini the ear for putting Irlo prni--e
these near prtn'lple ( p-irn-e
revolntlonise the work of educ.-on-"
About li yeara ao Pt. 5Ii'nte
ri was a"istant dictator at the
svchlatrle elinlo ef the I nlversity of
tonne, an-4! she bad occasion to vtitt
Imartt as? turns to sttidv t!'.e al k
hie war - became Interested In the
liol cr.lliiren who were In that time
oaae.l In the, seneral Insiine as turns.
then beitan to think that mental
rflrlency preserved chiefly a peU-
Toblirn, and to atudy the eaaea. pre-
.tven by that vreat ealu -atlonnl special.
-I, r.4Kr1 rriuin. rutf i.ivniih t,a
far as backward children were cn-
erned. that -esjutn's voice waa as tea
elce rrlrr in the wt Ide-rnep-i : ' I're-
are ye the aar of the Lord.
In January. iat. fr. Montc-sorl ai
iood eV-heol ftuillirtir. to open a
nent hotse In Quarter of an l.o-
nso. This wa the first of Ir. ln-
rssorl's "children's houses. and was
successful that others were advled
star, under the care of selected teach
rs. Seats In the M'T.teesort schools
re not nalla.l tt the f ,xtr but permit
it cni.dren never stAnu at worn.
'hare are connected with aarh bouse
question m dtrectneva, a physician
.11.1 cairiaaar. i ne i : ; n: i.n n v a u
lire, rlejn In body and clothtna. and
e provided with a suitable spron. Chll- I
ren who persist in being unclean and ,
efuse to be disciplined are expelled.
hoc I hours are, in Winter, s A. X.
IPX. and In Summer, from $ A.
4, to y. W. with one hour In the
nldd!a of t!e day for s.eep. Lunch Is
kervrd In school.
Teachers examine the puplis bands.
loevtx. ears, face and teeth: and care is
1ven to tidiness of the hair. The chll.
ren are given a bath, in turn, and ar
aught hew to tk a fot bath. ltots t T
kiv,B are rl.h In fat and uftn hut
f curM, erfo- ta and litiur
'orbldden. Thrro are no 'Vtwrfn'
-a!-v Children ara ften orokM. to
orhtspora. and thero are lntrreatlriC
onca same. "I eslabliaU a solriua
silence ii
windows, have tie children bow their
beads upon their bands which they
hold In front of their eyes. Then I
tall the children by name, one by one.
In a whisper, llnhter for those who are
nearer me and more cle-arly for those
farther awar. Kach child await". In
the darkness, the faint rob which
culls htm. listening Intently, ready to
run with keenest Joy toward the rtiya
terlous and much desire-! call.' Who
shall say that such a test does not Im
prove! a child's powers of hearing?.
Letters are written by children of
four years old, letters without blot or
erasure. Oood apeed Is attained with
letters made of sandpaper which chil
dren "feel." An Instance la re-corded
wliero a child of :S years old, was
able, after being taught by other chil
dren, to recognise the letter F. School
banquets were held at which the wait
ers were 4-year-old children who car
ried big tureens filled with hot soup.
Not one mistake waa made, not a glass
was broken, and not a drop of soup
spilled. On paga S, Is a copy of a let
ter written In excellent style, by a
child of five years.
Tubttc opinion would not probably
support the Monteasorl methods In this
country as yet.
Head the book.
Art ef rep uei sssltblag, be Jnhn Fuller. r.
llluatrstr.i. Lavid Williams Co.. New
York city.
This book is the fourth edition of
sn already well-known presentation
on working sheet copper Into all forms,
from the viewpoint of an Englishman
who has bad more than Co years' ex
perience at hla trade of coppersmith
Ing. It Is eminently a book for Indus
trious young men anxious to excel at
the trade and to advance to preferment
In It.
The reason for the being of the book
Is thus frankly given by Its enterpris
ing author In speaking of his early
working -lays: "I Jotted down Instinc
tively in my memory each practical
lesson In the shop, which was my only
record. After using every means at my
command to obtain the education nec
essary, wrestling In the little spars
t-m- nllotfe) to roe In the evening
Sunday Services in City Churches
Tnu White Tmplx Twelfth and Taylor
itrvvia ft-, w. li- Hltwo. patr.
r.ibi school; cI&m far all 11. pmch-
lm by ih pa tor; thm, "Who la (od ?
RM.ttn r (third in rl; 1. H. T.
f I ., ttim. "Why aiwt How to PUim
rhnt - l-i br C a. IiKt: 7 JO. irchtn
hr lh fvlr ; I harm. 'Whl You Looa
Lukt"; tvAt'tiMn.
t sot -!, Kut Anhnr ard TwontlMh
atrreM Rv. AU-rt Khrpntt, nur.ltcr. 10.
ftindar K-hKil; II. "A Tarr of bov";
jk-A, jeunf ot-"fflo tntlnc. t " A Min-tt-r
Valedictory.' i-"t rvtce C pro-
at pastor.
