The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 43

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    TITE SUNDAY OKEOOXTAy. PCmiXAyP. MAT 19, 1012. ' 7
' - . - 1
BT ara TTS A
' litu TOT a A 3
"..At a-a fO'O A '
ala.B TOTu A 6"t
""..ala.B 1-0 A "J
a . maaa a (uo
rtiT ( imi'aiiai ......
ata-aisg SMlto ......
aaEdtr fc-iita .......
C.tnps!r.s'-r.aa ......
aa.xlAla&.4AI fculldlaa
Br!U1 TRI4TEK-tr.tb and TaTlorv
j,.r.t!t ron.'.M ror i.b.r ra a-r a
ciy. lonigat at A
Baker thitf.-iei aal tm-
aoak Baaar lit.-- CotDt.njr !a ! 0'r-
nrBtr," Ibj artaraooa at
o Coca.
CftPHKI TWTATEK fVsrrlaaa. waa
Stta and s.ntfi VajdTll.a This aft
uraMi at ax4 taiaai at IS rlotlL
EVI-KESS THEiTtB- Par and WBiln.
ttl Vadi;i. Thla aftroa a 1.1.
t.c:At at 7 -- aa4 ' coca.
ar Vagdl-I. Tal aftaraooa at l.lav
tsa:gM at I SO aad a a clxa.
tT'.'- TH EATER tFiurta a -
K'ar'n A riood r,)m janr In "Hrm - TMa art-rno-m at 2 W Ana lt
s.a-.t at T.3 aivd a o'clock.
f. star akoade. oh jot.
TIV..LI AM rRTsTAL-Hnl-nu w
tur.A ii a M -II P. at
kK -"I: :: A Tins PARK iTnT-fotmi sa
tS'iC.-r Portland sati:a. baatbe.L
T af-anin at 5 oc. ca.
iIiumd - Anxil Extic-isio Tasska
TllR"UiH 2SEVKAAL The prO-
r-c-l extension of Grand avenue nurih
l city limit will require appropria
tion of the property where tf.e street
will paaa through ! blocks between
lluncut-k ani Kttmont streets, when It
is opened for a fw block anl then Is
In all. to open Grand avenue
to Columbia boulevard Norm will
necessitate the extension of the street
throutth betwrcn 2 and Zi blocks.
I'ract.callr All the lots are occupied
r.y fn-li-ncti ao that the cot will be
ivy. and require between is and 13
full tlocka of land. beMea the Im
provement that have been made. It
Is t-ropowrxl to make the atreet 8 feet
ai.lo from Holladay avrnut north. The
roil probably will foot Up to K0.0vi.
br.-i.l.t the lOvjiiUict.
Jt at to Tat Ixdiak Is Pexjdcteix
I'nlted tutis restrict Attorney Mc
C'ourt yesterday completed the eelclion
of a Jury In the FedernJ Court for the
trial of Anderaon Faithful, a Klamath
Jrvllan. who Is charged with the murder
. of na wife lat In tober. The Intro
dtirtion of testimony In the cane will
b.-irln tomorrow. The Jury In the
case of William Juduh Jim. charjtfMj
with the murder of yuimby I'hckti
kane, another Indian, on the Kalaniatb
reservation last Iecember, returned A
verdict of murder In the second deKree
The prosecution was conducted by
Waiter li. Kvans. Assistant L'nlted
tut" Attorney. The defence waa al
lowed ten day by Judge Bean to file
a motion for a new trial.
An airrtt-ultural development meetlns;
for all Klickitat County will be held
tomorrow at tioldondAle. profesaor
Hrin. agricultural expert for t'ie
Northern Paclflc and Great Northern
line, will be one of the principal
feak-rs. Other will be Samuel Hill
and W. fel I'oman. fieneral freight inJ
ptaHicner aent for the North Hunk
line. Many other resident uf t'urt
lana Interested In the agricultural de
r!.t?ment r-f the aorroundtnx terrl
1 ir will attend.
Mas rni-p Prto t! ATmiuiifi
Ornct While conferrlns; with hi at
torney. Kalph Citmn. In the Hamilton
bu'Mna:. yenterday, A. FTIedberit
lropprd dead, from an attack of heart
f.illure. The ioroner took charre of
the bewiy. Krledbertt. who was about
? years old. lived li a nouebot at
Unnion. He has children living" In
tAATostA!t Pane.' rxcxcsrrw OmnrHt.
