a . . . -.-.. m. .-. . " I I I I " ' ' rud pimr.es n.i in our knot . c .jrjt;,. j, r.-piy for Si cents Incn; suso f'-umr.g and euriin.". .7. ,-none slar.ha'l 2! bin St.. Apt. V.F. FL J CLOTBl.su. rlK.S. mat pric. paid for men. and Miir ID.crnlc. Iu:ne -all -lau 1st st.. Th. Glob. V. buy Junk ana second-hand machinery of ve.r description, call tor our buyar. lt. ISarJ. ac bona. 240--MO', ST ont U, th. hnuit of a m:Ulon bargain. Main Sa. A lC-Vi. Wfl.il I tilted Male, l aiblT Co. -'"V. name low-si au price and number snares. Address box 1V3. Ureal tails. .von l kVAN rr.l Kitrlirn a.id dining-room, turiu lu'r. for country hoici. Including .ranse. r.I:lr:nr. laMea, i-halra, etc; will pay cr.n. iatl at or.ee. 17i Mh St. ST HO NO our7 man to work In orchard; r..reUr.er preferred: J0 and found; flna .han. e to learn apple business. Apply -un-lay. 11 t.. II. at .'.:! Failtns; bid. WE "i. iy the moat' for your second-band rlolhinf Jewelry, nui'rll Instruments, etc. lhillp steins J-awn fcuop. 2S ortn .tn. nraf riuraslde. i t.uy lumltur., tf (Tic "a tiaW. Van 477 L cloltunt. tool or any Call 'or buyer. Fhona BAKOKKH AUCTION liOUdB (TO Horrlson. Phona E 10.1 Pava hl!it cash prlca 1" ful-ltor-WANT ED AI TO top for runabout- 1P1 .tri ll ITi.P WANTtO MAKE. IT IS the bu.-tni of th. Navy to ntka rr.rr nns of Its men a auocess in r-..r th. buser tha iucrn '.cnjr tha Mim th. succe., of tt Navy. Thora im r-eat xarwty of work, not only ror a-amen. but f..r machinists, firemen, sten cri!.h.n. bO'ikknln. musician. nurM. enrrenters. blacks-nuns. s:.iptti:er .1--trl.-ians. br IN-rmakers. cooiii. .leirards and -.alters: and In. man who already knowa a trade can enter at hlner pay. 'a.t t ,1. ronemlal or thera l ."'' life nu pimlcal and mental tralnlnt. rhanc to learn by atudy and travel Mid the comparlon.hlp of fine youn men. Every ambltioiH. man between li and owe. It to himnelf to look into the or port unities, either a a four year eooraa of training or aa a life rl. Naval Be-ru:ili Station. Hallway e.anjr b:d.. Portland, or., and " "' II. er tn rharre a 111 tell yoo all about pay. tromotlon. loir.. ec; or aend for t n lnere.tin lllu.trate.1 book. 1 ha lue of a Mvn o- Waraman.- '''""! the bluejacket-, rtnllv llle. f", A!,l.r7 Hureau of Navi.atlon. Hoi 3-0. '' lie p rt ni e n t. Whinun. I. C. A"RKfOTj"The m.nT Her. I. yourj oppor tunity. No matter wher. you ''" want to make bl money and entabh.h roureelf In an Independ-nt bu.lneM re nu.Hna no capital we will teach you by mi! all .err-t. of the real e.t.te bu. ne.. inetudlnc thorough commercial l eourae. Il.t w.lh you readily salable prop erties co-operate with .nd l you to permanent ..u-ce.a: our 4-pae free book f.illr explain, our method, and n It meojia to b the l.U T.1e,t and lanre.t co-operat I le '"J fid brokerage corporation '".f,": TV -i Wiv. lnternti..r.l Realty r"J allon 17 Manhattan bld.. tlilcago. 111. vTaNTFH tmrt or .ao .women to sell t.o ..f the mo.t attractive cloa-ln f'" .i" prop-rtle. near Portland. f-?-'U la urTn.ce.aarY. All w. want la for you to find the proapecta. w 'ura'"h ' xrernitlva hteralure. .how the property pa d. Henry Atwater. owner. ,- ilenry b ;. . WANTED for U. S. Army. "'T0,01-. "V e.med men. between a-e. of cm.ea? of i nited -tatea. of ood char- cter and t.mp.ra;. ,'f. ..ak. read and writ, tha -5l'-' For Information apply "J""". . officer. Worcester bioca. Thud aaa O.k .treeta. purllnd. Or. H-K. l.tLTY LINK OF M KX 1C AN H ATS t e .to lncre,.m our trav.line pl.r.tlon. entertained from alert. J cien-cut men. with retail .tor. exper -en... who are wiUlnn t pro.. their worth. tiood. In Ure demand. IJber.l .nmmimona Mexican-American Hal co. St. I.OUI.. lo. bOoIl PAT. eteady employment P work, with an old reliable company. Tha work la .enin hll-rad. nursery ilocfc Tnd w. ba.a ".. ood territory opet ., what territory you would MkJ and write at one. for particular, ta leOca. Box tad. Portland. Oregon. TAIt.ORINO .ale.man to hold a,';1,.,Kf!lI rr.d. tin. and very II beral propoyitlon for rUn Who can produce. ''.'' t -ular. first letter, ojreapond-nc. con ndentiaL Clreat chance for men who con t-ol trade. W. l tfclimldt a Co.. W3 Jackaon bird.. Chlcaao. PfSIVESS men and women In tha beat llin and mot.eT-maklnr pr..potion known. NO al. xorL.n m-nrce-a-y for the eneriretlc. small In vtment required whl.-h will ,ir. you eon trol. At. 12 oreKonlan. W vNTEtl Chinaman to wait on table, and m-kJ .bed. tn boardln.-hou.. of 2 men; ialary 3i and uoard; railroad far. paid Ti Eunene: work easy. Addraaa Box Kueepe. Or. AN OPPORTCNITT for a live man. aelilng our iuaranteed T.k.ma Valley rrown nur sery lock. Exclusive territory; outfit ' . not exoert- tree; casn wtrwj. ' K ence. required. Start now Toppealab Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. V aan. WANTED Salesmen eal.ln on trade In country town, for .Ida Jin- en eaai.y earn from I-5 to K Pr k1R,m,mJ pie carried In pocket. Lock box 618. If W ANTED Kxperlenced younit man stenos: ra'nher. who understands of'lce work nd eoile.-tln. five releren.e. and phone num ber: sa.r 15 p. r week; temporary po- v- i. firtrnnlan. K l-EKJK l-tt" aule.man with established tr.de. to handle .od line popular pnc. silk and cotton waists and dre.sea. on commission basis. Harsh Manuf clurlnc .e I n. NeF 1 (1 T K nmpany. t - 3fN and wue. j" - a small apnrtment-hause. man can be emploved elsehe-e durins: the day. wo man must be Bbl lo tnke charce: nice home; no children, il 13. OreBonlan. M X and wife for mjll. man to handle lum ber at $2 ."aj day. wife to board men at 2.1 week, tree outfit. Columbia Em ployment Co. litBk-i money In aellln our Takima rown. hard. auaranteed tock; outnt free: cash weekly; steady work. Taklraa Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. W h. 'ST M'.IHF;l real estate olflce wanla live "enercetic and etpenenied salesman for ceneral real estate, commission basis, glv. pa rr icu.are. - .. I I iVrXIS.i SALrMEN ll to $-0 dal . mon.y every nlrht: general .tore trade. exclusive or side line. Grant Mfg. o 1'ilL.rurr. l'a. r' .-ATKD men sell Eastern tallorlne. all Imperial Hotel, room -l. Saturday. .-un.lay evenlnss. to J i. Kefereuca re- .pitred AI l -MEN lo wake order, for cut-rate ro ' .r'ries- outfit free. Kxperlen. e unnr. e. fii weekly, tstanrtard llercantlle Co.. tl,PPQlrvr, l.l.ln.. Cleseland. O. wZnTEP Stenoifrapher. In railroad office; must lira references. Address h. 11. i ll eOTl in i . u ll'M Income for reliable salesman. 1 ;,-h l'.vMlin.lt.. call Sunday 11 to 2 ,t ma ath st. Vsn Melncke. WANTVZP Vomia man lo learn bather trade fine chance; three-chair .hop. eJJ Mississippi mT- vi vv to open up and take chare,, of sanl-Var-r rtaliy: m'ist thorouRhly competent. . . . .1 la C.reeonla n. vi im WANTED to learn Insurance buslnesa; io experience nrrrmr,. S. D Vincent i -nam . ' t ' " ' tTsr; opening for two .