Kaat rrty-?lh otroot. cmmr Mali Ro.
A. It. Waits. pator Humli or ho. e S:
or.Mp. ii. topi.'. "Wltriout WartDs"; T.
IV . I. X : 9, topic. "How OooV t d HIS
li.rni Hand.
tirar. MontaTllla RT. Alhort & Tt-h.
ptof. tuadr -liool, 43. 11. Hrmun
tot!". "Ou- Ad-orato": a . Ttne poopio'S
mooting: T iX topic. -Our Uln B-aror.'
mh:ttd. Alrwrta and Fmot Kutli atroots
orih K-v. ChariM Huttott Rllloit, pastor.
11, f-aotorml eninmitt oermofl.; th. "My
Krothor-o Koopor"; J, H. Y. f. proach
ing hr tho taator ; tatrtao. "IUo'e Strucglo
acd Vletory.'
Taboraac.e. fjaot Torty -oocond at root and
Hoirate wnut Kt. llJbort Gray, pastor.
Hrrmon ttplro: 11. -1d tT tho Tmw';i
T a. -rr.Unf Around Jsu", Mfcaday
khooL io: t. I. ip. c. E-. a i.
Third. Kbmi B:rt at4 'aaeooTor Tno
i;r. Wet-Jy J. Ba-ion. ptor. II. "T
irnfi nt Saturo of thm Hiy ln!nt"; i.
trmrxranoo tnootms. IHuotratcd looturo. In
chare of tho Antl-ocn Loouo, Hi Mo
. hxvoL oo; B. . F. t-, T; prayor oorrioo,
Ar.ota. ity-fmrth stroot and Forty
oth!H irtnw outbaot Rt. Zuraa Me
F..a.l, ri"r- 1A Sunday orhoo;; ii, or
ma; IX 1 T. P. I'.i 10. ooimoa, bap-
jit. Jotn Ro. B. r. Cfcoaop. pastor. 1U
and &.
I BltoraKy Park Rot. A- C. Vaxtott. r
tor. Prvarhlac. 11 ana T:tO; Sunday ochooi.
Io; B. T. I. I -,
iTa aa m .oaioQ. l rrrot otroot Rt. F.
an a.. a. missionary. iToacaiAS. . Suaday
ochool. .
i'aJarr. Eat Elytitb and Orant etroot-a-
I. N. Mnroo, paator. Mrvtcoa. 11 a&4
T Jo; Susdar ocbool. 1; H. T. P. L' a.JO.
av echoe
lonto Hot. j. M- Nolsoa. paotor. iu. ua-
dar ocbooi: 11, oarrlcoo; Id. T. F. C-
T Ji. artroa.
Mount Oti-rot. Pve-nU and Cvorott otroots
Kt. W. A. Mai-tt. paotor. !- too a. 11
Sad ; ftutJay av-h-oi. 13.10k.
i-liab. K-ftaon.h and Uoyt stroota Rot.
pTod-nr Llnd-oa. paator. ouxday school,
ir. B. T. P- V. li.
Lroato Rr. J Ikl. N'otooa. paator. torr
froa. 11 and T 30; Sunday ochool, 1: B. T.
F. t - X
ImmannW. FTnd and Moado atroota Rot
H K R irk. pator. Proacbtn. 0 V aal
H'; uT.lay ochool. 12: loa'-hora tralslnc
.. ; praor mootta. iivimi-, i
ItuaoitTiI aoh-o.MOtta. andrr aaaplroo r4
Graro i'hurfV Mntavilia 4-wnday orhool
proarm bj Kav. Aibort "ateh. i
( bin coo M.aa.oa, WJ Ruraotdo ir i -n.
t av Soot. J. O. Mi-un. oupofintoodnt.
unra-l- lOtrnaa), 1 ort -arat atroot aad
with such books as came In my way,
storing my mind Indefinitely for sev
eral years with whatever seemed likely
to be useful. I went to London. Her
I rsnsacked every old bookstall I could
find, hoping to find some guide to the
copper trade, but all In vain. I never
discovered a line to help me. I then
resolved to exert every effort to ac
quire the necessary ability, so that
when a favorable opportunity should
offer, I could give my exr erlence or
the benefit of boys placed in the same
unfortunate position as I was." This
personal explanation Is dated from
.Seneca. Kan., and Its honesty and spirit
of altruism must be commended.
