CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 20 VOL. XXXI. I'OiTLAXD, OKEGOX, SUNDAY MORXIXG, MAY 19, 1912. NO. 20. Dutch Neck Blouses Removal $1.48 Selling Regu'arly at $2.75 Dutch neck blouses of fine quality soft-finished while linon, made with small, round sailor collar and deep cuffs, and have side pocket. The collar and cuffs are of fine French chambray of blue, pink, gray, tan, green or black- Every Waist in Stock At Removal Prices fp-Vf ; Lymfr.. . wnm.r---- mtSjti-K j ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING SACRIFICED NO GOODS WJCL BE MOVED Summer Fashions Shirts Now on Sale Of French percale plain and corded madras in many patterns, made exclusively for- the Manhattan Shirt Company. In pretty stripes and cluster stripes two and three-tone color effects in the new shades of blues, heliotrope, ecru, lavender and black and while combina tions. Prices $I.50o $2.00. I Wonderful SaleOffering Extraordinary Merchandise at a Remarkable Price "..7 Afar lylV A 4;4'-Ftf -- vV TTie Woman Wio Buys One of These New Spring Suits Will Hold This Sale up as a Precedent for Greatest Worth A Wonder Sale Suits Selling Regularly From $40 to $65, Removal $25 The finest tailored suits for women in plain tailored and fancy braided and braid-trimmed effects. Every suit is new this Spring, most of them being copies of the latest foreign Spring models. . Made of imported mens wear serge in navy, black and gray, t m p o r t m d whipcords in plain or two tone effects, in gray, tan, blue or black and white; fancy Scotch mixed cloths and fancy hard twisted worsteds. All the jackets are lined throughout with a soft, rich silk. The skirts are modeled in all the newest high girdle styles, and are trimmed to match the coats. 45?. "vv We Make Ca a Great pj &f3 Window Display wi-rM ? These V' Xfl Flouncings j 7; :. V jnWv Summer Draperies Vast Reductions 25c Cretonnes 17c 35c Art Cretonnes 29c 25c Art Scrim 19c 18c Curtain Swiss 12';c 50c fancy Curtain Net 39c 75c Scrims and Madras 59c 15c Casement Cloth 10c 12! ic Art S.Ikoline 10c 40c fancy Nets and Scrims 29c 60c Nets and Madras 47c $2.00 Scrim Curtains Removal 98c Pair Printed scrim curtains for the Summer home. Made with pretty border on the side and across the bottom. 40 inches wide and 2'2 yards long. In colors of brown, tan. red. green and blue. Embroidered Flouncings 52 Inches Wide Regular $6 to $10 a Yard Removal $2.95 We Feel Most Confident That This Sale Outranks any Offering of Fine Flouncings in Both Quality and Price Ever Held in the City We have just finished assorting this invoice of St. Gaul flouncing embroideries and bands. Never have you seen a more elegant display of 52-inch flouncings. They are embroidered far up into the flounce with exceedingly beautiful designs. Many of them in combination with the finest St. Gaul lace. They are made on the very finest batiste. It is impossible to give you a satisfactory description of these beautiful flouncings, and can only state that you will be well repaid by attending this sale tomorrow morning. These flouncings now in greatest favor sell readily in any store from $6.00 to $ 1 0.00 the yard. Bands 3 to 5 in. wide, to match, 98c Make Your Hammock Purchases Here For All Our Hammocks Are Reduced Hammocks of quality hammocks that will last you several seasons hammocks made with deep valance with upholstered pillow and concealed spreader. Hammocks in pretty colors colors that are cool and inviting on a warm Summer's day. $2.00 Hammocks, now $1.59 $4.00 Hammocks, now $2.95 $2.50 Hammocks, now $1.98 $5.00 Hammocks, now $3.95 $3.50 Hammocks, now $2.79 $6.50 Hammocks, now $4.95 Summer Silks AT REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS White Japanese Silks Removal Prices Range From 33c to $1.33 Yard A soft, washable silk that can stand all kinds of hard wear, yet look just as well after many tub bings as before. A material suitable for women's tailored waists, one-piece tailored dresses and men's shirts. Widths from 20 inches to 36 inches. Pongee Silks Removal 89c This silk has been treated by the "Water Resist," which ren ders it proof against spotting by water. A material suitable for all kinds of Summer apparel, particularly motor and traveling wraps, as it does not show the dust. In many shades of tan, both light and dark. Width 36 inches. You May Know How Reasonable These Trimmed Hats Are When the Untrimmed Shapes Sell for $4.00 New White Midsummer Chip Hats Removal $4.95 and $6.50 You'll not find these hats elsewhere no other store can trim them for anywhere near the price. Of this we are certain, for it would be impossible for us under ordinary conditions to name such low prices on such smart millinery. We illustrate four of the hats taken from an assortment of over twenty different shapes. All the new effects in trimming are shown in this new exhibition. Tomorrow morning we offer over two hundred of these trimmed hemp hats in distinctive styles trimmed by our best milliners. All white, but in many cases a little touch of color is