TTIE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX. PORTXAXD, MAT 19, 1912. 13 NORTH EAST SIOE DEVELOPMENT BIG Vernon and Woodlawn Expend $2,000,000 in Genera! Improvements. ALBERTA MAKES PROGRESS With of Kllllniwortb Arrnaf Important Thoroaghfare) Is ICTf lopcti School Garden Contest la Fnccraa. The Vernon and districts are making substantial procrrn in the ship of T. J. Newblll. principal f the Woodlawn achool. a, two and one-half acra tract Dr the achooihouao haa been subdivided Into 1100 amall a-ar-dens. which tha children of tha achool aro cultivating- with success. A com mlttaa of ritlxene la assisting tha prin cipal In thla cardan movement. Another Important movement, tinaer tha encouragement of tha Wood lawn Improvement Club, la tha open In; of streeta. of new aldewalka and extension of the Woodlawn carllne on ttfkum avenue to Eaat Thirtieth street. More than 12000 haa been sub scribed toward the construrtlonof thla extension and it will probably be built within tba next few- mom ha. Dekum avenue haa been extended eastward for about half a mile. Tha atumpa have V. . -. , .4 m A ttnna mail. to a-rade and Improve tha atreet to the j Irvinrton lark Addition. Alao. aev eral etreeta have been opened to Co lumbia boulevard on the north. In the Woodlawn dlatrlct nearly all the old aravel pita have been filled ui and e pevialy la this true of the lares rail road pit In the center, which haa dis appeared. Tliese aravel pits have been a area! detriment to the entire dis trict. In lrvlnicton Tark the streeta have all been graded and cement alde walka laid. A number of attractive homes have been built in Irvine-ton Park. At pres ent much of tha natural arrow th re mains on tha blocks, except that tha underbrush haa been cleared away, leavlns; the small flra and maples still standing. Just east of Eaat Thirtieth atreet ia a fine residence section In LAUD TRADE BRISK Small Farms in Oregon in Con tinued "Demand.. NEWCOMERS ARE BUYERS Portland Investors Bay 1400-Acre Tract East of Brownsville foe Conslderatlon of $62,000. Other Deals Mode. Oreson farm lands have been In bis demand tha paat ten days. Whlla the Willamette Valley seems to be tha favorite location for Investments, tha movement In lands Is eneral through out tha state. Among; tha many pur chases last week, a lara-e percentage HOME FOB OLD PEOPLE TO BE DEDICATED TODAY. V C -V ' ' a. ( r 1 i Ji. -i 357 li - :- - At rit'IK OK bKRHAM YOUR CHOICE OF OVER 400 LOTS IN SUNSET BEACH O-00 EACH $10.00 Down-No Interest, No Taxes $5.00 Per Month Each Lot Sold During This Special Opening of the Season Sale Includes Free Use of Completely Furnished Tent in Sunset Beach Tent Colony AID OCiKTV. IK ILIUM. l l H The Alterlielm, the olj people's home for Uennan-speakinK Americans, which Viae Just been completed, at a rn: of about IJO.ouO. will be dedicated at J oVlock this afternoon. The bulldlna- is on a site cora prtsinc about 10 acres, a short distance southeast of Mount Tsbor. The ground, together with the Improve ments, represent a cost of approximately i).0io. Tre following programme will be given: Selection, by male choir of 0 voices: address, by John Rel sacher president of tha Herman Aid foclety. under whose auspices tha bulldlna; was erected: address (In Kni!'h. by Iter. T. l Kllot: vocal solo, by Rose Bloch Bauer: selections by brass band and orchestra. l'i.:iowin( the programme the public will be given the privilege to Inspect the building. Refreshments will be served. The committee In charge of the programme la composed of John atattblesen. C- J. Senna be I and A. Snllng. of the Herman Aid Society. Persons Intending to attend the exercises can reach tha home by taking either the Hawthorns avenue or Mount Tabor cars. Improvement of streets and erection of homes and business buildings. In the territory between l'nlon avenue. Kast Korty-rirst street, Uulnc etreet and Co lumbia boulevard nearly 12.000.000 haa Krfa spent in general improvementa In tha past 