fin: S17MA OltKdOMAX, rOKTLAXD. APRIL 28. 1912. 1 " , ....... rn kxthanchl rTic fUKIL.VE IN POTATO .AND. WE HAVE it. Ood potato 'n,l ' car Cali fornia thai tho stale must n.j-rt thou sands of dollars' worth of, potatoes ery year. Mora money made rroalng poiatoes than tnr other quick crop. W bava real potato land. Kiod thai Vicids 3" sa.-ka per aera. I: ia nil loam, full of !( mold. potatoes now wortli $J-0o a sack. Two crop a tr. Serond troy planted in Ju.y. pleuty o: time yet to Kiun A tract ana g-t iur land ready. You cannot grow two trori a jfir witn- oui irriEanon. . Al rur land l Irrigated ra " r'!n I m irsi ' r than you ran use. Only $t'- to $10 au icra. one-tenth casli. N. fccunil, payment foe two rear. U-rhl Tur'i to tav out. i " rro will ta for ibe land, ft -it alfalfa soil tn t. S I," you want tlirt sn.l rlenty or water get some of mis land while you ean. II K"lnr fmat. VV Pl. liwll Thw tiring In rertland or "-InUy- call ' today on II. ;. Terrj. MH Teou bM. I Others write to I.os vf-tvo.; LAND rmiPAXT, l .-.s momvos. c v i.t V"H x I a. $$. CHEAP LAND. $i0 On Mt. Hood F.:eetrw survey, near auto mob'Je road; 1 acres comparable with Hood River; part rleared: good buildings, springs, trout iirum: r-jltable for fruit trav. ipummrn headquarter, summer home. CHEAP milT FARMS $10. ft:n making money at onee; Southern llrrin unm-'l'l climate and Mil; lt acres. l.'S rr. together, smaller tracts: l.ur nc orelisrds. also young orcharus. gardens, mortem buildings, poultry equip ment, other lnipronnni. K. E. UAHIMi. 4 Wlteex Hdg. Marsba'l KIT. A :lt. 1N ESTIMATE the I.IRVTT !an of tiulne or selling r. al rrope-o. Save roTj.n Pay J bottom prices. Get quick reaulta. t IHREi-I lin.M.TT t'.'l Veon b'Ag. 7H& Pf:T lll'V IN CI.AKK fill NT. A m-at rw-au'iful farm j-f act-. a-r-a In hlIi (lair -'f r i' IHKInn. a fln t.out aiream a or.c th crltr u.ul! line- of t no p. a- al'out 4 ar't of t n a f.irni can Ym 4li'v lrnttej. It ta all nral -;.ia ;anl. iho bmUiinaa are fair; iwli anl In. pienierua fu wtth the pU.e. 1'ric- 1 per arr-. l.rmi n half th: ha ia n e .". 'a r. p-r rent. Th:a ! aloiut y tho I" l huy hln J.i mi.ea of rortJan'l. I nmiprod lump Un4 wl-hln a mlc of thta lurtn la ;.m: for per acre. If you nrr look- id f .r a farm Lar(atn. don't tn a K.n llna place. ALIREH A RtKEK. H-al Ktale. I Z AMnnion 1 - AT KST.UWKA. Whera tho oirton AuriciiUnral rollese n.amiam their ep.T!mental or-harda. ;o arreii. l.'i acre ui"ler cr:. part of bic frull fjrm. mile Imni epr.rr enlal orch a-'la. i mllee from urunon. mall r'Ute an.1 .ir.e line, corner pri;iert. vd piream and irntit. hun.lrei vt acre of bearlnd ei ft jounc "f' trJi aitj. .Inlng. Trlv-o 4'.o tlwtl dj n. and jejn' time on lh oiance. f r l!iua'rtel h.Tok!et of Kstacada. KTAMiIStl Kl i'.BKi-K. Offl-'O fcta--aiJa. an. I boj Lumbermen Hlilr. 1'ortla.nd. AIU'L'NH XKWIll.'K.;. Newterg la Iteate.l -"t mile from I'ortUaJ And 1 aitr roun-ie.l hy hih-claa fe.-ma and orclnri.a. Newoerrf llerif is a noal urfirab.e III Willi n to reaule. Iiiri fine arhooa and rollecea and no a.:oona. I nivi a J'l-acra l.nni. hiKhiy Im p.nveu. located In t ha ode of tho city. The bulMinss are all ool. tho orchard l .o.l and Ihe land Is the hest to le hud. I also hae sriilier frms and laiser (jrmi. If you sre Intert-aled. wrlle Vn Id M VI1. .New hern. lr.. or J. K. Snillh. Mt l'hniner o' l'ornmeri-e. Portland. Or. r-Tul" KH:HT HKRE' ll.-TtN. 14.. acre o' the liett p.-n.luctnr soli In Ihe WKUme-.t Vaiaev. IJr for hopa. p..tloea. hay or u.nry. II. Ifnpro.e.l; from leo to I oo rrrea bottom Unu, fulr farwa hull. lire, plemy of water. This frin ta located M mile from Port? jnd. IT mpes tii auto roJ-l. r.i miles from HlKaboro. and miles from a staiton on the I. tte offer this farm for !-. per acre, for a few days, and It la a. tually from lo I ll heiow r. a I value. Own.T. 1 A. NI.-H.H.S. No. Wll.i l.X Hl.lw;. A M H 1 1.1. lOINTV KAltM urra. on luilit! Rl-er. on Porl.and-W eaicoto sur. v.. ail hottorn land and In cultivation: no bui;dlcK: tLr.r lajid. otilt m .!. for I. op or potatoes. I'rl.- I.VM; will sell or trade and will take un incu'n her.-d p-oneitv on Hawihorur. I'nlon. Killlnaa-wor-.h or A:b.-ria s:.. as part or In fuj p.meni' no riih required, no Infi.iled -allies. Farm is renfd I h la year and purchaser j: Ts Interest lo crup. Lueild -nunn. Hl.l Klectrl. hide. Al ltKf-. JT miles from Portland. In Washington "ounlv. doso to railroad station and eiec-i.-n- line, on j.od county road, excellent soil: : acres under cu;ti atinn: Bood fam i:r or. -hard, li-room hoiine. barn and out :l Implements o with place, a i.. sood h. .iy team. rows. 4 hctfers. M p.ks. "T 1iim1 iom'i. lm chlikins. a snap st j)Wi. ha'f HM. KA1 r'r'MANN MiKlRK. l.uinovr Kxehan-r-. VAVltll.l. i iifVTV IlKsr KAIIM. ;4 seres southwest of McMinnvlMe; 1 mile to Oreson Ele.-tric; all fenood. mors than one-"ia!f In eultlv-ilion and in crop: oil mors tnsn $""-vo of prunes Isst year. The ton is rich. lifp. black and valley land. Prli Is 50 per ncre. Big bargain e'id einv terms. K. K. Seachr it. t llAPl 1IEUM)W MTU. at TRUST CO.. t.'liainbr of Cumrmrce. 110 ,li RE. rich black soil, well drained and ail uiuier cultivation, sltuared 14 miles from Harrisouric. on two county roads and suitable for subJU Idlna : KMd house and barn: good fences, purl wire-woven: two wells good water. 1 acre you nit orcharj. :,. sear-old trees; one mile from graded hmh svliool: I'- miles from S. P. Ry. and i irecon Kle. trie Uv., on rural free i!eli t r nd phone line In.julre l'.".. Stark St., I-orTl ir.d. Or. Main SuTd. A :;"4. Fl.VrrTR vT FOR VAKMINU OR Ol.ONIZATIoN. seres in Yamhill founty. verr good soil, nd well watered. It Is a good money making farm or fine to subdivide In tracts f..r c..l..ntsatlon. J rlce - per acre; very toed terms. K. rl'i.'HS. 42s Chamber of Commerce. A-SNAP N THE sri'TION LINE ROAD. :nlle from ct--trlo carllne. 10 acrea. ail r-ared and fenced: Z1 bearing fruit i.m; g--l house and barn; S. chicken lioueee: gooil well. This place can be sey lUr..1 al a reasonable price and on terms. WTSON THF.P.KElJ-K V CO. M.sldmg Bli!: Main !:?. 1 ; I A F: I"- fruit land, two miles from rail real town and on good county road. m.le from school, four-room house; sixty f.-uit trees, mostly Spits., five years old; t. mites from Portland; 1:0 par and but half csh SKNECA C. REtni CO.. Mam 4 4 ft First Street. A 104 4. lo ACKKS well drained, rich valley land on tine gravel nuromoblle road: ex.-eilent hui'dlni:s. private water system for all huildtngj. Price $lin per acre. best of Itimi If needed. OOWF.N-IUK TRI'ST COMPANT, a, No. '1 l.unibermens bldg. Oround l"'l.or. FAI.M 4-1 ACHE-t. 4a acres of choice land, only 1 1 mllci f-om Portland. . miles from csrline. re . in eultivstion. .room hnii. ham. i.r.