titf srxn.vr oktigoxtax. Portland, aptjil 14; iois. in REAL .T A TE. ft or r.i llmiite. SEE THEM TO DAT. miKST HOUSES S-room, .tKi. UvUi on the most a-lvantuseous terms t tn buyer, uinv a imiil cisn paymeiit or a 'X-u l-t r-iUir-ii nl tha balance in ams.l monthly pam'nti same as rent. 1 him w-?il-krin n out. tit r is bulMIn Just et of the KKKI 1.'1IT1 TK 40 of tUm in'tBt type 1" and metliurn pr.ra riwll'iij; on t v Iota, wiin graMd 're:s nd iffn-m walks anl curbs. I'nce uf ftu.jr Inr I str--t itnrmmTi t s. - Homes trriu-i ail mol rn r 'R.er.lrnces, 'fn-h mm ftir nitre hrat. specialty design! i i-rplto. buf ft. r.ibint-t kit-hen. vie np.1 piurr.r..nc. r:n !-!! rixiurn-a ana vkirilnw ftatifs. .rmtii r:Hir and tub in hrmont. Construction throughout Uir aaleeU. HOW TO GET THERE. Quirk Iraniportatlon n "WW" carllne to Mi ar. s. b, thro w.-!k four short Mocks nt. A cent on jrrouriiJ. -e Mr. Jieck at ST. ST.: a St. or prions Main J or A 691. Bf NO ALOW BARGAINS. Investigate these. Fast 314 at Kant :ith at. .. i.at - r st. Kust 2t,.Li at. K ist 3:th iL Kt at. !:( 4itr ai. .. Kjt 'Tift at. f i.-t tfi at. Kant .:. sU Kf at. . . nooo . .J 3 . . t J ' . . I.T-.i $ ;5 cah 9 .' l-o cash 9 f0 cms 9 issft 1 4 no caiO I ?: i-as'h S j..e caa $ TwO ca-fn 9 Jot cish I 3 00 cash tlOV rash 2 w cash l-t JU at. Ezi lusive A nts. DORR E. KKA.-EY COMPANY. ;d flo-r. Chamber of Commerce. To ace any r thes ."uatity, ptiooe Tabor 211. FORCED TO SACRIFICE HOME. I am lrvmif the ctrv and must s- I my fl- H-rwm liumn In U-se "liy Pars; AT .'i"E. srtft y mo lrrn and hs fln vi w o( t:y nl inount.ilns; w:h or without furnturt. If l h.s tnme suUs uu I will m.k- a pr.r on it Tn.t you ran t refuse and 1 . ;v rsy t-r n.a. I his. M r. I "nc. cu:uit -4m a and AUmdA. Tabor A CHALLENGE. 7 fTf! for architrrtural deslcn. land scape ef'ert and naiurnl s ti.n. tni trior arrucg nti-nl and coininiei.ee, litis T-ROOV IICNGALOW fnnvrnlT.l to ouncll 'r-at car, Thta r.oue ricr'l fr um tirrs and tndtvld lia.iiv any fnn in the city, rt-1 r"-n I m g rttgti4t j.Tf-rii.n of the puildrrs" art. P 'c h- i" w lo o-. and at most conven- in term . t,. .l-r'irfii.!!', Aynry. 41 Cam. Com. Hi 'I K FoKAI,H " 4-room mirrn housv. corner Mwauerlt l. an! I'l.titon. hard airfare strrt. i.iiritiki, av f r and g;ts. ncrptlnn hall, w :tn i-lot. w ith full mirror d"r, f r i:c. t'ui.t-in book as-s in llv tng rt.rn. c!in;riff-rim panHrd and beamed r-i;,ri and rhmi rl..pt; lutcfl kllrhi-n .:i write 'ismrl; 3 bt d ronis wirh larae ptpd t r furna- ' ; rointins:n rtstur and shades; a bargain. For par- i 'are s-:e 1MK LAWRENCE Ct" . 7M Alder St. k HAH'i.VlN at La'. i.-s. tr,. tinUl M4 1. IrW air-f. four mle from I i r., n prM.fl iLrli'nr line, can be su it v; !..l in . or lo-a re tracts. 4 acres in rto"i kinds of fruit, S to 1 years old; n vr ii-num buuaralo : . fine barn and nut buUIlnsi. some nk. This frutl innd is ur to date. w:i! puy for if ; 9". P- f re, surmund -nx Und selling f-T 9-" P-r a'-e. KKHiHT KEAL ESTATE U.. : 2 H-Tn!'j.n ! KXTRV GOOD BARGAIN. In Rt-aurnont and K- tify Park: 6. S. 7. . ro-m bunKsl-'we at prices ranging from J '.1 to 9s. to, terms 9-"' down to 9lto.) .inwn. K'Rlt E- KKASKT A COM PANT, 2d Xl'vor. Chamber of Commirce. To aeet tnese buuday. call Tabor 3&1. 9- Kvl'lTT FOR 91o. Edultr in .'k-room new l-unrn.w, mod ern, elrtrtr litfht. r-ath. iation:trv wash tub. f i 11 -si I'd Mirmfiil, i;ac upstairs fr n rooms, floored but not tinisned ; fruit trees, berr'ee. rose bushe; graded street. rurhl and side w a! ks , sou t h east ; 2-t ni In u:es ta and v an t tig ton : taianc rasy terms. P n on V ars h a . 1 a Mt or add r eaS s trf irian. IUVINGToN. 7-RoOM Mul't: UN HoL'SC. VERY I lOMT AND kit.'tn'L. 4 CH A hKiJS. ONE WITH WINDOW OPENING t'l T. MAKE.- Dr.LlGHTFUL SLEEPING 1'oRCH . Kl REPLACE. FURNACE A"1 WAH TKW.v IRi.E KlU'S'T I'OI H .1 A BARGAIN Fell 4... ZIMMERMAN. 9W BuARD OF TRADE BLIh. BEAI TIFI I. ns-room bun:a'ow; al.s.dute'.y nu.(lir:i, ialcri-r j.utw.-d anil de. -orated t-v art t , a screened sleeping -por h that ertooks the g iMen : t 'l of fixtures; a v In hoiuw: 1 taring f:uli tre-, wf ! and fiowr gardt-r.. lawn: fsi-nlhinf fir a horiie. $-'. "en tatu, ria : ;-r n -in' n. ,l ilaat 4'.th V'irih. R. Ci; park. g..O r.ivi, 9'o ro. I rr. rot iitK rt'll "!'(' e-r'i tie . lias . t.aMs. f-r.)'T.t. lot pe r moti h. .'.-rxin ' "irk St a 1 Ion. Ht. ic- t'lttt w tred f"r Ioo, wtib several bvartna f-u.t tre.- F A. BEARD A CO. 0!2 GerHng-r Lolg . 2d and Aider. .LE Half section f rop. 1' in i ." w at Ri ! M a h'-it l:ind. L.r Mriij. ha.f mile it. U ut.-et to ntor;a4t:e. 6 p r rent, 'ar.t'.i S.".o - a.-l v . n -1 h i rd rf rrup g- w i f h 1 eil If id m "o Iv t" a- re tl',s t:. Ad-d-- p -x ht II. rd. Idaho. Kvit S d ri-v.Vnr i con wr. ncfj blui'k frwH v I.E. n Vi Tabor district, ftirna e. flrepiac. arllne; fine tew; W. TAYLOR m'jT of c A CO. to S'- . if v n. w. ino.i. ru ,'.ro.iu u' 1 1 i o ;. f ;i : t . rn. t t bit . 'r-in I'utvh kkih-n and buVt, f lni do an. balance 91d w:rh i;it rt. - :ne p a. id : rr.oous. at 1-2' t'.. 17th st. (At. GAIN SLE Here ts lh n I'Vins'on. s'-bt'y m.w h . n a. v t- on v r n ! r n e . ; m-tk. must hav $!oh Tu-" an run i S'u" Ck.l at 4j pn-jn F 4." 41. b. st bars iin 'rn. U-riin h and Tl ia d.iy. lv!uD-4 E. or At'r'.Ir'lt L IViu: Jul Richmond bunra , w-.f'l ni b.rh - .m! . p.t v d st rret ; pre! r. g ib 1 k.'atln irnp1 earn Pee ; re -iPn.b.e partv invest kat lminciltatri : nothing I'-A'tmble re.'us-d. occupied, owner 1 ? T ! I von st. 20 PER rr.NT LKS F 'It $! CASH. Srut-fterT. roet-. fru:t. berrlre, grne. rif'I-n. H-r'om house, on car. Phone Vrtrs 1 1M7. NrIARINO fumiiVH'm. modern l-roowj bun tfa .ow. beauu.'ul ro-r.er bt. natural shrub bry. et-. 2tt and K'lckttat :s.. f ir qui. lt u; will consider god trade. 3U4 Couch & Wn.U batl-l a hom with our own Id . rrv irni'l pmrt flown, baiunc $.& rr,inth tr-'tulin lntrrr,t; b..t hoic bulH tn rroit:on In (dhi; ftrt quickly. 304 .'t.uh ti-lr. llAWl'llilii.VK AKK. Nf 1.1th ,t.. Tt....i-rn .l-r.rn bom., full lot. An- aw-. tiri4 i.iwr.. mu,l ,.M ml uncr K. Xioli'tti. s. it toflay, m" !nt'. S't;. 4 !. w1 h'li. .W''i'r.tl. lii"J.M hoi.. In rrt- :.H rm:-d-n' .1 ,t:"n. fu:ty 'M.m; woui.t tnruiilT rli h,Q. fur ty or .uhurt'.n And p.rt ch. Ailvir, r. O. Box ITi 9-rHi.f mo.lern hnuw. Tilt" lot. 3 himki from l:t.):.:ii cr.oo'. 1 hintk from M. Ari'!r,w, h-o!, bmJ p'.. . for laric f-nr: $.".'"). terms it d-irvd. Ownrr, 4v'. Wriinl t. KIXH KIEI-V.'NT HOME. 7 -rrnn RirKl-T. with 'xl lot. for S'.J.'-V worh houA cnit $IT,: a o rn, rorn-r. livll.t. mt a b&rcatn. UBr pbon, Wo-Kjtawn JICT. NKW 5 .ntl n-rvoni bunf:ow&. un 0x 1V lo". for by ownr. .tat SI. I. n.ar K illmw'irr h. n Hxk fro-n A!bortcmr. Owrr. rr rol'i?nbta tlj-luar. t'o. IIl'itiKST brr.ta in I.