The tab! of contents: Historical
sketch of copper; braslers art. or light
coppersmlthlng; first year's experi
ences; repairing and tinning; the boy's
second rear; making washing coppers;
making small brewing coppers; table
of dimensions and capacity; making
hand bowla; making frying pans, water
balls, etc; mounting for copper goods;
glue-pots and tea-kettlea; oval tea
kettles; beer mullers; funnels; coffee-
pots: saucepana and pudding pots;
stewpans: stock pots; fish and turbot
kettles; braxlng pans: tea boilers;
warming pans; preserving pans; drip
ping pans and ladles; coal snoops and
coal hods; making coal scoops: plan
ishing and smoothing: cranes or syp
hons: pumps; appliances of railway or
marine coppersmiths; making copper
pipe; piecing ami Joining pipes: the
fire pots: fir pot set for braxlng Joint;
soft-soldering large Joints: making
templates: filling and bending: mak
ing bends: template boards; patching
pipes; outlets; expansion Joints; tee
pieces; three-wsy'pleees; cross of four
way pieces: saddle fire; marine work;
making large and double bends; brax
lng on flanges: short bends; air-pipes
for stilps; making hollow spheres:
braxlng aheet brass: locomotive brass
work; brsxlng the Joint of valve chim
neys: brass dome covers; heavy pipes
for breweries: brewing coppers or ket
tles: dome coppers: dome and pan cop
pers: tallow and dyers' coppers: stills;
sugar-house work: sugar t leches; de
factors; film evaporators; vacuum
pans; coppersmith's plugs, and Index.
The pssres number Sl. and the hook
Hawthorn avenue ffunday school. :15;
Coararf U Tit. auDorlntendent.
Heiiwood. Eleventh otroot and Taroma ave
nue Kov. F. H. ftayea, paator. Prrachins,
11 and 7 JO; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. V
a .in.
'rirwt Oerman. Fourth and Mm streeta
Rot. J. Krato paator. inervicea, ii ana (.jv,
bunday ochool. :..
Sooond tlrman. Morrta otreot and Rodney
ivnu Kov. rro.WI'-k Hu-rrman. pator.
Hjnday school, v.; iirvaxlunf, 11 and T:M;
B. Y. P- L
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth aad Mill
etroeta Father. Low maa. hth
maoa and Hrmon, lrS0; Tospers and bono
dlctlon. 7: JO.
Atof-naion. ' Boat "orenty-sl-atb and Kaat
Mnrrloon otroeta Rev. Jimm B. Fltapatrlck.
rector. 1ov maaa. ; blch maaa and sermon.
lo.: ftunday achool. 1; benediction of
tSo bleaood aacrmmont, 7.3o; weekdays, maa
it. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and
Pavls atroota Moot Rev. A. Chrtatie. IX D.
Low maaa, . I and 9: hish maaa and ser
mon, 11: Toapors. instruction and banodlc
tion. 7:4S.
Holy Crosa. rnlrorwtty Park Rot. C R.
Flnoer. Low maaa. :J; hlh mass and
aormon. 10 SO; veapera and benediction. 4.
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Willtams
nuo and btasloa treat Kov. W. A. Daly.
Low maoa. 4. and : hisb maaa and aer-
snon. 1 J; veepers and benediction. 7:10.
flL Praitcta. ICaat Twelftn between Pino
and Oak trta Kev. Father Black Low
maaa. : bih maaa and sermon. 10 rea
per. Inetrucllon and benediction. 7;.
Su Andrew a. luaat Ninth aad Aiborta
otroeta iter. Thomas Xternan. Low maaa.
S; hih maoa and oermoa. 11 veapera. in
irocttoa and benediction. 7:1.
Holy Roaary. taat Third and Clarkamaa
otrvoia Very Rot. U. H- Kelly. O. P. Low
maaa. . f. and ; ht h 'maaa and aormon.
1 1 : veapera and benedict Ion. 7 : JO.
St. Lawrence corner Third and Sherman
otrreta R. J. t. liuchea Low maaa, a.
9 aad : fcish mass and aer men. 1 JO, o
pora, inatructloa and benediction. 7:J9.
Flrot, park and Madiaon a tree to Re v. L.
R. Dyott. I. mtntatrr 9A Bible
school; 11 and 7 43. divine worehlp. with
aermons by the minister; morn ins, "Look
at the Other Side"; evrnlof. "When Political
I'andidatao Fisbt What Should practical
Painoia lof fS SO. T. p. S. O. Jv-
L'nlvaralty Park. Baven atreet, near Lom
bard Kev. W. C. Kantner. D. D-, paator.
11. Tbe Everlaatinc Yea"; IO. Sunday
or-hool; 7. Y- P. S. O. E. ; 8. addre by aire.
Kantner. state preaklrnt Woman a Homo
Missionary Inloa.
Atkinson Memorial Rer. Herbert Gould
Crocker, pastor. Bible school. 9:46; morning
worship, 11; Christina Endeavor. 45; avca.
tnir worship, T 44.
Hishiand. Kaat Ptxtb and Preecott Rot.
C . Balllnser. pastor. Id. Sunday school;
11 and I i worship. "The White Flover"
t Mothers Pa : evening- service by tho
Brotherhood, addreoa by B- Huntington;
It. Intfrmedtata Endeavor; 6:4a, Y- P
C. K
Monnt Zion. Rev. t. R Cray, minister. 10.
