The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 50

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"Auto Buyografy"
Being; a Complete Catalogue of Things
for the Automobile and Distributed by
.Archer & Wiggins Company
at Sixth and Oak Street
Ban for Reckless Motorcar
Drivers Urged.
Two Portland Men, Chosen as
Judges in Forthcoming Mid
summer Motor Races.
y .
$5000 FOR 250-MILE RACE
Man Loral Follower pctd to
Make Trip, but Automobile Club
5ot Likely to C1t Sanction
to Rer'"' Clno Toor.
Ca.n prises assr.itatla; S1.0 "
feur prjetual c.-.allcr trrMe will
b aaart to th favored taw in th r.sio automobll rae
chlui.d tor July and at Tacoroa.
Eatr, blank, for tr. iortwt meet
w.r racatr.a h.r. laat t Th n-Beam-ement
w.a also mad- that two
Portland men. Walter Cr.n.lnr. hJ of
fell, acc.a.orjr d Jers. and J . r director of tl. Portland dl
,.o. of i aam. concern. been
Four arrets will eon.plet tb rrtd
Bummer prcramma. In in
a'l i.-.o b! Sio-mlla d" wl.l wind
tin th City of I"tlnr nr' annual
inotor ear .14 carnival. II. W. iMherty
ad Ma o-worker. on the race r.'
I, hav. named a. the prise th.
T,llota will batu. for. In tula .rent, a
Veil aa In tn. other three, the money
will be divided per cent to the win
ner jo per cent for piace and 10 per
rent for th. third man acroa the UP
TKre, evenia ar. aet for rrld.y. July
. tha rat belnr tor 100 mllea for o-
ix-k rara of UO ruble Inchea platon
dl.plarement or under. The ca.h prlia
la I10.
Event two la another nno-HKK affair.
-lt'h !!: maximum piston dlaacement
raised to !" cubic Inchea. The mini
mum la III cubic inches. The winner of
thla cia.. will apee.l round the circular
eourae i times. makln a total dlatanca
o- IS mllea. with !& in tha prtxe pot.
Two hundred mtlea la t dlatanca for
tha third race, alao acheduled for July
i For thla the committee has appro
priated IJSa. It will be a ' open to mach.nea of plt"n dis
placement between 31 and 450 cuhla
lnAh"-entrance fee cf $100 will lb.
charaed for the flr.t two eventa. 1150
for ti.a third and l-'0 fr tha fre
'""'pralrl eourae of live mllea. over
which the rarea will be run. wl'l ba ona
f the flne-t In th. land when Improve
ment work la completed, acordin t
word lven out by II. VT. Dol.ertv. head
of the rac. commUtee of th. Tacoma
fe.tlval. It 1 Ucate 1 a few ml'.ea souin
of tha cltv proper and ! belnr planned
with a view of belnar reasonably aafa
and aa epeedy aa pojalble.
While a number of Portland motorlata
nndoubled'y will drive to the Northern
city to view tl a race. It la doubtful If
the Portland AtitomoMl" Club will sane
tton a clnb tour to Tacoma at that time.
President Oemena la airalnat tha Idea.
It haa been announced by the Writ
Motor Company that -Win- Karndollar
will not nrlr th. White S1V entry In
the oo-mi:e race. -Win" waa orUlnally
... the nllot. Ill" aucceaaor
haa not been named. Th. White car la
apeedy and la looked upon aa on. of
the mm formidable contender In th
tons whirl.
a a e
Tb. disposition of Jo. Pawaon In tha
Indlanapolla apeed carnival la atlll a
pussl. lnltent rumor otarted a
month ao that both -StnlMne; Joe" and
Iwvld Uruca Bro would man N
tionala. That thla oeip wa half true,
at least, waa evidenced In tha announce
ment by the National Company laat
week that Frown will be at the halm
f a National In tha 0-mll aweep
stafcaa. Iaweon' nomination haa not
been confirmed or denied by th Na
tional people.
Ulk Frown. Pawaon I looked upon
a on of ta few really (Treat automo
bile race driver In tha country, and It
aeema hardly probable that ha will b
e e e
Cy rataehke. wh wa formerly a
member of the Marmon team, and Joa
Nikreat. ale ona of tha yellow-bonnet
pilot, have not been placed, either,
paterhke did notable work aa relief
driver for llarroun. the winner of the
lll .vent, and haa maintained that to
would be In thla next event.
