The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 60

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THK Jrri amunn borMi of th
Northwest, la a rttlnr of Hom
This will t th hor and vrtilrl
rrji In th I'ortUnJ Rosa Fovtlval.
ThurJay. Juar 13. IT. EtimH Drak.
chairman vt th corr.;n.ttrr in charge of
t&ip (fjia-c of the Kr.tival. -clr
tht qua:i:y is to t ih keynote of tha
Parana ti yer anJ that the tine of
horxri ihui will marc1!, garlanded with
roje. thmuih the atreeta of rortUnd
at that lime wtn probably be the moat
magnificent (roup of animal that haa
ever been gathered at one time In a
parade In l!t Xorthwevt.
"The value of the horsea ami vehicle
entrnl will rrprent this year." ha
said, "at leat li.Ouo r-vO. Tbla will In.
rlude net only the finest horsea In tha
City of Portland and vtclnliy. but mm
niflcent entries from cities In Wash
ington and In Ca'.jf.rn(a.
"Thtnvs are devr-loplnr; ao ft and
new features are romlns to the front
for the parage. roattnucd. "that I
can hardly vuesa the full extant to
which this feature of th Festival mar
grow In the nest three weeks. Almost
very day brtccs newa of aom new
and Important aaux that Bsvac bslur
featured In our port and vehicle P
rada." k
It Is probable, if interest amona;
horseowcers continues to crow as It
has In the past few months, up to ths
week of the Rose Festival. th pa
geant of horses and vehicles this year
will present a greater variety of abso
lutely new featurea than any other one
of the many pageant that will ba held.
Three- Aaarx'latlosui Are Artlve.
There are three sreat associations
that are 1-ndicg their assistance to
tho Rose Festival committee to carry
out successfully the horse and vehicle
parade, and each association has on
the commit tea of which Dr. Drake Is
chairman an active representative.
Robert Tucker and Phil S. Bates rep
resent tha Horse Owners" Association:
E. House, the Riverside Drlvins Club,
and Y. H. Warrens tha Hunt Club.
Primarily the efforts of these three or
ganisations He back of tha horse and
vehicle parad. Thera trt. howaver.
many other organisations in tha city
that will play an active part In Xur
Biahlnc th antriea for tha parade and
In hanging up th prtsos that will
stimulate tha keenest of competition
and cob,uuiUx tit hlsticat mA et
entries. The Human Society has
shown Its Interest by offerlnsr brass
harness medals as prises In the work
horse parade, which, when won, will
be placed permanently upon th har
ness of th winner, ar.d thes are ex
pected to be a bad?e of distinction aad
a very high credit to the driver who
ts able to boast on upon his team. Th
Portland Rose Society also offers a Iocs
list of prises.
Among ih entries th representa
tion Is very wide this year. Already
Dr. Drake has in his office many hun
dred entry blanks, filled and Indorsed,
and from the rat with which ntrle
are romina; In. finds himself at a loss
to estimate th total that win be
reached before th berlnnlnf of th
Festival. Mora than 600 entries are
expected In th work horse division
Baataaj Will Be Oatdoae, la Clalsa.
Th work horse division, by th
way. is on of tha new features to b
Introduced into th pageant this year.
Boston la famous for lta work horse
parade, but tho who are In eharar
of the plans for the work horse di
vision In the Rosa Festival pageant
, Conclude am fas t-
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