TTTTl RT7XT1AT OHECnXIAN. PORTLAND, MAY 12. 1912. iu PORTLAND HEIGHTS A. Country Estate Within a Mile Radius of the City Hall. The beautiful place of Dr. A. C. Panton, consisting of modern house and about lSi lots, beautifully land scaped and in the highest state of cultivation. An abundance of the choicest fruits and flowers. The roses won 17 silver cups at the Rose Festival. The view is superb and can never be obstructed. BROOKE 642 Talbot Road Marshall 4S27 A 3839 Portland Heights Bargain! Building site of over two lots in Alta Vista, $4500 Half Cash All improvements in and paid. Beautiful trees. Won derful view. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TRACT 2 to ACRES in the RIVE RD ALE DISTRICT $15,000 A wonderfnl view of river and moun tains. High and dry. Bull Run water. Fine trees. CHAPDf-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY 333-339 Chamber of Commerce. ALAMEDA On the "Alameda"; fine view of the city. Corner of 33d; lot 57x100. Will fin ish to iuit purchaser. $ST00. Can handle on $500 cash.- Direct Realty Co, 401 Yeon Building. RIVER FRONT 236 feet on Willamette River, in Riverwood. Is about two acres, has Bull Run water and fine street. Price $10,000; half for $5000. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth Street. Marshall 3790. A 3224 APARTMENT SITE More than quarter block on best carline in city. Close in, walking distance. Magnificent unobstructed iew. Very reasonable in price. Will accept Rood, well-located residence up to $7300 as part payment. R, F. BRYAN .(V Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. WILL SELL LEASEHOLD INTEREST in prominent corner in Xob Hill dis trict. Lease runs 93 years at $100 per month net. Xo revaluation. Prop erty improved with one-story building costing fSoOO. Rented at $200 per month, with increasing lease. Will mI1 building and leasehold interest at $S500. W. H. Webb, 401 Yeon Building. Main 4113. erg nfin Apartment. pay 11 per dOwtvUU cmt on investment. Close In. Wt Side. a m Qff Laurelhurat. 7-room modern MolU bungalow; worth liOOO. tonnn Sollwood. l-room modern; deUUU cor. lot 60100; 1 blocks car. C3"7nn Wlllaunetto HelKhte. six f UU rooms, modern, worth 14500. HIGLEY & BISHOP 13 Tfclrtf St. 1 I -wzcnvH: ) T.," Uf ZZZZZ. Z ig-aa South Portland BUSINESS PROPERTY lOOxlOBVi Ft. - Corner Kront and Meade streets, over looking river. PRICE Sll.OOO Holladay Addition APARTMENT SITE 75xfl0 Feet Grand avenue, near Oregon street, PRICE 16,000 3rd St Near Everett TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING 50x100 Teet Pays over 8 per cent. PRICE $30,000 H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Building. Willamette River Frontage 10 acre 18 miles from Portland, niirh banks. Never overflows. Magnif icent view. Two boat landings on the III a In cultivation. 49 tCrefl In cordwood timber; fair nous and barn, deep black loam soil, no roca. or waxte land. This la absolutely the beat buy on the Wlllaroettd River. Price (140 per acre. $5000 Cash, Balance 5 Years at 79o See Mr. Lee CIUPM - HKRLOW MORTGAGE TKl'ST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce For ,ease For a term of years. The 3-stoiy brick building south west corner Fifth and Davis streets. lOOxlOO Apply M. A. NEWELL . 246 Stark St. Buy Now and reap the benefit of the raise. AVe have a few lots between two' new bridges on the East Side that will in crease in value rapidly. Atlas Land Co. 420 Lumber Exchange. LOW RENT Union Ave. Loft, new. 50x100 (200 feet of windows), and lots of lisrht, facing north and west Situated between Burnside and Mor rison. Elevator service ; shipping service if desired. Will divide if necessary. Telephone E. P)8, B 2S78. SO ACRES rive Miles From Castle Rock. 20 ACRES CLEARED No encumbrance. Will exchange for residence prop erty. See Mr. Mtrance. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, 332-33!) Chamber of Commerce. Fine corner. Brick-finished. New 6-room residence, with parage, $7500 Direct Realty Co. 401 Yeon Building. Must Be Sold at Once RKT aiSOO A YEAR New flat bulldlnsr. lot SoxlO't. 2 apart ments room., two S rooms. Mortem Improvements, hardwood floor. Hol ladav Add. Walkln distance. Here Is a bararaln. Principals only. AE 14 Ore icon ian. BELMONT ST. Corner of K. I5th, 40x100 lot for 13000. An extraordinarily low price. If Improved, thia corner will pay bet ter than It Vrr cnt on your Investment. R. N. TUFFORD & CO. Q7 Spaldlaa- M4 KE4RKY Very nice ba.eme.nt apartment, tive rooma, I2S pe" month. J-OHTLASD TBV9T CO. IR1GT0IIH0I The Opportunity of a Lifetime A fine tract of land of 1335 acres has been placed In my hands for Bale. It Ilea about 60 mile from Pnrtlund and about two and a half miles from Dallas. th thriving; county seat of Polk. the banner county of the far-famed Vv II lamotte Valley and In th heart of one of the finest fruit belts In the state. The transportation facilities are excel lent, a rutlway running through the place, with a station at one end of the trai t. About buo acres are cleared and In a high alate of cultivation; the bal ance is in aiatterod oak that will pay for the clarlnir. About half Is level and the remainder la Rently rolllnR. with a-ood tr and water drainage. The soil I redshoL deep and mellow. Ore- rron Agricultural College experts say It las no superior In the state for the production of a hitch grade of commer cial apple of a aupertor color ana flavor. Adjoinlnsr land is selling at from tlOO to li0 an acre. To close an estate, this land will be sold at a much lower figure, on easy terms. Buy this land and cut it into small tracts and you can double your money. Plant It to fruit and it will make you rich. AVhen opportunity knocks, listen. For full particulars see R. F. BRYAN KOH-7 Ck.mber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME All modern conveniences; 2") min utes' car ride; one acre. Shade and fruit trees, fine lawn and hedge. This week only. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO, 300 Spalding Bldg.. Main 7502. Just Off Washington St. Corner; splendid location for apartments or private hotel, for which we furnish tenant, with guaranteed 12 per cent income. $14,000 GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. BKCBAKER BENEDICT, soli McKW blag. M. 54a. Beck. William O.. 84S-S18 Falling bide. Chapln A Harlow. U2 Chamber of Commeroa, Cook, B. 8. A CO. &OS Corbett bldf. HOLMES A MENEFEE. 2u Lauway H- chaug. bldg. p hunt Main 5008. Jennings A Co. Main lsa. 2utt Oregonlan. fALMcK-JONU CO, H. P. 40.-405-4U Wilcox bldg. The Oiegon ileal Estate Co., Grand ava, at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) REAL. ESTATE. 1-or feaJe IUt commercial valu. of property depviuls upon It. possible Income-producing merit.. Till, value la estimated by the capitalisa tion at a fair rale of the net Income, da rived. Property suitable for business, apart men is. etc.. exceptional case, eliinliialed. Increased most surely slid most rapidly In value, and in direct ratio usually to Its nearness to th. center oi town, provided, however, thai th. price paid at the time of purchase. I. In accordance with It. tru. worth. 1 his properly her. ottered for sal. 1. strictly for th. person who desires to Invest for protlt. for the speculator. It is situated within walking distance on th. West Side. AH 87, Ore.onlan. INDUCEMENT to homebulldei s Near City Park and Ford-at. brlilice. a large, snarled dogwood tree, situated so a. nol lo inter fere with the building, together with a number of other speci.-. and line foliage and the natur.-llae surrounding, make Una a desirable building ail. for a typical rustic home: this will appeal to those mho desire th. beauties of a suburban ill. and yet have a hum. wlrtiln walking dis tance of downtown. 1'ric. 17io; tenna. AK '. Oregon Ian. CHEAP LOTS. Lot. 60x100 eacn. on K. i'ith and E. 'tn sta.. on. bloik from two carllnrs, the Rose City Park and E. Ankeny and s-andy road. SltMO and up. Terms. J. J. OEUER. Cor. Orand ve. and K. Ankeny. I'uKTLAXI) HEKiHTS. Beautiful sites for bungalows Just above tb. housetop, at th. foot of th. hills; earllnea and walking distance; any slse wanted at 0o iuare foot; one beautiful .it. for lo. Itoom 6iS Hallway Ex change. Al'AKTMEXT LOCATION. West SUI.. near Multnomah Club, lOOx 1JO, .xreptlonally fin. outlook over the city; owner will aacriflc Room ;- Itailway Kxrnange. TRACT of lit lot. .ultable for parly who desire, amrl. groun.'.s; price 7oio, with splendid .terms. sKuated on 1 ort'and iieignts. one block to carline. AF 70, ore- gonlan. 1175 buy. a $4 equity In a $700 lot. 4 block, from car and 5 block, from school. 17 months- tim. on. balance, Thl. lot la in a fast-growing East bide district. E . Oregonlan. ...... v. .-.-.V UARiAlV 100 lotsv Just planed In Irvlnglon proper, close In. rear car. Owner', prire. and up. eay terms- 70S Lewis bldg. EAaTMORELANU bargain: Paid S9J.0 for lot two year, ago; block and half from Lew carline; will Mil for 00. AB 67. Oregoniaa. HAVE A SPLENDID LOT ON 6TANTO.N ST NEAR BOTH ST.. THAT I WILL SELL RIGHT; EASY TERMS; NO AOKNTS. O 31. ORLQONIAN . , 50x100 very close to the Jefferson High bchool and th. carbarna. Price only rt.-: term. easy. UeYoung A Johnaon, AH Chamber of Commerce. ATTENTION Three fine lot. In Bella Crest; one block from the new 80-foot boulevard; your choice at a bargain; no agent .ppry. ro.ieeo.,iu. WEST HIDE. 100x100; grand view of river, and mountain.; 10. on ey Include. Improvements: will ..11 JOxlOO for f-KMl. c H4. Oreg.inlan. SNAP A lot, h.'.f block from carline. Im provement, completed and paid, excellent vl-w over entire city; good surroundings; will .ell on terror AK Si. Oregonlaiu EOTS-130 down. $10 per mo., no Int.. no taxes, including Improvement., cement walks curbs. Hull Run water, eic; una locution. Partlculsr. Y S4. Oregonlan. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to purchase ex cellent view lot. clos. In. on very easy "rm" Central East Sid.. Aj SO. Or.- gontan. .S,MROSSMERE- LOT MKUAIS- East front, near oar. !.(U tht. week onlv. Pari cash. Hoffman. Sua Couch bldif. IKVlNdTON I will sell 50, 75 or 1K feet on 14th, near Knott .t-. at a great bar gain. I'hon. Monday. -Main 27K1 or call MO Ablngton bids. Ownejr. LACRELHURST LOT. HKAL'TIFLL VIEW. 170O- one block to car, Improvement. In: must sell; term L Oregonlsn. A BEAITIKVL lot In Council Crest Park. level and all Improvements completed; t.