It TO EXCHANGE. THE i-iKE-JOS L 'CAT" 'RS. Tt PnTIl.'!i';.I ULLx; MAIN 122?- GREENIit'lsE In good lltt; town; tak a.reai-. a cant lot or a"li on good WANT lOXFECTIONEHT. GROCERY or vacant li .' r m;. "iuii) J"' In mod cm hO'J; price I ii. . WANT VACANT LOT for 2 hou.e on out l"t . rent, tor $ month. KOIiZKN HOTKl. 74 room, hot and cod w-ter .11 r.omi. Weet S,d. fli In; ym ft tr.clu.te -"- on lea.e; tat farm or civ rror'r'v for rr.v jitr I AI RES NEAR OKCH ART1!. 6 acre. In prunes, it In p-ar.. ret meadow. $.'; take lot or .mail hom l'r my equity S14.0. WANT VACANT LOT. mwlwn house, near 4-,'h ard G'a.ietone. Price .lo0. ri arrrt. hlshlv Improved, a irri hop; wul rav ' this ar, good hu;id:ria:a. at ". : .". take oty properly to $30ta. v have rrary other good ..chance, tf jou man! to tq. I or trade. It wil pay e to la'at wl-h u.. WE ARE THE ajUIOK ACTION I'EO- EXCHANGE. A HOT MKDlfAI. STRING? TffO. STfinv f.Rii t Hiitel to xchang for pert. and property or .omethlng nr Pori- ) land. In contortion trier t a bath- hnuw, arg plun: ram. iw of good land. 4 good hor.e. and .I farm Implement , , Th hotel 1 we'l furn'shed. Inc1udin MUiard taole. bowling ;. n-l in f't vrythlng that goe. with a flrrt-caa resort of tht krnd. Frlc $2.0O0. lt;n a-r of hui lard, on ml fron R. K. Good fencirg. good buildings V.' rm fin Fa I wheat. 4. acre plowed ready to seed thm Fail; prlc $.5 per a re; V rh ba or. mv ''"r.T VS1U CGNalDKR TrtALE i OR MRT PAYMENT MOORK INVES1UENT CO.. 41 Third Btratet. PARTY onln"rS')-Tfi grain and .to. k farm l unl. to iv th ne.eary at tention to warn. T..e far-n la wll "nc''" fair hiilldl.naa. several hundred acre n One .t.r.d of gra.:.. ood road to splendid town of 2.e. Betarna from th.a p.a. aria pror-abl, net tho oner veral thoua ard do.:ar, thla fkiiitt. The rarr man itn 6ju a. ra of unin.provrd land. elo to it K. I.'n; h to 0 th two propartle and will conaider town or e:ty property or merrantl.e U K- Moore. SIT Hoard of Trad. Fort lacQ. Or. ll-RO'M HOfSS. lot 4.-.XU.V in Minneapo- hoiiw cat to ot:iM. and a o-i aa rw: by .p-n-lina; J. It rou.d o rnted to par 1" per cent on pr!t( I " whKh la $" Wnt dif ptop-nr. vrfit or improved. In l orti-n l. a. reaj-e ner th cr.y. or firm land In Uea-e-n Ore gon up to ba.ance caan or mort fa back on ri1". . . O. r. R. ELLH CO.. .-w-Mn k i ros rode. HAWTH..'RNt-A Hi..-it.XCE to aichange fr K'.-eage: located 'a olo, a off from Haathorue ave. on 3tM ' modTn hone. f. replace, furnace neat, bullt-m bo...-a.e. fu.l cement H" ment. etc to exchange equity for clia-in acreage. GRI'SSl BOLD. nig Board of Trade bidg.. 4th and Oak HOOD RIAER BAROAIN. 3r acrea. all p.aM-d to commercial va rieties of app. mot.v Newtowna and pprinbr. firt In b-a-lng. fin apring: . uij b 'uee; bc-iutirul view, near t..wn "t Ho.l River, oil ma n county rad; o.vt income in year. Will !' unincumbered 7-ro.h(n bouj as part 'anient. li 4., ure- g.n;an. 1'Al.lVt'BMA KANi-lll Over 1'4 acrea r owe. kiiMinia iraillt water evatem. to raariM'l ataliou. r.u.t. train. tr. Will trad tor gr-ipee. fine-he.. f or thre.-f..ur-.n for Tortiand property, bai nr. long time t n per ten.. l: K H Ki'-nhn. I .'o. rrce on'y Yeon iH. WANTtU. rllent anno is to eacviantfe Unlon-av. rtinfiat 1 1 llg Ot WO leei on i u.--- . . nn . - , I eve.. Wlin 1 111 L' I " ,"-nts on both etre-ta. Prlc !.': mort . 17 ". run i eara Want farm to u,m"i- Va for enulty. GvjiLA I I WlEUKIlk, Siark :. frZvVCTAIAT!Tylr:NTIi(E. Morrloa at. Price Include !""0 paid on lea.e and 1 In-.iran-e- 4o room, mortgage . Pr- f..r l.;ine ..iil of I2.. will take montage or clt rroperly. Party furt " S. I'- H-r-nar.n. 411 KothcUi.4 t ! Phon Martl.a.i isoi. " EXCHAVCiE FV-T. LOTS OH CUT'S-IN ACREA'iK, 3 FIN FT. TW.J-r-T'.itY IImML.-. RENTED. M'i.tKN IN KVEa.T WAV. KVKNA KIM IKES. IIAI.U .-tKrA'-K .Kr.T. TWO SHORT f Li.-KS FKOM Alt. 1110 SPALDINCJ pi-DO. NO AijENiS. A.-K. r'"i. Mtv EtgTON. F.'Jt;lTY In H.4" worth of city proprr-.y. Bouae. lot. 7, tomoblle. will take A-l acreage or flcar lota for equu: will put other equitlea In for iarrer deal. liARl-'LT REALTY CO.. 114-17 Lrwll Hl-lg- i r.l. FiR IAI.M. A good trick hotel in a Rood lira town In East-rn Orecnn to trade for a farm. This notel la le,.ed and 1 a good lnvet- ment; price J'-- '"J- . HKI .--'i FOLDS. Sl Foard of Trad bidg.. 4tn and Oak. " PIEDMONT AND OVERLOOK. looal'c fully modern a-room horn In riedmort: rooms; lot i'loo. In 0er .ia Will conldr part trade on cither. ig?A"A"iJt,RLOVr MT.1. TFI-ST CO.. 3J.--J3S Chamber of Coremerc. WAM'tle-l. bU abOUt SO acre of Rood land in th VA.lev near Portland, i.-tr wh will take hishly unproved or cnar l h m In li n.d Klver tn ei chine for lam. t prlc and location. B 4rt, Oregonlan. . aTlNSEVPOLlS M'r.n.. horn on Nicollet I'-.and. lot 4.-vH.V nd a good Itt-room hoti valued at '. eacharige for Port land property or wiilameit alley farm. W. IL LAN' J. Thone Main PAUL J10 jAMngton Mdg WHAT HAVEYOC TO EXCHANGE T u hav several good nty ar.d country proper'ie te(t tliat we cannot match up Vou may haa what waut- Let ua hear ''"wHITMtK-Kn.t.r CO. 70 th St. TW. beaurlfil lota. Eaatuioreland. m yalu u.a- my equity 1W. balanc ravaM monthly; will acil or will -vrang for unincumbered Portland prop erty. Own.r. r. T. Young. Fa.ibrldg. t is h. I WAN T to bu a 4 or aV-room cottag or bu.-iia osr tn od ne.ghtiorh.M'd; baa va cant lot to otter in, evchange. ba ance monthly Installment 1'tione tail VcJ or F ai. iiregoriatv HAVr-' aeverai hoiia and lot to trade for farms and farm for house from tin aao. Ask for liarrusnn. ci-JAf l. HhP.l-.AV Jam. TRPST CO.. 3J: :14 Chamber of Commerc. a j A.'Kf.. lml.e st from HHUbom. one half c. eared, near ei-ctrlo line. Will tak city property. ItSca. Ask for tiarr'.S'.n. t'li.lVU fl r.itl.i .'V MTO. TKl .-r CO.. ji;-3S4 charr-ber of Commerce VN oi-'VUK. M . equity of anout !.') In fin cio-ln modern rea'.lenc In an-a-ou". U. -.. f r city impart or acre age. Inquire Mi Rolhchi'd b ill. even a N" t Timber claim. 1 V acre, tn Mmneaota. for acreaa. or city property around port. and. What hav you ? Ad dress T J. uregoman. 4."4 F'Wi-'ITY la $"'w0 hom. on of th Pnet ' p. see In Ladd Ao-U wl 1 exchange f.,r a uact lot or acreage. M. Lva. lit Hanllton nli.g. Miarshal! I.1B4. ,., ,) APART.MKNT-HOL SE. Seattle. al l trad for a-ra. rood farm or terl. prefe-re.!. f. I'. Hermann 411 R ,. --hid M-'g Phona Marsha. i ZZ 7T. acTTf" of good land, a'rook Co.iutv. Or P"r acre, will conaider Port. an t pro'oarty. diamond or automobi; aa 1st payment. W 42. Oragonian. livYc. su-acr farm, partly Improved. Dear tenon, at price fua to exebarg f-.r i ity lot or residence: gv prlc and loca tl l 47 Out nia. la 4. HE ot fr-iit land r-ear price .. i to eachang for Laurelhurat lot. D .yt-ecoeian. TO r'HtN,:'l A t-'t in bue.n-aa dletr.ct la liu.uth. VI. pi, f r Port. and property. Addr-s i:" 0",tl T EXCHAN-.E E.iui'v la ! acre orcharal la-id for rent of 4-roi-ra bungalow or cot lags. O ad. Oregon Lao. FOR SALE, or xrhng for real ratal. -paenaer car. llo, Ba condition. E 44. firegeplah. Hi il ',ltAlr: go den oak pano to trau f ,r free and clear lot in rortianca. Jv. f. flee"! 