-iur.i:ir,t. 7-rt'rr, rid-'Oc, ;uit omp'.:.J. $.'.. ,aa:..t t.mt: no cct. uoir. U m7. Or eonian. yy hom, of r-vrna. mt.rn anrl up-to-dj'r. tiTtlil to jcii, b.low com. Call ." 4 !'.!. aT F.x-ir b!it. IN ikv i.i;tin. mHlrrn tunc.'ii c:-y. tut ,l".t. r.r Itro.JWAy car. r..w. , w room,, 4oOO, lravtnc frK SAI.K. Ktn J-room baniiiow. J".- m;r A - iah, bi.joi-, uubtb.jr. 644 t tr-i- -vd av. W-H cir. A- K M hnu.r nioJ rn. cIo.. in. rn.ap. ,t your own term., b. qutck. G 0. Orw imull. HVB-F'tilM ct:a. fir Iur.Jhirrat. rood '.ion. I t.nria. I'bon. HooJii.n 1-7 i. urT.TH 7'i: $.UV HVVS i."-" .-ASH i'.room boit-r. iwnr, Taor I.tT i . yt ,:K-ro."m coi'ase on Frn a Utd lie. Jala. 1 bone alarsaail pori- Hi. AM tin!" in- n;. I 9 rii.n: h t w n-r. RjfcAL EJTATE "oc tesJe Houses' RIVERDALE DISTRICT. We speclallxa on suburban acreage In this hlcn-ciaaa and easily accessible dis trict. 7 -room modern bouse, splendid view. Hull Hud (atr. 2 large lota, bearing fruit trees, at Klverda.. terms to suit. Bunsalow, Rock spur, right at statin, between White House road and cars, house is a, ..?., u t , view la the t-t In the dis trict; price .0ut on very easy terms. 4 acre, river frontage, at Rlverwood. h Ijch and sightly, paved road, city water, a r, tc. ; price tJn, i, cash. Acreage tracts at Rlverdala. fine view property, price 1.7 Si per acre: each tract couuni acre to acre and a ba.it; easy terfas. Klverda.e lots, 24. commanding view of city. rivr and mountains, easy wr access w;th natural trees and shrubbery, living stream of water; a maguiflcvnt tract for lucal country home. i'rice complete. 91 1.900 ; easv terms. UcK R E. K.EASKY & CuMPA.W. Second Floor. Chamber of Commerce. LOOKING FOR A HOME? If you are looking for a moderately priced home It will be to your advantage ti se the etarht new houses being built by G. W. PHlEdT. These houses have every modern convenience, including hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-in buff.-t ai.d buokcasra, banitrd cdllnga and pneld walls ak , cabinet kUcheu. full cement bastmeut, wood lift and laundry tray. They are 3-story, with rooms and sleep ing porch 4 they vary as to size, some hav ing sleeping porch, while others have an additional room), price Is only $30 and as low as t3u cash will buy oue or we in lit "I take a lot as first payment. Re member, this price Includes light fixtures, m inuow shades and house tinted to suit. Two have been smld. Take Sellwood car, ret off at By bee iL, walk three snort biooks east. Come out today and see them. Trier are the best bouses that you . can f.nd for the money. If It were pasitfe to bui.d them any better Mr. Priest would do u For Information, call today Sell wood 1T.W; week !m U!n 37. A 29 1. J. V. GlTHKIK. -72 Ptmrk. St. IliO DOWN OS ANT OF THESE. 7 rooms, modern. 1 block Pell wood car line, double construction. 900. ft -room modern bungalow, paneled din-ln.--r.-om, 1 block Ml- Scott cariine. Price & rooms, new. Laurel wood Park. 9 blocks Mt. Scott carllne. I'rice 9-- 7 -room, modern; lOOxino lot; fine rosea, nr.; fuil basement, concrete, etc.; 2 blocks Woodstock carllne. Price IjlOu. DORR E. KEASET A COMPANY. 3d f .oor. Chamber of Commerce. LAt'ftELHl RST BUNGALOW. Being obliged to move to Seattle to open an lnsuiatice office, am complied to s-U my uungalow Just compltei and iu ver ocrupteo, I worked every day on t he Job during Ira bu tiding and handled ail rarpvnu-r work by day s ngs. This lioaso was not built to sell, neither will I give it away, but somenn will gut a mng nttlceitt bantam if they wish U deal with me d;ref:t before I go. My office furniture, n've.- used, la a!so for saic. Call morn ings at 14 Dekum bljg. Afternoons I wui be at my bungalow, 1177 E. Burn aide boulevarri. third bouse east of R'M h st. Wlil giad ly show you over the house Sunday afternoon or any afturnoon this week uniosa sxinur mo GEO. W. WALKER. OWNER.. NEW 2-PTORT. C-ROOM HOUSE. 93i0. :so cash. I-arge porch, reception hall, large liv ing-room with fireplace and built-in boon casep. dtnlng-room with butlt-ln buffet, beamed callings and Pitnelejf walls, cabinet kitchen, back porcn with toilet, three fine bedrooma each having closet with window, bathroom, algeplng porch, linen closets, full cement basement, furnace, woodlift and laundry trays, l.ght fixtures, window shades and tinted; improvements In and paid; might take a lot as first payment. all Sell wood, 1717 before 11 or after 3 o'clock. fuRTI.A.VU HEI'iHTH H-room mortrn bjnsalow. Inrg, lUlntf-room. has maaalve tont Itr,pac.'. 4 b.lruom, and tare. .MtiLiix uorcb: 2 complete bathrooma. 3 tot;. la; larff. cedar lined linen .l.ia.t. on. lara. beUrotim. baa two cloaeta ana an at cove: larictt lanIrd billlard.rooin oil a.c. ond floor, full baaement. cement floor. automatic a-ta water h.-ater. gas ranara in kitchen: thia houae waa built by owner for b:a own homo and la one of the moat convenient. y arranged home. In the city; aurrounu.-d by hiah-claaa homea. V7.0"0 aquare f.--t of Kround: boautifuiiy wooded with native trera. a aec.uuea and atiel te.-ed no..k. For aa!e by owner. Price fw; iroo.1 terma. I'm clva poaaeaalon M.f 1. AB o-j. oresoniun. HTH-.SIREET corner rcaiden.. and Ktrife a bargain at tli oi... Teat Side "-mom modern realdenc. near lth and llarnaon. prle $. for aal. or will conaidcr good vacant lot. 2o.l"o. Nearly aa rood a home aa that one aold for nu.ow. and situated In.ih, lunl block. v : " t orn.r loth and East Taylor, aplendld corner and 7-room modem htfuae, good atartment site: might conaider a farm In Tuulntin Valley. t;-..., hmlot a Arency. 415 Cham. Com. OWNER WANTED I10O0 DOWN. We secured a loan for her of 11000. therefor, will a.-II tills 7room modern home on Schuyler and Kuat )lth at., doubl. ronalruction, good fireplace. laan. berrl.-s and garden all In. ITI.. DORR K. KtASKV POMPANT. :d floor Chatiiber of Couamerce. To let this rjunua. call Tabor 2(1S. WILL ANYONE BIT A HOSE CITr PARC -(:OM HCNOAAiOW HOME cost govou i months a if you can get It CHEAP ENOCOH? If so. and you hava fl.VKk for first pay mint. SEE IT at .Vti K. 4th N.. and If IT 'n6 YOI' I will not let you go with out It. 912. &"0 ril'YM a beautiful country home, with S acres, on rarllne. 7i mlnutea' rid. from ttie city. M"dern houa. In every way. : beautiful firilaces: fine lawn and he. ire fence, artistic landacaplr.c . bearing fruit treea of all klntia In erfect condl tuin: t, acre grapca. bearing several tois each year; berry bushre and garden pro during everything one could wlaa for; barn and rhli-keu rtina. Will sell all or keep part of acreage V IX'KR E. KtA.-EV A COMPANT. 