Itti erraa I'leased to show yoo our
macntneent aelectlon of Koyal Klrman
ahab weave In small and room alsea.
In compATifon yon will find our run
not only right la prices, but also de
pendable In all particulars of quality,
color ard effects. 41 ash., bet. 13tn
anj Uth Is.
I'mifH fT Ovn rVntre. (I'nltarliin).
H-venlb and Tamhll. Kev. T. L. Kllot.
I !.-. minister emeritus: Rev. W. Ci.
Kllot. Jr., minuter. Air. Arthur K.
Wool, of Heed Coiu-se. will preach at
the mornlne: service upon the theme:
V Liv.n Fal'h." Kvenina; subject:
"The rilKrlm's I'ros:ress.-
Wn hair mattresses retail at
whotesa'e prices, for 3i-pound beds
from .S4 and up. We renovate mat
tresses and return them the same day.
We also rebovate feathers. Portland
Curled llAlr Factory. H. Metayer, pro
pr:ei..r Front ft. M.Aln J. A
;h, to priAK. Dr Ohorm
lv. p.istor of the Central Christian
t :i ir.h of Portland, will address the
I'.irtUnd Prohibition leacue at the
l'r"h:tnnin hel.juarter. fourth floor
ef t:ie Itehnke-Walker bulMinc. Fourth
arv! anilull streels. at S I'. M . May io
have a choice quarter block to lease
on S--year term with option to pur-cr-ae.
and Is one of the best locations
en West Side as It Is near Oregon
H-:el. Term very low. Clark Cannon
Company. 1'i Oak and 10 Fourth stA
C'm is PT-rritAcjtrrs to Mett. A
business m.-elip of Collere Kqual Suf
frage Leds-ie will be he W Tuesday, at
I V M. In the headquarters, tvt SeMlns:
butldlnit. The neat puMie meetinjr of
t:.e league will be hel.l at the Sca
men's Institute W"ednesay, Kay 2a.
30-Ackx Hint One of the choicest
and most attractive SO-acre tracts In
Mount llJod Railway district, wlt.t orchard and bull. lines. II.
and sIKhtly. Reasonable payment, easy
terms. Clark Cannon Company, 2 4
li and S Fourth street a
B. Ij roiT holds under A trustee
ship a beautiful suburban home which
must be sold at best price obtainable,
and also hsa for sale a home at Oak
Drove which Is offered at Si per cent
le.-s than actual value. 414 Failing
bull-Unr. Main T(.
Pvbixj the month of May we will
French dry-clean pent' suit for 11,
ld:' suits for tl i and Any ak.rt for
ti cents. All work guaranteed. Call
it up. V. H. Laundry Company dry
c.esr. ir dspartmenu B ll.-I, tast (J.
We Hats) a.- Tast Sipb Sxap. A business or factory location
three Mocks from h.ast Morrison buu
re. center, only four blocks from
Jlll-Husb terminals. Clark Carnon
Company. 274 Oak and ft) Fourth as.
Choice et.r-nost or Imported ftprin;
woolens: hixh-rrad work only: 14 per
cent rebate for cash payment until
further not'r. J. FollvkA A Co,
tabors. J Corhett bide
Foal Sals Kxce'Ient Inside business
property, near the PostofTlce; arrest
bsruain on q'llck deal. Hut C. Moser.
t 112 aeon bid;. Fhones: Mam
IJl. A J44I.
Next of our records, whatever, are
destroyed by nre. We wl'.l de business
In the same place In a temporary build
in A. ex Gilbert sr f -n, real estate
and Insurance. Seaside. Or. .
Axi'h:','";ext. The beautiful Mult
nomah Hotel Turkish Harhs now open:
w .rien. 11 A. M. to 7 r. M-: men.
V M. to 10 -V. M. Take elevalor. Ma!n
j. -Java" Rattas Potti- Chairs
by auction tomorrow. 1 A. M. at lit
becrnd street, near Washington. No
Fiast Cuassj 8 o RKPanuxo.
I ron pi service, moderate prteea, Jacob
rchmind. 1ST Stark, bet. Park and th.