-hjrd. running water, crop, r horses. 4 cow. 4 calves. cni. aena, mower, wsiiou, h lg ; Prl.-e IT ''. terms. V. J ileiwer. 4 Chamber of Commerce. inR acre. . I" ml'-l from Port'and. 1 s miles from ele.'tnc K. R. slitlon. l.'.TS seres. :a acres in J-l acres cleared, balance In t 'tuber: good bulldlnrs: land In vicinity selling' for - P-r acre. j R. ItENORKSON 0. 1arhs'l S"..". J"? Spjl'lmg lll'lic. A 41. .4. IM vor W ANT The verr best farm In ths state? Ti acres. 4.hi clear, house, ham slock, crop In. f.e creek with power for !cric 1-ght. ,te not fa- from K. ft. In Tnmhill County, price u per acre, terms. Thoe. McCuskcr. rt'-! I .imiermens bl'llt FOR SALE. lT:-a-re ds'ry farm, wl'ti stock, close Portland. ,1.cK-. and terma Call iv'.ir st. v.'Hr"'- near W.wd!and. Tt'ah.: lioua. ' .;,n vnd g.l orchard, to trn.'. for r-r p-ooe-o: price $ .(-0. Ralph Ackley- Land o 2 To "'h St. yitririvIN 2 acres good po-sto lsnd on railroad, near .-a em; low price and es-r 'erms IK -P. I'regonisn. w a veil 60 acres, with bulldlnga IA miles from rcrtland. near electric ilne: baigsia tot atl cash by owner 1I M.rosoa at. "TT . , pt c-u house hsrn. orehsrd. stoek. im- ,-n.IH. 2 m.les I 'arrolton. tVahlogton: 1'a.iO Old widower. Agent. Sent Ablngtoa. REAL ESTATE. Tor Hale -tarma. XL T WOOD FARM. A KI'JIILV IMPROVED FARM AND ORCHARD. Th owner of this farm, hating retired and moved lo town, offers it for sale t a bargain, ll 1 situated 3', miles no-th of Norm Plains, on fie I ulted Haliwsvs. 21 miles from' Pottlsnd. and consuls of 3. acres of rrd shot -oil. st an elevntlon of ;-.i f - above sea level. There Is -a I oust cf s rooms and a kitchen a good b.-rn. and other outbuildings. T'n.;e sprlng-i of fine water, runnmsr ell ihe year, piped to the hulifte. T.iree acres of timber afford a fine pfi are; there are acres of or -ch:ird. with th" following fruit t.-ecs and nut trees: 4 assorted ap ple trees. pea-'h trees, part in bearing. ! assorted pear trees, m peiile prunes. Is 1 laliuii . prunes. 1 aborted clierrc. 3 almond. 2 pe iiii. 11 cheetnuts. 4 li:-year-old Pi.rl.--Ii walnuts. 'Z other bearing walnuis. 4-ear-o!d wa' nuii. 2 Jaoenese nuls. 2 I'lckory nn:s. 2 oulncis. IT large black wal nuts, ft butternut. 3 plum and 1 mulberry tr.-e: also LcaTanbsrrles. siranberries and rii-nlif' rles. etc. The land Is all tillable and Is good rl-h soil. An Id.-nl home and chicken ranch. Snmpl-e of the nuts grown on tl.e rlae and photograph on ev hlVlon at 1'ils office. Price i.-.".: s.' i.m cs-h, balano on leruis to suit purcbaser. ii e. Ann v. Main J.'OI 4:: Chamber of Commttcc. THESE FAMOIS BEARING ORCHARDS. I" pi'mt'-s" walk to r..s'offlcc. In bea.itlf'jl i'hco. California, lu-year payment plan. Ililwell orchards offer 'u a prosperous. hel-hv home fi'.m which you gel an IM MKIUA1K IMUKH. Pit' irjrcTIVEN KS iRead Carefully! Nine boxes of almonds, agsr. gating pouii'is of hulled nuts, which brought ele to. were produced on one tree, or at acreage of I11TIM) per acre. Peaches, pears and prunes mow hrarlngi will aver age not less than -."' per acre. an nsil' richt a' fhlco ill'"'0 population 1. JI ST RI'ilIT FOR CHICKENS. Peas b-.ans. ia;oes and garden truck will yield as high as l:i per acre, be tween the trees. Two crops of potatoes. Six 10 seven crops of alfalfa. Cultivated Imd resr 1 hlco al 3tl p-r acra and up. Ilei'-lnc orchards. $." and up. Terms, lit per cent down 1 If desired 1. hs'a-iee 10-year payment plan. Further fill irmntlou from UlOWtl.l. ORCHARDS. INC.. OWNERS. 1 hieo. I'aitornia. or C. U BAM UKRi.KU. laicrl Agent. 7C.v. In Spaltlitig rt'dg. FINE HOME. ACRES. IS acr. s in nne state of cultivation. 3 acres slashed and se.ded. good pnsture. soms limber. Tne soli la red-shot, no grave, ltvel; will drain well, good cist subsoil: will not dry mil In dry w.-athT. The improvements are; i;oo.J 4 -room hnue, CMd 3-room house, hot house :." feet Ionic. god hsrn, g.d well with windmill, water piped to s:l the burnings, fnmllv orchard of -assorted fruits, lots of small fruits such M straw berries, raap'.erri.s and gooarberrlre. fenced i.nd croes-f ence.1 . the locnlion on g.o.i public road, lit liilckly settled Amer iesn neighborhood In op, n country. 1H mi.111 notlheast Second and Wasiilngton s's Portland. imie s.-hooI. 2 miles electric "no. K. F. H. and tele pnonc. The personal property with the place 4 cows. 1 horse. .-ai ehtekens. T hogs. I ton hi', and all farm tcola. wagon and buggy. The price. f.VKV. s.l'X" cash, bal ance 5 vjrs. .ITivlVSON A 'III.RF.RT. 40I Wasliington St.. VaiKouvcr. Wash. 1 ipposlte Postorice. THE FINEST SOIL IX STATE. Cltv limits of Newocrg. no acres nil In Mg.1 state of cultivation. 4'i avris bottom land. which ..v-nows with backwater from the WIMam.-t'e. and ua there Is no current. It adds additional rich soil year.y and the soli is a rich black aaudy loam and will grow onions, potatoes, etc. This bottom land ptoduc. d lln sacks of potatoes to lb acre iast year snd acres aro p'anted In pot-jtoes Ihts year. The other ."I srr-s is beii. li land and joins the city limits of Newberg. and streeis are sur veyed rltht throuali the place. This piace Is wel! s:o-ked with pergonal property and has good house, barn and outuulldingr. fine weil. bearing orchard. fenceil and cross-fenced and In fsct ta one of the best III Yamhill County. We have looked th s ov r and it is fln'-i will consider trade. PORTLAND msl.NESS F.XCH ANOE. Tol-lo Rolhehlld Hidg.. Marshall r. MR. OWNER Kv listing your propertv wllh us you mslve vour own deal wuh th- buyer, ttdrect. Quick results. No commission lo pay. Investigate. DIRECT REALTY CO.. 41 Venn Bldg. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. FOP. SALE OR TRADE. fin acres of fine land, sbout 12 free of STums. 