TTTE SUNDAY onEGOXTAy. POTtTLAyP. AmiL 21. 1012. x - . , I ' - . v . 1 NEW TOIlVr. I KKW TODAT. f BEAI, ESTATE. SrW TODAY. ycW TOUAY. XKW TODAY. EW TOIAY 1 ; Z F.r Bale-Lot. North Eighteenth Street S. . Cor. Johnson St. 100x100 feet, 4 houses on corner lot, inside lot va cant. . S. E. Cor. Northrup St. 103.150 feet. N. E. Cor. Northrup St. 100x100 feet. "S. E. Cor. Overton St. 100x100 feet. y S. E. Ccr. Quimby St. 100x100 feet. N. W. Cor. Quimby St. 70x100 feet, two houses. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 8-" Fourth St. RIVERDALE DISTRICT TEN LOTS $350 EACH Lrvel. Mriitly. flosp to rar, wnler in. fine view. See MR. KUPPER CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. r:!2 ('h.mihfr of Commerre. - UNION AVENUE HrtI.K). enr. A-li. 3-sy. brick .$50,000 f)2'..7n. ror. Knsehiun 3.600 6-,--U0. ror. KMjn 4.450 vixW. cr. At-liley. 2 liou.-cs.... 4.000 Goddard & Wiedrick 241 Stark St. East 24th St., North, Near East Couch St. Eight-room House. Lot 50x90. $3500.00. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St. IRVING ST. LOT .lOvlm) feet on north side of Irving Mie.t. between X. 22d and X. 2.'i 1 Ideal apartment site. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. fv Fourth St. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY S 13,500 ."OilitO. w ith ra k.i;.'e. loeated on 15th St bet. Marshall and Lorejoy Streets (2118) See I. E. lU-lliii-rcr. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SITE FOR Apartment House . OK HOTEL OR STORES ft vtintperit crrer on West Side, rlos- i i'rl. r. $;). iN0. Iniinetllate m-s.ii- -n. :i;t MRTW A TIKIMPM K".l nt.te ept. hamkee ef t nmmrrr. RMc EASTSIDE FLATS r-vtr .".-room Mat at 301 K. llth: mod in. 'T-nrr h't. I"'; net n your in .itment Thf. chranet flat on the mrkrt. for tiie lHtlou. K. . Tl l l'imn A t n. i-hll k Spahltni; bid. 12th and East Bumside Crnrr ;S10 Price$10,500,HalfCash my- a. hu:iMiRi,K i U Board of Trada I APARTMENT SITES 130x100 on Everett, in the best apartment district, $50,000 100x100 on 21st near Wash ington $30,000 100x100 on Ella near "Wash ington $30,000 50x100 on Ella and Everett. Fine corner. Only corner for sale in this district $18,500 100x100 on Loveiov and Cor nell Road. Commands fine view and is one of the few unrestricted lots in Gold smith's Addition $17,000 (JOxlOO on Marshall $7100 50x100 on Lovejov $6100 50x100 on Marshall $6200 50x100 on Marshall $6000 HUMASON Mar-shall 371 A 4454. 1404 Yn. !VER ATHING It Is Great May we show ymi our three river home for sale f Where you may jump into the Willamette from your own low n or Kn short ilistanre to the river. Thee places have' fine view, some na tive trees, and are thoroughly np-to-tlate. nnxlern houses in first - cla neiiiborhuotln. TLc Rive rd ale District Ask for Mr. Van Nice Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St. Phone. Marshall n7!M. A 3:524. RVING THE BEST THE EAST SIDE HAS TO OFFER Itefiued surroiiutliiijrs excellent schools, jiood car service, lustily im jroved restricted di.-trict. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We have placed on the market 100 of I he choicest lots in Irvine-ton from S1200 to 1800. Hard-surfaced ! reels., improvements bonded. 10 per cent down, balance monthly. HOMES READY TO OCCUPY Wc elso have for sale some of the bct re.-iileiices in Irvinpton at very reasonable prices and on terms to suit. Branch office. East 13th and Knott streets. 0Kn Sunday'afternoon. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chnnibur of Commerce. WANTED TO LEASE , A responsible mnnufacturinf; concern desires to leae for a term of years a factory ttnd warehouse, containing about 150,000 square feet of space, lo cated on Thirteenth or Fifteenth. West Side terminal trackage. Reply to T Orearotiian. s Center of Population The MOST DKStnAPI.E LOCATION In the City. Is CKKTAIX to ADVANCE IN VAU'K from year to year. Seelnif 1 belleviuK- li a"i Tiie Creson Real Estats Company ;ham ak. a.u iii'LT.omah st. WEST SIDE BARGAIN Nice home. doe in on Wot Side, walking di.-tance. lot oOxlOO. a fine location. Price S()on. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonian Building ROSE CITY PARK r ot it nt ; i. Iiitch klt(-hen. btiffet. bookcases, linen closet, paneled ilinlnK-room. hard whkI floors, full cfnn t basenient. Tern- 1)1 T - tl.KKK COM P AM Knlldrr Ihiirn r.Ttk Mmlr HmcI, Over Itraotnre TON Ilolladay Addition lepini Hr' l. f.ri-stl fur tiar iil n- .11 Ur rtrin-.i 1 1 i i : ftfii' ra .trict) UawUlally pay men la. AJ VW, Orcgoni-id. INVESTORS CONSULT US ABOUT Portland's Great South East Industrial District South East Side. Almost $3,000,000 Now Being Expended In this district. Near the great Reed Institute. Exclusive agents for HOLGATE ADDITION which emhraces fine river view, busi ness and residence lots, at prices varyinjr from rnn tip Iucludin? graded streets and cement walks; both water and sewer systems installed. Ixits sold on small monthly payments. Greatest opportunity of fered for both investors or home builders. As a ennrial inducement to home builders, we make this offer: Select your lot and we will build your house to suit, all on small month ly payments. Call on us for literature and relia ble information. A-rent on ground daily, Sunday in cluded. Take Sellwood car to Alice street. HEIDRICK & WINTERS 996 Milwaukie St. Tract Phones Sellwood 1124, B 1191. Citv Phone Main 1429. Continue blnn attractive to home builders anil buyer, as Is evidenced by the sale-n made the pust w-ek. Speru l.itors as well as homebulldors see the advantages vf thin attractive addition. Iilrect carline; splendid location: In the line of the most rapid development of the city: lota with alleys: located on boulevard. The flr-st buyers of lots In Altamead ran already make a profit of forms are easy 110 wn and $10 per month, we will assist you - to build -ur home and ou emm aeleet any plan you choose. Instead of renting, own your ow home. l.av un that rental charge each month In your owm property instead of other's property Our autos are always at your service. GERMAN REALTY TRUST CO. Marshall 3532 A 561a. 26t Stark 8t Portland. Or. CaliforniaLands WIIOI,KSAI.I-: AM) HKTAII, Iinds In all parts of state adapted to all citrus and deciduous iruits and nuts, hrit es right. Stock ranches and suhdlvlsion propo sitions from 1000 to 100.000 acres. Smith & Sweet, Inc. Main Office -Modesto. Cal. Portland hraneh. .110 Board of Trad It Id ir. I'. H. Zimmerman. Msrr. QUARTER BLOCK McMillan and labbabee Good income PRICE ONLY 23,000 ' Call for C. G. Reagan CHAPIN & HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. .t.'l2-ri.'8 Chamber f Commerce. Bealitiful, well-an-anged. new, 8-room, story-and-half bungalow modern, FOR SALE BY OWNER Restricted residence section, Pied mont; 5 carlines; JO minutes to' heart of city. Must sell soon. Call at 1289 Commercial street. Two Houses for Sale Xortheaat Comer Morrlaoa aad 1S(B . Hrlck Bulldlna: to Be Rrected. These housea are well built. Can ba moved to new location. Offers for Housea Now Received. 113 Vroa Dldu. I'huae Mala 10O3. Mortgage Loans On city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Bid?. A XICE MODFRN KIGIIT-ROO.V IIOll-; I Nob Hill District It is 50100 feet: bard-surface street paid for. I ran Rive you a bargain on this. You will have to see me to set details. No telephone Information. .KO. I). M IIAI.K, aS Stark Street. CULMS. BEICIttOGE dt THOMFSOSI, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. S3 Wceata Block, raona AlaLa C5. ine ' .., - , f n value another m'-fi00 ..