With only amateur driver of llttl
or no particular aklll entered, the av
erage automobile riot meet larka In
a-rneral attrectlveneea. Crowd usually
are lured to euro ronteata throuah tha
fact that they a-enerally develop at
least one aertoue accident. Otherwlee.
they wouM be termed tame from a
tiortlnc viewpoint.
When tried and akllled driver lct
Incether It la different. With ample
kn.wl..l;e of their care and ability to
drive through a lone; race at break
Berk apeed without fatalities, they
make automobile raclna- one of tb
moot Intereatlna; and fcrnatlnr aport
of modern tlmea. Thla waa dmon
atrated la th recent Santa Monica
road ra.. when thousand of peopl.
watched and applauded the noted pi
lot on their mad daak to lower th
world record.
In thla. the trreateat of all Western
motor car eventa. It wa plainly hown
that It doe not take the hand of tha
Reaper to eattefy the apectator. Not
an accident of any conejuenca marred
the meet, yet the srreat throne; stood
entranced aa th daredevil driver
whirled over thecourae. shatterlne; rec
ord after record.
Such a battle waa never witnessed
on a Western eourae before. Motor
Matorv. not of a local nature, but for
the whole world, waa made that day.
When Teddy Tetxlaff crossed th Un
In hi monster Flat, ettlne; a new
world record. It mad autolsta wonder
If there I any limit to th poasibl
peed of motor car tn aocu a tru!ltna;
con teat.
In apeaklnc of th new record 7S.J
mile per hour th average person 1
apt to th!nk little of the feat, for It
la a common thine to bear of a ma
rhino belna; run up to a apeed of
rol'e an hour or mora. But when ona
top to consider that thla apeed wa
av. rarer! over a too-mll. rrlnd. kept
cp for over S hoar and eO mlnutee. It
le then seen that man pas roaue a
wonderful piece of machinery.
Abov all. however, looms th trik
lna; ability of the drlvera. For nearly
four houra. Tetalaff. Caleb Pracr and
Tavtd llruc Prown wer whirled
through apara on a whlxilna" jursar
naut which If tkey had for the trac
tion of a econd lost control, would
have meant death to themaelvea. to
thoa who rode with them, and poa-
Ibly ame of tb eoectatora. It la
a supreme test of their nerve and
lonjl.on alter iuuovaOoa La fol-
t rf JCASE
'V C
"Vl y ' I II
dYazya- Cist
lowed In th automobll world. Tt
It ha remained for the management of
th Indlanapolla Motor Speedway to
provide an eitra et of thrill for
motorlata Aa an appetlier for the bla;
now mere on . t n -
xi-ir.eind and Ray Uronson will claea
in a 10-round bout.
nil tn priae 01 e v invw -yard
la a self-styled lightweight, and
.. I . . . I .Ulm.hl nf-
tn jnaianapona piiw. . . . .
th welterweight title, a compromise
on the weight question ha bean
rsached. facaey naa agreed
.... w-IH tn at lit
nooaier " V " -
pounda at noon on tha day of the bout.
Hronson a ngnting pguno
in ih. nuelllatlo
1 neea men. . . 1 ... e--.---.
world, fought a to-round draw In New
v w - i . RaiH aret ranked With
th clvrt men In tlx game.
. .... -..l.h nreced-
Spmpgs v . " w w iuB - r
Ing th International motor-car racej
jack uieaaon. partner i
tn promoting the famou Jef frlea-John-on
flaaco, aworved from Uto regular
. . -, -ah- Hrttt.(;an
grOOVa Wlien lie -
bout In tan Franclaco In lC. lnatead
of the uaual preliminary fight between
a couple of "hama." Jack engaged a
ouartet of well-known lnger to ap-
-. - i. w . t m for
piia ar tna rana - - -
the llghtwtght to enter th ring.
. . n . . itiifanft when
Gleon got In bad. Uk tha Ileno
mU-up. th Uana-Brltt affair waa a
Joke. The Utter uult In th alath
round, claiminr ne proa. m
FVnner Bicycle and Buggy fker
Now Hold bvray la Motor
Car InJnstrj.