-r-d aollcltora fpkn o.d f.iture. Kvperlence not neceaaary. 322 o.vrti " . - T7l Ni; man to drive wagon for drelnr and . leaning woiks. .alary and commission; irenin . ..... -loo. Ktsrk must r e ,e...... I .MAS wanted to sell beach lots; llb- V'.'i comraisaion paid. 23 Chamber of nmcrce. ..I TKT pnnier lur ' r-esitlon to reliable, competent man; wage, ale The ftanrtard. Ptanleld. IT. e i - ' . . . . . ... h . ' A a.Aeb.e ,:"!;Mti; carriage Auto Work. 30 . v v- BT salesmen on new gaa purifying 7i' vice, ran make $IO to J0 per day. Jn- olr.. 2Ta Hawthorn, ave. . NTpFtrat-claae movlng-plcture ma-,-h'ine "rerrman: mo furnish references. ir.ni. -t-k ; . it.. KINO lines. Chicago Pacific Coast manager room -P Imperial Hotel. Call "..V.rna. Sundir. ev.nln.ts. a to m. A vx '"11 bale.mau. capable of handling iu-kv In bond on commission. Merchant. I. T WANTED A Japanese school boy. Tabor WANTED High-class salesman. Aaa fo .. r. . a'.'l Veon blda. M r r u r ' - - , .. 1 1 1 r !"- for v s-uurn clenlns. salary ' ..n l comm'-s'on I'none Tab'T 2'.e-'. v a s - r 1 1 - - 1'ov i'h wheel. Call room 13 ' A.'orn' bid. ' Mond.r morning. "7in rttv nl..itiiii, stste experience have l ad ween replv ng AH 14. oregonl.n. ""vs-tT;!!- .mi maker for coumry. Call l. xi.' iLxl.-i Co. , ' I HP. WANTEI-FEMAL15. I 6ITPAT.OXS WANTEI ) M A LK. J SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ,-. . .TrDuk 1 HKI P WASTED-MALE. J HKH WAKTED-FKHAtt """r ' rnnu. Bookkeeper, .ad Clerks Miscellaneous. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPAXT. 22a and 224 Couch .U. bet. 1st and 2d. Open Pund.y. A. M. to 2 P. M. Millwright. tS.SO. 'arpenter. $J. Two rough carpenter.. $2.M to i. Two aaah and door .took cutters. 3 and Two tenoners. 93. Hllckerman, X Sash and door machine man. S2.T3 up. iMfll trimmerman. $.".00. Lu.nb.-r grader.. 2-2.".. 2.80 and $3. Man and wife to do Janitor and cham ber work. city. HS. Farmnands and milker.. $30 to 40. Flunkeys. $2a to :15. Large ll.t of other work. Open Sundajr. A. M. to 3 P. M. PAClFlf EMPLOYMENT COMPANY 222 and 224 couch tit., bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED Thoroughly experienced advertis ing solicitor, with flrst-cl.ss reference, only, for leading commercial magazine. S 11 Oiegonlan. FT ift STATE OF OKB.K1N. SAI.KSMAJf ror; itll and comprk.hf.nmn k IJNE OF DOMESTIC M'HUIR IiELrXL AND IMPORTED ADVERT IS I NO CAIj ENUARS. NOVrH.TIES. CLOTH AND LEATHER OOODS. .COMMISSIONS LIB KRAI. ADDRESS INITED S1ATK3 CALENDAR CO.. CINCINNATI. GOOD salesman, well acquainted In Oregon, to handle well-adrertlsed .vstem for re tall dealers In town, and .mailer cities; want a .V- man who wants permanent po.ltlon: experience In thl. line unneces sary, but want a worker; booxef lghters. expense grabbers nrt rolling .ton. narre.l. A. box . V nirsxo. i" AMBITKH S young man who would like to learn the photograph business. tuition free and good position when competent. Must furnish best of reference.; no ob jection to one who ha. h.d som. experi ence Call today. Marcell Studio, loth and Wash. . jTlrjH-CLASS salesman; man of education. Integtltv and personality; new Portland corporation offer, limited amount of stock : bu.la.ss success unquestioned: dividends enornou. If you can sell stock, .end your name, address and qualification. AJ la. Or.Tonlan. TOfXO manwho Is a good penman and who has a good knowle.lKe of city for per manent office position: small salary to start, but excellent chance for advance ment; prefer young man IS or 1 year, of ae. must have a clean record and A-l references. H 7. Oregonlan SALESMAN wanted by leading lace-embrold-ery manufacturers for their established trade: rare opportunity to right party: can also be handled as side line; liberal ar rangements. Swiss Embroidery-Lac. Com bine, 4o Hroartwar. New York. STENOGRAPH ER Want a high-grade young man with ability and Initiative. Hookkeeper-clerk Wanl an experienced man for combination position In general merchandise store In country. Commercial A bsrract Co.. 4"S Commercial Club bldg. bAL.EiMEN My ! and embroidery Im porter, to work established tr.de In Ore gon and adjoining .tales: excellent oppor tunity for right men with established trado smaller towns. Fuld. 4tT Broadway. New Tors: City. WV.VTED Man"wlth family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on roH place: permanent po.ltlon with 42.26 wages to start: S-0 acquires possession on homo place balance ,cn be paid for from pari of wsgea. API!. Oregonlan EXPERIENCED and first-ciass traveling men f..r Oregon and Washington: .alary to .tart 125 per week and transportation; prefer single men. Address, giving Partic ulars, as to where laat employed. D Oretfonlnn. SALESMEN Capable traveling salesman to sell dry goods and department storea. Fastern manufacturers choice line aweal e'rs: must be able to qualify and finance htm.elf; good commission. 412 Rotnchiia bldg. KAI.ESMAN. calendar or advertising special ty experience, to sell new service, each town- aamples weigh pound: liberal com mission: excellent aldellne; no attention tinles. experienced: record given. Dept. . T Cruver Mfg. Co.. .Tuver bldg.. Chicago. AT once, capable specialty salesman for taple !lne. new and exceptional term.; P.clflc Coast; yearly contract containing liberal weekly allowance clause: references required. Mile. F. Blxler Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. YOUNO men with ahlllty aa aalemnen good pay. permanent employment: to ! Mon day. Northwest Panama-Pacific l"-rn: tlonal Exposition Tour. Co.. Inc. ll-si- WIICOX bldg. - SAI ESMAN Energetic man of good appear ance a. permanent representative for large Eastern house; position p.y. .io wly. APPlr Monday. J. F. rhlillp.. 210 Marqu.m Ding AGENTS make big money and become sales managers for our goods. Fast of flee ae II ers. Fine profits. Particulars -"?' free. One Dip Pen Company. Dept. 471. Baltimore. Md. lir'KK'S Tour opportunity to niake $2I0 monthly: spar, time; no matter where you live; no canvassing: guarantee to show vou how: free- particular.. H. B. ROGERS. Desk Ah., nosion. .viaee. SALESMAN experienced any line, to sell general trade on P.clflc Co.st: unexcelled speclalte proposition; commlwlon contract- $3.1 weekly for expenses. Contlnen t.l Jewelry Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. WHY longer endure Inside drudgery? R representative doing outside h'l fui wofk; own bo.: $2 dally profit not unusual- experience unnecessary. DavU Toilet Co.. 1--.4 Pavl. bldg.. Chicago. WANTED Dentist, licensed to practice In AionTTo take charge of dental office In PorVland: must be able to Invest In business- salary, office and fixture, furnished. D 1 .i. I 'regonin THORfU'GH credit man and office man who h. "hid experience In Northwestern terrl-iory- name references, salary expected ind phn- number: all application, .trlct w confidential. M U. Oregonlan, COLLECTOR for city, retail and wholesale accounts: must oe ,."