f wr.viM v iiRFr.nVTAV. PORTLAND. MAT 19. 1912. 10 i mi o.iL. m w-- See 6th St. Window Display of Artistic Chinese Brass Furniture Miss Lola Rideeway, Soprano, and Jeffrey's Orchestra Are the Special Paper Bag Cooking Lesson, 2:30 Tomorrow, 4th Floor Special Attractions at Noontime in Our ?th-FIoor Restaurant THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison & Alder Sts. WEATHER REPORT: FAIR TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1S57. 55th Anniversary Sale 3d Week Scholarship Contest!. 'ar . ... I THE VOTES FOR WOMEN. I T.Hllan E. PHrmn 115.S7S THE vote in this p-eat Scholarship Contest has assumed immense propor tions! A battery of adding machines worked until late last night, in order to furnish too with the standing of contestant up until 3 P. M. Saturday. " Intere-tin their friends, neighbors and schoolmates has secured millions of votes this past weeK. Only a few days ago, one contestant jumped into second place the day he entered. Ballots secured with a big- furniture purchase did it. . ' . . The Grand Double Prize is a $1000 Scholarship to the young woman standing highest, in ellele. Brvn Mar. Vassar or any school in America. A $1000 Scholarship in laie, uarvani, i nnceion, ' . . . ... . it i r : I J : : - C a t u a ml unl initial rest vote- And II omer scuoiarsuips in ramie vvn uunT.-(irn j n oracnug oy man. cumuui- TAitnr man vnrirnr larirest Secure rotes with every cash or credit purchase of 23 cents and above, ers bhoold atate preference, and we will cast balloU for you. Lovely Mid-Summer Hats! FKUM our expert trimmers have come more charming Ifats to augment this beautiful showing of ad vance Summer Millinery for to morrow. Picturesque Milan, Leghorn, Panamas, trimmed ia the popular heavy laces, flowers, jaunty wings, fancy feathers and drapes. Prices range from $0.00 to $30.00. Trimmed Hats . Price K A large lot or pretty summer inmmea llat. bearing our original price-tickets of $5.00 to $30.00. Also our entire line of Paris and New York Pattern Hats from $3o.OO to $150.00. U DviVa Tomorrow, special, at Aww To $10 Untrimmed Shapes at 'j Price For Monday only, a table of fine Milan and Hemp fo I)ff nntrimmed Shapes, ranging from $4 to $10, at exactly a Uveas FlMr, ftew Balldlas. Mall Orders Filled. White Dress Goods Reduced WHITE SUITS, "White Dresses, White Coats white everywhere since Summer weather has started in earnest ! Choose from our entire line Portland's largest of Cream "White Serges. Diagonals, Whipcords, and rongh weaves. Special, yard, 9S0, 51-23, 1.33, $1.48, $1.57 and $1.98. THE VOTES FOB MEN. Joe Mellaril. 3 North XOtb at 1.137.KM "red Irliarh. S3 td t MI.475 V.Aw. Urbwrllwr. B. W. Bu. Cole. (4II.K5 Clifford Thome. ( olamhia CntTer . &4,14.t Irrd J. Barber. VYaahiastoa llia. SS4.47S I T. O'Brlea. r. af O SS1.025 I-sweU Bradford. Wiik. Hlrh f.l.its Harrr Paroae. X Kler. bids :ll.S-le Kayinead Fryer. Huh. Hlh J7.35 Harry flow. B. W. Baa. College. . SS.57J Malrolea M.'I-eaa. M. Leer. Arad . . :17.1J therlre Hlree;. Arebrr V1. t".. X.1V.S1S Arrhie Met aoler. Weh. Mich... 3--g.S?X Harry t'oeanj. 54th and Irrlnc ate. SI1.4M Joha Hijtlrv, 464 Kodner aveaae. . 1 94 .800 Harold A II kin. Port. Arademr i5 Harold Becaea. : E. balmea at... tl6.. 1-aul Adama, VTaah. Blab School.. 1I0.374 I.oiiie C Fearer. W E. Tint t . . . I3.15 t.eo. Maxwell. Jefferson Hih school JJl." Harold Malvn. Jrnrrwn fiiKu. . . . Willie Cubberley. Ladd bVbool..... 141."" K.r. Mian, thrl. Broa. Baa, Cel.. 13J.SJ3 Ieojr M. Mclaffee. T. of O Over MrPboraou. . Hlirb Alfred GniMrom. AUrn Prep. lil-Si? Merin Ptirian. Columbia Loirer.. lo4.z?3 J. 11. Eoslon. ltli opaldln IJJ 'rJ Paul S. hitcomh. Banka. Or. ... . J9.J" Ja-k Vouds, unn.lde J" .- Allee, Pralt, 62S Toarney bids..... J-'?" (hw. R. Tbompaoll. . A. C....... 8.-2 W. Tnerrk. Lincoln Hih Kchool... 