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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1912)
1 Mm Smimt Jill iw0ittm EDITORIAL, MUSIC AND SOCIETY SECTION THREE Pages 1 to lO TOKTLAXD. OKEUOX, SUNDAY MORNING, APKIi; 14. 1912. NO. 15. VOL.. XXXI. Hand Bag's $7.50Vals.$4-98 In the leather goods Section, main floor, a sale of 300 new Handbags, which were bought special from one of New York' most popular manufacturers. All the best shapes and styles, in every wanted leather. GA QQ Black and colors; regular $7.50 grades, at ManlctxringL and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Tea Room, 4tH Floor TPillrvWT' Reserve Tuesday Afternoon for Our Meat Demonstration See Papers vOIB. FlilOWS OMs, Wortanisiini Kiinig The Fashion Center of the Northwest Occupying Entire City BlocK or Durable Porch Cushions $6 Grades $1.75 A sale of Sofa Pillows.covered with fine tapestries, silk damasks, silk and ramie velours, etc., iu all the popular colors. Many shapes O - rj "knd sizes ; worth to $6.00, on sale for tft X O Cream Tailored iits$20-$38:I2 Garment Store Second Floor. If you would serve your own interest best you will select your Cream Suit NOW. Creams are in popular vogue and the favorite materilas are the basket weaves, wide wales, whipcords and. serges. Many fancy trimmed styles are shown in this collection as well as the neat, f Q Q plain tailored effects. Trices $20, $32.50 OOO.UU Taffeta SilK Suits Theerefined. the exclusive, the unusual is evidenced in this showing of two and three-piece Taffeta Silk Suits, designed on straight lines or cutaway effect, four-button styles, with long shawl collars, front and back effectively trimmed some with braids or buttons, others have handsome lace col" lars; the skirts are paneled or gathered full all around some in tunic effect. The new colors $1 1 C HH are especially attractive. 38.50 TO D1 lU.UU Women's Coats Novelties and White $17.50-$48.50 Garment Dept. 2d Floor Southwest. A showing of women's novelty and tailored white Coats, full lengeh; new models in the Terry cloth, rough basket weaves and attractive serges, fa. embodying all the new style points; round col- lave an1 lrmnr" wwrs with Inw Klflp-ffistpnino-s; t the collars and deep cuffs are trimmed in heavy silk; some are loose styles with plain collars and Mandarin sleeves: neatly tailored, semi-fitting models, all new. The price range fcfQ is quite extensive, S17.50 TO p'0.JJ U MV t f.-J IWfl mm W Factory 'Samples of Urdermuslins at Factory Cost 'Manufacturers' samples of the very finest grades.of Under muSlins on sale at factory cost. Three different lines to choose from, comprising Gowns, Corset Covers, Combina tions, Princess Slips, Chemise, Skirts and Drawers; the ma terials are the finest grades of nainsook, sheer batiste, linen, silk mull, crepe-de-chine, wash taffetas, mercerized batiste, etc. Trimmed in Baby Irish, Cluny, Maltese, Val enciennes, Torchon, Princess, Duchess, Venise and Pt-de-Paris laces, Madeira embroidery,' beading ribbon, etc.; all are placed on sale at the actual factory cost, as follows: Women's Gowns, priced from 63c up. to $10.00 each. Princess Slips at the cost prices, $1.00 to as high- as $10.00. Drawers in the knickerbocker, knee and regular styles, priced for this sale at from 50c up to as high as $3.00 pair. Combinations at 75c to $10.00. White Skirts, $1.50 to $25.00, and Samples of Boudoir Caps to match Gowns, $1.00 to $3.00. 