TITE SUNDAY OltEGONIAJT, PORTLAND, MAT 5, 1912. REPUBLICAN PARTY LEADERS ALARMED Indifference of Voters Held to Spell Democratic Vic tory in Fall. PARTY HARMONY SOUGHT .Many Believe Third Man. Other Than Taft or RooM-velt, Will Rr Secxmsmry to Carry Standard to Surcrss. OKEGCiMAX NEWS BVRKAl. Wash ington. Mar . Republican politician of both faction are p,Tplex-d anil alarmed over the light vote that ban been raxt this Spring tn Mate and dis trict primaries. Oniy lv0 states have turned out more than iO per cent of. tneir normal Republican vote thus far, and there is fear that thin lark of In terest la the primary campaigns fore bodes a large stay-at-home vote In No vember, which in likely to he disastrous to the party, unless aomethltiic happens In the meantttne to arouse voters from their lethargy. The lark of Interest thus far ha-s been without precedent, partlralarly among Republican voters, and this tn spite of the factional quarrel between the Tart and Rooevelt elements. Usually such a fight, led by men of such prominence, would stir the voters tn activity, but even In Illinois, where Roosevelt made one of his hardest fights of the cam paign, only per cent of the Repub llcan vote was cast. Roosevelt sot the bulk ef that vote. ladlffereae Aroa.ee Kesrm. But what does this Indifference fore bode? What has brought It about? Those are questions that annoy the leaders, and no one has yet worked out a satisfactory explanation. There Is a growing fear that the Indifference on the part of voters may Indicate their disapproval of both the leadlnc Repub lican candidates: a desire for the nom ination of a third man to lead the party In November. Vet It will be difficult to establish that fart, and such a conclu sion Is rore surmise. Some leaders have been Inclined to attribute the lack of Interest to the reciprocity Issue, and contend that as both Taft and Roosevelt favored reci procity, and the farmers opposed it. the farmer refused to support either can didate and stayed at home to voice their dissatisfaction. But some doubt Is cast upon this solution by the abnormally low vote In Iowa. In that state Roose velt was not a factor, and the fight was between Taft and Cummins. Cummin voted against reciprocity in the end. Iowa is an agricultural state. And yet. light as was the vote. Taft won easily over Cummins, and rot the bulk of the districts from the favorite eon. whose record was against reciprocity. Rrrtprvrlty .t KiBlaaatloa. It 1 hardly probable that the farm ers disapproval of Canadian reci procity explains the light Tote being cast for Republican candidates this year. Reciprocity would hardly have kept 51 per cent of the voters of Illi nois at home, have kept three-fifths of the voters of New Vorlc State at home, or have explained the light vote In Oregon. Pensylvanla Ne braska and Kansas. It might and probably did have some effect, especial ly in states where the light was be tween Taft and Roosevelt: but even in North Dakota and Wisconsin, carried by La Follette. the bitter opponent of reci procity, the vote was far below normal, and this explanation does not explain. What Is worrying good party men. who are not staunch partisans of either Taft or Roosevelt. Is the fear that If Taft or Roosevelt should be nominated at the Chicago convention, the blight that seems to have fallen upon the party will continue Into and through the Fall campaign, and give the elec tion to the I'rmocrat by default. It Is the opinion of these party men who are not Taft or Roosevelt parti sans that the only hope of Republican sucils in November lies In the nomina tion of some man at Chicago who not only can reunite the warring factions of the party, but awaken Interest In those voters who have not been sufficiently aroused to take part In the primary campaigns. These men fear that nei ther Taft nor Roosevelt can accomplish this desired result, and point to the light primary vote