4 s'sshed. burned and seede,i. go-Kt well, creek, good house, and burn, family orchard, d yesrs o.d. fi mlb-s of town, resr sehenil. church and stoic: will take soma good vacant lots, or house and lot. about m'-O cash, balance o years st t per cent; might assume on Improved property. If you niesn business see roy agents. D. 8. CAMERON REALTY. Cor. tt'.h and Washington Sis. Van ouvcr. Wash. IM'UMi; PROOI'CEH. oT5 acres first-class Wasco County -train and stock ranch: :;ni acres In culti vation: good house, barn, machinery sheds, siock sheds; go.1 family orchard: all fenced hog tight: good water, owner In business and needs funds ; yjilace leased this season: purchaser gels one-third of i rop and possession rexi Fall. Price for few days. li)Oo0; (-J.'aoi cash. lnc December 1. lul'; balance easy; no trades considered on this. JOllNSTON-ROTHFCrl at CO., pes chamber of Commerce bldg. Sell your propertv tn the buver DIRECT and save commission. We will tell you ho. DIRECT REALTT CO. 4t Teon bldg. FARMS AK"IND FOREST GROVE. Some of the best farms In the stats sre located lu Washington County around Forest Orove. and Forest C.rove ig one of the best towns tn Ihe slate. Fi'tia schools and colleges- We have a list of the hest farms 10 be had. comprising all sties, from u feer acres up to several hundred aerea V also bava city property. If you are Interested In a good farm, write Amos Inhale. Forest Grove. Or., or J. E. Smith. Mil Chamber of Commerce. Ponland. Or. AN OPPORT1NITY. I have several Improved alfalfa fartrin together with a large utnount of unlm piovcd land in one of the best fruit dis tricts tn the Paclrte Northwest: the prop ertv Includes a townslte all planed and well started. I will trade tile entire prop ertv for city property, either In Portland. Seattle or Taeoma. Anyone who Is de sirous of getting hold of a large amount of valuable land In a new snd fast-growing country should Investigate. II 11. Oregonian. IlKAUTIKVla FARM CHEAT. 2'on for a cosy and very productive 10 acre highly Improved farm. IS miles to electee, banks and high schools; real snap for the money; good terms given. V.! have all kinds and sixes of choice fnrmc and give good value for your money and t square deal to everybody, and guar ante, what we represent. F. i'lTHS, C'a Chamber of Commerce. !;. ACRi:S, -'OOi. flood whcs.1 ranch. 9 miles from Lex ington, in Morrow County: all but 4d aires hvs been under cultivation: good water; one-room cabin; ail fenced, a snap; half casn. KACFF.MAN.V MOORE. Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE, l.'npi-o Iftnn.acre STOCK RANCH; Owner sold $!V'iul beef cattle last year; SI'" Ml per a"rc: ginivwi cash, balance terms. S. H. Hermann. 411 Rothchlld h'dg 4.-. pen acre ti.v Portland 22 miles, near railroad. Co lumbia River and good town; all good sod. r:1 per acre; dears half: balance will cut ' lo"0 cords of wood; terms. Hoffmann, S.i Couch bldg. 11 ACHES nesr Wood!urn. Or., lo acres r-cl-ard. stock and Implements; all in .-ul-liv.cion to trade for rtiy prope-ry; fri-t t7o.fc. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. IT'l "th st. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED FARMS. Alfslfs. Krutt Impioved. I nlmprovsd. C. L, BAMBKf'.lJLK. ids Spalding Bldg. R K. I. FTATK. I'or rale lirrap. 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. HKI PER ACRE. S-H acres of very fertile, fire, level land, first-class Improvements; land located on Tualatin lilvsr near Sherwood; easy terms. I5 PER ACRE. in.-, acres, half under cultivation, gentlv rolling black loam land, located 4 miles nortii of Lafayette; easy lerms. ITO rtli ACRE. 1T3 acres of rlrh land unimproved, fid seres of bottom land In crop; located 4 miles cast of Carlton : easy terms. Ta PER ACRE. nit acres of r'.'-h black loam land gently rolling, half under culllvalion. ta.r Im provement, located on U county roads 'near Canton; one week more al this price. Above ar specially good. Y 1! 1T.M ER-K ELL Y CO.. TO 4th f-t. BASE LINE FARM. ;.' acres, only So minutes ride from city on Base Line Road. This property has the very best of soil, absolutely free from rock or gravei; Is level and the long side faces on road. 17 acres Is In hlsh sisia of cultivation; 2 acres la assorted fruits, balance In light brunh. New room house thai tost 100; new barn that cost flono. and water piped Ir.lo all the buildings: larg col. ken-houses and runs; also per sonal propertv of 1 horse. 1 cow, I. f.ns hay. light wagon, plow, culti vator, nis-- barrow, and atl farm tools. This Is an excellent place In a s.ood location, well Improved, and Is a splendid Investment. Price ,11.1'PO; easy terms. It. A. DRYER. "Tlie Acreage Man." rot Railway Exchange bldg. Main J.iil l'hunea A ilia. INVESTIGATE. If von want to buy real propertv. buy It I'lRKCT from the oivnor. Our plsn is ths right plan. DIRECT REALTY CO. 4"1 Ycon bids. RIM-.IE RIVER ORCHARDS, in acres. 1" acres In Spltmberg ap ples, one acre In Newtowns. b .yor I,'... rustic house, good barn; price JVif-j jloio esfh or will trade for good city Pr?Vacres across the Inne from the above 0 acres In appias. 6 acres in pears. . acre. In pears and apples. ,. years out. all pea. h Pliers: ' almond tte. s. 1.1 years olC. which will yield l"T tree this jesr: pilre l7.ioi; :"0 ciiiih, or will leads for acreage close 10 Portland. This Ir.nd Is 4 miles trom Uold Hill and Is sur rounded bv highly Improved fruit farms owned by Eastern capitalists. 1 h Hoard uf'Tri'de Hl.lg..' 4lil and Oak OCR Ul.i HAH' IAIN HALES THIS WEEK. mi acres, liu miles from Portland. 1H from Oregon City and .1 from Caxadero. on good county road; .".n acrea cleared, ready for plow: some timber and lum ber; blsg'st bargain ever offered at -5 per acre, part casn. 52 ACRES, nice level black loam soil. !'i miles from Heaverton. -, mile from sta tions on bolh Hlllsboro eiecirlc snd P. P.: nice creek through Imd; over .dtl cords of timber, worm ....V at station: adjoin ing land selling at .a; will sell all or lialf at lMi. Part cash. KASTE BROS, ru Henry Hldg FINE ONION AND CELERY LAND. Did acres wlihin II mile, of clly limits and nniv i, mile fn-m Boring Station: soil of the vei v best, about 40 acres beaver dam, ha'aiice mostly black, randy loam, ve.v little red shot soli: this place Is especially adapted for onions and rlery and mail fruit; HI acres can be Irrigated, stream pass.s through the place and furnishes plenv of water: price per acre- Senile cash, balance good tcrma ORl SSI HOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4ih and Oak. GREAT BARGAIN. 49 acres t.f hrltsat.-d land, miles from 1 mat ila and 4 miles from Hermlston; the land is all cleared and seeded; nhout lo acres In alfalfa, balance In rye; Irrigation plan, coni-lriicted bv the Government fln :shei and one of ill' best In the Went: this land would be a good buy at i:0 per i.ere. but owing to circumstances whle-i compel the sale I am offering ll r.t f I.M. per acre; 2-2 cash down. Phono or call between 1 snd 4:30 P. M. Main 54t. SlJ McKay hltlg.. Portland. SPECIAL UI'KEll. fne farm, over --") acres, crop Included- good country road on three sides, two railroads cross place, near Portland. It F. D.. telephone and milk route: plenty or water for all purposes, soil very beat; there aro many features that make It very desirable; csn be sold In l"-aere tracts at a big profit. For a few days only enn give vou a special price. Full particulars ai office, li.nimermail. aid Board of Trade h'dg . Ril CRKS about two mtles from Sandy P. 0' and near the Mt. Hood electric line: Cedar Creek runs through the place: about half under cultivation with scitn, orchard, berries, etc; It combines m line orchard proposition w ith a dandy summer home; Mr. Hood Is In plain sight. bold on easy terms. Price $ HUMASON. Marshall 314. Yeon Bldg. A 44S4. WSCO COCNTY. OREGON. WHE VT. STOCK. FKC11 RANCHES. 