7d floor, chamber uf Commerce. QUARTER BLOCK. IKVI.M.ITOX PARK. APJAl'E.VT S CORNERS. IMl KuVKI) WITH Si:.0 and IK.mi homes. HARli-.sl KFAi:K oTKEETS, ONE HLHt'K OF CAK: " TRIt-'E ONLY S0O: TERMS, fail for C. U. Remraa. CHAPIX-HtRLoW MoRTtiAOE A TRfST CO. 132-1SS Chamber of Commerce. MODEItS. RF.tIDENCE ON KVY il'iNTHl.T PAYMENTS To KI IT Il Ki'HASKK. Seven rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porrh. frepiaoe. built-in bookcaaa. .rix o--f ot lot; sood view. Call on premises. Kit Wei. Her at., bet. E. 2wth and F. 'tlt sta. or vlion C X101. Sunday and evenlnr. tnd Vain 174 weekdaya Can be Inspected at sne time. A NEVv. mo.ern home. In Rose City Park. A rooms. Juat furniehed. with the beat of every:iung. complete In every detail; will e-ll house 'th or without furn.ehtnre. or wnl sell furniture and rent the house, Terma. one block from Rose city car. 44.1 E. 47th St. J. Phone C UB2. VROOM ""rtl'NlJAI.OW finmt. Modern, 2 rooms. In ROSE CITY PARK.' cIom to carllne. This la a bargain, aa owner is lea.lng Portland. Will taka rood lot or caah a. first payment, C. OeYouna. ul4 Chamber of Commerce, Krt SALE by the owner A modern o-roorn nouwe. on .4in- "un ur.uuiui ewr tre-s. on Atlantic etreet. near Kllilnrs worth ave.: a bargain. $:kH; tenna: will a cept a lot aa first payment. Sly Worcea ter bldg. NEW, modern A-room houae, two nreplacee. furnace: In fat't. a beautiful home; 2 Iota; one block from car; I am forced to aW): 4.H fo- houae and one lot or ttOtiu with both lota; eaa terms. Tabor'lfsA. FOR SALE by owner, S-room house, mod em: neatly finishe; good iocatltn. one Mock from car on Mount Scott line; price eJI'tt ft" down, balance terma Call at 1711 7Mh. 9.V.I.I .'ASH or that vacant l.it taken as flr.t payment nn a brand new bnnxalow. no to d.ite. a bargain. He. this lWore yow ru. .iwner. 77 chamber of Commem. Main 4.VJ-J. NOTHINi BETTER. For the mony; a brand-n.-w five-room bungalow, ea.t front, lot .VtlOii; $-7h: wiM make terma Come today, office at corner Lombard and Albtna ave. Fur Hale ilwjaas SAME 5c ca.-fnre. on most dfrKt carllne In the city, ."i to ::i-mlnute ritle to your w rtrk. wii It all other conveniences of a home. How we can furnish you a hme to live in for the entire Summer, with out charging you a cent In rent. Is what w e are ready to explain to yo.ur sat fs fftf'tlon. now. Call at Oregory Heights office. Fever.ty-serond iTlMJ street. Take Rose City Tnrk car. GREGOHV INVESTMENT CO., 7-'d anil Sandy Koad. 41H l oriivu hidg. PPBURBAN HOME OX EAST TERMH. 1 fine lots, equal to one acre, nfe four-room bunsralow. extra lars:e living-room, good woodshed, eUctrlc Hrht and othr convenlens. 3 blocks from Ores; on Clrv carllne. about 35 minutes out ; price 9-7SO with 9."u0 down, balance 9-0 month ly and Interest. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth 8t. Main 35. A 3.100. LAl'RELHl'RST. Beet bnllt and most conveniently ar ranged molerate-sfxed house In the tract; vestibule, hall. living-room, dining-room, kitchen, ecrn-enclosed rear porch. Sec ond floor. 3 chamber with closets and double-door wardrobes; linen closet. Inrge gliiss-enclosed sleeping porch ; large bath with hlnh-grade f 1x tures; tile floors In bath and vestibule; 2 plastered rooms In utile; beveled-plate frlass d-ora and mir rors: fireplace, furnace, full basement, laundry trays. 2 toilets, hardwood floors, lawn graded and seeded; close to church, s- hool and park. No. East Oak, near 31th. Ml. Tnhor or P.-S. car. PETER HEPSTROM. Builder and Owner. 75 E st Wth st. SPLENDID HOME. SMALL CASH AND EASY PAYMENTS MONTHLY. 7-room b'ingajow, been built one rear. frtxli lot. R blocks from W-W and convenient to Mt. Scott car. Can be had for 3250 cfh and JI5 month I v with Interest, price of property ;iiM0. Let ua show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth 6t. Main 85. A 8500. TWO BEAUTIFCL HOMES. LAfRET. HIRST. BFATTTFCT- T-ROOM HOT'SR AND SLEEPING PORCH. ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINISHED IN CIRCASSIAN WA1.NTT AN4 ENAMEL. FINK FIX TURES EVERY CONVENIENCE; 7i", ELEGANT HOME FINISHED IN .MA HOGANY AND ENAMEL. EAST FACING: S7t;io YOr WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE ABOVE HOMES. CLOSE TO CAR. SPLENDIDLY FINISHED. BT'ILT V A COMPETENT ARCHITECT. AND SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. FOK ruunr.n PARTICULARS SEE ZIMMERMAN. BOARD OF TRADE. . M0 f i ha Willamette. miles. 1 acre of lovely ,rrounla with fine trees and shrun i ltd fri.i of aandv hathlnir bench. -room house, thorouithly modern, larre fireplace, bathroom, tollet hot inn coin water, wood lift, etc.; splendid view up and down the river from every room In the houre. The owner la selling this pr"P nv at a decided sacrifice. If you are open for a. bariraln. ace E. W. Pettlhone. CHAPIN-HETtl.OW MORTGAGE A TRVST CO.. MW-oS Chamber of Commerce. rtcnunvT TTOMK. $7ACi0 ; nine-room house on lOOxino, N. W. cor.. No. 12olI Williams ave.. rine ais im .1.. vard cedar finish and should k. i.en to annreclate: hard-surface In front. Improvements all paid at this price; terms; If Interested call or phone Mr. Jones. Main 371.'. OOWEN-IDK TRI ST CO.. Room 2 Lumbermen, BUlg. THE HOI-fE PEAIT1F1I- t tr..n.tnn the nlnCO Of hOmeS. Ml', artlstlcally-deslrned and well-lmllt home of 0 rooms, hall, sleeping balcony and fin ished attic: large, weil-ltrhted rooms: .i..t with windows: hardwood floors throurhout: pak flntati below; enameled fir above: thoroughly modern In every re spect: near car; garage. For further par ticular see . . . OSCAR TV. BRYAN. Mnln irMtT KQ. Cham, of Com. A M-t. . ...-wu iin furniture Included: lm- "....e.i. nald for: lot 50x114. Price a7S0. terms. . .. ho.... nlaatereH and double .h.te.1: lot C7i4r1l4; fruit trees, chlrk- en-house. etc.: Improvements paid for. Price glDMe. terms. Call on me: I ran meet your terms.. TV. C. GROVE. East 0th and Glisan sts. Montavllla car. Phone Tabor 3SoT BI'NGAIXW and 1 1-10 acres for snle; land In cultivation, fruit trees, berries, etc.; house bus large llvlnr-room. :xlS. 4-foot stone fireplace, beamed celling, hullt-ln bookcases, etc.: modern plumbing through out; good water syst.-m and fine water. On Oregon Cltv carllne; 7c fnre: 27 min utes from Portland. Price 147.TO: terma For further particulars address Postofftce Bog S.'.l cltv: phone" Osk Trove. Red 24. IvVEfTMKNT AND HOME. ITVmi; No. rto.T E. Madison St.. 0 rooms, on HoxlrtO cor close-in. one block to car line, garage, nice yard and flowers, terms. If Interested call or phone Mr. Jonea GOWEN-inE TRI MT CO.. Room 2 l.timbermens Bldg. Main 371U. BRAND new 6-room honje. tmoderii exc.-pt furnace, hard surface street: lot Sk1. near car. You will like It If you aee It: email pavment down, balance easy month ly payments, only ",2i-:. Ask for Har- ' 'ciiAPl V-HERl.OW MORTGAGE A TRl'ST CO.. S.TI-oTS .Chamber. nfC(immrrr. 