1.75 Embroidery 98c $2.75 Embroidery at $1.78 $3.50 Embroidery at $2.37 In the embroidery section, main floor, a sale of beautiful Flouncing in swlss and nainsook materials, all crisp, new stock, to suit your every want. For tomorrow's selling we will group three different lots at the following pries: Our regular $1.75 grade for 08c; our regu- JJO Oy lar $2.75 grade for -51.78, and our regular $3.50 grade for PJ 85c Linen Collars for 4Sc AH our regular lines of women's embroidered Linen Collars, in all A Q sizes and many pleasing designs; "65c, 75c and 85c grades, at only "Ow $4 Auto Veils Only $2.98 $1.50 Wash Veils XDnly 69c ' Veiling Department, 1st Floor. Beautiful, hewistitched Chiffon Auto Veils just received from New York. All the new shades for Spring, bought at very special prices. $1.50 values are on sale at 9Se, and dJO QQ regular $4.00 values are on salo at V"70 Wash Veils for Summer wear, in many dainty patterns for the new hat. A limited quantity which we bought special will go onCQ. sale tomorrow. $1.50 grades offered at vlil Ribbons 33c Yd. Dainty Ribbons in beautiful Dresden patterns, the most exquisite we have ever shown. OO They are priced special tomorrow, yd. yiiif', Order "" '"" louises Reproductions of Paris Models Just Received $2.95 to $8.50 Garment Store 2d Floor. Our Miss Bernard, who is now in New York picking out the good things that are new and stylish, sends us an attractive and most extraordinary lot of wom en's Blouses, which are reproductions of high-class French creations which Sell from $15.00 to $G0.00 each. Study the accompanying illustration, note the "Suspender Blouse," "Coat Blouse;" "Semi-Coat Blouse," arid Blouse with peplums; made up of fine quality batiste, lawn and voile ; trimmed with thread lace, Val. lace, Filet laces, buttons, etc. ; styled with low necks and short sleeves. Of course these are not the originals, but are splendid copies of them;, but think of the great difference in price. The French garments are sold from $15.00 to $60.00 each, while these on display here are priced as follows: $2.95. $3.75, $3.95. $5.95. $6.95 and $8.50 Other Blouses Shown in Batiste and Lawn Priced' at '$1.49.. $2.50 $2.95, $3.25 to $18.5Q Millinery Specials of Unusual Interest Trimmed Spring' Hats $10 Grades, Special, $5.95 $15 Grades, Special, $7.95 Millinery Dept., 2d Floor. A showing of women's fine trim'd and semi-trimmed and Tailored Hats, in the season's best grades and most popular styles. Many of these were bought special, while others are from our regular stock. The assortment is so extensive that every taste may be satisfied. Regu lar $7, $8, $9 and $10 Qfi values, special at only fJ&iJ Regular $11, $12, $13.50 M QC and $15 Hats, special P Pattern Hats Some at Va Off Some at V4 Off In the millinery, store, second floor, a sale of our entire stock of high grade Hatsj "except Knox Hats," all our fine imported French Pattern' and Picture Hats, high-class American-made Pattern and Tailored Hats. Regular prices from U fCC. Regular prices ranging from $25.00 to $50.00 are - $57.50 up, are now reduced lOOO Carpet Samples Made Up Into Rug's $3.60 Rug' for Ovy $1.50 $7.00 Rug' at $3.00 Carpet Department, Third Floor. A special purchase of 1000 yards of Carpet Samples which our -Mr. Lilburn, who is now in the market, had made up in two-yard rug lengths, nicely finished on ends. The famous Bigelow Carpet Co., from whom we buy extensively, let us have these samples at a mere trifle of the cost of production. High-grade Brussels, Axminsters and "Wiltons at less than half price. There are some wonderful bargains. Come early. Carpet $1.80 a yard, 2-yard Rug $3.60, prloed only S1.50 Carpet, $2.25 yard, 2-yard Rng, $4.50, priced only S2.00 Carpet, $2.60 yard, 2-yard Rttjr, $5.00, priced only S2.50 Carpet, $3.50 yard, 2-yard Rug, $7.00, priced only S3.00 $3.25 Curtains $2.45 $3.00 Stretchers $2.35 Drapery Section, Third Floor. A sale of best grade Net Curtains with pretty Battenberg braid borders in a variety of new and attractive designs; ecru and white, yards J0 t g long; $3.25 values at only P"tJ Save the price of these stretchers in one washing. The very best styles, made with adjustable pins and center .'up port; any size curtains may CJO be put on frames; $3 vals. PJJ WindowSfiades37c $2.25 Couch Cover $1.65 