40 to It.Vuim acres; (VM to IHO per cte. Some trades. fOH.MroN-BOTHFrR CO.. UOH Chamber of Commerce bldg; J1S PER ACRE $15. railroad. 40 miles from Portland. 10 teres. HO tillable: will cut 10.001) cord of wcod: good fruit country; terms. Hoff- manr tint Couch bldg. . FOR "frALE Farm at a bargain. r."2 a.. Vil a uud.r plow. 2.". a. hops, good build ings hot and cold wnter ui house: close to Portland. si . orexoninn. FOR SLE bv owner. 16-acre ranch on the Lewis River. Wash.: some timber and Improvements. Call 608 Front st. M iacellaneous. FOR 1A1.H 2 acres land, tltlo perfect, ono half mile from Little Falls, good school, two cHurches. 1' or 12 acres In cultiva tion o- first-class creek bottom, none bet ter In' country: crops planted. jr. or annle. pear, plum and cherry trees, all large enough fruit for any family: house obi IJ" 2 "ow.. pigs, chickens, hay and farm Implements Included: my own prop erty and tha best buy In the country: I J . iO cash. . A house and 19 lota In town of Llttla Falls for T0ti. A house and 2 lots for 1400. A 4')o(i to ISnOO stock of goods, sales from 120H to per month: good house, low- rent, t-inta) cash handles deal, want to close out on account of bad Health All are good buys. Call on or ad ll i-ess W. D. Nolan, box' 13S Little Falls. Wash. ; FOR SALE Best vacant- residents lot oa East ilde. fine homes surroundings, B0 lop close In, near carllne. near scnools. worth Investigation. 4U0a Addrssa ujs. Oregonian. WEST PARK AP-VRTMENT SITE. One or two lots, reasonable In price and capable of good income If Improved, fair r-nial as Is. Vanduyn Walton, olj hamlier of Cominen-e. SANTIAM RIVER BOTTOM LANDS. The leading potato and hop center or the vallov: all classes of realty at rea sonable prices. The Saniiam Real Estate Co.. Jefferson. Or. . WILL make you 14 per cent Interest on a r..'.'Ml Investment In Improved business property. I must have money. C 0, Ora gontan. FOB rVAT-F TIHrtFrt 1-lVHt TIMBER TRACT In Klickitat Co., Washington. 3 million feet yellow Mr. 1 million feet pine and cedar; sawmill less than a mile; this must be sold Immediately, as mort gage of JlOiMj now due; terms on balance to suit puicliaser. Call 8o4 spaldlns bldg. Sp 1 section timber claim wltti 4.0'kl. iii. n feet, according 10 Government cruiser; la miles from Medford. in Jackson to.. Or.. :."O0 cash. Address W. N. Youuglove. box' -11'. Riclimond. 1 'aliforniH. FOR SALE -.r.'Wi aeres of the very best of yellow fir In Tillamook Co.. Or. For fur ther Information addresaAF 11. Orego- nlcn. ' TIMBER LAND" BOl.GHT AND SOLD. C. J VCRACKEN. 04 McKay Blflg TIMBER claims open lo entrv. J Ft. HAV11.AVD TIMBER CO.. B20 Railway Exchange Bldg. FARMS WANTED, FARMS WANTED. I have several clienta who want to exchange clly residence and Income prop erty for farms from i to 40 acres, within I'll miles of Portlnnd. What have you 10 excliiinge. Owners only. W. W. oreen. T13 Ciiam'jer of Commerce bldg. ' VA. I eiO.vvv cccai For close-In Portland acreage, valua -0.- t0(. . C. W. LAMAR. 417 Corbett Bldg. WANTED The best farm In tha Wlllametla Valley that l-'O.OoO spot cash will buy. F. FV'CHS. 4-'u Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Improved farm: must be nearly all In cultivation. Box 153. Forest Orove. 1 ir. M VI. I. Improved place, near Portland. I'l 10 ;n acres; must be bargain; owners only. 1' "I. Oregonian. WANTED HVi acres or less. Don't want Junk, citato prico and terms. T. T. Ryan. Temple. Tex.. TOT S. lllh st- FOB Kt.XT FARMS. I WANT a good farm within :!'' miles of Portland, close to ele-trlc lines; must bo well improved and slocked: price must be right; give full particulars in first com munication: will deal with owners only. JJ li, uregc nlan. Foft RENT llio-acie farm, all leeded: plenty of fruit and good buildings, stock and machinery for sale. owner poor health mid w'll Rive Immediate posses sion. Cash rent, av uieoo..'. FARM for rent; hog. chicken and duck ranch lease, stock and Implements for sale, close In. modern Improvements, vny reasonable, rnone .-uiiiu ee.,.. f ACRES bearing trees. T-room house and hsrn. on electric ears. Vancouver. ia. 1-. VV . l orgier. !'" i-neii""v me. 14 ACRES rich soil dirt . heap. llagemai..i, in blocks S. K. Milwaukle. WANTED TO K EXT FARM H W V N rKU To rem on shares, a small ranch arid farming tools. D 17. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. INVESTIGATE. If miu want to buy real rroperty. buy It niRTtVT from the owner. Our plan Is tha right plan. DIRECT REALTY CO. 4H1 yeon bids. AC RE AG B DEVEIX3PMENT. Have you an acreage development that vou want sold? I can sell good acreage "to Easterners and want la connect wuh the right parties with the right stuff. Have, a coionlxnuun plan that Is a winner. X 21, Oregonian. PRINE ORCHARD WANTED. We want bearing prune orchard up to $V.'.Dn. In vicinity of ' u '' Prune Hill or Fellda District. lark Count v Wash., or will consider location n Marlon or Yamhill counties. Don't want .ravel land; n.uat e nrst-c'-ss bearing prune orchard. GODDARD 1 WII.UKIIK, J4l Stark Street. WANTED TO BlY contracts niade by builders for residences built in Portland, in wrlling specify the discount for cash g?ve caUonP .! of lot and number of house, also amount unpaid on contract. .VT IS. oregonian. ' ....- ..- . 'T L'll I want to buy from 3 to 5 acres im proved not over lu mile, from Bor nd : must be close 10 electric ,',on-.Ca' dn Mr. Cate. 5-Jd Railway Exchange bids-. 4tu and Stark sis. : - ti- . VTCII riiui nn 1 . , . .... . ... Ranches, f.-uit and timber lnd to -change for property In or near city. Ad areas Oold Ray Realty Company. Med forilOi. vvTLirTu'v lot of owner in Laurelhurst, HawlEornc. Rose city or Irving ton t came Is way under price. I know so don t answer if not an extra bargain. Give pnone. number. Alt 15. Oregonian. LEASE WANTED. Wa have client who will purchase LEASE M . ' on down-town properly: stores and offices. Dolan. 