-.iHl balance 3 years per cent, i'hon. Main :" or call Calumet Hotel. UOOU .peculatlv. buy on th. West Side, ilA.e-ln futur. bu.lnes. properly. IOO. A 70. ttrfKoniin. ... . -,,..t'ai? PMAPFRTV. A ( c ' ' 1 . " - " CORNER lot. 21tat., lt..O.K. Carter-Du. gan 1 onwnyj"."""1" " "- LOT. on the We.t Side, within walking ula lane. IOO feet frontage. J0OO; term, to suit, "n ft", Oregonlan. CHOICE VIEW LOT 15"0; Improved, restricted, near lty Park, rail "venlngs. A 2740. Marshall 4937. I-no BELOW market price. SoxUK). nlceiy situated, near Kenton. Phono Columbia lu 10 riH and per month, beautiful lot near Klrland. minutes out. HIOLEV A BISHOr. 13 THIRD BT. ROSE CITT PARK fine lot on lllsld.. unobstructed vlsw .ntlre city .nd moun tain; SUUO. terma, AL 65, Oregonlan. BUY THIS CORNER and Improve It; BOxlOSSi ; N. W. cor ner id and eheridan sta; moderate cash payment, balance easy. We can make a special price for one week only. 1 THE SHAW-FEAR COllPANY. Main S3. 102 Fourth st. A 3.'iM". A UEAUTIFfL HOMESITE. IOOxL'Oii. Portland Heights, only B4 blocks from car, with fine surroundings, splendid native trees, sewerage, water, gas, all In and paid. This property U on the middle heights, about 70 feet elevation and desirable In every way; price $4000; very favorable terms: might consider Improved acreage near Portland In exchange. V 66. Oregonlan. H EIGHTS VIEW LOT. Unobstructed view of city and Mount Hood; walking distance, one block to car; hard-aurface district; price lol0: t-0 cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years. This 1. th. most unusual bargain ever offered on the West Side. AN INSPECTION WILL CONVINCE YOU. AH 2". Oregonlan. LADD'S ADDITION. I32S0 10S ft. on 12th St.. facing street near Hawthorn, av..; nearly l7l squar. feet In th. piece; very valuable when re strictions expire; cloae to .ctlvltle. on the East Side. A fine Investment with only e623 caah required and term, on th. balance. STRONG A CO. (Inc.), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorised agents for Lad da Addition. K. PORTLAND HtlMHIS. , 3 adjoining ObxlOrt-ft. lots on E. B2d, near Clinton St.. within 1 block of carline. faces east, high and sightly. In good res idence district; will aell together or separ ately; price for Immediate rale 1973 eacn. H. P. PALMEK-JONE3 CO.. )4 Wilcox Hldg. Phones Main t-99. A 26"3. 12160 Full lot with improvement, all paid, near Centr.l Park; put $215 cash Into this savings bank with monthly de poelt. for five years and you will have something worth while- , . STRONG A CO. (Inc.), 10S Concord B1rtg. Authorized agents for Ladd's Addition. BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY. Four lots on E. Grant et. between Glenn ave. and E. 34th L Price for quick sale, $2000. Terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MOAXA HEIGHTS. Lot. 1400 up. near Council Crest: pretty trees, lots level, magnificent view; make your .election now. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. - . T-..T-T ITI-DT C1BII Tl T" V l,Aivt.uni.ji.Ji - ' - . . . If you are looking for .omethlng that Is extra low In price and still one of the good lot. of this choice addition, let me how you what I have for $1320 cash F. E. CLEMENTS. Offlc. East Gliaan and 8th Sta, LAURELHURST CASH, SALE. South front, high and sightly. lot near new. beautiful homes and other, under conatructlon; you will Ilk. tola building .Ite; wcYgEisTB. OSlc. Eaat 89th and Gllaaa. Phon. Eaat fl9. . , - , - T I ITL' Owner will aell choice building .Ite on Riverside Drive, ne.r Elk Rock: thl. place has a roval view of river and mountain, and there Is enough loose rock to buna fences and part of house; has frontage on carline: easy climb; price $4-0O. L aa. lregonian. 100x100 near Williams ave.; dogwood and fir trees: fine view; magnificent build ing site; re.trlc.tton. $i'T.iiO; 15-foot alleys. Will sell Inside lot for I8u0 or corner $1000. - RUFF A KLEINSORGE. 418 Board or 1 raue omg HOLLADAY ADD. QUARTER. Corner lQoxlOO ft., at K. 22d and Mtilt. nomah sts.. In one of the best residential district, of the city: price $jO"0. H. P. PALMER JONES Co., 44 Wilcox Hldg. Phones Main SO'J'J. A 20." 3. EXCHANGE My equity of $1140 In a "West Plde bunl niae corner, worth f.2o0. for a 5-passenger automobile. Chalmers or Cadillac pre- ferred. AH 2I.oregonian. MT. VIEW PARK. 3 acre, on ridge above Willamette Heights, unexcelled view, perpetual spring, on county road: price f:i.H. H. P. PALMER-JONES. CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main W.'H. A 253. SITE FOR FLATS. lOOxlOO on Grand ave. and Prescott at., beautiful corner lot. Price J27. Terma GODDARD A WIKDIUCk. 243 Stark St. A BARGAIN ONLY, $0i0. 60x100. In Rose City Park; street Im provement all paid; aplendld view of the r . . . - -.- u'nIlm, Jir Jn in. aon. 514 Chamber of Commerce bk ildg. 1 U LMJVl i x-crw . .... Fin. view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted dlatrlct. near car. cement walk nd curb. Bull Run water. Provident Truat Company. 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 1HD. A 6261. NICK lot for aaie; lot on E. 2Jd, Just off from Powell St.. 50x120, facing cam; one block from Urooklyn car. at a bargain if taken at once. Call or wrlle to owner. Address Mra L. V. Riley. P O. box 5. . t;rov.:. Or. On Oregon City carline. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope near Council Crest. $63J and up. Includ ing cement aldewalka. curbs, graded "ireet and water: building restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 10. A 6-bl. .MAPLEHLRST LOT Full 50xlOi-ft. lot in Maplehtirst. beau tiful view of city and valley, $1000. easy ""vATSON A THERKELSEN CO.. 30 Spalding Bldg.L Main iSW- " WEST SIDE. Beautiful residence lot. Nob Hill, hard surface street, close In. block from - car lino.: bargain t 4500; terms. Archibald. 42r Falling bldg. ONLY th. price of a lot; price JOSO. easy terms- small plastered J-roum house, lot 60x105; meet you; blue ribbon on coat; Gray. Crossing. S to 4 P. M. ; Mt. bcolt car. . FOR SALE Largo lot. nearly 600O aq. ft.. In Hawthorn, dlst. ; faces east and fronts carline on E. 64lh St.; price $12.-J. Includ ing ininrovemeuts to date; restricted resi dence district. U.3. Oregonian. CONTRACT on four lots, comer Sandy road. Montolair Addition: will sell at purchase price two year, ago; going East, write for full particulars. AV 201. Ore gonlan. ROSE CITY PARK. View lot. mxloO, one block from car: If sold Monday morning It goes for l.i-'O. $700 of Ibis must b. Phone Main 232 or call 202 McJ5ayJldg..3dand Stark. rHAVrTaiTft. lot In Alberta. c!o.e to car "hat you can have at $10 down and $10 a month, with per cent, provided you arrange to live on Sam. immediately. Owner. iu:u imHiuws. T Al RELHL'KST corner. 75 ft. frontage; $0orterni. $150 cash; building loan privilege- located southeast quarter; bargain for quick sale. AM 35. oregonlan. ilsoT'OR a nice lot In Blaachard Park Ad- ""WATSON- '""THERKELSEN CO. 30. SpJidVBldg. MalnTMi PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. BEAUTIFUL HOMEd AND HOMESITES. T..11 4SI7. BKOOKK. A 8839. . . t. Txr TuvtvilTOV 17"0 on good terms, for nice lot in Irvlnglon. All Improvement, paid. F. KI CHS. 420 Chamber cf Commerce. iiao CASH buy. a 33 1-SxlOO ft lot at ocean.lde station. 21, milca north of Long HcacJiVashABi. oregonlan; "cASH and $3 per month Beautiful lot. 1 block Alberta tar. Price $.lu. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 133 THIRD ST. ....HVik lot on Union ave. dOxSiO, 2 houses, income $;!24 year; a aacriflc. by owner; no ngeuls. :7('. Woodlawn llut. .(MjCorneriot 60x100. west of J.fferson High School, terms. Inquire lO'Jj Mary land Viitsi'OTI St. Fine corner lot. 77x100. for sal. at a sacrifice. $1150. A. H. Blrrell o. 202 McKaybldg..3d and atark sia $7ooo'EQUITY In $4730, corner. or will trade. Alight take auto tip to $500 part payment. Owner. East 3S.IS. LIFE-SAVING sacrifice; be.utlful Irvlng- ton lot. Main 10- LOT 60x100. 31st and Couch at... cheap. Phone E. 2e2. lmivlMl corner E. Burnside aud 5Sd. Call k74 E. Everett. E. ml. TVS'o Brighton lots for aalo cheap. Phone G. Hagman, E. 362. LOT 3. block "0. Laurelhurst, $1730. Phono Tabor Sl'l7. 3iK EQUITY Laurelhurst lot for $125 caah; price $1000. AM 64. Oregonian. WEST SIDE LOTS. $400 TO $730. In Moana Heights, the moil beautiful West bide Addition, near Council Crest, on the sunny side; every lot is level; beautiful trees make It a natural park; It won't take much money to have a home here. DOKR E. KEASEY & CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE Business lot. corner, at the Intersection of 5 streets, for $2ooO: u cash; a grocery and meat shop are badly needed in this location, and the future Is exceedingly promising. AN INVESTIGATION WILL CONVINCE YOU OF IIS MERITS. AO 22, Oregonlan. i HAWTHORNE AVENUE". An unrestricted corner where the street curves near East 20th St., with 33 feet extension into Hawthorne ave.. giving a -.1 .. . 1 IrtnvIlK fnr nnlV $10,000. 1-3 cash. Fine' for buslneas pur- I poses. We have client, wianing ima STKONG & CO. (Inc.), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorixed agents for Ladd's Audition. DOST RENT. $70 CASH. f PER MONTH, Will buy thi. Weal Side view lot for J3t5; city water In and built-up district- Put a tent or temporary houF. on it for the Summer and build later. This Is near Portland Heights car. In a choice dia trict. lot Ilea well. AO 23. Oregonlan. MUST SELL QUICK. Sacramento street, between Union and Rodney avenues, 60x150 feet, excellent site for flats, actually $11)00 below market. Price $325U. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. LADD'S ADDITION. $6050 Beautiful home site fronting Central Park, with soulh and east front age, streets on three sides all Improved; few home sites like this one If you deslie something choice with a Hue outlook STKONG A CO. (Inc.), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorized agents for Ladd'a Addition. BEST BUT OF ALL 2 of the best business lots in Peninsula, on Lombard St., right at the station. Lots all around these are selling from $1000 to $2tk)0 each. My price for the two, $1200. Cash only will be considered. Title perfect and abstract will be furnished. Owner. Call 100'J Front St., or call Main 3007. LAUU a AUU111UA J4030 70x123, on Ladd ave., north of Harrison St.: all Improvements In and paid for; choice location; terms as low as 1-luth cash with easy payment.; bound to increase In value. STRONG it CO. line), 603 Concord Bldg. Authorized agents for Ladd's Addition. PORTLAND HEIGHTS One or more lots In best part; unsur passed view; under the market; easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, . belling Building. IRVINGTON SNAP. 60x100 lot. East ICth, near Siskiyou; faces east; beautiful fir shade trees; 2 feet above grade; Improvement, all III. price only SlliSO; Jiiuo cash. RUFF & KLE1NSOKGE, 41S Board ot Trade bldg. BROADWAY LOT. 60x100 ft., on Broadway, near 31st St., face, north on paved street; price for !m diate sale (1W0 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bide, Phones Main ed'.m. A 2633. COUNCIL CRE:-T snap Fine view build ing sile. 12l'xl20, ill oest part of Council Crest: all improvements In; cheapest building site In thia high-grade resi dence district; terms. R. F. BRYAN, Main 1963. 