-. " "i. a hard worker: give reference.. ',.' pected and phone number. F 1.. Orrg- nlan WANTED DENTIST: must be first -class Vopirat.ir.nd gold worker; con license: permanent position to right man: good salary. Alveolar Dental Co.. 314 AnlngtonuioR PHYSICIAN for Portland for eeporatlon ialary and all office riwra-i ftrnl.hed; must be able to Invest In business. D 12. Or-cn.iiTi. STnew proposition of wonderful merit; high- aaeA Plls TV" fl ft S W fPtl Til class stoca man 1 - ng year. AH IS. Oregonlan. u . I v sm FN side line, clothing and dept. ".,ir-Min." dUlck s-lllng 2 'P"'" big commission. Dellhart. Mgr.. Dicke. bldg.. nicaro. rAPARLK salesman to cover Oregon with staple line, high commission!.: $tx momh lr advance, permanent position to right man. Jees H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. THF. Municipal Free Employment Bureau want, laborers for out-of-town work fac. Tory and mill: no fees charged. 213 Sec ond street, corner Salmon. $inr. MONTHLY and expense, travel, dis tribute .ample, for h'g 7"'V;'''r" sle.dr work. 8. Pcheffer. Tol Sherman. IV A NT ED. An optometrist of experience, age and capability; must be affable and honest. M IL Orea-omen uhlvuiv legitimate game for cigar coun.eA that cant be beat: everybody want. It. Cawood Novelty Company. Dan- liie. in WANTED A good ga. solicitor who la able in .. T and g. appliance.; .ta,, x oerlenceV aalary wanted and age. Oregon power company. Eugene, tir KAI F'SIEV to sej our check protector-, ill', to everr person who use. cheek. 10 per cent profit: .ample 2.V- ''" frr Terry Mfg. '- '-2 Colton bldg.. Toledo. O. WANTED Salesman of ahl'ltv to sell the blest-selling sub-division property In city. Call Monday and Tuesday morning, he t ween and 11. at r.2Q Railway Exchange. EXPFRT umbrella repair man: must have umbrella repair ex-rlenca. Lenuon e. 3H9 Morrison e. TV advertising s.illcllors wanted, special editions. Ask for Mr. Potter, the News, Tscorns. v a-o. NINK Oddfellows given pleasant, profitable employment, near home whole or p.rt time: fra'ern.i. i name, .,e, ...... PRINTING sale.man; good chance for right man. InvesTlgsie. , ' . BHOCKMANN HIlniltMU.. J-o WANTED Firsl-clasa ladiea- tailor., high est wages paid to good mechgnlcf. 8. Weiss, lti imns. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, con 'tracts cashed. Benedlctlno Press, 2n Madb son st. ARCHITECT esnt young man lo do draft ing: .tale experience and aalury expected. K. I"1. re soniao. JAPANESE hoy for general houseanrk at besch: small family. Phone A 51. vrTCN'TEO Good salesman to help me sell my own acreage. .'ai4 ppalding bldg. Villi EM AN. mill vsrd. $". : tallyman. $.1. l'lON'EtH LJil LOlMENT CO, IS N. 20. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, ArUH. 28. 1912 INCIDENT. One of Many.) , Office Secretary Employment Department. T. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, out of wor k. '- Ms total cash asaot) If I pay you 45 tor special employment membership, i w'" have only lj left between me and tar va:ion. . Secretary If you pay 13 for -P'". employment membership, you will the Y. M. C. A., with It. re.ource, be tween you and starvation. ...,.. Result: Young man Joined c,it? . In less than a week be had satisfactory employment. ... Record for threo month, ending Mar. t. Calls for men "AT Positions filled ::I Employment membership guarantee, member will secure employment or relu na of membership fee; rives two month, full membership prlvllcgls. 10 monthr social privilege, and undertake, to keep P""' emploved during the full term of mem- bershlp without further charge. ki-. We have con.tant demand for n,. frade. experienced men. Are you Uttea or a better position? ., See secretary employment department. Y. M. C. A. . A 1 OU.NO man for posltiod a. paint .ales man, to cull on city trade: must have suf ficient experience In selling and handling paint, to sell a high-grade line of paints and vamlshe. successfully to painters ana dealers, must be of neat appearance and pleasing personality. Industrious habits, ambitious. Intelligent. hard and con scientious worker: must prove a success ful past record: none other need apply: state salary expected. Box 62. Portland P. O. . MR. SALESMAN $1 down, no Interest. U per week, no taxea Here', the proposition which will be put on the market one week hence. If you are a producer ana keen to make big money quirk. I am what you are looking for. If you are In earnest, take Montavilla car today to the end ot the line and look for Ven Tura park automobile and get ready for the big sale. Today only for salesmen. Ask for air. Tav lor. STOCK, and bond salesman, and men who have had experience selling sui ". securities We want live wire .a esmen. not "order-takers" : proposition well book ed - well advertised; good office co-operation: .plendld "line-up" ; we know our business; do you kaow yours? we are. clean; you must be. If so you can make big money; commission basis. Alt Ji, Otegonlan. SOLICITOUS Do not confuse tills '"? average vim au: ee - - - . - Coa.t territory; position pays from $.0 to Hio per week; call on banks, business, professional men; no samples, books or Insurance: replies only from men who can furnish good reference, and w-ho desire lilcll-graue, ciean-cui, i - . " Po.ltlon permanent, oil H.lsen bldg.. C h 1 ca g o. 111. wci-PTiiivu. ..rmortunitv for men who tvi i .ick and bonds: experienced men preferred ; this proposition is will advertised, with excellent office Co-ooer-atlon. Thl. I. a clean business. We must have clean men. If you are Ine ri1t righting kind you can make big nioniy. .. . ....... u 1 '1 Or-- on .a-l. . omill is-iuii vmmim, ' ... --, WANTED Good, all-round printer, capable or taxing enure ciim.ko ' "",: "-,,..7 of country newspaper and Job ortite. married man desired: no booze or cigar ette.; must go to work by Mny 1.1: perma nent Dositlnn. Address with reference. Advocate. Chehalla. Wa.h. LIVE man wanted to take i "...- verttalllg in uepai nii.' . -' " " . Mont.; must b. live wire and experienced in all departments; we want result, and will pay liberal salary to right man. Ad- a .. 1 chl.uiaherir. Missoula. Mont. YOUNO man. acquainted with fire Insurance and loan business to take charge of that department; only man capable of big money wanted: expense, paid, cominll- . . ... 