4; Erneat PMeraon, 3 E. 39lh at. .... &.4-. H. SL Brown. ab. HlKh Nrhool. . . . CerU Blppen. tVoodlawn Nrhoor.. Ji.OJO IxOa V. bcott. 1204 E. Madlaoa at.. t4oe THE VOTES FOR WOMEN. MlM A. ti. roller. 1053 Vaoshn . 74.900 Era I Geotrr. 5432 36(b avenue. .1R1.S2S EveLve Srwal. Allen Prep ...43K.8HS rnorcla pToratra. 669 Ford St 406.100 Edna Mrtralf, Reed Collrite 337.3.10 Ethel O'Brien. St. Marr'a Acadeoar. .347.475 Torn Haley. St. Msrr's Arademjr. ..144.25 Edith Bocern. S4 White t S3S.425 llattle tmnrklrr, 215 E. 3th at 323,475 Helen Clark. Uranta Paw. Or 2.1S.07.1 Eva JohaMO, 571 K. Ah M 22S.400 Era Mar Vore Milton llano School. 1K8.145 Nettle lrew, 537 E. 3th at 1K2.2.V) Florian 31. Lfnklater. Keed CoUeae. 175.850 Marj C Iavies. Wash. Hlh lfi!t.!MiO Alice Johnaon, Arleta 164.750 I.onie RoTer, Waah. High School. .1S3.2.SO Kdna Venator. 2t. Mary'a Academr. 136,700 Lillian E. Peterson 115.373 Alice Hoover. Line. In Hllth School. .113.375 Nirah Johnson. Buchanan School. . .118.8O0 Mande Eosey, Jrirerson Hljrh School. 112.875 Kn.h Steele Wash, llirli School. . 112.500 Esther Ohlemlllen. Woodlawn 87.950 (.race Michael. Wash. lUgh School.. 1.400 Hnlda Parr, V. of O tienerleve Courtney. 5S6 E. Oak st. . 70.823 Kuby Corvell. Willamette Cnlverslty. B6.6O0 Jannlta Phelan. 1433 E. Salmon at... 62.873 Kihel Chase. 4X3 E. 12th at ??""5 Elsie Relnhart ........ . F. E. Bowers. -SI K. 51st st I'-4;? Marion E. per. Portland Academy. 18.175 Acnea Bryan, Oddfellows Home 17.200 Emma 1. Banadiirer. 533 E. 17th at 15.723 Sarah Brmshear. 103 E. 15th st 14.000 Benolt, ean xw win e. ...... iw 75c Tab SilKs at 49c Xew 27-inrh Tub Silks in white with lipht blue. tan. block and lar ender stripes. Regular 75c AQgm trrmde tomorrow, special, at" SI SilK Saitinss, 59c Dainty checked, striped Dresden and figured designs in light and dark colorings. Pretty for CQ street and evening. $1 jr'des Flret Floor. Mala Balldias. Mall Ordera Filled. 400 Dainty, New Wash Dresses Tomorrow $5.45 f JTfEATHER for cool, dainty Wash Frocks is here " " in earnest Every woman and miss wilt be in terested in this splendid purchase and sale of Summer Dresses tomorrow! , All in the popular one-piece styles of splendid quality ging hams, linen, tissue, sheer cotton voiles and chambrays. Plain colors and in pretty checks and stripes of various widths. Finished with shawl collars, with Dutch collars of lace and embroidery. Some trimmed in nets, laces, plain bands, pip- Sings and buttons. Attractive models for street ana Dusiness wrear. Three styles just as illustrated. See C f C them tomorrow, you 11 agree they re worth ajj mj-'-J more than the price asked, which is only Women's Smart Tailored Suits $17.45 For the women who have yet to select the Summer Suits this special offering at $17.45 is sure to interest. Smartest of plain tail ored and clever semi-fancy styles with side fastenings and backs, made with the new side effect. Deep collars of silk, macrame and lace. In all the new Summer-weight woolen fabrics. Also Silk Suits of black taffeta others with removable collars of ratine. Suits of white, tan, gray, blues and black and C1 7 white check. Choose from them tomorrow at our price of P Choice of All $55 to $150 Silk and Wool Suits Tomorrow at Off. Misses' and Juniors' Suits The cleverest Suits the girl and miss could wish for. Jaunty little Norfolk and short reefer jacket styles. Shawl collars and deep revers. Also severely tailored models, always in high favor. In tweeds, serges and mixtures every Summer shade. Sizes 15 to 18 years. They're a splendid value CI C 45 regularly. Placed on sale tomorrow at V - ! : Long Siik Kimonos, $4.95 They're lovely, graceful $7.50 to $9.50 Kimonos, and we special them tomorrow at only $4.95. Of splendid quality silk, both plain and in neat, attractive pattern and color combinations. Some with large collars of marquisette and lace. Plain or fancy satin borders. These kimonos are very beautiful and of Si A 1 .1 : .1 1 T.r..r.r wo nmea thorn X - J J spienuiu ttuiic. j villi....." f . - .uu. Second floor Mala Building. Mall Ordera Filled. There's Grace in "Redferns if Second Ploor, New Bldg. DONT fail to ask about new Redfern Corsets, $3.50, $5 and $6.50. Comfort, suppleness and grace of line combine to make them Tirrfeot for figures of every build. 