SECTION THREE Pages 1 to lO TO EDITORIAL, MUSIC AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXI. POKTLAXD, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1912. NO. 1G. Reorganization of Classes in Needle and Crochet WorRbyMrs. C.J. Quinn Mrs. Quinn, our former instructor in art needle work and crochet work, has returned from a 16 months' trip through the East, where she studied and gave instructions in many of the largest art establishments. Class opens tomorrow 2d floor. FREE LESSONS 1 TO 5 DAILY Manicuring, Hairdressing Parlors and Hair Goods Store, 2d Floor Optical Department and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, First Floor The Fashion Center of the Northwest Occupying Entire City BlocK 52.50. Suits $35.00 $35 Suits $25 $20 Suits $12.95 ' til A if I L Three Remarkable .Specials Unequaled in The Great Northwest In the Big Suit Store Second Floor. An extraordinary sale of women's high-grade, well-made Tai lored Suits, in tho very popular serges, whipcords and diagon als. The coats come-in the new cutaway styles, with one, two or three buttons, with lace collars and cuffs, or ratine or striped satin and plain contrasting colors, on long revers. Coats are lined with high-grade silk; skirts have high waistlines, with tunic effects, or panel front and bade . High- Aof CCi class values to $52.50. Offered, very special, J)39.US LOT 2 Comprises Diagonal Suitings, cheviots, whipcords, serges, etc., in rose, lavender, light gray, reseda, green, navy, black, fancy novelties, pin stripes, etc. Plain tailored and fan cy trimmed styles designed on neat, pleasing Aqj ff lines. Well made, exceptional values to $35 for. OZjVU LOT 3 A splendid lot of Women's Tailored Suits, all gol Spring models, in blue and black serges, cheviots and home spuns, attractive mixtures, checks and stripes. Coats are styled in the two, three and four-button cutaway effects and straight fronts. Skirts are box-plaited, or have inverted plait3 on side seams. All sizes in the Iotv They are actual $20.00 values and are offered at only. $12.93 Grocery Sale FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY TIIONE EX. 12, A 6231. SICE, 4 POUNDS. 25c Host Head Hire, unpolished and clrau SMALL WHITE BEANS, 4 LBS. 25c Fancy Dried Apples, 2 pounds 25 Dned Chemes, two pounds for litC Corn SUrch. "Best," package. 5 Kingford's Corn Starch, 3 pkgs, 2."k 25c Hotel Mushrooms, the can at 19c Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 packages, 25c Fish Flakes, three cans for only 25 C FRANCO-AMERICAN SOUP Half pint cans," special at only 10 One pint eans special for only 20c One quart rans, ppeeial for only 35C SPAGHETTI, 3 CANS. 25c A la Milanese. Extra choice. Try it. OLD-STYLE SYRUP. One quart rans. special at only 35 C Half gallon eans, special at only t5C One gallon eans, special, only $1.20 DRIED WHOLE MILK. t?mall eans, special, for only 25c Melium cans, specialized at only 4."k Extra large cans, special, only $2.25 Will not spoil; keep in any climate. Norwegian Sardines, 10c; 1 "1 f or the dozen eans for only P X . A v Crescent Sardines, soused in mustard or with tomatoes. Regular -0c Cn cans, special, three for only'-'C Fancy Maine Corn, special, can, 11c $1.25 Royal Club Olives, special, 75c 75c Royal Club Olives, special, 40c 35c O. W. K. Baking Powder at 29c - Minced Clams, the can cpecial at 10 Minced Clams, special, dozen Sl.lO 20c Table Peaches, 3 cans for 50c Jellicon, two packages for only 15c Figs in Baskets, special at only 20C Stuffed Dates, special, the box, 25c Beata-AU Cleanser, special, at Lighthouse Cleanser, special Round-up Cleanser, special at 5c Ladies' Gold Watches and various other articles. WW'U Owners may redeem same by proper descriptions. Imported Shantung' Pongee SilRs $1.25 Grades 98c $2 Grades at $1.69 Silk Dept. Main Floor See lOth-St. Window. Tomorrow ushers in the-"all-week-long" sale