Kul Wtrnst, the lleht. crt- kind
can only be bad at Morr.s', tl 4th. near
W .is-1-arc o bid
I,tt C'akasi delivered to all parts
of the city Washington Crearn Co
tanui furnished room, one block to
W ash. TtfO t'avta. Mala
i-ineocixiAX Pausasmop located At
112 tiixth street
- sTina today ail tUy. Oaka BiaA.
jKrrziuo Oradcatks ijc FAMOt-i
Ptlat. A revival of Oliver Goldsmith's
famous comedy "She Stoop to Con
quer" will be Ktven by member of
the Jon clsss of Jefferson Hlirh School
on June 7 and I. Aa excellent caat
! has been aecured by competitive try-
outs at which enthusiasm and spirit
figured prominently. The school Has
been extremely fortunate In securing
as coAch. Miss K. Towslee, rraduat
of the University of Kansas and Also
erf a prominent school of dramatic art
In Boston. Her untiring efforts and
akill bid fair to brio; crreat success
to the undertaking. The pla-r was
written by Oliver Goldsmith In 177
and produced at Covent Garden Then-t-r.
London, one year before the Au
thor's death. "She Stoops to Con
quer" la perhaps one of the most
familiar of Knklish plays excepting
only Shakespeare. It has been repeat
edly revived with greet success. The
character of the play will be taken
by the following students: Sir Charles
Marlow, Arthur Anderson: Young
Marlow. Fred Heltxhausen: Hardcastle,
I Frank Cox: Hastings. Jerome W hlsler;
Tony Lumpkin, Howard Mcculloch;
I'lxgorv. Otis Love: Mrs. Hardcastle,
Avis Ofclen; Miss Hardcastle. Lucll
yuinn; Miss Neville, Minnie Menefee;
Landlord. Paul Wiggins: maids. Luclle
Hayes and Winifred Bent. The piny
will be presented upon the school stag
and handled entirely by members of
the senior class. It Is one of the
heaviest p'ays to be Attempted by a
Portland school In several years. Ths
scenic effects and costumes Are to be
of isth century style- Rehearsals are
being held dally. The proceeds of the
two performances will be devoted to
the publication of the Class tpectrum
the school paper, which Is now well
under way.
Mrs. CRoxrEB! FtintMi Held. The
funeral of Mrs. Ellxabeth L. Croxler,
who died Thursday at her home iS3
Harney street. In Sellwood. ws held
yesterday from the chapel of the East
,ule Funeral Director. East Alder and
Kast Sixth streets, and the Interment
waa made In Mount Scott Cemetery.
Mr. Crosier was the wife of John B.
Crosier, came to Portland In 187J and
tautiht school for a number of years In
the old Holiaday building before the
district was consolidated with o. x.
Many of her former pupils, grown to
manhood and womanhood, attended the
service and brotiKht floral tributes.
Rev. James D. Corby, pastor of the
First Inlversallst Church, of which
Mr a Croxler had long been a member,
conducted the services And spoke In
hlKh terms of her years of useful serv
ice. Member of Acme Rebekah Lodge
of which she had been a member, at
tended the funeral.
CuACAAatAS IamoTt at.s T Clc
Form cd. Officer of the Clackamas
Improvement Club, organised Wednes
day night, are as follows: President.
W. T. Gardner; secretary. J. C. Butcher
committee on constitution and bylaws
W. T. Gardner. J. H. Johnson, lllrara
I-oncrv. A. Mather and 1'hlllp Flnxer.
J. H. Johnson was made chairman of
the committee on transportation, the
object being to secure an ele-ciric line
to Portland. Several talks were made
on the subject of transportation. C
p. Clark, of Portland, outlined sev
eral surveys winch had been made In
be past. It was the sentiment of the
meeting that the club should be made
parmanent and work for the advance
ment of the Clackamas district.
CHi-acH to F..rrxATAi.t ro Mibsioat.
Mis Kltxabeth Carothers. member
of tb First Presbyterian Church of
Portland who hat been la tne mis
sionary field In India for the last eight
years. Is visiting at the home of her
aunt. Mrs. M. Saltmarsh, 170 East
Fourteenth street. And of her cousin.