as proof of their con tention. Vet they are not prepared at present to bring forward any compro mise candidate, and are disposed to wait until the campaign progresses farther to determlno whether one of theTesdlng candidates can arouse the enthusiasm which is all-essential to party success. It will not be contended by any fac tional Republican that Taft or Roose velt wtll go to Chicago with enough pledged and bound delegate to nom inate. n the other band, each candi date will go to Chicago claiming a ma jority. These claims will be based upon the belief that among the ur. instructed delegates are enough favorable Repub licans to make a majority, when added to the pledged support. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL JtETOIUT. PORTLAND. Stay Mavimurn lmlr arjr. Aa desiees; minimum. drirreee. hiv.r rr.rt'n. A M.. ! f: ehn In ;.t It hours. O.S twl. Total rainfall s.nre T"mlr 1. tttl. Inches, nor mal 40 It In'-tica. dslrlenrjr. 1-.i Inches. tii sm.hice. 14 hoars. ; minutes. Raromoiv (reduced to su !: at i P. M-, 'J- lt"- TUB WEATHER. state ef Weataa U B -y ' aTATXOXS FoM Bnaten ......... ';nr .. Chicsco Iklivtr ......... ! Molaes .... ruiuri Knreha ......... t;atve.tua ...... Itri.na ......... Ja- nvtHe ... K.nii (Ify .... .Vnr.hf.eM .l-.ntrat Xr. OrT.ns . . . New Yvrlt .Von H-sd .... Nrtn Yakima .. Phoenrs PoiatePo PorMand ........ H-ehur ....... Crimnt ..... Uuts ....... ji.. FSU' ........ Snll t.ake ...... Sn ptre S.n Kr.ncUo .. .-'iHjkans Ts-'om. T.toc:i Island . V ' s w.iia . .. T".Thinton .... H Innlp.s e4 I 5S 0 8 f. I o A3 V 0. 3 1 . nn. .vu. n si . r.o. ,v o. o. o. I t' o. "0. 4 0. .In O 4 . 74 0 K.. SO t . '"J o, fl vtv j"t. cioudr Oo 12 o i 0 10 OH ( to 5 s lo 1 fS 14 4'1 1 5E 'iear N It. cloodr E iPt. cloudy SB s'iou1y S (Clourlr VE )-!oud N '4 Moud y K I'laar sv nondy K Ksln '.V '"'iear NV Tt. eloilrty s Ft. cloudy rinurtr SW louJ- M 4 ; i iwi t; ; S e.i s 4.1 IK l4 VW 4-ioudy N w rx. cloudy OiV Iti no! 4 Oi li' PI 11 V s n.' 4 -:ar iB Icioudr 'cloudy XW Clear NR. tear Clear '4louly 1-i 14 XI i N v "car .W lrr C'n'Vlv lily Haln r.tt i y 4- v .V. ej 1" XV 74 M0 SV t'ar 4 K ' ".car OO 5 NB "Ooorte WDATllER CVNDITION-ft. The storm yesterday over Kaasa baa movi m Unot du nort h and t h ta -irs it ! central over Watm North Da kota. Thm high prMur ara approai-h-tnc th North Pirlflc Htatra im lonlnr firnmh and h mad but Uttla program ; Inland. hhowm and tnunaeramrma Dtvi --urr?d In tha M.nwmrt and t"pjxr VI I fttsatppi V.lTa and toca rftlnft hava fallen ' at a few plaua In thr North Parlflo 9tataa. It ta much crnlr fn Kansas. Nebraska and th PKknta ton aa a rule aiigniiy winner on the pacific fclnpa. Tha enndlftona r farnrablf for ahowara Fundar In Want, In rt on, Northarn Idaho ana extrm Xorthwtrn Orton and for fair nfsthnr l9w-hrre In UiLa distrlrt. Tha temperature will remain nearly stationary. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Sunday, fair, prob ably followed by ahowmra. Westerly winds. Or fun Sunday, fair, except ihowm x trfni northwest portion. Westerly winds. Wnhlnetnn Sunday, showers. Westerly wind. Mahft Sunday, fair south, ahowara north port mn. BEACH HOUSE FOR RENT FURNISHED SEASIDE. OR. Situated on board walk, in center of four lots. Large fireplace In living room, three bedrooms, with large attic. Klectrlc lights. Hot and cold water and two toilets. $400 for the season. References required. AE 27. Oregonlan. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ar Sunday. Per Line, On time . l- am ad fw ronsertrtlva time T2i Kaime smI tbrea rotiMCutlv tlmea Sue bam ad ei or erven ronarrotlre time. 6 Hemlttanrea must arrorapany out-of-town -arf lert S hen on advertisement la not ma In eon artmv Imbu' tha antltna rat applies. ai vrnril count as on Una on raeh ad' vrtleetnenta and no ad caunted for leaa than two Ill-La. On rharra or booh advert Isements tha charge wti: bo haed an the actual nambcr of llue appewrins; in tna paper, ceajaruii f th number of sordi In each Una. In New lx lay ail advertisements ara rharaed by measure only. 14 linea ta tha lna-h Tha ahoTa rate apply ta advertisements under "New Tmlar" and au otnec cuumuks tion e.rept th fotlowlnsji Mtuatlnna antel. Mala, hi i nski inns anted. exxaale. Orefonlan will ac-ept claMlfled adrertlaa ineni avtr tha telephone, prorldlns; tha ad vertiser I a snharrlber to either phooa. No price will bo uot ed avr the phono, bat hill will be rendered the folio wins" day. Whether auhaequent advertisements will be ncceiited over th phon depends anon the promptness OI tne pajmcoi o iricpnnnv oa ert itomibi. Miuailoo Hsnies and Per aonal advertlaeraent will not bo accepted v that teleahona. Orders for ana inser tion ooLr will ba a ere p ted for lloaea for Kent," "KBrnltura for riala. "Bnalnesa Op portunities." ' KoosUiuj-liousM as4 " ed to Kent. MEETING NOTICES. WI1.I.AMF.TTK LOPOI5. NO. i. A. F. ANT) A. M. Htatl eommunlcatlen will be held on Mnntny evening. May S, at T:SS d'rlock. Klsnt leer. rnu. woan iiin. bl.hou of Orsson. will de liver an stldreM entitled "Scotland, nilh Memories ef Hsr Hapless Wueen ana im mortal Hards." Mu.lc and ref reahmenta cordial Invitation is extenasa to brethren to stlend this meetlns. tViUMHU I-ODOE. NO. 114, 4. r. A I A. . WW mai s-M-ia.l at Maeonia Temple on r ThumJar evening. May I. All r" rams I Tt si 1 1 (7 I uirm auifiii man inrtnri in wtv and ladv friends. Will a I . J . w .t.ts. Waw be In attendance. Members not reralvlne; notlrs by mail can obtain runner iniorm--tion by calling Main 44H. r nr.u viainj.-i, nv. OUEOOX COMMANDERT, K. T. Special conclave today at 1 o'clock P. M. to attend the funeral of W. R Marrura. recor.ler of thla commandery for H rears. An extraordinary effort on your part to attena win o np- prvclated. C F. AVlEOAND, Recorder. WASHINGTON LOtMSr NO. 41. A. F 4 a. M. Hpeclal com munication this (Sunday 1 . M.. E. Rth and BurnsldH. to con duct funeral of our late brother, W. S M scrum. A full attend- ance desired. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Ksc VTRTLE CRKKK CHAPTER. NO. tff iTf, O. fc l. Officers and members 4&,Tx ir requested to attend the funeral iT1- sen Ice of our lais sister. Rmma H. " Fovcv. at her lata residence 183 Height avenus. this iSundwl afternoon, at 30 oclocs. lr oraer .. JENNIE H. G ALLOW AT. Sec'y. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. . O. E. S. Members are requested to attend the funeral pf our late brnthr. w. 8. Macrum. this Sun dav. 2 P. it-, at Flnleys chapel. Bj order W. M- SAKAH 11. KibtMl. ec son" CARD nartv elvsn bv Orsson Rose Camp. ft. . or a-, icrinay evenins. r In A.l.kv Hall. Sd and Mnrrtsoo: elesant prises: Zi hamls will be played; come and njoy the evening. Refreshments. Admission i& centa MEMHrTRS of Cedar A. Porter Circle. Nc .I. 1- of O. A. R.. are requested to attend tuners! services ef Sister fclenor E. Gamer this i Sunday ) afternoon at 3 o'clock at 1-47 Wilbur slreel. ALICE C. BOKWKLI. Fresiaent. ll'rftf Burrags street. TTAKHOa. LOTXIB. Me. k A KNIGHTS Or PTTH1A8. Meets nin Tuesday nlgbt ta Castla UaJh XI '.a aad Alder sta, E. 11. LAN Ct K. It. X PORTLAND CO 2a PA NT, lfT. W O. W. will Sivs a whist and dance Wednesday, SI j at W. . XV. Temple. 12 11th SU KcfresnmenTS ana union mu.n. DIE IX :K!TrtmtS4 In this city. May 4. at the family residence. 