-dlaa-these l';iS"wth alleys are worth one- illrNn- thun lot without t)iTn Our ACREAGE SNAPS 24 ACR.ES, close to the citv limits of the NEW TERMINAL CITY of WARRENTON - OREGON Where values are sure to advance by leaps and bounds, as the public real izes what is to happen at Oregon's Oceanside Port. This buy at $3000 will make you INDEPENDENT for LIFE. Let us tell you about it. SUNSET REALTY CO. Commercial Club Eldg., Room 1 Main 312.?. Portland, Or. Tualatin Vi lew Park THE MOST Sl'l:SFI I. WEST SIDE til IMTION LOTS ;IH AXI IP TERMS Streets graded and city water Included In prices. Uvery lot has good view of the Tualatin Valley. Due west of Council Crest, on sunny side of the hill. Fifteen houses have been built In the last 10 months. There's a reason. Let us show you the property and explain tiie renson why. Dorr E. Keay& ''Co. '21 Flo" hum Her of ComnifrTf Bldjj. CRANBERRIES PAY Better than anything you ever heard of. We can convince you if you call Dii or write to TINKER REALTY CO. ' LONG BEACH, WASH. WEST SIDE BUYS Lovejov street., 80x100 $8,000 Ixvejo'v street, 100x150 36,500 Ovtu-ton street. 50x100 6,000 Irving street, lot and house 6.500 Glisan st., near 23d 50x100 7,750 G0DDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark. An Opportunity To secure 12o0 feet watM- front, about 60 feet In depth, unexcelled factory or warehouse site property, by reason of water and rail transportation, for less than Its real value. l.and fronting the river, not so well located, held at 1100 per front foot. This Is owned by in CNtate ami can ue ooujcmi mr m ier front foot. It Is sure to advance n value greatly above this price. TheShaw-FearCompany Ms in 3.'. lOi Fourth St. A 3SU0 FIVE ACRES KAI1 BASK 1.115 RO AO Vi mile from carline; cleared, and part planted loganberries; all fenced. . $650 per Acre --Terms Dorr E. Keasey & Company S4nf Klnor f hambfr of Commerce MONEY TO LOAN CITT MORTGAGES. FAH.U UUUTGAbKl, i owf.m ii tibN ; t-ai. to .rrr. A. H. BIRRELL CO., Thtr mm htmrm. A COUNTRY HOME ADJUIM.XU McMINW 1I.I.K. Ahoiit 7 acre, within 8 blocks from crntr of town. Good house, barn and clilokn-liou: variety of fruit In bear. Ins: creek. Trice. H000; terms. GODD.ilin A WIKOHKK 243 Stark -t. INCOME PROPERTY Two lota and building. Incoina 15 per cent. Will consider lot In good loca tion. Price 112,000, with terms. TIMMKUM . 3IO Board of Trade. .NKAK lMO!S AVE. Lot ROxlS". '4 blork from I'nion ave.. south i Kiissell st. lOaMv t"imj. Prl.-e very low. (.OUU UIU II UHU h, 213 Mark- CRANBERRY ArP17 . i LAND THINK HOW EASY IT IS TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME $35 a Month aud a small cash payment buys this beautiful home in-., one of the best residential districts of Portland. A home with all the mod- : ern details characterizing a high-class twentieth, century residence hardwood floors, paiftl dining-room, ' built - in buffet and bookcases, with ' art glass windows, elegant lighting fixtures, fireplace., single panel doors, plate-glass windows, large bedrooms and clothes closets, tiled .bath room, Dutch kitchen, finished in white enamel, full concrete basement, laundry trays, etc. All street inmprovcinents in and paid for.' - - Telephone us today and our representative will call with automobile and show you the property. Join our list of sat isfied home-owners. Don't put it off until to morrow; come today. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 146 5th St. Main 68(9. A 62C7. .ad J! ON BASE LINE ROAD Where all the activity now Is centered. ON THE CARLINE A GREAT BIG HALF ACRE AH In cultivation, for the price of a cheap city lot. H(re you can build .your little bunfia low, keep chickens, . raise your own vetftable and let the city grow up around you. SGOO IIO DOWN IM-' MONTHLY Auto service by appointment. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. iMnl Kltnr ChflmUrr of Commerce 2 GOOD BUYS $3800 50x100, very rlo.e in on .MISSISSIPPI carline. This lot Is improved with a two-story building, ronsistlnjr of a store and five living rooms. The in come is permanent, and It is one of the best business sections of the. East Side. "W 1 1 1 double in value when the new bridges are completed. ,54000 Fine nine-room, modern house on KILEINISSWOIITH AVHNl'E, onlv 100 feet from UNION AVENL'E. The lot is xtra large and faces two streets. This property is $1000 below its actual value). It Is excellent for business pur poses and now pays Kood interest on the Investment. Terms very easy. DeYoung & Johnson 514 Chamber of Commerce II Ids:. Sycamore Acres Best acre buy in Multno mah County. Get an acre on Johnson Creek. Close to depot. Ask for iilat. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 302. A 2302. For 231-: Twenty-third st., North, oppo site (iood Samaritan Hospital; 27 rooms; 125 per month. Will give lease. Watejield, Tries & Co 85 4th Street. WASTED! WASTED! WASTED! In Good Location, From Owner. Best New Bungalow of five or lx rooms, modern, at lowest price and easiest possible terms, for youna; married couple. Fl.KTi'HBR. i-S Abington Building. MORTGAGE LOANS CO EVERETT &SIM0N0S 7 J O Incorporated. 9 V 410 BOARD ' Qy Tit A OH BtTILPlXU. MONEY TO LOAN I Of WM. C. EOECHERS JQl O JO 207 Qrcgoiiian Bldg. $ O l Kent 1 wesite Take a car ride to Sifton, the new townsite on the electric line, eight miles out of Vancouver, Vash., and see the development. You will enjoy the ride and you will see something you want. 1 to 10-Acre Tracts $325 to $350 Per Acre Business Lots $75 to $85 Land all ready to cultivate, tibod soil, splendid location. Prices right and terms easy. Be sure to see them. Ward & Younger Suite 420, Yeon Building. VANCOUVER OFFICE, Suite 11, Blurock Bldg. A corner, (iO feet frontage, below market value. Best location for apart ments or private hotel, i'or which we furnish tenanl, and guarantee 12 per eent net on an investment that will not exceed $50,000 Goldschmidrs Agency 415 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATK SKCVRITY Will Loan Any Sum. $200 to $14,000. Also Will Sell or Lease Kither -'14xl'J4 at East Thirty-first and Thompson streets, or five acres near Kyan Station, Oregon Electric K. R. GKO. H. THOMAS, 207 Oak Street, Room 1 AlnMworlh Hide KEAI. KSsTATK DEALEKS. BRl'BAKER & BENEDICT. Ale Kay blag. M. Mi). ' Beck. William G., 315-318 Failing bids, thapin & Heriow, 3:; Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. S. & CO. 48 Corbett bldff. JenninRR & Co. Main IMS. 20G i)reKonian. PAlMKK-JOXE.S CO.. H. I. 404-4O5-40tt Wilcox bids. The Oregon Real EntHte Co.. Grand ave., at Multnomah st. (Holladay AtMUirn.) REAL ESTATE. For bale Lot. $150 CASH REQl'IKED. Raise poultry ; have fine garden ; set out fruit trees, and within city limits of Portland. convenient to two trolleys, vchoul, stores, etc.; Bull Run water al ready on tap ; restricted district ; a splen did home building site. 85xJi'S feet. Just think of it ! S feet longer than a city . block for HOLT., just what it originally cost owner. You can buy this on terms of oi:ly $150 cash, balance easy monthly payments. This beats buying lots to a "frizzle." J. W. Crossley. Mi Corbett bldb-. v $otoo BL'YS a good five-room bungalow, $Jj per month and not hlng down ; full bail ment, electric fixtures and shades, four blocks to car, near to hard-surface streets; also - f ivt--room bungalows, just fin is lied; $-!mio. wiili loit down; $25 per month, including interest, ri. u, btevens, I'linton st., corner E 34th. Eii'l-KNUIL half acre near carline; water, sidewalks ; price- low, terms easy; tem porary home could be cheaply erected; rirst puymVnt can be made in work if desired. Carpenters, plumbers, plasterers, atten tion. Apply lor written particulars. O 11. Oregon lan. GUILD'S LAKE PKOPEKTY. A dndy speculation, ,Vxluo. two houses. Income, north of Nicolai St., In direct line for factory or railroad requirements; must sell at once; ?.'iuoo will handle; act quickly. AD 9su, oregoiilan. WEST SIDE LOTS REASONABLE. Only :i0 minutes out, 5c fare; water, sewer, firewood, magnificent river view, trees and shrubs ; sizw ."Vine 100 or mor; prices $i'U0 to 4tO. ONLY FIVE LEFT. AC 4, Oregonlan. , A BARGAIN. $1300. Lot 30xli0, al 60th and K. Stevens sts., Aubon Pai k tract, near Ml. Tabor Park, - 2 blncki from Hawthorne carline. M. Wohlers, 151 3d. Maini93. MR. IN'KSTOR. 'if you are looking for something good, look at this lot, 43x100. near the. new iSteel bridge; will double In value in next three years, but cannot hold on; terms. Owner. Marshall 3S30. FOR 3 LOTS. I will sell : lots, -."ixluo feet each. In lrvington Park, for ?S50, on small payment clown nnd easv terms on balance. Call Hast 5-J17. after 6 P. M. FINE lot on Stanton st.. half block east of Williams ave.. flat or apartment site; $1SG. easy terms. Owner, 301 E. llth st. Phone Last 30-3. FINK corner lot, $10 down. lll per month; 2 blocks to car: water in, streets graded, cement sidewalks: Improvements paid. Owner. AO 3, Oregonlan. OWNER needs the money and will sacrifice beautiful lot in Ina Park; this lot can be ousht for at least $L'00 below present market value. AP 6, Oregonlan. COUNCIL CREST. 3 benutfful lo;s overlooking the city at a bargain: must raise some money. V Ort-gtmian. FINE lot. down town, in the city. 70x55 feet; fine large frontage, walking distance; a splendid investment opportunity; $1750. AG 1 Oregonlan. BARGAIN Nice corner lot. Piedmont sec tion. neT houses all directions, cars near, no agent's charges. W 3. Oregonlan. UNION AVE., corner 02-xl20, near Al berta; orV will trade equl.y. Owner. East 3S33. LAURELHI'R-ST Choice view lot, best neighborhood, pear carline, cheap uy own er. S lfcO, Oregoninn. LOOK HERE. A nice residence lot in Lents, closo. In. onlv $350: must have money at once. Ad dress owner. A 71, Oregonlan. 1 HAVE got a lop-ft square on 76th and Yamhill sts., which I will sell at once to settle estate. If sold at once at a sacrlfico price. Inquire 20s Morrison st. FOR SALE by owner, bargain. 100x100 lot. city water, near Reed Institute; price $-..'.0;' terms. AP 10. Oregonlan. BARGAIN $650 for good Hawthorne dis trict lot. W 1. Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice equity in fine Laurelhurst lot on Gllsan St. Phone Marshall 22S1. LAURELHURST equity In four view lot3. Tel. Main 90S. $son LOT for $-o0 cash. 64th su. Rose City carline. fnone .Marsnau ti?i. BY owner, snap. In restricted Beaumont. AB 2. Oregonlan. BARGAIN 5 lots neur Enst Mt. Tabor, I1m. terms. ranor l.;i. 15 .Mini. , BLOCK' in Piedmont: snap: must have money. Owner, Y. S. Oregonian. Just Off Washington Q MORTGAGE. LOANS MR. SPECULATOR, READ THIS, Values have Increased more on Heipht view lots than on any class of property in the city for the amount invested. NOW LISTEN The Kings Heights sisn is the most visible point from every place In the city. SUCH A VIEW IS PRICE LESS. NOW, I can sell two lots, with Iden tically the same view, for $1800. on terms of $t00 cash; balance, 1. 