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Ail looking for a tract of land not too far from Pmtland or railroad, must be good ao?l and low price, give particulars of what you have. tS. Johnson, box !.. Portland. Or. . T ...Ti.D Small home in Portland in cl.aTaVr ? ere. While Sal nn'orc'iard land, p.r.i.11;; Intprnv ed or will jell on very easy terms, 10U casn. la a month. H i. Oregonian. . ws-NTED Good West Side apartment site, soiul. of Washington; ';'!" part payment, balance cash. P Its. ore gonlan. w ANTED A or 8-room residence on rtluio Heights Improved dlslrlct wll buJ or rent it prices aro right ; w ill deal w".l. ow-.r. only. D 1 . JlrW"" " " LOT WANTED. Will buv a lot near B. 4r,th and I Siski you 1 If offered at a bargain. Call -U C.crlingerbldg..Monday: VNT unincumbered 30lK residence; give hi, acres. Willamette Vi.;ley. even ex change; improvement, buildings, stream. Ow ner. 1 IV lvonst. . A NT. to buy a 'business lot. BOxloo as 'vlose in as possible on one near oarline. East or West Side, not over 10,0lM. N 14. Oregonian. . rfluiioo TO LOAN on Income property In dlf- fcrlVi amounts from lon to $l.0wt. at lovve.t rates of InteresL Wm. C. Borchers, juT oregonian bldg. I WANT a" splendid dairy farm. BOO to RO0 acres, not over :10 miles from Portland. Give full nescripi ion. --e. WILL buy goM business lot on Alberta St. If price and location are rlRhl; give full par- tlculnrs. P IX Oregonian. W NTFD Acreage, vacant lots, automobiles or will sacrifice fur cash equity in 7-room . .... .1........A u ? f I rt until an rleaumoiiL". " " EW11T1ES bought. 12 acrea for equity. In house, lots, mortgage or contract. Lulled Realty Co.. room lioH Gerlinger bldg. Id I' not over $140u; will Rive Pugel Sound lot and cash, or will assume mortgage. 3'itl Henry bin a. WANTED From 1 to 3 acres, cleared, with good house, between Oswego and Port la ndtiearcar2lmiAJFJ ROSE CITY lot, south of car and west of ciid st. Olve lowest price and location. A R 12." Oregonian. HAVE JI'KIO to buy clear lots, mortgages or sellers' contract-. See Jas. C. Logan, MB Spalding bldg. WVNIiilD Acreage tract for subdivision, near Portland. 100 to fofl acres; give full particulars. AX 13, Oregonian. 2 TO 10 acres wanted In clly for plaiting, only at right prlco and easy term, how ever. E 13. Oregonian. WANTED B-ronra bungalow; will trade ellBO equity 22-room rooming-house. B IbTB. WANT to bur modern bungalow, nice yard, acre tract for small cash payment, balance monthly M "'"0if.gon'l' WASTED From 1 t3 3 acres, cleared, with nice house, on or near Oregon Clly car llne. P 22. Oregonian. CAN you take I16S0 cash for your 6-room house Marshall 1T53. WANT ED 3 or more acres, near Portland; must be cheap. O 2Q, Oregonian. IVAN'TED For cash, a cheap lot In Ross m'.re or Belle Crest. R 12. Oregonian. WANT some desirable river front acreage for country home, o 16. Oregonian. j WANT to buy an equity on Laurelhurst lot. J 1. Oregonian. WANTED 6-room bungalow ; will tradel3i0 equity 22-room rooming-house C 100- TO EXCHANGE. ' APARTMENT SITE. Portland's best upartment site on West Side close In on carllne, to exchange for municipal bonds or first mortgages. 8 10. jretioman. NEW nunfialow, f rooms and sleeping porc fireplace and furnace, ouxluu corner lot, splendid view. Will take clear lot or cash ft part payment, balance monthly pay menis. Price tllT'lO. AD 14. Oregonian. 1- i fir's stump lund, 4 miles from lla'iitcr Or., fine soil, on county road, l-ind lies fine; price $1200. Want 10 to acres Improved, close to electric lint, -about same value. J It, Oregonian. H WE good SO-acre unincumbered Willam ette Valley farm, parlly cleared and con venient to rali, wllh orchard house ar-J new- barn, to exchange for clear horn,., value x.'.VV). Klrendly, Tort Spalding bldg. TO EN'CH VNGE ! acrea near Kalama. Wash.. 1. mile from Par. highwav. for lot In Rose City Park or Vernon district, vv oodlsw n I'1. fSsnn FARM. 23O0 equity exchange for house, automobile or lots. L 9, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. SMALL FARMS AND ACREAGE TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. Near Metzger Station, cut in two by Ore gon Electric, 6, a.. Sc carfare: price S4.u0: no incumbrance: trade for city property. .10 acres, near Lebanon, all cultivated, good house, barn, woodshed, 2 hoghouses wllh runs, granary, chicken-house, smoke house, o a. bearing orchard, mostly ap ples; price $oiotl, no incumbrance: trade for city property. , "a a. at neaverton; o-rooin nouoe-, , large barn; will trade for Portland prop- , trty. , I 2 a. Stanley Station, near Estacada; house, fenced, city water, llo trees, apples, pears and cherries. 10c fare; price -'00O; trade for city property. TO a.. "4 mile south of C.reaham. 5T a. cultivated 2 springs, orchard, large barn. A-room bouse 4 reciatered Jerseys, horses. hogs, tools, etc. Prlco 20O per acre; trade . e.... I,,-. I na nroourlV I These are a few of the farms, etc., we have for city property. PORTLAND BCSINESS EXCHANGE. ToO-lo Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 3S2.i. EXCHANGE. CITY HOME SITE. One of the best quarter blocks on Council Crest, all Improvements in. unobsiructible view over the city. Price Xjuiio; want land improved or unimproved. 12 acres. Be fare, beautiful mod ern home, commercial orchard, small fruit and gardens, on graveled auto road: prlco Te..-.UO' take c'1' f home up to JUuOO. acres platting proposition in a small town 30 miles out. Corners at tTie depot. New modern, lo-room house. Price fliOOO, good terms. ' 10 acres all In cultivation, 3 miles from Albany, good house and barn. Price $2000; will take small house ALVORD-fA RR-IU'NTER CO. 21U-221 Board of Trade. FOR EXCHANGE. 240 acres. To acres In bearing or chard, estimate of lO.nuo boxes this year: So acres In cultivation: - acres can bs cleared very cheap. This la a high-class orchard of good varieties: it has a new apple huuse with stone basement. 30x72; house, barn and outbuildings. a lurge spring with reservoir that will Irri gate anv part of place; water In house and bam. Place is well fenced and cross-fenced. This is one of the best Investments in Oregon. Owners will exchange for property In Portland. .1. E. RATN'D CO.. 223 Board of Trade. A FEW PROPERTY EXCHANGE. o0 acres of unimproved, cleared land, near Salem, value JITS per acre and a well secured mortgage of 141100 to ex change for city property or larger farm improved. A double house in Woodlawn renting for $.13 per month, value tHOOO. unincum bered, to exchange for small. close-In tract of partially cleared acreage. 12ii acres of line land under high state of cultivation, well Improved, located at Milwaukle Sta. on Oregon City Elec line. Value Sllioo per acre. Will exchange for good farm In the Willamette Valley suit able for stock, etc. This is the cash price. We also have other good propert'-s both in citv and farm lands to exchange. WHIT.MEK-KELLY CO.. TO 4th St. EXCHANGE. 10T acres. T5 acres In cultivation, stream of water, fairly good build ings. 6-room house. 00x.2 barn, new granary, hoghouse. chicken-house, bo-ton alio, old family orchard; 10 acres in 4-year-old English walnuts: 4 head horses. T bead Jersey cattle. 40 hogs, lo-o chickens. 