3j Splendidly made of fine, though firm batiste, filled witn tne iamous genu ine whalone. Expert corsetieres to fit you and choose the model best suit ed to your individual figure. Prices range from $3 to $S. Warner's The Summer Corset As for the ideal Summer Corset "Warner's" re mains supreme! The original "Rustproof" Corset that may be washed and made sweet and clean with out injury to grace of line or fabric. Priced from $1 to $5. ' Women's $ 1 .25 Pen-in Washable Gloves, 98c A SAVING worth-while tomor row on these splendid U-elasp washable Doeskin Gloves, of the famous IVrTin'a make. All sizes, 5' Q C to 7. Anniversary sale spe- j cial for tomorrow at only, pr. Complete Showln( of Washable Chamois and Doeskin Gloves In white and natnral. One nd two-clasp styles, at $1.25, $1.50 and 31.75. New 16-Button Washable Chamois Gloves, $3 Xew lti-button mousquetaire fljO Ef) wahabe Doekin Gloves, special This la the Kayser Silk Glova Store of Port land. Kvery stvle. long and short every shade, 50 to $3.50. tlrmt rtoor. Mala Balldlaa. 76 Styles Women's Pumps WE IWiifrVK you'll not lind anotnersucn showing in all the Northwestl Choose from 7G charming, distinctly new models in Summer Pumps, most of them the famous J. & T. Cousins' make, here AT $si Eight styles in instep straps, ana piain pumps; tan calf, gunmetal and white canvas. AT $3.50 Eight styles of plain pumps in white canvas, gunmetal, tan calf, patent colt. Colonial pumps in gunmetal and velvet. AT $ 1 Twenty-six 6tyles of plain, one and two strap pumps in black satin, suede, tan, calf, gun metal, rravenette cloth, white canvas. AT $5 22 styles. Colonial pumps, in tan and black Russia calf, black and brown ooze calf, patent colt. Plain pumps, in satin, velvet, gunmetal, black Russia and ooze calf. Talrd Floor ew Balldlac. Mall Ordera Filled. . aV - -X. - Jaw Cousin's H i i h - Arch Pumps in ooze, velvet, satin, patent, $5. Lovely Real Hand Crochet fri33?'ri !ITr Irani"- lAfxlo The Peplum Waists WE CAN hardly keep. enough of them in stock! As usual, we were first to prominently feature the Peplum and Russian Casaque Waists in Portland, and every new style has found representation here. A dozen charming, inexpensive models at $250 to $5.00. Sheer batiste and lawn, trimmed in crochet, filet and shadow laces. Also allover eyelet embroidered. See them tomorrow! Others, finer, at $6. $7.50. $10 to $30. $6 Waists. We ve added many new Waists to this spe cial lot of pretty silks, chiffons and fancy-tailored models. High and Dutch neck; worth $o and $6.00. Special, at Tailored Waists Friday's express brought us this new line of smart white Tailored Waists. Plain and pleated front Typical Meier & Frank values, at $1.25, S1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. $3.85 Second Floor Mala Bull dins. New Parasols Are Unfurled THE Summer costume will not seem complete without one of these lovely new Parasols! Never have we shown them in such an unrestrained range of styles and beauty of colorings! The ever-favored Pongee Parasols plain, tucked and hemstitched, with stunning fancy set-in borders. Plain and fancy handles. Some have contrasting linings of pink, sky and emerald green. Plain taffetas in every wanted shade, with fancy col ored borders. Some fringed. Ebony and carved handles with cord and tassels to match. Then the exquisite