Mrs. It. Gsntenbeln. & East Flfty-
tirst street. Miss CArothers was located
at Lakawn Laos and other parts of
India and had many Interesting ex
periences. Phe was sent as a mis
sionary from the First Presbyterian
Church and will be given a reception
by the women of the church while she
Is In Portland. She expects to return
to the missionary field after a brief
stay here.
Vxiox SrictAt. rxAjncEO. in Eastern
Orecon they have caught the com
munity visiting Idea which ha worked
ao successfully In Portland and other
cltie In the last few year. A an
example of thl the people of Union
will conduct a special train excursion
to Joseph and Intermediate points on
Wednesday. May I J. the object being
to promote the Union Livestock Show
to be held at Union early In June. The
O-W. IC N. Co. has granted a spe
cial rate on account of the excursion
ami It Is expected that more than 100
residents of Union will make the trip.
Knoi.ish Prnust'iNO Hocsa Makxa
SacRtrtcg. Overproduction In English
market forces the famous publishing
house, A. A C. Black Co.. to sacrifice
their handsome Illustrated books of
travel: Florence. The Heart or Scot
land, Canada. Morocco. England. Naples,
The Alps. Holland, and many others
h.ive been placed at our disposal for
sa'.e at less than cost. English price.
So shillings; American price, fit. Sale
price. A rare opportunity for book
lovers and those building libraries. The
J. K. GUI Co.. -The Hons of Books,"
Third and Alder street.
W-ASHiNO-rost Hioit STCDEera ExHIBrT.
The annual exhibition of students'
work In the domestic science and sew
ing departments of the Washington
II. Rh School will be open to visitors
n-xl Thursday, from t:40 to P. M.
There will also be dlsplsys of work
In the art and manual training depart
ments. The sewing exhibit will be
held In the new gymnasium building,
and wl'.l be on view Friday as well
as Thursday. Parents and others are
cordially Invlted.
The 4-hours services at St, Mary'
Church. Albina. close tonight with
solemn benediction. All the children
wi.l attend mass at t A. M. The little
girls will be dressed In white, wearing
white wreaths on their heads and the
boy wlU have white sleeve bands.
This afternoon there will be a recep
tion of young women Into the Sodality
at the regular meeting. After the re
ception there will be a business tneetlng
In the club hail.
Tompkins FrxiatAt. Hrcrx Funeral
services for Lester Tompkins, aged 7
years, were held yesterday at Warren,
Or, where the body was Interred. Ha
mas t.'ie son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton
Tompkins and died of appendicitis at
;iS Kast Fifty-eighth street North, last
Thursday niche He was a grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. Joaepnus Tompkins,
lde!r-known Oregon pioneers, living
st Puke's Landing, a Willamette River
1'oiraAXO ExHiBmosj Clxe xs. The
exhibit of portraits, out-of-door
sket.-hes. life drawmits, designs, clay
moelltng, compositions and still-life
p.ilntincs by the students of the Art
School will close on Monday. Thie ex
hibition tills the large gallery of the
Museum of Art. The museum hours are:
Weekdays. to S o'clock: Sunday. 1
to S: free, the afternoon of Sunday,
Tuesday. Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday. Bony Is Px-stT TO La ORAJtDB-
The body of James F. Ward was sent to
La Grande yesterday where the fu
neral and Interment will be made to
day lie ited at the home of his son.
Luther Ward. I t Missouri. He was 70
year of ax.
Taoor Ats Comxa. A special ear
carrying 44 troopa from the fort at
Omaha to Interbay, Wash, will pasa
through Portland this afternoon, arriv
ing at 11:4 on O.-W. R- at N. train
No. .
Smokers. ATTgxnox. My exclusive
lines. Charles the Great. El Teano and
Tantos cigars. Si S. Rich, sole dis
tributer. S7 Morrison, bet Id and 4th.
Mra Ci rtis to LiTi A Mrs. Char
lotte B. Curtis will deliver the third
lecture of a series at the residence of
Mra A. R. Porter. 7SJ Tillamook street,
Tuesday, May 21. 1 If o'clock.
, . i -n
We have a very fine
showing of Elk Teeth,
mounted and un
mounted; some white,
others brown and
some copper mark
ings. The lines in
some of these teeth
are very pretty.