6 miles from Newberg. Owner wants a good al falfa ranch or income property; will trade iT acrea. J. E. RAND & CO.. 223 Board of Trade. THIS FINE LITTLE FARM TO TRADE FOR GROCERY. P.ESTA I'RANT OH SMALL HOl'SE AND LOT. 1." acres, ciiiy short distance of Wood burn. Or. all cultivated. T a. In hay, oats and vetch. a. strawberries. 1 a. pota toes, -lust planted: good house, barn and oulbullaings. There is a mortgage of $1L5 pavable X20O yearly. The price without stock vools. etc.. is ?2iU0. with the fol onlng stock. 1 team horses. 1 colt. over 3 lozen chickens, tools, wagon, buggy, etc.. SltsoO Our client needs some money and - will consider equity In something clear of Incumbrance. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. ToO-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 3S2.. BAHGAIN ON E. COUCH ST 3 roon s. new and up-to-date, furnace, full basement ready to move into at once. Price for quick sale. .ouo. Owner will accept lot up to 12000 as first payment or part payment. lioRR 1.. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL. KIVEK HOME FOR DESR1.VBLE CITY PROPERTY, ij-eoom house, thoroughly modern, witti wid verandu. overlooking the Willamette, equipped wltli large fireplace, wood lifts, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, etc.: one acre of the moat desirable land along the river; fine trees and a splendid bathing beac.i. Will trade for good city property. See W. Pettlbone. 332 Cham, of Com. 11-ROOM HOUSE, lot 40xl,:i. in Minneapolis. Minn.. ave. South, near 22d St.; house cost 12.iMlO to build, and Is good as new; by spending $2S It could be rented to pay 10 per cent on price I ask. which ) 6o00. Want city property, vacant or Improved. In Portland, acreage near th.- city, or farm land In Western Oregon upto tUoUO; bal ance cash or mortgage back on place. O. . R- ELLIS & CO. ,-fl-010 Wilcox bids. SPOKANE. WASH. Elegant clce-in residence. T rooms, modern: lot M'xl20. In Spokane, including swell furniture if desired, worth e'-OO'j; will make you a good trade for Portland property, as owner Is anxious to move to this city. If you want a residence In Snokane. call and see photographs. O. C. R- ELLIS & CO. 509-510 Wilcox Olds. .-.4 ono 1 211:1 ACRE" of the finest Eastern Oregon wheat land, lloo cultivated; for citv or close-by farm; will assume. $40.ll"0 Business lot. IOOxUXI. close in. for Income property up to S0O.0OO. 4, uiiiu 213 acres, the rlnest farm in tha N VV ' brings Income 12.o0( annually; for Income; 2.).H0 cash;, retiring. M civ. hAlltlOl.T REALTY CO. A.loS. ' '913-1T Lewis Bldg- 4th and Oak. HOOD RIVER Do you want a 40-acre farm at Hood River? 8 acres of apples. 6-room house and barn. 1 minute to R R.. post office and school, -v. Ill take Portland lots clear of incumbrance, up to $3000, or house and lot. Ross Nicholas, 014 Ablng- ton blK. .-wain aj.-ii. FOR SALE or trade, as owner has too much other business 10 look after, controlling liiloreat In a small sawmill, plenty of timber, orders ahead for the next six months, mill now- rui.nlns night and day-. See Nlmino, Runey Co.. 424 Hamilton bhlsr. OR Wll L SELL 9 lots, best addition on Garibaldi Beach, value 1 300; certain to Increase this Summer. What have you to exchange? All or part: real estate pre ferred . AN 19. Oregoniatij VH A I have vou to exchange in city or country property for an Sl-room brlrk apartment-house, all full of tenants? Call 3-.';t L.umoer cm-oa. mvE-i 6-room house in Highland which must be sold al once, or will exchange for a lot. A ion or MT 1 HOR HOME win accept lot as part pavmnt. balance arranged. 308 Henry uldt;. INCOME property, no incumbrance. Glen dive. Montana. Want Portland property. P h one East 2170. mornings. CIGARS ice cream, confectionery, etc.. and furniture five-room flat. Will trade for good lot. II.. N. th. Sunday. WANTED To exchange a good piano for office furniture and typewriter. Phone Tabor 3211 or call at B2 1st at. WHAT have you to trade for $2400 equity In handsome fi-room bungalow- on corner lot In Laurelhurst? mm Couch bldg- BUNGALOW, well located and desirable, for lot as part payment on same. 308 Henry b'rig. j WANT to buy a small farm or acreage. J -O. Oregonian. WH A'1 ha' w vou to trade for 10 acres clos'S to Forlland? S 11. Oregonian. 1 WILL trade my ranch for a home. K 1, - Ore Ionian. WANTED AUTO top for runabout. 101 4th. HIGH-CLASS EXCHANGES. Want City for $10.000 10O-A. valley ranch: no Incum- brr4.O00 East Side. Mt. Tabor: nvestl- K1Sir. 010 111 A. potato ranch: gilt-edge. West Side; income $100 18.20 320 A. dairy, close to city. Want County for StO.OOO Residence and $SU00 casn. 17VM Gen. mdse. store, country town. 2."i,o,mi East Side; income S-oO. e' Hotel and building. A-l. What have you for ITOO0 Country hotel; lease; extra Boo. $12.000 East Side: Income $10o. $12. rum Country hotel; good Income, $14.0011 East Side: Income $lo. $14.5iio West Side; Incomo $120. $23-i)ii 131 A. valley, all cultivated. 2S.tkMi 2oO A. White Salmon, irrisated. $iio.OlM SOU A.. Payette, Idaho; irrl- a$.-."ooo Valley farm and $20,000 cash. (v.'i.OOO Valley farm. cash and resi dence. $120.0iK West Side: Income $1000. Want Denver, Colo., for $13.000 East Side; Income $103. BECK. 272 Stark St. WANT CITY INCOME PROPERTY", ANY" AMOUNT TO $40,000. Offer choice unincumbered property, fruit In bearing, young orchards, part diversified farming, capable of further development, excellent buildings. WANT PORTLAND PROPERTY. AUTO. SOME CASH. BALANCE .MORTGAGE. Give excellent unincumbered fruit land, cheap; piped spring water, good build ings, near Mount Hood survey and auto mobile road- WANT SEVERAL ACRES AT ELECTRIC STATION. First payment. $:ioo(l equity. 7-room. $7000 residence. dressing-rooms. latest modern Ideas througnout: choice loca Ihn, best restricted addition. E. E. DARING, p.04 Wilcox bldg. Marshall 1S4T. A ilfi". i! HAVE a country hotel. Inland town in Wasco Co.. completely furnished, with 1 acre ground, clearing $1o0 month: $3600; clear, for Portland residence same value. 2338 mortgage on 23 acres timber. ',4 mile from Orchard. Wash., to exchange for Portland residence; might assume small sum. 220 acres. T miles west of Grants Pass; 1O0 acrea under cultivation, large hay and stock barn; $no per acre; want Portland Income or apartment site. This Is good; 0 miles from railroad. Have 4 dandv lots, corner Holman and 2Tth streets. Irvington Park Addition, to trade for rooming-house of $1(000 valua tion, close in. What have you to exchange for 4000 acres of unincumbered Mirhluan land in Ogemaw County, do miles north of Sagi naw, worth $10 per acre? E. F. HOGMER. H2o Yeoii hldg. Marshall -.0. FOR EXCHANGE. 110 acres clear of Incumbrance, all good land for cultivation, located in Lake Coun ty. Oregon: $2000. Also 6 1-3 acres, which joins the town of Larayctte. good small Improvements, abundance of fruit, chicken-house; $-00; Incumbrance $-.oo. ' Want good restaurant, feed store, or a small grocery store. 