of high grade Imported Shantung Pongee Silks, which for serv ice and durability have no equal. These Silks are made"" on hand looms' by the world's most thrifty little people. A fabric woven like all cloths were made before the world got in a hurry by people to whom the art of adultera tion is unknown. These Silks are now in popular vogue for women's suits dresses; coats, waists, etc. "We spe cialize them all this week at the following reductions 27 Inch $1.25 Pongee SilKs 98c 34 Inch ffil.25 Pongee SilRs S1.Q9 34 Inch $l.5Q Pongee SilKs $1.29 34 Inch &2.QO Pongee SilRs 31.69 'Ratine5 75c to $2 New Shipment Jtxst In Aisle of Cottons Main Floor. "Ratine," more popular, in greater demand than ever for coats, suits, for trimmings, etc. "Ratine" is Dame Fashion's favorite fabric. AVe have or dered generously and the stork is now in. Priced very reasonable at, the yard, 75S 85c, $1.00, S1.25, S1.50, S1.75 and $2.00 a yard. Trimmed fiats - $10 HatsTor 5.95 $50 Hats at 35.00 S127.50 Mats S67.50 Millinery Store Second Floor. Tomorrow at the stroke of the 8 o'clock gong, ft" we will inaugurate a great sale of Women's Trimmed, Tailored Hats and Pattern Hats, vj iiicii tsvn at regular ijiiucb i-i urn -piu.uu up lvf yyy $127.50. at most extraordinary reductions. 'f'.. Knox Hats Not Included in This Sale Values to $10.00 now selling for S5 Values to $13.50 now selling for $7.95 Values to $16.50 now selling for $9.95 Values to $22.50 now at only Sli .95 Reg. $25.00 Hats now only $17.50 Reg. $50.00 Hats now only $35.00 Reg. $27.50 Hats now only $18.00 Reg. $60.00 Hats for only $40.00 Reg. $30.00 Hats now only $20.00 Reg. $65.00 Hats for only $42.50 Reg. $35.00 Hats now only $25.00 Reg. $67.50 Hats for only $45.00 Reg. $37.50 Hats now onyl $27.50 Reg. $72.50 Hats for only $47.50 Reg. $40.00 Hats now only $28.50 $75.00 to $87.50 Hats for $50.00 Reg. $42.50 Hats now only $30.00 $110.00-$125.00 Hats at $67.50 Reg. $45.00 Hats now only $32.50 Reg. $127.50 Hats at only $67.50 400 Beauitifcil New SilK Ores Worth to $18.50 for $9.98 The Result of Special Negotiations With a Leading New YorK Manufacturer 400 Sample Dresses All Are New Styles for Portland We feeljustified in saying that if other stores had such Dresses they would never sell them at this ridiculously low price. They are certainly bargains at the price we ask: A collection of Dresses unprecedented at this season of the year.. Astonishing in quality of. material and splendid workmanship and fashion. Our buyer being right on the ground at the right moment, ready to pay the cash, succeeded in securing: all the factory samples at an average of less than half the maker's cost price. The materials would cost you more than "vve ask for the made-up garment. The materials ' 1 1 1 A J. Ci? 1 " 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 mpsM nps. nen. isTrn is th ttpti s. nirr n-rrninp m i arns rnrnrn nnrreRS. sine ser in shades of delft blue, navy, brown, green, lavender, tan, rose and black, in plain or .3 changeable, dotted, figured and striped; m fact, every wanted color; fasmoned witn normal or raised waist lines, Quaker effects, ovcrskirt and Tunic effects, Postillion and Rusian blouse effects. A collection so broad in its scope that every I?Q QO taste may be satisfied.. Values vary up to $18.50, specialized for tins sale P70 TnE EARLIER YOU COME THE BETTER THE SELECTION SALE AT 8 A. M. mmm mm Mi Tie-On-Blouses at $2.75 up to $11.75 Just received a complete new stock of Tie-on Blouses, made of good quality taffeta, messaline, linen, marquisette and lawn. The taffttas and messalines come in plain colors, checks, plaids and Fersian stripes, trimmed with Mexican drawn work, crochet buttons, etc. The marquisettes come in white only, with large lace collars, an ideal showing ot the most pleasing styles, ranging in price from S2.75 up to $11.75 New Spring Waists Special $2.95 