5c3 Cham, of Com. A 1227. Ite ACRES. $2500. Near Powell Valley road and E. ttl St.. level, street on two sides. Bull Run water, "surrounded by houses; price $uo. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4u4 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main oOtfO. A 2653. EL.K ROCK RIVERDALE. 100x250 tine building Bite; grand view of river and mountain; native dogwood and tirs; frontage on carline and River side Drive; exclusive residence district. C 31. Oregonlan. $45o FOR a beautiful cor. lot, including tenthouse, celled and burlapped. clean mid neat. J5o cash, balr 12. 50 per month, 3 blocks from Woodmere. near new school; Bull Kun water. Slevens. L. 34th and Clinton. Tabor 3230 or Sollwood VJio. A POOR man's opportunity, 2 6oxl(M lots near Reed Institute and S. P. shops: lo down and $lo per month: no Interest, no t-,.-- buy from owner; $050. P 36, Ore gonlan. 1 oV S lo desirable lots. 50x106, a corner. In Alt. Tabor. 50x123 Council Crest Park. Fine views. Improvements all In. This property will appeal to you. AC 56. Ore gonlan. TWO good lots, close 10 car. good neigh borhood; Just what you have been looking for; other lots In same block worth $45u; will aell these two for 3uo cash. Call Mr. Cameron. Main ywo or A 1103. t2 4th at. Jllao LAURELHURST CASH BUY $1110 ."rCxloO lot, located in the best part of Laurelhurst. one block to car; high and sightly. This Is a sure bargain, phone me touay. East t. Mr. Delalmnty. CHEAP lots on West Side, only 5 minutes' walk from carline. 5-cent fare; two lying together, each 50XKJ0, $173 each. $0 caSh. $10 monthly. A. H. Blrrell Co.. .02 McKav bids . 3d and Stark sts. EVERYBODY IS DOING IT. WHAT? Buying Portland property; I have the lot you want in Hyde Park; drop me a postal; I will call and explain condition., F 67, 'Oregoniam LOTS for sale below market value for quick sale near-Hawthorne car. H. L. ldleman, office end Hawthorn, line. Phone Tabor t.liW. , HAVE some good unincumbered lots to trade for good-sized equity In modern homo in good uiatrict; no cash. O o, Oregonian. JEIT" INSTITT-TE district. 50x100. $25 for 6 months, balance $10 mo.; price $42u. 1103 E. Salmon St. CHOICE! lots, all Improvements In cen trally located. East Side, prices right. MbJ Union ave.. near Goln- Woodlawn libP. a LOTS near Beaumonl on 33d: looO; cash $300. 3uS Abington Bldg. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, lot In block 56. Laurelhurst. AL 69, Oregonlan. MY' equity l$f42). In Ave lots, Glenhaven Park. $ol0. AO 35, Oregonlan. WILL sell corner lot, 50x100. cheap. 26th and Hyland sts. K 84. Oregonlan. $120O BUY'S corner. East Wash., and 30th. Call 95 East 30th. Owner. ViEW lot that la only an easy walk to town, 11200. terms, aj u, uitiuwi. WEST SIDE lot for S00, terma Ail bu. Oregonian. Beach Property. LONG BEACH BUNGALOW. Property 3 blocks from Long Beach Sta tion completely furnished with the best of furniture; house .nd lot alone cost more than selling price; will sell for $1100- as low as 050 cash down and the balance for 2 years with NO INTEREST. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO 306 Spalding, Bldg.. Main 7592. FOR SALE Lot at Bayocean beach; price very reasonable; easy terms; party going East. AM 43. Oregonlan. COLUMBIA BEACH Ocean front lot, $i5 down. $3 per month. Owner. C 48, Ore- BEACH lot for sale or exchange for plauo. 4:1 Vancouver ave. FOR SALK Equity In Bayocean lot. E 32, Oregonian. For hale House. HOMERB SACRIFICE ROSSMERE '6-room 2-story residence, new. never been occupied: reception hall, large living-room, fireplace, paneled dining-room, built-in buffet and china closet, elegant bath and toilet, full cement basement and laundry, furnace, electric chandeliers. Price complete $420O. $300 down, balance on easy payments. 1 rail for O. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HEHI.OW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY', Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. POR ALE West side, 20 minutes' walk to postofflee. 8-room bouse, furr.ace, gas eleclrlcitv. sewerage, etc. 100x100, grand view This property is sure to double. Trice only $"-5oO. on account of pressing need for "money. Never offered for less than 12 0oi before. Terms. With expen diture of a few thousand you can get 13.0o6 for this place. 40 College st. Owner. SUNN YSIDE SNAP. Very attractive home of 6 rooms, den and reception hall, with every modern convenience. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch and attic. Sight ly corner lot. close t. Hawthorn, ave. and Morrison-street cars, on 31st at- A snap at $6000; half cash. .. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. BY owner. Holladay Park Addition, atrictly modern S-room house, 1 block from car, downstair, hardwood floors, all conveni ences, big lot fruit trees. Call C 1868. ATTRACTIVE Nob Hill home for eale. Ad dress owner, 254 N. 20th iu OWN A HOUSE TO LIVE IN. Don't Just RENT A HOUSE TO LIVE IN. PRIEST HOUSES are sold on the most ! advantageous terms to the buyer, only 1 a small cash payment or a good lot re- ( quired and the balance can oe paid same as rent. THIS WELL KNOWN BUILDER who DBS prouueeu bo many 01 liiuac i it, .-- , artistic houses which have made LAL'H- ' ELHUKST and IRVINGTON famous, is building just east of the REED INSTI TUTE 60 XEW HOUSES of the highest type at a low and medium price. Those houses include all conven iences such as furnace heat, specially de signed fireplace and buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement floor and laundry trays it. basement, fine light fixtures, plumbing and window shades, polished floor, and tine tinting. Full 50x100 lot. with graded street., cement walks and curbs in and paid. THE LOCATION appeals to those who rightly ralue an Ideal neighborhood, re fined sumundlngs and a community ex clusively for homes. PRICE $3000 TO $3S50. SEE THEM TODAY. Take W-W car to 63d ave., (Mann Station), and walk four short blocks east. During week call or phone Mr. Beck at 272 Stark st. M&U 937 or A 2693. RIVERDALE DISTRICT. We specialize In suburban home, and acreage In this fashionable and exclusive district and offer for sale some ex ceptionally desirable properties at very low prices. $3000 buvs a beautiful acre of ground on White House road, wooded, overlook ing the Willamette, commands a wonder ful view of all the snow-capped moun tains; this acre is situated on the West S'de, Rlverdale District, near station. $5500 buys a fine home up the Wil lamette, West Side, an acre of ground; 7 rooms, modern, high and sightly, com manding a broad BWeep of the mountains and surrounding country; 20 minutes ride from the .city. Two sightly lota In Rlverdale. 50x102; fine view of river and mountains; living stream of water running the year round adds to their value; price $1.00, easy terma. Modern 5-room bungalow at Rlverdale, on lot 100x102; electric lights, city water nice vard and flowers, fine clear spring of cold water; grand view of river and mountains; very little climb; 4 ' block, from depot; additional lot. J can be se cured; price $5300; $500 will handle; bal ance easy terms. For Rlverdale lots, acreage and homes, DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 12000 $1000 CASH. BAL. 3 YEARS. Cozy bungalow. 5 looms, modern, brand new, concrete basement, tile flnl.h bath and kitchen. built-in buffet Iron ng board ana cabinet, wired. beautifully tinted, sightly, level lot fine for Bden and chickens: one block to car; paving great Sandy boulevard will make property in the block very valuable; owner can t wait; must have money at once: no as sessment for Sandy boulevard; other terms might he arranged. James C. Lo gan. 815 Spalding bldg. Marshall -i4o. A 2480. . $250 DOWN, $230. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 5-room bungalow. fireplace Pn'a dining-room, cabinet kitchen, linen closet large basement; all large rooms and well lighted: street assessments all paid. 4' loo-ft. lot. Ite blocks from carline. EAST FKWATSON A THERKELSEN CO inn snalrtine Bldg. Main DO YOU WANT A SNAP? S3o. I have a beautiiul modern home close In. containing 8 rooms. "ed wi Ik l and electric lights, located on East Dav is st. between 2Mh and 2iih. which I want to sell at onee; this home must he seen to be appreciated. Call Home phone H into for further parucn.i. X1O0 lO ..... We have a number of uP-t,'-nae(.tb,,n" galows. close in. Hawthorne district, on good lots; well finished homes; price rang ing from . , S23DO Upwards. Auto service by appointment. DORK E. KEASEY & COMPANY. Seconi Floor chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL MODERN REslDEN;i7i Broadway Addition, six rooms .leeplnB norch. double construction, oak floors, built-in china closets and book cases, rire n ace furnace, etc. $1500 cash, balance ?a.ytar.. Investigate If you want a good house cheap. Owner, B 2148. Agent Main or A 1370. . pfiHTI AND HEIGHTS Five-room hillside Po uaeNfor sale; complete plumbing, fur nace heat, electric lights and fuel gas. sitting and sleeping porches good i lew over Canyon road and city; lot 90UOO. loo ?eet from street, with approach by rustic walk and steps; 15 minutes on car from postoft i"e. $1500 cash. -X 61. Oregonlan. BFUTIFULLY finished new residence in Nob Hill district. Fourteen rooms, two bath rooms, two enclosed sleeping porches. Uire'e fireplaces, hardwood. billiard room, large grounds, high. slR"" unobstructed view of river and mountains. Address owner, T S3. Oregonian. IRVINGTON SNAP. X4.,IHI I rooms. Owner Is desirous of leaving the city and 1 wihcs to sell an up-to-date, ,-rootn bungalow 'n a .ightly location for much than coat; easy terms. C o2, Ore- goniam 5ROOMS and sleeping porch, all furnished and In good shape: a modern house throughout; good furniture; 50x 00-foot lot. east face, on carline; price $ --"O; f3" terms . Call Mr. Cameron. Main 8.00 or A 1163. S2 4tn si. SUBURBAN home, modern; running water electric lights, on bank of Willamette Rive" ten minute, from station, on . Ore con City electric; seven rooms, built S months ago: beautiful view sue: no rea oo?,ble orter refused. K .",. Oregonian. ..,r.,rr dd riOrrD TV Corner. West Side, improved with two tore7ind two flat building. In ' rapidly developing warehouse district. Must nave money so will sell for $20,000. Address P. O. BOX qim. ruium." . . f i r. t T I n 11 W. Price :i20. no commission; $S40 cash ha'ance 1 2. 