2 and 3 years. Don't you think it's worth investigat ing? It's a good chance to make $.ih)0 on your Investment. S W7. OREGONIAN. TOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. LEVEL VIEW LOT. J1500 500 CASH. Corner lot with magnificent unob structed view of the city and Mt. Hood and overlooking the City Park. Ten min utes of 4th and Washington; hard sur face.' restricted district. Don't go far out and pay the same price, but inspect this first. It's surely a bargain; the buyer will be lucky. S 978, OREGON IAN. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 50x1 08 cooner 2d and Sheridan sts.; $2000 cash, balance one to five years; this corner will increase in value, . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. . lO'J Fourth St. A 3300. 1RVINGTON BARGAINS. Full lot on the-carline. close in; higk and sightly; all Improvements in ani paid; $-U.-iO, terms. lLot and two-thirds on carline in bea part of lrvington for $."00. Fine corner, close in, block of car; 75x100; $3500. R. F. BRYAN. 505-7 Chamber of Commerce. Main liKl: A l'J'JT. I RVING WOOD That choice restricted resi dence addition just east of lrvington, nat ural shrubs and trees, improvements in and lots still for sale at $7i." on vers easy terms. There is nothing in the clty to compare with this property. Take a Broadway car, go to Klickitat street anil walk east. A gentleman Is on the grour.o to show vou the property. The Western Securities Co., Agents, 414 Spalding bids. $l.r.O TO $200. For beautiful lots 40x100, adjoining city limits, close to carline; all cultivated; Dover Park Addition; good water, cheaper than acreage. WHY 1'AY RENT WHEN $111 CASH AND .- PER MONTH WILL UTY A BUILDING SITE? My auto is at vour service to show these lots. George A. Rlgss. 813 Spalding bldg. Phone Mar shall -74i: evenings and Sunday. C 104. BE FIRST. The first person that answers this ad will buv, so If you WANT IT. be first: choice lot, f0xllH, $H0O. best part of Mon tavilla; only 1 Mock from car; $j down and $1 per week. SCOTT & BEESLEY. SILLS Ablngtonblds. Phone Maln2439. LOOkYLOOK! LOOK! A business corner, liKxl0O, on Killings worth ave., near Delaware; hard surface el reel, only SrOO, part cash. Ask for Harrison. CiiAPi.N-KERLCvV MTO. & TRUST I.O.. 3:'.2-3::s Chamber of Commerce. IfLT HT-V IV "TUVIVCTOX" MUST SELL 75x100, on lst, oetween ivnoii anu i zee Ideal building site, beautiful sur roundings. If taken this week, you may have it for $3450. All improvements In and paid: $1450 cash, balance 3 years. B per cent. Inquire 003 Yeon bldg. H A VVTHO RNE AVE.LOT SIGHTLY. .Mlxloo Choice district, near 50th and Hawthorne; income $t per month; sewei in. An unusual buy. Price $1' nly required. Friendly, Too Spalding bldg. Main 100. LOOK THIS UP. Sightly Laurelhurst lot. One bloclt from Gllsan st. and car. Price lsou. lerms arranged. BLKL1NGAME & ALLISON. Main 1503. A 1318. VIEW LOT. ROSE CITY PARK. Sox 100. $1100 TERMS. A. II. BIRRELL CO., 'Ml McKay Bldg. 3d and Siark Sts. " ' LAURELHURST. We have about 50 choice lots for salt far below list prices, cash or terms, for building or investment. See us. C-VP1TOL TRUST COMPANY. Phone MarshaIl L'073 Henry Bldg 50x10-1. 15 MINI'TES' ride from 1st and Alder " feet above grade, no rock. Sell wood' car to Ellis st., 2 blocks east. Utl lot facing north, $000 cash. Address .011 tilst ave. S. E. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT SITE. C-'SxlOO lot on East 17th St., between Morrison and Belmont, easily worth $0000; price $5500 for a quick sale. W. O. Wad del, owner. 