hand embroidered Parasols, one as sketched. Fringed borders with quaint bird and ornamented handles. Striking black-and-white combinations, lovely brocades and Dresdens. Every price, ?1, ?l.oU, ?2, ?3, o to jp-io. First Floor, Mala Bulldlngr. Mall Orders Filled. Ever a Graduation and Not Books for Gifts? AND you cannot please the girl or boy graduate better than with the gift of some book in appropriate binding! "The Girl Graduate" A beautifully print ed "memory book" in which to keep a record of classmates, autographs, colors, dances, etc. Fancy, cloth; $1.50; velvet ooze, $2.50; crimson Morocco, $3; "Happy Days," 50. "Schoolgirl Days and Schoolfellow Days" Each, cloth, $1.25; ooze, $2.00. "My Sorority and My Fraternity" Each, cloth, $1.50; ooze, $2.50; Morocco, $3. "My Alma Mater" Cloth, $1.50; Mo rocco, $3; Commencement Book, 50. "My Golden School Days" Half cloth, 60; ooze, $1.25. Book Store, Basement ' A SENSATIONAL purchase, for TtrjO -HL sational is the only word that J :Zx :VT JFv,' 4 f.' Jwnlsi thi .nlMidia lot of 2500 nieces o WE sen- full - describes this splendid lot of 2500 pieces of real hand-crochet Neckwear, bought for the Anniversary Sale. Savings run from a third to a half. We've pictured some of the styles. Large, stin ning Collars, in square and round styles. Also Col lar and Cuff Sets, square Dutch Yokas and dainty crochet Medallions and Motifs for waists and baby dresses. a fit it'- 1 mT . J 15c and 20c pieces, 10s 3 for 250. 60c pieces 35c 3 for $1 75c and 85c pieces, 470 f 1 and $1.25 pieces 79 $1.50 and S2 pieces 980 S2.50 pieces for $1.19 $3.60 and $4 pieces for only Sl.yS. 85 and $6 pieces $2.93 $70 and S3 pieces, for nly $3.67. $9.00 pieces for $4.98 $12 and $13.50 pieces at $6.98. $16 and $16.50 pieces at trat Floar. Mala Bslldla. Mall Ordera Filled- To $2.50 Allover Emby's $1.39 Ovliiit luuu yaras oi tnese nanasome owiss iuiuvci jiaiuj.uiu.vxxv,o, the height of their demand now for beautiful graduation dress at dresses. lingerie gowns, blouses and yokes. Lovely eyelet and French tloral ae- q- o q k o-ntt. Sd pndid S1.7a to S.oU erades. SDeciauv pricea iur wuiunu w m. -r Nrw Lace Bands Venise Babv Irish and net m cream. 3 white and to 9 inches wide. For bat and dress trimmintrs. The $1.25 to $2.00 grades. ; the grades, spec $1.25 to $1.75 Flouncingg 27 inches wide, in exquisite eye let and baby Irish de signs on fine sheer Swiss. For lingerie eowns and blouses. .Placed on sale QQA at special, yd. Swiss Corset Cover Embroideries A re markable lot, IS in. wide, in dainty eyelet and floral patterns on Swiss. Regular 45c to 5oc trrades, 390; 35c to 4oc grades, Of very special, "" 500 Yards of Laces Venise, Baby Irish, net top and Platte VaL Edes and Bands for trimming Summer dresses. Many dainty patterns in the lot. Tomorrow, at, 1 C special, yard, Why This Is the Linen Center ' . ... ' . ... . ... . 1 A f f : 4An.M.nr of Portland, is stnkingty uiusiratea in inese Anniversary Irish Linsn Clolhs Handsome pattern Table Cloths of pure Irish linen, bor dered on all four sides. $2.60 Cloths, 70x70, at 81.98 $3.00 Cloths, 70x86, at $2.48 Austrian Linen $3.00 Cloths, 70x71, at $2.50 $175 Cloths, 71x88, at $3.25 $4.50 Cloths, 71x106, $3.75 $3.50 Nap's, 20x20, dz. $2.75 $4.00 Nap's, 22x22, dz. $3.25 offerings for . tomorrow S1.25 All-Linen Damask 70 inches wide, in several pretty floral and conventional QQ patterns, per yard, at Heavy Linen Huck Towels 22x38-inch, dozen, atOC $2.75; each at only1''1- II T I - - aaaaaa e-MM aMI f I A T. imk I I. II I JaW IX. - - SDecialsh Sr IE RING savings for tomorrow on dainty new conceits of reliable, guaranteed Jewelry! Our big de partment is showing thousands of latest novelties for Summer wear. $3.50 Gold-Filled Bracelets Joint and catch styles so much in demand now. Handsomely en graved or embossed, $1.98. Women's 98c Gold-Filled Watch Fobs, 690 Men's 75c and $1 Coat Chains Natty designs, m f;iid zlft $4.00 and $5.00 La Vallieres Beau tiful new imported designs, gold and silver, $2.35. Men's $7.75 Elgin or Waltham Watches New thin models, 10-vear warranted gold-filled cases, $5.69. 