'tea Te. .. ifcK of 4 room s to tra.le aa rlrst pe'yroetit on 3-roaam bungalow. K. 8. Ryan. lea. I-L la" oa bav furnltur. lot or aacreag t trad aa a a-room bungalow, ca t it Ala. a 441 "Fa.ri TRA-.r-.-4 OF ALL KINDS JEt GARLAND at .. ' n-i r i tre 'e for any'hing. acre wiiim la town ir'oO. Chaa E. Hick. Forest lirov. Ci.VPI.ETE cheat. or mrVnr-plclur ou-flt for sal tr1e I. 41. oregonlan i VI H E Ft" I F. A L F. Kl ! ul t y Laui.l nur.t Jot lumbar. T i Oragojalavo. TO EXCHANGE. FARM WANTED. A GOOD GARAGE IV LIVE TOWN OF SVW POPIXATIOS IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Bl-ILDINO 40xn. LONO I.EA.E. RENT 140 A MONTH. COM PLETE REPAIR FHOP AND GOOD STOCK CV ACCESSORIES. ALSO FOl'R NEW CARS; PRICE lM0. OWNER WANTS A GOOD FARM IN THE VAL LEY. THIS IS A MONEY-MAKER AND VOI R CHANCE TO GET INTO A GOOD JU-SINEfS. ANSWER AT ONCE. WARD ft YOI-NOER. Sl-ITE 2 YE ON BLDG. loo A'TIKS of orchard land. S and to large town. KO acrea In rplan.lld or rhard. fin B room hou. water plpd m hou.e. good bam and outbuilding a. i farming tool., balanr of land c an M cleared for 15 per acr: wlh lak. 4 to :,....( houae. email ch payment and roma:rder on P'.aco at V"!11. I-.", per arre. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trad". Portland IR'l'KKN li..ue for f irm or acroaite. Cigar and conf. for lot or cre- , Ko..mlnk--houre. cleara .0 mo.. Die modern piace. for houae and lot. Acreag.- In Beiverton for auto. Irt.l A. In Vamlilll Co. for noue. l.i-acro homt-ad. 1 mL to town ana R. K.. for have you. We have anything you want OAKLAND 4 '".. 101 4th S'. EXCHANGE. Several choice lots t c.-arhart Park, at IIhi r-.-r lot. for automobile-. .l-room house, with 6 lot, splondld Jrn-pr-wed. 2 blocks from Ft. John carllne. for ltiO acre wheat farm In ta.wrn Ore gon Wo i.d prefer something In the t-'nl-T of L.u'ur. t" well Improved. OTTO at HVRKS'iN REALTY CO.. lHVx V'.rstaL HAVE a rlteM-with the" following. 40 acres. Grant county. Wa-h.. close R J; town, unimproved ; Si:-' j l rnurty. unlmrrov.d; ltr acre. In ilrtn County, or.. Improved, all of the clear of incumbrance . a- ant property in or near Portland; m-ght aume mortarage. L K. Moore. 517 Board ot Trde. I'ortland foEXl"rHXNOE I!-room house, good leas and low rent; worth $1400; for good lot and couple hundred ceeh. Portlnnd property worth ."00 to trad for a good country ftore. We have a large Ht of good '"n. rlty property and bunena opportunltie to trade on for th other j. y l o H s. 4 T Chamber of commerce. 4J.ACRE" Ideal farm. " fully-.tocked and enplpred. one mile from station. 15 miles fPotn .-ourtbouse; R-room house. plf"l with ,.rlr.g water, barn, mtlkhou.e. m si.e.1 and ohlcken-hou.e 2 acre, famdy orchard, on c.untv r.?'lZ I acinV- Highway: ram '': wi.i ik ,,.r. tr." Part ca.h down 2""D mort- saate All -an. urrgi... W ILL eachange 4 , acres. unln ltn nlc. ti-room oun.alow having .le-P-Ing porch, flreplar. etc. I .""x' t?m station, with o-minut. ferric. 4d min ute, out on th. best Int.rurb.n 1 n. out of Portland: If. worth tw. a the prlc. ..ked but will exchng for city realden.e. Tak fr-gon City car to Jennlng Lodge. h t nap. .. . - irii'.- -e a? a v.-T TO TRADE FOR P-.rf.rrl property or acreage: 14 w,,h i,ara acre under th. p.ow. plenty of water, good i-rootn hou... laa.1 t- nc.d aad croas-fenced. Prlca J0.uvu. will trail or ell part on tlm-. HAWTHORNE STABLE4 Ua Hawlhorn Ave. FrTTt-FARM FOR r.lMALOK lrt acrea of Koiu River fruit land, or wl. ch IS acre are In full bearing troes; g.-Hl ru.tlc house fin. barn and outbuild ings, located 4 mile, from Go.d H.I, or., to trade equity f-r bungAiow or residsnc property oKr(isi BOLr It. Hnrl of Trad hldg.. 4th and oak. l uv KENT" N New- 4-rootn house, mod ern x.-ept furnac; A bl.Kkg front car line; 4 box ka from factorlea. Thl. houM I. new and well cc.netructd. W 111 ex rharge for good farm land. A for Har- ''h'aiMV-HEWLOW MT'l. TRI'ST CO.. 3.i:-X3s t hitmberfonijTiasrc. , . ,.,, n" I V. in g l on at.. M2 r00'-fl-at-clae i.r..poition: will py you 4 nit p." mom:', wt.l exchange for or country property or acreage. Wll ni Va.iey preferred. I will h pl'"-d to have .'. invr-llf.l. thla. 8. K '-!."."n.- H ti.thahtid b..l. I'hone Marshall --. BfsiNESS alta ROxlOO. only 10 feet from Grand . near Flnet Washington at. Pric il.MH0: also rt4' acrea of unim-p-oved land In Tillamook County: Prlc lis. hi; wlil exchange one or both for an apartroeni ue. or 1H-.-W.I.W " -' K. J. JKl!-fclR. 4J0 Chamber of Commerce. W Wil li to hange. Icusc and furniture of' modern o.'ick apartment-houa neaar Tortland Po.toft.c for Imroa-ed farm, l-as run. 4 ; monthly Income ' net: ca.ii value .ixn: furniture ail new: no tr.f ated aalue con.idered; .lata lull T Oregoniam f7rM INTEREST In S acre, be.t .oil In Oregon: a.n mlla from atat on. 15 mile, from con-er of Portland, half In cultiva tion 3"1'" cord. wood, fin pnng-fed cc'ek balance l. S and S ara at n Pr "nt to .ichanee for good 5-pa.nger automohlla Y 5. Oregonlan. WILL eachang per cent ftrst mortgag Laiurlt... for or .-room modern hou. 'n Irvicgton. Plrdmont. Sunny. id. Haw thorn, or Mt. Tabor 'urni.hed or un furnlaned. owner, only. Abbott to.. Wilcox bldg. GOOD AUTO WANTED A first payment on brand-new T-room mo.lern huti. 1 bloik front Hawthorne i. it...i no lunk or Inflated value c.n:flerd. Fred W. German, sua Burn.ld. M. or A -.'TTd. . PARTY want horn In Portland; ha. 3J0 e'-ree of unlncuml-rd land In Klickitat County. Wah.; price Pr cr,-.'r irowirr aviil par cash difference or a. sume some Incumbrance. L- K. .uoore. BIT Hoard of Trade SHERMAN C unty a toe ax an ..!. . 14.1 terra 5 mile, from De.chute Rlvr. g,od roada near Government pa.tur. abundanc ot running wec. - Will exchnng for Portland property. Box 1"7. Gre.ham. Oregon. "d ACRES. Improved. Tualatin Valley 35 mfnuVe. from c.ty. 1 mile from carllne: 15 acre tn potatoe. -yar-old orchard. Konle barn etc.; part rah. balance In cTr property. A. G. Vheloupka. 3J1 Wor- c.a:r t..ig. g4..i FaJl lTY In T-xlOii corner, with graJed .tre.-r and cltv water; 4 blocki from car. '" "' -n F.a.t Side, at JlO.w. b. an., payable 115 per monlh. to trade f r .mail runabout or good piano or will .acrif". for.aah.