440 Forty-second l K Ilrlch Xeltfuch. aed 9 years 2 months. Remains at Holman's Funeral parlor. Announcement of funeral later. IONNER May 4. at the family residence. .. Kllilnssworth avenus. Mrs. Msri alon sr. sel 13 years. Anoouncament or funeral later. fLNKBAl. NOIlCt. JOLT In bls city May 4. at 11 Lve- JO. KtBcl lay JOiy. . J. ,wm.m. - months and 22 day belovasl dauchler of Mrs. Clara Joiy and sister of Haiel Joly. of this city, slid Wlllor.l and Irving Joly. of t oquett. Mian. Friends and ac-quata'-anees are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral ssrvlcoa. which will be held today isundayl. May 6. at Pear son s parlors. tiu-7l Russell SU Inter ment R.e :ity Cemetery. Seattle papers please copy. MACKt-M In this eltr. May 4. at his late rcsl-lcnce. tasl iia si. sonn, imin S Macrum. afrd 4J ysars. son of Mrs. vrvstana Macrum. hu4alld of l.ulu A. Ma crum and brother of Mrs. Dr. Byrd, ur. Charles A.. Newell. John and Uarfl.ld Macrum. Th funeral services will be lcld at Vlnl-y'e chupel UIRM. today Sunday. Tha concluding service will be held t th chattel oi th l'ortland Cre matorium. OAR.VIR Eleanor E. Oarn.r. at residence ef h.r dauKhter, Mrs. J. T. Ebrt. 1JT VYIlhur STeet. St t A. M-. May . aired sa years a nionths 1 day. fntarinent Klv rvl.w Cemetery. runeral today tSunday). at '4 P. M., from thu reJldenc. CHHISTENSON The funeral service of Adeline 'hrlatenson, beloved wit 4f Lud- I rbri.ten.on. will b bald st Holman's funeral parlors at S r. M today tSundayl. Kriends Invited. IntsrmsDt RlvervUW Cemetery. FOVET The funeral services of Emma 1L pov.y will be held at her late residence, a no Halxht av., at J .10 p. M.. today (Sun day). Friend invited. Interment Rlvar Vlew Cemetery. IIAFFENDK' At RelMngham. Wub.. May 1. I'lsr. beloved wife of the Rev. Charles Haffenden. Funeral vervlce frem Ilolmau's chspel. Min1y. Mil S. at 1 10 P. 31. MONC MENT Otto sc human Marble Work. Eat d and Pine sts. East 74J. MK. VKWARO HOLMtv, tbe lesdlag ro oral director and aad.rtaker, MO laird -. cor. salmfiB. Lady aeistaBt. Dwanlng a Mcritee, "qp'i al Director. 7th mad Pine, l'hoae Main 43U. JLadjr a4 teadaait. On Ice ef ' 4 ouaty fwvow. A. K- ZEI.I KR CO, I-4 ttllllam. eve. Pbnae t'JU mas. C lv. Lady attendant. J. p. t'ivUKT 4t H4IN, J4 and Madlaoa. lade arteodant. Phone Mala A l.-an. KaTtT" fIIE Faneral Ilrertor. sueceasar to -. H. iMiaalag. lac. l- 43. it ItiA. TeRCH. I ndertaker. eor. Ymt Alder aad autb. taat 7'. B IMS. Iauly atteodant. KI.WK COM P AN V. Sd and Clay. A tail, lavdy aueadaau A. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. City Halt Main 8. A Ttl. 1aan officer, Srent K. L. Crata Hldno. t4 X. 14tb N Kaat 477. Rem mbttlaac. oom.r of Sta aad Taylor. Veterinary la share. Marshall 10. ail ssais Rseaae Bom. Nortbrup Aare. Tbesaaa A. 6hort. 8upu A BH47. S rlns. NT: IV TODAY. jCtionales tito. . Darker &0 MONDAY (TOMORROW) At Residence. 190 Eleventh Street, Near Taylor btreet. Tbe furalshlnc ef aeven rooms, rom prialna; parlor table, rockers, Morris t-hair. velvet rugs. lar curtains, pic tures, box couch, small russ. buffet, dinlnjr chairs, breakfast tabl. crockery and itlassware. heetrs. portieres. Ax mlnster rua uprlirht foldlns; bed. Iron beds, springs and mattresses, festhr pillows, beddlns. cherry bedroom suite, oak dresseirs, chiffoniers, commodes, toilet ware-. Buck steel range with ..- ,A v. . . i. a . . .. 1 1 n n up tw lanlr i a . plate, dropieaf table, utensils, etc. A net lea tomorrow at iu otiock. ON TUESDAY NEXT At Our eelesrooms, 1R2 Turk Street, We have tbe very costly fnrtileblnsrs of a recently-built home la Hose City Park. If you are furnlehlna doat fall to view this lot of fine furniture, rus;, etc., tomorrow, comprising genuine ieathr automatic davenport, mission settee and rockers, quarterod-oak 11 brarv tahles in early Knftllwh and gold en wax finish, parlor rockers, center tables, very costly walnut bookcase with three doors, mahoaany music cab inet, picture. bric-a-hrac, hornless phonograph and records, silverware. The. beds ar of the very latest design in Vernls Martin and blues, best steel spring, mattreeees. feather pillows. Im- j ported wooien Disnaets, orcssers sou, chiffoniers, very high-class dlnlng-room suite, viz.. pedetai table, 62-Inch top, set leather chairs, buffet and china cabinet, all in quartered oak. g-old-en finished: Axmlnster rugs and car pets, walnut hall tree. Buck steel range with water-back, gaa plate, kitchen cabinet, utensils, etc Aaetfoa ea Tuesday Best at 10 o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT At Our aalewrooma, Park Street, we shall have, the furnishings of eight room residence. These goods can be seen on Wednesday afternoon. Bale oa Thursday sext at 10 A. M. YV. C BAKER 4t: C. A. CROWLLL, Auctioneer. 