A special sale of new Spring "Waists in lingerie -and marquisette materials, with high of Dutch necks, short sleeves, nearly trimmed in linen laces, cluny filet, Val. laces, embroideries, etc. Some are styled with the new peplum effect. Sizes run from 34 to 46. They are special- (T Q Q(J ized. for"this sale only at, each &47D U--FLO0RHJ Novelty Siiitios at lOc On the Bargain Circle Between the Elevators. A one-day sale of "Novelty Suitings," extremely beautiful in all the leading colors, including stripes, checks and plaids, just the thing for Summer wash dresses and outing suits. All good patterns. There's hardly a woman who cannot find use for some of these goods. They are suitable for so many different pur Jxes. They are good values at 20c a yard, Are priced f rtremely low on the Bargain Circle at, per yard, -special X VsC Standard Rotary Sewing' Machines .Special $38 On the 61.00 a WeeR Club Plan With Lifetime Guarantee The Standard Rotary, Drop-Hea! Machines, a wonderfully popular and attractive design, perfectly balanced, 6elf-raiKing, automatic drop-beads The rotary shuttle is the vital ele ment of the Standard, which makes it easy, fast, silent and enduring. The standard rotary shuttle revolves continuously without vibration or noise. This wonderful ma- 1JQ Q ff chine is sold with lifetime guarantee at only PJOJ ,We use the Standard and O. W. E. machines in all of our own workrooms. In our men 's tailor shop, alteration department for women's wear, for corset alterations, in -millinery work rooms where the most severe tests are given, they are operated by feot and by electric power. Let the lady in charge of de partment, second floor, give yon a fer lessons in Sewing and demonstrate the advantages of these machines. So easy to own. Sold on the club plan at only $1.00 a week. RicHardson Linens A new import shipment of the famous Richardson linens just received. - The first showing tomorrow will comprise linen table damasks by the yard. Tablecloths, napkins, plain and fancy towelings, art linens, shirt waist and dress S7.50 Portieres at$4.75 $1.25 Drapery Silks at 85c In the Drapery store, 3d floor, a sale of fine quality Tapestry Portieres, reversible; finished with heavy silk braid and cord bindings, colors are garnet, rose and old gold. The $7.50 grades, $4.75; l f 7Q if X vs. c Drapery silks in the best values we have ever offered, most desirable de signs and colors for the decoration of windows, small and large 'pat terns, 33 inohes wide; our $1.25 grades for 85e a yard, and 2f v for onlv VVV- ftbe 85c grades now for only $12, $6.79 and $18.00 Fancy SilKs 48c Choice of 29 OO Yards On the Basement Bargain Circle, a sale of 2900 yards of fancy Silks, Messaline and soft-finished Taf fetas, in neat stripe and check patterns, rich, lus trous finished Silk iu beautiful colors, for Spring and Summer dresses, waists, etc. Special, yard, 4S 24c Day in The Basement BOYS' UNDERWEAR 24 A splendid sale of Boys Balbrig- ft ' xv A? IN THE VX l at roor or JJ gan Underwear, snirts and drawers, in medium weight ; shirts have long or short sleeves, drawers are knee or ankle length, splondid 35c quality in all sizes, 24 to 34; special, the garment, this sale, low price 2-1 WASH TIES, TWO FOR 24 An exceptional sale of men's new Wash Ties, a new lot, offered at this special price; a great va riety of patterns to 'choose from; spots, stripes, etc.; medium width four-in-hands; special 1 tor 4 WASTE BASKETS 24 A sale of Indian-made Waste-paper Baskets, light in weigLt, made strong, assorted styles, for office or home use. Regular 50c; pe. 24 riiOUTTCING, 24 YARD A great embioidery sale, 2500 yards of new embroidery Fhrancing, 27 inches wide, fine Swiss muslin, in a great variety of, new patterns. Regular 35c quality special 24 BLEACHED SHEETING 24 A sale of full Bleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide and splendid quality; special for this sale, yard, 4 MILLINERY BRAIDS, 24c iOO pieces of Millinery Braids offered at this sensational price, a great variety of colors, lots of blacks, 10 and 12 yards in each piece. Very specially priced for this sale. The piece at only 24 Specials 1 Hardware Dept., 3d Floor. Phone orders, Exchange 12, A 6231. 