--. Oregonlan i-HAVE ome Income Portland property to .xchange for amall Improved farm or ftock rlnch. within :i mlie. of Portland: give description, location and price In flrat letter; owner, only. Rn E"HTV In SHxl"1 corn.r. S blot k. from ..r: .treet. gr.ded. city w.t-r bal anc 4:.o at ll per montn. to trad for p ano. laun-h. motorcyci or campu.g out fit. X V. tregonian. i oT srVoTim m.vlem bungalow In Monta vHU on 4:.xla b't. ca.h prlc. II w,ll trad on l.t or coe In Central La.t bid property; will glvw time or assume. A. a. I ou.sen. air. T. ' - lo.a. kol ITY in lu cioa to ra.i way acd I'ortland. 4 acre In cultivation, balanc In big timber; tin. prlng water yearly payments to trad lor good automobi e or clear l-l. AC 4!'. oregonian. ilo nOO E.JI.-I TT In a cloae-!n business lot, to exchange f-r a vacant block auttab.a to hul.d houses, must b clar from In cumbrs nee. y j CitlklR. 4 20 Chamber of Commerce. YYli-l. exenanx- 7i. eouiiy In tao lota. Rla ers ds Addition, on WiTamette Hou.evard. for mnturtxvat or automobli. AL 7, Ore gon lL:ati HK-iT bargain. C acres, half bearing, floe orchard. Hood Tllver. 1 ! .. worth 1.".. lee W"t lot or house up to $ 7UoO. Ad -ere. 11W. Mu.tnotn ft. 1i i- xTllAN'iK 7- l ilty In lnl-VI at e wo'l. mortgage -. 2 rs. for S paasenger a.r "r tunaioul. Puuu Main t.'TV n I ex hange furniture, fla hdrooma and i '.'hen. f .r equity in lot or for good auto; qliAHty of furnltur ftrd-eiaaa. AK t. .r. goiilan- ONE of th b d.lry and fruit firmi In t.r.gon. r ear. for go-d merch.ndiav, bual es. In good town be Mr. nnor. Room A. Lumber Exchange U 11 L exchang a-reage or ally property f -r good .-cond-hand auto, bvj Yeon tl.-.e XI ar.hail 3l. WILL ex. haux choice fruit land near Port lanJ. c.e.r. tor Port. ar.d property. Set nr. a. n ore, room A. Lumper Lxcr.ange. SOTe good e.-urit!e to xchang for acrw- .CS or a amall aarrra. -. . c.uu. Spalding bid g. Marah a 11 a.Vad, a 4 1 1 L ijnE- lo-inch Huston boiler and eratln. .haftlbg. aawtabl and aawa ul .vs. bel'irr. g'e. 3JH Worcester bldg. V, an rut. Jo eaofian a stock of waieo aad Jewelry for farm lanJs or eajuity aa farm land O 4Q. Oregonlan. n.. Ejl'lTY in 5 acre near slfton, 10 rrinu'e from carUnt; part beaverdam. AN .., Or.oiii. THE SUyPAY OKEGOyiAX. PORTLAND. 3IAY 5, 1912. - " ! ;?? AI-5: W4VT riTT PROPERTY. tOOnn l.Mi-arre ranch; no tncumbfanr. , elj.o.rf Ill-acre potato ranch: gut en we. $IO.lni" We.t Sid bu.ineaa property; In come 100. Union a:;o-ore dairy: close to city. e-'-Yoot Income property, Albany. Or., and cash. WANT COTNTRY PROPERTT FOR: in r...iane.ldence and I."nn0 ra.h. eJiaf! General md.e. .lore. A-L $ja.i.o Ka.t f-lde; Inrom UM. edo.OOO Hotel and building; big Income. ... . ... .... .-..I- pern avri.aa hail aav r . f f.nn -ountry hotel: lea.; extra fine. slj.ncin East Side. income ftoo. IUMhi Countrv hotel: good Income. $1 4,oAKn.t Side bu.lne..: Income S13S. Ill .wo We.t Side flat.: Income llln. f;t son in acres, all cultivated, fine. e-li.Oiin sty ncrt. White Salmon. Irri gated. jrtn.orto s-.o acre. Tayette. Idaho. Irri gated. nnn Vaiu-v farm and JSS.ftOO eafh. tlo.OOO Valley farm, Irvlngton residence and f-'a.oOO ca.h. OT1H C. BECK. 212 Stark St. j5.on APARTMENT.- under long laase equity 4a.uva. araae gouu pua:j gome ca.h. . t5rt.(i(io farm, near city, trada equity an nnn fi. tniri Income cltv nrop.rty. City re.ldence and 14 fractional Iota value $13,000. for bu.ln.a. lot or near acreage. Walnut Park dwelling, furnished, cor ner. $75'lft. for apartment or bu.lneata. Nob Hill horn. :s.000. for cah and .mall property. ... I7K00 ACREAGE, near Barlow Station, all In cultivation, equity 1.V100. Conaider city property equal value. JACKSON ft PEERING, Stark St. y. V EN-ROOM COTTAGE l.V IRVINGTON for one or two vacant lot.: term, easy on balance; price MrtlM x.vcwn APARTMENT: best of location, long lea... for rtaldenc. acreage or farm '"GOOD INCOMli PROPERTY paying 1S. annually: excellent future InfM" for property In thla location: price s."i.non. will tak XJ.1.000 farm, lot or Income city properrv a. part payment. GOWEN-IDE TRI ST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermen. Building. Ground Floor. MINNESOTA LANDS FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE. Ann arret tillable land In famou Rd Fiver Valley (Polk County: -in acrea ad jacent to Beltrami Station; 160 acre, near Angna: will exchange for Oregon proper ly or .ell for ca.h. L 42. Oregonlan. $lo n..o GOOD mountain STOCK RANGE of Son acre.. In Coo. Pay country. $12 50 per acre: no Incumbrance. Railroad from Fuarene now under construction: thig prop erty will be worth oon 25 per acre. Stock range all Winter. No Winter feeding recen.ary. Lot. of out. Id range. Will r change for acraag or city property tn or near Portland 6 B. Hermann. Phone Marshall uni. 411 Rothchlld bldg. a WANTED Real estate or f.rm property In exchange for .tock In National bank In one of the be.t cltle. of the Northwest. Saving larre dividend, and doing a .p'en i. safe hiieine.s; any amount up to 5 two.; real e.tate must be at right price: Im proved farm property or Income hearing city property preferred. AV 253, Oregonlan. ' TO EXCHANGE APARTMENTS. ROOMING-HOUSES AND HOTELS 2snn APARTMENT-IIOrSE. OMean at. 43 room. ?. S and t-room apartments: will ex-hang cltv pronertv. S. Tl. Her mann. 411 Rothchlld bldg. Phon Mar.hall :2. FOR SALE or exchange by owner for small acreage near carllne. new 8-room modern houae. aun room Included, everything com plete, beautiful kitchen with every con venience built In, hardwood floora. fire place, bookca, china closet, linen clos ets, etc.; terms. Call 803 East fiJih t. No-th. 1 LOTS, right bv double-track etreet car. W-W line. Ee.t 2sth and Kelton at., factory site, or re.ldence lot. I want 13 fresh cow, young mule teama. heavy brood marea. good eecond-hand auto and rew house, and lota Owner. H. Grebe, Tlrardvllle. Or. OWNER wl.he. to trade th following prop erties for property In or near Portland. 1 2i -acre tract two n-acre tract and on 11-acre tract located within th cor porate llmlta of Riddle. Dougla. Co.. at f Vh per acre: will trnde any part or alL t'larence E. Vat. Enterprise. Or. LEASE and furniture of modern apartment house, private bath., etc., flr.t-claaa fur nishings: rent only 5 per room, long leaae. West Side location, clearing f.'uii month: will take city property up to $3uoO. balance monthly: no ensh required. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 Mh ft. ISD AN" ACRE. 11 acrea at $30 an acre, near Sheridan, very rich land, running water, some Im Jrovmenl. aomo timber; will trade for nice city home. WATSON 4 THERKELSEN CO.. C4 Spalding Bldg. Maln7S2. SMALL fruit and chicken ranch In city, handy to two car linee; ha. good tv-rootn house, large wouflhou.e. &a large bearing fruit tree.; .mail fruit; ground l. by l.l f-l. nice location. Price 4iV); very easy term., or will tak part trade. oH Board of Trad. 7.S ACRES AT TIGARDVILLE. Young orchard, vmall hou.e and out building., good well and apring, 7 acrea under cultivation: price $:ooo. SMITH ft SHEFLKR. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phon Main 6S2. I HAVE good S-room bungalow In Alberta, rented $1'0 month: worth fliSoO; no In cumbrance; modern, suburban home on river on Oregon City electric, equity ;!300; what have you to orfer: prefer Irvlngton residence or cloae-ln lot. or acreage. O 43. oregonlan FOR CITY PROPERTT. 22 million feet A-l timber, near Port land, no per cent clear: will stand Investigation: want Income city property that will bear aamr kind of .crutlny. Owner. P. O. box 44. 1 WILL trade my 1100-lh. S-year-old. sound and gentle family horse for a eecond-hand or 3-ton exprer wagon and set of double harneut; 4 aound young work horaea for sale cheap; Investigate thla F 4S. OreTontan. A'ait 1 LAND pr.perty to th volu of about f-li.tM i for good farm near Portland; e.iulty $13.t'Ot; will assume some. If necessary. Kauffmann ft Moore. 823 Lum ber Exchange. THREE hou.e and two lot In Everett. Wash.. Income $40 per month, to exchange for Portland property. Inquire Northrup Studio. Commonwealth bldg., rlth and Ankeny. FIN Li hat-acre farm. RO mile, from Portland. 23 act-ea cleared; orchard, hou.e. barn, etc. no Incumbrance and clear city lot.; trade for c.o.e-ln acreage, auburban home near car. J 41. Orejcontan. WANT on or two lot with m mil, of Broadway bridge. East Side; will give I14'i equity In IJni.i) houae and pay dlf ference. 1017 Hoard ofJTrade. jTia irt CREAMERY. Willamette Valley, all complete. In operation now; will take re. ldence or acrvag. S. H. Hermann, 411 Rotfichlld biJg. o4 ACilKS. near Brown.vllle, Or., for herd ware and implement :ock, or Improved Portland property: give full partlculara Address P. O. box 6d7. Portland. Or. EASTERN client will exchange per cent 45e guaranteed Interest bearing se curities for real estate; give description of property first letter. AS 47. Oregonlan. XO Exchange -10 view lota In Oregon City, valued at lox. mortgage for S4UO. equity to trade for runabout or &-pae.engcr car. Call 4il Himl.tnn t.irig. la ACKLjl. &-x mile hum corvallla. to ax Chang for country .tore and .lock of mer.handl.e up to ih0. RALPH At'KLEY LAND CO.. 170 5th ft. uii i. exchange for improved city property r.O acref on th Oregon Electric, close to track: lanu partly cieareu. o 44, Oregonlan. VYaLL exchange bank tock paying 12 per tor well-located home worth from I nasi to o'ot. or good Iota; price tnu.t be right. X 41. Oregonlan. tj d'lTY of tlS.a Improved lrt acrea at Rose burg to exrhange for grocery: will pay ca.t difference. Jordan, elo Lumbermen bid I. A REAITIFUL home on Portland Height.: will take In acreage, vacant lot. or auto mobi' up to ili"j, balanc monthly pay m e nta to suit. Cal I 5 1 B oard of Trade. CLEAR Iota, a v0 flr.t mortgg to trad for a hou worth flMOO clear of mortgage any part of th city. Jordan. tilO Lumber men bldg. . TO EXCHANGE for lot or automobile, a group of eight mining claim, located In Seven Iievi mining dl.trirt. Idaho; valu t.-WKa. Addrataa a Alt, oregonlan. NEW and modrn fiat, paying 12 per cent net. to trade for clo.-ln suburban home or acreage, near car. R o'. teregonlan. HAN'D-PAINTED china for .ale or trade for dlamonda. easy chalra or dlntr. table. 8 5Q. Oregonlan. WILL trad for ral eatat. 6-paacenger au tomoLlie: car In good condition; top and ealra tire. H 45. Oregonlan. Foil .! or eaaihang. good .Income prop erty for farm or good acraag. T 43, LAiiiKUU'l.ST iAt to tra.le. other city proper-y or acreage. P 43. Oregonlan. I3ai0 EQUITY In Lauralhurst lot for dia mond! lot oat Tliiual. AaJ 43, Oregon! an. CLASSY new hom. bungalow atyle, con venient to Council Crest car, for bearing orchard or Income property. 10,000 or ovtr, a Equity In Hlght bungalow for auto mobile. 45 acre., fine farm, splendid Improve ments, ato-k and equipment. 23 mile" from cltv. R. R atntlon on place; 1 13,000 un incumbered, lor city propel ty up to -.- oon. 10 acrea. adjoining Oregon flty highly cultivated and subdivided; .20.000; for apartment-house: assume. Suburban acreage. ome fine timber and $10,000 ca.h for apartment-house. Cedar Hill, near Washington .L. choice property lor acreage. Lot. In be.t residence dl.trlct and cash for Willamette Valley farm. GOLPSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. 41 B Chamber of Commerce. 130 ACRES good Improved farm: 100 acre, eusoeptibi to cultivation; SO acre, in cul tivation; running atr-am. 8 apring; good orchard; all crop? and per.onal property Includod and pos.e.aion myn. from Portland. .I'm mile, ffnm railroad atat Ion; t:ko. , Win take Portland property or apart-ment-hou.o part payment. Ifio acres In Lak County. On eon. pond 'land, clear of Incumbrance: owner also ha. 6 1-3 acre, adjoining town r.f Lafay ette, improved, including all kind, of fruit and chicken yard; pric ,200, lncum- brwm exoh'anr for Portlnnd reftaurant, gmall grocery or feed """",..,, v GOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermen. Building. Ground Floor. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCHES WAN TEU rUK inc. r k.'..v xjiTotj lO-room apat tmenl-house. In. on th West Side: lKoni' IJ-I a month; want ranch for J2,oh equity. . , 12.nV 72 acre., highly Improv ed farm. ,t Lebanon and half section or timber In Douglas County. I.1S.00O 320-acre farm In Linn County. partly cultivated, for Phernmn Countv wheat ranch to XI tMa. HARFOLT REALTY CO.. Main S40. 014-1" Leavla Blag- A now. WHO CAN MATCH THIS? Owner will exchange hi. garage and re pair bti.lnea. goo.1 location, low- rent, net ting? 400 to 500 a month for vaca.'t property; .omethlng that will not take up hi. time, value ls0. ,,, -n CHAPIN-HFRLOW MTG. ft TRLST CO. Third Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ASK tor liarri.on. ISOOO-IMPROVED 2-7- I":ocV1"nron: catea. witn tuiioran a :-- ertv. to exchange for house and lot. H thorne or Montavllla Addltldn Preferred or would take hu.iner. o tonit kljj. would like draylng: price $.',0n. mortaraare 1K00. running 5 years; my JI'v -,, , Owner only. Call on 8. B. Hermann 411 Roihchlld hldg.. for description. rhone Mnrsna;i 1-Ai-RE truck and chicken ranch. In limns Jood town near Medford. join. 0n" .chool: 115 trec. il grape., small fruit. Oregon hou.esV' private water P'""' trade warrant., bond., mtg escrow or what hav. youT Allow 1000 on arrml auto or truck, balance time; value $1 Photoa and plat. Wm. Sear'.e. Medford. Of. NEARLY NEW BUSINESS CORNER. 1 .tore, downstairs, apartments and or flce. upstair.: In north part of Fnst Port land, and a bargain. Will consider ex change up to gin nOO, farm or city prop JrVy 'el-a? or nearly .o. Ask for Harrison. CHAP1N--HEP.LOW- .MTG. TR1 ST CO.. 332-S3 Chamber of Commerc. HOTEL 5 room., modern brick, on Prin cipal street, lease, nicely furnished, doing a good buslne... making a net average profit of 1400 per month; will exchange lease and furnishing, for city or country real estate or will sell on reasonable terms AD S. Oregonlan APARTMENTS. ROOMING-HOUSES AND HOI M.S. ..WM) ROOMING-HOUSE. Washington t ' . e.coo n..