10 acres, all sond land. 00 acres in cultivation. 00 more almost cleared. - 1 miles to two stations, good improvements, abundance of fruit; $9lil0. incumbrance. $".".00. Give possession and turn In per sonal property for satisfactory deal in city property. Would consider part pay ment In f Irst-rluss apartment-house. GO WEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. No. 2 Lumbermens bldg. Ground Floor. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 ncres. all planted to commercial varie ties of apples, mostly Newtowns and Spiti enbergs: part In bearing: fine spring; good house; beautiful view: near town of Hood River, on main county road: good Income next year. Will take unincumbered . room house as part payment. AP 11. Ore gonian. 40 ACRES richest soil in Oregon. 2 hours' ride from Portland, good creek of pure ewaler. on automobile road and right in small town; lund around Jhls selling for $1110 per acre up: my price $i0 per acre: trade for house and lot in city If not in cumbered. Apply loiill front st. Phone Main 3HOT. $12".0 FOR .". beautiful lots. 4 blocks to car, joining city, good water, all cultivated. Some cash. Slight take some trade. Vv Hat ll ivc voii ' SO acres. Molalla Valley. 30 miles lo Portland. . miles to O. W. P. oarline. ..o acres cultivated, some timber. Mia 111 taivo house or lots, or what havo you. GEO. A. RIOGS. MO Spalding bldg. ....... Tii.,niiJiTm" In sunny California, about .0 miles north of San Francisco, a fine ranch of 023. excellent buildings, etc.. In the great resort county of Sonoma, only S to per acre: unencumbered, for good Portland property unincumbered. F. Dubois, l-UJ Y'eon bldg. loO ACRES. 12 miles out. l.-s level creek and spring, old house and barn 5 . a. res in cultivation, balance tlmocr. 2S million ft. close to river: line pic e of lan.i , -miles of Stiver Lake. Trice $4lO0. trad" for Portland property if clear; lot of fnd buva and trades. Call or writ., for Hat. N. P. Grlbble, castlo Mock. Wash. RO ACRES OREGON ELECTRIC. One mile from station, all fenced and about TO acres In crop; close lo river and "own: will trade for Portl-nd property and some cash. 417 Corbelt bldg. BEST OFFER TAKES, THIS, s rooms, fine, rlose-ln location, fine fur niture, nil new 6 months ago; rent jao Income $90 and a good home, th'" must be sold regardless of price: see this today If vou want a snap; make terms to suit buver. Call 81 loth, near Stark. TRADES. Partly fievcloped fruit ranch for country "'iCquHv'in modern East Side T-room. modern "home for acreage near electric. SENECA C. BEACH & CO.. v.. in 111 9" First Street. A 1044. FOR SALE or exchange, on account of sick ness I am compelled to sacrifice my- SS room apartment house, new brick hiilld-n-v modern in every respect: will take $..00 cash and $2000 ir. good real estate. Lall East I'll"'. WE have good country "tores, business op portunities, city property and good fat ms to exchange one for the other. Let us know what you have and we will try to match it. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Com merce. HIGH-CLASS, improved, close-in city lot. Or 20 40 or HO acres In Yamhill County for a GOOD second-hand 4 or 5-rassenger aU'' CAMERON & STOt'FER. 2111 Lumbermens bldg. I0ACRES OREGON ELECTRIC. Vear Multnomah Station, will trade for business property 417 Corbett bldg. EXCHANGE $ unincumbered lot and cash for lot In restricted district. Vroom now. unincumbered bungalow, price $::oh, for vacant lots or acreage. Owner. AC IS. Oregonian. ...... T T . VCV A splendid $"-1000 home In a splendid lo cation for a well Improved small farm. CHAPIN-HERLOV MTGE. TRUST CO.. 332-33' t nam per 01 .umiiicivt. FOR 8-VLE New house. 8 rooms, modern improvements, corner lot bet ween Sun nvside and Hawthorne carllnes. Will ex change for acreage or sell An easy terms. Phone Main 8700. Owner or D 8. Ore gonlan. mo ACRES of fine, level. Eastern Oregon farming land, on main road, mil" from town: will trade equity for small place In Western Oregon and give a good deal. A 14. Oregonian. . FOR SALE or trade for Portland properly: $2700 equity in 15 acres of choice level cultivated land on Salem Electric at y est Woodburn. Owner, Box 424. Forest Grove, Or. : WISH to exchange high-class rooming house twelve rooms, fine location, rea sonable rent, up-to-date, in pint payment for bungalow or property within oc car fare. I ' 11. , 11 -."in. i-'or SALE or trade, my equity of $1000 In a modern T-room bungalow located on 62d at K 2- blocks from Mt. Scott car. for acres' or good city lot. O Orego nian. , $"oon EQUITY on lot In highly-restricted dls-trlot- car service: all Improvements, or will trade for diamond; balance to run as mortgage 3 years. AD IT. Oregonian. 80 ACS A-l wheat land: Eastern Wash., value $100; exchange for 7-pass. auto or Portland property. Box AK 20. Orceoniaii, T OWN a bunch of' lots in the city: want good 7-lose-ln farm. O 19. Oregonian. ifoR-SALE 6-room bungalow: wduld take auto or lot In Rose City Park as first payment. Phone c 12 or C 2314. EQUITIES In Enstmoreland lots valued at Jltoo. $400. $000. for unincumbered su burbs n1otsiirioreageKl lOox.100. WEST SIDE, income; will accept good 4 or 5-passenirer car as part pay ment, iiwner. ZIW I.UIII Ie, .n-u;, urn.. GOOD lot .in Irvington Park: will take horse or team as first payment, balance easv monthly payments. L 1"'. Oregonian. WANTED Lot for rooming-house; $J70: fine location. 406 Commercial block. HIGH-CLASS Wesi Si.iu residence, with three lots, value $20,000. for Caluornla or Denver property. $10,000 equity in fine Noh Hill resi dence; consider suburban acreage or farm. Sixth st. fine flats, part payment on apartment house. Irvington flats, $15,000: will consider Ir vington home, up to $10,000. 20th at.. West Side, 100x100. for homa or flats. Park-st. corner, consider building lots and some cash. 1 11th. st. West Side property, value $40,1K'0, and cash, for business property. Briclr building, covering 3 lots, near Mnrrlson-st. bridge, for West Side prop erty; value $90,000. $4000 equity- In $0000 Irvington home, near 14th and Broadway, for lots. ltith-st. corner. West Side, value $16.u00. and cash for other property. Apartment house, brick. West Side. $32,000; consider farm up to $20,000. $10,000 Mount Tabor home for close-in acreage on Oregon Electric. $"j-00O Mount Tabor home for small farm not too far out. 22 acres. Jenne station, as part pay ment on fiats. . 00 acres, near Medford. 30 acres In fruit: value $.10,000. for Portland prop erty or Mill. Apartment house; will consider good subdivision proposition from JtOO.OOO to $100,000. Goldschmidfs Agency, 410 Cham, of Com. JflOOMIXO AND APARTMENT-HOUSES TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY'. 