Fund ay school, 11, sermon, oo "W bat to
Sexk First "
riunn-r'td. Fast Tavlor and Cast Tbtrtv-
ecoad streets Kov. J. J. biaub. If. IX. paa
baa practical common sense written all
over it.
We are Indebted to Joseph H. Jor
dan, of this city, for the loan of this
book for the purpose of review. Mr.
Jordan Is a personal friend of the au
thor who is 711 years old. "Art of Cop-
persmlthlnif" Is noticed at this length '
becaut-e of Its Importance as an edii- j
cative, industrial lucior.
Hiram Blair, by Drew Tufts. 1.!... Illus
trated. A. c. McClurg & Co.. Chicago.
Well done "Hiram Blair." It's one
long chuckle drawn to a lingering
lauh. picturing rural scenes In and
around the two rival towns of Morri
son and New Boston, the former the
metropolis and the latter the county
seat of Ioiiftrius County, lnd. The hero
Is Hiram Blair, Sheriff of Douglas
County, lnd., and he was "the typical
Indiana countryman, tall, lank, awk
ward in bearing, but posset-King great
Btrenglh in his loosely hung limbs. He
wan drtssed like a farmer, with ill
fitting gray clothes and a wlde
brlmmed white felt hat, such as is
nearly always worn by the County
Sheriff." Hiram is a natural-born humorist-
A pleasant, love story runs
through the book, and several of Its
bits of wisdom and observation are:
"Kf I had my way a nian'd have to
court a gal li or I'O years before he
could marry her. Then everybody' be
happy that long anyway."
Kf "St. Paul wuz to come back on
alrth an' offer me a hoss, saying it
wus a six-year-old. the fust thing I'd
do would be to look at Its teeth."
"Walt, hain't it ever struck y-ou how
easy It Is fer a feller to make a gosh
durned fool of hlsself?"
"There air one thinir I've always said
fer whisky when other people wus
talking agin it. It'll git a man Inter
trouble but It's always ready to help
him ferglt It."
"There ain't no full-blooded man llv
ln. Miss Basavtt, that kin keep all ten
of the commandments all the time."
Hiram Is a 1912 David Harum.
The Melting of Molly, by vtarim ThomiMoai
Dairies. 11- Illustrated. The Bubbs
Merrlll Co., Indiana i-olis.
Miss Molly weighs 168 pounds,
stands S feet 3 Inches, Is about 2ft years
old and at .he time this laughing lit
tle tale opens she had been engaged
eight years to Alfred Bennett, who
was absent on foreign diplomatic ser
vice for the Government. News arrives
that Alfred is coming home. Molly I
too stout. Will she be able to hold his
love when she understands that his
ideal Is a allm-walsted girl of the
Blessed Damoxel type? How she very
deliberately makes herself thin and
what occurs when her Alfred arrives,
la one long, delicious laugh. "Molly"
Is a sure cure for the blues.
Northamptonshire, by M. W Brown. 45 cents.
o. Ir. Putnam's sons, jsew iors iuj.
This book of 215 pages has been read
with uncommon Interest. It 1 a guide
book to and an historical description
of the county or shire of Northampton,
Kngland. and the story Is told with
skill and clearness. The land de
scribed Is finely cultivated like a gar
den, with cathedrals, stately mansions.
etc. The Illustrations, there aro 71 of
them, are very good.
The Minister of Police, by Henry Mountjoy.
11.25 Illustrated. The Bobbs-aiernil c o.,
Indiana polla
Here, to one" great surprise. Is a 11 S
novel of French life written as if Du
mas were alive today. It Is a story of
the France of Louis XV. with gay Paris,
It Bastille, the muttering of the com-
ng revolution, Madame du Harry,
Mousses u. the dreamer and early So
cialist, Comte de rlartlnes Minister of
police Duo de Ktchelleu, the Deautirui
Baroness Bophle Linden. Comte de Lus
sao. and others of a brilliant company.
There are no horrors In It. but plenty of
ctlon and delicate humor.
Sex Hygiene, by O. Frank T.ydston, M. D.
'.'.;s. Illustrated. The Hlverton Press,
Cliltaco. 111.
Free from quack suggestion, this
treatise Is written from a medical point
of view by a regularly graduated phy
sician. It advises against drugging and
medical self-treatment, and, in plain
Kngllsh, contains advice worth Its
weight In gold, advice telling Just what
the adult male ought to give to the
boy on problems of sex. The message Is
marked by delicacy and wisdom. More
than this cannot be said in a newspaper.
TTa Fms ef Getting Thin, by' namu.1 O.
P-lytlie. 85 cents. Forbes & Co.. Chicago.
Mr. Blytho Is the champion fat-man
humorist of America, and to hear him
laugh Is worth a good deal. In this
little book of 68 pages he tells how he
got rid of 65 pounds of his excessive
fat. simply by not worrying and eating
less food than had been hla custom.