-ei,ta 1. 0 rer montn: equl,yatS7..o. w-V.l' trad-' for city or coun trv property. See me Monday. S. n. "or m.nn 411 Rothchlld bldg. rhone Mar- shall 2"''.2. EFA'TIFTI. mountain ranch In Southern OreVon cloe to station, and on main au tomobile road: om In cultivation: 4 room hou.e. other buildings: spring water fo? house and Irrigation: Ids-, location for health .tock raising, and taking Summer hoarder.. D. L. Brace Co.. S" Board of J Ti CT tat. I1SC.T5T51.ACRE farm. 24 .,mtl" li" Corvallls 13" acrea In cultivation. 00 acre. esC'BDrH7rr;.n'n". 'dV, "R-othc;.,0; bVifc MtrihtllJW- livTACRFS In Morrow- Countv. 9 miles from Lexington: good wheat ranch, all 'ced eood well water and one-room cnhln. an S"? 40 acre. h. been under -;vt" inon; exchange for hou.e and lot In Portland or California property Kauff mann ft Moore. 325 Lumber r.xonange TrRFS Hood River orchard income " producer flrst-clesa In every respect and hear closest investigation. I cannot live on Jalse. so will trade for neer-ln Boarl mema or .l7e.: cashVric l.wn. Answer price location, etc.. first letter. Owner. P O. Box 417. ; ACRES! 10 ml!-, out. acre. rI-ared. nice 5-room boi,-. young orchard with n.,t varle-y of appl-s. garden In. 2 acre, of earlv potatoes planted; splendid soil, wdll exchange for home in Portland or business. Aa oo. vo-.-- .'.OO ACREf OP avnr-.M ..a iSt -ere for other crops, located near Pendleton? good . any ranch In Eastern Ore clear of Incumbrance, want. Port land income property about .tame value, too 000. Af 42. Oregonlan. ""i-l-RNisHED" A-TtOOM HOUSE JUOO F g-rodm modern furnished elec tricity water, etc.. 50x1 fin. ft. corner lot. 3S. term.; or will trad, for acreage. WXTSON ft THERKELSEN CO J06 Spalding Bldg. Main i.1S2. I HAVE a T-room modern house on 2 lot, located on 3th t.. corner Salmon lat I will trad for Improved acreaare within -5 roll, of Portland, value $27no. and will ",'i.m. T up "o $. Call 5K4 Board of Trnde. ' .. . - . . f- T" 1 1 I.- A fine grocery store In a good location, doing good bu.ine... Prlc. JS.'.O. Owner wl l trade for a vacant lot In good loca tion De Young ft Johnson. 614 Chamber of commerce All In'cuitlvatlon and seeded to oata: lies level: no buildings: 4-ml'e from Oregon e'ectrlc station . -mile from Gervaia Price fjJOO For Portland Prooerty Oft ATRKS 5 ml'e from Hood River- ex e.Vent tract all In orchard, part bearing; JGooT'O- exchanU for rot-tland Property. KaiVmann & Moore. 325 Lumber F.i chance. an ACRES renr Washougal 20 a. cleared. gd hiilldlng.. fine fruit. rem. on ' .... rn-,rl no Inciimhranee: win tRke cuy pronerVv Vo ,3000; pric. 4OO0. AF 41 Oregonlan. VWANT A HOME for ome of my Improved land cIo.a to PortT-and bet of .oil: price S40 p-r a R room. new. or ne.rly ao. up to $.4000. T,S preferred. AF 44. Oregonlan. rtRCT-CLASS billiard parlor and city prop erty to exchange for good farm up to $20 000; th poolroom la netting 4..0 per PAl.'pH A CKLEY LA NT. CO.. 170 Sth St. "" "kTvoAS OR OKLAHOMA T and wanted In exchange for fur.on choice r"t!.nd re.!dnoe property. Want aome thlng near equal r!u JACOB HAAS. 400 Yeon bide. too ACRES timber, about 4.000 000 feet, or, from river and rail, also lots In ?hlet.o wM suburban or hulld- Tng at P.'llamette Heighta P. O. Box 740. . ert'rvntAXOE Modern house. 0 room. T?n on the Ea.t Plde: value will exchange for .uburb.n lot. or acre age., a1. 41. 1 ee-.. ' wll r take a good five-pa.senger automo bile' part payment for a fine h"m "n th East Sloe with good terms for bal anc. A rv "o(..... APART.. W room., SO room, furnished: A-reir .. ..efnrnlahed : fine goori rurnnure. -. - location, walking distance: part cash, part trad acreage. Phone A 31-3. FOR HALE. Borer. Vehicle. Etc. JUST quit work: hay team, weight 2T.0. Kta a-: zs n at. eou..o.v.. ..... SINGLE driver, city broke, weight 1100. .ootid! "3a E 21th .t. Woo.l.tock car. CHEAP 1150-LB. mare, top wagon, and new narne.s. . i........... FOR SALE Cheap. 2t00-lb. tam. wagon and harne. Call Main 225T. GOOD tam ponies for .ale. 50. 852 E. fth. N. Woodlawn 8001. FOR sale, small team, will exchange for large hot-. Phone East 2 4sn BA KG A I N Good farm wagon, Fresno and lip crper. Stanley East 3512. FOR SALE On lnl expre.f, (25. Coa grov Broa, SOft latv. Horaee, Vehicle, Etc FOR SALE The moat .tyli.h Kentucky rid ing and driving mare In Portland; perfect trot. .Ingls foot and gallop; standard b-ed; light cheatnut. with light mane ana tall; positively sale for lady: also the mo.t comfortable phaeton, witn harnesa, blanket, and robe.. Phone Sun day morning or evening. Marshall 4.7". Monday. Mum H7o. No dealer.' offer con sidered. Muat know horge la In good handa. P.. I h dapple gray., 4 and 5. mare and gel-dm,.-. mar In foal by 10ma Perchcron. teant weigh. iVIO, aound and well "JOKf alao pair of gray Percheron marea, 8 ana 7. weigh i'a. one with foal June 3 to Imported .talllon; these teama will be guaranteed every way and .old at at- tractlve prices, oo-t rio- 30 HEAD of mares and gelding., from 3 to 8 jeara. welshing from 1000 to IBoO. all right from the country: .everal matcherl pairs 6 mare, due to foal this monlh; ail of this .tock will be eold with our guar antea or money refunded; if you need any thing In the hor.a line, come and get our prlc-s. front si. ONB matched bay team, 2300 pound., o'JV; bay mare. 10 year. old. 1200 pound., J.a. buck.kin gelding. 8 year. old. 14o0 po". 1. -hi: aeverai heavy teama and driver, ana delivery horaea. all horee. .old guarantee. Howltt'a stable. both ana Burnside, Montuvilla , Blti BARGAIN. Span of mare., weight 2300 lb... with new harness and fann v.ason; also one big work hor.e, and one cheap pony; fev eral old wagon.: all must be old, no reasonable offer will b refu.ed. 247 East 12th. corner Madiaon. PAIR of matched geldings, 6 and 7, full brothera, weigh 2000, good fast walkers, true to pull and If you are looking for the best come and see this pair; also -matched pair of brown mares, 5 and 7. weigh So-."