"We mount teeth to
order in our own shop.
Let us show you some
new ideas.
Jewelers Opticians
The Large Store
266 Morrison Street,
Bet. 3d and 4th
OrrtcERS Ana Elxctxd. At the an
nual meeting of the Parents-Teachers'
Circle of Woodstock In the Woodstock
srhoolhouse. Friday, the following
officers were elected for the year:
President, Mr a Charles A. Elwell; vlce
Tresldenu Mrs. C. Pease; pecretary,
Mra B. a Coggswell; treasurer. Mr.
J. Kaiser. Principal A. J. Prldeaux
gave a talk on "International Peace."
Mrs. George Welster made a short talk
on the significance of the picture. "The
Gleaner," recently acquired for the
Woodstock school. It wa decided to
put a contingent of children Into the
parade of the Women' Congress and
also to prepare an Industrial feature
of children for the "Human Rosebud"
parade during the Rose Festival. On
June 7 the circle will hold a out-door
social when every pupil of the Wood
stock school, numbering about S00. will
be served with all the strawberry
shortcake they can eat.
J. F. MeCON.vgiaVs Wtr Dies. Mra
Josephine Hammel McConnell, wife of
J. K. McConnell. died at her home. 601
East Twenty-ninth street, Monday
evening after a long Illness. Be
sides her hus'iand. she Is sirvlved by
her daughters Mrs. William G. Hale,
Mra. Claude E. Hicks and Mis Mary
McConnell, of Portland, and Mra. John
B. Sawyer, wife of the American Vice
Consul at Hongkong. China, and by
one son. Henry McConnell, of Portland.
Mra McConnell was born In Coshocton,
O.. July 12. 1S5S. and came to Portland
In ll. The funeral aervlces were
held at the Crematorium Wednesday
afternoon. Dr. Luther K. Kyott con
ducted the service a
MiotAgt. O'Brikx's FrxitRAi. Held.
The funeral services of Michael O'Brien,
who died lat week, waa held at the
St. Marya Church, with solemn high
mint Mr. O'Brien was 73 year of age.
While a child he came to America from
Ireland, and moved to Portland 14
years ago. settling In St. Mary's parish
In Albina. His health broke with the
death of his wife two years ago. He
I survived by two daughters. Mrs.
Mary Power and Mr. William Uunn.
PoMgaTic Sctgxcg Exhibit Plaxxsd.
The domestic science, sewing end art
departments of the Lincoln High School
will hold a Joint exninmon oi worn.
next Wednesday from 1:40 to f x . M.
All parents and others Interested In
the work of the schools are cordially
Pu-KBiM Wart RiruMtsTtrrvx
Members of the plumbers' union nave
written Mayor Rushlight and members
f the City Council asking mem to
send the city plumbing Inspector to
the plumber convention In St. Louis
June 4. i and .
Price Cct. Big special reduction for
May on alabwood and all kinds of fuel.
Prompt service. Albina Fuel Company,
Eaat III. C HIT.
accoadiok and stds plaiting, but
tons covered and all kinds of dress
trimmings made. I8 Alder street.
Arcadian Garden.
The Arcadian Garden of the Hotel
Multnomah la more popular than ever
as a meeting place for business men at
the noon honr.
The Garden Is cool and comfortable
and the best of service and culslna la
For dinners and after-theater parties
It Is unexcelled.
Each evening an excellent musical
programme Is rendered which will ap
peal to the most fastidious.
Hear the Symphony Chimes. Europe's
latest and greatest electrical wonrler,
every evening.
Don't trouble yourself to look up an
x pressman to take your baggage to
u- CKn mtmnA In line foe lama
time before departure of train to get
your baggage checked. Buy your ticket
then phone Main 980 or A 1321 and
.w- n . f- Ivanaeae Pn SbHH hlV.
man to all for your trunk and check
same to It destination Easy Isn't
Real economy, after all. la simply
buying right. The suits that I sell for
11S.7S wou'.d cot you I17.S0 to 330.00
at the hlgn-remi atore on tne .ireei.
Mv tailor altera the garments to fit
you. Remember: My rent la only ISO
a month. Jimmy Dunn, room IIS Ore
gonlan bldg. Take elevator.
special turkev and chicken dinner
and many dellcaclea at the Feerless
Cafeteria. 14 and Fifth street. Open
all day; musio from 13 to 1 and from
4 to T o clock.