1 .7 iiro.nnlHn BRIGHT boy wanted between the age of It vnd is to assist In shipping dept. ana run errands. Chance for advancement for right party. Salury to begin -'o montniy. Rarbers' Supply CO.. 1S -d St. sion only, a ... - - e WANTED A bright and active office boy; .... chance to bettr hllll- one louaiu. . self for a higher position In ofn-e. Ap ply V A. M., office of the Eiler. Music House. YOCNG man lo learn Hie clothing business; first-class cnance lor .u..u.t ". $:0 to atari; no cigarette smoker, con sidered. Urown.ville Woolen Mill store. Fl RNISHING GOODS man: steady place: must be morouginy ville Woolen .Mill Store. WANTED Farmer who wants to pay for 1 , l -1 a.iii, u-nrlr tt l4irTi io ucres irirn ihiiu mi - - I 301 omr bx M AN'i'KH Men to mf tock. Oregon inuu- try. None but n'fponnuio -u lly. F -O, uroniun. WANTKl) eolicltlns al--iniun to tak Rood Una at once; oua wu-m. - --- 1 1, Urrjonian. KKUl A Bl-fc- .ilrm:in f'r Oregon or lalfr for I'ortlanu m aninucu accounts i in Portland. O 1". Oregonlan. 'i.:"i.urfurni.r.m.,:i ann "l" - , SeCUriTV. w-e WANTED A .trong man willing orijrr. to do Spring housecleanlng. $ll a weeK a eoom a 1 . Oregonlan. WANTED Cash boys. steady positions; .TTa . ...r. old. Ben Selling, lead- muse ue- . " J Ing clothier, WANTED Young man to work In planing ui 11 10 Hawthorne. WANTFD Ccatmaker or a good, steady, all-WA.-ir.i -e . ... Hillsboro. Or. rounq num. v""" -.w.. --- BENCH men wanted. Oregon Planing Mill.. l-.itn ana jwii. WANTED A few good male and female so- llcltors; good pay. A H734. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED at once, an agreeable woman a. Vi?rKm, housekieper In family - of six; good cook; with or without washing. Call at M4 2t'th at., cor. Laurel. Portland Height.. THOKOl-GHLY experienced salesmen for gown department! one experienced cloak anS .ult P saleslady : reference. required Worrell'. Sample Cloak. A Suits. 1-. and 134 'h St.. at Aiuer In experienced cook to keep house anad cook for nve young men at t anby. Or . Sod salary to the right party: must be 5?lea.t 30 year, old and unlncuinbered. Addrer. P. O. B 2.ajby. Or. TWO demonstrators of aluminum ware; work of one will end Salt Lake: no return fare-; give age. experience, references, phone. F 1 S. oregonlan. COMPETENT salesladies for knit under- Veir and hosiery, lace, and trimmings; also cash girl, over 16 year. Koberta Bros. WANTED Girl Mr general housework ;3 In famllyrsmall house. Apply Sunday alter noon after 3:1" or Monday morning 4 M Nrih "tsL Wlllametie Heights. A 1..22. MLS1CAL ladle, for military hand now or ganlxlng: experience unnecessary. E e. t iregonian WISH stenograrhlr pieuiori. ei-..e... and coiupetcnt. Please call today. Laat it: . . - YOCNG LADY, assist "-"rk and learn telegraphing; wage. $1 month. AE 13, Oregonlun WANTED Experienced waltre.. In Port land rest auranL 113 W. ttth .t., Vancou- ver. Wash. 1. 1 ivnt good .ght reader. Call between i.3o ..id 10 SO Sunday A. M.. 330 Wash- ingioii Kt 4' i wi wanteil f-r houneuork for small 3 "'roI.mV.iusVand assist with cooklg. Call bellwood I'iT". mornings r.ter A. -M. WRPORATION want, unincumbered wo man lor demonstrating on road at good salary. A v" e WANTED Experienced helper. In dress maklng .hop; also apprentices. 421 Broad- way. 1 " .,..ti-i."j i mw A I. KXt'Y. Washington bids-. 270, Washington .L. near 4tli Main e3 or A ..-no. . WOMAN to do light housework III country home, no children; wages $1... Ca.l atiJ Vanillin. lorei. RELIABLE company desires several at tractive ladles as demonstrator. Imme diately. r " rTT"i.-lt .TORS wanted ou buttonhole machine. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. Phoenix bide, s.i pin si vi iidi.E-AC.EIi w oman to do plain cook ing for family of : no other work; good ! " ... . An . V. i '. 4th st. Home: ei.i oe. -- ..-ANTED Apprentice to learn millinery; not over is years old. Apply morning af- .... . IC7 Yamhill ml ter 1 A. ..i.. - - WANTED Strong girl for general house work, bet. . of 2.1 and u3. Ca1 avlht Stark St., .Iter 1Q o'clock. tlOOD girl to assist In general housework, private boarding-house. Ilisi. lmh St. GIRL warned to work In tailor shop. 430 Washington l SHIItT MAKERS wanted. I'nlumbla Neck wear Mfg. Co.. Phoenix bldg.. S3 5th st. WANTED Neat young girl to help in housework. Apply .1.1.1 E. 20' h North. WANTED Plain clothes Ironer. Apply Lace House Laundry. 2ft N. 2Qth .t. WANTED First -class operator on custom psnf. I':S 2d St.. room P. ;. li.ii home tor girl 12: near Kllot School -ii( r.y fin, I. 10. Oregonlan. WANTED First -elas. tkirt aud waist help i at 40i Jcfteraoa WANTED YOUNG I-ADIBS FOR TELEPHONE- OPERATING. "WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO.. EAST TU AND ANKENT ST8. HOTEL cook. 4. Cook, small boardlng-hou.e. $33. Restaurant cook. $10 week, out of city, chambermaid. $1 day. Pa.try cook (camp) tsr,, tare advanced. 2 fir.t-cla. waitress. $30. out of city. Restaurant waitress. S week. Second girl, $25. Nurse girl, $20. Familv cook. $40. Factory girls. $1.25 day. General housework In and out of city. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ,HS4 Washington t.. room 7. A GOOD plain writer some one familiar with clerical work, to copy geographical names from one book Into another. Will pay $1.50 a day. Can work at homo If you prefer. You must be accurate In your copying, this Is the all esaentlal. Ad dres. A 12. Oregonlan. WANTED Several young ladle, between the age. of 18 and 2.1 for permanent posi tions. Apply the P. T. A T. Co.. o.4 Alder sc. or 41U Eut Ankeny t- WANTED A lady of good appearance and business ability to represent an Eastern chemist in Portland; a good Income and a permanent position. Call Monday at 4-8 P. M.. room I. Superior. 24th and Thur mn. MCNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assl.taneo gladly given to all young women. Mri. Lola O. Baldwin. Fupt.. room 8T Y. w. A . bldg- 7th and Taylor fits. ENERGETIC woman wanted for special edu cAtlonal work In preparation for the 101S Exposition: teacher or club woman pre ferred: .alary. Mr.. W. R. Trusty 928 Monadnock bldg.. San Francisco. Cal. YOl'NG ladv of refinement as bookkeeper and stenographer for iocal corporation: must be able to invest In burlnes.: good .alary: state experience and age. H -L Oregonlan. , WAN T E D- N ea t appearing young lady so licitor, to Introduce FERMORA TREAT MENT, a home treatment for women. Liberal compen.ation. Call room 10. -in Alder St. WOMAN wanted for lunch room and han dling confectionery and tobacco.: all round work: mu.t be neat and good ap pearance. Inquire St. Johns waiting-room, 111 N. Jersey St.. St. Johns. WANTED A competent stenographer and typist on a "S-P" machine; must be neat, accurate and educated; preference given to a lady of a literary mind. AV 220. Ore son I a m HOfSEKEEPER wanted by a young man Just a little wav. out: .mall wages, but can make extra money picking 't berries: no objection, to one child. D -a, Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework: must know how to cook; two In family. 