introduced by wreaths of dainty buds. . A Most Important Sale Linen Table Damask By the Yard Never in the history of Portland have such prices been made on high-grade Irish, German and Scotch linen table damask or such a magnificent collection of artistic patterns displayed as you will find in our linen section. Removal 69c Yard Regular 85c bleached German damask, 66 inches wide. Removal 89c Yard $1.25 bleached Irish damask, 70 inches wide. Removal $1..19 Yard : $1.50 bleached Scotch damask, 70 inches wide. Removal $1.29 Yard I $1.65 bleached Irish satin damask, 72 inches wide. : Removal $1.69 $2.00 bleached Irish satin damask, 72 inches wide. "'" EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED ar-f I x. i v If Saving From One Quarter to a Half on Beautiful Undermuslin Is Worth While Come The Entire Section Is Devoted to This Big Sale rSM 'Petticoats Half Price $ 1.50 $ 2.00 $ 2.75 $ 5.50 $10.00 $12.00 Petticoats, Petticoats, Petticoats, Petticoats, Petticoats, Petticoats, Sale $ .75 Sale $1.00 Sale $1.38 Sale $2.75 Sale $5.00 Sale $6.00 Great Bargains in Combination Suits Corset cover and drawer combination suits, of fine longcloth. Some trimmed with edgings of lace or embroidery strung with ribbon. Others have yokes of fine cluny and Valenciennes lace and insertion, beading and ribbon. Then there are styles trimmed with embroidery and embroidery insertions. Belted at the waist, finished with fine beading drawn with ribbon. " In this lot will also be found a few princess styles. $1.75 and $2.00 Cominbation Suits, Removal Sale at $1.29 $2.00 and $2.25 Combination Suits, Removal Sale, at $1.59 $2.50 and $3.00 Combination Suits, Removal Sale at $2.29 $4.00 and $4.50 Combination Suits, Removal Sale, at $3.49 Night Gowns Radically Reduced An immense assortment of gowns in longcloth or nainsook in slipover styles. Round or square necks, with or without yokes; a few empire styles. -Daintily trimmed with laces, insertions, embroidery and ribbon. They have puff, elbow, kimono or flowing sleeves. $1.00 and $1.25 Gowns, Removal bale Price f .79 $1.50 and $1.75 Gowns, Removal Sale Price, $ .98 $1.50 to $2.00 Gowns, Removal Sale Price, at $1.29 $2.00 to $2.50 Gowns, Removal Sale Price, at $1.49 White Petticoats, Removal 98c Styles that sell regularly from $1.50 to $2.00 White cambric and longcloth skirts made with flounces which are trimmed with torchon laces or embroidery and tucks. All have dust ruffles. Twelve different models in the lot Deep Reductions on Corset Covers Corset covers made of longcloth or nainsook, in round neck tyles. Edged with lace or embroidery and yokes formed of em broidery and insertion, headings and ribbon. Many are trimmed with heavy laces. 50c Corset Covers, Sale 39c 75c Corset Covers Sale 59c $1.00 Corset Covers, Removal Sale price 79c Sterling Toilet Set A New Thin Model Comb, Brush, Mirror Regular Price $15.00 Removal $5.95 The average price of a good sterling silver toilet ' set ranges from $12.50 to $20.00. The set we offer tomorrow is fashioned in a very dainty de sign, and sells regularly at $15.00. We have just twenty-one sets left, which we will sell less than the price of the mirror alone. Removal $5.95 Sterling Hand Mirror Formerly $6.00 Removal $2.75 . Odds and ends of hand mir rors, all in broken patterns de signs that we are closing out Every mirror sold regular at $6.00 each. Very Latest Books "The Promised Land" By Mary Antin "The Unofficial Honey moon, " by Dolf Wyllord "The Lore" By EL. S. Stevens "My Actor Husband" FOR MEN A Removal Sox Sale 35c 3 for $1.00 Regular Price 50c Pair Men's fine quality hose of im ported and domestic makes. Lisles, silk lisles and pure silk all made with reinforced heel and toe. In this removal sale there are plain blues, purples, helios and greens, also black with fancy clocks of contrasting colors. This is a rare opportunity to purchase fine quality hose. UNDERWEAR Of Course Removal Prices Formerly 75c and 50c Monday 39c You must be wearing Summer underwear this warm weather. Here is your chance. Several lines of Summer weight shirts and drawers fine quality lisle, in white and ecru r.eis make porous weave, in various styles. The Prettiest, Newest Dresses Half Price Modish, Chic Models From $17.50 to $22.50 Removal, Monday, $10.00 -This same announcement made on August the st would have enough force to create the utmost enthusiasm. Measure how great the importance this sale must be when we offer you August oppor tunities in May. -Day after day women are realizing more and more the really re markable prices, unquestionably impossible were it not for this Re moval Sale, that we make on women's apparel. For tomorrow we offer one-piece dresses of Plain and changeable chiffon taffeta silk and fancy stripe silk in brown, navy and Copenhag en. Also fine all-wool French serges in navy, brown, white, as well as lingerie and net dresses. Every dress is new this Spring. They are trimmed with silk, lace and fancy braids. Made in this seasons newest high waist effect with straight cut, narrow skirts.