13 months. A few years ago, when the large water main, which waa to supply the I'enlnsuia. was laid from Mount Tabor through the Vernon district there were but few tioiines. Thl ample water aup-r-'. torether wtth the construction of the Alberta carllne. started develop rxerta which have been carried to Kast Thirtv-seccnd street. The Vernon I'rrsb) tertan Church waa established at m time when it waa considered far ahead of development, but it Is now In the center of a lar;re poptilaton. The Vernon schooldotise haa been en larged since It waa first erected, and till It la crowded. ' There Is need for another srhtiolhouae at aome point rni'twsy between the Vernon and W owl. lawn schoolhouses. near K Hltngsworth srt1 Ktfleent:i streets, owing to the rapid growth of that district. Iberia la llaalaeaa (rater. Alberta street between Union avenue and Ka't Thirtieth street has becom a business thoroughfare of considerable Importance. After a lorg fight Alti.Tta street has ren widened to SO fe.t tween l'nlon and Vernon avenues. e-e ll had been but Jo feet wido. It toV two years of agitation to grt the street widened, bit the work waa acconi r"he. through the initiative of the Alherta Improvement Club, which took l o J of proposition at a time when the movement waa seemingly dead and trrueed new Ufa Into the project. Prac tically all the assessments have been pat.t In and there la notnlnir now to prevent the street from being; made un'formly i) feet wide. This will be followed by an Improvement with hard eurface pavement from l'nlon avenue eastward. Alberta street was paved b. tween Vernon avenue and Kast Thir tieth street two years ago, and along the paved portiou the business of the district has centered. A number of mod ern two-story brick butldlnas have been r.- ted atonic this street and much bus iness Is transacted. It Is served by trie A'oerta which extends to East Thirtieth an. I turns northward toward tl-e Concordia CoUetre building. Attractive homes have been built along F.tst Thirtieth street rearly to tha Conoor.ha Coilege. and also between Kwt Thirtieth and Kaet Thirty-second streets. Toward the east the entire tc-rltorr In fil ing up Itrl homes built In the new tracts thai have been opened t-tu TMe Vernon district will soon Join lt fttv 1'ark. making a continuous t-ettiement to I'arkrose on Columbia li'iieard. which was recently opened and inlj out. Hllllaaewaeili Aveaae (lersel Thro.iaM the initiative of the Klll teswort.l Improvement Association. Kkiilimcs worth avenue haa been opened to rlsst Kort -second street. When the moement was started two years ago t ie atvnue was only partly opened flu ouch the brush and fallen togs. It rt w runs from the bluff above the M lilaxrtt River to Kaet Fortv-second rt-eet. A movement to extend it to the !ty limits has been started, which will prnabtv be successful. That will make orth avenue the longest Im portant street leading from the Wlllara. ette River. The Kllllngsworth Improvement As-so-tation hss started a moventent to get a carllne eastward from l'nlon avenue as far aa possible. At the meeting of the riuo Wednesday eight a committee was arrolnted to take the matter up witlt tr.e Portland Railway. Light Vomer Company. The purpose la to get t track or tracks laid on Killings worth avenue before the atreet la paved with hard-surface. A considerable business center has Keen built tp at the Intersection of t'r.lon and Kll.inrsworth avenues, where William Reiut erected two modern con crete buildings. Keellaas Dtatrtrt Urwws. Woodlawn la tn the lead In tha gar 4n aaataat tar. Vfiiu 16 leader. which the atreeta have been graded and cemenrsidewalks laid. A hard-surface pavement district haa been formed fietween Going; atreet and KlUlngsworth avenue and l'nlon and Kllllngsworth avenuea This Is one of the largest Improvement districts yet formed In that section of the city. In the Vernon and Woodlawn d!a trlcta there Is a great demand for se w erage. The Improvement cluba