5oc good qnality Brooms, special, 45 40c Mop Sticks and Cottoii only 25 loo. galvanized Water Pail at 20 $1.20 strong 6-ft. Step Ladder, 51.08 $1.75 sanitary Floor Mops at $1.25 25c sanitary Furniture Duster, 19 50c bottle liquid Veneer at only 39 35c "No Dust" sweeping cmpd. 29 45c Old English Floor-Wex only85 43c Boyles' Floor Brightener at 39 15c Rattan Rug Beaters only . 10 75c Brush Mop and Handle at 50 $1.25 Brush Mop and Handlia-$1.00 25c Brilliantshine Metal Polish. 19 15c Scrub Brushes, special, odIj 12 50c Greyloo Carpet Cleaner only 29 15c steel edge Dust Pan for only 12! 50c turkey feather Duster only 39i $7.00 BlanKets $5-25 Fine white wool Blankets, with pink or blue borders. , Come in large size. $6.00 BlanKets $4.95 All-wool plaid Blankets, in all colot combinations. Come in the large size. $2.25 Pillows. Pr. $1-45 Good, feather-filled pillows, covered with art ticking. The regular size. $7.00 Pillows, Pr. $5.15 Live goose feather-filled, covered with the best ticking. Size 23x28 inches. $12. OO Mattress $7.75 Felted cotton Mattress, made with heavy roll-edge and covered with plaio or fancy ticking. A fine mattress. Down Comforts Reduced Extra good grades, covered with best sateen. These are special, as follows : $ 6.00 Down Comforters at $3.75 $ 7.00 Down Comforters at $4.75 $10.50 Down Comforters at $6.75 $4 Lace Curtains Only $2.95 $6 Sunfast Curtains at $4?5 An unusual offering of White Battenberg Lace Curtains, made on the very best French nets; manjr attractive designs to choose ' from, some with wide lace borders and plain net centers and many with neat lace insertions and edgings to match. Curtains are 50 inches wide and 3 yards long. Regular $4.00 grades for $2.95; regular $4.50 fo fjt grades for $3.35, and the regular $5.00 grades priced only pO O NEW "SUNFAST" CURTAINS in colors to stand the sun.- A large variety of these splendid new Curtains in artistic 'designs and colors to harmonize with any room; can be used as side draperies CA with Lace Curtains; 214 j-ards long $6.00 values, the pr. pJJ The final cleanup of these factory samples is ordered for tomorrow. It furnishes a rare opportunity for thrifty women to replenish their wardrobes. The lines comprise gowns, combinations, drawers, prin cess slips and chemise, etc. Made of all grades of lingerie, crepe, muslin, cambric, etc., nicely trimmed and well made. We secured these three lines at half regular prices, and pass them on to you at the MAKER'S COST. Single garments at factory prices. alone OHimfm'' frps. etc J:-.YJiV Mil Hi 4 m mmm- w t 1 v ? k. 11 n i . if nui 5 Three- Garments 98c to ece $10 $5 Bon Ton Corsets $1.98 Extraordinary sale of the famous Bon Ton Corsets, designed for medium and slender figures, with low or medium bust and long skirt, with flexible back bones; tops are trimmed in lace. These corsets are fitted CJ 1 QO with 4 or 6 hose supporters. $3.50 to $5 grades, special at J' $7 Bon Ton Corsets $3.95 Corset Salon, 2d Floor. Bon Ton Corsets, made of fine quality coutil and batiste, modeled with high or low bust and brassiere tops; splendid fitting models, with hose supporters attached. Regular $5 grades QEC for $2.85. Our regular $7 values, specialized for this sale at POSJ The "Leona," the most popular and most practical of all under garments a three-piece, perfect-fitting garment, made of long- cloth, nainsook and crossbar dimi ties, trimmed in dainty lace, me dallions, lace insertions and fine embroideries; ali sizes; priced, special, as follows: 98. S1.49. S1.75, S1.98. 82.98 PP TO $10.00