HURRAH ! 30Y COME PLAY OF "J30Y COUT THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. APRIL. 2-1, 1912 OHU WELL. V1K. DUoo UUl UU1 ALL Kluni i THS CORN tMUTE Jys' It J. ' fl (fV y . fP. NOW, I'LL TUV 'y.EAT A30UT TH.S rv! SO THROW fi(WE OF THIS X WOW1. S?25 c O MURDER! LET MS ' - AflN y&$ .Ovarii WELL, THERE S A0 RE TWAN ONE. v XjM-IM WAV OF LEAVING "THIS PLACE ! r---" ' ' i ' . . 99 o o MOW TO PLAY- Every boy scout enthusiast and la fact every one of the family will en joy this new game of boy scout. To begin cut out each of the squares bd low and place them 'In one pack. As many as 6 persons can play,' so the dealer selected takes the pack and If 6 pre playing deals out 6 squares to each player. The player to the left of the dealer then plays one of his squares (as In authors) on the table tend each player does the same and after one round the one who has 'played the highest number gets all the cards on the table and the play starts again The object Is to cap ture the letters which will spell BOY SCOUT and the player doing so wins the game. In case a less number than eix flay, always take out enough cards to make each play er have an even number Xf cards dealt, but In doing so do not take out any of the letters contained In BOY SCOUT J I i) C I P 1 1 I F 1 2 3 4 5 6 d H" 0 d) . EC L 7 6 9 10 11 12 IM iMj IP l U 13 14 15 lb 17 1& J T y w x- 19 20 21 2 & 23 24 y & s i) a 25 1 26 I 27 28 29 I 30 ANNA BELLE'S AND MARJORIE'S CLOTHES Dear Kriend yesterday the mail man brought me an armful of letters from my M"'" Imagine how happy It made me to read the many exprebaionsoi ,or, Y "uot, follow thmaii I try to do all I can best 1 can. I am ehowli like them. The little to please you and am glad when you make your kind suggestions and follow thenras wing you some new things which Marjorle and I have just gotten and hope you will v.r. -,i mii nr,v-" and I think are very cute, don t you7 THe ANNA BEIXE SEWING SOCIETY is still progressing and soon i hope we will have a membership, of many thousand rr .nd rirU. I hone vou will do your best toward organizing one if you havent already begun Write, nM as often as you can. for I'm always so glad to get your letters. Address me care this paper, movingly.