have Indorsed the project of dredging out Columbia Plough ao It may receive and rarry off tha eewerage of the district. The pavement of many of the streets Is dependent on the laying; of sewers throughout the district. West Staton Tract Sold. The Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Company reports the following; additional sales of Irrigated land at West Stay ton: Ten acres to C. B. Sau yer. an orchardlst of the Spokane Val hr and president of th, fruitgrowers Association there; three acrrs to the School Board to enlarge the grounds of the West Stayton school: 11 acres to S. T. Foster, from Canada, who haa alrea. moved upon his land: 10 acres to Charles P. Donnell, of riequlm. Wash, who la having his tract put Into potatoes. Alameda Park Paving- Sinned. Taring of the atreets In Alameda Park haa been atarted. the contractor bavirg erected a larxe plant on Kast Twenty-ninth near Mason street. It ia said that lio.000 cubic yards of pave ment will be laid In the addition, which will cost a little above CvO.vOO. Ala meda Park in a beautiful residence section. Shade trees trave been aet on all the streets. of buyers wars newcomers from other states. K. 1. Bradbury, of Kendrlck. Idaho, bought a 3S-acre fruit farm from K. X. lerby. southeast of Salem, of $4700. Mr. Bradbury will bring- his family from Idaho at ones and will reside permanently on his new place. The largest land aale closed In the Sheridan district was completed last week, when W. II. Warrens, president of the Oregon Taxlcab Company, of Portland, purchased from K. ll Knick erbocker, of Sheridan, a farm of 350 acres. The soil Is considered very fer tile and well adapted to the growing of fruit and general farm producta. Mr. Warrens announces that he will Im prove the place and make It a fine' Summer home. D. W. Stone, of Albuquerque. X. M, haa "purchased 15 acrea of bearing or chard about tw-o miles north of Cen tral Point from John Slsty. paying $15. 00, or 11000 an acre. The purchase Is said to be a splendid one. Mr. Stone had purchased previously in the Rogue River Valley, this tract being his sec ond Investment. He Is well pleased with the valley and haa great confi dence In the future of the fruit Indus try here. Mrs. Jennie It. Stacey, of Portland, has purchased a farm of 200 acres at Walker Station, near Cottage Grove, the consideration being; 9000. Improve ments will be made on the place dur ing the year. The farm was purchased aa an investment. An Important real estate deal was made at Hood Rivet last week when the real estate firm of . Y. Kdwards A Company sold to Joseph K Batchel der and associates a 32-acre tract in SUNSET BEACII, with its beauti ful silvery strand, pentle surf, fresh water lakes, with its refreshing sea breezes, scenic surroundings, tent col ony and extremely favorable railroad location, offers every possible advan tage of an ideal seashore resort city. Hero yon can select that lot by the seashore you have been promising to yourself these mnny years. Here you can build that little bungalow to which you and yours can retreat from the heat and dust of the city, and from the cares and stress of the strenuous life to while away golden days and woo back health and re newed vim and energy. We havemade it easy for yon to join ns at SUNSET BEACH. Large profits will be made by early invest ors in SUNSET BEACH, and those who can read and realize the strength of this movement to"the seashore, will benefit the most. To open the season we offer you choice of over 400 lots in Sunset Beach, the finest Beach Resort in all Oregon way under price. Any lot in the Beach, except ocean front and a few corner lots included at this price. Never before has there been made such an offer. Sunset Beach is on Clatsop Strand, between Astoria and Gearhart. New depot of the S. P. & S. R. R. at Sunset Beach. - - ' Good store, fine fishing', ocean and lake bathing near Seaside the best and finest part of the famous Clapsop Beach. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS AT ONCE Dorr E. Keasey & Co. SECOND FLOOR, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE "are Sunsjet Beach Property values at seashore resorts have rapidly increased, and extreme ly large profits have been made through the development of all Pacific- beach resorts. Each year it be comes more difficult for the average man or woman to secure any holdings where the possibilities of profit are present, and where present conditions give forth promise of early develop ment' and growth. Every lot in SUNSET BEACH is good each has its own special charm and attraction. Lots at Long Beach, California, sold a few years ago on the very same terms SUNSET BEACH lots are of fered at, now sell at $100 a front foot similarly values have enhanced at every other popular beach resort of the West. i... ,im. . . ,'.. . ,4 i. i J 1 '-SUNSET BEACH"- 3 ?U V f , - "WHERE THE SILVER STRANX v f? fcv ,f - s MEETS THECOLDEKSUKSET - t ffV ': t-? ifciwm II" i iiy-.tsggS - - . . rr ' " :"- j-nx vya mft A 1.1 TT? TT? We hereby guarantee and agree to exchange any lot selected during this sale at any time jJJfj J r. tPs ixritriin one year, if, upon personal inspection, such change be requested or found desirable. the Willow Flat district The orch ard land which was purchased last Fall from August Niehans haa been improved and the new owners will con tinue to set It to trees. As a part pay ment. Kdwards Company received a number of city lots In Hood Klver. The is in the choicest resi dence district and the new owners plan to Improve and buna on n. L. C. W'haley; of Portland, haa bought from C. V. Tice. of Amity, a tract of tn .,-rea. The land Ilea southeast of . l,n rmrt of It Is in rul tlvation. Tlie consideration waa 14000. James Smith, of Redmond, has pur chased an 80-acre tract In the Powe llutte district. Central Oregon, and will make it hia home. . The Forest Hill Improvement Com pany, of Portland, owners of the lands embraced In what was formerly nn.n as the Willamette Valley Cascade Wagon Road Land Grant, haa Just dis posed of lands east of Brownsville to the amount of f6.000. A portion of the transaction waa the sale of 1400 acres to Portland Inves tors for J58.000. and another sale' to n- TJ Inhmnn. of Portland, of 120 .-i-.. fur fKOOO. It Is understood that the land will be cleared and subdivided Into five and ten-acre fruit tracts. It Is also reported that negotiations are pending for the sale of 9000 acrea mora of the noiamge oi wn mimu. A. S. Polley. of Harrlsburg, has sold his ten-acre tract to J. Hutchinson for SliOO. The property adjoins ine town of Harrlsburg. B. L. Churchill, of Grants Pass, haa sold a 20-acre tract In Jonas Creek, Josephine County, to J. F. Klrker. There are 3-year-old apple and peach trees on the greater part of the tract. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT-HOUSE ABOUT COMPLETED. ' , . ' ; -n v r .tsia v '--"' I . a. ."' t r r -r e 3 I r i till Ti Ln .-V-u -- ;- . T-.- '. otsl f I I.'jj . 131 KAST IDK STKVCTIRE BUILT FOR M. OLK. AT COST OK 950,000. The four-story brick apartment building at the southeast corner of Multnomah and East First streeta for M. Olsen ia neakring completion. This structure, covers iOxlOO feet, and is one of the best apartments built ori the Kaat Sldx The rooms on tha three upper floors are arranged In aultee and provided with all modern conveniences. Klrevescapea are provided on two aides. Th building faces Multnomah street, but there' is a , wide entrame through a lobby on Kast First ilreM. The cost of the structure will be about 150,000. Mac Naughton A Raymond are tha archltecta. Mr. Churchill plans to convert the place Into a modern poultry farm. Jesse Edwards has sold his residence property In .Vewbtrg to H. C. Paulsen. In exchange for the property Mr. Ed wards has acquired title to a 50-acre farm In the Chehalem Center district. As an Idea place of residence Jose phine County haa been chosen by a wealthy