-Although th motor car lnduatry ha
. am an outgrowth
rf th blcyel gam" and It la a fact
that many of th men in It hv had
blcvcl .xperlence. It Is true that almost
eaually larg "run n-
on the ranks "f th c.-rlve maninac-iuWra!-
said H. Ie Keata. Oregon P.ep
les distrli.utor. receni.-
-Such ramea aa tudebaker. Durant
and Velle. known In the horse vehicle
world, hav attained prominence In con
nection with automobile. Many of tha
men wh work In th blr factorle art
former carrlag. maker. Whll. th. old
bicycle men have devotd thmlvea
chiefly t th mechanical or le d
partmenta. th eaxrlag mn have taken
up th bodle.
Th bead of th Peerle body-palnt-Ing
and finishing department one
owned a carriage factory. Score of
men employed under him have worked
. Th.u men asrre. that
ill aucn V 1 , . . . ,
th motor car ha vaatly advanced th
standard of coacb worg ana raF'"
the public tt.
C I'.f i r ui ii . ' -. .
and gold leaf prominent In th Bn
buggv of J yr ago. hay been r-
Kv .Iwaii fl.Mlral almnllclty.
Nowhere la thla Illustrated better
than In the design and nnian or r-eer-less
car. The design, with It wep-
....i.iii itn.L exnresse the essen-
.i.t f.rt abnnt te car It was made to
mv. Tb gtrlor urfc r fr
from a'l ercu-U -arre ar-' c " -e
rlh Is uprb. and th standard color
arfcenie ar sln.p.e and rervd. ruch
an American car Is more soundly at
rac:le and hex Infinitely more style.
II an the best that K."pe lias turned
put at least in American cy-
i ' i '
i . - V" i
I'. . - . i H-I
- i rfrn si ..I
: .: ; Sx::gf$&r :r ' 3
' wyJUy, ,,,1,1 -
in""' a-" M U-e- ,
sr ousts
List of Accessories for 100
Mile Trip Compiled.
Equipment Sngtrested W Make
Motorlata Independent of Out- -ldo
Aid, Say- Auto
xirith summee tourlnar In full awing
and countlesa partle of city motorists
taklne- ona and two-day Jaunts into in.
country, advice about equipping ma
chines for touring over-country roads
come at an opportune iijs -
. 1 Ar mnlnHltl hfl DUCK
either too much or loo 1UU with them
on in trip.
"I hav often been asked what I con
sider necessary In th way of qutp
ment for a drive of 100 mile of a
y-a outing." said F. "W. Vogler, North
west distributer for th Reo and Ap
peraon. tn discussing th needs of tour-
In tb lit named by th. metor-oar
dealer, and which he ay ar Indis
pensable ir the antoiat wania is o
free from depending on outside aourcea
of help, ar a Jack, a 10-cent box of
assorted cotter-plna. roll of tlr tap,
two t-cent (pool of soft Iron and cop
per wire, on length of tout fishing
tackle, eeveral feet of leather lacing.
a sheet or emery ana aenu pBtn,
. . -. w-ie n.l m.iill. ertnjL a
pocket flash light, a bunch of cotton
waste, a complete tool an. iwo muw
out patch, collapsible oanvae water
pall, folding drinking oup. elf-curlng
patches for Inner tube, on extra tire,
four xtra Inner tubes and four extra
park plug. .
List Make. AaleUt ladeswade-at.
"Of eourae one can get along without
a number of the things I mentioned."
continued Mr. Vogler. "but If all th.
thing I hav spoken of ar included,
th motorist. It he ha a reliable ma
chine, can feel nilralr ra from bar
ing to call for help.
"I suggest som equipment that
probably would not be needed one-third
of th time. But It Is Included for
emergency purpose. Whan going for
long rmes iiiiu 1 11 1 .wuu... .
not find public garage every few feet.
Tnerexor. it i t priw.. -
yrvpsiru . . .....
-Inasmuch a the tool kit. th only
xpanaiy pan or in. sqmj'oj.u
, . . w . . . with mnt ejira.
las. in in. a. vkuv . -
the flrt-ald-to-th-lnJurd Hat will
not coat muca.
Material Bbe.ld Be Protected.
"Extra tire should b carried In duet
and water-proof caaea. Otherwise,
dust and water will get Inside and rot
the fabric Inner tube should be
wen usp-liuum 1
. .n nvtnv
. i I nt ... I. j1 n M.
rate waiorproo ve. . ' . j ...
mall upply of elf-curlng patches for
Inner tubes, the punctured one can b.
repalreo na laia away iw itui
When fixed they will be Juat aa good
aa new.