Window Shades of hand-made opaque, dark green color, size 3x7 feet, mounted on the best rollers, complete with fix tures; our regular 50c grades, 07 special for this sale, each, only C Couch Covers in extra heavy quality fringed all around; rich Orientnl de signs and colors, reversible; full I'.uicth, CO inches wide; our regular Cjl fiti $2.25 grades, special price DressGoods,Suitings Of Unusual Quality Low Priced An immense assortment to choose from, including all the new weaves, such as plain and two-toned diagonals, whipcords, Pekin stripes, new bordered effects in voiles and poplins, Persian novelties in confined designs, white and cream suitings in all wanted weaves, such as whipcords, diagonals and the new ratine stripes. Largest and best stock of black dress goods, etc. Ask to see our imported Tailor Suitings, on the first floor. $2.00 and $2.50 Suiting's $1.69 High-grade Tweeds and Homespun Suitings and double-faced materials, suitable for coats or suits; all shades in gray to brown; the best regular $2 and $2.50 ?Q goods. We offer them during this special sale at the low price of, yard P 52-Inch Homespuns at 98c Silk and uool lJophns in all the leading shades, including cream and black. Th's is a beautiful dress fabric and is noted for its wearing qualities. We would have you Buy Dress Goods and Suitings by compar ison. Here's a splendid grade of 52-inch Homespuns, nothing better for all-around wear; a limited quantity of gray and brown mixtures will be offered QQ during this sale, special, the yard Oi compare it with other goods djl OC the same Drice. Yard, at onlv P Center Circle, First Floor " Sale of Mottoes 25c Grades. 2 for 25c All aisles lead to this Center Circle Sale of "Wall Mottoes on heavy, beveled, white card board ; mottoes of sentiment for per sonal use or for gifts ; 12 different styles to choose from. Beau tiful flowered designs done in colors, the mottoes are lettered in gold, sizes 13xl034 inches. A well expressed .sentiment that harmonizes with the. thought of the recipient is the most subtle form of flattery a gift can bear, and is more valuable than the costliest gift, for it comes from the heart and goes to the heart. They are on display in our Morrison-street window. See them. Naiad Dress Shields at 14c Coat Hangers lOc, $1 Doz, Tossibly not soon again, but snrs for Monday we will offer the 1 A famous "Xaiad" Dress Shields at the low price of, pair, only A"C HAIR NETS, 3S OR 35 DOZ. II COAT HANGERS, 10c, OR $1 DZ. Sylvan silk, large iLze, all eolors. Combination for coat, skirt, pants. Feather-Stitched Braids or trimming braids, in a large assortment 1 Q of colors and designs and widths; 6 yards to the piece; 25e values 0 A 2 Days' Sale, of Groceries Phone Your Orders Ex. 12 A 6231 Prompt Delivery Armour's Star Hams Fatless and skinless now is your time to get a 1 m7ye lean, tender ham, sweet and pure; best Eastern Asparagus, 30c can on sale for only 20c Corn, "Hill City" brand, 3 cans for 25c Jersey-canned MilK, sale price, dozen, 80c Raisins Seeded, 3 packages for only 25c Raisins Layer, 2-lb. cartons, only 25c 35c Extracts for 25c The O. W. K. brand, in bottles vanilla extract. The purest and best. BaKed Beans, all 10c brands spec- or cial for this sale at 3 cans for 3C Peanut Butter, "Acme," 2 jars for 25c Corn Starch, "Our Best," perpacKag'e 5c Corn Starch, "Hing'sf ord's," 3 pacKages 25c Bluing, 0. W. a H. Brand 10c Bottle 5c Ammonia, "0. W. K.," 10c size bottle 5c 25c Extracts for 20c O. W. K. brand of Lemon Extract. It i. guaranteed the purest and best. Pure "Kettle" Lard The best kettle-rendered lard, put up in pail; f1 2 No. 5 size pail, 65c, and the No. 10 size pail at r Pimientos' Large 25c cans sale price 20c Candied Lemon Peel, the pound at 14c Candied Orange Peel, the, pound at 14c Citron Peel, special, the pound only 18c Spices all 10c cans on sale at 3 for 25c