young Scotchman, a member of the largest thread corporation on two continents. K. M. C. Nell, aged 23 years, whose home is now on an estate near Glas gow, Scotland, haa purchased from P. B. Herman, of Grants Pass; D. H. Feynn, of St. Paul. Minn., and J. A. Pearson, of Westbrook. Minn., Joint owners, 280 acres of land out of what was known as the A. M. Jesa ranch on the Apple gate River near the bridge on the Kerby road. The purchase price waa 342,000, of which 325.000 was paid In cash, the remainder to be paid at an early date. The Jamea Small farm, two miles west of Silver Lake, has been bought by Thomas LaBrle, a recent arrival in Lake County. The farm Is nearly all in cultivation. The Valentine Brewer place of 49 acres, near Eugene, has been pur chased by T. J. Ryan, the considera tion being 35000. - Wtth this purchase Mr. Ryan now owns 161 acres of fine land In Lane County. Apartment-House to Rise. The contract for the construction of the three-story brick apartment house, to be built for John Barbey at tho southwest corner of Tenth and Hall streets, was let last week by Claussen & Claussen, architects, to Moore Bros, for 317.500. The building will contain 16 apartments and will be modern In all appointments. be drained. Pipes have been laid un der the embankment on East First and East Second streets. A considerable development Is In prospect In this sec tion. Marshall & Co. will erect a six story frame building on the west side of East Third, between East Flanders and East Everett streets, where they own a. tract 200x100 feet. They will start the building as soon as a permit Is issued. It will have to stand on a foundation of piles. fa 1 I REALTY BOARD TO- STATE OF WITH Attention Has era! Concet Directed to Sev- Now Operating Oregon. Despite - ttfe fact that the Portland 1 Realty BoaU la co-operating with city rand state swTrcials in tha work of on v. ling out cj&oked tend promoters from I , the states the .attention of the board f I has been2irec(ed to several promotions I the nfi.-ck thitt are said to b un-l savory Jf.ncha.rar.tefc. There are. aald to be'thnhor four land companies now opera ff.iic in the state tnat aretriaKing .false JSppreseiftatipDs as to jtna. prop- I ertlec? offers for sato. ! theUiresent laws. Jt Is Wipos-l us; charges against u there Are uttsrea ao fraud. Members of d are agreed that broaden should be enacted cover- i erations of companies about I may he the. slightest sus- Property Being Filled In. The O.-W. R. & N. Is preparing to fill up the space between East First and East Second streets south of East Flanders street. Before this fill is made the water In Sullivan's Gulch will Sib! pri Re&ty lef&lRf IrJltl; Wril olc,T is to be hoped 4nat tns. iteauy TtiAM will lrean un Its .fight far honest promotions.", said, a Pol-tland property ownor yesterday: "The sooner that tha state- la .rid of dishonest promoters and dealers the. better will it c lor invest ors and property owners, as wall, as legitimate brokers. The ' Kansas law regulaclns; 'all stock companies and ptomotlon schemes has done much for IN A ESTATE DEAL Should be assured. We be come personally interest ed, when you secure from us - a guaranteed Certifi cate of . Title acknowl edged to be the best pro tection against possible loss throngh frauof or de fect in title. Investigate. Call for booklet.' Title & Trust Co. Fourth and Oat j' s s Title V A Trust Company, O 1'nr.l.nH n COUPOM TO DVf- Please send me your booklet. Name. Sur, r state r believe ,that Address. Have you a SUMMER HOME ready? If not, BUILD or BUY now. GEARHART PARK IS NATURE'S OWN PLAYGROUND DOUBLE DALLY TRAIN SERVICE A FEW REASONS WHY Prettiest Beach on the Coast. Seashore, Riversido or "Woodland. . Pure Mountain" Water. Accessible to Portland. PRICES RIGHT TERMS EASY SPECIAL WEEK END EX CURSIONS Lots $180 and up. Several ocean bungalows nearing. completion for sale. Agents on the ground, or call, GEARHART PARK CO. Phones Main 1293, A 7268 100 Fourth St.