'UTO'RBAX HOXB. MODER v s.Mw.m colonial, close In. on car. near storea nd P. O . 1 assorted frjtit trcnj berries, grapea. 2or,14t-ft facing on two streets: garden all in; cnicaen-nou.e park; must see to appret:i. .e , termg PROCTOR. Oalc Grove. 4300, WII. I. tak. on. or two lota in nose uy park as part payment on mn uj.-v.f-oow ;-story 6-room home, one block from Rose City Park car. SCOTT BEEPI.FV. ' ;il-12 Ablngton Hldg TWELVE houses, just finishing, modern In detail: all In one group: nirn. Birmiy eo'i near carllne: H to S rooms: lota r.oxino ft I27.10 to 14.1O0 A fair payment down, terma People wishing to live neighbors can b. accommodated. Real homes. Phones Main 901X. Tabor 87 John M. Payne A Co. I KYIVr.TON". For sal bv owner. H-room house in this rhVie location, with furnace, gas. electric Hunt flrepla'-e. cement laundry tubs and floor In baaement; fine lawn and xoses. etc. &.xlo lot; a bargain If taken at once, phone Eat J07J; No nrents. 4tX0 WESTMORELAND HOME. N.sr Reed Institute and cars: large basement. furnace. fireplace, modern plumbing, two-story and avtlc cottage. Improved lot, trees, flowers, berries: gas and electricity: terms. Owner. 12H.T K. lvth st., corner Tolman. A SNAP. TRVINGTON. ! T-ROOM HOUSE AND SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BT'ILT FOR A HOME: WILL SELL FURNISHED FOR $7000. FOR PARTICULARS SEE ZIMMERMAN. 311 BOARD OF TRADE. SNAP IN PORTLAND. $22s and only 70. cash, balance easy, for 4 nice lots on East o-Vth and Stark su. ft-room house, barn and orchard; fine for rarrtener or delivery man. K FVCHS, 420. Chamber of Commerce. NEW 5-room bungalow, nearly 3 lots, in Waverly Helghla. lust tne place tor cinca ens and garden, close to cars and only S2.KXI: small payment down, the rest $25 per month. M- C Davis. 315 Hamilton 1 Mg. Mar. 23-H. . FOR SALE New 2-room plastered bunga low, lot SOxlos. price 47o: ::i- casn. oai anc A per month: take ill. Scott car. get off at Grays Croaalng; 5-cent fare. Inquire for Beard. A SNAP for $2300. 5-room cottage. West Side- close in. 7 rruil trees ana v rose bushes: :,0O cash, bal, easy payments. See owner. 108 First St. FOR SALE o-room modern house. 2 lots. fenced, convenient to cur: si.e... wnn terms. Phone Tabor 8J49 or call t30 Fos tr rod. 3 E. FROM owner, this week, X1S50 cash, gimd bouse, I rooms, bath, toilet. -uxi'iu 101, frurt; between "SS"' and Hawthorne car lines. 124 E. Taylor. ONE block to car; line home, nearly n.w ; IOoo, lerma. Phone Tabor 3349. REAL ESTATE. 911,000 SOxlOO. WITH 2 modern houses renting for $.V.-VV per month. N. 2::d st.. close to Thurman st. 9 Fractional corner on N.- li."th St., near Thurman. Improved with small house: 91ii00 cash, balance at ; per cent interest. 9 4.0OO .'lAxUm, with small house. Just north of Nicolui; good site for small factory; raHroad switch can be had if desired. 9 C,5W looxi.y with good modern nine room hou. renting for per month. Stanton st. near L'nlon ave. For a few days only. T.OCTS SALOMON & CO.. 2) Stark sj., near Second. NO RENT TO PAY. MO llOl'SK TO BUY. Wo furnish you the home for the Sum mer, a nice hiar vara for the children lawn and garden. With these Inducements HOW CAV TOr KEEP FROM SAVINO MONEY T Tn Gregory Heights. Good car service, Improvement in: on Rose City Park car lne. Take car to Gregory Hetchta office, Seventy-s-cond (7-d street. Come today. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 41S Corbett hid.. "2d anfi Sandy Komi. sun SACRIFICE New 7-room. 14 -story house, double constructed, large living room, line fireplace, nil built-in conven iences, oak floors. 3 large sleeping cnam bt-rs second floor, full cement basement actual cost of house and lot. 14750. Client must sell; price Jo7.V. ."00 cash, balance easy. RI'NOALOW at cost: 5 rooms, first floor, can flnl.ih two rooms on second floor: double constructed. In fine location: bun galnw. 2x42. All built-in conveniences, 4 blocks to W-R car; J3250. 200 cash balance to suit. fl.ROnM hunrttlow. large llvlnr-room nnd dining-room, very Inrre buffet and fireplace, lurre airv hedrooms and sleep ing por.'h on second floor: an floor, down stairs are oak: the finish is exceptionally fine; eirrant electric fixtures: east front, frees, shrubbery, flowers. full cement basement, good furnace. gT20l $7ftA cash f block, to Broadwav car. PROVIDENT TRIST COMPANY. 201. 202 oT Board of Trtde Blilg. Marshall 473. A 1?22. STR ItTT.Y modern 7-ronm' house" lnLaurel. hurst, built-in conveniences, 3 large bed rooms and s1eerinr porch. Full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors, etc. T.ot Is .MxlnO and Is 1 . blocks rrom car: s-i.'.io. Terms to su t. Fine R-room 2-story house. 41st St.. near MsnrocK, lot .lOxloo, Improvements in and raid for, strictly modern in every respect, furnace, fireplace, hardsaood floors, leaded glass windows, etc.: house is now and well worth y.v.nn. Owner must sell and will take ttl0rt for otilck sale. Will consider good building lot free of Incumbrance as part pav-ment. Fine 2--atory house fn Rose Cltv Park. 1 rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors. built-in conveniences. new and modern In everv respect. Fine view of cltv and mountains. 40th st., 2 blocks from car: :;vn. J. R. HFNDFRSON CO.. !W7 sral.llnc bldg. Marshall Rr.r.2. A 411U. THIS BEATS PAYING RENT. Nice 5-nwm bunralow on Kast 2Mb street, 2Vi blocks from the Al berta car. coment w-lks. graded street. -lOxlho lot: 2.v cash, bal ance $25 monthly. THE PHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A BS0IT. BCNGAT.OWS FOR PALE. 5 rooma and tcn modern in every do- tall. ROrlOO lot. Rcaumont. S1(0: $200 down. 15 per month. Interest 7 per cent, R-room bunralow. modern. 34v100 lot. facing enst. Vernon district: 2)00.; J1.T0 down. $15 per month. 7 tier cent Interest. 5-rootn bungalow. fireplace. modern, close to car. Hawthorne district; $2o00; $20.1 down 1T per month. Real Estate Department. BEAfX ARTS BT-IT.DINO CO.. Marshall 1470. 201-202 Lumhermens bldg. DON'T PASS THIS CP. If vou want a modern home on terma nt a ' price that is right. Good modern six-room house with bath, electric lights. Bull Run water, etc: two full lots, each 40x120, with alley In rear: chlcken boua some fruit, fine garden. roses, flowers, etc. Terms t $-JOO down nnd $15 per month: good neichborhood. location 1 v, blocks west of Tremont Station on Mount Scott carllne. No. H735 Mitta ave. S. E. Phone Tabor 2500. NEW IirNOAIW. 5 rooms, ante, basement, bath: Reception hall. Dutch kitchen: Cement foundation: electric lights: 2 porches: lot 40x100. onlv $2000; g.Too rash. Close to car and acbool. See It today. Mt. Scott car to T.aurelwood station: eo 1 block east to 4th at., then south to No. 41KI4. See owner there or nt 3'12 7th St. S. E. HAVE one more new 3-room house, near St. Johns car ror Si.'