1X2 Park St. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Sts. REGULAR 8ALESDATS Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M I. rare t assortment ef second - haad furaiahiBga to be found la the city, la cludlac piano, orarana, leather couches, arlor aad library table la mahoaaay aad arolden wax oak. wrltlne; desks and table. telepko.c table and rn.ir, Keaalnc leather davenport, pedestal, bookcase, of various style. large aMortraeat of bookai dining suits la all flulahea equal to aewt hall seats and mirrors, hall trees, brass and Iron beds, springs, mattresses, pillows ana bedding, dressers, chiffoniers, gents' wardrobes, etc.; also steel range, gas ranges and refrigerators. Don't buy until you hava seen our stock. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALK AT ALL. TltltS. We also have a large line of roll and flat-top desk la fine condition, fire proof safes, etc. Miscellaneous Merchandise IN Ot'R STORE, 171 SECOND STREET. We can sare you money on arocerlea. hardware, shoe, ladle' aad grata' fur BlshlagB, Btatloaery. etc.. etc. Come la aad let ua snow you. J. T. WILSON', Auetloaeer. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Msin A 4243. Auction Sale FORD AUCTION COMPANY 211 First Street TOMORROW MONDAY 2 P. M. We have furniture of every descrip tion which we must sell at this sale, as we are crowded to the door, and more coming in all the time; and. If you want bargains in furniture. It will surely pay you to attend this sale. You will find, among other Items, some very pretty metal beds In various colors, quarteren oak dressers, wardrobes, chiffoniers. extension table, dining chairs, rockers. carpets, rugs, portieres, curtains, ana. In fact, everything to furnish your home from collar to garret. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT 2 P. M. we will have the complete furnishings of a five-roomed flat, sent in for sale, as we could not hold the sale in the apartment. On Friday next. 2 P. M.. you will find, as usual, the full assortment of furniture to completely furnish your home. E. G. FORD, Auctioneer. Phones Main S951, A 2445. GILMAN Anction & Commission Co- Inc. 12 SFCO.VD STREET. Hetweea Washington aad Alder. Regular Sales This Week at Salesroom. Tuesday at 10 A. M. Friday at 10 A. M. GILMAN ACCTIO COMMISSION CO. S. I. N. GILM, Auetloaeer. Phone Main 1473. 126 Second street. 100x100 corner, with track age, "West Side, eloeo in. Price $34,500. Terms. archTbald 425 Failing Building. APARTMENTS, 21st and Overton. New apartment on the corner ef list and Overton. Elegantly furnished: also un furnished apartments. ready for occu pnncv Mv 16. Kvry convenience and comfort. Beautiful lawn. Take w car. get off at 21st and Northrup. Phon Mar shall "J:7. . 6 LOTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS Close in: full view of city; beautiful trees. Suitable for two fine residences. $7600 if taken soon. GEO. E. W AGGONER, SOS less. WHOLESALERS NEW TODAY. SELLING Cheap Lots Lots 50x100 on E. 26th. & E. 27th One block from two car lines, Rose City Park and East Ankeny and Sandy Road. Corners, $1250.00 Inside, $1000.00 Terms. J. J. OEDER Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. F oroale 34500 Lots 5 and 13, block 5, North Port land, 60x120 feet, on Wilson street. between 23d and 24th streets, north. For Sale or Lease Will Build to Suit Tenant PRICE $6500 Lot 2 and south half of east 15 ft. of lot 6, block IL on Hood street, south of Grant street. Whitmer-Kelly Co. 70 Fourth St. STILL SMILING" $85 fffGooA business brick building, Salmon st., well rented and paying 11 per cent gross. J7nflfl Six-room