., .ultame lor rancia paw, 31(4 Front at. BARGAINS Bay mare, eultable lor rancn. sound and true, f43: bay and roan gel- . dings, sound, work any place, city broke, guaranteed every way, J1.W: team matched bay geldings, weigh 2b00, good true pullers. I22S. o34 Front t, FOR s ALE Ateam of good young horses, auaruntetd all sound and gentle in every respect: weight 2I: pounds; price reason able. Residence. OK Grand ave. North. PhoneWoodlawn 729. YOUNG driving horse, city broke. lred by "Hal B"; new top Columbus buggy ana harness; also low-down, 2-hor.e express wagon. Call 35 E. 53d North, corner of Couch. Montavllla car. $163 BUYS good team, mare and horse, welshs 2i"), good pullers and gent e. with harness and farm wagon liH ;sellwood car to Insley ave.. walk 6 blocks east, house number 7S1. FOR SALE cheap, good HEO-Ib. horse, fine ruhher-tlre top buggy and harness. Haw-thorne-ave. car to Division St.. walk one ... - , .1 .. OC1K t.hth t- PIOCK west anu lltree bol.i. YOUNG mara. wt. 1200. with suckling mule colt, to trade for good work horse; give description; no skatea wanted, x at. ore gonian. PA IK nicet- mated bay geldings. 5 and , weigh 2010, eound and true, good road si era; will suit any small rancher or ae Itveryman. 334 Front st. . GOOD large famllv horse and rubber-tired hufrry Mount Scott car. Kern Park sta tion Address 3ii2J 67th at. S. E.. Port land. Or. DRIVING horse, thoroughly city broken, harness and R T. hugary. cheap. Phone owner today, Marshall 1070. FOR SALE- Wagon, light delivery, good condition; barajuln. L'. P. Stables. -3a Rusnell st. FoK SVLE 1.1 head of horses. S50 to 14)0; . .. t i . iriAa. axarenreeo. In- Wlll Ott HU1U tain saiiiiivu. Kt quire 3.'. 1 Second. Utii-YKAR-OLU pony, riding or driving; US"0 IQ fllllUiril. I nunc ,,wv-. .... Address i:lt Garfield ave. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy bonaa, accualomed to city Kaat 7th .t. Norta. FOR-SALE A good rubber-tire buggy. 20. !. r.. -a-iiu. rAtfLHK for rent near Portland. Phon Main 1410- MULE. 1300 lb..; gray horse, 1500 lbs. ; must sell. 2".l Arthur st. FASTURE for stock at $1.25 per month. Sellwood 1S33. FOR SALE Goose-neck wagons and teams. cheap, t osgrove riros., poo aa. WANT good horse hy the month; light rig; best care. AO 37. Oregonlan. I'lonoa. Organs and Muhlcal Instrument. UNFINISHED Circassian walnut piano, a beauty, easy terms; you positively sav jluO. Owner leaving city. Call 024 North rup st. Fort SALE New Sohuman player piano; will sell cheap inside So days. 354 East Mac'isou at. Phone East 3001. WANTED-To rent a good piano for a number of months; state rent desired; can furnish best of reference. G 45. Oregonlan. FOR SALE My fine walnut case piano, used onlv short time; full size; standard make. Call evenings. 407 10th St., Apt. I, PIANO for sale, good bargain for cash, high made, mahogany case, perfect condition. I'hone East 2132. 221 Adam. St. Bl'r BARGAINS in new and unredeemed musical instruments at Stein'e Pawnshop. 2S North Bih St.. near Burnslde. COI UMBiA Grafonola. mahogany cabinet, 30 records, co.t J103, now 38 cash. Ol' ver. Fast 1123. SWEET toned Kimball piano for .ale cheap. 44 Morrison St. Phone Main 8753. piANo Small upright; linest tone; German make: price $75. J 21), Oregonlan. PIANO tuning by expert, with references to introduce; .1.50. Phone Woodlawn 3US1. FIRST-CLASS upright piano, cash or terms. Apply 201 Aiaer st. Wil-1. pay small rent for piano. Phone Main 5MH. Apt. 43. FINE piano Must sell, sickness. B 1195. Call Olson. Roe Co.. SO Front St. KICH-GRADE piano for aalo cheap. Call Main 37.-).:. A 7042. 440 3cL WANTED Reed church organ, new or used, state price, condition. AO 40, Oregonian. Dogs. Bird.. Pet Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby chick.: be.t selected utility stock; bred to lay: healthy chick., guaranteed; S7.50 per 100. during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery. Box 340. Petaiuma. Cat WANT to trade year-old chunky pit bull, white, one black eye. ears cut, a dandy, for Boston terrier pup. male or female. Green Transfer Co. Stables, 482 Albina ave. FoR SALE 50-egg Cycle incubator, 11 1 year White Wyandotte pullets. 1 cockerel. Keckseckei-. K. 1. Red fcggs for hatching. 3..i4 rttith st.S. E. 300 STANDARD Brown Leghorns, breeding stock- make offer for number wanted. J it meg Ireland. 414 Spalding Bldg. Main 412S. EGGS for hatching Selected Rhode Island lied stock, every egg guaranteed fertile; ?1.50 setting. Phone l.toor zofj. . THREE pedigreed Airedale puppies for sale cheap. Telephone Main 0502, lo till 5 Monday. BOSTON terrier bitch. French bull bitch, pit hull pups. English bulldog. P'rench bull QOg aaa emu, a.-. ' " . MAY special, thoroushbred White Wyan dotte egas. 1 per 15. S3 per 10O. Tabor 2H33 or K. C. Ollphant, Cleone, Or. dog at Stua. oa I a-roil a. jv JU'fa. WANT ail) Man who can demonstrate an article of merit: $100 per month to right man. Apply 343 Morrison St. 2-MONTriS-OLD kid. pure white; fine for pet; sell cheap or trade for chickens. phone iRDor oy- WE can spare a few settings of our Royal wnite i jaiiui-uc caa. x.c..c.., -.v.. u .. 00th. Tal.or 2422. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred fox terrier pup pies tor rale, imp E. 2Bth st. N. "A" car. DECOY iuk eggs for sale. Apply 60 E. a-.'d st. ' Foa SALE Thorouchbred pit bull terrier pups: litt.e beauties. as. 13th St. Pa"rTY le.ivlnar city will sell thoroughbred St. Bernard dog. 4i-t Market, cor, nth. AIREDALES Imported stud Laddlx Mon arch. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. UScl Pratt Roup Cure. For sal by J. J. Butxer ft Co.. 1SS Front St. BEAUTIFUL German Spitz puppies, cheap. 5 15 E . Couch St. BARRED Rock cockerel, thoroughbred, sale or exchange for hens. 555 Sumner. C 1078. BOSTON terrier, male pup. pedigree. Phone Tabor 21QH UOUL watch dog fjor sale. Call at 205 E. 43th St. Automobile FOUR-PASSENGER Cadillac, fully equipped. Cash or terms. No real estate or trades. Gerlinger Motorcar Co.. 86 loth St. I H AV a bargain In a five-passenger tour ing car in flrst-claes shape, for cash; no trade. AL 37, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE wanted; will give $1250 equity (cash value) in good buslnes lot for B-jass. car. Owner. H 48, Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain Two 3-ton Gramm trucks, in nrst-rlass condition. C. J. Cook Co 7th and Pavls sts. RUN ABOUT guaranteed In excellent condi tion, to ll for cash. AL 30. Oregonian. Ul p MOBILE runabout for .ale. E 50, Ore gonlan. WANTED -Roadster or runabout. 1011 jnod aV to SPOT C-AaH. Mala 676ti. Automobile. FOR REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS, SEE US FIET. . 1010. Buick. 3-pass., roadster. fully equipped, motor 4-eyl. 22-h. p.; can not be told from new; coat 12O0. Price ?4.o. Late 191 Chalmers SO. 5-pass.. fully equipped. $50 Warner speedometer, clock, two extra tlrea: car 1. practically new; cost $12"0. Price $'-.-. 1!)11 E-M-F 80, 6-pas.. touring car, fully equipped, run only 2000 miles. Price 15. 1011 Buick red bird runabout. Price J... 11.10 Reo 3(, 5-pass.. fully aU'PP-'L motor 4-cyl., good condition; cost $lo0. Price $t',So. , 1010 Oakland 30 runabout, motor 4 cyl., car la fully equipped, cost $13CO. Price $00. . - 101O Buick, 4-pass.. fully equipped, de tachable tonneau, motor 4-cyl., -2-h. p., cost $1200. Price $ouO. 1910 Pierce-Arrow. toy tonneau. -ri-' 4S-h. p.. practically new, cost $.400. Price $2e0. 