Wise man! He actually found out that
be had been eating too much. Mr.
Blythe's latest story or rather, essay,
told with breezlness and gravity that
are very funny.
tor. HTvlcea at 11 and 8: Sunday achool,
!; Christian Endeavor, :45: topics of ser
'mona. "The "ummer of the tfoul" and Tho
Whole Creed In Two Words."
Central, Fast Twentieth snd Salmon
streets Dr. J. V. Ghormlsv mill speak t
II; ih-me. "Pearls of the Faith": S, "Tbe
Newest Thought.' Hpecial song and praise
aervlces, led l.y Arehlo A. Bailey.
First, park and Columbia streets- Vv. W.
F- Reagor. minister. 8r vices. II and 7
atihjocts. "A Trinity of hhlning trtuas and
"Tho tnemy of lha Soul"; bunday school.
S:i0; Christian Endeavor, 6:20.
Flrot. Klnotoenth and Evorott 11 and 9.
leaonn -aormon. "Mortals' and Immortals';
Sunday achool after morning service; Wed
nesday e van lug serrlco, a.
Focond. Woodmen's Hall. Eaat firth and
Alder- 1 1 and , lesson -sermon. "Mortsla
and Immortais; Punday school, Jl ; Wed
nesday evening s-cr lc. 8.
Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. Dr. A. A. M orrlson, rector. Servtcat
S, 11 and : Sunday school. t:4i.
St. Matthew's, First and Caruthero streets
Rot. W. A. M. Brock, In charge. Sunday
school. 10; service, II; sermon by tho Kev.
K. K. Browning, of Harsh He id.
All-Salnu. Twenty-Afth and FaHer si rests
-Kev. K. K. Remington, raotor. Sunday
oi-hooi. S:4ft; holy communion and sermon.
11; evening service, ft.
St. Michael s and All Angels.' Thirty,
eighth and Broadway Archdeacon Cham
bers in charge. Morning service, 11; Sunday
school, 14; no evening service.
bt. John's. Mtiwaukie Rev. T. F. Bowea
la charge. Sorvlcoa and sermon, I.
Good Shepherd, Graham and Vancouver
avenueo -Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sun
day school. t:4S; morning- service. 11; eve
ning service. 7: JO-
bu Marks', Twenty-flrst and Marshall
Rev. J. E. K. Simpson, rector. 7 js. holy
eucharist; i:4. Sunday achool : 14:1. matins
and litany; 11. holy eurhariat; evensong, t.
U-a- Memorial. Weldler and East Sev.
onteenth North Holy communion. ; morn
ing prayer and sermon. 11; evening prayer
and oermoa, 7:14; Sunday school, 14.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen ths Martyr.
Thirteenth and Clay Rev. li. M. Ramsey,
vicar. Holy communion, 7;J4; Sunday
achool. 14; morning service, 11; servlee for
colore a people, s; ovening prayer, ? :sa.
St. David's. East Twelfth and Belmont
Rev. H. R. Talbott, rector. Holy euchartst.
7: J4; Sunday srbool. :4S; morning; prayer.
1 1 : celebrauon of holy eucbarlat tho first
Sunday of Uie month; evening prayer, 9.
St. John's Memorial. East Ftfteenth and
Harney Rst. T. F. Bo wen. yctor. Holy
oommunton, t; Sunday school, 10; morning
Service, 11; evening service. 7:10.
St. Andrews. Portamoutb- Re. Arcbdesv
oon Chambers, in charge. Sunday achool.
10; evening service, 7: JO.
Church of Our Savior. Woodstock avenue
and Forty-am Southeast Kev. E. H. Clark
In charge. Regular sarv tcos and 1L
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Oood Sa
maritan Hospital- Kv. W. R. Posjeil. chap
lain. Services. I.
Fl-st 1'nlted, Kast SiTteenth and Poplar
at recta lLadd tract) Kov. C C poling.
Mrs. Clark Tisher Becomes Wife of Argentine Lieutenant Actress Deserts Stage to Manage Social Affairs
Daughter of Chinese Minister Christens CruiserMiss Lathrop Becomes First Bureau Head.
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EW YORK, May 18. (Special.)
Mrs. HarrUt White Fishrr, better
known Mrs. Clark F'sher, has
married again. Mrs. Fisher pained
fame as a business woman, a traveler
and a motorist. She is almost as well
known as Mme. Camilla Dugast, that
versatile French woman who ia now
civilising the Moors.
Mrs. Andrew, for that is the new
name of Mrs. Clark Fisher, some year
ago married one of the owners of the
Fisher & Norris anvil manufactory. Her
husband died, leaving her little but his
Interest in the business. Mrs. Fisher
determined to continue the business,
and she qualified for its management
by going among the men and learning
very detail of the factory. She could
make- an anvil herself If she wanted to
do eo. The business prospered under
her, and she is now a woman of wealth.
pastor. Preaching by tho pastor. 11 and S;
morning, "Perfect Loto ;" evening, "Tho
Mystery of Godliness;" tfunday school, 10;
Christian Endeavor. 7. Union servlca at
In First Church of tho Evanrrllcal Asso
ciation on East Sixth street- Bishop Brey
foget will preach.