"I bava often found It convenient to
', je-.
f ., ,
. J ?
i -i
. .n .ttrs arallon of gasoline and a
like amount of lubricating oil. Thl
stuff can bo carried in gallon can.
Tou may not have to use this supply
once In a year, but It will come In as
a life-saver when you do need. It.
it la a irood thing to keep a pair
of pllors under th cushion, handy at
all times, and don't forget that a rain
coat or sweater will provide comfort
should It rain or get cold. The pliers
I consider the most useful tool In the
auto kit, and will bo useo. a great ot.i
mora than anything else.
areful Packing Advieed.
-A mlatake frequently made is in
carrying suitcases on the running
board. Bealdes being In the way there,
they will catch all the dirt and dust,
and their contents will be ruined. They
ha nlaced on the floor of the ton-
neau or up against th robe rail, wher
they can be strapped tight. By placing
them In this manner, they are out of
th way. and at the same lima easily
i M if placed on the trunk
-.w nrnvided on some csrs. they
should be first wrappco. in waierpioo
-Through neglect or ignorance many
ntoriKts mitt their inner tuoes loose.
B. such method they will be rubbed
snd chafed, get oil-soaked and other-
se damaged. They should De pacKeu
in unlnt ban. Don't leave carry-
casings unprotected. They should be
covered so that the sun and dirt and
moisture will not cause mem io a.
Moore Gets Cole Agency. "
-rr- r i(i.. Vwa. baa secured th
.1-- Morrow. Ollllam and
Sherman counties, H cloed for th
territory . whll in J-oruana "
ordering flv car from th Twltchell
.... .-- rnn.nttnv which has the Col
agency for th entire tate. Mr. Moor
started for hi nom in oueruwu .
ty In one of hie new cars i nnrsqay.
In Medium
Priced Cars
"ask any man who owns one," refers to the
because the car is as good as can be produced at the
price; and
-because we take care of our customers after the sale is
Prices, Fully Equipped, F. O. B. Portland:
30 H. P. Roadster SI 325
.35 H. P. Roadster
30 H. P. Touring Car...- giVX
35 H. P. Touring Car RX
40 H. P. Touring Car .SlOOU
Demonstration at your convenience.
rourteeiith and Conch Streets.
Irresponsible Automobile Handlers
Great Menace to Public Safety,
"Says Head of Highway
"Ore of the greatest detriment to
th automobile business," say I H.
Rose. Northwest manager of th Stude
baker Corporation, "la the speed crank
th man who loves to drive hi car
at top speed sometimes averaging 0
miles an hour In a country that Is not
safe at SO miles per hour. Because the
automobile of today can develop 60 or
70-horsepower does not mean tht It
should bo driven that many mile an
hour. Power In a car la made more for
climbing hill or getting out of tight
places. ,,
-My attention has been called to an
article by Colonel Edward S. Cornell,
president of the National Highways
Protective Society, on the necessity for
curbing irresponsive un.c-
High Speed Fatal.
. . llv.. annually
through the erase for speed than
through the mania which leads to mur
der.' he says. The erase for speed In
the United States, and more especially
in the very thickly populated sections,
. i ,m.mitv hraln itorm.
IS DecnminK -lh. ... j
and that means general deterioration.
The automoDile nas no
.. ,mnn. the members
man may do .uui.u ' . .
of the National Highways Protective
Society, but we aonor me
juggernaut. Like any other excess. In
dulgence In high speed becomes a real
i i .1 n n ... .Ir., men
Intoxication; imo.uii
... 1 .. man wbn lAMI
Irresponsioie, mm ."j ......
sense of his responsibility Is a menace
to nis renow cm-Tim.
m hi. . n nKi.f.t to la nutting the
motor car to base, unworthy uses. Not
long ago an men oojeciu
Came the vehicle by means of which a
band of bandits traveled to their crime.
and afterward escaped, is me rau "
. j.ttk.Patiil. carries Out SL
plans ana uciur.a.v.j -
robbery by means of an automobile
much worse man iub msu
, nn.-a.t. bis motor
eneer careieaaii-coo, .... .. . .- ---- - - .
car Into an Instrument of death to
Heckleas Driving IJecnco.