11th St., near Taylor. IS rooms, rent $13T. Hase. good Income; price $1800. This place Is well furnished and clear of Incumbrance; will trade for improved or vacant property and assume. 111th St.. 14 rooms, light H. K.. rent J0o: good incomo, w-cll furnished: equity $1020; trade for. city property or live stock. Third St.. 120-room apartment-liotise In 2 to fi-room apartments: lease: well fur nished: rent $390: Income $1100; price Jl 1.000: no incumbrance; will trade foe 6tock of groceVle3, drugs or improved city property. 9 Main st.. 31 rooms, light II. K.. in 1 and 2-room suites; rent $100: well furnished, lease: income $2d0; price $20O0; equity $1770; trade for lots or acreage. Xob Hill district. T rooms in .". and 4 room suites: rent $Ho0: 4-year lease; in come $1100; expenses $100; equity $3000; trade for house and lot or acreage. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 700-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 32.V l HAVE Sj'l acres 5 miles from railroad. In Willamette Valley, which I want to sell immediately, and I will take some good city property as part payment: this is one of tlie best farms in the valley; tjoo.1 buildings, well fenced and would be a. big money-maker If sold In small tracts; it is slightly rolling and best of soil; If you have some good property and somo money, come and see me or call me bv phone and make an appointment. s A'. Steele, 071 Jackson st. I'hono .Main S. APARTMENT-HOUSE FOR LOTS OR SALOON. Cigar and eonf. for acreago or lots. l'arms for house and lot. I1W1 a. homestead. 1 ,- ml. to town and R. R nir lots, business or acreage. Acreage near Beavertoti for house and lot. ll-room modern house for farm or acre age. Wo have nnvUiing you want. GARLAND : CO.. 191 4Ul St. IrlO ACRES. 4 miles oet. 40 acres in culti vation, loll acres pasture, slixhtly rolling but lies good for farming, on main county ruad- creek and spring; School mile: . telephone In house; R. F. I. : 1 -room liou-oi. barn O'-xJ'. lot other buildings, Si'.tiiio worth of tlmocr. close to river, SOOtul; S2.-,oo lu clear Portland propert;.; no equities: can get terms nit balance 7 per cent. N. P. Grihble. Castle Knelt, Wash. CASH VALUE TRADES. fl-room modern house, close in; $i.'ii'; for acreago close in. 20 acres onion and celery land, close tr Portland: for Portland property; will guarantee an Income of $10O per acre mi this land; lota of other good trades; no inflated values considered. J. R. HENDERSON" CO., Marshall 3902. 007 Spalding Hldg- A 4I.. FOR A FARM. We havo a 4-room flat of nee room each vvilh two rooms in basement: li"i water heat, modern in every way; "ili exchange for a farm near carllne, from $:o.iicu to Jio.pao value. J. E. RAND CO.. 223 Board of Trade bldg. 1117 ACRES All '- mile from railroad junc tion and tou n." fenced and cross-fenced, small new house and barn, deep bla' k so'l. ievel, running water; this farm is suitable for dalrv or general farming: will accept Hood house up to $:;0oo or $l0oO as first puytnent. Sam Norton, 7 Chamber of Commerce. TO exchange. 144 acres, about three mllei south of Grants Pass for house and lot in Portland. Land partly cleared: good house, barn and outbuildings, small or chard, sevoral springs, strawberry paeli, grapes. About $2Oi0 worth of uncut cord wood on the place. Telephone .Marshall 1 90O. " HOTEL FOR FARM. A good brick holcl In a good live town ir Eastern Oregon to trade for a farm. This hotel Is leased and Is a good investment. Price $22.0ou. GRUSPT .t BOLDS. :il Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. 40 ACRES. 6 miles from Forest Grove, or. good county road; excellent soil; 2. acres under cultivation; 8-room house, barn and outbuildings: good family orchard; price $di0. Take Portland residence up to $..SC0. mortgage for difference. Kauffmann x Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSE TO EXCHANGE. 2ii rooms, well furnished, good lease, clearing $100 month. If you have soms casli and lots, mortgages or anything of value, will consider same. Don t over look liils. It's a snap. Call SS 10th St., near Stark. EXCHANGE. 0-room modern cottage, good location Eist Side near carllne, furnace, shades, gas and electric light: $.su0 equity ' will take automobile, vacant lots. Hirnber or horses, balanco $10 per month. G 11, Oregonian. . FINE modern 8-room home, close in on East Side, to trade for acreage, prefer sma I. house with ground in cultivation, but w 1. consider otaor acreage if not eo ar from electric line. Price. $T000. Pacific oast Brokerage Co.. 018-19 Board of Trade. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. r.Oxloo-foot lot, corner E. H1I1 anil Ainswoith, $32o0; terms, or will trade fot """"wv-rSON & THERKELSEN CCV 306 Spalding hldg. 2LJ'. TVVNTED $60 worth of work lany kind! in exchange for first payment on l"t 100x100- erect house; balance easy month ly payments, o 11. oregonian. WHAT have you for 640 acres fine wheal land. Eastern Washington, mile to sta; lion: building, equipment, i. Gordon, An'. Apartments. Oakland. Cal. . 5 ACRES bearing trees, house and barn or elcutrlc cars. Vancouver, sell, rent or tra,t for Portland property. F. W. lorgier. 100 Sherlock nine. WILL exchange my beautiful river front hnmoslte on the West side; value SSeOO -for 1 ts, acreage or home. AN 1-. Ore gon ia m . 40 VCRES. 41". miles from Medford. to ex. change for city propert J. WATSON" & THERKELSEN' ..".. 30C Spalding bldg. Main .-. WELL" Improved, well located ""''J' all In cultivation, berries, crop planted will trade for house or vacant lot. Cal. soon. M. M. Apple,29lyJ'Lc,gl T WILL exchange my modern S-room home, in Tacon-.a for Portland property: mc equity is $3500: price ;ooo: leased for JoO per month. AN H. Oregonian. Wll 1 trade $S33 equity in " acres near Vancouver (contract price $1000). for good residence lots. M OSS. Oregonian. )rAVE"good city property, value $0000. tc "exchange for land near Portland or tin couvcr. C. W. Lamar, 41T Corbett bldg. Wd.iT can vou offer for my equity of $10. 000 In good residence? Address H 18. Ore gonian, HAVE equily of $2000 in fine new home. What have you to offer for trade? Address H 19. Oregonian. WILL trade my home equity. $2000. for good - lots, ciear land, timber or auto. H li, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade at cash value. li;o acr'i choice farm land in Wallowa County. Or. A. Id-ess owner. A II 11, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange for acreage. elj located, a good T-room house. Address W. i;. Woods, 92 E. T'lth st. N.. city. WILL trade fine launch with hoathou.ic for lot or equity. K 11. Oresonian.