house, full lot, tpuuuest Side near 27th? terms. CCCfin Sightly corner, 00x85, PJOUUlowr Portland Heights; only $2000 cash. JrrrAn irergular bungalow JtUVUsite with both city and rural view, and the biggest value on the Heights. Want cash. Jackson & Deering 246 Stark Street. See Us About Close-In ACREAG We have some of the best bargains in the market, from y2 acre up. Riverfront property a spe cialty, improved and unim proved. THE LAWRENCE CO. 248 Alder Streat. NOB HILL ' RESIDENCE. New, strictly modern, nine -room house. Fireplaces and toilets on first and second floors. Combination bed room and sleeplngf-porch: hardwood floors, full cement basement, artistic light fixtures. On Overton street, one block "W car. M'lll consider good lot tip $2500. part cash and terms on bal ance. E. F. Hogmer 2A I con Rlda. star. nan. For Sale By Owner New house, just completed, in Port land 's best residence district. Large rooms, sleeping porch. Everything modern and of the best. Owner must sell at once. Price $12,500. House located at 872 Northrup St. INCOME PROPERTY 14 Net CASH REQUIRED, $2500 50x100, close in, E. Glisan street, improved now 9-room modern resi dence. Owner needs cash ; will sac rifice $6000; $2500 cash, balance 7 per cent. A snap. T 44, Oregonian.- On the Peninsula A tract of land with rail and water facilities, on main wagon road, near Kenton. $1060 per acre. Don't answer unless you mean business. J 40. Ore ftonian. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME on Oregon Electric Line for rale by owner. Aloderr! ten-room house and one acre frround In hlsrh state of culti vation. Price $5500. Will trade for im proved Portland property or part cash and mortgage, u ii, uregoniun. KW TODAY. Chicken Ranch Fruit Ranch Potato Land 13V3 Acres None Better, Easy Access to Portland lor the frice. SPECIAL REASO.V FOR SEiLIXG, Iyocated in valley surrounded by choice acreage homes; 1H miles from town of 8000 population, 14 miles from Portland: excellent car service: best of productive soil; one acre strawberries, blackberr ies. currants, raspberries, gooseberries. 100 apple trees: few acres potatoes, balance fine meadow; three acres timber used for poultry yard: 220 chickens now bringing an average dally income of $4.18: ranch suitable for 1000 chickens; new seven-room house, good barn; city water main along entire frontage of tract to town: also fronts on hard-surface road lead- inj; from town to Portland. Price $5000 $230(1 ran be paid $10 or more per montn. t per cent interest; pain semi-annually. Can take about $2200 Montjivllla residence on balance at ab solute cash basis. See Geo. Englehart. GO WEN - IDE TRUST COMPANY No. 2 Lumbermen Butldins;, Ground Eloor. $31,000 Finest apartment-house or hotel site in city. This lot is also in district available for library. $12,500 Choice corner on Nob Hill. $7500 Exceptional buy on East Clack amas, distinctly modern house of 8 rooms, with furnace; lot is 50x123 feet. 3 Good Bungalows for less than cost. Good specu lations. We have a few leased flat buildings that net better than 14 per cent. We get action. 5 Acres at Capitol Hill ; a good plattinj proposition. Terms. If vou are looking for a store or have a store to rent, see Flaherty & Connelly 622-623 Yeon Building. E 4 2-3 acres, 7 miles from center of town, all in high state of cultiva tion ; fruit of all kinds ; fair build ings; equity $2250. Might take larger place, with stock, up to $5000. Atlas Land Co. 420 Lumber Exchange REAL SNAP Artistic, Modern Suburban Home FOR SALE BY OWNER Will sacrifice new seven-room house on high bank of Willamette River; beautiful view site, one acre heavily wooded; 40 minutes from city. No reasonable offer refused. C 41, Ore- gonian. 10-8 if you will buy and build. Guaranteed lease for 10 years. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Ral Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bargain 50x100 corner, with two-story build ing, close in, West Side. Suitable for manufacturing or wholesale. Price $25,000; third cash. archTbald 425 Failing Building. RIVERFRONT 3V4 acres for $10,000. Finest resi dence site on the Willamette. Owner, AG 41, Oregonian. HAD TO MOVE Owner, leaving: city, will sacrifice five-room, modern bungalow on Seventh street. North, near Alberta: full base ment; stable or garage; $2760, $300 down, balance like rent. A real snap. WENTLEY. Main 6719, A 7374. 3 Acres 450 ft. trackage, on O.-W. Ry. & Nav. Co. Fine factory site. GEO. n. SCHAIJC MS Stark St. SUBURBAN 01 NEW TODAY. WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE Prospects in Eastern Ore Ron are better than they have been for 10 yeara for a good crop. "We have 960 acres of land in Morrow County, 3 miles from Hepp- ner, of which between oUU and 600 acres are m cultiva tion, remainder pasture land. There are 640 acres in one piece and 320 acres in tha other and Yi mile apart This land yields from 20 to 40 bushels to the acre, ac cording to the year. Farmers expect to get at least 35 bushels to the acre this year. There is running water on the place, 3 wells, 2 wind mills, orchard of 1 acres. Part of land can be irrigated. This land is offered by the owner Very cheaply and will take 1-3 cash down, balance on terms. There is a good 6-room house on place, two barns and other out-buildings. Price includes rental of 1-3 the present crop. If you want a wheat ranch you cannot do better than this. Owner will trade for good city property or acre age. Call at our office and investigate this. See Mr. Ruppe, with WARD & YOUNGER Suite 426, Yeon Bldg-. .aurelhurst One of the finest 8-room higrh-class residences in the City of Portland. Every modern convenience, includ ing hot-water heat, vacuum cleaning plant, shower baths breakfast room, mirror doors in bedrooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors upstairs and down; m fact, every thing that modem refine ment and luxury calls for. Lot is 50x147 with garage and lawns all in. Price $10, 000.00. This can be handled with $1000.00 cash. If you have a good lot or two, free of incumbrance, you' can trade it in. Direct Realty Co. 401 Yeon Bldg. Main 4913, Portland, Or. Union Avenue We have several nronerties on this stroct, some of which are very at tractive. Please look, at the following: BOS IMON AVECE, SORTH Modern Fix-room house with fireplace; lot 60x126 feet; abundance of roses, fruit and shubbery. Price $7500. CORNER rXIOX AND ASHLEY Lot 66x90 feet, with two houses in good condition. Rental $27 per month. Price $3750. CORXER UMON AXD ROSELAWN AVEXIBS 63x70 feet; splendid business site. Price $3600. Terms. INIOX AVENUE. CORXER ASH STREET Lot 100x100 feet; three story brick block; good Income. Price $50,000. GODDARO & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark: St. For Sale 18 Vi acres in hons. hoDhouse. pickers' bnnae. linn halpr. hoD Dresses, etc.: should yield $5500 net, this year at the most conservative estimate; also good ranch that the hOD yard is a Dart of consisting of 164.65 acres; 60 acres bot tom land, 104.65 acres bench and roll- Ins: land: 45 acres bottom land ana iu acres bench land plowed; 20 acres slashed: 130 acres can De plowed when cleared; all fenced and cross-fenced; bearing: family orchard of big trees. apples, pears, plums. cherries and quince: good well, all-Summer stream, also branch stream: several large springs; 6-rooni. 2-Htory house; on county road; large barn. Price $12,000. Terms half cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO. 70 Fonrth Street. TIIK LITTLE WHITE SALMON Has a Beautiful Valley Nearly Opposite HOOD RIVER Hundreds of acres of good land, soil. location, climate, all conditions favor able for raising first-class fruit; North Bank Railroad to Cook's Station. For Darticulars and terms see H. A. Pit- tenger, 1095 Maryland ave.. Portland, Or., or A. Haswell, Cook's, Wash. EDWARD E. G0UDY Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 per cent on best business properties, 6 per cent and 7 per cent on other close in business and residence securities. Exchange Air fff retail corner in the heart ilMrOUUU of city. Will take $20,000 in clear lots or acreage. Some cash. The remainder can run at 6 per cent- M. r. DAVIS. HIH Hamilton Bldg. Marshall :.14. 