.. . . .. .Via nne man Is
"Me is. oi tuuioc, i ------
premedltatedly a criminal, while the
other accomplishes offense through
foolish, not deliberate selfishness; but
the scorcher's menace w mo puowv.
... i- - o-t a - anv bandit
ana weiiaro i. n" -
and there are far more of the former
than there are oi me urner.
. ...... .. I . -a now rind on
J no nitiio-c in.. ... .... -----
our streets does not grow out of the
progression tnrougn mem oi -
sine or touring car or runabout of the
respectable, calm-minded business or
professional man, but intrust to the
ungoverned hands of irresponsible such
potential Instruments of carnage as
the modern high-powered motor car
and disaster Is too likely to descend
upon some innocent head. The citizen
who has developed the ability to think
.... in Hue accordance
correctly, iiu ...
with his thinking, may enjoy, upon oc
casion, rapid movement, and even may
Indulge it; but he will not by this pro
pensity or this Indulgence imperil other
people's lives.
Society Not Antagonistic.
"There 1 a feeling In some quarter
that the National Highways Protective
Society is opposed to motoring. It 1
not. On the other hand a large propor
tion of Its members own automobiles
but they drive them sanely.
" 'A score of years ago a man who
drove a horse through New York a
streets at 20 miles an hour would make
the populace hold up their hands in
horror and would be stopped and carted
to the police station before be had pro
gressed five blocks. Such speed waa
not aa dangerous In those daya as It la
in these; yet how many times a day can
any of us see a motor racing up or
down our avenues at twice 40 mile an
hour. NO special legislation was re
quired to stop mad drivers In past days.
As public perils they were very prompt
ly put In prison.' "
Prominent Anto Men Coming.
George E. Daniels, general manager
of the Oakland Motors Company, and
Controller McGee. of the General
Motor Company, with which the Oak
land is affiliated, are due In Portland
tomorrow. The Eastern automobile
men ar making a tour of th country
to study business conditions at first
hand. While in Portland they will be
the guests of C. G. Arnold, manager of
the Pacific Motor Company. Oakland
Brown Named Koad Captain.
Kay Brown has been named road cap
tain of the Portland Motorcycle Club.
Brown led the club run to Camas,
Wash., last Sunday. The trip was a
big success and the run will be re
peated each Sunday.
Atterbury Truck
Colombia Carriage tt Anto Works, Afts.
209-211 Front Street Phone Main 2891
General Anto Eepairlnj. Bodies and Wheels Built to Order.
Largest Stock
Automobile Accessories
M. & W G. & J. and Hartford
Tires, Monogram Oils
80-82 Seventh St, Cor. Oak. Portland. Or.
BALLOU & WRIGHT, 80-82 Seventh Street, Cor. Oak
Motor Supply Company
"Everything But The Automobile"
At Lowest Possible Prices Consistent With Highest Possible
627 Washington Street Marshall 1018, A 7633
Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco, Fresno, Los Angeles
Crowe Auto Co.
Sixteenth and Alder Streets
MAIS TRUCK (Gear Driven)
The Best American-Made Track
Distributers for Oregon and Southern Washington.
TCTO TT"a T" car d8 comtt fafly equipped
P 11 3 Best for the Money
Ford Motor Car Agency
E. E. Sleret, Pre- Mar, E. 8fc Hawthorae Aye. Ph.. East 648.
S T ill
L Car lerlmlaatl Few Tae Safes Ca am Bartk,
a ur www "..,.,.. SToaAGE BEPAIBINO.
Nob Hill Garage
aoo-a Kcarscr St- Betweea
F. W. VOGLER, President
617 Washington Street Phones Main 7179, A 4959.
Headquarters for Shop Supplies
and Automobile Tools
Schacht Motor Car Co.
Our Motto: "Quality and Square Deal"
Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co.
Vulcanizing, Hardware and Anto Supplies.
Phones: Main 8828, Home A 2016.
Anbnrn Motor Car Co.
505-7 Burnside Street
A 7339. Main 2671.
8. D. Stoddard. Act, 305 Columbia Uld Mala 14.
Northwest Distributors,
Phones: E. 3887, B 1625.
& Auto Co., Inc.
Tweaity - nras aaa imu-t!.n
. . ... .... Mala Tnis'L