1010 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped, x.,.5. 1011 Buick. 30. 5-pass.. fore-door. Price Vl)10 Chalmers 30, 5-pass.. fully equipped, practically new, cost $220O. Price JJOio. Write for bargain list. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. East 18th and Hawthorne ave. $4000. I have a White steamer, acknowledged to bo one of the best cars in America; cot me $4000. with beat top, front seat covers, etc., that money could buy; death In family compels sacrifice; 6 new tires, repainted like now; mechanically guar anteed perfect or your money back. Price $1500, on easy terms for quick sale. This la your chance. A new steamer would be no better. A 43. Oregonlan. REAL BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can pick up one of our hirfh-grade used cars at the same price; wo guarantee them; different makes and models all traded In on new White gas cars. Stearns. Regal, Buick, Premier, etc. White Car Agency, 6th at Madison. REAL BARGAINS. Why buv a new cheap car when you can Pick up one of our high-grade used cars at the same price; we guarantee them; different makes and models all traded In on new White gas cars, Stearns. Regal, Buick, Premier, etc. While Car agency, 6th at Madison. WHICH would you rather have, a new cheap underpowered Ford or E-M-F or my .lightly used high-class 30-h. p. last year model? Best made car In America: will sacrifice for what you could buy an E. M. F. See me today; must sell quick. C 44. Oregonlan. INVESTIGATE THIS. Am going away: will sell 1010 4-pass. toy tonneau, rear seat detachable, making classv roadster, strictly high-grade, but not big car. 31 h. p.. manufacturer's guar antee don't expire for six months. In ap pearance as good as day I bought It. Price exactly one-half what 1 paid. Cash only. A 44. Oregonian. GUARANTEED. Will sacrifice my high-grade powerful steamer for about one-third what it cost me: perfect shape: guaranteed satisfac tion or your money back. V 4S, Orego nian. AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN. 1011 Fore-door Elmore. 5-pass. touring car with shock absorbers, top. windshield and other special equipment, making car cost $2100. This car has a 1012 engine that has not been run 500 miles. Owner Is called to another city and will con sider a trade for property; prefer acre- age" COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILES. If you wish to buy, we have th car you want at th right price, if you wish to sell, we will pay you spot casn. Call or write for price. We ara ex clusive dealers of used automobile. OREQOX ALTO EXCHANGE, New Location. 493-493 Alder St, TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! Will trade practically new Peerless car for unencumbered city property. Cost me 13000. equipped. Give full description of property when answering. M 27. Orego nlan. E. M. F. "30." I have very slightly used E. M. F. "0 which I will sell at about one-half original co.t. Answer today, B 44, Oregonian. 4-PASSENGER, 40 H. P. car. Just over hauled and repainted, every worn part replaced with new, new lights and mat ting, detachable tonneau. top and wind shield- very cheap, best off'jr this week take. It. 322 Lumbermen, bldg. Marshall 5S4. FOR SALE One 3-ton auto truck, best make, run less than 1000 miles, has 700J miles unused tire guaranty; can be bought at right price. One Maxwell runabout, good running order, at a price that will sell It. Apply to Beall ft Co.. 300 East yarnhill, " SNAP. Two-passenger roadster, cost me $2500. fully equipped. Is good as new and I can prove it. Reason for .elling. want larger car: $1250., on terms or discount for cash. A 42, Oregonian. SACRIFICE. 1911 5-passenger auto, as good as new; cost $1800; owner "leaving city; will take $7uo. This is no fake. Walters, Tabor 2040. I HAVE one of the best "-passenger cars In the city, 8 months old, all In good condi tion, two new casings and other new parts. This car must be sold at once. Call and let me show it to you. 343 E. 37th st. X. GUARANTEED. Will sacrifice my Inch-grade powerful steamer for about one-third what it cost me; perfect shape; guaranteed satisfac tion or your money back. B 45. Oregonian. 1910 CADILLAC, newly painted. nickel trimmings, thoroughly equipped. good condition, for $S04Jl Call 421 Hamilton bldg. . FOR SALE or exchange. 5-passenger Haynes In good condition, for sale cheap or ex change for 2-passenger runabout; no Junk. Belmont Garage, 22d and East Morrison. FOR bargains Tn used cars see us first; write for list: we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. T-PASSENGER PREMIER. Run less than 40tK miles; looks and runs like new; a bargain.- T 19. Oregonlan or phone East 52Q. B 1340. ANY one considering the purchase of a Chal mers 1912 30 runabout will learn something to their advantage by addressing AP 30, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1911 Hupmobile runabout, equipment, with wind-shield, speedometer, eiectric lights, presto tank and bumpers, etc. AR 39. Oregoniam THE best buy in Portland, 1012 Stearns Si lent Knight; owner leaving city; will sell at sacrltice. AR 36. Oregonlan. PIERCE-ARROW-36. A-l condition; will sell at a bargain and repaint to suit customer. AR 40, Oregonian. WANTED To sell a first-class automobile, five-passenger, late model; a bargain worth the money. Phone East 14S3. WANTED A good high-power used auto mobile, state make and time used. Aa. 40. Oreponian. WANTED eecond-hand runabout automo bile; give particulars and cash price. F 42, Ore gon ian. 5-PASSENGER Cadillac for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for clear lot. 531 Ai der st. ONE private garajre for rent. 053 Kearney st. Phone Marshall 1078. $s0 EWUIT1' to trade for auto; roadster preferred. X 45, Oregonlan. 11 FOB SALE. Automobile. A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY-USED AUTOMOBILES. Premier, 6-cyI., 60 horsepower, 7 pass equipped with demountable rims; electric lights, glass front, presto lights, extra tiro and rim. top. full set of tools. This car is in perfect condition. If you are looking for av big car, don't miss this opportunity. Elmore mil model, 5 pass.. 30 H. P.. fully equipped. In first-class condition: in fact looks like a new car; cost $14,.0 new; owner must have money not later than Monday and has authorized us to sacrifice for $350. Hupmobile. 2 pass., equipped with prea-to-liehts. windshield, electric lights, top. bumper, full set ot tools, clock. JHo speed ometer. $.". storage battery. 1911 model, as good as new; $050 takes this car for quick sale. Cost new over $1100. Buick. 