.n: casn. s'" a month nnd one 3 rooms, 27th. near Pres eott. cement sidewalks. $110: f.'.O caah. balance 1.T per month Includes Interest. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HEUI.Otv MORTGAGE A TRt'PT CO.. e2-ol Chamber of Commerce. IP.VINGTOV HOMES We have many houses In the best psrt of Irvtneton. also a good bungalow for .17."0. We would be pleased fo show these to vou anv. time: can give terms. We also have a fev rood lots. See Mr. Jones. GOWEV-IDE TRCST CO.. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. $3000: MODERN 7-room house. Tull cement' basement, paneio linn noo u'".."co" hiilu and fixtures, wash trays, porcelain bath and lavatory, newly painted: corner lot with lots of choice roses: close to carllne; easv terms: may take good lot as etinity. Call Tabor 20O.T or write 3 14. Oregonlan. t'RF.P OVPATIVfl"RENT. X did for years, and got nothing. $100 cash. $!0 per month, bought me a home, and I can do same, for you. Right on carllne. Tou pick lot and I will build to your plans on tame terma M 965, Ore gonlan. j OWNElt sacrificing beautiful country home on AVIllamette River, 40 mlnutea on . tre gon City Electric. 8 rooms, new. modem, electric Hants, running water, about one acre terms: would consider trade. UMHDENSTOCK LARSON, 2 Oak st. 12 PER CENT. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPF-RTY. Close in on clnv St.: .KV.0i0.: terma Will take cheaper property as part p5'-. ment. J R HENDERSON" CO.. 507 Spalding Mdg. NfTw" modem bungalow. 4 large rooms: rec. hall bath rtoreniom. full basement, elec tric' lights: 4 blocks to ML Tabor car. $1900 $"so down balance 15 per mo. Owner. 41 N. 3drt. Bl"NOAIOW 12M. New. with 4 rooms plastered, electric fixtures up-to-date chicken-bouse and yard: 1V down. baL easy. 406 Commer cial block. ; SNAP. Bungalow, modern, full lot. $2r)r, easy terms. Mfl E. 4".th North. Phone Tabor 222:1. Three blocks from Hose City Parle car. ic"i1 WILL buy my house. 9 rooms, barn, large lot. electric ltahts. phone, city and well water, partly furnished, nicely locat- ed. cor. 5th and D sts. C. O. Welker. In dependence. Or. J MODERN fi-room house. Hi acres ground, fruit In hearing, one block east of car. Oak Grove station. Inquire W. J. Alexander. Oak Grove tioo CASH. $15 per month, new 5-room bungalow. 2 blocks car. 20 mlnutea out; price $2200: Mt. Scott line. , HTGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $2O0CASH, Balance like rent, buys new modern 5 room house and VI acre from ownerr. P-10 Powell, near 31st si. Phone S-llwood 15S2. FOR SALE 1 acre, with fruit. 5-room house and barn, price $3200: houses and -bungalows. J2OO0 upward. The Johnson Real ty Co. aiilwfcukle, phone Red 543. ' RJ5AL ESTATE. ; For Natr House. . HAWTHORNE ' T 33.V - 2" DOWN 6 rooms Will Tako Lot as Part Payment. 1 I have the best buy in Portland for the money. The house ts double constructed and heavy paper between. Porch full width of house, has a bun galow door openlnsr Into tho living-room. LIVING-ROOM - French windows, chipped cream brick fireplace, built-in bookcase, metal glass doors. beautiful Grecian frlize at celling, arch to dinlng- - room, hardwood floors. DIXl.(.JtouM Opens on front porch. French windows, built-in buffet with metal glass doors, paneled plate-rail, hardwood floors: these rooms are tinted a beautiful tan with cream ceilings and fruit design frieze, Kolden oak wax varnished finished wood. KITCHEN Cabinets. cooling closets, - sugar. Hour bins, pot kettle closets. PASS HALL The beauty of arrange ment in this house over the large number J-M-lng; built in Portland, whether of high or low degree, is the pass hall, whicn glvea accesa to bedrooms in the house, including the bathroom, without going through other rooms; oft th. pass hall are the bedrooms and bath. BEDROOMS Large closets, white en ameled, pretty tinting. BATHROOM Latest modem plumbing, low-down flush toilet. 6-inch aproned wash stand. 3-inch roll tub. BASEMENT The bauement haa a ce ment tloor and cement wash trays, and. remember tbls. you can look over the city in any district and nowhere will you find a house with the ground, location and construction of the house all embodied as In this house. Another thing, if you are all right, answer this advertisement and I will guarnntee wo can come, to some kind of terms, and the most d.slrable person can make practically his own terms. 1 will be home Sunday, so phone Tabor S150 or AP bUo, Oregonlan. BUNGALOW FOR LARGE OR SMALL FAMILY. New. complete 5-room bungalow, on first floor. 2 extra bedrooms " upstairs, fireplace, electric fixtures, shades, telephone, mod ern, up to date, one block to RoBe City Park car: district of fine homes and im proved streets: built by owner for his residence; grand view: price only S250; $.T0O cash, balance monthly, or other terms can be arranged; can be seen today., 7115 E. 87th st. N., 'iA house north of car. east facing. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUY ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful home with every modern con venience, located In the choicest porrTon of the Heights, commanding an unsur passed view of the city, river, hills and mountains. No reasonable offer refused as owner is compelled to sacrifice. Must sell this week. TILLKSON & WHEELER, 004 Spalding Bldg. $5000 A beautiful home, recently bnllt. on Ellsworth St.. with a lot 50x100. House has large living-room, den, fireplace, paneled dining-room, den, kitchen, sitting-room upstalra, with fircpljce. 5 bedrooma lta such a home -as you might expect to pay $tioOO for. Our client has made price to sell quick; only $750 cash to han dle. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. Elegant bungalow. $33.10. west slope of mt. tabor. Exceedingly desirable California bunga low, in line location, close to Mt. Tabor Park i 13U ncresl and double car service; polished oak floors, large tire-place; built in seats:, buffet, bookcases, linen closet, cooler, white enamel bedrooms and extra large attic; well built and finely finished and on lot f-oxlOO; will take $.100 down, balance monthly Tabor 252. ROSE CITY PARK. $10O CASH. 5-room nicely arranged bungalow; fire place, laundry trays, east facing, 50x100 lot. block to car: price only $21150; p.iyme'nts $-'U monthly, like rent. Marsh. 42S0. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 1530. 