- titv tiTiiAy tKEtiOIA". PORTLAND. MAY 19, 1912. 8 T. . T- " T MMABMOMBiBMBMBMflBBBBnBnBHn i-. n it m DESERT RIDE IS FULL OF THRILLS Automobile Party Caught in Heavy Snow Storm and Has Narrow Escape. HORSES ARE SHOVED ASIDE 3IoCor Car I tirade NTd Field With Good RmiIU Noted Pilot lYiton SouLhern Cro.-t"ontrr Konte. Traveling automoolia li.tirr r;ra ntatlva whoa work calia ilirrn to J. Sff, City Attorney. Medford: dli cosifon led by Hon. William S. VTRen. "Juatlca In tha Dlvtalon of Coat and of product of Induatrr Between Em ployer and Employe" Paper by ft- A. Harris; dlacuaslon led by James B. Kerr. Second aeaaion Friday. May 14. 1 P. M . "Economic and Social Factors In Oreiron's Good Roads Problem" Paper by Georg-e G. Putnam: dlacuaslon led by C. E. Fpence. master State Orance. and Hon. J. H. Albert. Extemlon of the Area of Cultiva tion tn Oreon Throna-n Co-OperaUon and Social Or-anlatlon" Paper by W. E. Coman. (eneral freight agent Hill lines; discussion led by John M. Scott, general passenger axent Southern Pa cifio lines. Third session Friday. May 14. f P. M. "Tha Problem of Transforming Ore gon From a Merely Geographical to an Oranie and Spiritual Entity" Dis cussion by Hon. F. E. Beach and Dr. J. K. Wilson. Fourth session Saturday. May IS. t A M. -Worthy Standards of Living on Normal-Sized Farm Cnlta In Oregon." (Relying strongly on the extension of the use of electricity In agriculture) Paper by W. T. Buchanan, publicity director Portland Railway. Light power Company: dtacuarlon led by Samuel X. Evans, editor Klamath Falls Northwestern. and Professor P. J. 0"Oara. "improvement of the Economic Or ganization In Oregon for Securing to the producer His Full Share of Values Created" Paper by W. K. Newell. Gas- PROMINENT PARTY FESTIVAL VISITORS Delegates to Important Seat tie Congress to Continue to Portland by Special Train. JAMES J.HILL MAY BE HERE Louis Hill Is Head of the Excursion Development League Is Planned to Aid In Colonization of Pa clflc Northwestern States. One hundred and fifty leading busi neas men of tho Northwest will com SPECIAL SHOW CAES ATTRACT ATTENTION OF PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE FANCIERS. 1 a. -Iw-sT I '-l 'all.- a,n j s.ii.s T-' e r ! t. TWO rTHKIDERS WHICH WERE EX UIBITKD AT THE KW YORK AXD I.DIA!APOLIS ACTOMO- BILE H()H.. rtit-of-the-way places often have unliue anl Irving experiences. Ray M .Vimva. not'd premier pilot and n.J driver an. I the man who led tha tirtvin of motor!! across the Con t nrnt last Summer, recited an experi ence he had at Wlnnemucca. Nevada. re-ntiy. - spent several days there aa tha guest of the llavlln-llacklna Stage at IJvrrv Company, which uses motor cars in Its ri.sert service, and was one of a party that started out for a short ride." said McNamara. who waa In Portland a few days aro. "It waa tho Intention to drive only a few mllea. but the road was so fine that wo kept going, notwithstanding that wo car ried no extra Inner tubo or material with which to repair punctures. "Thirty-five miles from homo In tho heart of the Nevada Desert a tiro was pun. lured by a sharp bona of a dead animal anJ we were In a serious pre dicament. That was not tho worst of cur troubles, however, as tha weather runrri very quickly In that part of Nevada and a snow storm waa soon raging. There was nothing- to do but brat a hasty retreat for Wlnnemucca. Smot HUeo Trail. "As the trail was soon obliterated, our position was extremely hazardous. Our danger was realised at Wlnne mucca and other motorlata ventured out aa far as they dared la tho hope of extending us aid. Wlnnemucca was finally reacned at nightfall, the entire distance having been covered on a flat tire. Had we been caught out after dark the danger would hava been much greater. -Wlnnemucca la a little town of J000 sou'. In tho Nevada Desert, about miles east of San Francisco. It Is a distributing point for mines and Is lo rated on the Southern Paclflo and Western Pacific Railroads. Tho Pre mier motorcars In the stags service there are sent on trips of S0 miles or more. Ilorsre for stage work have been practically discarded, aa it Is possible to do In three or four hours with aa automobile whst It formerly took days to do with horses. For the desert service only the best cars are nsed and the mechanicians and drivers are careful men of wide experience. They frequently are hundreds of miles front assistance, at which times break downs are extremely serious. Wlnne mucca Is 4J0 feet above tho sea. and It is often necessary for tha stage motor cars to go as high as ll.oos feet." Boataeew Rests Favor. Continuing on his way East. McNa mara pasavd through much