50c Hatpins Hundreds of them, in new styles, tomorrow, 230. 35c Indestructible Pearl Cuff Links 50c Gold-Filled Bar Pins, 350. New Drop Earrings Sterling silver and rhinestone, 490. Wonderful Lot of High-Grade Bar rettes and Back Combs Beautifully rhinestone and gold inlaid. Worth $3.00 to $5.00, at $1.49; $1.50 to Q SO at QS. Plrat Floor. Sfew Bonding. Mall Ordera ruled. Moth Insurance in a Camphor Wood Chest $3.33 We have junt 54 of these splendid Camphor Wood Chests. a illustrated. Size of top. 14x32 inches. Depth. 14Vi inches. We imported them direct from China. An ex- CO OO traordmary Anniversary Sale Special tomorrow, f S8.50 Steel Springs at $4.98 cone Springs, as illus trated, for use on metal bedsteads. - Made of best high carbon wire, Vrt. 12 ran era and 120 tempered. Sprinjr ret directly on rai'.a of a metal bed. with . ...).. .., ,rf r atael alata. Pmlukhlv the atronewt rilvu uiiii. i f v . - - - and nit substantially built -jirings sold. Jap- QA OQ auned fiuih. in full or 3-4 size. Regular fS.50 at T;X"- Curtains500 Designs A PRACTICALLY endless selection in these pretty Summer Curtains at three prices for Third week of the Anniversary Sale ! Saxonv, madras weave and Nottingham Lace Curtains in plain centers with neat Art Nodveau Borders or allover Brussels designs. All full-size in white, ivory or ecru. $3 Lace Curtains, specially priced tomorrow at only 2.15 $3.50 Lace Curtains, specially priced tomorrow at $2.65 $450 Lace Curtains, specially priced tomorrow at $3.35 Wilton Carpets $ 1 .75 CLOSING OUT 12 patterns in these finest of "Wilton Carpets, in anticipation of the new stock our floor covering chief is now assembling in the East. Pretty, harmonious small figure designs for living- tgl ltL rooms, parlors, offices. Reg. $2.50 grade, tomorrow, yd V - . a I W Sale of Eath Kugs Tomorrow V2 f rica 36x36-in reg. $2.50, at $1.25 9.4x48-111- rer. S3.00. at S1.50 24x60-1il, reg. $3.50, at $1.75 30x60-in reg. $4.00, at $2.00 30x72-in, reg. $40, at S2.25 36z72-iiL, reg. $4.50, at $2.25 OI.K rORTI.AJfD jaaa S. Bra-wa Liana Ceaala'a aaea. Maaalaa t aderwear. Will aaaecta wla Maehlaea. A ear a siavea aad Haaaea. Pa I tea a Mkltaer Oalerasaer Hit. Tekalea Dm Sae- elaiitea. SOLE PORTLAND ACluTS FOR Perrlaa Gloeea. AJax Guar a a teed Hoelrrr. Gotham salrta aad V aderwear. Madame Ireae Car- aetm. oppe Pettleeata. Sampeek Clothea far Box a. OiiliTt Srlckler OrtBlaal Crafts at aa Fnraltnre. Phonei-Padfic, Marshall 4600; Home, A 610L Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. Iron For Your Old One IF 3rou have an Electric Flatiron, made by the Pacific Electric Heating Company no matter how old it is no mat ter in what condition, if you have C 'T"iTx the bottom you can exchange it iWs ti with us for an improved 1912 mod-a-!--"- el "Hot point," with the heating element guaranteed for five years on these terms That it will be accepted as a two-fifths payment for au Improved Hotpoint Electric Iron, which sells for $4 and $450. In other words, your old iron and $2.40 or $2.70 will entitle you to a new $4 or $4.50 Hotpoint iron, respectively. Vast "improvements have been made in Hotpoint Electric Irons the last year or so. The new 1912 "Hotpoint" is a beauty in appearance and most efficient. More economical. All other members of the Hotpoint Electrical family are here too! The El Perco (Percolator), $10 and $11; Teballo (Tea Brewing Machine), $10; El Stovo (all forms of cook ing, except frying or boiling), $4.50; El Tosto (Toaster), $3.50; El Chafo- (Chafing Dish), $15. basement.