290 Vista ave.. cor. Market t. drive, Portland Height. carllne. $2. .10 PER day, ladv each loan, to dis tribute free circular, for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permanent position, r. K. Parr Co.. Chicago. LADIES. $25 weekly and expenses, dis tribute samples, big manufacturer: whole or part time. Scheffer. 732 Sherman. Chi cago. STENOGRAPHER with some experience, moderate salary, state experience arid salary expected: opportunity to do publlo work. r n. usw'.. BRIGHT young girl wanted to take care of apartment anu u nso. iv...... . . ,, 0 lor; state wage, desired. Address AM 8, nn.fnnl.lL LADY agent., we have t.l sellers for pri vate canvasBiii.. vu. e - -- - - profits; circular, free. Mlllison, 812 Main st.. Kansas my. -vi". WANTED Small chorus girls for refined musical comeay company . " ""J-" ' " . ainateura Call Hager'. Theater. Vancou ver, vvasn TWO advertising solicitors wanted, special editions. ask lor aii. . u... . ...w . Tncoma. IV ash. COMPETENT maid for general housework: good wage. ;. no wasums,. - 3;ni. . WANTED Good girl for light housework In family or .i; mum na-. Uth St. North. uroaoway car. WANTED Girl for general 1,"'"r?,r:; Phone East 41l. or can at aav ..a. :reet North, lrvington. LADY" for general housework, small family. good wages; jiroauway ea. -..e North. COMPETENT girl for genera! housework: . r . eel Caa. TV- 3 adults, good wages. Appiy lor, corner of 14th. t WANTED Girl to do general housework and cooking, no children. Apply 361 10th. GIRL for general housework. 4-room flat. Hour. A. M. and go home night.. .Oo Multnomah st. GIRL for housework in family of four; nice home In country. 8 mile, from Portland. M 24. Oregonlan. HANSEN' S LADIES' AGENCY. 45 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upscaura. Phone Main 2691 WANTED Girl to assist In dining-room two hours mornings and evenings for room end board. 3S.1 Third st. The Hazel. TWO good ladv magarine solicitors; "alary and commission. Apply 8 to U A. M.. 3 to 3 P. M.. 7---2 jaarquam oiua. WANTED Experienced girl for huusework; family of two, wages $35. Apply S00 East Morrison. W4.NTED Man and wife for general house work and yard: colored preferred. M lo, Oregonlan. . W AITRESSES, country, $30; camp and " ranch cook.: cigar store clerk: hotel help. Howes Agency. 39, 270 ,. Wash. AMB'TIOFS. enercetic woman, over 2... for ponitlon with wholesale house, experience not required. O noo. Oregonlan. .. MD jerlintd. cepaole woman tor iponVible po-ltlon. Vlavl Co.. -09 R-t- cnl d b: lg 'th end Wsshlngtoa. GOOD masseuse wanted: Swedish. Danish or German preferred, one with good expe rience. 3t" Hoiladay ave. GIRL for second work; referenc-s required. Apply 21 North Uoth. Mrs. William Gad stry. Call morning. WANTED Girl for general housework- Good cook. Wages $:m. Can morninga II!H Schuyler .t. Telephone E. b-.B-. WANTFfi Stenograplier. good in penman ship and spell, lie Answer In own hand writing. A. WOMAN for lunchroom. 20 North lOlh. Call at 218 La Salle Hotel, between hours 1 and A. M LADY to work afternoons for room and hoard, small compen.ation; East Side. H n, Oregonlnn. GIRL to assist with general housework and cooking: good home: good wages. Apply 4114 E. 121 h st. X.. Monday. EXPERIENCED woman with references and aood home to care for Infant, jowl wage-. JSt. Louis Agm-y.Uin2n31 t-'iuii y cook. $to: second girl, $30. St. Loul. Agency Main 20311. WANTED Talloress, pant. Mulshing. 211. Second, room 33. A'Ytcj for general housework at the besch; ' three In family. Phone A r.i'.71. GIRL to do general housework. Inquire 2117 Monroe st, I aae . .. FIVE young ladles for outside work; steady. Call Monday. .1"Q Pokum bldg. GIRL to n--lt In housework. S!,1 Clifton .C, corner 1"tn. jia.u COMPETENT girl for general housework. -l'J livejoy fi. YOCNG girl wanted to assist with light hoiixework. JCiMontgomerj.near7th. GILL for housework In small family. 353 6Thj st. Call A. M. WANTED Iirl to assist with general house work. ppiy02 LoveJoyjM. wXNTED Competent Klrl for general housework. 474 Broadway. vr R?E girl Immediately. Mrs. Walter Di. 'key, the Norton. 12th and Morrison sts. WANTED Lady canvasser, at 51 3d st. Ak for sales manager. WINTED An experienced waitress. Apply ilthe VlrglnlaHlll. 2M 14th. FXPFRIEXCED young lady for photo .t'l- aiA cot nnknm bids. WASTED C.lrU light housework. Tabor GIRL for general housework In a small fam ily. Phone Main 1234. WANTED A nurse Rlrl lo travel. Call H47 East Belmont. Phone Tabor Hi. iiCIRT-and waisl liui-her. 202 Tllfurd bldg. Cook, for country hotels. $40 and $50. 2 waitresses for hotel tcity), i-o per month. , a Waitress, for restaurant., 15 and $3 per week. Second girl. $25. Chambermaid, $-5. Kitchen helper.. fJO to $2. General housework, 1U to . 3--... "a have a large ll.t ot other- good positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Dept. 205 y Morrison st. WAITRESSES wanted for short hour work bv the Meier & Frank store-. 7th floor restaurant: good pay to those understand ing the essentials of good service. Apply at restaurant dexk Monday morning. WE have place for two more wide-awake women of some business ability to learn expert corset-fitting. New class Ju.t forming. A woman who Is willing to give her time can earn from $25 to 44, P" week, splrella Cor.et Shop, 407 Selling bldff. Main 2374. Mr-. Lou Fountain, city manager. SEKYiCES of typewriter for le'-o music, shorthand, new thought, psychology, phrenology, health, physical culture, men tal science, telegraphy, christian Science, clairvoyance success, newspaper reporting, slory writing, millinery, painting, paper flowers. AJ 1. Oregonian. , WANTED Nurso girl, general girl kept. nr.- . k. ..-.a -,,-nae of NOrthrUO St. GIIIL or woman, general housework. Phone C -'323. . . APPRENTICES wanted at the Hair Store. 120 6th st. Learn the business. HELP WANTED MAUI OB FEMALE. MAN or woman understanding general ac counts (any bookkeeper) can have ex ceptional opportunity for large or small Investment, ail state, open, guarantees life Income. Established 14 years, with large revenue. Portland office opened. Best ref erences. For particular. addre V. o. Box 88. SALESMEN No experience required; you earn good wages while learning; hundreds . good position, open paying .lovO to 1500 "ear: write today for particulars, list of opening.. Address nearest office. Dept. 453. National Salesmen;. Training Asso ciation. Chicago. New York. Kansas city. Seattle, flew urivuim. .v,...,.. TEACHERS WANTED Direct call, for all department., manual training, agriculture, domestic .clence. etc. Low rates, free, en rollment. NORTHWEST TEACHERS AGENCY. Norm i annua.. --.. DEPUTIES wanted to procure new members for 6ne of the leading fraternal order., if you want a position that i. dignified and remunerative, apply by 1'tter to W. H. c...,. Ornl,.r 17ft Fifth St. t WANTED First-clas. cook and baker for delicatessen; references required; good .alary. Apply between 2 and 4, Cumber land API., .wi ' " ANYONE interested in a better position, ad dress AH 5, Oregoniatu HELP WANTED MIHCKLLANKOCB. MEN STOP KB AD LEAKS to operate moving pictures: operators make $25 to $40 weekly. Full practical ""NEW VSkK FILM EXCHANGE, 52U14 Wash., near litli. MEN WANTED Ag. H to $5, to prepare for firemen, or orakemen. nearby rau roada, $0 to $100 monthly. Experience un neceMaVy: no .trlke; promotion engineer 5? cm Tductor. 