of the country traveled by tno ocean-to-ocean tourists of iast Hummer. When tho transcontinental motorists crossed tho summit of the Sierra Nevada Moun tains ttiev encountered anow three feet drtn In spots, but recently It was all t:.e way from 31 deep up to the tops of trie trees. "It would not bo advlsab'.s for mo torists ! take the Northern route for winter touring." sld McNamara. The renditions on tne snta Fe trail In tho Sutn nikfi It the feasible Winter route." yie Indlanapoli msn Is the pilot who drote A. I. Westgard. official map maker of tho Touring Club of America, over the cross-country route in lsie. I'jrlng his present trip along the Pacific Coast. McNamara has found business conditions to be In a healthy shape. lie says there are few auto mobile dealers who are not experienc ing prosperltv. ton: discussion led by K. S. Miller, Med furd. Fifth session (Joint meeting of Com monwealth Conference and Oregon Con servation Commlaslonl sturdsy. May ;J. 3 P. M. "Mora Active Co-Operation Retween Oregon and the Nation for Promoting Right and Prompt Develop ment of Oregon Resources." Psper by John H. Lewis. Stats Engineer; discus sion led by Henry 8. Graves, forester. United States Forest Service: J. N. Teal, chairman Oregon Conservation Com mission, and Hon. Waiter M. Pierce. -Corporation law and Corporation Supervision for Oregon to Insure Safety to Investora and Ernclency ror Devel opment" Paper by C l. Babcock. cor poration department. Sixth session Saturday. May 15. p M. "Oregon's Role In tho Solution of America's New Problems," Address by Hon. C. E. 8. Wood. STREAMS ABE STOCKED THIRTY TUOCSAXD TROUT SEXT TO THXRSTOX COfXTV. STATE'S WELFARE SUBJECT Problems of Vital Importance on University Programme. rXlVERSITT OF OREOOX. Eugene, is (Special.) Invitations have been Issued for attendance at the Fourth Annual Commonwealth Confer ence to be held hers May H and 2i Problems of vital Importance to tho people of Oregon will bo discussed by representative speeksrs- The pro gramme la In detail as follows: Klrst session Friday. May T4. A. j . -Taxation and Social Justice." pa per bv Charlea V. Ualloww. chairman atato Tax Commission: rper by Porter Fish furnished by Manually Hatch ery Ladder Is Wanted In neochutc TtUer. OLTMPIA. Wash.. May 1. (Special.) Thirty thousand trout have Just been planted lo Thurston County streams by tho local association for tha protection of game fish. Of this number SS.000 are of tho steel-head variety, and tha remaining- (000 are a new cross, noted for Its palatable qualities as well as Ita gsmeness. The fish were furnished by tho NIs qually hstchery. situated 10 miles above Sherlock, at tho mouth of Muck Creek, and were planted by Father Mally and his associates In various streams In the county. Tho little fish were transported In six lsrgo cans, and their healthy and sturdy qualities are shown from the fact thst not more than IS of them died in transit. In conse quence, the assoelstlon wlM pass a reso lution congratulating Superintendent Emll Glass, of tho hatchery. Automo biles for tho use of the officers of tho association In planttng tho young gteel hesds were furnished by Mitchell Har ris and J. J. Brenner. Every year the planting of young fish will be repeated by tho association. Two years ago a quantity of rainbow trout were placed In the Deschutes Riv er, and this year a number of them measuring as much aa 12 Inches have been captured by nshermen. Tho 113 Legislature will bo asked to Install a fish ladder at Tumwater falls. In tho Deschutes r.lver. by the Legis lative committee of the Thurston Coun tv Game Association. It la believed, by those who have knowledge of tho sub ject, that the Installation of such a lad der would make the Deschutes one of tho finest ashing streams In tho country. Catholic Foresters Meetln July 4. Tho annual picnic of the State Court of tho Catholio Order of Foresters will bo held at Tlgard. July 4. Tho pro ceeda will be turned over to Rer. Fa ther Soland. O F. it., to be placed In tha fund for the parish school ho Is planning to build. Evsry subordinate court la tho state has arranged to work for tho success of the outing and It Is expected there, will be a big at tendance. A cordial Invitation to at tend has been extended to tho general public Big Ftork of fehecp Sold. ECHO. Or May 1. (Special. I Eight carloads of sheep were billed from tho 0.