Evangelical Association, East Sixth and
Market K"V. V. B. Culver, pastor. Sunday
school, O:..; preachlnc, 11 and S. Y. P. A..
7; Bishop 8. C. BreytVyse! will speak at 8:4A.
United Evangelical, Ockley Green, corner
Willamette Boulevard and Gay street Kev.
j. Buwemox, pastor. Preaching-, 11 and 7;30;
Sunday school, IO; C. E.. &:30.
Funnyalde, East Thlrty-flfth and Main
Rev. L. A. Wo lis, pastor. Preaching 11 and
7:41 Blblo school, :43; Christian Endeavor,
:4R; midweek prayer meeting, Tnursaay,
Lents. South Mnln street Rev. M. B.
Rmirh oaator. Preachins; 11 and 7:4.: Bible
school, n.4"; Chriatian Endeavor, 6:45; mid
week prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45.
West Piedmont, Uorthwick. ana jessup
Rev. T. J. Coburn. pastor. Preaching, 11
and 7:45; Bible school. IO; midweek prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:4.
St. James" English. West Park and Jef
feraon War vices by Rev. P. W. H. Frede
rick at 11 and 8; Sunday school, 10; Junior
and Senior Luther League, 7.
St. Paul's German. East Twelfth and
Clinton streets Rev. A. Krause, pastor.
Sundav achool. 9:30; mornlnjc service. 1:30;
English ssrvlcs, S; Blblo lesson and Young
Peoples mooting, Tnursaay, o.
St. Johns. Peninsula avenue and Kll
patrlck streets Sunday school. 2; service, .1.
lulled Norwegian. 45 North Fourteenth
street Norwegian service, with communion,
11: Enalifh service. 7:30; Sunday school, IO.
Vernon Branch. Lundy's Hall, Aiborta and
East Fifteenth street north Kev. Ditman
Larsen. pastor. Sunday school, 9:301 preach.
Uig. 7:30-
Grace English (Missouri Synod), comer
Kerby and Fnrgo streets Carl M. Hassold,
pastor. Services, 10.20 and 7:30; Sunday
avhool. :10.
German Evangelical Zlon Church (Missouri
Synod), corner Salmon and Chapman streets
Service. 10:1 and 7:46; Sunday school,
Hetanla Danish Tho Danish Church and
societies will Join in a memorial service
to commemorate tha death of King Fred
orlck VIII. who died May 14. The singing
society, I'anneborg, win sing, and several
pak era beside tho pastor will address th
meet in. All Danes era moat cordially in
Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Church,
corner East Tenth and Grant streets Serv
ices, 7:4. by Kev. R. O. Thorpe; Sunday
school. 10.
Zlon's Norwegian Synod Chapel, corner AN
blna and Mason streets -tier vices, 11, by
Rev. K. O. Thorpe; Sunday school. 10.
Taylor-Stroet Dr. Benjamin Toting, pas
tor. 9:90 classes : 10 :30. morn In g sermon,
subject. "God's Judgments," by Rev. Wil
liam Basil Young ; 12:15, Sunday achool;
6:45, Ep worth League; 7:45, evening ser
mon, subject. "Life's Ministry," by Rev. Wll-
-iiam Basil Toung.
Orace, Twelfth snd Taylor Rev. j. M.
Cud 11 pp. D. D., minister, will preach In the
morning on "The Sting of Shame,' and la
the evening on "What Is Truth T" Morning
worship, lu:3o; Sunday school, 13:15; Ep
worth League. 6:30; evening worship, 7:45.
SunnysUe. East Thirty-fifth and TamhlU
Streets Kev. William H. Fry. D. D., pastor.
50. Sunday school; 1L "The Aristocracy of
8-olflshness": 9 40. tpwono aUeasua; s, "xne
Genius of Loyaity."
Centenary, East Ninth and Pine streets
Rot. Deimer H. Trimble. D- D., minister. 11,
"God With Everyone Despite Themselves";
7:45, -Summer-Proof Christians"; Sunday
school. 0:45; Ep worth League, 6:45.
Trinity. 36S Hemlock street Rev. C. F.
McPbersra. pastor. 11. M. C Keed will
spak; 7:45. Mrs. McPherson. on "Blblo
Study and tho Sunday School; Sunday
school, 10; Ep worth League, 6:45.
German, Rodney avenue and Stanton
street Rev. F. A. Schumann, pastor. Sun
day school. 9 :45 ; communion service, 11
serrle. 9; the district superintendent. Rot.
XL E. Hertxler, will preach.