151 to 200 monthly; good II.. .aeaa-a Stat M.K1 .end .tamD. AaVll- war Association. Box . Oregoclaa. "ZEN and hoys to learn automobile repalr Ini driving on up-to-date cars; elec-rlcal. c"-l engineering, .urveylng; method most Practical; room and board whlla i'" poiltlon. 'secured ; satisfaction catalogue ftee. National school of Engin eering. 211V ' - Mt.v, ana women to learn the oarMr trad, in eight week.; special Inducement.: per-ce-ta. paid while learning; tool, freej expert Instructor.. 17 year. In tho bu.1 VSm; $: schools; a Wetlmo memoerynlp iiv.n to eacn .tudont. Mol.r U' Col lege, li H. Fourth .J-Pt--Lnd. Or. BARBERS' Stat. Board of Exam liner, of Oregon will be in .esssion in thi city at 1G7V First at. April 2U-30 and May 1. for the purpose of issuing annual renewa card to licensed bariior. ' all renewal card expire April 0. lull- T. M. Leabo. secretary. WANTED -Men at Lo. Angele.; can learn trade- fair wages after second month, auto mootle.. electricity, plumbing. ''"Ickiay Ing practical work on actual Job.: LiOO i"dem" laat nve year.; only few month, required, united Trade benool, Lo. An- geies. FREE Illustrated book telis about over 3b0, 01K protected position. U. S. .ervice. More tharT 40.000 vacancies every year era 1. big chanoe here for you sure, generous p.y. lifetime employment; easy to get. juil ask for booklet C 3d. No obligation. Earl rt ipaiiia. . aan. ,.b.w..f ... w Ki'lliUit young men, are wanted by rall roadr in telegraph and .tatlon .ervice; potlUon. paying to $W per rnouth or particulars call or address lelegrapa Dept., Commoaweaitl. bid... ottt and axv- Kenysia. PRINTER WANTED, with $-50. to take halt Interest In good newspaper and Job ofilce; dolna good business and " ' doubled with interested help. AV .40, Ore gonlan. LOCAL representative wanted. No canvas sing or soliciting required; good Income asaured Address National Co-operative liValty Co.. V 7W2. Marden bldg.. Washing- ton. u. v- . ..-.xtcc ,.-i t cr.R Cor Williams ana ivusseu shorthand, typewriting bookkePmSpaux: illarles; lowest cost; good positions. FUone E. 3100. . WILL start you earning $4 dally home, spare "me. silvering ,mrrors; no w taU free instructive booklet, giving, P'a" operation. G. K. Redmond. Dept. ob. Bos ton. Mass. ; . PARISIAN milliner will remodel your old hats as good as new: use any material, new hats made to order; low prices. at7 Yamhill. HOIES make shields home. M0 100; work .ent'reTald to reliable women Partlcu ?a.s for stamped addressed envelope Eu reka tDept. 34, Kalamaxoo, .aiin. RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now. ex-c-Uent aalario. and Pr""otloa,; no lay offs, sure pay: free book Call -oday P cltio States arai a-v . STENOGRAPHERS suffering with nervous neVs7 col.1 T hands, cold teet. headaches, etc to join a private health class. Ad dress Afc J i. un-.uu..". ANTED Good business lady or gentien an to aetTsecrelaiy in corporation; must lake some Interest; good .alary paid. 111- Hnwthorne. , in.- mdeueiident: start mail order business. B ho 52; 5?00 to 300 weekly protit spare il?n"Vrre booklet tells how. Laugle, 8--J. I'uep'io. Colo. v.ii- are wanted for Government Job. $SI Yooh Se-nd Dostal for list positions open, "aul-iln -SrtK-vif Dept. 320 O. Kocheater. N. Y. . WATTE t!CBVT-KlSfy urTnVca".'; ."paViT'ttarAtia. Publishing Co.. loo Oinctnnai., O. . . MOVING, P'-t- Ple;Vnhf Uh.';" S Smonn.: ;Se- Uothcl.UA bMB "Ih and Washington. . rmSrail.ng; free, bookie,. Hi. am Barton. JWj.-jjL LADIE make. supPone2 'QCe5: ve,o;eKfor"r,rcula,r.. Wabash Supply Co.. DeyklO. Chicago. ,7 p.;1'' ff..",bookT.r'-u,h0i;! tnueT Pt.P"yncaS.nF-ancl.co: cTrvnfill APHERS. any system, beginners bT0f,nrea! quickly speeded and placed in not tlons. " 1 - chamber of Commerc. tiaif soles s"ewed or nailed on while you t-alt. oilcT Evans American Shoe Store, j i Morrison St. . i" anlES- 1.1- pay copying addresses at home. LPrUculara,P Jc stamp,. Hor.con Agency. Chicago. . - BECOME an expert moving picture operator. big pay. short hours. 1-aemmle, o33 Oak KCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRIT- tion. Ean Francisco. . iVssoNS in oil painting, water colors and L tooled leather. Phone Main .-.. PRIVATE EHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, PifVT.enln" 42 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425S. -rr-T7 TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for ".chool. nd teachers S10 Swetland bldg. prniATlOXS WANTED MAIK. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AKriWARE salesman making Eastern CiVegon and Washington desires side line on commission. H li, Oregonian, POSITION BY UNIVERSITY GRADUATE, 28 MARRIED. ENERGETIC. CAPABLE AND PROGRESSIVE; 6 YEARS' GEN ERAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Ab MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER. HIGHEST OF REFERENCES A GOOD OPENING MORE DESIRABLE THAN HIGH SALARY. ADDRESS AT 11. ORE GONIAN. MARRIED man. 32 years old. 8 years' ex perience in banking; best of references, would like position as bookkeeper, cashier or any office work. Will accept anything at living wages, where there is a chance - for advancement. Not afraid of hard work. W 7. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED office man, express, rall- ..... .nar... oris .hiDDill.: claims, etc; bookkeeper and use type writer; high-class references. S 13. ore- froninn. CAN you use me? Have had 6 years' ex- : . 1. 1 1. anH I f T 1 P T 11 ! 3C" counting. Ago 2S. single. Give me a chance at what you have. V 20, orego nian. EXPERT stenographer 9 years' experience; hard worker; no objectionable habits; ex perienced follow-up systems. Open for immediate engagement. Will start for very moderate price. AP 17. Oregonlan. BY" A-l accountant and all-round office man. Familiar with contracting and lum ber business. Best references. AO 14. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED office man. understands bookkeeping and stenography, aged 3o, married, strictly sober and reliable; re eronces. Phone Tabor 8422. WANTED Clerical work nights, bookkeep ing or other office work, can operate type writer. Experienced, charge moderate. P. O. box 457. Portland. i'lKST-CLASS bookkeper and office man wants position; lumber business preferred. E 22. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books prepare balances and state taenia. Install systema Gllilngham, au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man. 21. 3 years' experience bank bookkeeping, desires similar or other cler ical work, in or out ot city. Address room l25. imperial noiei. SALESMAN, building material, sash and doors and interior finish; experienced; A-l man: references. E 16. Oregonlan. POSITION by groceryman that can do the work. AT 914. Oregonian Miscellaneous. FOREMAN, planing mill or sash and door factory: understands plans; good detail man and estimator; best references. C 10, Oregonian. WANTED Position; am experienced mill machine man; also A-l carpenter and painter; married, sober. Phone Main 3-, Tweedy. " YOUNG Frenchman, experienced gardener around private place and care of automo bile, wishes steady position, 4 years ref- Breiivc. e. .o. viicftuin,... A-l MECHANIC has 4-passenger car, de tachable seat, good for delivery or pas senger service, wants position with or wnnouv car. i. e. ev.,.,.. MAX and wife want work on small ranch, or as caretakers; any responsible position. Wife good cook. References. AN 20, Ore- gonian. FIRST-CLASS cook and waiter' would like position in private family, city or country, capable to take full charge. N li. Ore gon Ian. t AMERICAN, single, aged 60. reliable, good habits, wants general work of any kind in warehouse, garden or ranch. In city or out. AH 10. Oregonlan. MALE narse and valet with many years experience, would like Invalid to care for; used to travel; graduate In massage. AD 18. Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR, 25 years ot age. experienced driver anr" all-around repair man. tem perate and strictly reliable, wants work. F 19, Oregonlan. MAN and wife of experience want position as manager and Janitor of apartment house; glad to show present house. K is. Oregonlan. M RRIED man with orchard experience de sires poslt'on on country place or or chard. D 20. Oregonlan. WELL-RSCOMMENDED German for general garden work; can milk; suburbs or city. i. waiKee. . uulu EXPERIENCED wood-cutters want to take contract to cut corawooo- auu.". " - - Oregonlan. SHORT Job Janitor, window cleaning, etc., early morning or evening. Box ti4, St. Johns. MARRIED man. first-class cement finisher, mason, cement and plasterer, wants po sltlon. P. O. Box 874. St. Johns. Oregon. PRACTICAL gardener requires situation; reference present and previous situations. AT !. Oregonian. YOUNG man, partnerless. wants woodcutting Job: tools furnished or advanced. L o, Oregonlan. CONCRETE and excavation foreman: ten years- construction, engineering experience. X 17. Oregonian. i JAPANESE- boy wishes situation, take care garden and cow; many years' experience. 131 N. 12th St. . CaTrPENTER and builder wants situation, day o'r contract; references. J. B. Young. Woodstock. EXPERIENCED janitor, references, would like to get apartment house. At -, Oregon Ian. MARRIED man wants Job as Janitor In apartment-house; experienced, best of ref erences. Tel. A 470. A FIRST-CLASS baritone singer wants oc cupation evenings and Sundays. AS IB. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. married, no children, wants position as Janitor; experienced. AL 14. Oregonlan. WANTED General office work by energetic young mn; experienced ,; will consider anything, t-none YOUNG Japanese wants position to do house, work, frarden and take care automobile A r Hyo. V-TCBoma... rv PFRIENCED saloon lunch counter man, SMdcook, wishes position. AO lS. Ore- gonlan. WANTED Lawn work, spading, leveling, seeding: satisfaction guaranteed. Phona East 36.-.1 YOCNG man. no bad habits, wants to learn baker's trade. In or around Portland. Ad dress particulars to dux ..-. MARRIED man wants Job as Janitor In apartment-house, experienced, best ot re- ferences. Telepnone jqaiaoai. WPFRIENCED butler and valet wants po sition, best references, country preferred. A J 17. Oregonian. I AI'SDRY washer wants position: can take care of machinery. A No. 1 reference. P 14. Oregonian MTLE nurse desires hospital work or pri vate nursing. Best of references. AN 18. Oregonian. CHARGE of apartment-house by young mar' ried couple, no children; can give, refer ence. K. 11. oregoiurti.. phi i'FFKURi experienced, do own repairs, "eferences. A. Russell. 363 6th St. 3274 Main. HOUSE window cleaner, floors furniture re pollshcd. hour or contract. Martin. Main 8"3l. BY first-class ice cream maker, A-l refer ences. feood on fancy creams. W lo, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE man and wife want position in family for cook and housework, yard. K. A.. P. O. box 12.1. mTn AND WIFE wish position on grain or stock ranch. Addr-ss 20.1 u Morrison. r,,om 8, Phone Main 547K. Sunday 1---WINDOW cleaning, paint and 001"Qnk cleaned, floors rewaxed. Main 6o7J. even Ings. GENERA:, house cleaning, day or hour. Thompson. East .infip. i WANTED Dishwashing and kitchen work in couWy hotel. W 14. Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR Two years' experience, wants position Tear or truck. R 2.1. Oregonlan. CARPENTER, foreman, day or contract, city oV colon try. Marshall 3410. WANTED Slashing or powder work by ex n A-j. .n A.I 13. Oregonlan. A, . I'irFEUR desires position; 2 years repair shop, garage experience. M 22. Oreynian. tapan'ESE boy wants 3 or 4 hours' v-ork in J evening AF 17. Oregonlan. JAPANFB student wants a position after 4 P. M. or early morning. A 503 J. COMPETENT chauffeur; can repair auto and do gardening. AL 16, Oregonlan. tjARPENTER wishes position by day or contract. V 11. Oregonian. a" rottGK carpenter would like to have smady work. L. 20. Oregonlan. BY experienced retail grocery salesman in or near city. AL 17, Oregonlan. J VPAN'ESB student, evening, housework, 5: a to 7. Khlndo. 127 North 12th st. WINDOW washing, hounecleanf n. floors Waxd and polished. Phone Sell wood 112S. WANTED To contract carpenter work, fin ishing preferred. Phone A 34)8(3. MACHINIST, all around, wants work, model "and experimental. V B. Oregonian. JAPANESE COUPLE wants position in fa.cn -i 1 y. E SS. Oregonian. BRH'KLATER wants chimneys to bulid. S 4, Oregoninan. perieiiee.. ,.., : - I WOULD like a position with a wholesale or Jobbing house In the city; salary to start with is no object, all I want is a chance to make good. I will sell anything but real estate. Am a married man, -U years of age. AL 15, Oregonian. FOR SHORT time will he open for encase ment where wide experience, busiuesi ability, brains, can be utilized; paid for according to their worth. 