-W. R. A N. Co. ards here yesterday tn Chicago. They will go the entire dlstsnco over the Harrlmaa system with grazing prlvllecea In transit at Boise. Idaho. The aheep were purchased by Ssm BallyotlBS. of Chicago, of Thomas Bovlen. of this place, and will be graxed on Summer range until Fall, when they will be marketed In Chicago. prise a special tralmoad of guests who will be tho recipient or maraea atten tion during Rosa Festival week. This party is making up an excursion over the Great Northern Railway to tho Seattle congress of the Development League In session from June S to (. Tho Itinerary calls for the departure of the specisl from St. Paul Juno 1 and stops are to be made at Fargo, Grand Forks. Lakots, Rugby, Devils Lake. Mlnot. Wllllston. Glasgow, Havre, Great Falls. KsJIspell and Spokane. Dele gatea to the congress will Join tho spe cial at tho various places along tha lino where "hurrah" stops are made. The special will be one of tho hand somest trains that has ever left tho Twin City and will be equal In Its equipment to tho famous Western Gov ernors' Special and the Hotel Train. Tho special will be run under the aus pices of the 8t Paul Association of Commerce, Minneapolis Civic and Com merce Association and tho Dulutn Com mercial Club. Tho return trip to St. Paul from Portland will be made over tho North Bank and tho Northern Pa clflo Railways. The trip to Spokane from this city Is to bo In daylight to give ample opportunity to view tho scenlo beautlea of tha Columbia River. Tho itinerary calls for several slds trips on tho Journey from Bt. Paul to Seattle. In Montana the train will travel for more than (0 miles along the southern boundary ' Glacier Park. Uncle Sam's new National playground In tho Northweat. The business men of tho Northwestern states will spend at least three days In Portland, when local business men will look after their entertainment. It Is also expected that several Governors of tho Northwest will be In Portland at tho same time and the programme for Rose Festival week will Include tho proper entertainment of these prominent visitors. Louis W. Hill, of the Great Northern Railway, will be of tho party, as will other prominent men who are to make addresses at the Seattle congress. It Is not Improbable that Walter Fisher, secretary of the Interior, and Jsjnea J. Hill, of tho Great Northern, will be on the Northwestern Development League Special. "How and Where to Get a New Homo In tho American Northwest" Is tho title of a new SO-pago booklet Issued by tho Northwestern Development Learue for widespread distribution over tho Uni ted States. Several advance coplaa have been received by tho Portland Commer cial Club. ....... On tho cover page Is printsd that In the American Northwest are more than s2.000.000 acres of free Government land, 72.500.000 seres of state and priv. llego land for less than 120 an aero with the average value of all lands at tit per acre. The booklet Is descrip tive of the lands In Oregon. Washing ton. Idaho, Montana. North Dakota. South Dakota and Minnesota. The officers and directors of tho league are given, together with tha names of tho advisory committee con sisting of the Governors of the seven states, and Walter Clark. Governor of Alaska: Loula W. Hill and Howard El- . . , i hi. luMblal la a anaMaJ sr. iiui i. n " - tide by James J. Hill on -What Is tho Northwestern, Development iui . --- ...r,m4 hv Immigration of ficials of tho railroads and statas giro the Increase in population. larma. i .. m-r-mmw imnrovMl and tho aver- ago Increase per aero In tho Northwest tho last is years. win i - . . . i .cs srs In nonulatlon. in II . . inbinOT. ... . . .. .... I. nlMl at SSfii and the farm value at t:.S.a In creased acreage unprovea s"c" 4.4S acres and tha average lucre so per aero at tii. In this booklet win a .ampoii. eec- . - . .f id. AmnlMtlaB aava that tn getting out literature tha league seeks only to give general iniiu tlon about public lands surveyed and unsurveyed. state school lands for sale, rango of prices of all lands, possible production of various commercial .... .-.f . Kl. .nrf frnlta- He also gives the names and addresses of officers of commercial organisations In the leading cities snd towns of ev ery county In Oregon where Informa tion about lanas or inausinai ua in vestment opportunities will be fur nished free. United States land offices and the countlea they represent la the stats are also given. Tires That Pay Us Only 8h Profit Goodyear ' No-Rim-Cut tires are made 10 per( cent over the rated size, to save the blow-outs due to ovexloading:.,, They sure made so they can't rim-cut made so they stay on without hooking into the rim flange. They are made of costly materials, by the costli est process, to give you the utmost mileage. As a result, our profit last year. on this patent tire was only 8& per cent. Your Saving, .48 Per Cent The 10 per cent oversize meant 10 per