840 Chamber of Commerce. $500. SACRIFICE. Biggest offer made at $3250; all latest Improvements. Phones C 2457 or Wood lawn 1561. $11050 A full corner lotion E. 31sl su ana Davis St., Willi mooern o-timjii, r v. a v...nr nart of the lot will ac commodate another house or a flat. We say the place Is wortii from $:i..o to J4UO0. II you will loon ai. i. j" ' .iv ao too. House 041 E. Davis. ' Terms all cash. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 22 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful new It-room residence, fire place. Bleeping porch, hardwood floors, i-oi Klass fixtures, leaded windows, beau- iifi woodwork and cornices; built for v,o.n. v..rv nosslhlo modern'convenience; 2i level lots. 150 ft- from vr. marvelous ...UI..K an nave be ohtft r 11 C t Cd. Marshall 4o27. BROOKE. - A 8S30. EIGHT-ROOM residence. sleeping porcn modern; close-in; snap. :.ui For Sale -Acreage LAURELHURST. $4500. Small Payment Down or Good Lot. b large rooms, reception hall, large llv lng-room. hardwood floors. beautifuL flra niuo. holit-in bookcases, beautiful built' In buffet, paneled dining-room, all built- in ....ov.nlencea fine white Dutch kitchen. beautiful sunny bedroom, linen closet, large sleeping porch, furnace best on the market: this house Is doubly constructed throughout; large lot 50x100; this Is pos itively a snap; brand new. Just com pleted: one of the best houses on the market. 'If you are looking for a home you will be more tnan satisuea wim um place. Tabor 3089. DID you ever hear of anything line tnisr Wonrtertul oner. Account poor health, one beautiful acre, cleared, cultivation, fenced, wire; new. good. 6-room house; good barrr, chicken house, well, root cellar, wood 2 years; right at electric station, and price $.a0; $500 cash, balance one year. Improve ments alone cost this amount. BECKER. Marshall 1345. 3L'7 Lumber Exchange. HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. 10 acres, located near Van Horn Station, all in Newtowns and Spltzenbergs, 2 acres In 2-year-old trees. 7 acres In 7-year-old. all In the very best of condition; free wa ter the year round; small house, barn and outbuildings. This is one of the cheapest buys In the Valley. Price $10,000; terms. GRUSSI A BOLDS. SIS Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. 14-ACRE BARGAIN. All In cultivation, good 0-room houae. orchard, 2 good wells, horse, cow and small tools. 1 Vi miies from station, near good school, x miles from city. Price $55O0; $.'lom cash; balance $800 per year, G Der cent. SMITH & SHEFTER, 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5K26. $2750. Small Payment Down, Balance aa Rent. Close In. splendid neighborhood, fur nished bungalow cottage, 6 large rooma strictly modern. fine bathroom, well equipped, large lot 68x100. garden all In; owner must sell at once: best buy In the Hawthorne-district. Tabor 80S. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT 320 acres on Mt. Hood Railway survey, good roll, fine power stream and enough wood to twice pay for' It. Will quad ruple In value when railroad la com pleted. Only $1000 cash to handle, bal ance easy. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Cosamerce. 10 ACRES, highly improved, good house and water system, bearing orchard, plenty of berries, team and outfit ready for work; everything In fine trim; only 15 miles out on the carline; 8 trains a day. car fare 15c: will take a time In the city up to $4000, balance long time. W. H. Lang. J74 4th st. Phone Main 2153. THIS IS WHAT TOO WANT. 15 acres, only 10 miles from First and Alder sta. for only $150 per acre. This land lays level and la only 1 Vi miles from the electric station. Terms very easy. DE YOUNG JOHNSON, 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. 8 ACRES. EAST OF PORTLAND. $5O0 an acre, easy terms, very fertile and rich soil, on suburban carline. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, on the West Side, 6 miles from Base Line; acre tracts on very easy payments; best of soli, fine view elegant for suburban home. H. H. Farnham.12o3 Yeonbldg. 20 ACRES uncleared land on O. W. P. car llne. 18 miles from Portland; $150 an acre: on easy terms. WATSON A THERKELSCT Co.. 308 Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. I TlO DOWN. Balance Monthly Payment. l 1 14 -acre tracts on Baseline boulevard and on two electric lines. THE ENEBO CO., 616 Henry Bldg. WILL, sell or trade 160-acrV homestead re linquishment, 40 miles of Portland, at a great reduction. AS 88. Oregonlan. fTne platting tract, close to Portland and on electrlo line: will sell at sacrifice or trade. Frank Lucas, 134 Second su REAL ESTATE tor bale Acreage. FARMS AND ACREAGE. FOR SALE AND KXCHA.NGE. MS ACRES. S1LVKRTUN. tiot'O ACRES. BURNS. 1506 ACRES, KLONDYKE. 1270 ACRES. MiKKLO. !'o ACRES. .LA GRANDE, boo ACRES. SPOKANE. B40 ACRES. R1TZVILLE. 505 ACRES, SALEM. 5.-.0 ACRES. SALEM. 41H) AIRES, NEW BERG. 2o6 ACRES, NEWBERG. itiS ACRES. DONALD. 17H ACRES, BEAVERTON. ' 54 ACRES. TUALATIN. .lit ACRES. TUALATIN. 20 ACRES. TUALATIN. 10 ACRES, TUALATIN. 13 ACRES, TUALATIN. 12 ACRES. TUALATIN. 7.41 ACHES, TUALATIN. 3 ACRES. TUALATIN. 34 ACRES, TIGARD. 20 ACRES. TIGARD. . 20 ACRES. TIGARD. - . 10 ACRES. TIGARD. 7.1S ACRES. TIGARD. . - T', ACRES. TIGARD. . 7 1-8 ACRES. TIGARD. . . 16 ACRES. TIGARD. 1 ACRE. TIGARD. 123 ACRES. DURHAM. 3 ACRES. GREEN RE KG. 41, ACRES, GltEENBERG. 4 ACRES. METZGER. 10 ACRES, MOUNT HOOD ELECTRIC. 14 ACRES, OSWEGO. SMITH &. SHETLER. 822 CHAMBER tiF COMMERCE. PHONE MAIN 526. 6 ACRES IN FRUIT CLOSE TO PORT LAND. And'only 5 minutes from depot; very deep red shot soil, surrounded by beau tiful country. In large orchard district-; all planted; soil excellent for potatoes, be tween rows of trees; $2."i0 cash handles this tract; land around in this vicinity Is selling for $50 to 1im more an acre than 1 am asking. THE WESTLYN TRUST COMPANY, 1221 Yeon Bldg. ACREAGE SPECIAL. POSSESSION GIVEN. INCLUDING PER SONAL VJtOPERTT. U0 acres, smooth valley land, half In cultivation, remain dor small brush; on good auto road. H. F. D.. phone and milk route; 3 and 4 miles from two good towns, about 20 miles from Portland, school and church mile: 5-room house, large barn, well and spring; small orchard, bearing: also ber ries and grapes; all stock and Imple ments. All for StiOOO. See Geo. Engleheart, with GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg. Ground floor. SUBDIVISION. SPECULATORS. INVESTIGATE. 7 acres. 8 miles from Portland Court house, near beautiful Sucker Lake; fine soil; ti mile to station, water system, land adjoining held at $500 per acre: this can be had at $200 per acre; $6000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent; you can sell out the tract In less than 6 months nd more than double your money; re liable agents protected; well worth your time to Investigate. F. FUCHS. 