3. 4. 5 years 7 per cent In Terc," Modern 7-room house, furnace, fruit trees, lot 70x100. Call E. M. Mon- dav. . rxTp buver wake up 1100 uy n'1n'it aro.e W White, G321 Foster road, Ariel, station. Tabor 2547. - eOOM"niodern bungalow. Rose City Park; fireplace, furnace, tile bath, full "rnent neighborhood West .ae, payment Sown"baeiancPerlelsy Installments. Owner. W 64. Oregonian. HAD to move, leaving city, owner win sac rifice 6-room bungalow on .th t. .. near Alberta: stable or garage; $2,. o, $aoo down, balance like rent; a real snap. H OO. Oregonian. I HAVE a modern 5-room oungaiow at. Woodstock, corner lot 40x92; price $1530. If vou want a nice home cheap, phone if 7010 after 6 P. M. or address L. J. Ju'sten. 494 Morrison. ' TO CLOSE ESTATE. R-room modern house. West Side, on 24th all improvements in; must be sold. Cameron & Stoufer, 219 Lumhermens bldg. Main 173. FOR ALE by owner S-room modern house, corner lot. paved street, full basement, furnace and all conveniences: Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 472 or B oo, Ore- gonlan. WEST SIDE HOME New 7-room residence on 50x50 corner close In. West Side.. Very easy payments. Address owner, vv """"" STRICTLY modern two-story house of 7 rooms; just completed: 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. 310 E. 36th St.; terms. See owner on premises. FOR SLE Five-room modern bungalow, completely furnished. 3230; 12r.o cash. balance terms. Inq uire 1027 Arnold at. HAVE new 7-room house In Rose City Park for sale. Apply to owner, 42S4 Mill st. Phone A 30H6. AN attractive 6-rooin house on E. 33d. near Kelley; all built-in conveniences. Phone owner, E 3478 nicrvcT anan In Portland 6-room modern couagj' Tot 50x100; just finished; $17oo; some terms. E 55. Oregonian. 1400 4-room house, 50x100 lot. two blocks from carline. This Is a bargain. Tabor 151. BY owner 6-room modern bungalow, .mall payment down. Phone Sellwood 83. CORNER lot and iTroom house for sale cheap. Inquire 1441 Cleveland ave. $5s0 equity in 5-room modern bungalow for $100. Tabor 2124. 0500 NEW, modern 5-room, 2-atory house, lot 40x100. 877 East 26th St.. terma OUT IN THE COUNTRY, CLOSE TO THE CITY. Suburban Homes of Quality at Unusually Attractive Prices. On carline, 25 minutes' ride from "the city, beautiful 9-room house, with an acre of ground; house is new. cemented basement, furnace, electric light, tele phone, water, beamed ceilings, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, garage and servants' quarters; $1000 will handle; would trade for city property. Another good buy on electric line, close In; modern home with 3 3-3 acres of ground; can be subdivided; beautiful lawn, fine hedge, holly trees and shrubs of all kinds, gravel walks, grounds well kept, t acre of grapes, yields several tons each year, matured fruit trees in perfect condition, small fruits of all kinds, barn, chicken-house and runs. Price, J12.500; terms to suit. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. G. W. PRIEST, THE WELL-KNOWN BUILDER. IS JUST COMPLETING EIGHT NEW TWO-STORY SIX-ROOM HOUSES IN WESTMORE LAND, NEAR THE REED INSTITUTE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME IT YVILL PAY YUU TO GO OUT AND SEE THEM. TAKE A SELLWOOD CAR AND GET OFF AT BYBEE ST.. GO THREE SHORT BLOCKS EAST. THEY WILL BE SOLD ON VERY EASY TERMS. FOR INFORMATION CALL SELLWOOD 1737. 5-ROOM CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. A BARGAIN FROM OWNER. 1 BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE AVE. New and strictly modern with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, built-in seats, buffet. elegant kitchen, beautiful white enameled bedrooms with large closets, fine bath and linen closet, extra large attic all floored and full ce ment basement with laundry trays. Guar anteed first-class in every respect. Deal with owner; no agents wanted; prico 34')0. fooo down, balance rent. Tabor A COUNTRY HOME. $500 down, balance $1100. terms, gets this new 5-room cottage; only the best materials were used in construction; is . well equipped. Property value is Increas ing every year. Last year 80 new build ings were built and nearly $5OO.00i) ex pended for sewer and street improvements. Large lots. 50 minutes from Portland. Plenty of work to be had. Come out and see this. FRENTZELL A M FARLANE BROS. Hillsboro, Or. BUNGALOW AND LOT ONLY' $1KU0. ROSE CITY' PARK DISTRICT. New. 5 rooms, modern, tlle-flnlshed bath and kitchen, toilet, Blnk, hot and cold water, plastered. tinted. wired, waxed floors, fine garden, chicken park and chickens; Its well built, loks nice outside and in: close to c;r; adjoins re stricted district; $400 down, bulanco $'-'" month. 7 per cent interest. Owner. M5 Spalding bide. Sundny phone Tahpr 3n40. 7-ROOM house, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, paneled dining-room. Duich kitchen, furnace, full basement, sleeping porch, can be boutrht cheap, fur nished or unfurnished. .ioo piano, in cluding furniture; 4-room cottage. $sl0 cash, balance terms: 5-room bun galow, $:S500, $500 c:ish. balance $20 per month: 7-room bungalow, $5750. $:hmo cash, balance terms. East Side. Mult nomah Rooming-House Co.. 4156 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 4:i;il. ELEGANT TSUNG A LOW. $:i3."0 $.'h) DOWN. Exceptionally desirable 5-room hunga low with every modern idea. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, swell burfot. etc.. extra large attic and full cement basement; located among the fir trees in restricted district on ooxloo lol. facing east. If you want something choice see this at once. Call 1105 Ellsworth, corner K. D7th. 1 block south Richmond car. MOVING from city June 15 and must sell tine East Side home, close In, very cheap, containing reception hall. ltving-room, dining-room, pass pantry, kitchen. 3 bed rooms, den. bathroom, beam celling and built-in buffet, fireplace, cement basement, laundry tr.iys. furnace and gas water heater, finished attic; will sell furniture; good terms. Cail mornings or evening. Lust 2:h'. S2SS0. 6-room bungalow, built one year: elec tric fixtures, fireplace; In fact, a splendid home; close to Sunnyslde car, on hard stirfaca street; owner compelled to sac rilice. Very easv terms to suit. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. PRICE TALK'S. New. modern 6-room house, full base ment; lot 50x100. south front. 1 block from car; this is an up-to-date offering and would be priced orilinarily at $.",.,oo; we will take S205O if sold soon; $i00 cash and balance on easy terms. NE1LAN ti PARK HILL, 6v! Spalding Bldg. BEST BUILT HOME Leaving city: sacrifice just-completed 8-room double constructed strictly modern house; all conveniences, electric, conliers. etc.: make $1000 by tak ing Rose City Park car today to KSth St.. 1 block north to Broadway: small pay ment, balance like rent. S. Peterson, ar chitect, owner. 365 E. 3Sth. Woodlawn 3276. A. WELL-BUILT, artistic home on lot rt2x 100 in Woodmere: this pretty house has 7 rooms and is modern and well finished, the lot is a beoutv and is located in a well-bullt-up section; only 3 blocks from carline. , , Price $2500. only $250 down, balance $15 month and interest nt 7 per cent. DORR E. KEASEY" & CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. " SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. All modern; den, lyiving-room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full basement, hardwood f.oors. electric fixtures, shades, cooling closet, furnace, fireplace: .YOxlon lot, hard -surface street: close to car; price $on(; (400 ensh. Call Mr. Cameron. Main S'.ioo or A 11 2 4th St. rr rwi---TV SPECIAL. 5-room house, lot 50x100. situated on East Couch St.. bet. 21st and 23 d sis.; will sell for $5i'00; $5no down, balance monthly payments, or will take vacant lot. value from $1000 to 2uoo. as part pavment. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. . - unPUTJ n 1 Rfl AIV rUKlLA.u nt,,,,,, ......... Dainty uew p-room Colonial house, built for home, ivofy and solid mahogany lin lh artistic firepiare. sunroom. to sleep ing' porches, large improved grounds, view absolutely unequalled: $ll,.o. terms. $10W reduction if sold before May -a. BROOKE. Marshall 427. A 3'-;- IRVINGTON R-room modern house on corner F.. 4ti and Brazee sts.; white enamel woodwork every convenience; garage: lot ,io'-xl"u ft.; price Including street Improvements. ittOOO: terms. H P PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phmn Main ((690. A 2653. To effect a quick sale of a fl-room house at crown of hill at East 27th St.. close to Hawthorne car; lot SoxlOO; price $1000; $1000 cash. This is a bargain. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY, Second Floor chamber of Commerce. . . . . . . - - , ,1 , 1 XI" CV A T New modern 5-room bunpalow; gas. e ec tric lights, full cement basement, laundry trnvs, shades, linoleum, lawn and roses. Best car service In the city. Price $-b''0. some cash and monthly payments. sea owner. 2J, m. tan pi. -.-.-..-r.i. .v T ."VP AT 1 V lltVllMllO. Wu.,v,- . lust completed, 8 large rooms, hea'i tlfuny arranged and finished, complete bathroom on each floor. h"dwood f'00.' built-in furniture. ihimini "In "V.ioOo and shades, choice location, pi Ice oiuu. terma. h oO. uregonia". . ..,v-T.-s i-nnF.R. Must sell at once? 7-foo'm modern bunga- E. 30th North. , o -oir-Tl Y modern new iTroom house. S tile bath, hardwood floors upstairs aPt.d Sown built-in buffet, kitchen Upstairs aim i ,vh B Atiiimol f?n5h!"ot"MVoor will sell $400 less than finisn, lot 5i . -n month. Cad cost; $2 :nuu T"r T . .n,.,.at 1169 K. Couch, near jh.h. x.u, e,. IFFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. w have an 6-room modem home on a ",?! th-ee blocks from ubove school, mfy ' "00. Terms very easy. De Young Johnson. 514 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE ,,,, DOWN $100 2 BLOCKS TO CAR 2 TREES. FLOWERS. LAW., 11 FV OWNER. TABOR 427 ,-rooM furnished house and lot, street im '"proved now renting for $12.50 per month; 10 minutes' walk of Piedmont carbarn; terms. phoneWoodlawa1240. tTv OWNER 6-room modern house, near Laurelhurst, two blocks to car, paved .tree?.. Call 870 E. Everett. East 1401. NEW modern, 7-room bungalow; do you want bargain; must sell: terms Inquire 74 e. ;5th N. Owner. Tabor 4-ROOM cottage, two-mile circle. Paved 8 1 retf. $1000: terms. 843 Sih st. N. fa. BEAUTIFUL home, half acre fruit garden, cheap; terms. Owner. Tabor 636. A