Chicken dinner all day at Morris-.
next to Wells-Fargo building. "
n. Mosae Psrekaaei Plaa The Equit
able Life Assurance Society make
loans on approvexl home proporty. re
call! nv fixed monthly Installments
over period of 10. IS or 20 year, with
the additional provision that In event
of death' of borrower, loan 1 cancelled
at once- Interest. per cent annually.
Information. Edgar w. Smith, agency
manager. 0 Gregonian building. Main
17. "
Sawdast, Cordwood. Coal.
Holman Fuel Cs. successors to Bas-
fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. sis. A .
Prices Cut Big special reduction for
May on slabwood and all kinds of fuel.
Prompt service. JUblna Fuel Company,
East 111, a X11T. "
$15, $20 and $25
Without an Equal
If you are the conservative man
and want to be well dressed then it's
up to you to get the best possible
clothes you can purchase for the
This cut will give you an idea of
a few of the styles shown here at
these -prices and we absolutely back
every garment that leaves our store
as to style, quality, tailoring and a
perfect fit.
Come in tomorrow and try
on a few. Youll be satisfied.
Higher Grades $30 to $50
aJawT ' Sill III nil
Statement Waa Tsed by Eastern
Bond House) Says Company Head
Replying to Kellaher.
That both atatementa, the one pub
lished In the London Mall and that
Died with the City Auditor, are correct
Insofar as they relate to the Portland
Railway. Light Power Company, la
the opinion of B. a. josseiyn, presiueni
of the Portland Railway, Light A Power
Company. The London Mall statement
turns out to be an advertisement of
an Eastern bond house, and merely re
cites a number of figures pertaining
to the gross earnings and the net earn
ings from operation of the Portland
company. The advertisement doea not
attempt to give a detailed statement
of the expendlturea taken out of the
aurplus. Apparently the object waa to
ell bonds, for the advertisement was
slicned by a Boston firm of bond deal
ers. Dan Kellaher's statement before
., K.eri was to the effect
that there waa ISOO.000 difference In
the atatementa.
. , ....M.nt of the com
pany, made the following; statement ra-
r.dl?f ,.. atatement of
earnings published In the London Mail
referred to ny air.
. :,i.a i that the atatement
juauncu i" m J ' . .
referred to. also the one filed by us
with the city oinciaia, a w
- -i ia .tstement of gross
one dciiib "' wn .u.
earnings from operation, while the one
filed by ua witn me city
sa.1 .a. as mmA ft f Int Tl fC
what a postuvn we -
rrntng. in the way of depreciation.
renewAls ana Bireet p""s- rr. --
i - kv Xfr. Kellaher
Terence - ,
merely representa the amounts expend
ed by us for inoae
Pl"The world Is' small and It would
be ridiculous even to attempt deceiving
the public in London or In
to say nothing; about the moral side of
the question. We do not conduct our
business on such a low level.
J. B. Yeon Dlscnsseg tVlllamette
Boulevard Situation.
PORTLAND, Or, May !-To tha
Editor.) A much-needed atreet Im
provement la now being agitatea or
PenlnsulA property owners, connect
i. . h.p4.Murfet navement from
Central Portland ending at Patton ave
nue with the nard-aurrace pavement
from Wabash avenue running west to
the city limits.
This Interval of unimproved atreet
running over half of the distance along
Willamette bouleverd Is About to blocks
In length, and during tne winter
months is almost Impassable, thue cut
ting off from team trafflo with Port
land 10.000 realdenta living; west and
north of this unimproved district. A
glance at any city map will ahow tha
utmost Importance 01 mis improvement
. 1 h.lnr naceBBArV to the fast-
liut v.i.j
i-. traffic but comprising the
most picturesque scenic road of any
street or nouievara in tne -v.jr w
Uo-k. ...nn traffic on this unimproved
street la enormoue from the dally de
liveries of merchandise irom tuo city
and from aawmlll and other mannfao-
... i--. Thla la nractlcAlly
suspended during tha rainy season.