42'J Chamber of Commerce. - in ACRES YOUR TERMS. ' I have 10 acres In 2-year-old cherries Joining my place: want to sell to reliable family: some cash and balance yearly 6 per cent; we need good help; close to Portland. on Oregon Electric: fine garden truck land, no rocks: the land will pay its way out. I will put In 5000 1-year-old raspberry plants already to set this Spring. Write or call at 905 Spalding bids.. Phone Marshall 2590. FOR you people who are looking; for snaps in acreage close to city. 3 beautiful 10-acre tracts, cleared, cul tlv.tion runninr water, some beaverdam; eacn tract delightful location; one mile electric station, nines t:ourmouse; iin est soil, beautiful auto road. $300 per acre; $1000 cash, balance time. BECKER. Marshall 1345. 327 LumberExchange. " 11-ACRK BARGAIN. 10 acres under plow; one acre loft for building site, has nice oak grove on it and two aood springs. No brush: lies perfect: soil best for fruit and vegetables Half mile from town. PRICE $1650. TERMS. $175 DOWN. $20 MONTHLY. Owner. 504 Spalding Bldg. WE own and now offer for sale, ail or part of 20O acres choice land, specially adapted to fruit; deep, rich soli, well watered; about 40 acres In clutlvatlon; beautiful scenic surroundings, good boating and fish ing: an Ideal place ror Slimmer nom. would accept some mortgages, contracts and good city lots as part payment. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. boo v llcox Diag. 10 Vi ACRES seven' miles east of Vancouver. We are offering this splendid tract for $250 per acre. strawberries. 4 acres; raspDerries, 2 acres; loganberries. 2 acres; balance in potatoes. $1125 cash. Submit trade proposals also. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce, S ACRES AT TIGARD. , One-third mile of station, 7 acres under cultivation; fruit trees, 3 years old; ber ries; good well, cheap house, all fenced, on macadam road. Price $;trtoO. SMITH & SHEFTER. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main DS26. 7.80 ACRES AT TIGARDVILLE. Young orchard, small house and out buildings, good well and spring, 7 acres under cultivation. Price $2.Vo. SMITH A SHEFTER. 822 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 582H. 1 ! Tavs ACRES seven miles east of Vancouver. I can sell you this aplendld tract for $2."0 per acre. Strawberries 4 acres, raspberries 2 acres. loganberries 2 acres, balance In potatoes. $1125 caah. I regard this as an extra ordinary good buy. O 11. Oregonlan. CHOICE ACREAGE IMPROVED. We are offering Ihe cheapest cleared acreage, one or more acre tracts, close to car and city. Very easy terms of payment. Vanduyn A Walton, 615 Cham ber of Commerce. MARVELOUS BARGAIN. 2 lovely acres, richest soil, cleared, new 4-room plastered house: one block, Tigard. 2 depots, $1700; $500 cash, balance time. BECKER. Marshall 1345. 327 Lumber Exchange. READ THIS 10 acres. $35 cash, balance at 6 per cent; $35l; best of soil, 24 miles from railroad station and boat landing; south slope, well drained, springs, excel lent for fruit, vegetables, etc. H. H. Farn ham. UK'S Yeon bldg. 2V&. 6 AND 10 acres, terms $150 cash, bal ance annual payments for 5 years if you want It: all cultivated, ready for Spring work; close to station on Oregon Elec tric; only few miles out. Call or write 905 Spalding bldg. MT. HOOD LINE ACRES. Right In city, 5-cent carfare, located one block east from Mt. Hood depot, on Glisan street. Price and terms will stilt you. Owner on ground Sunday. Telephone Main 4561. IS THIS FAIR? Must sell part of my Ideal suburban homesite on tine- stream, high-class dis trict. Mllwaukie. Price up to $3000 an acre. Pay me what lts worth to you. D 00. Oregonian. 20-ACRE tract, unimproved. 9. miles north of Vancouver, Wash.: A-l soil, no rock or gravel; running water; can be bought for $400 cash, balance own time at 6 per cent. See Owner. 16 E. 6th St. N.. city. SELL OR LOSE ALL my 20 acres at Beaverton : must be sold In part or not divided; 4 acres cleared, house, barn, fine well. H cents fare. 829 East Everett. East 4077 10 ACRES. perfectly level. comfortanie house, large barn. & cnicaen-nouses, .vo fruit trees, berries, all fenced, front? on fine county road, near two electric lines. AP 981. Oregonlan. ACREAGE, cheapest In community, sightly. good soli, rc rare, Oregon Cierirn-. ,iouc with potatoes and garden. J. E. Parsons, owner half mile south Multnomah station. 10 ACRES on Section Line koju. near electric carline: $400 an acre, terms. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg: Main T502. PARTIES dissatisfied for any ' reason with real estate or any other contracts apply to AM 975, Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER, 30 acres In Hood River Val ley partly Improved; small bearing orch ard': cheap at $5000; terms. A. D. Hay, 370 14th St.. Portland. 10 ACRES, partly . cleared, on Oregon City carllne. close In; will sell on easy terms or srlll trade. Call East 5217 after 6 P. M. FRUIT and garden tracts; choice 10-acre tracts out from Vancouver. Wash., at $100 an acre, $50 down and $10 a month. D. L Brace Co.. 80H Board of Trade. ((""ACRES. EAST OF PORTLAND. $500 an acre, easy terms, very fertile and rich soil. O 11. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES on Parr road, near Montavllla: level, partly cleared; V, cash. Owner. H 971. Oregonian. j ACRES in townsite of -Gladstone; would consider city lot, mortgage or contracts In exchangeSOaW'ilcox bldg. FOR SALS cheap. 8 acres, with house and barn. Ir. Columbia County. For particu lars apply AM 073. Oregonlan 30 ACRES, near Raleigh Station, on S, P., very reasonable, must aelL - leavlnsr city. AP 93. Oregonlan.' ON easy terms, 5 acrea or less, close in. Phone Marshall 123L FOR SALE or lease Excellent business site Good proposition. 427 Front su REAL EST4.TE. For Sale Acreage. "HOW ABOUT THIS?" 4 Vi acres on the carllne. all under cul tivation: the finest view on the line; all fine soil; within mile of the city llmlis, close to the FAIR grounds, for $1500; can make you must any kind of terms to suit you. The finest place for a home, and close In; it will make you independent. You cannot buy anything for $100 per acts moro anywhere near it. It's worth .yoar time to come and look it over. SEE IT MONDAY'. . S APRES FOR $800. Within 3 miles of the city limits of Vancouver. The soil is a fine clav loam, free from rock and-gravel. $150 will han dle this, and can make you good termi on the balance. Als have some fine 10 acre tracts for $1500. $joo cash; worth looking into; nothing finer. 