4A H. P.. 7 pass., fully equipped. perfect condition; cost $3000; for quick sale only $1250. Interstate, 5 pass., 40 H. P., 1910 model, cost $2450 new; will sacrifice for $650. Oldsmobile, 5 pass., 40 H. P. only $350. Maxwell. 4 pass.. 22 H. P., 1911 model, good as new, only $575. Buick, 2 pass., 22i H. P.. snap, $373. And many other high-grade ears at real harvain prices. We have the largest stock of slightly-used cars in the city. If you are In the market for a car it will pay you to see us before buying- Automobiles bought wd sold. All kinds of second-hand automobile equip ment. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 493-495 Alder St. A 4l-':7. Main 1 Irtl. WE wish to announce the opening of our little-used car department; owing to th increasing demand for our line of auto mobiles we off. r for sale cars as listed below, the owners of same wanting on of the new popular cars aa handled by ua. "OUR . POLICY" WE GUARANTEE SERVICE N'o real estate or trades,, but cash with easy terms. Each and every car value personified. Buick truck, one -ton cap. Perry . delivery. 40 h.-p. -Stoddard delivery, 30 h.-p. Heinle-Velox, 7-pass., 50 h.-p. Pullman, 4-pass., 30 h.-p. Cadillac, 5-pass., 30 h.-p. Cadillac, 4-pass., 30 h.-p. Buick. 4-pass.. det. tonneau. 22 h -p. Raocock electric. 2-pass. stanhope. Paige-Detroit coupe. 25 h.-p. We give the owner's price and put you right in touch with the owner. Open Sunday. Paint shop ana machine shop at your service. If vou want to buy a car, come nnd see us. "if you want to sell a car, come and see us. . We are the largest dealers on th Pa cific Coast for litt.!e-used cars. GERLINGER MOTORCAR CO.. 86 10th St.. Near Stark. WE HAVE for sale the following used cars at remarkably low prices. All these cars are guaranteed hy us to be In first-class mechanical condition. If you are In the market for a real good used car. don't fail to seo these targalns. 1 1910 White gas, -l-pass., repainted and fully equipped. 1 1910 Cad.. 5-r.ass., demountable rims, 1 extra tire rim, eiec. side and tall lights and powers pump. 1 1911 Cad. 10: scat covers, bumper, speedometer, trunk rack, presto tank and extra rim. 1 11)11 foredoor Elmore touring car. fully equipped. This car has a 1012 engine and Is in excellent condition. 1 1010 0-cyI. 7-pass. Premier, demount able rims, trunk rack, presto tank. elec. side and tall lights, clock, one extra tiro "nd r'cbvEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington sts. Main 0244. MUST sacrifice high-grade 30-h, p. 1011 K pas car- perfect mechanical condition; looks like new; cost me $2000; fully qipped, top. front, etc. Will take any rea sonable offer. Terms If necessary. A 4 Oregonlan. MUST sell all second-hand cars before June 1. Make us an offer on: 1 Abbott-Detroit "HO," 5-passenger. 1 .Abbott-Detroit "30" roadster. 1 Everett "30." 5-rassenger. We also have a few rebuilt Inton Sixes guaranteed same as new. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington. 1IUST SELL QUICK. If you want a real good high-grade 30-h p. 6-pass. car, cost very recently $2oM. at the price of a new cheap car. write me today. I must sell. A 41, Ore gonian. GOOD L 13 l- I ii-i v..'w. Michigan 1911. 4-cioor, 33 H. P.. S-Pas. Like new. run less than 2u00 miles, $1000. Studebaker, 7-pass., 1010. $900. Chalmers. 5-pass., 1010. $Sti0. S Regal. 5-pass., 1910, $750 Buick. 3-pass.. 1011. $450. Kritt. 2-pass.. 1010, $35i. Pope Tribune. 2-cyI.. $225. EAST S230. 315 HAWTHORN E 1-TOV truck, nearly new and in perfect condition at less than half price; no rea sonable offer will be refused. How much will you pay cash, and how mucii a ""PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. HAVE ordered a Winton Six and will sacri fice mv Pierce-Arrow at once; original cost $5500. Want $1750, will reduce $-.0 dailv. beginning Monday, until sold, terms. Good as new. can be seen at Winton build ing. 2::d and Washington. pTehcE-ARROW. 6-cyiinder. 7-passenger. in good condition; just the car for rent or staae- price reasonable: terms if payments are. secured. 411 Dekum bldg. Sunccay phone Kast 4 -. WE have houses and lots, vacant lots and acreage to exchange for automobiles, call and see what we have to offer. A 10.1, Marshall 4299. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co.. 51S-19 Board of Iraqe. 7-PASS.. 6-CYL. PREMIER. Little used good as new; price reason able; will take smaller car for part pay ment AM 37. Oregonlan, or phones i WILL trade high-grade player piano for light-weight 2 to 5-passenger automobile; give or take ditleience. AL oS, Orego nian STODDARD roadster, demonstrator. used but three weeks: owing to our 101. model coming in we will sell reasonable. Stod-lard-Payton Auto Co.. 86 10th St. AL'TOMOUILE repair shop (full equipment) for sale; also lease on good paying garage- little cash with easy terms will han dle. O HU, itregoiiiiaii. . .... t tup nTv n:cvl 7-pass. car. first-class condition, good "looker, cost $4500; will sell for fJi, '08 11th sr.. ask for Corser. FOR SALE High standard make of auto mobile. 5-passcnger. 35 h.-p., tuny equipped; a snap If taken by Monday. Gerlinger Motorcar Co., SO 10th at. WANTED 1011 OR 1912 AUTOMOBI l.E. in exchange for acreage near Troutdale. give full particulars. Owner, M 3s, Ore gonlan. , 5-PASSENGER nearly new six-cylinder car, will exchange for smaller car and cash. Phone 141)3. , OYE-TON" truck, good running order, tiret good $750 cash or terms. Gerlinger Mo torcar Co., 80 10th st. Miscellaneous. HEATING stove. Iron bed. sanitary couch, writing-desk, chiffonier, etc. 179 V. Greeu ave. Sunday 'or Monday A. M. I HAVE for sale a new pair of Toledo scales; I have no use for them, and will sell at a loss. Call at 343 E. 37th st. N. l"xl4 TENT, fly top. si!';, floor, hinge door, "camp stove; all ready to use. 141S Knowies ave. FOK SALE cheap, atood as new. large re frigerator hanv can. baby-walker, oil heatei 1103 East Taylor. HE nilNGTON typewriter to trade for double or single harness or roadcart. Y 38, Ore gonian i SE3D potatoes, small Burbanks, for sale or trade. Y 30. Oregonian. TWO fresh cows, with calves. 4 and 5-gal. a day. 242 E. 59th st. X. ; "M-V." car. ALMOST new range, with coil; fine condi tion; snap: must sell. Phone Tabor 3922. OA1C ROLL-TOP desk, one set drawers. A 5o70 or Main 5534. FOR-SALE Milch goat, fresh, gentle, good C1,.l.,nl,.a. Ji, Vnnn, Ti.nHee ( r. TWO large milkers. I fresh Durham cows, heavy East 30th., cor. Wash. FOR SALE One (.-hole range, cheap. 333 B road wa y FINE birdseye maple bedroom set. almost new: will sell cheap. 210 Sherman St. REMINGTON typewriter No. 7, an A-l ma chine: S"5. AK 42. Oregonlan. MOTORBOAT. 10x4. for sale or will trade for motorcycle. East 2M1. FIRST-CLASS canoe for sale. Inquire 84T Broadway st. GOOD canoa for sale cheap. Tabor S92 i