'High degree efficiency and propressive ness. off lew management, sales manage ment, accounting department management, handling employe, and customers and building up business; give phone number, same time; confidential. P. O. box Portland. YOr.NO man. AA, 12 years' New York busi ness experience in incandescent lamps, electrical, mining and railway supplies, seeks responsible position on Pacilie Coast as office manager or secretary with repu table iirm where reliability and integrity are requisites; speaks French and Ger man. Address Frank Norbert, 7 Maiden Lane. New York. X. Y. MUNICIPAL FREE KllPLOYilSNT BUREAU, tH Second St., Corn-r Salmon. Women's Department. 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical inalo and female hel furnished on short notice. No fee charged Phone Main 8565. A 5624. BY professional gardener and foreman, hon est and reliable, open for permanent posi tion, where full charge is given; would taka place on new establishment to lay out new garden : experience in all branches, under glass and out of doors. T 25, Oregonian. WANTED Rsponslble, permanent position by responsible married man triwiss). tiood mechanic at plumbing, gas eninns, ce ment work, etc.; also good gardnpr. Fine chance to fix up your Summer home. Ad dress AP 10, Oregonian. WANTED Position In established law firm, or in real estate office, by attorney; 3 years' practice in Oregon. Object change of location. Address C. J. Curtis, Astoria. Oregon. CHAUFFEUR, sober, honest, reliable, good mechanic and repair man. wants .steady work where real work is appreciated; ref erences furnished. Write box -ou, Camas, Wash. WANTED Position as manager of ranch; experienced fruit, stock, general farming; catable handling large proposition. Ad dress 1S"S Delaware ave., or phone Wood lawn 1227 after 1 P. M. aiARRIED man wants farm work, expert enced general farming. Some experience small fruit and orchard. Good teamster and milker. Strictly sober. No children. T 17. uregonlan. POSITION' wanted in Oregon by a registered pharmacist of 13 years' experience; also a Jeweler and owns his own tools; can furnish best of references. E -3, Ore gon Ian. LAWNS Now is the time to make your new lawn or reseed the old one ; reasonable prices. Fred V. iJullock, 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 24::2. ENGINE ER wants situation; can do repair ing; have city references; neat, clean, re liable and sober; in or out of city. AT 9i7. Oregonian. JAPANESE couple wish positions In hotel or rooming-house to do janitor or cham ber work; long experience. E 21, Ore gonian. WANTED By voung man and wife, with babv. position on farm or any kind ! steady employment. Phone East 53U4. A. L..405 E. Couch St., Portland. GROCERYMAN. married. 12 years experi ence, best of references, desires posit inn with reliable house, either in or out of Portland. W li, Oregonlan. REINFORCED CONCRETE engineer and building superintendent; references: stran ger in city; can go anywhere. F 2Z, Ore gonlan. CH AUFFEUR wants positlun with privat family or auto truck firm; have had two years' experience and can keep car up. Address A.I 1H. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS experienced chauffeur wit h best of reference can do repairing; would like immediate position. Call Marshall jr. 10. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wants position ; any car, Packard preferred. Willing to do chores; reasonable salary. AP 18, Orego nian. YOUNG man, live wire, open for first-class business proposition. S Oregonian. SITUATION UAISTK1J FEMALE. " ooa.K-jeocrs apit .Stencrp.ag. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer of eipht years' experience wishes position; capable of taking full charge of books; ralary to begin $7"; references. Address J. H. 1!M 14111 l- YOUNG lady who has had several years experience in business ofiices. desires po sition with responsible firm as raoher- best of references furnished. Phone Marshall 20b.-. EXPERIENCED stenographer will accept small salary with privilege of taking out side work. Address stenographer, 43 Main. - FX PFRIENCED fady stenographer em ployed foronoons would like office work aitcrnoons; best references. Address 1 r, Oregonlan. - LADY, perfect bookkeeper and fine in (i.rniai correspondence. res -J" ' soon or later. Inquire under M. I general delivery. WANTED Hy experienced bookkeeper p sltion Tn local house, wholesale preferred. Al reference. C 1162. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping desires position. J UJ. Oregonian. . . YOUNG ladv bookkeeper desires position na assistant in oft ice; Quick at figures; . oml gS! references. X oroniau. sTEXUGKAFHE K Competent, nine i and general experience, wjsl.es pvi Uon withEreliable firm. G LS. Oregonian KTFXtKiKAPHER desires position May lfct. l!aw preferfed. Phone Monday dunnff of f ice hours. Main 1 1 HhKINED young lady, experienced, would B U position in office or as comptometer operator. C 2:.. Oregojijan. BY competent bookkeeper and stenographer; no work too hard; nothing under 5u. Woodlawn 31J9. BOOK KEE PE R. attention; let me do youi adding lor you; investigate. L. Oie gonian. YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position; V; years' experience; good penman. Mai-, yhall TOT, room 12. J Vvi'tVRIENCED. competent bookkeeper de; sis any kind of general oidce work. Ah 17, Oregonian. . -" rat.r., office, work by youn Wltdy pen,nan0with some fowled., of tenographAir5.rcncc. C SSi'! JAJi"i: l-vpf-KlESCUl) exchange, telephone oper- fcafo? wisl. I-M"io"; references. V U. Oreftonlan- . . FTkkIKNCED stenourapher wants pom-Oon- references. Add. Miss Jessie u. ilo- am'nbell. 44.-. X. -ZM st. FFklKI RAPHER. - years' "xperlemie. de sfres Position as office girl; small sal ary. AO 18, Oregonian. i VI'F KIENC ED office girl with some kn"'-ed-e ot typewriter desires permanent po Sltlon; reflrences.AU10. Oregonian. VANTKD Office work; c;in operate type iritcrTferance. M -". Oregon is n. r"v p ERIE VI" ED youns lad. ,HW stenogra pher desires position. N X Oregonian. VOi;NJTiadrdc.lre. clerical position; oa "enman. Uoom 24, Marshall ... A -4M. POSITION k office Bill: soma knowledge Houseaeeper. WlNTEB-UlvssiMklnr by the day. all n'an. .- r, , " kinds of -.isliionable dressmaking anc ladles" taiTorlns. Ml -Montgomery. Mam 1U1S. e.,,,T c-i ArtS dressmaker wishes eiig.ise F ment's by liay Phone Marshal. 4... bun. dy evenings -t i ' x. T a ruMiiiiiker wants fi i in i 1 .M.i I II COil Kft 1 r , home. Phone ay st. work uy 7100. Mrs. Wheeler, -IM. I 1 7s- experienced "and compelenl dr.fii. wanti sewinn J.y day. - Ve lakei day. Phone Kast -in. DRESSMAKING by day. Call gun.lay, C -.i;n.'.. . . ...Lvs.tKlSU and home sewing by- phone East 2:W7. nRKSSMAKER and ladies tailor, by u "v Phone Tabor 4h.i. EXPERIENCED dressmaker j-ants wor ,,e day or at borne. A 1"4'- k b . ,., nwns anrt alteraliona jnaa o in your home. B lOS. E. :IB0--DHESfiMAKER solicits work. 2 per day. Toi Phone Main v. DRESSMAKING Mrs. Jas. S. Bubb. Kerby st. rhone Woodlawn 1751.