Worcester Sauce Holbrook's, guaranteed toOfJ to please; 25c bottle, special at Dried flint for maKmg mint sauce Of) for Spring Lamb, etc, 25c bottle VC Log' Cabin Syrup, quartcan at only 35c Oysters, "Napoleon," 3 cans for only 25c Oysters, "Jumbo," 10c cans, dozen, $1.10 Peaches, special sale price 3 cans for 50c Apricots, special, sale price 3 cans for 50c 6c Six-Cent Day 6c In the Basement A sale of Pearl Buttons, in all the wanted sizes; nice, clear pearl; 2 or 4-hole; regular 5c and 10c dozen; special, 3 dozen only "C Extension Curtain Rods, ex tend to 54 ins.; light weight, good strong rod; spe- Cf cial for this sale, each OC Black sew 'g Silk, good grade for hand or machine use; in black only;, sells regu- C lar at 5c; 3 spools for 2500 j-ards of mill ends of Drapery Madras in a splendid assortment of patterns, all good colors; in ? lengths 1 to 7 yds.; at, yard Women's Vests of fine Egyptian Cotton, sleeveless, Spring weight; regular 10c value, on special sale at the low price of, ea. 2000 yards of fine Swiss Embroid ery Edges and Insertion, scores of new, dainty patterns, 4 to 6 C inches wide, special for only Underprice Store Men's Mixed Cotton Socks, in me dium weight, assorted colors. Our regular 10c values, offered fig for this sale at this price, pr. "C A sale of Safety Razors a C razor that will give a quick, clean shave. One blade with each razor. We offer Cg them during this sale at "C Or three blades, sold sep arately. Buy all you want of them at 3 for "C Hundreds of bunches of Trimming Flowers and Foliage a great va riety to choose from. Special- fl ized during this sale, bunch "C 100 dozen splendid Huck Towels fine linen finish, with colored bor ders, for home or hotel use. fif. Special during this sale, each 3000 yards of standard Calico in a great variety of patterns, light or dark colors; splendid grade. LZ We place them on sale at, yd. vJC mm Wall Paper V2 Price .20c Roll of Paper lOc $2.00RollPaper$1.00 In the decorative department, on the third floor, we offer a closing-out sale of entire stock of Wall Papers. See them. Imported and domestic lines, plain and fancy pat terns. Only enough for one room in each lot a limited stock, ranging in price from lOo to $2.00 a roll. Specialized for this tale at reduction of just 20c roll of paper 10 .TOe roll of paper 1 r 50o roll of paper 25 $1.00 roll paper, 50 $1.50 roll paper, 75 $2.00 roll of paper, 91 IP -FLOOR- On the Bargain Circle Petticoats Only $1.19 Kimonos 49c &CTWCMTne JJ On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, to- CLErwAf morrow onlyNi sale of women s Petticoats of good mialitv rineham and sateen in black and plain col ors, stripes, checks and bordered effects, pin-tucked, knife-plaited and stitched flounces, with or without nnderdrop, excellent t 1 Q values : special for tomorrow at the very low price of only J A X J SHORT KIMONOS of good quality lawn in belted or loose effects, neat floral patterns and fancy designs, faced around the neck and A Q sleeves with white lawn. Priced special for this one day at only tiC House Furnishing Sale Gray Enamel Ware 75c Tea Kettles, No. 8 size, each, 55 13o Lipped Sauce Pans, 1-quart size, 9 17? Lipped Sauce Pans, 2-quart size, VZ$ 23c Lipped Sauce Pans, 4-quart size, 1T 30c 2-qt. Cov. Sauce Pans or Kettles 23 4oc 4-qt. Cov. Sauce Pans or Kettles 33 60e 8-qt. Cov. Sauce Pans or Kettles 47 60c Double Rice Boilers, 1-quart, 47 70o Doable Rice Boilers, 2-quart size 55 Garden Tools Lawn Blue (El White Enamel 55c Lipped Kettles, 5-quart size, at 43 $1.25 Double Boilers, 2-quart size, gsl.OO $1.60 Double Boilers, 3-quart size, $1.28 70c Covered Sauce Pots, 3-quart size 55 95c Covered Sauce Pots, 6-quart size 75 45c Measures, 1-quart size, at only 33 $1.00 Dish Pans, 14-quart size, for 80 $1.30 Water Pails, 12-quart sizes, $1.00 $1.25 Tea Kettles, No. 70, special, 1.00 Mowers Refrigerators