First Norwegian and Danish. Eighteenth
and Hoyt streets Rev. H. P. Nelsen, pastor,
sier vices at 11 and Bev. L G. Brlngedahl,
of Evanston. 111., will preach In the even
First, East Seventh and Couch Rev. c,
H. Davis, pastor. Sunday school, (:4&; morn
tng ST'ice, 11; Young People'a meeting
6:30; street meeting. Union avenue and East
Some years ago she made a tour of
the world with an automobile, accom
panied by a chauffeur and a French
maid. Her new husband is Sllvano Al
fredo Am.rew, an Engineer Lieutenant
of the Argentine Navy. They were mar
ried at Grace Church, New York. They
are now at Mrs. Andrew's country home
In New Jersey, but In July they will
sail for Europe to pass the bummer
at her estate on L-ake Co mo.
Elsie DeWolfe, the ex-actress, sailed
for Europe a few days ago. Miss De
Wolfe found It profitable for a few
years to be a "society woman on the
stage, but recently she has gone In
for decorating and managing social af
fairs, and has found the business re
munerative. Miss Chang Yuyl, the daughter of
the Chinese minister at Washington,
named th Chinese cruiser Pei Hung at
Burn side, 7:30; evening service, 9; prayer
meeting, Wednesday evening, S.
Sellwood. Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue
Rev. Fillmore Tanner, pastor. Sunday school,
mornlns service, 11; evening service,
Brentwood, Sixty-fifth avenue and Stxty
sventh Rev. Aaron Wells, pastor. Sunday
achool, JO; morning service. 11; Young Peo
ple's mooting. 7; evening service, 8: pryr
meeting. Wednesday, 7;;i0; Bible class, Fri
day evening, 7:3".
Scandinavian, Woodman Hall, 843 Russell
street Kev. Carl Erlckson, pastor. Services
11, a and 7:30.
Anabel, Fifty-sixth street and Thirty
seventh avenue, southeast Rev. Robert N.
McLean, minister. Morning worship, 11,
subject, "A Strange Thing"; Sunday school,
:45; Junior Christian Endeavor, 8; Chris
tian Endeavor, fl:45; evening service, 7:45,
Subject, "A Dreamer of Dreams"; sermons
by James S. Hogg.
Hawthorne Park. Twelfth and East Tay
lor streets Rev. E. Nelson Allen, minister.
10 :30. "The Power That Transforms the
World"; li!, Sunday school; 6:45, Y. P. S.
C. E-; 7:45, stereopticon lecture on "Ben
Fourth, First and Glbbs streets Rev. Don
ald Mackenzie, pastor. Morning worship.
10:30, theme, "Two Central Points in Paul's
Gospel"; evening service. 7:45, stereopticon
lecture "Ruth the Moabitess"; Bible school,
12; Christian Endeavor. 6:45.
Mount Tabor. East Fifty-fifth and Bel
mont streets Rev. W. G- Moore, pastor.
Sunday school. 10; public worship, 11, ser
mon by tho pastor, subject, "Virtue of Pa
tience"; Junior meeting, 8; Chrlstisn En
deavor, 7; public worship, , sermon theme,
"A Man's Life."
Calvary. Eleventh and Clay streets Rev.
T. H. Walker, minister. Services at 10:30
and 7:30; Bitjle school. 12; -unristian en
deavor, 6:45: morning theme, "Tha Power
house of God"; evening- theme, "What
Would You Give for Your LIfeT"
Mount Zion Rev. D. B. Gray, minister.
If; Sunday school; 11 sermon on "What to
Kfosr First."
Vernon. East Nineteenth and Wygant
streets H. N. Mount, D. D., pastor. Morn
ing service, 10:3t. "The Sin of War." bun
day ochool, 13; Y. P. S. C. E., 7; evening
service, 8; "Walking With God."
(Note Regular services of this denomina
tion are held on Saturday).
Central, East Eleventh and East Everett
streets Pastor, Milton H- St. John; resi
dence. 11 East Fifty-seventh street North.
Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer
meeting, Wednesday. 7 :30 ; young people's
meeting, Friday, 7:30.
Montavllla. East Eighteenth and East
Everett streets Paator, A, M. Dart, resi
dence. East Sixteenth and East Morrison
streets. - fe'abbath school. 10; preaching, 11;
prayer meeting, Wednesday night, 7:30.
Mount Tabor, chapel, Portland Sanitarium,
East Sixtieth and Belmont streets Pastor,
A. M. Dart. Sabbath school. 3; preaching,
4; prayer meeting. Wednesday nisrht. 7:4a.
A lblna German ), Skidmore street and
Mailory avenue Pastor, J. H. Dlrkson; lo
cal elder, G. F. Rusch. Sabbath school, 10;
preaching. 11; prayer meeting;, 'Wednesday
night, 7:30.
Scandinavian, Arista, -cast stxty-secona
street and Tnlrty-nlnth venue Pastor.