3O0 Lumber Exchanges "CASH BUY IN LAURELHURST, $950. Like finding money; lot ovxioo. .. anil sighliy. one block to car. Phone me today. East 9SV. evenings C 535. Mr. Del- ahunly. ACCOUNT of sickness, will sacrifice $1501: lot for $1200; finest restricted district in citv; all improvements in; $423 cash, bal ance easy terms. Wood lawn Lj8 or Al !.s5, Oregonlan. " ATTENTION', BUILDERS. I own seven choice lots In Laurelhurst: -l!I On;tn- bllilOtngS OO one Of ail for responsible persons. Montgomery, 301 Wlicox uiag. . EXCELLENT view lot on Central East Side, with improvements all In and paid lor, will build residence after your plans on easy terms; car 1 block from property. AD 9M. Oregonlan. MANY PEOPLE SUNDAY Lots $25 down, $lo mo., bet. 70th anc 72d block south of Sandy boulevard and car. Go see them, bldg. Logan. S15 Spalding LAURELHURST LOT BAKUA1M. I aurelhurst corner lot. $10011; my equits of $300 will sell lor $150 cash; southeasl Laurelhurst office; first mortgage building loan privilege. S Mi. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LEVEL SITE. Close in. suitable for 1 or - bungalows; reduction for cash. Marshall 4t27. BROOKE. A 3S30. $450 QUICK cash will buy linest view lol in Terrace park; $200 below value. Phone owner. Marshall 502 before 8 A. M. or after 8 P. M. OWNER leaving city will sacrifice equity i .MivKlK lot. East St. Johns; cement sidewalks, graded street. Phono East 4S31. easy terms. LOT 40x110; lanced, fruit trees, berries, etc chicken-yard and coop; worth $0Wi: will' sell for $450, half cash, balance $10 per month. 4403 70th St.. S. E. ALBERTA Desirable lots: extraordinary values for immediate sale, $550, $'30. $:S50; terms; builders' opportunity. Owner. 1179 Ivon st. FOR KALE l.ots 0 and 10, blork 10. Fox chase Add.; lot 1 and 2. blojk 2. Colum bia Heights; lot S, block 8, Center Add.; termsddrei.3 P. O. Box J, Oregon City. o"ft SALE 3 choice residence lots, each 5l"xl05 feet, In one block, 3 blocks from high school. Tillnmook City. Apply owner. P. O. Box 342. Tillamook, Or. FINE LOT ONLY $V-5. In one of the best neighborhoods In Rose City Park. Street improvements all paid for. 514 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID buy In Westmoreland lot, ea.t frontage. Phone Sellwood 21i. Sundays oi evenings. LOT $300; 5 monthly; $.10 cash; no re strictions: near I. car. Johnson & Dod son. 520-5'22Board of Trade bldg. jl(i"cTHHan(I $5 per month, beautiful lol near Flrland, 30 minutes out. H1GLEY BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR SALE Lot 50x100, Thurman St.. bet 'Hth and 2:ith. F. Abendroth, Jeweler 312 Wash. A 4744. IRVINGTON lot. olixlOO. on llth, neai a hurry; $140" ilrazee: must De sum in AF 4, Oregonlan. LAURELHURST lot for sale, original tract from owner, cash or terms. A 9y9. Ore gonlan. IRVINGTON PARK lot $373; $25 down anc $5 net month: block car. H 1GLEV &: BISHOP, 132. THIRD ST. LAURELHURST equity In eholce lot foi sale cheap for cash. AN 974, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Save $350: purchase this beau tiful lot. $1250; terms. Phone East .14. A SNAP by owner Lot 50x100. on Vernot ave., $630. Berner. Main 8142. ; 10-,(W-Ono. of the choicest lots In the Mt Tabor district. Call B 2032. EAST ML Tabor lots $123 and up. $1 dowc and $1 a week. R. W. Wood. 2S7 Couch st. 3 LOTS near Beaumont on 33d; $1000; casr $500. .".OS Abington Bldg. LOT for sale, near Keed Institute. L Oregonlan. NICE level lot, Tremont Place; cash oi terms. Address Jas. Gray, Scappoose. CHOICE view lotf. Alameda Park, one block to car. cheap for cash. F 117. Oregonian. 70:i: ON 22 Belmont, street Improvements in; $3200. rhoiie E. 2-S71. Jt-J 1