cent mora air 10 per cent atfded carrying: capacity. And that, with the average car, adds 25 per cent to tbe tire mileage, v Tires that can't rim-cut mean an average saving: of 23 per cent. For statistics show that 23 per cent of all ruined clincher tires the old-type tires are rim-cut. So these two features together, under average conditions, cut tire bills right in two.; 200.000 Users Over one million Goodyear tires have been tested oat on some 200,000 cars. These 200,000 sepa rate users have proved . that our claims are true. As a result, these tires outsell any other tire In existence. In two years the demand ' has increased 500 per cent. It has trebled in tha past twelve months. ' Our factories are running night and day, with three shifts of men, to meet the call for these patent tires. Why Not You? Don't tires that can't rim-cut oversise tires seem better than, others to you? If so, insist on Goodyear No-Rim-Cnt tires. Make your com parisons. After a test yon. will never again go back to the old-, type tires. Our 1912 Tire Book based on 13 years of tire making is filled with facts yon should know. Ask na to mail it to yea. - Gn(D0I3WfM AKRON, OHIO No-Rim-Cut Tires 10 Oversize HIE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO, Akron, Ohio Thb CMnvsiar sis- bo wuiatflei wtettawrwr wttk any twr ntsbw toocsra whit sum Um GwlrMr mom. PORTLAND BRANCH 62 Seventh Street e Phone Pacific Main 2190 and Home A 4046 Of the three languages do you speak English Baseball or Motor? Half the motoring world talks "Ford" and one-third of it rides in Ford cars. Every Ford ovrner is a Ford fan that's one reason only we'll sell seventy-five thousand Ford cars this year. Yes there is no other ear like the Ford Model T. It's lightest, righte6t most economical. rwrd Model T Tesrlss Car, 4 cylinders. E passengers, dTOff .fully equipped, t. o. b. Portland 9i Otl Ford Model T Torpedo, 4 cylinders, 2 passeng-ers, fully Cf7QC equipped, f. o. b. Portland PJUJ Ford Model T Commercial Roadster, 4 cylinders. S pas sengers, removable rumble seat, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland OOOO Ford Model T Tows' Car (Landaulet), 4 cylinders, ( eg If) "7 C passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland OIU I sJ Ford Model T Delivery Car, capacity 760 pounds mer- Q f2 chandlse, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland sPOXaJ Ford branches aad dealers la an cities, towns aad vtllasres are at year elbow vrllk Ford Serrtee for Ford Owners Ford Motor Car Agency Phsaea East SIS, B 311T East Eta-nth St. aad Hawtherae Ave. K. IS. SLERET, Mgr. Piston Type Gas Saver An Auxiliary Air Device The biggest little thing ever attsehed to an Automobile. PRICE $6.50 Gasoline Economizer and Mixer. Saves tip to fortj per cent in gasoline. Gives a possible gain of from fifteen to twenty per cent in speed. The HalliwellCompany W. J. Worthen, Manager 14 North, Seventh Street, Portland, Oregon Forget -Price It is no longer even fashionable to pay more for an automobile than it's worth. Take four cars costing one thousand dollars more, that suggest themselves to you. Place them side by side with the Michigan forgive it nothing concede it no point it doesn't prove forget price and just com pare point for point. Wherever the Michigan 40's have not a bet ter construction, they're the self -same fea tures found in the higher-priced cars, in cluding a dependable self-starter, electric lighting system,silent motor, large, roomy, comfortable bodies of elegant and graceful design. A Request for a Demonstration Does Not Obligate You in Any Way Model K, 40 H. P. Touring Car Model G Roadster, 33 H. P .$1500 Model K Touring Car, 40 H. P. ... .$1750 Model M Roadster, 40 H. P $1725 MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY COMPANY NORTHWEST BRANCH W. A. WILDRICK, MGR. Phonea: Eaat 1421, B 1345369-71 Hawthorne Ave. Product of 18 Years Automobile Building Its mechanism is so scientifically perfect as to insure the most satisfactory service under any and all circumstances. MODEL 21 5-PASSENGER 40-HOE.SEPOWER HAYNES Fully Equipped $2250 f. o. b. Portland AEBANGE FOR AN EARLY DEMONSTRATION New Location After May 27, Eighth and Hawthorne Avenue Haynes Auto Sales Co. Temporary Office, Crystal Ice & Storage Co., Seventh and E. Salmon Phones East 244, B 1244 J. G. Peck, Manager QUALITY EFFICIENCY ECONOMY Find Highest Development in HARRIS OILS Unlike other oils, they axe DESIGNED TOR, MADE FOR and ADAPTED TO automohile lubrication Three Grades Light, Medium and Heavy Chanslor & Lyon Motor Supply Co. 627 WASHINGTON STREET A 7633, Marshall 1018 Seattle Spokane San Francisco Fresno Los Angeles