20 ACHES, IMPROVED. All level and a very fine soil, only 1 miies from railway and boat landing. Tin crops are all in at the present time; good house and barn; fruit of all kinds for fam ily use; one of the best places for chick ens and berries in this part of the coun try; in a fine neighborhood. The cheap est place in that part of the county. Only $4000; $2500 caaji, balance in 6 years at 7 per cent. A FRUIT RANCH. Of 20 acres, with 15 acres under cultiva tion. 10 acres of fririt. 6 acres of PRUNES, 4 acres of APPLES. CHERRIES and . PEARS, all in bearing; house and barn, old; Vi mile to school. 2V, miles to rail way station and boat landing. The soil Is ideal, nothing better. Price only $3000; half cash. Yuu will want it if you see it. 152 ACRES FOR PLATTING. Only 1 anile from the COLUMBIA RIV ER; all level, good soil; 40 acres undet cultivation) good house and barn, well and w-indmill: family orchaia; in a fine loca tion. NOW. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A TRACT TO CUT UP, SEE THIS. Prlc $15,000; $5000 cash, balance 6 years at S per cenL IT'S A MONEY-MAKER; SE8 IT. E. F. GILBERT. 1Q6 Washington et., Vancouver, Wash. ACREAGE. 3 acres on Oregon Electric at Tigatd: best of soil, two blocks from station; $550 per acre. 20 acres on Oregon Electric, near Beaverton; all in cultivation; house and barn; best of soil; a bargain; price $400 per acre. Choice 1 and 5-acre tracts on the Ore gon City car. right at the Roethe Station; all cultivated and very beat of soil. For price and particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO.. 24s Alder St. FOR a few days only; 10. 21). 30 or 40 cents per day buys 1, 2. 3 or 4 acres of deep, fertile and durable . virgin soil, only 35 minutes from corner Fourth and Washington streets now and a few months later when the boiled water is turned off and the lightning is turned on. only 25 minutes. You can easily save 10, 2ft. 80 or 40 cents per day. You will scarcely miss this insignificant sum, the price of a few car fares, a couple of cigars or a magazine or two. Three blocks of sidewalk and within 15 minutes' walk of station. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth 8L , Main 35. A 3500. FOR SALE. 4S0 ACRES, NEAR LYLE, WASH. 250 acres cleared, 2000 2-year apple trees, crops in. farm buildings and well fenced: $52 per acre: terms. Just as good as Hood River and l-ioth price. See owners, 310 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY SACRIFICE. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE RIVER VIEW. 21 acres of fine deep, sandy loam soil, 10 acrea in crop. 7 acres more ready to plow. 1 acre strawberries. 1 Vi acres young peaches, balance In potatoes and oats; land Just sloping enough for good drain age; exquisite view of Willamette River, valley and mountains; lies on main county road 20 miles from Portland. 1 mile from Oregon Electric. mile to schools and good little town, fine open country. This is certainly a bargain; price $32o0; $lu0U cash balance to suit. 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 520 Railway Exchange Bids. 4th and Stark Sts. COSY COUNTRY HOME. Two acres, on West Side, north of Port land, within walking distance of steam and electric carlines; located high ana sightly: a few rods west of Portland and fit Helena road: no better land In state; fronts on main county road; just enough standing trees to make it attractive; view of mountains and surrounding coun try. If this property was located tlm same distance on east side of river it would cost you $1000: our price la $000; will make terms to suit. See Morgan. CHAP1N-HERLOW MORTGAGU ic TRUST CO., 332-K33 Chamber of Commerce. HALF-ACRE HOME. On East 3!Hh st.. with large 2-story B-room house. full basement. electrlo lights, city and well water: barn and henhouse: Improvements cost $-000. Searing fruit trees and plenty of orted berries: good soli and no gravel ays v ,e An exceptional good place. Will be sold for $3000. Land alone worth the price. Half or morf cash. 650 East 39th W.-R. car. Tabor 1175. lO ACRES. Hood River, lies on an easy level : slope- 4 acres cleared, balance easy o clear.' For sale on easy term, or Wf II I consider trade for city property. Ask for "aHPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST CO., TlotMS Chamber of Commerce. THRFE acres on electric carline. near Porl ,, house, barn, furniture. .S fruit' trees. 2 acres bearing strawberries: 'Xe $4O0,l. $1500 down, balance 7 P cent: will take city property in part pa ment Inquire afternoon after 3 o clock, room 11. 16514 3d at. o .-.nee TIM RP1H LAND. Running water, black loam oll. county road, near Portland, on electrlo line, near school, etc. $125 Caah $25 per month. 405 Couch Bldg 6 ACRES Southwest ito ?oo late? right: 200 fet from new brick high school. Would trade for city properly. WooS lawn 1203. G. S.. 424 Wygant. GARDEN HOME, 1, 2 or 3 acres, all clear and ouiuvaieu. - - to new school and stores; small payment down. baL monthly to ault. Sea owner. 22l First st. CHOICE 6 cre 'ract Bt North Plains on electric cariine, convenient to city; espe cially attaptea to Eruwius; 01 8ci..ir?, fruit ond poultry; will mik liberal terms. IQoVi Fourth St. 4Vi ACRES On electric line 0 miles out; beautiful building spot. Take Gresham or Esiacada car, get off at Bellrose (Gates) and ask for owner. J. Leitheiser. , 17 ACRES, 15 cleared, running water, t .blocks from car station and 8 miles from Courthouse; only $300 per acre; terms; owner. Jamer Wilson. Boring, Or., route 1. ' '. PLATTING PROPOSITION From 5 to 20 acres within 4-mile limit. Good prolllta, reasonable terms. AB 905. Oregonian COLUMBIA RIVER, near Rose City Park. 110 acres garden soil, level, some In cul. tivation, price $12,000; take some trade. Owner. AS 075, Oregonlan. ACREAGE near station 40 minutes from center of city, 5 to 30 acres; easy terms, or will trade for city income, $300 per acre. Owner, G 062, Oregonlan. 0 ACRES, Vancouver, buildings, stock, im- " plements seeded, hothouses, f550O; $3000 Portland home, baL to suit, F. 6. Pelts, Marshall 4273. V- ACRES of cleared land, near Multnomah station, 20 minutes from Courthouse, 5, cent carfare. Price $2300. See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. I HAVE a fine acre for sale, 2 blocks front carline. near Rose City Park. I will sell on easy terms, including running watel and walks. AG 065, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10 acres good land, 2 mllet west of Gresham; will sell cheap. Inquire, r. -v. Forbes, Llnneman'B station. ACREAGE and farms, large and sraa J tracta Call- Kinney A Stampfcr. 531-1 Lumber Exchange bldg. BEAUTIFUL 2Vi-acre, splendid site fo Summer home; place to rusticate: on elec tric line; easy terms. AB 008. Oregonlan. 5-10-ACRE tracts, improved proved, near transportation. Hamilton. and unlm Swank. 317 ijARDEN TRACTS at new townsite on MU H00O. Railroad. Phone Tabor 745.