Adolph Johnson; residence, Arleta. Sabbath
school, 10; preach ing, 11; Sunday night
Breach In r. 7:10-
L-enis, one pioca east; 01 uninifB nan-
Pastor, C. J. Cummings. Sabbath school.
preaching, II; prayer meeting, Wednes
day night, 7:30; missionary meeting, Sun
day night. 6:30: special preaching service
every night. 7:10.
St. Johns, Jersey street and bt- Jonns ave
nuePastor. C. L. Lingenfeiter. ban oath
school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting.
Wednesday. 7:80.
First German, Twelfth and Clay 10:4
and 8; Sunday school. 9:30; Y. P. S.. 7.
First, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets
Rev. Russell 6. Showers, pastor. Services,
11 and S; Sunday school, 10; Y. P. 8. C E.,
7; sermon topic, "Jesus the Complement
of All Our Needs."
Alberta. East 27th and Sumner streets
Rev. John W. Bprecher, paator. Services.
11 and 6; Sunday school, 10; Y. P. 6. C. &.
T: topic of morning sermon, "The Prayer
Life of the Christian"; evening sermon by
P. O. Bonebrske. D. D-
South Mount Tabor, Thirty-second avenus
and Sixty-seventh street Kev. C. P. Blanch
ard, pastor. Services, 11 and ; Sunday
school, 10; T. P. S. c. E.. 7; sermon topic,
Thrlctlanlty Needed."
Tremont, Sixty-second avenue and Sixty-
1 it r 1
Camden. According to the Chinese hab
it of inversion, her first name is her
last, as we would divide it. That la,
her family name is Chang, and her
father's name Is Chang Yin Tang.
Mrs. Owen Johnson, wife of the nov
elist, was Miss Esther Cobb, daughter
of Benjamin M. Cobb, of San Francisco.
Since her marriage to Mr. Johnson,
Mrs. Johnson has given up the operatic
career which she had planned and in
which she had begun to achieve suc
cess Miss Julia C. Lathrop, of Chicago, an
associate of Jane Addams in the work
at Hull House, and a trustee of Vas
sar College, was appointed by President
Taft as chief of the new children's bu
reau In the Department of Commerce
and. Labor. Miss Lathrop Is the first
woman to be made a bureau chief un
der the Government.
ninth street Rev. Morris Goodrich, pastor.
Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school. 10.
Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth street Rev. James
D. Corby, pastor. Worship, with sermon,
10:4!: sermon topic, "The Value of Kuts in
Building Charscter"; sunshine hour Sunday
school at 12 noon; evening service discon
tinued for the Summer.
Church of the Strangers On account of
repairs to the church, there will be no
services of any kind tomorrow.
First, Sixth and Montgomery Rev. F. D.
Findley, minister. 10:30. sermon. Dr. Smiley,
Pittsburg-; Bible school, 12;. C. 6:30; 7;30,
sermon by the pastor.
Church of Our Father, Seventh and Yam
hill Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr., minister. 11.
Arthur E. Wood, "A Living Faith"; 7:45,
"The Pilgrim's Process"; 9:45, Sunday
school; 6:30, Young People's Fraternity.
X. M. C. A.
City Association, Sixth and Taylor streets
K. R. Perkins, religious work director.
Meeting for men at 3 o'clock will be enter
tained by Miss Ruth Hemenway, who will
read "The Sky Pilot.
Interdenominational, Church of Jesus, 182
Russell, near Kerby Mrs. Isabel Kelley,
leader. Services 8, subject, "Faithfirf Women
of the Bible"; Sunday school, 4; Bible study
and health conference, Wednesday, 8.
Chiistadelphians Mount Tabor Hill. East
Sixtieth and Belmont Breaking of Bread,
11; free lecture, 7:30, "The Covenants Made
With David," by H. Wlllimont.
Temple of Truth, Eiiers building Lecture
at 8, on "The Renewal of Youth." by P.
J. Green, minister; classes Tuesday and
Thursday, 8,
Christian Toga. 181- Fourteenth, corner
TamhlU F. O. Garrison win speak at the
evening service, at S o'clock.
Divine Truth chapel, Selllng-Hirsch build
ing, West Park and Washington Rev. T.
M. Miliard, pastor. Services 11;- Sunday
school, 12; midweek meetings, Tuesday, 10;
Thursday, 8.
International Bible Students Association.
Oddfellows Hall, East Sixth and Alder
streets Berean lesson, 1:30; prayer, praise
and testimony meeting, 2:45; symposium,
conducted by several speakers, at 3. Meet
ing in Grange Hall at Oswego at 3, ad
dressed by Norman M. Lewton; subject,
"Election Versus Free Grace." Meeting In
Congregational Church at Tualatin at 7:30,
addressed by William A- Baker; aubjoot,
"To Hell and Back."
The Graded Union of Sunday School Work
era meets every Friday afternoon at 2 :48
In the First Congregational Church.
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