1ST STREET. 40x100, li,000. Near Montgomery; dwelling and small apartments, brlngrins $1080 annually; its market value is $15,000; half cash handles It. i W. Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. HOP YARD KEW TODAY. NET INCOME $8800 on a five-year guaranteed lease, and the price is only $100,000 This is a reinforced concrete building, located in a business center where values will advance rapidly. Net Income $8500 on a five-year guaranteed lease, and the price is only $75,000 This is a new four-story brick apart ment, and the income pays 12V'2 per cent on amount re quired to handle. Third Street Quarter block, north of Montgomery Street A snap at $32,000 Half cash will handle, and there is some iucome. Please call at my office to inquire about these. I also have others. Jos. C. Gibson 305 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A Country Estate Within a Mile Radius of the City Hall. The beautiful place of Dr. A. C. Panton, consisting of modern house and about 18 lots, beautifully land scaped and in the highest state of cultivation. An abundance of the choicest fruits and flowers. The roses won 17 silver cups at the Rose Festival. The view is superb and can never be obstructed. BROOKE 642 Talbot Road Marshall 4827 A 3830 21 Pieces Near Vancouver, Washington 16 tracts, each containing 10 seres, 2 miles from Vancouver. Wash., unimproved; some traits level; others rolling: no rook; very fine soil: $150 per acre; fiftli cash, remainder four annual payments. 5 acres, 1 mile from Vancouver. 3 acres cleared, no buildings, $1400, terms. 1314 acres, 2 miles from Van couver; 7 acres cleared: 7-room plas tered house,; good barn; all fenced: no gravel; 2 cows, horse, buggy, pigs, chickens; some cropR in; fine view of Portland; price $5000; good terms and cheap. 20 acres at Minnehaha, near Van couver; 10 acres cleared: good young orchard: old buildings; a good buy: $225 per acre. 10 acres at Minnehaha; i -acre? cleared; some young trees; price $2500. 10 acres, 7 improved: box house: fine soil: some small fruit trees; old barn; price $3000; good terms. F. M. QUINN CO. 423 Hamilton Bldg.. Portland. Or. 4 PORTLAND w HEIGHTS HOME $14,000 '' EIGHT ROOMS AND A BEAUTY MIGHT CONSIDER PART TRADE. See Mr. Ivupper. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST COMPANY 332 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Before Buying you get the new magazine "Oregon Opinions" free and see what newcomers on our project tell you. Maybe it will save you from moving about from place to place, hunting for the right location These newcomers are all tickled with their purchases. But we won't ask you to buy. We simply wish to have you read our illustrated magazine and U;arn something to your advantage. Come in and help yourself. Ground floor, in the rotunda of the Chamber of Com merce Building, Stark street from 3d to 4th. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND CO. FOR SALE Five Acre ORCHARD TRACT Must sell on account of going East. All planted to Yellow Xewtowns and Rome Beauties last year; under cars, of expert orchardiut for four years; with guarantee. In nigh-class commercial orchard dis trict. Price $275 per acre; terms $540 cash, balance $20 per month and inler est at 6 per cent. WH1TVIER-KELLV CO., 70 fourth St. Teamsters, expressmen, transfermen Residence, warehouse and stable, mod ern: also 7-room house and barn on Mississippi ave., delightfully situated. Big value for money $2700 and $:1500. F. W. Latham & Co., Ill Skldmore. st.