Will not the property owners In this
vicinity awake to the necessity of this
Improvement wutte a largo ouuiucr i
have already aigned the petition, sev
eral more nave promueu. j
The hard-eurfac Improvement now I
. .w ..a -. a thl. Int.rval. and
in nortn - . - t
which is practically valueless without ;
the connection, ia "-u,u - .
proved at a cost of IIM.OOO; Ports
mouth avenue, improveu at
194 000. and Fish street. Improved at a
cost of 187.000. making a total of i:s,-Th-
.mniHt holder In that lm-
VUV. . - f r - J
Platelet have been out to
this expense, and with slight benefit
arising therefrom, by reason of the
failure of the Improvement of the con
necting link above mentioned.
I have met with eoma difficulty in
getting favorable action from property
iM 'I
Fashion Shop
Give to your office a look of prosperity
and a man likes to do business with a pros
perous firm.
1 fszzzfzzi p
1 rf7;:rj U'.
Macey Filing Cabinets, Special-Built Counters,
Chairs, Tables, Typewriters, Mimeographs, Station
ery, Printing.
jT-trVlr1 IV 107 2nd St., Bet. Wash, and Stark
owners arising from the hope expressed
by them that the County Court would
take over Willamette boulevard and
maintain the same. Thla the County
Court baa wisely refused to consider.
For the County Court to do so would
be going back several years. It would
mean that this portion of the connect
ing link would never be hard-surfaced,
and that the heavy trafno on same
would continue for all time to make it
among the worst and most miserable
roads or streets In the City of Portland.
Do You Intend
Buying a
It will cost yon nothing; to in
spect oar fine diamond stock,
should you be in the market for
It would really prove advan
tageous to you to do so, as such
an inspection would enlighten
you to the extent that you, could
not possibly make a mistake.
Our high standard in this line
would be a guide to you in mak
ing a purchase. We are always
pleased to show our fine dia.
mond stock, which is so reason
able in price.
Our satisfied customers of the
past can assure yon what Heit
kemper Diamond values mean to
Diamond Dealers and Jewelers,
130 Fifth St, Yeon Bldg..
and Supplies
Printing and
343Vi Washington Street.
- ' - '
Will not the property owners In this
district wake up? J. B. YEON.
After the Theater
Gastronomic Joys "Will Feature
at the
New Imperial
Hotel Grill
Nason's String Orchestra.
Miss Leona Francis, Soprano.
Mr. Roy Dietrich, Tenor.
In New Musical Numbers. . .
New Imperial Grill
Use Stark-Street Entrance.
Twelve SlorlM
of Solid Comfort
CJa the center of
things theatres
and stores on both
sides. Building ab
solutely fireproof
concrete, steel and
$1.00 Per Day Up
Send for ee Mrs of
Seattle' Basinest District
till CU'
Edward E. Goudey
Lewi Building-.
k n. .ant nn tiast huslnasa n rn nrt la
( per cent and T per cent on other close- I
In business and residence securities. I
ro 1
S. W. Corner Fourth
and Morrison
In the Long Run
a high-priced employee can
do the work as cheaply as
the low-priced, and incom
. petent one.
There are artistic printers
just as there are master
painters; and it's the good
printer who knows how tc
add the brains that pull
the business.
The brain-kind of printing w?
not cost yon any more than th '
other kind if you'll come to us.
Why sot today ? -KILHAM'S
Fifth and Oak Sts.
Don't Bother With
two pairs of glasses for far and near
Let us supply you with a pair of In
visible Bifocals, two pairs in one, the
lenses fused together so that you can
not observe where one begins or tha
other ends. No extra charge for our
scientific examination.
Dallas Optical Parlors
218 Falllne; Bnlldlna.
Corner Third and WsshlnAto.
Second Floor) Take Elevator.
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.60 a day up .
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New st! and brick strntar. Ery
modern cottrmrtimncM. Moderate ratea
Center of theatre and retail b4.triet. Ot
aj. lines tnnat erriac all over city. Ele
Vic omaibaa meets trains and eteamera
Sutter and Kearny Street
An np-to-date modern fire-proof
hotel of 250 rooms, taking the
place of the old Occidental Hotel
and Lick Eonse.
European Plan $1.50 Per Day Up
Take aar Tazleab from the Ferrr
at the Expense of tee Hotel.